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    State of Arizona Agency Historic Preservation Compliance Performance Report 2009


    Prepared by State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO): 2008-2009 Fiscal Year

    Arizona State Statutes §41-861 through §41-864 direct state agencies to: preserve historic
    properties under their ownership or control; consider the use of historic properties for
    agency responsibilities; establish[...]locate, inventory, and nominate
    properties to the Arizona Register of Historic Places; insure that properties are not
    destroyed or substantially altered by state action or assistance; make appropriate
    documentation in accordance with State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) standards
    if a property is destroyed or al[...]s report provides a summary of the performance of state agencies in
    compliance with these state statutes. The information provided was compiled f[...]Table 1. Agencies responding to the questionnaire
    Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC)
    Arizona Department of Administration (ADOA)
    Arizona Department of Agriculture (ADA)
    Arizona Department of Commerce (ADOC)
    Arizona Department of Corrections (ADC)
    Arizona Department of Housing (ADH)
    Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR)
    Arizona Division of Emergency & Military Affairs (DEMA)
    Arizona Exposition and State Fair (AESF)
    Arizona Game and Fish Department (AGFD)
    Arizona Geological Survey (AGS)
    Arizona Historical Society (AHS)
    Arizona Pioneers' Home
    Arizona State Library Archives & Public Records (ASLAPR)
    Arizona State Parks (ASP)
    Arizona State Park/State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO)
    Arizona State School for the Deaf & Blind (ASDB)
    Arizona State University (ASU)
    Northern Arizona University (NAU)
    Power Authority
    School Facilities Board (SFB)
    University of Arizona (U of A)
    Water Infrastructure Finance Authority ([...]CY RESPOSIBILITES
    The chief Administrator of each state Agency is responsible for the preservation of
    Historic Properties, which are owned or controlled by the[...]sibilities,
    each agency shall consider the use of historic buildings. Each agency shall undertake
    any preservation necessary to carry out this article in a manner consistent with the
    preservation of historic properties, the duties of the agency and professional
    standards, which the state historic preservation officer recommends. The chief
    administrator of a state agency may designate a full-time employee[...]
    Table 2. Agency employees designated to coordinated historic preservation activities.[...]Historic Approx.
    Designated Preservation Number of[...]e staff Standards Activities in '09
    Arizona Corporation Commission
    Arizona Department of Administration 1 5 hrs/wk 3 No 1 to 50
    Arizona Department of Agriculture
    (ADA) 0
    Arizona Department of Commerce
    (ADOC)[...]1 to 50
    Arizona Department of Corrections
    (ADC)[...]As needed No 0
    Arizona Department of Housing (ADH) 1 As needed No 1 to 50
    Arizona Department of Water Resources
    Arizona Division of Emergency &
    Military Affairs (DEMA)[...]1 to 50
    Arizona Exposition and State Fair 5-10
    (AESF)[...]hrs/wk No 1 to 50
    Arizona Game and Fish Department
    (AGFD)*[...]Part-time 3 No 1 to 50
    Arizona Geological Survey (AGS) 1 As needed No
    Arizona Historical Society (AHS) 1 2 hrs/wk 2 No 1 to 50
    Arizona Pioneers' Home 1 1-2 hrs/wk No 1 to 50
    Arizona State Library Archives & Public
    Records (ASLAPR)[...]Part-time Yes 1 to 50
    Arizona State Parks (ASP) 1 Full-time Yes 1 to 50
    Arizona State Park/State Historic
    Preservation Office (SHPO) 7 Full-time Yes 1500 +
    Arizona State School for the Deaf &
    Blind (ASDB)[...]1-2 hrs/wk No 1 to 50
    Arizona State University (ASU) 1 28 hrs/wk Yes 1 to 50
    Northern Arizona University (NAU) 1 As need[...]Yes 1 to 50
    University of Arizona (U of A) 1 10 hr[...]
    Table 3. Summary of agency’s use of historic buildings in FY 2009[...]the Use of Uses or Constructed Historic Property
    Historic Historic Buildings for Acquired or Leased in
    Agenc[...]gs Buildings Agency Use in '09 '09
    Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) Yes No
    Arizona Department of Administration Yes Yes No
    Arizona Department of Agriculture (ADA) No No
    Arizona Department of Commerce (ADOC) No No
    Arizona Department of Corrections (ADC) No Yes Yes None
    Arizona Department of Housing (ADH) Yes No
    Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR) No No

