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- Document132
- Government Document Type...
- State Agency...
- Arizona Commission for Postsecondary Education 1
- Arizona Criminal Justice Commission 1
- Arizona Department of Commerce 2
- Arizona Department of Education 80
- Arizona Department of Public Instruction 13
- Arizona Legislature 7
- Arizona Office of State Superintendent of Public Instruction 1
- Arizona Office of the Governor 18
- Arizona State Board of Education 2
- Arizona State University 8
- State Sub-Agency...
- Arizona Ready Education Council 1
- Arizona Senate 1
- College of Education 6
- Early Childhood Education 1
- Governor’s Task Force on Educational Reform 1
- Joint Legislative Budget Committee 3
- L. William Seidman Research Institute 1
- Morrison Institute for Public Policy 1
- Moving Arizona Forward 1
- Research and Development Division 1
- School Effectiveness Division 1
Show More - Federal Legislative Branch Agency...
- Federal Executive Department...
- Image1
- Newspaper1
- Periodical158
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- English 158
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