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    Annotated bibliography of Arizona heritage preservation education materials for kindergarten through twelfth grades


    Annotated Bibliography
    of Arizona Heritage Preservation
    Education Materials for
    Kindergarten through Twelfth Grades

    by Carol J. Ellick

    Prepared for
    Arizona State Parks
    State Historic Preservation Office
    1300 W. Washington
    Phoenix, AZ 85007

    Sponsored by the Arizona Heritage Fund
    ASP Project/PCA No. 649674[...]l Research, Inc.
    P.O. Box 31865
    Tucson, Arizona 85751

    Public Archaeology Series 2
    Statistical Research, Inc.
    Tucson, Arizona

    First Printing April 1998
    Arizona State Parks Board[...]State Land Commissioner[...]Renée E. Bahl

    Arizona State Parks[...]Rafael Payan
    Phoenix, Arizona 85007
    Tel. &TTY: (602) 542-4174
    or (800) 285-3703[...]Leslie Schwalbe
    Fax: (602) 542-4180[...]blication was prepared under the authority of the Arizona State Parks Board.
    It is available in alternative formats by contacting the Public Information Office.[...]

    Arizona State Parks & National Parks & Monuments ..............[...]...........................................53
    Historic Preservation .................................................[...]..................................56

    Appendix 1: Arizona Academic Standards .......................[...]
    [...]tage-education materials for grades K–12 in the state their assistance. Nancy Larson assisted with the
    of Arizona, that question has been answered and we can[...]SHPO library. Lynne Yamaguchi,
    The Heritage Preservation Advisory Commission production manager, fit the layout and formatting of this
    (HPAC) and the Arizona State Historic Preservation publication into an already overwhelming schedule.
    Office (SHPO) deserve credit for the foresight to propos[...]ce,
    and support this project. The production of a state- again assuring me that she loved every minute of it. I
    specific annotated bibliography puts Arizona on the couldn’t have done it w[...]
    [...]architecture, cultural history, or heritage preservation of
    increased, an increasing number of agencies and Arizona, or are general enough to be used in Arizona.
    organizations have set aside money for the devel[...]that is never quite complete;
    and distribution of preservation-education-oriented the more you[...], the grade level, if the resource or
    of heritage-preservation education materials. A special infor[...]termine what is already available Arizona Performance Objectives, and archaeology is
    before[...]aeological, architectural, mouth.
    and preservation education materials relating in some way[...]resource was created as a reference point for
    to Arizona for grades K–12; creation of a resource library[...]r to resources relating to Arizona’s historical period. This
    educators intr[...]
    [...]x x 6

    Intrigue of the Past: A Teacher’s Activity Gui[...]cular Materials, AUTHOR: Arizona Archaeological Council (AAC)
    & Lesson Plan[...]
    REGION: Arizona[...]qualified
    TOPIC: archaeology, cultural history, & preservation archaeologist in a field or laborato[...]ing P.O. Box 909
    Archaeology in Arizona. Pinevi[...](800) 323-0732
    Arizona Archaeological Council[...]PERIOD: prehistoric & historic
    PRICE: $2.75[...]ON: general
    TOPIC: archaeology, cultural history, historic architec- Archaeology: Studying Ancient Lives and Cultures is
    ture, & preservation a st[...]nit that can be adapted for
    PERIOD: prehistoric & historic general classr[...]direct archaeological REGION: general & Arizona
    TOPIC: archaeology, cultural history, & preservation[...]
    PERIOD: prehistoric & historic IN LIBRARY: ye[...]th the
    and historical-period cultures of southern Arizona. Dig into the Past: Archaeology Tea[...]REGION: general & Arizona
    Tucson, AZ 85717-0040 TOPIC: archaeology, cultural history, & preservation
    (520) 743-7422 PERIOD: prehistoric & historic

    TITLE: Dig into the Past[...]essment checklists and evaluation instru-
    REGION: Arizona & Southwest[...]
    [...]est presents a preservation message.
    TOPIC: cultural history
    PERIOD: prehistoric & historic CONTACT:[...]ern New Mexico. The activities let Arizona
    students gain a personal experiential base to tes[...]d Children magazine. It is now REGION: Arizona
    available from the Bureau of Land Management Anasazi TOPIC: archaeology, cultural history, & preservation
    Heritage Center. PERIOD: prehistoric & historic

