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    Glendale Community College General Catalog and Student Handbook, 2008-2009


    [...].... .. ... ..... ......... ..April 7
    Observance of Memorial Day .................. .......... .. ...[...].... ... .. ......... ........ July 2
    Observance of Independence Day ... .............. .. .... .....[...]st 23, 25-29
    Observance of Labor Day .......................................[...].. October 3
    Observance of Veterans' Day .. .. .... .. .... .... .... .. ...[...].. .December 1
    Last Day of Regular Classes ........................ ........[...]Observance of Martin Luther King Birthday .. .......... .. ....[...]Observance of Presidents' Day .............. ........ .. .. ...[...]Last Day of Regular Classes .................................[...]Observance of Independence Day ..................... ...[...]
    [...]ar! GCC has provided indi-
    viduals with a variety of quality learning experiences
    since 1965, and we c[...]. Our faculty members are experts in
    their fields of study, and they are here to assist you in
    reachin[...]than 30,000 other students will
    find courses and programs that prepare you to transfer to
    other colleges an[...]also have the
    opportunity to experience a variety of college athletic pro-
    grams, clubs and organizati[...]helpful in guiding
    your exploration and discovery of the many resources that are available to you at GCC. In addition, I invite you to speak
    with hundreds of faculty and staff who are here to contribute to your success.

    Those of you attending the GCC North site will be the firs[...]ew buildings that have more than tripled the size of GCC North!

    At GCC Main campus, look for the completion and opening of the new, state-of-the-art Life Science Building for the
    [...]ivities. The College offers a
    the constant growth of the West Valley, offering friendly, we[...]for learning. During
    increased breadth and depth of educational opportuni- GCC's inaugural fall[...]ptember
    courses or pursued degree and certificate programs at 16, 1966, was the first day of classes on this beautiful,
    one of three GCC locations , making the College's[...]largest in the Maricopa County Facilities Master Plan guides the ongoing development
    Community College District (MCCCD). Since 1965, of GCC main campus to accommodate the changing
    more[...]e enrolled in credit needs and interests of thousands more students and
    courses at GCC to pre[...]novation projects have been completed as a result of[...]with one college , the MCCCD current-
    ly consists of ten separately accredited colleges.
    MCCCD is one of the largest community college dis- GCC N[...]nd Happy Valley Road. GCC North
    educational needs of the West Valley. In August 1967, opened in[...]ents; its fall 2007
    the North Central Association of Colleges and enrollment was 1,265. GCC North offers a variety of
    Secondary Schools first accredited GCC as an individ- courses, programs and student services.
    ual college. Accreditation[...]Facilities Master Plan that incorporates four new build-[...]ings and renovation of the existing facility-all underway[...]the convenience of students, GCC now also offers[...]Greenway. A full schedule of General Education GCC[...]
    [...]..... ......... .. .... 38 Office of Student Life ......... .... .. ..... .. ........[...].... .. .... .. .. .. 328
    President's Honor List ................ ........................ .... ..[...]. .... .. .54 Taping of Faculty Lectures ............ .. ................[...]........ .. 88 Glossary of College Terminology .. ... .... ... .... .[...]
    [...]lege will be an innovative education-
    al provider of quality lifelong learning experiences for all mem-
    bers of the community.

    GCC Mission
    The mission of Glendale Community College (GCC) is to
    address•the higher education needs of its community. Through
    its diverse programs and services, GCC assists students in
    meeting the[...]goals.

    We fulfill this mission as an institution of higher education by
    preparing students:

    •[...]ng our mis-
    sion, we measure and track key pieces of information; this is
    formally known as Institutio[...]to make decisions every day
    in life, for the rest of your life!

    And finally, we really care about serving you , our students,
    along every step of your journey at GCC. In the classroom and[...]
    [...]pations. AAS degrees may
    transfer into a Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS.) at some universities.

    • Administration of Justice • Emergency Manag[...]Certificate gf Cgfnp.le~i~~ <<;i~)
    Certificates of Completion require fewer courses than degr[...]
    Each public university major is matched with one of the following Maricopa Community Colleges Associa[...]zona public universities are not matched with any of the Transfer pathway degrees
    below, due to sequen[...]tives (Select courses to complete a minimum of[...]total of 64 semester credits.)[...]
    [...]ves (Select courses to complete a minimum of[...]total of 63 semester credits_)
    Associate in Business[...]ives (Select courses to complete a minimum of
    6[...]total of 63 semester credits,)[...]ves (Select courses to complete a minimum of
    (AS)[...]total of 64 semester credits_)

