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- Map65
- Contributing Institution...
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- A.L. Modie 1
- Arizona State Bureau of Mines 4
- C.E. Perkins 1
- George J. Roskruge 2
- H. Gordon Glore 3
- Haff and Colwell 2
- Hugo W. Miller 10
- J.A. Storm 1
- J.W. Larimore 1
- L.D. Chillson 1
- Minor and Hart 1
- Nogales Engineering Company 2
- Nogales Engineering Company 8
- Philip Contzen 1
- Robert Lenon 7
- S.M. Allis 1
- United States Geological Survey 1
- W.H. Roper 1
- William B. Alexander 1
- Y.G. Cocella 1
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- Amado 1
- Calabasas 1
- Madgalena 1
- Patagonia 17
- Ruby 4
- San Jose de Sonoita 3
- San Xavier 2
- Tubac 1
- Tucson 1
- Geographic Feature...
- Ajo Copper Basin 1
- Alum Gulch 6
- Arkansas Mountain 1
- Baca Float Number 3 1
- Coronado National Forest 1
- Finley Tank 1
- Fresnal Wash 1
- Guevavi Canyon 1
- Hermosa Mine 1
- Juniper Canyon 1
- Mount Hopkins 1
- Patagonia Mountains 1
- Providencia Canyon 3
- San Cayetano Mountains 1
- Santa Cruz River 1
- Santa Rita Mountains 2
- Tumacácori National Historical Park 1
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- Public Land Survey System (PLSS)...
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