    CONTACT:[...]Discovering Archaeology in Arizona is the cultural
    Anasazi Heritage Center[...]cultural history in Arizona. Each essay covers a research
    TITLE: Hohokam Arts[...]Arizona was a joint project of the Bureau of Land Man-
    REGION: Arizona agement, the Arizona Archaeological Council Archae-
    TOPIC: archaeology[...]periodically throughout Arizona or by request.[...]
    [...]PRODUCED: 1993
    Arizona Archaeological Council[...]ll-out in the center that has a
    REGION: general & Arizona poste[...]he other.
    TOPIC: archaeology, cultural history, & preservation Students study aerodynamics, velocity, and kinetic energy
    PERIOD: prehistoric & historic as they re[...]REGION: Central Arizona
    P.O. Box 758[...]TOPIC: cultural history, archaeology, & preservation
    Dolores, CO 81323 PERIOD: prehistoric & historic
    (303) 882-4811[...]IN LIBRARY: yes
    For workshop information contact:
    Arizona Archaeological Council[...]
    [...]REGION: Arizona & Southwest
    Tempe, AZ 85282[...]PERIOD: prehistoric & historic

    TITLE: Project Archeology: Saving Traditions[...]f Santa Cruz de Terrenate in
    TOPIC: archaeology & preservation southern Arizona. The materials included in the lesson
    PERIOD: prehistoric & historic are interdisci[...]has been vali- Cindy Ramsay
    dated by the state of Washington. Bu[...]c Education
    culminating activity is proactive and preservation oriented GRADE LEVEL: 3-12
    as students use[...]TOPIC: archaeology, cultural history, & preservation
    PERIOD: prehistoric & historic
    Sopris West, Inc.[...]
    [...]ods, teaching local PERIOD: prehistoric & historic
    cultural history, archaeology as multidisciplinar[...]: general
    TOPIC: archaeology, cultural history, & preservation[...]

    Heritage Lessons on the Themes: Preservation of x X x[...]12
    the Natural and Built Environment and
    Preservation of Oral Language Traditions

    I Know That Building[...]x 13

    Teaching with Historic Places (lessons) X x[...]x 14

    Teaching with Historic Places: A Curriculum[...]TOPIC: historic architecture & preservation
    PERIOD: historic

    TITLE: Box City[...]
    [...]arning, partially funded by an Arizona Heritage Fund Grant
    participation, creative thinking, critical thinking, decision administered by the Arizona State Historic Preservation
    making, and opportunities for developing confidence and Office, Arizona State Parks Board.
    reinforcing self-esteem, multicultur[...]e Built Environment (CUBE) PERIOD: historic
    5328 W. 67th St.
    Prairie Village, KS 66208[...]Land Management Anasazi Heritage Center.
    REGION: Arizona & Phoenix area
    TOPIC: historic architecture & heritage preservation CONTACT:
    PERIOD: historic[...]Bass Fish Hatchery, AUTHOR: Phoenix Historic Preservation Office
    Mill Avenue Bridge, Our Lady of Mount Carmel/St.[...]a photo, a history of the REGION: Arizona
    resource, ideas for before the visit, what can be seen on TOPIC: historic architecture & preservation
    the bus trip, ideas for post–field trip activities, an PERIOD: historic
    explanation of how each resource relates t[...]
    [...]Historic Preservation Office
    At the request of local educators, a list of repositories P.O. Box 2059
    containing photos of historic structures was assembled. Prescott, AZ[...]collections. The repositories listed
    include: the Historic Preservation Office, City of Phoenix; TITLE: Heritage Lessons on the Themes: Preservation
    State Historic Preservation Office, Arizona State Parks; of the Natural and Built Environment and Preservation
    Department of Archives and Manuscripts, University of Oral Language Traditions
    Libraries, Arizona State University; Research Division, AUTHOR: Teacher Interns, Flagstaff Schools, and
    State of Arizona Department of Library, Archives, and Northern Arizona University
    Public Records; and Museum Division, State of Arizona GRADE LEVEL: 1–6
    Department of Lib[...]REGION: Arizona & general[...]TOPIC: archaeology, cultural history, historic architec-
    CONTACT: ture, & preservation
    Phoenix Historic Preservation Office PERIOD: prehistoric & historic
    City of Phoenix Planning Department
    125 E. Washin[...]Arizona Commission on the Arts, Arizona Humanities
    TITLE: Heritage Hunt Prescott Council, National Trust for Historic Preservation, and
    AUTHOR: Yavapai Heritage Foundation National Park Service, focuses on preservation. There are
    GRADE LEVEL: 4–7[...]buildings, cowboy culture, Arizona history, rock art, Glen
    PRICE: out of print[...]lists objectives, grade level, materials,
    REGION: Arizona[...]pilot tested by teacher
    TOPIC: cultural history & historic architecture interns in the Flagstaff schools and the Northern Arizona
    PERIOD: historic[...]r students. It was developed through a State Historic Preservation Office, Librarian
    matching grant administered by the State Historic Pres- Arizona State Parks
    ervation Office, Arizona State Parks. The paper contains 1300 W. Washi[...]treasure hunt for locating (602) 542-4009
    historic buildings, landmarks, and architectural features.[...]t is currently out of print. The
    City of Prescott Historic Preservation Office has the TITLE: I Know That Building![...]TOPIC: historic architecture & preservation
    City of Prescott PERIOD: historic[...]
    [...]is the special concern of the National Trust for
    Historic Preservation. The “archi-ventures” in this book[...], two skyscrapers, and an old PERIOD: historic
    covered bridge. The guide also includes informati[...]about the past begins at home. This activity
    The Preservation Press[...]t of local history. Activities
    National Trust for Historic Preservation include researching i[...]5328 W. 67th St.
    TOPIC: historic architecture Prairie Village, KS 66208
    PERIOD: historic[...]mapping, and researching, PERIOD: historic
    analyzing, and reporting on their findings[...]
    [...]TOPIC: archaeology, cultural history, preservation, &
    dren magazine. It is now available from the Bureau of historic architecture
    Land Management Anasazi Heritage Center. PERIOD: prehistoric & historic