    Arizona Division of Emergency & Military Affairs (DEMA) NR NR
    Arizona Exposition and State Fair (AESF) Yes Yes No
    Arizona Game and Fish Department (AGFD) Yes Yes None
    Arizona Geological Survey (AGS) No No
    Arizona Historical Society (AHS) No Yes No
    Arizona Pioneers' Home No Yes No
    Arizona State Library Archives & Public Records
    (ASLAPR)[...]Picket Post House
    Arizona State Parks (ASP) Yes Yes Yes Pickin'R Ranch
    Arizona State School for the Deaf & Blind (ASDB) Yes Yes No
    Arizona State University (ASU) Yes Yes No
    Northern Arizona University (NAU) Yes[...]No No
    University of Arizona (U of A) Yes[...]
    The following agencies participated in the Arizona Site Steward Program to assist in
    fulfilling their responsibilities to protect historic properties. The Arizona Site
    Steward Program, which is administered by Arizona State Parks, provides trained
    volunteers to assist federal and state land managers in protecting resources through
    regular monitoring of threatened properties.

    Arizona State Parks
    Arizona Game and Fish Department
    Arizona State University
    Arizona State Land Department
    University of Arizona

    Agencies provided the following comments on othe[...]ms/activities to
    protect and preserve and enhance Arizona Register listed or eligible properties.

    Arizona Department of Administration (ADOA)
    ADOA has included historic properties in the annual budget renewal list for FY2010 and
    FY2011. It is ADOA practice to utilize state-owned spaces whenever possible. BPS
    performs spac[...]and enforces this practice.
    Currently, all of the historic properties under ADOA management are fully occupied.

    Arizona Department of Corrections (ADC)
    ADC has identified buildings at the Fort Grant unit of the Arizona State Prison Complex
    Safford, as well as the Arizona State Prison Complex Florence as historic buildings,
    which require us to consider any chang[...]ad staff from Florence, Ft. Grant
    and our central office facilities bureau attend a seminar and receive training from the
    SHPO on preserving historic buildings. ADC has had at least 2 institutions en[...]to provide inmate labor that has been utilized on historic
    building projects. Our contract partners are the[...]the approvals for the
    work. In the past year, the State prison at Douglas has engaged in the following
    pr[...]the Union Pacific Railway Depot); maintenance and
    historic item display inventory cataloguing at the Tombsto[...]restoration and cleanup of the Gleeson

    Arizona Pioneers’ Home (APH)
    Initiating energy savings performance contracting for the historic Pioneer’s Home.

    Arizona State University (ASU)
    Structural Analysis of the Socia[...]ilization and
    continued use. Updating of the 2003 Historic Resources Management Policies &
    Procedures Recommendations; Ongoing development of a National Register of
    Historic Places Multiple Property Documentation For[...]
    and an amendment to the Williams Air Force Base Historic Resources MPDF for the
    Polytechnic Campus. The ASU Historic Preservation Coordinator made presentations
    to the ASU Chief F[...]ors, and Capital
    Projects Management Group on ASU Historic preservation requirements.

    Northern Arizona University (NAU)
    NAU had planned to attend traini[...]ed.

    A.R.S 41-862 PROGRAM
    In cooperation with the state historic preservation officer, each state agency shall
    establish a program to locate, inventory and nominate to the Arizona Register of
    Historic Places all properties under the agencies ownershi[...]the criteria for inclusion on the register. Each state agency shall exercise caution
    to insure that the[...]program
    to locate, inventory, and nominate to the Arizona Register of Historic Places all
    properties under the agency's ownershi[...]o locate, evaluate and nominate properties to the Arizona
    Register of Historic Places
    Agenc[...]Evaluate Surveys in on Eligibility of Arizona Register in
    Agency Properties 2009 Properties 2009
    Arizona Corporation Commission
    (ACC)[...]No No None
    Arizona Department of
    Administration[...]Yes No None
    Arizona Department of
    Agriculture (ADA)[...]No No None
    Arizona Department of
    Commerce (ADOC)[...]No Yes None
    Arizona Department of
    Corrections (ADC)[...]No No None
    Arizona Department of Housing
    (ADH)[...]No No None
    Arizona Department of Water
    Resources (ADWR)[...]No No None
    Arizona Division of Emergency &
    Military Affairs (DEMA)[...]NR NR NR
    Arizona Exposition and State
    Fair (AESF) No No No None
    Arizona Game and Fish
    Department (AGFD)[...]No Yes None
    Arizona Geological Survey
    (AGS)[...]No No None
    Arizona Historical Society (AHS) Yes Yes No None
    Arizona Pioneers' Home No[...]
    Arizona State Library Archives &
    Public Records (ASLAPR) No No No None
    Arizona State Parks (ASP) Yes No No None
    Arizona State School for the
    Deaf & Blind (ASDB) Yes Yes No None
    Arizona State University (ASU) Yes Yes Yes None
    Northern Arizona University
    (NAU) Ye[...]No None
    University of Arizona (U of A) Yes Yes Yes[...]ts on Statewide Electronic Property Inventory
    The Arizona State Museum at the U of A, the School of Human Evolution and Social
    Change at ASU, the State Historic Preservation Office, a division of Arizona State Parks,
    and the Museum of Northern Arizona have continued to work cooperatively to
    manage AZ[...]and geographic information system is used by four state
    agencies and the three state universities to assist in performing their mandated cultural
    resources responsibilities. These state agencies and universities also contribute data to[...]nding for
    the system. Users of the system include state and federal agencies, Arizona tribes,
    counties, cities, cultural resource consu[...]overnor’s Executive Order established AZSITE as
    Arizona’s Electronic Inventory of Historical and Archae[...]nities with planning.

