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    Arizona State Parks efficiency report


    [...]Robert Blendu, Chairman OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT 6
    Arizona ® Joint Legislative Budget Commi[...]j
    State Parks[...]Dear Senator Blendu:
    State Parks
    Board Members Arizona State Parks (ASP) respectfully submits the attached Eff[...]ative James Weiers, Speaker of the House
    State Land Senator Carolyn Allen
    Co[...]Representative Tom Boone
    Arizona State Parks Representative Ted Downing
    13[...]GladysAnn Wells, Director, Arizona State Library, Archives and Public
    800.285.3703 fr[...]eral Fax:

    Director's Office Fax:


    Arizona State Parks (ASP) respectfully submits the following Ef[...]ion which includes not only the
    monitoring of our state parks but includes statewide programs such as tra[...]responsible for the operation and maintenance of Arizona's
    30 state parks, historic & cultural resources and natural areas. In[...]
    [...]ded a new "Development Tour" at Kartchner Caverns State Park. This
    expanded the educational offeri[...]
    [...]3. Complete draft park interpretive plan for one historic park in each region
    4. Increase the number[...]es.

    FY08: 1. Finalize Interpretive Plans for one historic park in each region
    2. Maintain number and[...]e design, construction and overall
    development of state parks and natural areas. Major responsibilities i[...]n,
    totaling over $16 million and the annual ADOT /State Parks Road Improvement Plan of
    [...]d water saving fixtures.

    Effective with FY 2006, Arizona State Parks will include in their design and con[...]
    [...]n of funds from conception E
    to completion. Arizona States Parks' first green building for 2006 will[...]Visitors Center (barracks building) at Fort Verde State Historic Park.[...]6
    Arizona States Parks will endeavor to use ·green buildin[...]thy. Promoting 6
    a green agenda is part of Arizona State Parks' mission. As designers we promote
    environme[...]r parks, the Section applied for a
    grant from the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality to establish[...]tail Cove, Buckskin,
    River Island, and Alamo lake State Parks. These recreation parks were targete[...]
    [...]ection (RMS) is responsible for the protection of Arizona
    State Parks natural, cultural and historic resources. These tasks largely fall into the
    archaeology, trail and strategic planning and historic building and artifact curation.

    There are three[...]he RMS is beginning to explore opportunities with state universities in an
    attempt to improv[...]
    [...]the national Natural Areas Conference at Northern Arizona University on E
    September 20 - 23, 2[...]e natural area and native biodiversity {
    preservation in the New West. Opportunities will be provided t[...]included the Trust
    for Public Land, the USFWS, Arizona Game and Fish and Arizona State Parks.
    The newly acquired property is adjacent to the 5,000-acre Sonoita Creek State
    Natural Area, which is owned by Arizona State Parks. Under an innovative
    cooperative agreement between the two state agencies, the newly protected lands
    will be managed by Arizona State Parks as part of the Sonoita Creek State
    Natural Area and will provide hiking, bird wat[...]nd camping
    opportunities for visitors.

    5. The State Trails Program is working with the Arizona Department of Health
    Services - Physical Activ[...]a form of physical activity. In
    addition, the State Trails Coordinator is on the Steering Committee of the Active
    Arizona, a statewide multidisciplinary team working towards a healthier, more
    active Arizona.

    6. The State Trails Program provides technical assistance to trail efforts across the
    state. For the past two years, the State Trails Coordinator, partnering with the
    Nation[...]g effort to develop a county trails plan.

    7. The State Trails Program and the Arizona State Committee on Trails, a 25-
    member commi[...]
    [...]fire station opposite the entrance to Slide Rock State Park on Highway 89
    through Oak Creek Canyon[...]r Conservation
    Under the Governor's directive for Arizona's Drought Management Plan, the Arizona
    State Parks Board will be implementing water conservati[...]table water for use in irrigation
    of the parks.

    Arizona State Parks have been actively practicing water conserv[...]r usage without affecting the quality of service. Arizona
    State Parks staff use water efficient plumbing f[...]
    throughout Arizona State Parks but as costs go up for water and energy and[...]shut off water flow when water is not required.

    Arizona State Parks water audits show that a majority of the water used by the State
    Parks system is used in five parks. The focus of[...]. Staff Training will be initiated throughout the State Parks system.
    6. A Public Education Campaig[...]cerbates the

    Performance Measure

    FY 06 - Arizona State Parks will develop and implement a monitor[...]
    [...]forts among staff to
    maintain compliance with the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ).
    Users[...]intain sampling and monitoring activities for all state
    parks that fall under the requirements set forth[...]nt grant programs for a variety of
    recreation and preservation opportunities throughout the state. Three programs are
    part of the Heritage Fund. These are Historic Preservation, Trails and Local, Regional
    and State Parks. Other programs are the federal Land and Wa[...]006 for these grants programs.

    Grant Process
    The Arizona State Parks Grant staff periodically reviews the grant[...]or both our customers and staff. During 2004, the
    Historic Preservation Advisory Committee (HPAC) along with grant staff[...]luate current policies and rating criteria of the Historic Preservation Heritage Fund
    grant program. The Arizona State Parks Board approved the revised Historic
    Preservation grant manual and recommended changes on Se[...]
    [...]1. Removal of questions not useful in promoting historic preservation efforts {
    (streamlining of appl[...]ications (scores of 76 and above)
    applying for Historic Preservation Heritage Fund monies.

