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    Historic trails in Arizona


    [...]ormation about each trail, however, as with other historic research,
    ■ El Camino del Diablo[...]formation is conflicti ng or difficult to verify. Historic trails 4
    Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail Kearny's Gila River Trail[...]Leach's Wagon Road
    ■ The Old Arizona Road - "The Honeymoon Trail" Butterfie[...]te Managing and conserving Arizona's natural, cu ltural, and ~[...]r the benefit of fl'1'e people, both Arizona r ,1
    ■ General Crook Trail[...]our partners. State Park5
    [...]Historic Trail (1775)[...]■ The Old Arizona Road[...]the Sonoran Desert in southwestern Arizona that includes the[...]The 138-mile long Old Arizona Road was a
    11.•111i11tbs ol A11m11a\ rid1 lw,tn[...]t. George, Utal1, and culminated
    Trail, and 01he1 historic trails bring to mind the exciting chapters in This 60-mile-long historic dirt track crosses an area of more Diarie[...]ows one of the more striking geologic features in Arizona, at Lee's Feny on the Colorado River in
    A1110[...]Arizona.[...]rly travelers, the shortest route across southern Arizona, as muleteers. Over one thousand head of cattle[...]mpletion needs of the settlers located in the Arizona
    i.'\plor1.•rs Imm the Aml'ncas and Europe, catt[...]Following a path traveled by pre-historic Indians, Spanish padres California coast. Anot[...]Utah. When it entered Arizona the trail led
    frn111 illne,,, exhaustion, a111bus[...]The U.S. A1my sent General George Crook to Arizona to try
    11.:es that arc still swnding, and telegra[...]Il1storic Trails Subcn11111111tee of the Ari/Ona State Committee southern California, the[...]publisher Tales of the Beale Road, Flagstaff, Arizona Issue
    on Trails lunctrons 111 conJUIKlinn wllh An,ona State Park's I listoric historical reco[...]r supply wagons and patrol soldiers Arizona was officially part of the Tmitory of New
    Prcscrvauon Office. The ,ubcommittee is comprised or volunteers[...]Arizona, Its People and Resources, by Russell C. Ewing,
    s[...]Un iversity of Arizona Press, 2nd ed., Tucson, AZ, 1972
    1111ercstcd 111[...]The map on the n:versc side i, a result of the Historic Trails[...]what became the state of Arizona.[...]allace, new ed., Albuquerque, NM, 1962
    The Arizona State Committee on Trails (ASCOT)[...]eles, by Anne W.
    memhm) that advises the A111011a State Par~s Board on trail-related mallers.[...]1965
    tl1rough the Stale Tra1is Program at Antona State Parks.[...]ges, road of transportation in southern Arizona. The Battalion was[...]including a route across what is now Arizona. The route entered passenger service. The[...]rfield Overland Route that traversed the Arizona through Guadalupe Pass in the far southeastern co[...]ass segment with the southern area of Arizona east and west.[...]Arizona State Parks[...]Http://[...]Arizona TM alternative formats by contacting t[...]State Parks Public Information Officer.[...]Funding tor this brochure provided by: Arizona Heritage Fund and[...]


    Arizona State Parks Board
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    State Document
    Arizona State Parks
    Historic Preservation
    Historic sites--Arizona--Maps
    State of Arizona Research Library- Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records
    Arizona State Parks Board
    Arizona State Parks Board