    CONTACT:[...]Teaching with Historic Places: A Curriculum Frame-
    Anasazi Heritage Cent[...]cornerstone of the Teaching with Historic Places
    Dolores, CO 81323 program. The program brings historic places into the
    (970) 882-4811[...]al sites, and delve into the
    TITLE: Teaching with Historic Places historical h[...]minimum order, 2 titles) with Historic Places program and draws on the best ideas[...]r teachers,
    TOPIC: archaeology, cultural history, preservation, & curriculum specialists, preservationists, and museum and
    historic architecture site interpreters.
    PERIOD: prehistoric & historic[...]National Trust for Historic Preservation[...]1785 Massachusetts Ave., NW
    Trust for Historic Preservation, Teaching with Historic Washington, DC 20036
    Places lessons ar[...]hotos, and AUTHOR: Patricia Brown Glenn
    historic documents. The lessons are laid out with a GRADE LEVEL: 4–adult
    historic overview, student objectives and activities,[...]TOPIC: historic architecture
    Jackdaw Publications PERIOD: historic
    P.O. Box 503
    Amawalk, NY 10501[...]al elements that make up the
    TITLE: Teaching with Historic Places: A Curriculum buildings. T[...]unter the National Register of Historic Places.
    GRADE LEVEL: adult
    PRODUCED: 1995[...]
    [...]our cities: preservation, new technology, growth, safety,[...]around the Block and Box City have been
    Phoenix, Arizona. The activity book is filled with ch[...]DUCED: 1997
    PRICE: $35.00

    REGION: general
    TOPIC: historic architecture & preservation
    PERIOD: historic

    IN LIBRARY: yes[...]
    [...]PERIOD: prehistoric & historic
    TOPIC: archaeology & cultural history
    PERIOD: pre[...]eology Subscription Service
    Anthropology Outreach Office P[...]
    REGION: general
    TOPIC: archaeology, cultural history, historic architec- Kiva is the journal of the Arizona Archaeological and
    ture, & preservation His[...]scholarly papers on south-
    PERIOD: prehistoric & historic western archa[...]Arizona Archaeological and Historical Society
    A computer search of ERIC to locate resources contained Arizona State Museum
    in journals and magazines was completed using the key University of Arizona
    words archaeology + education (131 documents found), Tucson, AZ 85721
    historic + architecture + education (64 documents found),
    preservation + education + K-12 (8 documents found),[...]GRADE LEVEL: 4–6
    archaeology + education + Arizona (4 documents found). PRODUCED: monthl[...]ubscription
    completed for the listings related to Arizona or non-place-
    specific topics. Annotations were p[...]PERIOD: prehistoric & historic
    Educational Resources Information Cleari[...]haeology & cultural history
    PERIOD: prehistoric & historic TITLE: ZiNj[...]research. REGION: general & Arizona
    TOPIC: archaeology, cultural history, historic architec-
    PUBLISHER: ture, & preservation
    University Museum PERIOD: prehistoric & historic
    University of Pennsylvania
    33rd and Spruce[...]es Its Head; Do-It-Yourself
    PERIOD: prehistoric & historic Dinosa[...]

