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Historic preservation and economic development are incompatible
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![]() | [...]ue con Additionally, historic districts are a "dis[...]State Historic Preservation Office cerning the assessed value of landmark[...]Arizona Department of Commerce. 1998. Arizona \1ain urban, and rural areas provided "remark[...]STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE ably similar observations." The study[...]Historic Preservation[...]ARIZONA STATE PARKS concluded that state and federal designa Arizona I [umanities Council. o date. [xpn11d Ari::c11111[...]l1y i1we,li11g i11 rnllura/ licrilngt'. Phoenix: Arizona 1300 WEST WASHINGTON STREET[...]PHOENIX, ARIZONA 85007 estate values in any way. John Heritage Tourism: Arizona's[...]Arizona \!lain Street Program, Arizona Department oi[...]County added, In Arizona, tourism is the second-largest ww[...]INTERNET WWW.PR.STATE.AZ.US "Generally, the assessed values have[...]18, JAMES GARRISON, STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICER risen at a rate similar to all other proper state tax revenues. But the type of tourist[...]retain their integrity as People like to live in historic neighbor[...]City of Phoenix [ [istoric Preservation Commission. l 997. HERBE[...]historic resources and economic assets. This invest hood[...]ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY[...]and the quiet of historic neighborhoods, reflects detail and diversity (Kro[...]Wickenburg, Arizona both the asp[...]tourism and tourist income. Arizona com Virgi11ia. Senate Document[...]erations. Today's decision makers can use historic centrated its historic preservation efforts munities should exam[...]esignation of benefits of historic preservation through[...]Benefits of Historic Preservation historic neighborhoods as historic dis the medium of heri[...]r, David. 1998. ffotory i11 1,r[,n,1 places: T/,e historic districts[...]historic preservation now plays in today's efforts[...]PHOTOS: COURTESY HOWARD MATT, ARIZONA PUBLIC[...]In fact, historic preservation is a form of econom People from around the world travel to Arizona domestic real estate in Phoenix (Bryant[...]The c,,ntributions of historic preservation to housing and[...]th over 300 cities revealed that historic preservation history of the Old West. Ancient and modem c[...]Moe, Richard. l 998. The new face of historic preservation. fundin1, from the Arizona Heritage Fund and printed with Historic[...]ften used community munities around the state exhibit centuries of in[...]Preservation Fund grant money allocated to the Arizona State[...]Historic Preservation Office from the National Park Service. revi[...]historic buildings. Brochure. l.J.S. Dcp,1rtmcnt of the In[...]ncial The following sections link historic preservation[...]National Trust for I listoric Preservation. 1991. T/1e ew1101111cs Assistance for the identification and protection of historic proper and economic stability, diversity,[...]Rehabilitation supported by the Arizona Heritage Fund I I[...]Rypkcma, Donovan. March 3, 1999. Historic preservation is activitv, or facility a[...]l\.at1onal please write: Office of Equal Opportunity, U.S. Department of the[...]State I listoriL J'reservatllln Office. 1999. Anzona's historic[...]Arizona, occupies the rehabilitated[...]U 'IVI-R ITY Arizona ®"""" look to past investments t[...]State Parke economic resource[...] |
![]() | [...]able economic resource for communities across the state. Heritage tourism is critical to the economic future of Arizona and the preservation of its communities-economic[...]able. Resources for the Arizona Heritage Fund come from Arizona lottery profits for the preserva- tion of Arizona's natural and cultural resources.[...]year, $1.7 million is designated for historic preser-[...]- - buildings in the Flagstaff historic business district[...]and in historic Bisbee.[...]Do historic properties generate[...]state's main streets has proven to create jobs in[...]useful example. In 1998, the Federal Historic[...]dollars of nonresidential historic reha-[...]One of Arizona's many historic min-[...]t investment is vation. The federal Historic Preservation Grant Tax revenues have turned o[...]Funds are for states to maintain historic preserva- best indicators of the eco[...]resulted in 12,697 jobs $110,000 State taxes 1919, Bisbee's population reac[...]s through grant-in-aid toric preservation. According to Toni Thayer of and an incre[...]to each state is designated for grants to Certified[...]agstaff Mall. This, despite the fact that Does historic preservation impact historical rehabilita[...]ment began to drop. By 1975, large-scale historic resources?