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- Document38
- Transcript251
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- Allenville 1
- Arizona Proving Ground 1
- Arizona Public Service (APS) 1
- Arizona State Hospital 1
- Arizona State University 1
- Arlington 1
- Ash Fork 1
- Bisbee 1
- Buckeye 12
- Buffalo Park 1
- Bullhead City 3
- Burro Creek 1
- Casa Grande 1
- Centennial Park 1
- Chino Valley 2
- Colorado City 1
- Congress 1
- Douglas 1
- Flagstaff 2
- Fort Huachuca 4
- Gadsden 2
- Glendale 27
- Grand Canyon National Park 1
- Guadalupe 1
- Hopeville 1
- Hotel Valley Ho 1
- Interstate 10 1
- Kingman 7
- Lake Havasu City 3
- Leupp 1
- Liberty 1
- Luke Air Force Base 3
- Mesa 2
- Mesa Arts Center 1
- Mesa Community College 1
- Mowry Mine 1
- Navajo Nation 4
- Northland Pioneer College 1
- Palo Verde 1
- Palo Verde Generating Station 1
- Patagonia 5
- Pearce–Sunsites 1
- Phoenix 35
- Pleasant Valley 1
- Polly Rosenbaum State Archives & History Building 1
- Prescott 4
- Salt River Project 1
- Salt River Project (SRP) 1
- San Carlos 1
- San Carlos Apache Tribe 1
- San Luis 4
- San Pedro River 1
- Santa Rita Mountains 1
- Scottsdale 14
- Show Low 1
- Sierra Vista 13
- Superior 7
- Tempe 1
- Thatcher 1
- Tohono O'odham Nation 1
- Tucson 23
- University of Arizona 2
- White Mountain Apache Tribe 2
- Wickenburg 1
- Wikieup 1
- Williams Air Force Base 1
- Winslow 2
- Wittmann 1
- Yucca 1
- Yuma 2
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