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Preservation means I can't do anything with my property
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![]() | The objective, then, of much historic preservation revolves around the sensi- National Historic Landmarks tive reuse of habitable houses and build- ings rather than the exclusive restoration National Historic Landmarks repre-[...]Arizona State Parks. No date. Arizona and National of buildings selected for outstandin[...]se buildings, sites, districts, Registers of Historic Places. Brochure available from the[...]STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE architectural or historical significance. structures, and objects that have been State Historic Preservation Office, Phoenix, Arizona.[...]Preservation Means[...]ARIZONA STATE PARKS Rehabilitation allows homeowners to[...]Michael J. 1996. Preseroation ttix incentives for historic upgrade bathrooms and kitchens and In[...]National Park Service, Heritage Preservation Services. PHOENIX, ARIZONA 85007 turn dining rooms into dens while simul-[...]ark Service Architectural taneously retaining the historic and archi- Arizona has several National Historic[...]view with author. Saint tectural character of the historic district. Landmarks, including substantial[...]INTERNET WWW.PR.STATE.AZ.US[...]one interview with JAMES GARRISON, STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICER According to Richard Moe, president of th[...]ns, author. Phoenix. National Trust for Historic Preservation, and Pueblo Grande Ruin. Mission San[...]Preservation Office (SHPO) in making decisions[...]Phoenix, Arizona. museum properties that characterized i[...]Coldwell Banker real estate office, Prescott, Arizona agencies also include Tribal Preservation Offices[...]Hamer, David. 1998. History i11 urban places: The historic dis- early preservation efforts to a realization colored murals detail[...]tricts of the United Stales. Columbus: Ohio State University[...]ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY[...]Preservation and Property Rights[...]One of the most persistent myths in historic Local Ordinances. The National Historic where we live and work" (Moe 1998). an[...]preservation is the idea that preservation means Preservation Act established the Certified Local[...]Many people think that living in a historic district[...]preservation partnership between federal, state,[...]McCune, Marty (Tucson Historic Preservation Division). Historic Places means being frozen in time, where fe[...]PHOTOS: COURTESY HOWARD MATT, ARIZONA PUBLIC[...]the future, where and local governments for preservation activi- as a National Historic Landmark does[...]Moe, Richard. 1998. The new face of historic preservation.[...]ht to change his or her property ties-placing preservation at the_ local level of[...]agencies. planning. CLGs establish local preservation ul[...]actions that may other- National Trust for Historic Preservation. 1983. With heritage Fund Source Recogn[...]ty owner. so riclr. Washington, D.C.: The Preservation Press. funding from the Arizona Heritage Fund and printed with Historic[...]derstanding regarding the role of local, state, and Register properties and districts in the[...]98. The Certified Local Government Preservation Fund grant money allocated to the Arizona State[...]rence. CRM B11/lefi11 vol. 1], no 4. Historic Preservation Office from the National Park Service. federal regulations in the preservation of historic Home in a Phoenix historic neighborhood preservation actions with the under-[...]KJZZ, Phoenix, Arizona. February 14 Assistance for the identification and protection of historic proper- and limitations of owning historic properties. National Register of Historic Places[...]The National Register of Historic Places is the[...]fed- 2000. A clrecklist for relinbilitnti11g historic /mi/dings.[...]Federal and State Laws, Historic preservation er[...]of grants, tax Washington, D.C.: Technical Preservation Services for[...]incentives, licensing, or permits as Historic Buildings.[...]about the destruction of national and state prehis- part of a preservation project, then Weeks, Kay. 1993. Telling historic preservation time: Using activity, or facility as[...]t. CRM 16, no. 7: 12-·16. please write: Office of Equal Opportunity, U.S. Department of the[...]toric and historic resources by government-spon-[...]sored projects. The National Historic Preservation Se[...]Act of 1966 and the Arizona State Historic for the Treatment of Historic Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department[...]Preservation Act require federal and state agen-[...]tude of National Park Service, Heritage Preservation Services.[...]includes all prehistoric and historic properties al historic iandmark, tire proceedings of the Nationo! Historic[...]tioned above, the NPS and the State[...]d eligible for the National or Arizona Registers of Historic Preservation Office make Colorado. Denver: National Park S[...]National Historic Landmarks; and properties[...]Historic Places. If a federal or state project will[...]rt to assist property owners System Support Office.[...]of significance in national, state, or local[...]e impacts on the eligible property. Source: Arizona State Parks/State Historic[...]ARIZONA STATE ~ @"'"~[...]Arizona[...]Agencies consult with the State Historic Preserva lion Office[...]UNIVERSITY State Parks |