    Additional Programs for University Transfer[...]
    [...]..... ... ...... .. .. .MC
    tions for additional programs and related areas)[...]... SC
    (See Horticulture section for additional programs and relat-[...]ogy: Cisco Networking Professional SM
    additional programs and related areas)[...]SM
    (See Business Administration for additional programs and[...](See Office Occupations section for additional programs and[...](See Office Occupations section for additional programs and

    2008-2009 GCC General Catalog & Stu[...]
    [...](See Office Occupations section for additional programs and[...](See Office Occupations section for additional programs and[...](See Middle Management section for additional programs
    ...... ............ ............. .[...]
    [...]..... GW
    (See Management section for additional programs and relat-[...]
    [...].. .PC
    (See Allied Health section for additional programs and relat-[...](See Hospitality section for additional programs and related
    Paramedicine .. .... ... .. .[...]
    [...].... ....... ... .... ... ... ..RS
    Administration of Justice[...].... .. .. ... .. .... .. .... RS
    Administration of Justice ... ..... ... ....... .............. ..EM[...]nt.. ..... ... .. ............ RS
    Administration of Justice-Comprehensive .......... .. .... .... ..[...]........ .... .... .... .. .. .RS
    Administration of Justice-Fundamentals ........ ........... .......[...].. .. .. ... .... .. .. ...... RS
    Administration of Justice Studies ...................... CG, MC, SC[...](See Food & Nutrition section for additional programs and
    Corrections .. ..... ...... ........ ......[...].. .............................. MC
    Justice and Government Agency Administration Level I MC Mortuary Science
    Justice and Government Agency Administration Level II MC[...]... .. .... ... .. ... ..... ... .MC
    Justice and Government Agency Administration ............ MC
    (See Media Technology section for additional programs and[...](See Welding Technology section for additional programs
    Journalism ............... .. .... .. ... ....[...](See Manufacturing section for additional programs and
    Electric Utility Technology ........[...]
    [...]In conformance with the provisions of Section 503 of the
    Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended , and the implementing[...]nation, against any applicant or employee because of
    It is the policy of the Maricopa Community Colleges (consisting[...]al disability in regard to any position for which
    of Chandler-Gilbert Community College , the District[...]mination , social/recreational programs, and training. Maricopa will also
    against any applicant or employee because of race, color, reli- continue to a[...]or veteran status. Additionally, it is the policy of the Maricopa disability, or vetera[...]an
    well as harassment and intimidation on account of an individ- investigation unde[...]Th is nondiscrimination policy covers all aspects of the employ- Veterans
    ment relatio[...]mation with the Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment
    of students in the Maricopa Community Colleges' programs Assistance Act of 1974, the Veterans Employment
    and activities incl[...]s policy also Opportun ities Act of 1998, and the .implementing regulations,
    prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in the 41 CFR 60[...]County Community College
    admission and treatment of students in the Maricopa[...]erate discrimination, against
    Community Colleges' programs and activities and in the hiring,[...]eatment, promotion , evaluation , and termination of employ- abled veteran or Vietna[...]y or veteran status in all human
    It is the policy of the Maricopa Community Colleges to promote[...]s , performance evaluation , recruitment,
    because of race, color, religion , gender, sexual orientation, social/recreational programs, and training . Maricopa will con-
    national origi[...]ces without regard to race , color,
    is the policy of the Maricopa Community Colleges to provide an[...]all suitable job openings at the local office of the State employ-
    tion on account of an individual's race, color, religion , ge[...]
    Notice of Americans with Disabil it ies Act (ADA)/Section DECLARACION DE IGUALDAD DE
    504 of the Rehabilitation Act/Title IX Coordinator: Dean of OPORTUNIDAD
    Student Life , ADA/504/Tit[...]vide information as to the existence and location of servic- iza de los Colegios Comunit[...]
    [...]de Rehabilitaci6n/Coordinador
    del Titulo IX: Dean of Student Life, ADA/504/Coordinador del
    [...]approach so that we remain at the forefront of global edu-
    VISION[...]cational excellence.

    A Community of Colleges .. . Colleges for the Community[...]d responsibly to meet the life-long the needs of our communities and are accessible, afford-
    learning needs of our diverse students and community. able, and of the highest quality. We encourage dialogue[...]and the freedom to have an open exchange of ideas for[...]for the efficient and effective use of resources as we pre-
    Student Development[...]live and work .
    . We value our global community of which we are an inte-
    gral part.

    [...]available at each college.

    Policies, courses, programs, fees and requirements may be
    suspended , dele[...]icted , supplemented or changed
    through action of the Governing Board of the Maricopa
    Community Colleges.