[...]d become essentially unprof- Tax Incentives. Both state and national tax incen- Do public incent[...](Chamber of Commerce 1999). tives exist to assist historic property owners. At private investment?[...]tional data, which sup- Since 1986, the Arizona Main Street program has[...]Today, Bisbee' s population has stabi- the state level, the State Historic Property Tax Government incentives acc[...]$106,000 State taxes lized at a little over 6,000 p[...]$89,000 local taxes in the state property tax assessment for eligible through various historic preservation efforts. net operating income t[...]articipants contribute 1997). According to Arizona State Historic Preser-[...]ergoing the local community. In Arizona, our rural Main about twice as m[...]ce for more Street receives in preservation incentives from the realizing that people like to shop in interesting Is historic preservation merely Bisbee Mining and Historica[...]r sales tax revenue was up 13% from 1997. historic places, some examples are Mill Avenue in hous[...]Revitalization of the Flagstaff downtown historic Tempe, Catlin Court in Glendale, Main Street The use of the federal Historic Preservation and the old buildings downtown host the current[...]Bisbee, Courthouse Plaza in Prescott, and Historic Tax Credit has resulted in approximately[...]ion is to rehabilitate the exteriors of historic properties Weatherford Hotel, Santa F[...]lagstaff has nesses" (Rypkema 1999). Historic properties often households. But historic preservation is draw tourists, Bisbee also offers a vari- The federal government also provides preservation[...]varied as the Historic Home Tour, of 1986. A 20 percent tax credit is available for the Encanto-Palmcroft historic neighborhoods, 1993 and 1996. civic pride[...]ss environments suitable for get- Trust for Historic Preser-vation. asserts,[...]d the 1,000 certified rehabilitation of certified historic structures[...]"This is historic preservation today: a and a 10 percent tax credit is available[...]Do historic preservation efforts have[...]not in just buildings built before 1936. Both the state and federal tax 250,000[...]al income? Weatherford Hotel, Flagstaff, Arizona[...]orch restoration supported bv a grant from the Arizona Heritage Fund renewed but also in jobs created,[...]r Queen Hotel assessment and National Register of Historic Places. The Federal 200,000[...]rated" stabilization supported by the Arizona Historic Preservation Tax Incentives program is[...]historic preservation. He states, "reha-[...]"historic" decrease its property and orientation (NPS 1996)[...]In 1992, the state of Virginia began to must contact Arizona State Parks, State Historic[...]address this issue. The Senate General Preservation Office for application procedures.[...]Historic Resources to study whether the Grant incentives.The Arizona Heritage Fund and[...]act of designating a property a historic the federal Historic Preservation Fund are two[...]In Arizona, the revitalization of the[...] |
![]() | [...]able economic resource for communities across the state. Heritage tourism is critical to the economic future of Arizona and the preservation of its communities-economic[...]able. Resources for the Arizona Heritage Fund come from Arizona lottery profits for the preserva- tion of Arizona's natural and cultural resources.[...]year, $1.7 million is designated for historic preser-[...]- - buildings in the Flagstaff historic business district[...]and in historic Bisbee.[...]Do historic properties generate[...]state's main streets has proven to create jobs in[...]useful example. In 1998, the Federal Historic[...]dollars of nonresidential historic reha-[...]One of Arizona's many historic min-[...]t investment is vation. The federal Historic Preservation Grant Tax revenues have turned o[...]Funds are for states to maintain historic preserva- best indicators of the eco[...]resulted in 12,697 jobs $110,000 State taxes 1919, Bisbee's population reac[...]s through grant-in-aid toric preservation. According to Toni Thayer of and an incre[...]to each state is designated for grants to Certified[...]agstaff Mall. This, despite the fact that Does historic preservation impact historical rehabilita[...]ment began to drop. By 1975, large-scale historic resources?[...]d become essentially unprof- Tax Incentives. Both state and national tax incen- Do public incent[...](Chamber of Commerce 1999). tives exist to assist historic property owners. At private investment?[...]tional data, which sup- Since 1986, the Arizona Main Street program has[...]Today, Bisbee' s population has stabi- the state level, the State Historic Property Tax Government incentives acc[...]$106,000 State taxes lized at a little over 6,000 p[...]