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    State of Arizona Agency Historic Preservation Compliance Performance Report 2011


    Arizona State Statutes §41-861 through §41-864 direct state agencies to: preserve
    historic properties under their ownership or control; consider the use of historic
    properties for agency responsibilities; establish[...]locate, inventory, and
    nominate properties to the Arizona Register of Historic Places; insure that properties
    are not destroyed or substantially altered by state action or assistance; make
    appropriate documentation in accordance with State Historic Preservation Office
    (SHPO) standards if a property is destroyed or al[...]s report provides a summary of the performance of state agencies in compliance
    with these state statutes. The information provided was compiled f[...]survey questionnaire (see Appendix).

    Arizona Department of Administration (ADOA)
    Arizona Department of Corrections (ADC)
    Arizona Department of Emergency & Military Affairs (ADEMA)
    Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ)
    Arizona Department of Health Services/State Hospital (ADHS)
    Arizona Department of Housing (ADH)
    Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT)
    Arizona Department of Veterans’ Services (ADVS)
    Arizona Division of Emergency Management (ADEM)
    Arizona Exposition and State Fair (AESF)
    Arizona Game a & Fish Department (AG&F)
    Arizona Geological Survey (AGS)
    Arizona Historical Society (AHS)
    Arizona Office of Tourism (AOT)
    Arizona State Land Department (ASLD)
    Arizona Mine Inspector (AMI)
    Arizona State Parks (ASP)
    Arizona State School for the Deaf & Blind (ASDB)
    Arizona State University (ASU)
    Arizona Water Resources Infrastructure and Finance Author[...]ool Facilities Board (SFB)
    University of Arizona (UA)[...]

    Agencies were asked if they have incorporated historic preservation into their agency
    planning. A total of 92.0% of the agencies responded that they had incorporated
    historic preservation in their agency planning, while 50.0% of the agencies responded
    that they had historic preservation in their state plan. A total of 77.3% responded that
    historic preservation was incorporated in agency policies, procedures, or regulations,
    and 70.0% had incorporated historic preservation in applications or agreements.

    Agencies were ask[...]signated an employee to coordinate the agency’s
    historic preservation responsibilities. Responses indicated that 86.4%[...]an employee. Among agencies who had designated a historic
    preservation coordinator, 11.8% indicated that the employee wa[...]sponding agencies had additional staff devoted to historic
    preservation activities. However, only 47.1% of agencies indic[...]ory, architecture, or
    archaeology. Asked how many historic preservation projects or activities they had
    during the 2010-1[...]Considers the Constructed Historic Property
    Use of Historic Buildings for Agency Acquired or[...]Use in 2010-11 Leased in 2010-11
    Arizona Department of Administration Y N
    Arizona Department of Corrections N N
    Arizona Department of Emergency & Y Y
    Military Affairs
    Arizona Department of Environmental Y N
    Arizona Department of Health N Y
    Services/State Hospital
    Arizona Department of Housing N N
    Arizona Department of Transportation Y N
    Arizona Department of Veterans’ Services Y
    Arizona Division of Emergency Mgmt --- ---
    Arizona Exposition and State Fair ---
    Arizona Game a & Fish Department Y Y Y1
    Arizona Geological Survey Y N
    Arizona Historical Society Y Y
    Arizona Office of Tourism N N
    Arizona State Land Department Y N
    Arizona Mine Inspector N N
    Arizona State Parks Y N
    Arizona State School for the Deaf & Blind Y[...]
    Arizona State University Y Y Y2
    Arizona Water Resources Infrastructure N[...]Y N
    University of Arizona Y Y Y3
    Y Foster Ranch (Northern Arizona Shooting Range)
    Y2 Downtown Phoenix YMCA (lease s[...]ouse (purchase)

    Table 3 summarizes agency use of historic buildings. Asked if they had acquired,
    leased or[...]ad. Also, asked if they had considered the use of historic
    properties available to them prior to acquiring,[...]onsibilities, 68.4% responded that they did.

    Arizona Dept. of Administration Y N N None
    Arizona Dept. of Corrections N N N None
    Arizona Dept. of Emergency & Y Y N None
    Military Affairs
    Arizona Dept. of Environmental Y N N None
    Arizona Dept. of Health Y Y --- None
    Services/State Hospital
    Arizona Dept. of Housing N N N None
    Arizona Dept. of Transportation Y[...]
    Arizona Dept. of Veterans’ N N N None
    Arizona Division of Emergency --- --- --- None
    Arizona Exposition & State Fair --- None
    Arizona Game a & Fish Dept. N Y Y None
    Arizona Geological Survey N N N None
    Arizona Historical Society Y Y N None
    Arizona Office of Tourism N N N None
    Arizona State Land Department Y Y None
    Arizona Mine Inspector Y N N None
    Arizona State Parks N N N None
    Arizona State School for the Deaf Y N N None
    & Blind
    Arizona State University Y Y Y None
    Arizona Water Resources N N[...]N N None
    University of Arizona Y N Y[...]program to locate, inventory, and nominate to the Arizona Register of Historic Places
    all properties under the agency's ownershi[...]having
    conducted survey or inventory to identify Arizona Register-eligible properties. A total
    of 25.0% of[...]of agencies actually nominated a property to the Arizona Register.

