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- S. C. (Samuel Chapman) Armstrong, 1839-1893 1
- A. George Daws 1
- A. J. (Arthur John) Fynn, (1857-1930) 1
- A. L. (Alfred Louis) Kroeber, (1876-1960) 1
- Al. D. Beasley 1
- Albert D. (Albert Deane) Richardson, 1833-1869 1
- Albert M. Gilliam, (-1859) 1
- Alice (Butterfield) Hewins 1
- Alonso de Benavides, (active 1630) 1
- Alonzo E. Davis, (1839-1916) 1
- Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, active 16th century 1
- Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, (active 16th century) 1
- American Geographical Society of New York 1
- Arizona State Nurses' Association 1
- Arizona, Legislative Assembly 1
- Arizona, plaintiff 1
- Arthur Jerome Burdick, (1858-) 1
- Arthur Preston Whitaker, (1895-1979) 1
- Arthur Walbridge North 1
- Arvin Palmer, Ph.D. 1
- Barney Barnard 1
- C.A. (Charles A.) Higgins 1
- Captain Charles King ,1844-1933 1
- Carl Eickemeyer 1
- Caroline Carlley 1
- Carrie Adell Strahorn, (1854-1925) 1
- Carrillo Magnet School 1
- Charles A. Siringo, 1855-1928 1
- Charles Burr Todd, (1849-1928) 1
- Charles Francis Meserve, 1850- 1
- Charles Francis Saunders, (1859-1941) 2
- Charles Overton Harris, 1843- 1
- Charles R. (Charles Richard) Tuttle,1848- 1
- Charles T. Porter 1
- Charlotte Johnson 1
- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Snowflake Ward 1
- Clarissa Wright Burrell, (1805-1857) 1
- Coe Hayne 1
- Council of Women for Home Missions 1
- Dale Nichols, (1904-1995) 1
- Daniel Holmes Mitchell, (1909-) 1
- De Witt C.(De Witt Clinton) Peters, (1829-1876) 1
- Della A. R. Meadows 1
- Dr. Joseph Amasa Munk 1
- Duncan Centennial Committee 1
- E. Alexander (Edward Alexander) Powell, (1879-1957) 1
- Earle W. Cook 1
- Edward L. N. Glass, (1890-) 1
- Edward Sylvester Ellis, (1840-1916) 1
- Edward Wilson 1
- Edwards Roberts 1
- Emil C. Fischer 1
- Episcopal Church. Diocese of Arizona 1
- Estelle Lutrell 1
- F. V. (Ferdinand Vandeveer) Hayden, (1829-1887) 1
- Father Eusebio Francisco Kino 1
- Father Zephyrin Engelhardt (1851-1934) 2
- Floyd S. Fierman 1
- Frances E. (Ellington) Leupp, (1849-1918) 1
- Francis E. (Francis Ellington) Leupp,1849-1918 1
- Francisco Tomás Hermenegildo Garcés 2
- Frank L. Dana 1
- Frank Triplett 1
- Frederick H. (Frederick Hastings) Chapin 1
- Garland Downum 1
- George A.(George Amos) Dorsey,1868-1931 1
- George Bird Grinnell, (1849-1938) 1
- George C. Furber 1
- George Frederic Price, -1888 1
- George W. France 1
- George W. Pine 1
- George Washington Manypenny, (1808-1892) 1
- George Wharton James, (1858-1923) 1
- George Wharton James, 1858-1923 2
- George Wharton James,1858-1923 1
- Gil Procter 1
- Grace Petrie Williams 1
- Graham County Historical Society 1
- Harriet Evadna Rogers 1
- Helen Hunt Jackson, 1830-1885 1
- Helen Valeska Bary, (1887-1973) 1
- Helen Ward Banks 1
- Herbert Welsh, 1851-1941 1