$89,000 local taxes in the state property tax assessment for eligible through various historic preservation efforts. net operating income t[...]articipants contribute 1997). According to Arizona State Historic Preser-[...]ergoing the local community. In Arizona, our rural Main about twice as m[...]ce for more Street receives in preservation incentives from the realizing that people like to shop in interesting Is historic preservation merely Bisbee Mining and Historica[...]r sales tax revenue was up 13% from 1997. historic places, some examples are Mill Avenue in hous[...]Revitalization of the Flagstaff downtown historic Tempe, Catlin Court in Glendale, Main Street The use of the federal Historic Preservation and the old buildings downtown host the current[...]Bisbee, Courthouse Plaza in Prescott, and Historic Tax Credit has resulted in approximately[...]ion is to rehabilitate the exteriors of historic properties Weatherford Hotel, Santa F[...]lagstaff has nesses" (Rypkema 1999). Historic properties often households. But historic preservation is draw tourists, Bisbee also offers a vari- The federal government also provides preservation[...]varied as the Historic Home Tour, of 1986. A 20 percent tax credit is available for the Encanto-Palmcroft historic neighborhoods, 1993 and 1996. civic pride[...]ss environments suitable for get- Trust for Historic Preser-vation. asserts,[...]d the 1,000 certified rehabilitation of certified historic structures[...]"This is historic preservation today: a and a 10 percent tax credit is available[...]Do historic preservation efforts have[...]not in just buildings built before 1936. Both the state and federal tax 250,000[...]al income? Weatherford Hotel, Flagstaff, Arizona[...]orch restoration supported bv a grant from the Arizona Heritage Fund renewed but also in jobs created,[...]r Queen Hotel assessment and National Register of Historic Places. The Federal 200,000[...]rated" stabilization supported by the Arizona Historic Preservation Tax Incentives program is[...]historic preservation. He states, "reha-[...]"historic" decrease its property and orientation (NPS 1996)[...]In 1992, the state of Virginia began to must contact Arizona State Parks, State Historic[...]address this issue. The Senate General Preservation Office for application procedures.[...]Historic Resources to study whether the Grant incentives.The Arizona Heritage Fund and[...]act of designating a property a historic the federal Historic Preservation Fund are two[...]In Arizona, the revitalization of the[...] |
![]() | [...]able economic resource for communities across the state. Heritage tourism is critical to the economic future of Arizona and the preservation of its communities-economic[...]able. Resources for the Arizona Heritage Fund come from Arizona lottery profits for the preserva- tion of Arizona's natural and cultural resources.[...]year, $1.7 million is designated for historic preser-[...]- - buildings in the Flagstaff historic business district[...]and in historic Bisbee.[...]Do historic properties generate[...]state's main streets has proven to create jobs in[...]useful example. In 1998, the Federal Historic[...]dollars of nonresidential historic reha-[...]One of Arizona's many historic min-[...]t investment is vation. The federal Historic Preservation Grant Tax revenues have turned o[...]Funds are for states to maintain historic preserva- best indicators of the eco[...]resulted in 12,697 jobs $110,000 State taxes 1919, Bisbee's population reac[...]s through grant-in-aid toric preservation. According to Toni Thayer of and an incre[...]to each state is designated for grants to Certified[...]agstaff Mall. This, despite the fact that Does historic preservation impact historical rehabilita[...]ment began to drop. By 1975, large-scale historic resources?[...]d become essentially unprof- Tax Incentives. Both state and national tax incen- Do public incent[...](Chamber of Commerce 1999). tives exist to assist historic property owners. At private investment?[...]tional data, which sup- Since 1986, the Arizona Main Street program has[...]Today, Bisbee' s population has stabi- the state level, the State Historic Property Tax Government incentives acc[...]$106,000 State taxes lized at a little over 6,000 p[...]