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    State Historic Preservation Plan for Arizona, 1975, Volume III


    [...]• • 37
    Curriculum Vitae of State Historic Preservation Officer Staff[...]
    [...]nformation is readily available _
    to the State Historic Preservation Officer and the
    site files are con sidered an ext ensi[...]cessed through the office of the ___ _
    _ -State Historic Preservation Officer. Increased _
    - awareness of compliance respon[...]ant function among the duties of the State
    Historic Preservation Officer. Good working
    relationships with th[...]
    [...]viro nment are contributions which the State
    Historic Preservation Officer's program . can make. To do
    this is t o emph[...]ultural and historical heritage.

    The State Historic Preservation Officer can serve as an
    instrument for coordi[...]
    [...]ntains close ~ontact with the State
    Historic Preservation Officer. The process of imple -
    [...]ncreasing workload on the staff 6f
    the State Historic Preservation Officer. Preservation
    legislation enacted[...]

    Dennis McCarthy, State Historic Preservation Officer
    Dorothy H. Hall, Historic Sites Preservati[...]