![]() | [...]nding the differ- ence between national and local preservation[...]property owners are eligible for state tax incen- tives and grants (Arizona State Parks no date). In Arizona, National Register property owners are eligible for Historic Preservation Fund Grants,[...]historic property?[...]Encanto-area historic property in Phoenix[...]with John Smith efforts. Many local historic districts have regula-[...]ous preservation projects. She says the Don't forget dep[...]or design guidelines intended to preserve Arizona Heritage Fund Grants, and State Historic Local zoning ordinances and overlays h[...]toric resources. Built out of California the historic character of the properties. These Proper[...]one of the chief tools for addressing historic districts? o[...]be done with a property within a desig- "Preservation means you can do every-[...]ties. Zoning overlays allow commu- nated historic district is dependent upon the zon- thing t[...]will occur in certain areas. In terms of historic the local historic district commission. Typically, it wonderfu[...]case it will be designated a National Historic[...]preservation, local zoning overlays can recognize a prop[...]the historic house. That's why the old Willcox banded together to save it. Register of Historic Places tells us what is signifi- historic districts, but not every town and city in "c[...]This required moving the depot 65 cant; local historic district designations maintain Arizona has zoning overlays for historic districts. What services can state and local[...]government provide to help historic[...]historic district properties zoned "historic" adds The primary purpose of preservation laws, ordi- property owners?[...]uses the nances and guidelines is to preserve the historic ing to David Dean, Phoenix Historic Preservation procedural system designed to ensure the f[...]nation's earliest house museums and integrity of historic properties that have national, Planner, "historic properties are flagged in the and equitabl[...]historical societies, the historic preservation state, and local significance. Having a home or[...]city govern- cations. Design guidelines stress preservation attention, and that is why local govern[...]lcox that does business listed on the National or Arizona and volunteer efforts to save import[...]ment keep track of what's going on with historic approaches that minimize exterior alterati[...]ot visit the depot. This effort also Registers of Historic Places does not prohibit and landscapes.[...]focus on the visual qualities of historic neighbor- of application and review rather t[...]y. To significant legal debates in the historic preserva-[...]efore, do not generally extend to leaving historic districts to the whim of restaurants, ope[...]from local efforts to save What are historic districts? interior fe[...]theater, and operating a local muse- the historic integrity of a property and cause it to historic buildings. Over the years, local involve-[...]Basically, historic districts are neighborhoods or lose its eligibility for the Register, the National ment in historic preservation issues continues to[...]strial areas comprised of an Park Service and the State Historic Preservation increase and become more formalized.[...]assemblage of buildings and landscape features Office recommend that the owner follow the[...]as their own. To live in a historic neighborhood, to the overall character of[...]or the Interior's Standards for the Each state has a State Historic Preservation Office[...]restrictive than the codes, When you buy a historic property, Jana[...]f architectural integrity. Since the Treatment of Historic Properties. The State Historic (SHPO). The SHPO provides owners of historic[...]establishment of the "Old City District" in Preservation Office can provide a copy of the properties wi[...]ance as well. comments on federal and state projects that may[...]of historic districts in the United States has[...]inventory of the state's historic and archeological[...]Marty McCune of the Tucson Historic Preser- concepts of "architectural i[...]resources, administers the National and State 1991, 86 percent of all National Re[...]if a property is listed on Register of Historic Places, offers matching ties were located in historic districts (Hamer 1998). vation Division has not[...]egister Governments (CLGs), and administers state and The increase and popularity of historic districts is people's property. There is balan[...]cal, cultural, and architectural values. "Of of Historic Places does not prohibit any actions feder[...]ple of a successful adaptive reuse. the four preservation treatments (preser- of the property owners as lon[...]Place Historic District in Phoenix, many historic agrees, "Once a neighborhood is designated[...]ct designations begin with a petition drive historic, it is protected by a special zoning overlay.[...]ation. Benefits include the recognition State Historic Preservation Office as having a designated, "Historic district ordinances regulate try to be architecture cops. The historic district[...]roperty's importance to local, regional, or historic preservation program meeting state all properties within locally des[...]ty through cal assistance to preserve historic properties- of the district as[...] |
