A performance audit of the Mobile and Manufactured Housing Standards Board, Report 79-13
Arizona Registrar of Contractors
Performance Audit, Registrar of Contractors, 2013
Performance Audit, Registrar of Contractors, 2013, Agency Response
Performance Audit, Registrar of Contractors, 2013, Highlights
Performance Audit, Registrar of Contractors, 2013, Initial Followup
Performance audit of the Contractors' Recovery Fund Board, 1984
Performance audit of the Registrar of Contractors, 1979
Performance audit of the Registrar of Contractors, 1984
Performance audit, Registrar of Contractors, 2003
Performance audit, Registrar of Contractors, 2003, 24 Month Followup
Performance audit, Registrar of Contractors, 2003, Agency Response
Performance audit, Registrar of Contractors, 2003, Fact Sheet
Performance audit, Registrar of Contractors, 2003, Highlights
Registrar of Contractors occupational licenses and petition for review of criminal records annual report 2018
Report of investigation, Case # 20062692 : Registrar of Contractors, December 12, 2008
Rules of the Arizona Registrar of Contractors 2003
Rules of the Arizona Registrar of Contractors, February 2004
Rules of the Arizona Registrar of Contractors, February 2005
Rules of the Arizona Registrar of Contractors, February 2007
Rules of the Arizona Registrar of Contractors, February 2009
Rules of the Arizona Registrar of Contractors, June 2009
State of Arizona Registrar of Contractors residential contractors' recovery fund : financial statement year ended June 30, 2006
Annual Reports of the Arizona Registrar of Contractors
Attorney General Opinions Relating to the Arizona Registrar of Contractors
Directories of Arizona Contractors
Statutes of the Arizona Registrar of Contractors
Workmanship Standards for Licensed Contractors