    The Maric[...]inistrative Regulations with the 1996
    adoption of the Governance Model. Changes are made
    annuall[...]reference, as they are featured in other
    areas of the manual and are noted accordingly.

    The Mar[...]at are featured in the Common Pages are a part
    of approve Governing Board Policy and are located in the
    policy section of the manual. As such, the following state-
    ment related to Outcomes Assessment that appe[...]statement.

    B. Outcomes Assessment
    The mission of the Maricopa Community Colleges is to cre-
    ate[...]nvironments for the lifelong educational
    needs of the diverse communities we serve. In order to[...]ion, student outcomes will be
    assessed as part of the continuous improvement process.

    Students may be asked to participate in a variety of assess-
    ment activities at each college. Assessment results will be
    used to improve educational programs, services and stu-
    dent learning.

    [...]. A student shall not be denied admission because of ag
    ADMISSION POLICY (AR 2.2.1) lack of a high school diploma or high school certificate[...]equivalency, grade in school , lack of permission ·
    Persons meeting the admissions crit[...]school officials or lack of concurrent enrollment in a pul
    Maricopa Community College of their choice. Falsification of lie or private school[...]nce examination.
    cause for denial or cancellation of admission. Exceptions to the
    admissions policies[...]ion for admission to any class for stl
    dance with state law (A.R.S. §15-1805.01 , 15-1821) and regu-[...]under section B will be determined by th
    lations of the Maricopa Community Colleges Governing Board.[...]Vocational Courses may be admitte•
    A. Admission of Regular Students[...]on an individual basis with the approval of college official:
    Admission to the community c[...]if the student meets the established requirements of th1
    granted to any person who meets at least one of the fol- courses for wh[...]ent's admission is in the bes
    1. Is a graduate of a high school , which is accredited by a interest of the student.
    regional accrediting association as defined by the United
    States Office of Education or approved by a State D. Western Undergraduate Exchange Program
    Department of Education or other appropriate state edu- The Western Undergra[...](WICHE), anc
    2. Has a high school certificate of equivalency. administered by the Arizona Board of Regents. Throug~[...]e in western states (Alaska,
    3. Is~ 18 years of age and demonstrates evidence of Arizona , California[...]ol- ments, pay 150 percent of the regular resident tuition plus
    lege or u[...]that they seek admission as WUE stu-
    B. Admission of Students Under 18 Years of Age dents. Students may not apply as out-of-state students and
    1. Admission to the community col[...]may not petition for in-
    completes any one of the following requirements: state residency. Further information may be obtained fr[...]the Office of Admissions and Records.
    a. a composite score of 93 or more on the Preliminary
    Scholast[...]E. Admission of F-1 Nonimmigrant Students
    b. a composite score of 930 or more on the Scholastic Prospective students should contact the Office of
    Aptitude Test (SAT).[...]d office for the nec-
    c.a composite score of twenty-two or more on the[...]form(s) should be returned to the Office of Admissions and
    d. a passing score on the relevant portions of the Records or designa[...]be sent indicating either acceptance or denial of admission.
    e. the completion of a college placement test designated
    by[...]for the spring semester.
    f. is a graduate of a private or public high school or has
    a high school certificate of equivalency. Pro[...]immigrant status must provide proof of secondary school
    2. A community college may limit the number of semester with d[...]
    50% of their secondary school (high school or equivalent) e) Foreign students under certain types of visas may
    in order to el')sure success in academi[...]tly from the high school or college to the Office of 3. Financial Support
    Admissions and Records or designated office. In addition , Evidence of financial support will be required prior to
    it is[...]nsibility to have all transcripts issuance of the 1-20 form . The colleges have no schol-
    trans[...]the full time they will
    1. Admission to Academic Programs be in the Unite[...]c program at
    the college must present evidence of English language The colleges estimate[...]average costs for 10
    proficiency. If the Test of English as a Foreign Language months to be:[...]and fees: $ 6,8001
    cant must attain a score of at least 500 (on the tradition- Living Expe[...]Score Total: $ 17,300 5
    of 5.5 or better is required, and a minimum IELTS indi-
    vidual Band Score of 5.0 on each module is recom- 4. Depen[...]Evidence of financial support for dependents of F-1 stu-
    mended . The dean or director of admission and records
    of the college may accept other proof of English lan- dents (spouse and depende[...]All F-1 students who have an 1-20 issued by one of the
    Educational Testing Services at the followi[...]English Program dependents of F-1 students is highly recommended.[...]ntensive English
    Program must provide evidence of at least intermediate insurance provider annually to offer a health insurance
    command of English by way of one or more of the fol- plan for F-1 students. For m[...]college office of Admissions and Records or designated[...]national student office.
    a) At least six years of English language instruction as
    shown by th[...]Footnotes:
    b) A minimum TOEFL score of 400 (on the traditional (1) Based 20[...]and used textbook prices.
    c) An original letter of recommendation from a teacher, Assumes books are sold at the end of the semes-
    school principal or headmaster/ headmistress, or the ter
    director of an English language institute attesting to[...](5) Applicants must provide evidence of this minimum
    d) Other credentials, test scores,[...]lts, or
    evidence accepted by the coordinator of the intensive amount of financial support before an 1-20 is issued.[...]outside those
    officially designated as part of the program unless and
    until they have met all of the prerequisites or other
    course req[...]
    [...]2. Enforcement of domicile requirements shall be t~[...]responsibility of the Chancellor of the Maricop
    Students must file a Student Information Form with the Office of Community Colleges. The Chancellor has charged th
    Admissions and Records at the college of attendance. There Director of Admissions and Records or other designee <
    is no[...]mpleted 30 credit sworn testimony of the student.
    hours or more in 100-level cou[...]3. A request for review of the initial classification may b4
    3. Unclassif[...]a sworn statement of all facts relevant to the matter. ThE
    B. Student[...]request must be filed with the admissions officer of thE
    Disclosure of the social security number is voluntary college within ten days of receipt of notification of classi·
    (A.R.S. §15-1823). However, students[...]r processing federal constitutes a waiver of review for the current enroll·
    financial aid[...]istration ben- ment period. The decision of the review committee
    efits.[...]shall be final.

