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- Map246
- Contributing Institution...
- Collection...
- Creator...
- A. Henderson|United States Office of Indian Affairs|Forestry Board 1
- Earle H. Clapp 1
- Forest Service 34
- National Forest Service 1
- T.W. Norcross 1
- U.S. Forest Service 1
- United States Department of Agriculture 135
- United States Department of the Interior 1
- United States Forest Service 1
- United States Forest Service, Southwestern Region 72
- City or Town...
- Prescott 1
- Geographic Feature...
- Apache Creek 1
- Apache Lake 2
- Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest 13
- Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests 32
- Blue Range Primitive Area 2
- Chiricahua Mountains 1
- Chiricahua National Forest 1
- Chiricahua National Monument 1
- Coconino National Forest 34
- Coronado National Forest 43
- Crook National Forest 8
- Dixie National Forest 1
- Dragoon National Forest 1
- Fort McDowell 1
- Garces National Forest 3
- Grand Canyon National Park 1
- Granite Basin 2
- Granite Mountain 1
- Juniper Mesa 1
- Kaibab National Forest 23
- Mazatzal Wilderness 4
- Mount Baldy 2
- Mount Lemmon 3
- Prescott National Forest 28
- Pusch Ridge Wilderness Area 3
- Santa Catalina National Forest 1
- Santa Rita National Forest 1
- Superstition Mountains 3
- Theodore Roosevelt Lake 2
- Tonto National Forest 35
- Tusayan National Forest 5
- Verde National Forest 1
- Walnut Canyon National Monument 1
- Zuni National Forest 2
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- Road...
- County...
- Apache County 40
- Cochise County 21
- Coconino County 117
- Gila County 41
- Graham County 18
- Greenlee County 31
- Hidalgo County 9
- Maricopa County 35
- Mohave County 23
- Navajo County 31
- Pima County 47
- Pinal County 72
- Santa Cruz County 19
- Yavapai County 82
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