    A.R.S. 41-863 RECORDS
    Each state agency shall initiate measures, in consultation with the state historic
    preservation officer, to assure that if, as a result of state action or assistance given by
    the agency, historic property is to be substantially altered or demoli[...]documentary recordation with standards which the
    state historic preservation officer establishes. The agency shall deposit the[...]library, archives and public records and with the state historic
    preservation office for future use and reference.

    Agencies provided[...]res that they initiated, in consultation with the
    State Historic Preservation Officer, to make appropriate documentary recordation of
    any historic properties that were or will be demolished[...]
    [...]or Type of Register of Historic Name of Documentatio
    Agency[...]ces Property n Submitted
    Arizona Corporation Commission
    (ACC) No NA NA
    Arizona Department of
    Administration No NA NA
    Arizona Department of
    Agriculture (ADA) NR
    Arizona Department of
    Commerce (ADOC) No
    Arizona Department of
    Corrections (ADC) No

    Arizona Department of Housing Historical and State-
    (ADH) Yes level Architectural No
    Arizona Department of Water
    Resources (ADWR) No
    Arizona Division of Emergency &
    Military Affairs (DEMA) NR
    Arizona Exposition and State Fair
    (AESF) No
    Arizona Game and Fish
    Department (AGFD) Yes Historical No
    Arizona Geological Survey (AGS) NR NR NR
    Arizona Historical Society (AHS) Yes Historical No
    Arizona Pioneers' Home No
    Arizona State Library Archives &
    Public Records (ASLAPR)[...]Yes, Stabilization & State-level Douglas Mansion
    Arizona State Parks (ASP) Rehabilitation Arch[...]Yes & Tonto Lodge SHPO
    Arizona State School for the Deaf
    & Blind (ASDB) No
    Arizona State University (ASU) No

    Northern Arizona University Yes, Rehabilitation
    (NAU)[...]SHPO &
    University of Arizona (U of A) Yes Histo[...]
    The state historic preservation officer has thirty working days in which to review and
    comment on any plans of a state agency, which involve property which is included on
    or may qualify for inclusion on the Arizona Register of Historic Places, including any
    construction projects, sale, lease or acquisition of historic properties, to insure that the
    prehistorical, his[...]hether they solicited review and
    comment from the State Historic Preservation Officer on any agency plan, which
    involved proper[...]e included on or may qualify for inclusion on the Arizona
    Register of Historic Places, including any construction project, sale, lease or acquisition
    of a historic property. Agencies provided the following informa[...]Consultation on Historic Historic with Indian
    Agency Agency Plans Properties Properties Tribes
    Arizona Corporation
    Commission (ACC) No No No No
    Arizona Department of
    Administration Yes No No No
    Arizona Department of
    Agriculture (ADA) No No No No
    Arizona Department of
    Commerce (ADOC) No No Yes * No
    Arizona Department of
    Corrections (ADC) No No No No
    Arizona Department of
    Housing (ADH) Yes * No No Yes
    Arizona Department of Water
    Resources (ADWR) Yes * No No No
    Arizona Division of
    Emergency & Military Affairs
    (DEMA)[...]es * No NR Yes
    Arizona Exposition and State
    Fair (AESF) No No No No
    Arizona Game and Fish
    Department (AGFD) Yes * No No Yes
    Arizona Geological Survey
    (AGS) No No No No
    Arizona Historical Society
    (AHS) Yes * No No No
    Arizona Pioneers' Home Yes * No Yes * No
    Arizona State Library
    Archives & Public Records
    (ASLAPR)[...]No No No No
    Arizona State Parks (ASP) Yes No[...]
    Arizona State School for the
    Deaf & Blind (ASDB) No No No No
    Arizona State University
    (ASU) Yes * No Yes * Yes
    Northern Arizona University
    (NAU) Yes *[...]No No No

    University of Arizona (U of A) Yes No Yes *[...]with the SHPO and
    agency plans that have enhanced Historic Properties.