    C. Declaration of Previous College Attendance[...]er colleges are required to "Armed Forces of the United States" means the Army, the
    give the names of those colleges when they apply for N[...]Corps , the Coast Guard, the
    admission to one of the Maricopa Community Colleges. If commissioned corps of the United States Public Health
    this is not do[...]do not meet the minimum grade unit of any branch of the Armed Forces of the United States.
    point averages listed under[...]"Continuous attendance" means enrollment at one of[...]nt for a normal academic year since the beginning of
    All students are classified for tuition purposes under one of the period for which continuous attendance is[...]nd the normal academic year in order to
    2. Out-of-County resident maintain continuous attendance.
    3. Out-of-State resident (including F-1 non-immigrant stu-[...]ual who has lived in the
    4. Unclassified , Out-of-County, Out-of-State (1-6 credit county for at least fifty (50) days before the first day of
    hours system-wide) classes of the semester.

    Residency for tuition purposes[...]ans a person's true, fixed, and permanent
    with state law (A.R.S . §15-1801 , 15-1802, 15-1802.01, 15- home and place of habitation. It is the place where he or
    1803, et. sec.) and regulations of the Maricopa Community she intends to rem[...]she expects to
    Colleges Governing Board . All of the Maricopa Community return when he or[...]bout their residency should
    contact the Office of Admissions and Records for clarifica- "Eman[...]under a legal duty of service to his parent nor entitled to the[...]support of such parent under the laws of this state.
    1. Domicile status[...]
    [...]D. An unemancipated person who remains in this state
    ent has custody, that parent, or if there is no s[...]who had been domiciled in
    ent or the whereabouts of the parents are unknown, then a this state , removes from this state is entitled to classifi-
    guardian of an unemancipated person if there are not cir- cation as an in-state student until attainment of the
    cumstances indicating that such guardianship[...]rolled, as long as such
    primarily for the purpose of conferring the status of an in- person maintains continuous attendance.
    state student on such unemancipated person .[...]E. A person who is a member of the Armed Forces of the
    Criteria for Determining Residency[...]United States and who is stationed in this state pursuant[...]ary orders or who is the spouse or a dependent
    In-State Student Status child of a person who is a member of the armed forces
    A. Except as otherwise provided in this article, no person of the United States and who is stationed in this state
    having a domicile elsewhere than in this state is eligible pursuant to mil[...]classification as
    for classification as an in-state student for tuition pur- an in-state student. The student does not lose in-state
    poses.[...]person is not entitled to classification as an in-state enrolled.
    student until the person is domiciled in this state for one
    year preceding the official starting day of the semester, F. A person who is a member of the armed forces of the
    except that a person whose domicile is in this state is United States or the spouse or a dependent of a mem-
    entitled to classification as an in-state student if the per- ber of the armed forces of the United States is entitled
    son meets one of the following requirements: to classification as an in-state student if the member of[...]the armed forces has claimed this state as the person's
    1. The person's parent's domicile is in this state and the state of home record for at least twelve consecutive[...]months before the member of the armed forces , spouse
    for state and federal tax purposes.[...]tion of the Arizona Board of Regents or a community
    2. The person is an employee of an employer which college under jurisdiction of a community college district
    transferred the person to this state for employment governing board. For purposes of this subsection , the
    purposes or the person is the spouse of such an requirement that a person be domiciled in this state for
    employee.[...]one year before enrollment to qualify for in-state stu-[...]n does not apply.
    3. The person is an employee of a school district in this
    state and is under contract to teach on a full-time[...]e non-certified class- forces of the United States shall be granted immediate[...]For classification as an in-state student on honorable dis-
    purposes of this paragraph , the person is eligible for[...]while in continuous
    classification as an in-state student only for courses a[...]enrolled , does not lose in-state student classification if
    tion by the state board of education to teach in a the person has met all of the following requirements:
    school district in this state. No member of the per-
    son 's family is eligible for classification as an in-state 1. Declared Arizona a[...]with the person's branch of service at least one year
    in-state student pursuant to this paragraph , unless the[...]erwise eligible for classification
    as an in-state student pursuant to this section. 2. Demonstrated objective evidence of intent to be a[...]resident of Arizona which, for the purposes of this
    4. The person's spouse has established do[...]section, include at least one of the following:
    state for at least one year and has demonstrated[...]tion.
    claim the student as an exemption for state and fed- c. Emp[...]d. Arizona voter registration.
    porarily out of state for educational purposes, but e. Transfer of major banking services to Arizona .
    maintained a domicile in this state. If the person is a f. Change of permanent address on all pertinent
    non-citi[...]tus pursuant to federal law to classify as an in-state g. Other materials of whatever kind or source rele-
    student for t[...]to domicile or residency status.