![]() | [...]nding the differ- ence between national and local preservation[...]property owners are eligible for state tax incen- tives and grants (Arizona State Parks no date). In Arizona, National Register property owners are eligible for Historic Preservation Fund Grants,[...]historic property?[...]Encanto-area historic property in Phoenix[...]with John Smith efforts. Many local historic districts have regula-[...]ous preservation projects. She says the Don't forget dep[...]or design guidelines intended to preserve Arizona Heritage Fund Grants, and State Historic Local zoning ordinances and overlays h[...]toric resources. Built out of California the historic character of the properties. These Proper[...]one of the chief tools for addressing historic districts? o[...]be done with a property within a desig- "Preservation means you can do every-[...]ties. Zoning overlays allow commu- nated historic district is dependent upon the zon- thing t[...]will occur in certain areas. In terms of historic the local historic district commission. Typically, it wonderfu[...]case it will be designated a National Historic[...]preservation, local zoning overlays can recognize a prop[...]the historic house. That's why the old Willcox banded together to save it. Register of Historic Places tells us what is signifi- historic districts, but not every town and city in "c[...]This required moving the depot 65 cant; local historic district designations maintain Arizona has zoning overlays for historic districts. What services can state and local[...]government provide to help historic[...]historic district properties zoned "historic" adds The primary purpose of preservation laws, ordi- property owners?[...]uses the nances and guidelines is to preserve the historic ing to David Dean, Phoenix Historic Preservation procedural system designed to ensure the f[...]nation's earliest house museums and integrity of historic properties that have national, Planner, "historic properties are flagged in the and equitabl[...]historical societies, the historic preservation state, and local significance. Having a home or[...]city govern- cations. Design guidelines stress preservation attention, and that is why local govern[...]lcox that does business listed on the National or Arizona and volunteer efforts to save import[...]ment keep track of what's going on with historic approaches that minimize exterior alterati[...]ot visit the depot. This effort also Registers of Historic Places does not prohibit and landscapes.[...]focus on the visual qualities of historic neighbor- of application and review rather t[...]y. To significant legal debates in the historic preserva-[...]efore, do not generally extend to leaving historic districts to the whim of restaurants, ope[...]from local efforts to save What are historic districts? interior fe[...]theater, and operating a local muse- the historic integrity of a property and cause it to historic buildings. Over the years, local involve-[...]Basically, historic districts are neighborhoods or lose its eligibility for the Register, the National ment in historic preservation issues continues to[...]strial areas comprised of an Park Service and the State Historic Preservation increase and become more formalized.[...]assemblage of buildings and landscape features Office recommend that the owner follow the[...]as their own. To live in a historic neighborhood, to the overall character of[...]or the Interior's Standards for the Each state has a State Historic Preservation Office[...]restrictive than the codes, When you buy a historic property, Jana[...]f architectural integrity. Since the Treatment of Historic Properties. The State Historic (SHPO). The SHPO provides owners of historic[...]establishment of the "Old City District" in Preservation Office can provide a copy of the properties wi[...]ance as well. comments on federal and state projects that may[...]of historic districts in the United States has[...]inventory of the state's historic and archeological[...]Marty McCune of the Tucson Historic Preser- concepts of "architectural i[...]resources, administers the National and State 1991, 86 percent of all National Re[...]if a property is listed on Register of Historic Places, offers matching ties were located in historic districts (Hamer 1998). vation Division has not[...]egister Governments (CLGs), and administers state and The increase and popularity of historic districts is people's property. There is balan[...]cal, cultural, and architectural values. "Of of Historic Places does not prohibit any actions feder[...]ple of a successful adaptive reuse. the four preservation treatments (preser- of the property owners as lon[...]Place Historic District in Phoenix, many historic agrees, "Once a neighborhood is designated[...]ct designations begin with a petition drive historic, it is protected by a special zoning overlay.[...]ation. Benefits include the recognition State Historic Preservation Office as having a designated, "Historic district ordinances regulate try to be architecture cops. The historic district[...]roperty's importance to local, regional, or historic preservation program meeting state all properties within locally des[...]ty through cal assistance to preserve historic properties- of the district as[...] |