    FY06 75%
    FY07 75%
    FY08 75%


    The responsibilities of the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) are defined in state
    and federal law (A.R.S. 41-861-864 and 41-511.04: P. L. 86-665, National Historic
    Preservation Act of 1966, as amended). Programs include:
    • Comprehensive historic preservation planning
    • Survey and inventory of heritage resources
    • National/State Register of Historic Places nominations
    • Review and compliance of federal undertakings and state plans
    • Federal grants and Federal and State Tax incentives administration
    • '[...]
    The following are current State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) activities targeting
    increased efficiency:[...]ble copies of rare reports; and report copies for State Library
    Archives and Public Records in compliance with ARS 41-863.
    2. Statewide Historic Preservation Partnerships Conference - This conference, co-
    sponsored with Arizona Preservation Foundation, Inter Tribal Council, Certified
    Local Governments, National Park Service, Arizona Department of Commerce,
    and Arizona Archaeological Council provides training to more than 400
    preservation professionals, Certified Local Governments, and h[...]managed by the SHPO, the Board of Regents
    (Arizona State Museum and the Department of Anthropology at ASU) and the
    Museum of Northern Arizona, consolidated archaeological site and survey[...]d protected, web access database for use by
    state and federal agency cultural resource managers, tribes, and preservation
    consultants. This has reduced travel and ti[...]file
    checks in compliance with federal and state laws.
    4. Law Enforcement Conference - The SHPO (Site Stewards Program), the Arizona
    State Land Department, and the Center for Desert Archaeology conducted two
    training conferences on preservation laws for law enforcement officers to[...]
    [...]ervices Division serves all parks and programs of Arizona State 0
    Parks. The Division strives to ensure th[...]revenue has been increased by enabling 77% of the state
    parks to collect park entrance fees via credit ca[...]ure

    FY 06 Automate expenditure reporting

    Budget Office

    The Budget Office provides annual budget request to the Governor an[...]paychecks in a timely manner. The
    Budget/Payroll Office continues to audit leave balances, usage, and accruals. The
    Budget Office worked closely with Financial Management on progr[...]expenditure tracking reports. The
    Budget/Payroll office worked with Human Resources and Department[...]
    approvals are completed.

    In recognition of the Arizona State Parks Board's desire to create an efficient
    manag[...]nt to the reservation system at Kartchner Caverns State Park to allow
    Internet reservations for the 150,0[...]better manage the vacancy and
    capacity of the 14 state park camgrounds on a daily basis.

    management practices for State Park natural resource and property assets. This w[...]etter decision capabilities for the protection of State
    Park assets. Fiscal years 2006 and 2007 are proje[...]rogram management, rules review and other general office management support.
    The Business Services Unit st[...]by the identified deadline in accordance with the Arizona
    Procurement Code and Agency policy. Within the co[...]ited
    delegation of procurement authority from the Arizona State Procurement Office
    (currently Enterprise Procurement Services). This[...]es in house
    rather than seeking approval from the Arizona State Procurement Office, thus reducing
    processing time and increas[...]

    Under the Value in Procurement Program (VIP), Arizona State Parks has been
    designated a Strategic Contracting[...]ill consolidate and address the needs of multiple state agencies and political

    Most recent[...]effort and ensuring consistent application
    of the Arizona Procurement Code and Agency Procurement Policies[...]tions (HRIS) change management team to
    transition Arizona State Parks employee and position data from the Human R[...]ll parks
    were provided training and access to the Arizona Government University (AZGU)
    Automated Registrati[...]. Over 150 parks personnel attended the
    training. Arizona State Parks employee training data was imported into th[...]enabled supervisors and employees to access their state training records
    and register on-line. Over ninet[...]Aid.
    Human Resources began collaboration with the Arizona Department of Administration
    and the Parks[...]
    During the last year Arizona State Parks has partnered with the Arizona Department of T
    Administration to create effi[...]uman Resources. Effective January 1, 2004, E
    Arizona State Parks migrated to the Human Resource Information[...]6
    Effective February 2005, Arizona State Parks moved to the new State of Arizona web
    based employment system This system allows for applicants to apply
    for specific jobs at Arizona State Parks electronically and for the agency recruiter[...]ent/ staffing process on-line and electronically. Arizona State
    Parks Human Resources received delegated hiring authority from the Arizona
    Department of Administration to conduct all hirin[...]sy for applicants to find and apply for
    jobs with Arizona State Parks.

    Effective July 2005, Arizona State Parks will participate in "Yes", Your Employee
    Se[...]ducation, enriching the employment
    experience for Arizona employees.

    Arizona State Parks is partnering with the Arizona Department of Administration
    Classification and C[...]efficient use of Parks personnel in the

    Arizona State Parks Training section has partnered with the Arizona Government
    University to make employee training and reports more timely and standardized. In
    addition, Arizona State Parks is conducting a training needs assessment t[...]and employees. Once the assessment is completed,
    Arizona State Parks will partner with the Arizona Government University to ensure its
    curriculum is responsive to the training needs of Arizona State Parks.

    Employees have access to the web s[...]
    [...]FY07: Establish timekeepers for HRIS at each State Park or Region
    Create additiona[...]


    Arizona State Parks Board
    Arizona State Parks Board
    Government productivity--Arizona
    Arizona State Parks Board
    Arizona State Parks Board
    Arizona State Parks Board
    State of Arizona Research Library- Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records
    Arizona State Government Publications
    State Document