    The Archaeology of Arizona x x[...]20

    Signs of Life: Archaeology and Preservation x x x x[...]21
    Archaeological Heritage

    Spanish Settlement of Arizona x x x[...]TOPIC: archaeology, cultural history, & historic archi-[...]PERIOD: prehistoric & historic
    TITLE: Archaeology on Film
    GRADE LEVEL: ad[...]
    [...]ally, then by topic and regional focus. Arizona Historical Society
    Each reference includes title,[...]IN LIBRARY: yes

    REGION: general, Southwest, & Arizona This four-page refer[...]t. The reviews are based on
    PERIOD: prehistoric & historic use by the au[...]PRODUCER: Arizona Archaeological Council (AAC)
    TITLE: Audio-Visual[...]IN LIBRARY: no
    The Education Department of the Arizona Historical
    Society, Southern Arizona Division, holds a variety of This 30-[...]Arizona Historical Society
    [...](303) 882-4811

    TITLE: The Archaeology of Arizona TITLE: The Science of Archaeology
    PRODUCER: Arizona Archaeological Council (ACC) PRODUCER: Arizona Archaeological Council (AAC)
    Archaeology for the[...]ICE: available on loan, postage required

    REGION: Arizona REGION: Arizona
    TOPIC: archaeology & cultural history TOPIC: archaeology & preservation
    PERIOD: prehistoric PERIOD: prehistoric & historic

    IN LIBRARY: no[...]e and laboratory practices, and delivers a preservation
    show.[...]tment Arizona Archaeological Council
    Arizona Historical Society[...]TOPIC: archaeology, cultural history, & preservation
    PRICE: out of print PERIOD: prehistoric & historic

    REGION: general[...]RARY: yes
    TOPIC: archaeology, cultural history, & preservation The State Historic Preservation Office has a variety of
    PERIOD: prehistoric[...]the Arizona Site Stewards in their training programs. For
    Thi[...]in lower elementary available, contact Arizona State Parks, State Historic
    grades to the concept of stewardship of our country’s Preservation Office.
    natural resources. A workbook containing activit[...]video is available. State Historic Preservation Office
    Arizona State Parks[...]TITLE: Signs of Life: Archaeology and Preservation in
    Anasazi Heritage Center[...]
    [...]roblem of
    TOPIC: archaeology, cultural history, & preservation vandalism and the preservation of heritage resources, and
    PERIOD: prehistoric[...]looks back on the
    Signs of Life: Archaeology and Preservation in New destruction with regret.
    Me[...]companies the video
    ing grant from the New Mexico Office of Cultural Affairs, contains four units related to the information presented on
    Historic Preservation Division. The production is suitable the v[...]jury, and pothunter.
    Shot all around the state of New Mexico, Signs of Life When[...]other sites before school in New Mexico, Arizona, southern Colorado,
    moving into the laboratory in[...]le both now TITLE: Spanish Settlement of Arizona
    and in the future. PRODUCER: Arizona Historical Society, Southern
    The production is available in English and Spanish- Arizona Division
    captioned versions, and with closed-capt[...]REGION: Arizona
    Austin, TX 78764[...]PERIOD: historic

    TITLE: Silent Witness: Protecting American India[...]UBLISHER:
    TOPIC: archaeology, cultural history, & preservation Education Department
    PERIOD: prehistoric Arizona Historical Society[...]
    TOPIC: archaeology, cultural history, & preservation
    PERIOD: prehistoric & historic[...]a TOPIC: archaeology, cultural history, & preservation
    system of stars. In addition to the rating[...]
    [...]AUTHOR: Arizona Historical Society
    The guide book accompanyi[...]REGION: Arizona
    Doreen Bailey[...]PERIOD: historic
    P.O. Box 53400
    Santa Fe, NM 87502[...]The Arizona Historical Society Education Division offers
    TITL[...]Spanish Settlement in Arizona, Mountain Men in
    AUTHOR: Santa Fe Indian School Students Arizona, and Ndé: Apaches in Arizona. Each kit includes
    GRADE LEVEL: 6–adult[...]t Arizona Historical Society
    TOPIC: archaeology, cultural history, & preservation 949 E. Second St.
    PERIOD: prehistori[...]PERIOD: prehistoric & historic
    The exhibit is included on the Four Co[...]
    [...]x 26
    Phoenix, Arizona