    C. The domicile of an unemancipated person is that of such 3. Filed[...]Department of Revenue during the previous tax year.[...]
    [...]x- ~ ,

    H. A person who is a member of an Indian tribe recognized[...]dent Status
    by the United States Department of the Interior whose[...]he registering
    reservation land lies in the state and extends into anoth- authority of the community college or university at which a
    er state and who is a resident of the reservation is enti-[...]esume that:
    tled to classification as an in-state student. A[...]this state while attending any educational institution in
    Alien In-State Student Status this state as a full-time student, as such status is
    A. An alien is entitled to classification as an in-state defined by the[...]board or the Arizona Board of Regents, in the absence
    refugee status in accordance with all applicable laws of of a clear demonstration to the contrary.
    the[...]new domicile.
    Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (P.L. 104-208; 110
    Stat. 3009), a pers[...]C. A person who has been domiciled in this state immedi-
    ident of the United States or who is without lawful immi-[...]ately before becoming a member of the Armed Forces
    gration status is not enti[...]ification as an in- of the United States shall not lose in-state status by rea-
    state student pursuant to A.R.S . § 15-1802 or entitled to son of such person's presence in any other state or
    classification as a county resident purs[...]country while a member of the Armed Forces of the
    15-1802.01 .[...]ot hold a visa Proof of Residency
    that prohibits establishing domicile in this state. After When a student[...]ategories may A. In-State Residency
    be classified as in-state students:[...]student must be filed with
    A Foreign Government Official or Adopted Child of a the person re[...]2. Any of the following may be used in determining a
    G Principal Resident Representative of Recognized student's domicile in Arizona :
    Foreign Member Government to[...]Voter registration
    K Spouse or Child of Spouse of a US Citizen,[...]ehicle registration
    Fiance or Child of Fiance of U.S. Citizen[...]f) Place of graduation from high school
    V Spouses and Dependent Children of Lawful g) Source of financial support
    Permanent Residen[...]r i) Ownership of real property
    who were issued a visa of a type other than those list- j) Notarized statement of landlord and/or employer
    ed in section C ab[...]k) Transfer of major banking services to Arizona
    Citizensh[...]ab- I) Change of permanent address on all pertinent
    lish res[...]not prohibit establishing domicile in this
    state for at least one year immediately preceding the[...]B. County Residency
    official starting date of the semester.[...]s residency in a county for fifty (50) days,
    state and whose parent is allowed to claim him or her[...]'
    as an exemption for state or federal tax purposes (B.1),
    the student's[...]micile, must 2. Any of the following may be used to determine a stu-
    hold a valid , unexpired visa in one of the categories list- · dent's county re[...]a) Notarized statements of landlord and/or employer[...]b) Source of financial support[...]c) Place of graduation from high school[...]d) Ownership of real property

