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    An initial survey of historic resources within the Phoenix metropolitan area, Maricopa County, Arizona


    An Initial Surv v
    of Historic Res r
    Within T
    An Initial Su
    of. Historic Resou
    ithin The[...]Area
    MaricqJa countv,
    SUBMITTED B[...]Dorothy H. ,Hall
    State Historic Preservation Officer
    and Chief, Natural & Cultural Resource Section
    Arizona State Parks Board
    1688 West Adams Street
    Phoenix, Arizona 85007
    State Parks Staff; Ora Mae Leffard
    [...]This report presents the results of a search for historic resources
    (sites, buildings, and structures) with[...]ral and Cultural
    Resource Conservation Section of Arizona State Parks for the Depart-
    ment of the Army, Los Angel[...]projects for the area. This baseline inventory of historic resources
    wjthin the study area should be suffici[...]ral ·and Cultural Resource Conservation Section, Arizona
    State Parks, and James W. Garrison, Historical Architec[...]Architectural Historian, College of Architecture,
    Arizona State University, and Geoffrey P. Mawn, Historian, Arizona
    State University History Department, have served as con[...]on of the Corps of Engineers,
    Phoenix Urban Study Office, has been the Project Manager.
    inventory of historic resources. 11
    Evaluation was completed for each i[...]ource in accordance
    with the National Register of Historic Places and the Advisory
    Council for Historic Preservation guidelines. Those properties con-
    sidered to meet[...]and proposed National Register listing, an
    historic resource sensitivity map 11 was completed which p[...]sity pattern and qualitative integrity pattern of
    historic resources on a square mile-by-square mile basis.[...]r limitation was the lack of monographs, recorded historic
    archaeological sites, and other research c[...]
    [...]-.Historic- -[...]
    Historic Time Frame
    The focus of the following historical[...]rs old to be included in the National Register of Historic
    Places. The 1930 ending date covers major trends[...]lated, because of limitations related above, only historic resources
    on the Ft. McDowell Reservation[...]
    [...]officer and miner who had opened the Central Arizona mining region
    starting in 1863. He was[...]
    Settlement, had a population of 240, a post office, various essential
    businesses, and a young valley[...]arpenter and paint
    shops, and an established post office, with Charles Whitlow (who is
    credited wit[...]
    [...]-run grist mill (constructed 1872-74).
    A post office was established as Hayden's Ferry in 1872, and a[...]name, Tempe, for the area (the Hayden Ferry post office
    was officially renamed in 1879). The c[...]
    [...]Historic Resources Survey Area
    Starting in 1883 the 40 mile long Arizona Canal, largest of the north-
    side canals, was[...]e first permanent diversion dam, known as the
    Arizona Dam, was b~ilt. This canal marked the culmination of major

    [...]l, which headed approximately two miles below the Arizona Dam.
    And finally, in 1892-93, the Consolidated Ca[...]Th~ Arizona Im~ronnrnnt Co.[...]The Orange land Oo. The Arizona Canal Co.[...]SALT RIVER VALLEY, ARIZONA.[...]
    [...]-Historic Resources Survey Area
    [...]ter (1889) as the Capital of the Territory of
    Arizona .

    [...]outes (Wells Fargo
    Express Company established an office in Phoenix in 1882). The
    Maricopa and Phoenix Rai[...]Herald, and in 1899 it was consolidated with the Arizona Republican,
    which had been .founded in 1890. Phoenix 1 s first bank, an agency of the
    Bank of Arizona, headquartered in Prescott, was opened in[...]