    The Archaeology of Ancient Arizona[...]
    [...]University of Arizona Press[...]TITLE: The Archaeology of Ancient Arizona
    PERIOD: prehistoric & historic AUTHOR: Jefferso[...]REGION: Arizona[...]tation of the cultural history of Arizona, this book is
    GRADE LEVEL: adult[...]people into Arizona up to the time of Coronado’s expe-[...]s relating to each chapter.
    PERIOD: prehistoric & historic[...]University of Arizona Press[...]am Village in REGION: general
    Phoenix, Arizona TOPIC: archaeology, cultural history, & preservation[...]mals. As the mystery unfolds, readers are
    REGION: Arizona c[...]looting of archaeological sites, and preservation of
    PERIOD: prehistoric[...]
    [...]son, Tobi Taylor, and Johna
    PERIOD: prehistoric & historic Hutira

    IN LIBRAR[...]s. REGION: Arizona[...]PERIOD: prehistoric & historic
    New York, NY[...]investigation at Heritage Square in Phoenix, Arizona. The
    GRADE LEVEL: 1–3[...]events to those of the world. There is a list of Arizona[...]
    [...]Prehistory of the Southwest
    PERIOD: prehistoric & historic AUTHOR: Linda S.[...]PERIOD: prehistoric & historic

    TITLE: The Practical Archaeologist: How We Know[...]Norton
    PERIOD: prehistoric & historic New York,[...]
    [...]ustrates the territories of
    PERIOD: prehistoric & historic prehistoric[...]IN LIBRARY: no
    TOPIC: preservation & historic architecture
    PERIOD: historic[...]New York, NY
    The Preservation Press TITLE: The Anasazi: A New True Book
    National Trust for Historic Preservation AUTHOR: David P[...]
    [...]e Southwest. The books are well PERIOD: historic
    illustrated with color and black-and-white photog[...]PRICE: $6.95
    TOPIC: cultural history
    PERIOD: historic REGION: Arizona and New Mexico[...]PERIOD: prehistoric & historic

    The Indians of North America Series has p[...]
    [...]TOPIC: archaeology, cultural history, & preservation
    REGION: Arizona PERIOD: prehistoric & historic
    TOPIC: archaeology, cultural history, & preservation
    PERIOD: prehistoric[...]A 16-page booklet on the Romero Ruin of Catalina State across the southwestern United States and gives readers a
    Park, just north of Tucson, Arizona, Archaeology in the glimpse of the prehis[...]San Francisco, CA 94103
    Catalina State Park
    P.O. Box 36986[...]
    [...]REGION: Arizona
    TOPIC: archaeology, cultural history, & preservation
    TITLE: Easy Field Guide to Rock Art Symbols of th[...]t Historic Ft. Lowell. The book presents an archaeological
    TOPIC: archaeology, cultural history, & preservation interpretation of the Hohokam people[...]oups: migration, clans, the University of Arizona Press
    people, spirituality, spirits, shields, map[...]designed
    TOPIC: archaeology, cultural history, & preservation for casual readers and visito[...]
    [...]historic cultural group in the Southwest.
    REGION: Arizona[...]s of archaeological sites, artifacts, and
    PERIOD: historic[...]ixson PERIOD: historic
    PRODUCED: 1991[...]on by modern civilization.
    PERIOD: prehistoric & historic This s[...]
    PRODUCED: 1990
    PRICE: $9.95

    REGION: Arizona & New Mexico
    TOPIC: archaeology & cultural history
    PERIOD: prehistoric & historic

    IN LIBRARY: no

    Three authorities, who ar[...]
    [...]PERIOD: prehistoric
    PERIOD: historic[...]of a series of 16-page booklets designed
    REGION: Arizona[...]in the Southwest. Each of the book covers
    PERIOD: historic[...]provides a good introduction to Spanish colonial Arizona. Southwestern cultural areas is on the ba[...]PUBLISHER:
    University of Arizona Press[...]
    [...]PERIOD: prehistoric & historic
    PRODUCED: 1991[...]BC–AD 200 contains chap-
    PERIOD: prehistoric & historic ters on Alexande[...]an, the
    one-page descriptions of past and present Arizona Indian Aryan civilization in India,[...]
    [...]New York, NY
    TOPIC: cultural history
    PERIOD: historic[...]TOPIC: archaeology, cultural history, & preservation
    art. The original edition (Harper and Row 1985) included PERIOD: historic[...]
    [...]faking artifacts. PERIOD: prehistoric & historic