    2008-2009 .GCC General C[...]
    [...]tus, for the purpose of 2.2.3 B, is granted to a student
    g) D[...]not have a GED certificate, and is beyond the age of[...]college instruction requiring developmen-
    UTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION (A.R.S. §15-1807)[...]concur-
    mtly in two or more public institutions of higher education in "SPECIAL" status, for the purpose of 2.2.3 B, is granted to
    1is state including any university, college or community co[...]!ge for a combined student credit hour enrollment of more or pursuing one or more courses of special interest and
    1an six (6) credit hours without payment of non-resident who meets all the requirements for admission.
    Jition at one of such institutions.[...]eserve the right to
    •r more public institutions of higher education in this state require transcripts for clarification o[...]y or community college for a combined programs, for verification of course requisites, for determi-
    :>tal of more than six (6) credit hours who is not subject to nation of academic standing and eligibility, and for partici-
    iOn-resident tuition at any of such institutions shall pay the pation i[...]ranscript
    iOn-resident tuition at the institution of his choice in an amount is required , the tr[...]at such institution for the lege Office of Admissions and Records. It is the student's
    :ombined total of credit hours for which the non-resident stu-[...]GED recipients may be required to present a copy of
    By Arizona statute, any failing grades from[...]school equivalency certificate or official report of
    university or community college that were re[...]ans with two years' service in the Armed Forces of the All students are encouraged to un[...]RNING (AR 2.2.4)
    school diploma or certificate of equivalency who are apply-
    ing for financial a[...]esults in the stu- takes place in a variety of situations and circumstances. Many
    dent being admitted to the college with the status of REG- students have significant, demonstrab[...]award of college credit.
    "REGULAR" status, for the purpose of 2.2.3 B, is granted
    to an individual admitte[...]tudent with- required by a specific program of study, within the Maricopa
    out a high school[...]beyond Community Colleges using one or more of the following
    the age of compulsory high school attendance may be a[...]struments. All regular • Articulated Programs
    status students must be pursuing a de[...]
    granted at some MCCD colleges for their unique programs of Evaluation in certain courses by o[...]y be applied ate form in the Office of Admissions and Records, an
    to AGEC . Credit recei[...]icopa Community Colleges but is ments of the college, including payment of required feE
    not necessarily transferable to othe[...]a. the evaluation of a course a second time;
    For further information o[...]Assessment, contact b. the evaluation of a course while currently enrolled i1
    the Office of Admissions and Records .[...]d. to establish credit for a lower level of a course ir
    tion. The American Council on Educ[...]D colleges for their uniquE
    sponsored training programs ·and recommends cred it programs of study.
    awards based on this evaluation .[...]have additional requirements whict
    The number of credits listed in the ACE guide are recom-[...]rtmental credit by evaluation.
    dent the number of credits recommended. The credits are
    included[...]"credit by evaluation," and the number of credits will
    1. Educational Experiences in the[...]transferable within the Maricopa
    Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed[...]a program requirement or is used as of national standardized examinations such as the on[...]it for equivalent
    and the Community College of the Air Force Catalog. Maricopa Comm[...]ork as well as elec-
    Official documentation of military training is required . tive credit. Scores must be sent directly to the Office of[...]e credit is awarded.
    ACE evaluates training programs offered by business,
    industry, and government and publishes its credit rec- All equiv[...]alog change.
    Credit for Training Programs. If a student has received
    training which a[...]course of the College Entrance Examination Board
    a. t[...]an Advanced Placement Examination of the CEEB may
    b. credit meets a program requ[...]receive course credit with a score of 3, 4 or 5. Scores
    elective credit[...]
    [...]At the discretion of the individual college, an oral exam
    Math AP Reco[...]ended scores for
    of MAT 241 awarding credit on[...]rsities.
    individuals who have received a score of 500 or more for
    the 1986 version of the College Level Examination The Ass[...]ommunity priate form in the Office of Admissions and Records,
    College are national CL[...]inations, contact and other requirements of the college . See fee sched-
    Rio Salado College[...]d. to establish credit for a lower level of a course in
    Foreign Languages:[...]eets the language proficiency grams of study.
    requirements of the Maricopa Community Colleges.[...]
    Only grades of A, B, C, D, or P earned as a result of this
    examination will be recorded on the stu[...]xamination has been
    administered, regardless of results.

