ARS 41-1711
1970 work plan summary
1994 personnel allocation plan
2007 Arizona seat belt / motorcycle helmet / child restraint use survey
28-1442 - driving under the influence; records; reporting
55 Attitude Survey
Air rescue assessment study inspection #5-92 : report to management
An Impact assessment of Arizona's lowered legal drinking age and a review of the previous research
Annual report on personnel turnover and compensation needs 1999
Arizona 55 mile per hour speed enforcement program
Arizona Criminal Justice Agencies Directory 1993
Arizona Department of Public Safety Scientific Analysis (Crime Laboratory System) overview
Arizona Department of Transportation, Arizona Department of Public Safety, Overdimensional Permit Advisory Coucil : joint legislative report
Arizona Governor's Impaired Driver Impact Plan : April 2, 1990
Arizona Governor's Office of Highway Safety
Arizona Motorcycle Safety Advisory Council accomplishments and plans for the future
Arizona statewide roadway incident management plan
Arizona traffic & highway safety : a coordinated approach for the local government, citizen, industry, state government, federal government
Crime trends in Arizona: 1990 through 1999 and beyond
DPS officer pay : an evaluation of selected areas and in-state & out-of-state comparisons
Emergency medical services in Arizona : a situation report to the Arizona Dept. of Public Safety
Fiscal Year 1992-1993 Classification and salary plan for the Arizona Department of Public Safety
Human Resource Education and Skill Development Project : final project report
Jails in Arizona
Annual Personnel Reports and Advisory Recommendations, Arizona Department of Public Safety
Annual Reports of Sexual Assault Kits
Annual Reports of State of Arizona Highway Safety
Annual Reports of the Arizona Department of Public Safety
Annual Reports of the Arizona Highway Patrol
Attorney General Opinions Relating to the Arizona Department of Public Safety
Biennial Statewide Transportation Needs Reports to the Arizona Legislature
Crime in Arizona
State of Arizona Annual Performance Reports
Statewide Criminal Justice Directories
Traffic Stop Data Analysis Studies
Crime Victim Services Newsletter
Digest of the Arizona Department of Public Safety
Transmit : a Publication of the Arizona Public Safety Communications Commission (PSCC)
Victims of Crime Act Newsletter
Public Safety