    Agency Comments:
    Arizona Department of Administration (ADOA)
    Consulted wit[...]ms building due to structural materials failure.

    Arizona Department of Commerce (ADOC)
    The ADOC provides g[...]her assistance to Main Street Programs throughout
    Arizona. Many of the Main Street Properties are either listed or eligible for the Arizona
    Register of Historic Places. This program not only assists with the preservation of
    historic building stock but also helps promote small business development.

    Arizona Department of Housing (ADOH)
    Applications for funding through ADOH are reviewed by the SHPO.

    Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR)
    Grant applic[...]ical, or
    archaeological reviews related to ADWR.

    Arizona Division of Emergency Management and Milit[...]
    Arizona Game and Fish Department (AG&F)
    AG&F coordinates[...]ve ground
    disturbing activities or renovations of historic properties.

    Arizona Historical Society (AHS)
    AHS consulted with the SHPO on the Livermore Barn.

    Arizona Pioneers’ Home (APH)
    APH staff consulted with the SHPO on energy saving performance contracting. The
    Arizona Pioneers’ Home is listed in the Arizona Register of Historic Places. Front third
    floor balconies were repaired[...]drainage to prevent
    future deterioration. A local preservation architect was involved with ADOA General
    Services in this building renewal funded project.

    Arizona State Parks (ASP)
    ASP consulted with the SHPO prior to[...]thouse (Florence), and Douglas Mansion

    Arizona State University (ASU)
    ASU consulted with the SHPO on t[...]cations
    • Downtown Phoenix – Downtown Post Office
    • Deer Valley Rock Art Center proposed expansion

    Northern Arizona University (NAU)
    NAU Capital Assets ensures buildings with historic designations are preserved and
    treated accordingl[...]cations for roof and brick repair.

    University of Arizona (U of A)
    The U of A consulted with SHPO on the Ol[...]irway, and Indian Ruins building rehabilitation.

    Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT)[...]
    [...]State Agency State or Federal
    Agency Project Agency Total
    Arizona Corporation Commission 6 2 8
    Arizona Department of Environmental Quality 22 5 27
    Arizona Department of Housing 19 31 50
    Arizona Department of Transportation 105 197 302
    Arizona Department of Water Resources 12 5 17
    Arizona Game and Fish Department 17 3 20
    Arizona State Land Department 86 22 108
    Arizona State Park 16 5 21
    Arizona State University 2 4 6
    Arizona Department of Emergency Management and
    Military A[...]2 2 4
    Arizona Department of Commerce 1 1
    Northern Arizona University 1 1
    University of Arizona 10[...]578

    Agencies were asked if they use the State Historic Preservation Plan produced by the
    State Historic Preservation Office.

    The following six agencies responded that they use the State Historic Preservation
    Arizona State University
    Arizona School for the Deaf and Blind
    Arizona State Parks
    Arizona State Library, Archives, and Public Records
    Arizona Historical Society
    Arizona Department of Administration

    Agency Training
    The[...]opportunities were offered in FY 2009
    State Historic Preservation Act Training
    Training at the Historic Preservation Partnership Conference
    • Undertaking Historical Research
    • The basics of Historic-Period Artifact Identification
    • How to prepare a National Register Nomination
    • Working with Historic Building Materials
    • Arguing for Architecture: Criterion “C”
    • Planning a Public Preservation Project
    • Infill as a Sustainability[...]
    [...]ry of Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties
    • LEED Workshop
    • Grant[...]• Broadband as Economic Development

    National Preservation Institute and SHPO
    • Green Building for Historic Buildings
    Historic Landscapes: Planning, Management, and Cultural La[...]agencies in FY 2009.
    • Green Strategies for Historic Buildings
    Historic Preservation Act Training
    • National Historic Preservation Act, Introduction to Section 106
    • National[...]ing by Federal Emergency Management

    State Agency Requests for Training in 2010:
    • Chan[...]managing the process for an
    State Historic Preservation Legislation
    • How to Nominate a Property to the National Register of Historichistoric preservation component into our strategic plan
    and how[...]ze SHPO resources

    This document was compiled by Arizona State Parks, State Historic Preservation Office.
    For more information call 602-542-4174.[...]


    State of Arizona Agency Historic Preservation Compliance Performance Report
    Arizona State Parks Board
    Arizona State Historic Preservation Office
    State Historic Preservation Office, Arizona State Parks
    Historic Preservation
    Historic preservation--Arizona--Planning
    Historic sites--Conservation and restoration--Arizona
    Arizona--History, Local
    Arizona State Parks Board
    State Historic Preservation Office
    Arizona State Parks Board
    State of Arizona Research Library- Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records
    Arizona State Government Publications
    State Document