![]() | [...]nding the differ- ence between national and local preservation[...]property owners are eligible for state tax incen- tives and grants (Arizona State Parks no date). In Arizona, National Register property owners are eligible for Historic Preservation Fund Grants,[...]historic property?[...]Encanto-area historic property in Phoenix[...]with John Smith efforts. Many local historic districts have regula-[...]ous preservation projects. She says the Don't forget dep[...]or design guidelines intended to preserve Arizona Heritage Fund Grants, and State Historic Local zoning ordinances and overlays h[...]toric resources. Built out of California the historic character of the properties. These Proper[...]one of the chief tools for addressing historic districts? o[...]be done with a property within a desig- "Preservation means you can do every-[...]ties. Zoning overlays allow commu- nated historic district is dependent upon the zon- thing t[...]will occur in certain areas. In terms of historic the local historic district commission. Typically, it wonderfu[...]case it will be designated a National Historic[...]preservation, local zoning overlays can recognize a prop[...]the historic house. That's why the old Willcox banded together to save it. Register of Historic Places tells us what is signifi- historic districts, but not every town and city in "c[...]This required moving the depot 65 cant; local historic district designations maintain Arizona has zoning overlays for historic districts. What services can state and local[...]government provide to help historic[...]historic district properties zoned "historic" adds The primary purpose of preservation laws, ordi- property owners?[...]uses the nances and guidelines is to preserve the historic ing to David Dean, Phoenix Historic Preservation procedural system designed to ensure the f[...]nation's earliest house museums and integrity of historic properties that have national, Planner, "historic properties are flagged in the and equitabl[...]historical societies, the historic preservation state, and local significance. Having a home or[...]city govern- cations. Design guidelines stress preservation attention, and that is why local govern[...]lcox that does business listed on the National or Arizona and volunteer efforts to save import[...]ment keep track of what's going on with historic approaches that minimize exterior alterati[...]ot visit the depot. This effort also Registers of Historic Places does not prohibit and landscapes.[...]focus on the visual qualities of historic neighbor- of application and review rather t[...]y. To significant legal debates in the historic preserva-[...]efore, do not generally extend to leaving historic districts to the whim of restaurants, ope[...]from local efforts to save What are historic districts? interior fe[...]theater, and operating a local muse- the historic integrity of a property and cause it to historic buildings. Over the years, local involve-[...]Basically, historic districts are neighborhoods or lose its eligibility for the Register, the National ment in historic preservation issues continues to[...]strial areas comprised of an Park Service and the State Historic Preservation increase and become more formalized.[...]assemblage of buildings and landscape features Office recommend that the owner follow the[...]as their own. To live in a historic neighborhood, to the overall character of[...]or the Interior's Standards for the Each state has a State Historic Preservation Office[...]restrictive than the codes, When you buy a historic property, Jana[...]f architectural integrity. Since the Treatment of Historic Properties. The State Historic (SHPO). The SHPO provides owners of historic[...]establishment of the "Old City District" in Preservation Office can provide a copy of the properties wi[...]ance as well. comments on federal and state projects that may[...]of historic districts in the United States has[...]inventory of the state's historic and archeological[...]Marty McCune of the Tucson Historic Preser- concepts of "architectural i[...]resources, administers the National and State 1991, 86 percent of all National Re[...]if a property is listed on Register of Historic Places, offers matching ties were located in historic districts (Hamer 1998). vation Division has not[...]egister Governments (CLGs), and administers state and The increase and popularity of historic districts is people's property. There is balan[...]cal, cultural, and architectural values. "Of of Historic Places does not prohibit any actions feder[...]ple of a successful adaptive reuse. the four preservation treatments (preser- of the property owners as lon[...]Place Historic District in Phoenix, many historic agrees, "Once a neighborhood is designated[...]ct designations begin with a petition drive historic, it is protected by a special zoning overlay.[...]ation. Benefits include the recognition State Historic Preservation Office as having a designated, "Historic district ordinances regulate try to be architecture cops. The historic district[...]roperty's importance to local, regional, or historic preservation program meeting state all properties within locally des[...]ty through cal assistance to preserve historic properties- of the district as[...] |