    A total of 30.0% of agencies provid[...]res that they initiated, in
    consultation with the State Historic Preservation Officer, to make appropriate
    documentary recordation of any historic properties that were or will be demolished[...]
    [...]cluded documentation meeting the standards of
    the Historic American Building Survey/Historic American Engineering Record
    (HABS/HAER) standards[...]altered or destroyed
    were actually listed in the Arizona Register.

    ADOA N
    [...]g properties either listed on or eligible for the Arizona
    Register of Historic Places, including any construction project, sale, lease or
    acquisition of a historic property. A total of 57.9% of agencies indicated[...]acted or enhanced by agency

    Arizona Dept. of Administration Y N
    Arizona Dept. of Corrections Y N
    Arizona Dept. of Emergency & N Y
    Military Affairs
    Arizona Dept. of Environmental N Y
    Arizona Dept. of Health Y N
    Services/State Hospital
    Arizona Dept. of Housing Y Y
    Arizona Dept. of Transportation Y Y Y
    Arizona Dept. of Veterans’ --- N
    Arizona Division of Emergency --- ---
    Arizona Exposition and State Fair --- ---
    Arizona Game a & Fish Dept. Y Y Y
    Arizona Geological Survey ---
    Arizona Historical Society N N
    Arizona Office of Tourism N N
    Arizona State Land Dept. Y Y Y Y
    Arizona Mine Inspector N N
    Arizona State Parks Y Y N
    Arizona State School for the Deaf N N
    & Blind
    Arizona State University Y Y Y Y
    Arizona Water Resources N[...]
    University of Arizona Y Y Y Y

    Agencies reporting an enhancement of a historic property include work at the
    Verdugo Stage Station and School House on land administered by the Arizona State
    Land Department, replacement of roofs at the Quartermaster Depot at Yuma and at
    Fort Verde by Arizona State Parks, and the restoration of the Cannon-Douglass House
    by the University of Arizona.

    The following negative impacts resulting from actions by state agencies were
    reported: Planned alterations to the Montgomery Lounge in the Memorial Union at
    Arizona State University were mitigated through historic documentation of the
    property. Sites on State Trust Land that would be affected by road constru[...]n remains were found and appropriately

    Arizona Department of Administration
    ADOA’s plans to remodel the former Mining and Mineral Museum into the Arizona
    Experience in celebration of the Arizona Centennial were submitted to SHPO for
    review and comment. This historic structure was built in 1921 as the El Zaribah
    Shrine Auditorium.

    Arizona State University
    ASU reported consultation on the follo[...]ooftop installation)
    • Downtown Phoenix Post Office - Student Engagement rehabilitation
    Interdi[...]l - Finding of Effect (Door removal in Room 231)

    Arizona State Parks
    Consultation on roof replacement for the Quartermaster Depot State Historic Park.

    University of Arizona
    The University consulted on the Pima Count[...]
    State agencies were asked additional questions regarding their historic preservation
    activities, planning, and funding. A total of 42.[...]14. 68.4% of agencies said that they utilized the State Historic Preservation
    Plan produced by the SHPO. 15.8% of agencies participated in the Arizona Site
    Steward Program. 10.5% of agencies said that they had applied for historic
    preservation grant funding in the last year to assist with acq[...]eceived
    the funding they requested.

    Arizona Department of Administration Y
    Arizona Department of Corrections N
    Arizona Department of Emergency & Military Affairs Y
    Arizona Department of Environmental Quality N
    Arizona Department of Health Services/State Hospital Y
    Arizona Department of Housing Y
    Arizona Department of Transportation Y
    Arizona Department of Veterans’ Services N
    Arizona Division of Emergency Management ---
    Arizona Exposition and State Fair ---
    Arizona Game a & Fish Department N
    Arizona Geological Survey ---
    Arizona Historical Society Y
    Arizona Office of Tourism N
    Arizona State Land Department Y
    Arizona Mine Inspector Y
    Arizona State Parks Y
    Arizona State School for the Deaf & Blind Y
    Arizona State University Y
    Arizona Water Resources Infrastructure and Finance Author[...]N
    University of Arizona Y

    Th[...]unities were offered in FY 2011:

    Training at the Historic Preservation Partnership Conference
    Arizona Historic Preservation Act, AZSITE & Arizona Antiquities Act
    • Introduction to Pre[...]
    • National Historic Landmarks Update
    • Greening Your Historic Home
    • Preserving Small Business as an Economic Development Strategy
    • Teaming Up for Preservation
    • Bonding for Preservation
    • Renewable Energy Meets Cultural Resource Management
    Arizona Burial Law, Past, Present & Future
    • Urban Preservation Perspectives
    • Rural Preservation Perspectives
    • Tribal Preservation Perspectives
    • How Can We Use Social Media to Help Preserve Historic Buildings
    • A Sustainable Future for Cultu[...]• Undertaking Historical Research

    National Preservation Institute and SHPO
    • Conservation Strategies[...]• Native American Property Law

    Arizona Historic Preservation Act, AZSITE, & Arizona Antiquities Act
    • Urban Preservation Perspectives
    • Tribal Preservation Perspectives

    Historic preservation legislation
    • How to nominate a property to the Arizona/National Register
    • Secretary of th[...]
    State agency survey questionnaire conducted through SurveyMonkey

    1. Has your agency incorporated historic preservation into your agency planning?
    1.a. If yes, is historic preservation incorporated in agency plan? Agency policies, pro[...]signated an employee to coordinate the agency’s
    historic preservation responsibilities?
    2.a. If yes, how much of this designee’s work time is devoted to historic preservation activities?
    2.b. Do you have additional staff devoted to historic preservation activities?
    2.c. Does this designee or any other staff, who are designated to work on historic preservation
    activities, meet the Secretary of the Interior’[...]or
    3. Approximately how many historic preservation projects/activities did your agency have this
    yea[...].S. 41-861, has your agency considered the use of historic properties available to
    the agency prior to acqui[...]ties in the
    last year?
    5.a. If yes, list any historic properties acquired or leased in the last year.
    6[...]program to located, inventory and
    nominate to the Arizona Register of Historic Places all properties under the agency’s owners[...]Did your agency survey or inventory to identify, Arizona Register listed or eligible properties
    in this la[...]e SHPO, determine any properties eligible for the
    Arizona Register or National Register in this last year?
    6.c. Did your agency nominate any properties to the Arizona or National Registers in the last year?
    make appropriate documentary recordation of any historic properties that were or will be demolished
    or sub[...]gical (data recovery)? Ethnohistoric? Historical?
    State-level architectural? Historic American Building Survey? Historic American Engineering Record?
    7.b. Was the pr[...]substantially altered or destroyed listed on the Arizona or National
    Register of Historic Places?
    7.c. If yes, please list the name of[...]en submitted to the required archival repository? State Historic
    Preservation Office? Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records?
    8. P[...]your agency solicited review and comment from the State
    Historic Preservation Officer on any agency plans, which involve proper[...]e included on or
    may qualify for inclusion on the Arizona Register of Historic Places, including any construction
    projects, sales, leases or acquisitions of historic properties?
    8.a. Were any properties eligible for or listed on the Arizona or National Register of Historic Places
    negatively impacted by agency plans/action[...]Were any properties eligible for or listed on the Arizona or National Register enhanced by
    agency plans/act[...]r 2006-14?
    10. Does your agency utilize the State Historic Preservation Plan produced by the SHPO?[...]
    11. The Arizona Site Steward Program is a volunteer program to help agencies protect and
    preserve Arizona and National Register properties through site/pro[...]nd education.
    Does your agency participate in the Arizona Site Steward Program?
    12. Has your agency applied for historic preservation grant funding in the last year to assist with
    acq[...]ing funding sources did you receive funding from: Arizona Heritage
    Fund? Save America’s Treasures? Historic Preservation Fund? Other?
    12.c. If yes, funding was awarded[...]agency activities to protect, preserve or enhance Arizona Register
    listed or eligible properties.
    15. If you attended trainings at the Historic Preservation Partnership Conference, which trainings
    did you attend (check list).
    16. If you attended National Preservation Institute trainings, which one of the trainings d[...]ide any additional information on your agency’s historic preservation program and
    activities not covered by the above q[...]nts and awards.

    This document was compiled by Arizona State Parks, State Historic Preservation Office.
    For more information call 602-542-4174.[...]


    State of Arizona Agency Historic Preservation Compliance Performance Report
    Arizona State Parks Board
    Arizona State Historic Preservation Office
    State Historic Preservation Office, Arizona State Parks
    Historic Preservation
    Historic preservation--Arizona--Planning
    Historic sites--Conservation and restoration--Arizona
    Arizona--History, Local
    Arizona State Parks Board
    State Historic Preservation Office
    Arizona State Parks Board
    State of Arizona Research Library- Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records
    Arizona State Government Publications
    State Document