    When credit is granted as outlined above, a notation of
    "credit by examination," a grade and the number of cred-
    its will appear on the student's trans[...]it for college-
    level courses only. A grade of 5 qualifies a student to
    receive cre[...]
    [...]MAT231 upon completion of MAT241 8 to 10[...]
    [...]Recognition the Office of Admissions and Records from regionaiiJ
    Student[...]elated to health accredited institutions of higher education may be grantee
    care may reque[...]office at (480) 731-8924 cate or degree programs. Regionally accredited institutiom
    or by email at [email protected] . Website: of higher education are those that are fully accredi[...]arecourses .php. New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Middle
    When national or[...]are determined to be States Association of Colleges and Schools, North Centra
    equivalent[...]demonstrated in corre- Association of Colleges and Schools, Northwes1
    sponding courses, the recognition of external credentials Association of Schools and Colleges, Southern Association
    wil[...]ation credit requirements for the identified of Colleges and Schools, and/or the Western Associat[...]from institutions with candidate status from one of
    Assessment[...]responsibility to have all such tran-
    the use of HCIES Competency Assessment Tests (CATs)[...]dent Evaluation Service before submitting
    tion of the HCIES Integrated Competency Assessment[...]y obtaining the appropriate form(s) in the Office of The Maricopa Community Colleges recognize t[...]colleges
    demonstration and other requirements of the college. See have, therefore, esta[...]nize the peculiar needs of military personnel in that they[...]n the
    d. to establish credit for a lower level of a course in which Military Services, and fo[...]to the special needs of servicemen. Maricopa Community[...]stablished by the
    Certain health care pathways/programs have additional American Council on[...]he option to enter into a "contract for
    Grades of A, B, C, D or P, earned as a result of examina- a degree" allows the community college, as the college of
    tion or skills assessment will be recorded on[...]record, to grant a degree upon completion of twelve (12)
    transcript. Fees are not refundabl[...]credit hours at the college and the satisfaction of graduation
    tion/skills demonstration has been administered, regardless requirements.
    of results. A grade of P/Z is not used in computing the
    grade point a[...]n credit is granted as outlined above, a notation of Maricopa Skills Center and the Southw[...]Students who have participated in programs articulated with
    TION," or "CREDIT BY SKILLS D[...]Maricopa Community Colleges District programs may be
    the number of credits will appear on the student's trans[...]
    [...]trict. Courses taken at any of the Maricopa Community
    or universities. For prope[...]wishing to
    gram, students should obtain a program of study from an[...]ed, students must provide the valid documentation of award[...]pating institu-
    articulated credits to the Office of Admissions and Records[...]want to gain a depth of technical expertise leading to
    will be accepted i[...]employment through the completion of an occupational pro-
    education requirements at any of the Maricopa Community[...]. The AAS degrees transfer as a "block" to
    grade of C or better. Acceptance of courses other than gen- the Bachelor of Applied Science at Arizona State University
    eral education requirements is determi[...]itv
    A student transcript with the completed block of courses[...]ee-granting institutions is communicated in terms of
    (AGE C-A. AGEC-8, or AGEC-S) will transfer as a b[...]"acceptability" and "applicability" of community college
    fulfill the requirements for th[...]courses and programs.
    Maricopa Community Colleges.[...]To determine "acceptability" of Maricopa Community
    Maricopa Communitv Colleges Tr[...]at curriculum is dynamic at both
    groups or blocks of courses, e.g. the Arizona General[...]To determine "applicability" of Maricopa Community[...]Planning Aids, or the univer-
    be available at all of the Maricopa Community Colleges.[...]/ccta/cirric/cphb/hb aca
    demic.php- select Matrix of MCCCD Courses.

    Transfer Articulation from the Ma[...]commission such as the North Central Association of
    Colleges and Schools. Maricopa Community Colleges
    transfer articulation agreements are on behalf of the district[...]
    Each of Arizona's public universities have developed[...]at affect student success.

    Arizona State University Main Q[ A. Testing for Course Placement
    Arizona State University east campus 1. Stud[...]ation/ ment test under any one of the following conditions:[...]his or her first college credi
    Arizona State University west campus E[...]d course placemenl
    University of Arizona scores on f[...]Second Language class is required to take a test of
    and/or an Arizona public university degree and[...]course placement test under any one of the .following[...]if at least one of the following conditions apply:[...]with a grade of C or higher, and such credit is no[...]
    [...]re-test is permitted one year from the
    date of student's original or re-test at any course place-
    ment testing site.

    • The vice president of student affairs or designee may
    approve re-t[...]The re-test date will then serve as the
    date of record.

    • Students may request a Course Pla[...]t's record and will be kept on file in the Office of
    Admissions and Records.