![]() | The objective, then, of much historic preservation revolves around the sensi- National Historic Landmarks tive reuse of habitable houses and build- ings rather than the exclusive restoration National Historic Landmarks repre-[...]Arizona State Parks. No date. Arizona and National of buildings selected for outstandin[...]se buildings, sites, districts, Registers of Historic Places. Brochure available from the[...]STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE architectural or historical significance. structures, and objects that have been State Historic Preservation Office, Phoenix, Arizona.[...]Preservation Means[...]ARIZONA STATE PARKS Rehabilitation allows homeowners to[...]Michael J. 1996. Preseroation ttix incentives for historic upgrade bathrooms and kitchens and In[...]National Park Service, Heritage Preservation Services. PHOENIX, ARIZONA 85007 turn dining rooms into dens while simul-[...]ark Service Architectural taneously retaining the historic and archi- Arizona has several National Historic[...]view with author. Saint tectural character of the historic district. Landmarks, including substantial[...]INTERNET WWW.PR.STATE.AZ.US[...]one interview with JAMES GARRISON, STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICER According to Richard Moe, president of th[...]ns, author. Phoenix. National Trust for Historic Preservation, and Pueblo Grande Ruin. Mission San[...]Preservation Office (SHPO) in making decisions[...]Phoenix, Arizona. museum properties that characterized i[...]Coldwell Banker real estate office, Prescott, Arizona agencies also include Tribal Preservation Offices[...]Hamer, David. 1998. History i11 urban places: The historic dis- early preservation efforts to a realization colored murals detail[...]tricts of the United Stales. Columbus: Ohio State University[...]ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY[...]Preservation and Property Rights[...]One of the most persistent myths in historic Local Ordinances. The National Historic where we live and work" (Moe 1998). an[...]preservation is the idea that preservation means Preservation Act established the Certified Local[...]Many people think that living in a historic district[...]preservation partnership between federal, state,[...]McCune, Marty (Tucson Historic Preservation Division). Historic Places means being frozen in time, where fe[...]PHOTOS: COURTESY HOWARD MATT, ARIZONA PUBLIC[...]the future, where and local governments for preservation activi- as a National Historic Landmark does[...]Moe, Richard. 1998. The new face of historic preservation.[...]ht to change his or her property ties-placing preservation at the_ local level of[...]agencies. planning. CLGs establish local preservation ul[...]actions that may other- National Trust for Historic Preservation. 1983. With heritage Fund Source Recogn[...]ty owner. so riclr. Washington, D.C.: The Preservation Press. funding from the Arizona Heritage Fund and printed with Historic[...]derstanding regarding the role of local, state, and Register properties and districts in the[...]98. The Certified Local Government Preservation Fund grant money allocated to the Arizona State[...]rence. CRM B11/lefi11 vol. 1], no 4. Historic Preservation Office from the National Park Service. federal regulations in the preservation of historic Home in a Phoenix historic neighborhood preservation actions with the under-[...]KJZZ, Phoenix, Arizona. February 14 Assistance for the identification and protection of historic proper- and limitations of owning historic properties. National Register of Historic Places[...]The National Register of Historic Places is the[...]fed- 2000. A clrecklist for relinbilitnti11g historic /mi/dings.[...]Federal and State Laws, Historic preservation er[...]of grants, tax Washington, D.C.: Technical Preservation Services for[...]incentives, licensing, or permits as Historic Buildings.[...]about the destruction of national and state prehis- part of a preservation project, then Weeks, Kay. 1993. Telling historic preservation time: Using activity, or facility as[...]t. CRM 16, no. 7: 12-·16. please write: Office of Equal Opportunity, U.S. Department of the[...]toric and historic resources by government-spon-[...]sored projects. The National Historic Preservation Se[...]Act of 1966 and the Arizona State Historic for the Treatment of Historic Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department[...]Preservation Act require federal and state agen-[...]tude of National Park Service, Heritage Preservation Services.[...]includes all prehistoric and historic properties al historic iandmark, tire proceedings of the Nationo! Historic[...]tioned above, the NPS and the State[...]d eligible for the National or Arizona Registers of Historic Preservation Office make Colorado. Denver: National Park S[...]National Historic Landmarks; and properties[...]Historic Places. If a federal or state project will[...]rt to assist property owners System Support Office.[...]of significance in national, state, or local[...]e impacts on the eligible property. Source: Arizona State Parks/State Historic[...]ARIZONA STATE ~ @"'"~[...]Arizona[...]Agencies consult with the State Historic Preserva lion Office[...]UNIVERSITY State Parks |