    PUBLISHER:[...]en in terms of more PERIOD: prehistoric & historic
    recent research.[...]TITLE: Keepers of the Night
    PERIOD: historic[...]PERIOD: prehistoric & historic
    The Filter Press[...]
    [...]GRADE LEVEL: pre-K–8
    PERIOD: historic PR[...]avajo. PERIOD: prehistoric & historic

    PUBLISHER:[...]etation. REGION: Arizona
    TOPIC: archaeology, cultural history, & preservation
    PUBLISHER: PERIOD: prehistoric & historic
    Houghton Mifflin
    Boston, MA[...]together in a tale of discovery, respect, and preservation.
    GRADE LEVEL: 2–4[...]Mountain area of Phoenix, Arizona. Though geared to[...]every age.
    TOPIC: cultural history
    PERIOD: historic[...]
    [...]REGION: Southwest
    TOPIC: cultural history
    PERIOD: historic T[...]TOPIC: archaeology, cultural history, & preservation
    PUBLISHER: PERIOD: historic
    Cobblehill Books
    New York, NY[...]Harper and Row
    PERIOD: historic N[...]PERIOD: historic
    TITLE: A Thief of Time
    AUTHOR: Tony Hillerman[...]ation and
    TOPIC: archaeology, cultural history, & preservation construction projects at the monument. Walker of Time
    PERIOD: historic[...]
    [...]x x 42
    from Arizona

    Arizona Archaeology Week: Promoting the Past[...]20013-7127
    TOPIC: archaeology, cultural history, historic architec- (202) 343-4101
    ture, & preservation
    PERIOD: prehistoric & historic TITLE: Archa[...]from Arizona
    IN LIBRARY: yes[...]for Historical Archaeology conference in Tucson,
    Arizona. Following the session, the papers REGION: Arizona
    were compiled into this publication for distribution by the TOPIC: archaeology & preservation
    National Park Service. The papers chronicl[...]
    [...]ting REGION: general
    Indiana Jones in Arizona” at the 53rd Annual Meeting of TOPIC: a[...]orical
    describes the goals and motivations of the Arizona
    Archaeological Council (AAC) Archaeology for the[...]s been learned
    about the “ethnography” of the Arizona school system, This study identifies me[...]GRADE LEVEL: adult
    TITLE: Arizona Archaeology Week: Promoting the Past[...]TOPIC: archaeology, cultural history, & preservation
    PRODUCED: 1988
    PRICE: free IN LIBRARY: yes
    REGION: Arizona
    TOPIC: archaeology, cultural history, & preservation The guidelines clearly lay out information to be consid-
    PERIOD: prehistoric & historic ered in the deve[...]d
    specific topic. Technical Brief No. 2 describes Arizona For More Information. An evaluation form[...]feedback.
    celebrations promote awareness and preservation.[...]
    [...]REGION: Arizona
    TOPIC: archaeology, cultural history, & preservation
    The National Council for Preservation Education ap- PERIOD: prehistoric & historic
    pointed a committee to explore the applications f[...]tial for mapping future policy in heritage Arizona Heritage Fund grant to implement an archaeo-
    educ[...]education materials. They added the creation of a
    Historic Preservation Program[...]

    Environmental Education in Arizona[...]TOPIC: archaeology, cultural history, & preservation
    GRADE LEVEL: 3–8[...]IN LIBRARY: informational brochure only

    REGION: Arizona[...]nonprofit organization located in Cortez,
    PERIOD: historic[...]
    TOPIC: archaeology, cultural history, historic REGION: Arizona
    architecture, & preservation TOPIC: archaeology, cultural history, preservation, &
    PERIOD: prehistoric & historic historic architecture
    PERIOD: prehistoric & historic
    IN LIBRARY: yes[...]environmental education opportunities in the state of
    who are looking for advanced training related to Arizona. Each listing contains a brief organizational
    preservation and management of cultural resources and[...]ervice.
    Park Service and the National Council for Preservation
    Education, a private nonprofit organization prima[...]NTACT:
    composed of colleges and universities with historic- USDA Forest Service
    preservation programs. Regional Office, Southwestern Region[...]RESOURCE: Main Street Kids
    REGION: Arizona[...]EL: 5–8
    TOPIC: archaeology, cultural history, & preservation PRICE: free
    PERIOD: prehistoric[...]REGION: Arizona
    IN LIBRARY: no TOPIC: historic architecture & preservation
    PERIOD: historic
    Elden Pueblo is a prehistoric Sinagua ruin contai[...]res. The site is located just north of Flagstaff,
    Arizona. There are many programs for children and[...]this program is the maintenance of historic buildings. The
    P.O. Box 3496[...]Committee.