$89,000 local taxes in the state property tax assessment for eligible through various historic preservation efforts. net operating income t[...]articipants contribute 1997). According to Arizona State Historic Preser-[...]ergoing the local community. In Arizona, our rural Main about twice as m[...]ce for more Street receives in preservation incentives from the realizing that people like to shop in interesting Is historic preservation merely Bisbee Mining and Historica[...]r sales tax revenue was up 13% from 1997. historic places, some examples are Mill Avenue in hous[...]Revitalization of the Flagstaff downtown historic Tempe, Catlin Court in Glendale, Main Street The use of the federal Historic Preservation and the old buildings downtown host the current[...]Bisbee, Courthouse Plaza in Prescott, and Historic Tax Credit has resulted in approximately[...]ion is to rehabilitate the exteriors of historic properties Weatherford Hotel, Santa F[...]lagstaff has nesses" (Rypkema 1999). Historic properties often households. But historic preservation is draw tourists, Bisbee also offers a vari- The federal government also provides preservation[...]varied as the Historic Home Tour, of 1986. A 20 percent tax credit is available for the Encanto-Palmcroft historic neighborhoods, 1993 and 1996. civic pride[...]ss environments suitable for get- Trust for Historic Preser-vation. asserts,[...]d the 1,000 certified rehabilitation of certified historic structures[...]"This is historic preservation today: a and a 10 percent tax credit is available[...]Do historic preservation efforts have[...]not in just buildings built before 1936. Both the state and federal tax 250,000[...]al income? Weatherford Hotel, Flagstaff, Arizona[...]orch restoration supported bv a grant from the Arizona Heritage Fund renewed but also in jobs created,[...]r Queen Hotel assessment and National Register of Historic Places. The Federal 200,000[...]rated" stabilization supported by the Arizona Historic Preservation Tax Incentives program is[...]historic preservation. He states, "reha-[...]"historic" decrease its property and orientation (NPS 1996)[...]In 1992, the state of Virginia began to must contact Arizona State Parks, State Historic[...]address this issue. The Senate General Preservation Office for application procedures.[...]Historic Resources to study whether the Grant incentives.The Arizona Heritage Fund and[...]act of designating a property a historic the federal Historic Preservation Fund are two[...]In Arizona, the revitalization of the[...] |
![]() | [...]ue con Additionally, historic districts are a "dis[...]State Historic Preservation Office cerning the assessed value of landmark[...]Arizona Department of Commerce. 1998. Arizona \1ain urban, and rural areas provided "remark[...]STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE ably similar observations." The study[...]Historic Preservation[...]ARIZONA STATE PARKS concluded that state and federal designa Arizona I [umanities Council. o date. [xpn11d Ari::c11111[...]l1y i1we,li11g i11 rnllura/ licrilngt'. Phoenix: Arizona 1300 WEST WASHINGTON STREET[...]PHOENIX, ARIZONA 85007 estate values in any way. John Heritage Tourism: Arizona's[...]Arizona \!lain Street Program, Arizona Department oi[...]County added, In Arizona, tourism is the second-largest ww[...]INTERNET WWW.PR.STATE.AZ.US "Generally, the assessed values have[...]18, JAMES GARRISON, STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICER risen at a rate similar to all other proper state tax revenues. But the type of tourist[...]retain their integrity as People like to live in historic neighbor[...]City of Phoenix [ [istoric Preservation Commission. l 997. HERBE[...]historic resources and economic assets. This invest hood[...]ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY[...]and the quiet of historic neighborhoods, reflects detail and diversity (Kro[...]Wickenburg, Arizona both the asp[...]tourism and tourist income. Arizona com Virgi11ia. Senate Document[...]erations. Today's decision makers can use historic centrated its historic preservation efforts munities should exam[...]esignation of benefits of historic preservation through[...]Benefits of Historic Preservation historic neighborhoods as historic dis the medium of heri[...]r, David. 1998. ffotory i11 1,r[,n,1 places: T/,e historic districts[...]historic preservation now plays in today's efforts[...]PHOTOS: COURTESY HOWARD MATT, ARIZONA PUBLIC[...]In fact, historic preservation is a form of econom People from around the world travel to Arizona domestic real estate in Phoenix (Bryant[...]The c,,ntributions of historic preservation to housing and[...]th over 300 cities revealed that historic preservation history of the Old West. Ancient and modem c[...]Moe, Richard. l 998. The new face of historic preservation. fundin1, from the Arizona Heritage Fund and printed with Historic[...]ften used community munities around the state exhibit centuries of in[...]Preservation Fund grant money allocated to the Arizona State[...]Historic Preservation Office from the National Park Service. revi[...]historic buildings. Brochure. l.J.S. Dcp,1rtmcnt of the In[...]ncial The following sections link historic preservation[...]National Trust for I listoric Preservation. 1991. T/1e ew1101111cs Assistance for the identification and protection of historic proper and economic stability, diversity,[...]Rehabilitation supported by the Arizona Heritage Fund I I[...]Rypkcma, Donovan. March 3, 1999. Historic preservation is activitv, or facility a[...]l\.at1onal please write: Office of Equal Opportunity, U.S. Department of the[...]State I listoriL J'reservatllln Office. 1999. Anzona's historic[...]Arizona, occupies the rehabilitated[...]U 'IVI-R ITY Arizona ®"""" look to past investments t[...]State Parke economic resource[...] |