![]() | The objective, then, of much historic preservation revolves around the sensi- National Historic Landmarks tive reuse of habitable houses and build- ings rather than the exclusive restoration National Historic Landmarks repre-[...]Arizona State Parks. No date. Arizona and National of buildings selected for outstandin[...]se buildings, sites, districts, Registers of Historic Places. Brochure available from the[...]STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE architectural or historical significance. structures, and objects that have been State Historic Preservation Office, Phoenix, Arizona.[...]Preservation Means[...]ARIZONA STATE PARKS Rehabilitation allows homeowners to[...]Michael J. 1996. Preseroation ttix incentives for historic upgrade bathrooms and kitchens and In[...]National Park Service, Heritage Preservation Services. PHOENIX, ARIZONA 85007 turn dining rooms into dens while simul-[...]ark Service Architectural taneously retaining the historic and archi- Arizona has several National Historic[...]view with author. Saint tectural character of the historic district. Landmarks, including substantial[...]INTERNET WWW.PR.STATE.AZ.US[...]one interview with JAMES GARRISON, STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICER According to Richard Moe, president of th[...]ns, author. Phoenix. National Trust for Historic Preservation, and Pueblo Grande Ruin. Mission San[...]Preservation Office (SHPO) in making decisions[...]Phoenix, Arizona. museum properties that characterized i[...]Coldwell Banker real estate office, Prescott, Arizona agencies also include Tribal Preservation Offices[...]Hamer, David. 1998. History i11 urban places: The historic dis- early preservation efforts to a realization colored murals detail[...]tricts of the United Stales. Columbus: Ohio State University[...]ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY[...]Preservation and Property Rights[...]One of the most persistent myths in historic Local Ordinances. The National Historic where we live and work" (Moe 1998). an[...]preservation is the idea that preservation means Preservation Act established the Certified Local[...]Many people think that living in a historic district[...]preservation partnership between federal, state,[...]McCune, Marty (Tucson Historic Preservation Division). Historic Places means being frozen in time, where fe[...]PHOTOS: COURTESY HOWARD MATT, ARIZONA PUBLIC[...]the future, where and local governments for preservation activi- as a National Historic Landmark does[...]Moe, Richard. 1998. The new face of historic preservation.[...]ht to change his or her property ties-placing preservation at the_ local level of[...]agencies. planning. CLGs establish local preservation ul[...]actions that may other- National Trust for Historic Preservation. 1983. With heritage Fund Source Recogn[...]ty owner. so riclr. Washington, D.C.: The Preservation Press. funding from the Arizona Heritage Fund and printed with Historic[...]derstanding regarding the role of local, state, and Register properties and districts in the[...]98. The Certified Local Government Preservation Fund grant money allocated to the Arizona State[...]rence. CRM B11/lefi11 vol. 1], no 4. Historic Preservation Office from the National Park Service. federal regulations in the preservation of historic Home in a Phoenix historic neighborhood preservation actions with the under-[...]KJZZ, Phoenix, Arizona. February 14 Assistance for the identification and protection of historic proper- and limitations of owning historic properties. National Register of Historic Places[...]The National Register of Historic Places is the[...]fed- 2000. A clrecklist for relinbilitnti11g historic /mi/dings.[...]Federal and State Laws, Historic preservation er[...]of grants, tax Washington, D.C.: Technical Preservation Services for[...]incentives, licensing, or permits as Historic Buildings.[...]about the destruction of national and state prehis- part of a preservation project, then Weeks, Kay. 1993. Telling historic preservation time: Using activity, or facility as[...]t. CRM 16, no. 7: 12-·16. please write: Office of Equal Opportunity, U.S. Department of the[...]toric and historic resources by government-spon-[...]sored projects. The National Historic Preservation Se[...]Act of 1966 and the Arizona State Historic for the Treatment of Historic Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department[...]Preservation Act require federal and state agen-[...]tude of National Park Service, Heritage Preservation Services.[...]includes all prehistoric and historic properties al historic iandmark, tire proceedings of the Nationo! Historic[...]tioned above, the NPS and the State[...]d eligible for the National or Arizona Registers of Historic Preservation Office make Colorado. Denver: National Park S[...]National Historic Landmarks; and properties[...]Historic Places. If a federal or state project will[...]rt to assist property owners System Support Office.[...]of significance in national, state, or local[...]e impacts on the eligible property. Source: Arizona State Parks/State Historic[...]ARIZONA STATE ~ @"'"~[...]Arizona[...]Agencies consult with the State Historic Preserva lion Office[...]UNIVERSITY State Parks |
MD | |
Arizona State Historic Preservation Office | |
Joint Urban Design Program (Arizona State University) | |
Arizona State Historic Preservation Office | |
Historic Preservation | |
Historic preservation--Arizona | |
Historic buildings--Conservation and restoration--Arizona | |
Historic sites--Conservation and restoration--Arizona | |
Arizona State Parks Board | |
Arizona State University | |
State Historic Preservation Office | |
Arizona | |
Arizona State Parks Board | |
Arizona State University | |
Economic benefits of historic preservation myths | |
Arizona State Government Publications | |
State of Arizona Research Library- Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records | |
State Document |
Arizona State Historic Preservation Office, Preservation means I can't do anything with my property. Arizona Memory Project, accessed 19/02/2025,