    TITLE: Environmental Education in Arizona CONTACT:
    GRADE L[...]
    [...]southern Arizona through classroom instruction and
    REGION: Arizona ha[...]Day programs offer kids and adults the


    Arizona State Parks and National Parks and Monuments Materials,[...]x 47

    Tubac Presidio State Historic Park x x x[...]URCE: Casa Grande Ruins National Monument
    REGION: Arizona GR[...]ral history, & architecture
    PERIOD: prehistoric & historic REGION: Arizona[...]
    [...]PERIOD: historic
    Casa Grande Ruins National Monument
    1100 Ruins Dr[...]Tubac Presidio State Historic Park has created a class-
    RESOURCE: Grand Canyon[...]room activity book, A Day at School in the Arizona
    GRADE LEVEL: adult[...]room schoolhouse.
    REGION: Arizona
    TOPIC: archaeology, cultural history, & preservation CONTACT:
    PERIOD: prehistoric & historic Tubac Presidio State Historic Park[...]of the Interior REGION: Arizona
    National Park Services[...]PERIOD: prehistoric & historic
    P.O. Box 129
    Grand Canyon, AZ 86023-0129[...], entitled Encounters, offers eight units
    REGION: Arizona[...]ite, once occupied by pre- P.O. Box 67
    historic people known as the Hohokam, consists of a[...]AZ 85034
    (602) 495-0901

    RESOURCE: Tubac Presidio State Historic Park
    GRADE LEVEL: K–8, adult

    REGION: Arizona specific[...]
    [...]x x 48

    Arizona Archaeological and Historical Society[...]x x 48

    Arizona Archaeological Council, Archaeology for x[...]x 49
    Educators Committee

    Arizona Archaeological Society[...]x 49

    Arizona Association for Learning in and about the[...]x 49

    Arizona Historical Society[...]x 50

    Arizona Site Steward Program[...]x x 50

    Arizona State Museum x x[...]CONTACT:
    TOPIC: archaeology, cultural history, & preservation ARARA Membership
    Arizona State Museum
    IN LIBRARY: informational brochure only University of Arizona[...]ed to advancing research in ORGANIZATION: Arizona Archaeological and
    the field of rock art, informi[...]TOPIC: archaeology, cultural history, historic architec-
    ture, & preservation[...]
    [...]REGION: Arizona
    IN LIBRARY: informational brochure only TOPIC: archaeology, cultural history, historic architec-
    ture, & preservation
    Founded in 1916, AAHS is an incorporated educational
    organization affiliated with the Arizona State Museum, IN LIBRARY: no information
    University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. The society’s
    objectives are to encourage scho[...]protect antiquities by discouraging exploitation
    preservation of archaeological and historical-period sites;[...]scientific and legal gathering of cultural preservation of scientific archaeological data and
    information[...]prove the skills of members in the disciplines of
    Arizona State Museum; and to provide educational[...]Chapters are available statewide.
    Arizona State Museum CONTACT:
    University of Arizona AAS[...]Carefree, AZ 85337
    ORGANIZATION: Arizona Archaeological Council (602[...]ORGANIZATION: Arizona Association for Learning in[...]and about the Environment (AALE)
    REGION: Arizona[...]EL: adult
    TOPIC: archaeology, cultural history, & preservation
    REGION: Arizona
    IN LIBRARY: informational brochure only TOPIC: archaeology & preservation

    The AAC Archaeology for Educators Committee is[...]learn more about environmental
    activities during Arizona Archaeology Awareness Month; concepts[...]a statewide
    developed Discovering Archaeology in Arizona; and network for sharing ideas,[...]iate, develop, and sponsor programs and services.
    state.[...]Arizona Association for Learning in and about the
    Arizona Archaeological Council[...](520) 786-9969

    ORGANIZATION: Arizona Archaeological Society RESOURCE: Arizona Historical Society
    (AAS)[...]REGION: Arizona[...]
    [...](602) 542-4009
    PERIOD: historic
    ORGANIZATION: Arizona State Museum
    IN LIBRARY: informational brochure only[...]GRADE LEVEL: K–adult