![]() | [...]ue con Additionally, historic districts are a "dis[...]State Historic Preservation Office cerning the assessed value of landmark[...]Arizona Department of Commerce. 1998. Arizona \1ain urban, and rural areas provided "remark[...]STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE ably similar observations." The study[...]Historic Preservation[...]ARIZONA STATE PARKS concluded that state and federal designa Arizona I [umanities Council. o date. [xpn11d Ari::c11111[...]l1y i1we,li11g i11 rnllura/ licrilngt'. Phoenix: Arizona 1300 WEST WASHINGTON STREET[...]PHOENIX, ARIZONA 85007 estate values in any way. John Heritage Tourism: Arizona's[...]Arizona \!lain Street Program, Arizona Department oi[...]County added, In Arizona, tourism is the second-largest ww[...]INTERNET WWW.PR.STATE.AZ.US "Generally, the assessed values have[...]18, JAMES GARRISON, STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICER risen at a rate similar to all other proper state tax revenues. But the type of tourist[...]retain their integrity as People like to live in historic neighbor[...]City of Phoenix [ [istoric Preservation Commission. l 997. HERBE[...]historic resources and economic assets. This invest hood[...]ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY[...]and the quiet of historic neighborhoods, reflects detail and diversity (Kro[...]Wickenburg, Arizona both the asp[...]tourism and tourist income. Arizona com Virgi11ia. Senate Document[...]erations. Today's decision makers can use historic centrated its historic preservation efforts munities should exam[...]esignation of benefits of historic preservation through[...]Benefits of Historic Preservation historic neighborhoods as historic dis the medium of heri[...]r, David. 1998. ffotory i11 1,r[,n,1 places: T/,e historic districts[...]historic preservation now plays in today's efforts[...]PHOTOS: COURTESY HOWARD MATT, ARIZONA PUBLIC[...]In fact, historic preservation is a form of econom People from around the world travel to Arizona domestic real estate in Phoenix (Bryant[...]The c,,ntributions of historic preservation to housing and[...]th over 300 cities revealed that historic preservation history of the Old West. Ancient and modem c[...]Moe, Richard. l 998. The new face of historic preservation. fundin1, from the Arizona Heritage Fund and printed with Historic[...]ften used community munities around the state exhibit centuries of in[...]Preservation Fund grant money allocated to the Arizona State[...]Historic Preservation Office from the National Park Service. revi[...]historic buildings. Brochure. l.J.S. Dcp,1rtmcnt of the In[...]ncial The following sections link historic preservation[...]National Trust for I listoric Preservation. 1991. T/1e ew1101111cs Assistance for the identification and protection of historic proper and economic stability, diversity,[...]Rehabilitation supported by the Arizona Heritage Fund I I[...]Rypkcma, Donovan. March 3, 1999. Historic preservation is activitv, or facility a[...]l\.at1onal please write: Office of Equal Opportunity, U.S. Department of the[...]State I listoriL J'reservatllln Office. 1999. Anzona's historic[...]Arizona, occupies the rehabilitated[...]U 'IVI-R ITY Arizona ®"""" look to past investments t[...]State Parke economic resource[...] |
MD | |
Arizona State Historic Preservation Office | |
Joint Urban Design Program (Arizona State University) | |
Arizona State Historic Preservation Office | |
Historic Preservation | |
Historic preservation--Arizona | |
Historic buildings--Conservation and restoration--Arizona | |
Historic sites--Conservation and restoration--Arizona | |
Arizona State Parks Board | |
Arizona State University | |
State Historic Preservation Office | |
Arizona | |
Arizona State Parks Board | |
Arizona State University | |
Arizona State Government Publications | |
Economic benefits of historic preservation myths | |
State of Arizona Research Library- Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records | |
State Document |
Arizona State Historic Preservation Office, Historic preservation and economic development are incompatible. Arizona Memory Project, accessed 19/02/2025,