    Arizona Territorial Normal School[...]olony of Illinois farmers in
    1888, and a post office was established in that year. In late 1891,
    a[...]ert, a native of
    Alhambra, California; a post office was established there in 1893.[...]
    [...]chuca. A townsite was platted in 1895, and a post
    office was establisned Tn 1897.
    In the desert to the nor[...]ctivities in the
    nearby mountains. The first post office for the area was established
    as Overton in 1880, but was discontinued in 1881. In 1890, the post
    office was re-established as Cave Creek. After th[...]
    [...]-Historic Resources Survey Area
    reclamation legislation before the Congress. Arizona lobbying helped
    pass the National Reclamation Act[...]approximately two
    miles below the site of the old Arizona Dam) to divert the water to
    the now government ow[...]canals on either side
    of the Salt River (into the Arizona Canal on the north side and into
    the South[...]
    [...]riod were the original
    town of Goodyear (post office established in 1919) located 5 miles
    south of Chandler and Litchfield Park (post office originally established
    as Litchton in[...]
    [...]tock in the valley.
    As part of this increase, the Arizona Packing Company was founded in
    1919 by E. A. Tovr[...]tel (19i3), the Westward Ho
    Hotel (1928), and the Arizona Biltmore Hotel (1929). Transportation
    to a[...]
    [...]-Historic Resources Survey Area[...]
    [...]report, and any newly discovered potential historic
    Two weeks - preparation of draft report and the Historic Resources
    Sensitivity Map
    T[...]documentation of the existing, and potential historic sites (e.g., river
    . crossings, roads, t[...]
    [...]the others. The following is a list of sources of
    historic resource information which have been examined by[...]American Institute of Architects (Central Arizona Chapter)
    Arizona Historical Society (Phoenix Chapter)
    Arizona Public Service Company
    Arizona State Department of Transportation
    Arizona State Land Department
    Arizona State Library and Archives
    Arizona State Museum, University of Arizona
    Arizona State Parks Board
    Arizona State University
    Department of Anthro[...]Hayden Li bra ry
    Arizona Collection
    Arizona Historical Foundation Collection[...]Glendale Historical Society
    Historic American Buildings Survey
    Maricopa County Assessor's Office
    Maricopa County Recorder's Office
    Mesa Historical and Archaeolo[...]
    land along Indian Bend Wash, from the Arizona Canal and McDonald
    Drive at the s[...]
    [...]based upon recent work com-
    pleted by the Arizona State Museum. See Canouts, Veletta,
    et. al., 19[...]al areas" based on the overall char-
    acter of the historic (and potential historic) resources of the areas
    themselves. Thus, the are[...]7) South Tempe
    Information relative to historic resources of the other team member's
    [...]. Indexes and deeds, Maricopa County Recorder's Office
    C. Noted additional data as found for e[...]•
    A. Collected present and historic map data
    1. USGS 7½' topographic[...]of Maricopa County
    3. General Land Office original Township plats[...]
    [...]lated map data with:
    1. known historic properties

    • 2. early buildi[...]y canal and road locations
    4. historic activity locations
    C. Prepared fie[...]destroyed any tangible remains of potentially historic
    II. F[...]Examined on foot areas suspected of containing historic
    B. Su[...]n effective in locating previously
    unrecorded historic properties and have led to the inventory l[...]
    The identification of historic cultural resources is related to three
    evaluation[...]the National Register" (36 CFR 60.2)
    The National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 80 Stat. 915, 16 U.S.C.
    470, authoriz[...]tionally
    significant properties" ... The National Historic Preservation Act of
    1966 provides a means for states to nominate properties of State and
    local significance ... 11

    [...]rom their original loca-
    tions, reconstructed historic buildings, properties primarily commemo-
    rati[...]most importantly associated
    with an historic person or event; or
    C. a birthplace or[...]inctive design features, or from association with historic
    events; or
    E. a reconstruc[...]Contextual Association
    In identification of historic resources within the study area, three[...]
    [...]integrity was evaluated. The National Register of
    Historic Places was created by the Historic Preservation Act of 1966.
    Placement on the Register implies th[...]nd/or Cultural development of the United States."
    State significance was defined as "relating to events,[...]e in the Political
    and/or Economic development of Arizona."
    Regional significance was defined as "re[...]
    [...]with,the function
    and purpose section of the Arizona "Thematic Analysis" included below:
    A.[...]3. Territorial level
    4. State level
    5. National level[...]
    [...]their level of signifi-
    cance (local, state/regional, national) and have been included in the[...]evaluation, but possess some unique qualities of state or
    local importance have been recommended for inclusion on the State
    Register of Historic Places.[...]

    The following inventory is a list of all historic resources (sites,
    buildings and structures) l[...]a 7½ minute USGS Quadrangle maps on file in the office of the
    State Historic Preservation Officer along with field notes and photo-[...]
    4. Ownership: P--Private; M--Municipal; C--County; S--State;
    5. Physical Condition: M--Mai[...]Significance:
    Architectural: L--Local; S--State; N--National
    Historical: L--Local, S--State; N--National
    Cultural: L--Local, R--Regional[...]8. Register potential: NR--National Register of Historic Places;
    SR--State Register of Historic Places
    9. Management Measures:
    D -- Approp[...]- Protection
    S -- Stabilization
    Pres -- Preservation
    Rest -- Restoration
    Reh -- Rehabilitation
    Ree -- Reconstruction
    The inventory of historic resources, including those that may be eligible
    for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places (page 34), is
    on file in the Los Angeles District Office, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.[...]
    [...]th portion of map and entries:

    Historic Resources[...]
    [...]le for inclusion on the
    National Register of Historic Places.
    Although sites, structures, building[...]this particular project was the location
    of historic resource "sensitive areas-" district desig[...]
    [...]sitivity" based upon recent work completed by the Arizona State
    Museum. See Canouts, Veletta, et al, 1[...]
    [...]or. Resources of the Salt River Valley, 1872. Arizona
    1936 Historical Review, Vol. VII,[...]Anonymous. The Wonderful Salt River Valley of Arizona. The Arrowhead.
    1915 Los Angeles, pp. 1-26.
    Arizona State Historic Preservation Officer's Inventory and National
    Register Files.
    Arizona Statewide Archival and Records Project, Division[...](August) Inventory of the County Archives of Arizona, No. 7, Mari-
    copa County. Phoenix: Arizona Statewide Archival and
    Records Project, Historical Records Survey Program.
    Arizona State Library and Archives, Biographical Files.
    Ba[...]istorical Publication No. 3.
    Barnes, Will C. Arizona Place Names. University of Arizona Bulletin,
    1935 General Bulletin No. 2. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.
    *Barney, James M. Phoenix--A History of Its Pioneer Days and People. The
    1933 Arizona Historical Review,' Vol. V, No. 4, pp. 264-285.
    Beasley, Al D., ed. and comp. Phoenix, Arizona, Maricopa County.
    1907 Phoenix.[...]1893 Verde Canal Company of Phoenix, Arizona. Minneapolis:
    Alford Roper, P[...]Resource Management
    Section, Arizona State Museum, University of Arizona,
    CNWC Architects[...]*Davis, Arthur Powell. Irrigation Near Phoenix, Arizona. U.S. Geological
    1897 Survey, Wate[...]ton, D.C.: Government Printing Office.
    *Sources with map included.[...]
    Doncette, Forrest E. (compiler). The Arizona Year Book of 1930-1931.
    1930 Phoenix: The Arizona Year Book, Inc.
    Farish, Thomas Edwin. History of Arizona. (8 vols. and index). San "
    19[...]rotype Company.
    Granger, Byrd H. Will C. Barnes' Arizona Place Names. Tucson: The
    1960 University of Arizona Press.
    Hamilton, Patrick. The Resources of Arizona. (third edition). San
    1884 Franc[...]ey of the Salt River Valley Area,
    Arizona. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Chemis[...]ington, D.C.:
    Government Printing Office.
    *Harper, W. G. and F. 0. Youngs. Soil Survey of the Buckeye-Beardsley
    1931 Area, Arizona. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of[...]ington, D.C.:
    Government Printing Office.
    Hinton, Richard J. The Hand Book to Arizona: Its Resources, Histor,
    1878 Towns, Mi[...]No. 12, Cultural Resource Management Section, Arizona State
    Museum, University of Arizona, Tucson.
    *Lee, Willis Thomas. Underground Waters of Gila Valley, Arizona. U.S.
    1904 Geological Survey, Water..:[...]Thomas. Underground Waters of Salt River Valley, Arizona. U.S.
    1905 Geological Survey, Water-Su[...]Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office.
    Lewis, Christine. The Early History of the Tempe Canal Company. Arizona
    1965 and the West: A Quarterly Journal[...]pp. 227-238. Tucson: The University of Arizona Press.
    *Sources with map included.[...]
    • Mann., Dean E. The Politics of Water in Arizona. Tucson: The University
    1963 of ArizonaArizona
    1902 Experiment Station, Bulletin 43, Tucson.
    McClintock, James H. Arizona: Prehistoric--Aboriginal--Pioneer--Modern:[...]1970 in
    1970 Photographs. Phoenix: Arizona Photographic Associates.
    *Meinzer, 0. E. and A. J. Ellis. Ground Water in Paradise Valley, Arizona.
    1915 U.S. Geological Survey, Wate[...]Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office.
    *Merrill, W. Earl. One Hundred Steps Down Me[...]los of the Salt River
    1903 Valley, Arizona. Phoenix Free Museum, Bulletin No. 1.
    Peplow, Edward H., Jr. History of Arizona. (3 voJs.) New York: Lewis
    1958[...](mimeographed manuscript) Tempe: Hayden Library, Arizona
    State University.
    *Sources with map included[...]
    [...]blished M.A. Thesis (ed.).
    Tempe: Arizona StateArizona. (Pamphlet) Phoenix.
    Salt River Project. Photogr[...]ington, D.C.:
    Government Printing Office.
    Shadegg, Stephen C. Century One 1869-1969: One[...]Krueger Company.
    Turner, Thomas T. Early Days in Arizona. Arizona Historical Review, Vol.
    1930 3, No. 1,[...]ar A. The Land of the Stone Hoe. Phoenix: The Arizona Republi-
    1924 can Print Shop.
    *Turney, Omar A. Prehistoric Irrigation in Arizona. Phoenix: Arizona
    1929 State Historian.
    Wagoner, Jay J. Arizona Territory, 1863-1912: A Political History. Tucson:
    1970 The University of Arizona Press.
    Wegmann, Edward. Design and Construction o[...].
    Work Projects Administration, Writer's Program. Arizona, the Grand Canyon
    1956 State, A State Guide. New York: Hastings House.
    Youngs, F. 0., T[...]1931 Survey of the Paradise-Verde Area, Arizona. U.S. Department
    of Agriculture, B[...]No. 6. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office.