- Hilario Gallego, 1850- 1
- Hiram C. Hodge 1
- Horace Bell, 1830-1918 1
- Inez Morton 1
- Irvin S. (Irvin Shrewsbury) Cobb, (1876-1944) 1
- J. (Jean) Moore 1
- J. A. Yerington 1
- J. Lee (James Lee) Humfreville, (1841-1916) 1
- J. Morris (Joseph Morris) Richards, -1906 1
- J. Morris (Joseph Morris) Richards, 1906- 1
- J. W. (John Williams) Gunnison, (1812-1853) 1
- J. Watts (John Watts) De Peyster, (1821-1907) 1
- James Cabell Bell 1
- James Colquhoun 1
- James Cox, 1851-1901 1
- James E. McMillan, (1947-2007) 1
- James H. McClintock, 1864-1934 2
- James Henry McClintock, 1864-1934 2
- James Madison Cutts 1
- James McLaughlin, 1842-1923 1
- James Pierson Beckwourth, (1798-1866) 1
- James Simms 1
- James White, 1837-1927 1
- Jane R. Spooner 1
- Joe Chisholm, (1875-1937) 1
- John Alexander Rockfellow, 1858-1947 1
- John Baptist Salpointe 1
- John C. (John Coleman) Reid, 1824- 1
- John C. Van Tramp 1
- John Codman, (1814-1900) 1
- John Pleasant Gray (1860-) 1
- John Robert Murdock, 1885-1972 2
- John T. (John Thomson) Faris, (1871-1949) 1
- Joseph J. (Joseph John) Hill, (1883-) 1
- Josephine M. Washburn 1
- Judith Williams 1
- L. S. (Lucy S.) Thompson 1
- Legislature of the Territory of Arizona 1
- Lesley Marshall VanBorssum 1
- Lilian Westcott Eickemeyer 1
- Linda Whitehead 1
- Lloyd C. Henning (1885-) 1
- Margaret F. Maxwell, 1927- 1
- Mary Henderson Eastman, 1818- 1
- Matthew Mays Eshelman 1
- Maturin M. (Maturin Murray) Ballou, 1820-1895 1
- Maurice Soulié, (1869-1937) 1
- Maxwell Struthers Burt, (1882-1954) 1
- Merwin L. Murphy 1
- O. O. (Oliver Otis) Howard, (1830-1909) 1
- Oliver Otis Howard, 1830-1909 1
- Patrick Hamilton, of Arizona 1
- Paul N. (Paul Neff) Garber, (1899-1972) 1
- Pedro Fages 1
- Percival Lowell, (1855-1916) 1
- Philip Ashton Rollins, (1869-1950) 1
- Phylis Cancilla Martinelli 1
- Prentice Duell 2
- Ralph Murphy 1
- Rev A.F. Beard 1
- Richard C. (Richard Cunningham) McCormick, (1832-1901) 1
- Robert Greenhow, (1800-1854) 1
- Robert McLean 1
- Robert S. Simpson 3
- Silas L. Fish 1
- Stephen Graham,1884-1975 1
- T. Robinson Warren 1
- Thelma Winslow 1
- Thomas Edwin Farish, -1919 8
- Thomas Noah Carter 1
- United States Army, 22nd Infantry Regiment 1
- W. P. (William Porter) Bennett 1
- Walter Noble Burns, (1872-1932) 1
- Washington Matthews 2
- Wilford J. Shumway 1
- William Abraham Bell 1
- William Cooke Smith 1
- William H. (William Harding) Carter, (1851-1925) 1
- William H. (William Harding) Carter, 1851-1925. 1
- William Hamilton Nelson, 1878- 1
- William Hickling Prescott,1796-1859 1
- William M. (William Morris) Stewart, 1827-1909 1
- William Miles 1
- William W. Hawkins, -1919 1
- William Wallace Bass, 1848- 1
- Yuma Chamber of Commerce 1
- Zephyrin Engelhardt 1
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- Agriculture 6
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