    Founded in 1884, the Arizona Historical Society has been REGION: Arizona & Southwest
    preserving and teaching about Arizona’s past for over TOPIC: archaeology & cultural history
    100 years. AHS is a nonprofit state agency with the
    mission to collect, preserve, int[...]LIBRARY: informational brochure only
    history of Arizona and surrounding regions. There are
    four divisions in the state: the Central Arizona Division in The Arizona State Museum on the campus of the Uni-
    Tempe; Northern Arizona Division in Coconino County; versity of Arizona promotes understanding of American
    Rio Colorado D[...]cultures in the Southwest through the collection,
    Arizona Division in Tucson. preservation, and educational use of Native American art[...]erial culture. The museum houses exhibits that
    of Arizona History; special invitations to all events, films[...]Public Programs
    Arizona Historical Society Arizona State Museum
    949 E. Second St. University of Arizona
    Tucson, AZ 85719[...](520) 626-9172

    ORGANIZATION: Arizona Site Steward Program OR[...]REGION: Arizona
    REGION: Arizona[...]archaeology
    TOPIC: archaeology, cultural history, historic architec-
    ture, & preservation I[...]cational organization that specializes in the
    The Arizona Site Steward Program is an organization of[...]rs of research focus is southern Arizona.
    Arizona and Tribal governments, whose members are
    selected, trained, and certified by the State Historic Members are afforded the opportunity to participate
    Preservation Office and the Arizona Archaeological in archaeologica[...]logy in
    chaeological and paleontological sites in Arizona. Tucson, a quarterly publicatio[...]Tucson, AZ 85716
    State Historic Preservation Office (520) 881-2244
    Arizona State Parks
    1300 W. Washington[...]
    [...]REGION: Arizona
    REGION: general[...]archaeology
    TOPIC: archaeology, cultural history, historic architec-
    ture, & preservation IN[...]TOPIC: archaeology, cultural history, & preservation
    REGION: Arizona
    TOPIC: cultural history & preservation IN LIBRARY: informati[...]ities Program of State Network Coordinators; Save the Past for th[...]
    Americas; and A Survey of State Statutes Protecting Michael J. Rodef[...]Society for Historic Archaeology
    Business Office
    CONTACT:[...]REGION: Arizona
    TOPIC: archaeology, cultural history, & preservation TOPIC: archaeology, cultural history, & preservation
    IN LIBRARY: informational brochure only[...]search and the dissemination toric past of Arizona. Guided by experienced avocational
    of know[...]
    [...]WEB SITES at Arizona State University and is dedicated to education,[...]research, and preservation of the past. There are few[...]Corners states (Colorado, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico) of the American S[...]Author is very sensitive about preservation issues.[...]s) you can join.[...]ican Archaeology by the Office of State Archaeology in Raleigh, North[...]more about Project Archaeology. Arizona Site Steward Program[...]
    [...]m Europe to China, this site looks at salt from a
    Arizona State Museum var[...]spectives— geology, archaeology, eco- nomics,[...]Jamestown Historic Site[...]Malpais. Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities[...]ological project. Includes
    Chaco Culture National Historic Park historical informatio[...]urce
    Information about the Chaco Culture National Historic on historic forts.
    Park in the Four Corners region of Southwe[...]resources as well as upcoming events in your state.
    Deer Valley Rock Art Center[...].html participated in at Homol’ovi State Park in Arizona.
    Another University of[...]aterials to help students Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
    better understand people’s interaction with the[...]ource page with The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation is an
    prepared lessons for all age groups. The we[...].edu/defs/independent/ National Trust for Historic Preservation
    PCC/PCC.html[...]cludes information on clans, customs, for Historic Preservation, membership, Preservation
    etiquette. Magazine, travel, historic homes, “Fun at the Trust,” and
    lodging at historic hotels.
    Royal Ontario Museum: Archaeological Anal[...]on the Net National Register of Historic Places[...]t This web site provides information on how historic places
    feels like to be an archaeologist.[...] state laws regarding cultural resource management and
    An interactive site designed to introduce kids to some historic preservation.
    basic aspects of archaeology. How would a[...]
    [...]APPENDIX 1

    Arizona Academic Standards[...]
    [...]merican federalism, and initiated the
    welfare state.

    Standard 3: The origins and course o[...]


    Arizona State Historic Preservation Office
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    State Historic Preservation Office
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    Arizona State Government Publications
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