    *Sources with map included.[...]
    Arizona State Highway Department. General Highway and Transport[...]1937 Maricopa County, 10 sheets.
    Arizona State Highway Department, Atlas of Maricopa County, 42[...]y.
    Bingham, T. A. Territory and Department of Arizona. Scale 1:675840.
    1885 (Published by the Office of the Chief of Engineers, U.S.A.)
    Dyer, C. J. Bird's Eye View of Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona. San
    1885 Francisco: Schmidt Label and Lithograph Company.
    Dyer, C. J. Phoenix, Arizona in the Salt River Valley. San Francisco:[...]and Lithograph Company.
    Hinton, Richard J. Arizona. San Francisco: Payot, Upham and Company.[...]6 miles.
    Official Map, Phoenix, Arizona and Additions. Scale: l½ inch = 1 mile.[...]25 pages
    1909-1913 with location base map. Arizona Library and Archives.
    U.S. General Land Office. Original township survey maps and field notes[...]au of Land
    Management Regional Office, Phoenix.
    United States Geological Survey. Camelback Quadrangl~, Arizona. Scale:
    1906 1 inch= 1 mile; survey[...]Cave Creek Quadrangle, Arizona. Scale: 1 inch=
    Arizona. Scale: 1 inch=
    1906 1 mile; surveye[...]Fort McDowell Quadrangl~. Arizona. Scale: 1 inch=
    1906 1 mile; surveyed[...]ed 1948).
    Mesa Quadrangle, Arizona. Scale: 1 inch= 1 mile;
    1913 surveye[...]1913.
    Phoenix Quadrangle, Arizona. Scale: 1 inch= 1
    1912 mile; surveye[...]ted States Geological Survey. Salt River Project, Arizona. (U.S.G.S.
    1902-1904 Reclamation Service topog[...]River Pro·ect, Salt River Valle,
    1907 Arizona, Topographic and Irrigation Map 4 sheets.[...]
    [...]sioner of Immigration, 1908.
    Arizona Department of Library and Archives .
    Page 5 2. Hayden's Mill. Arizona State University~ Hayden
    Library, Arizona Collection.
    Page 8 3. Etching c. 1885. Arizona State University, Hayden
    Library, Arizona Collection.
    Page 9 4. Advertisement. Phoenix City Directory, 1892. Arizona
    Department of Library and Arch[...]llustrated brochure, "Phoenix,
    Arizona, Maricopa County. 11 Compiled by A. D. Beasley,
    1908. Arizona Department of Library and Archives.
    Page 11 6. Advertisement. Phoenix City Directory, 1892. Arizona
    Department of Library and Archives.
    Page 12 7. Top: Cover graphic from 1893 Arizona Territorial Normal
    School catalogue. Arizona State University Archiv~s.
    Bottom: F[...]published by A. G. Daws, 1919.
    Arizona Department of Library and Archives.
    Page 14 8. Top: Roosevelt Dam, Arizona Department of Library and
    Arch[...]Commissioner of Immigration, c. 1918. Arizona Department
    of Library and Arch[...]published by A. G. Daws, 1919.
    Arizona Department of Library and Archives.[...]


    Arizona State Parks Board, Natural & Cultural Resource Section
    Conservation of natural resources--Arizona--Phoenix
    Historic sites--Arizona--Phoenix
    Arizona State Parks Board
    Arizona State Parks Board
    Arizona State Parks Board, Natural & Cultural Resource Section
    Historic Preservation
    Arizona State Government Publications
    State of Arizona Research Library- Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records
    State Document