    :. Implementation of Policy
    To ensure consistency of the course placement process
    within the Marico[...]• Course placement scores, with the exception of the
    reading exemption, will be valid for two years from the
    date of the original or re-test.

    D. Evaluation
    The Ma[...]ty Colleges will provide an ongoing
    evaluation of the course placement process. An annual
    report[...]cate the policy's effectiveness noting the number of stu-
    dents assessed, their placement scores an[...]in courses. Every three years a thorough review of the pol-
    icy and procedures shall be im[...]
    [...]ademic advising assists students in the formation of educa-
    tional plans and goals. This is an ongoing process of clarifica- Pursuant to A.R.S. §15-1444 C. n[...]ty for making decisions about life goals time of course registration, every out-of-county and out-of-stal
    and educational plans rests with the student[...]e- dent's vehicle meets the requirements of A.R.S. §49-54:
    quences.[...]dgeable about institutional
    policies, procedures, programs and resources and assists stu- TRANSCRIPTS FOR TRANSFER (AR 2.3.1 0)
    dents in making use of printed and online materials.[...]dents who want to transfer to other institutions of higher edl
    ing-related needs. Feedback received f[...]request their transcripts be sent from the Office of Admission
    levels of the institutional administration.[...]College District without the writte
    With the help of an academic advisor, students will : request of the student in compliance with FERPA.
    - gain an understanding of their academic abilities and
    interests.[...]standing debts to any of the Maricopa Community College!
    - be provided[...]arding the nature and pur- The release of transcripts is governed by the guidance of th•
    pose of higher education. Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (see Record:
    - be referred to counselors[...]for charges fo
    understand the consequences of alternative courses of other official transcripts.
    actio[...]ticipants in their educa- responsibility of the Maricopa Community Colleges Governin~[...]Board under the laws and regulations of the State of Arizon~
    - be informed of support services that are available and[...]the right to change tuition and fee
    - be aware of transfer articulation arrangements.[...]research results and general percep-
    tions of student experiences at the institution.[...]nts are classified for tuition purposes under one of the
    - receive accurate printed materials on a[...]echnology which supports the 2. Out-of-County resident
    academic advising process. 3. Out-of-State resident (including F-1 non-immigrant stu-[...]4. Unclassified , Out-of-County, Out-of-State (1-6 credit
    REGISTRATION (AR 2.2.8)[...]he college class schedule. To be eli- with state law (A.R.S. §15-1801 , 15-1802, 15-1802.01, 15-[...]the appro- 1803, et. seq .) and regulations of the Maricopa Community
    priate steps listed under[...]The college Colleges Governing Board. All of the Maricopa Community
    may allow early or priorit[...]ttend a class for which tact the Office of Admissions and Records for clarification .[...]
    [...]ty 8. Corporate Tuition Rate- Out-of-State* $141.00
    liege will be assessed fees for their enrollment at each of the (Any number of credit hours) for out-of-state employees of
    1ricopa Community colleges/centers. (Students wh[...]cts with Maricopa - per credit
    1sidered to be out-of-state residents for tuition and fees pur- hour. Out-of-State Surcharge: $76.00 plus General
    ses should refer t[...]ion : $63.50 plus Fees: $1 .50
    blic Institutions of Higher Education policy under the
    ,sidency section of this publication.) 9. Corporate Contract - Out-of-State Non-Resident[...]n per credit hour Per Contract
    Time of Payment
    All tuition , fees, assessments and depo[...]Rates Hourly Tuition : $4.10
    the time of registration or by the specified deadline date an[...]ts from the following counties are considered out-of-[...]ty and should check with their local County Board of
    1e following is a tuition and fees schedule for 2006-2007 and Supervisors about out-of-county tuition and fee payments:
    provided for ref[...]Apache
    change. Consult the college's Office of Adm issions and Greenlee
    ~cords for[...]* Subject to change. Rate set in June of each year according[...]: $1.50 of an Indian tribe recognized by the US Department of the[...]Interior whose reservation lies in this state and extends into
    Out-of-County Resident $280.00* another state and who is a resident of the reservation is enti-
    (7 & more credit hours system-wide)- per credit hour. Out-of- tled to classification as an in-state student." Therefore, unclas-
    County Surcharge: $[...]ies only to counties with sified and out-of-state surcharges do not apply to such stu-
    no communit[...].R.S. §15-1429, community college districts
    Out-of-State Resident** $280.00[...]ts- 7 & more credit hours sys- reside out of the state but are taking an AZ. community college
    tem-wide) - per credit hour. Out-of-State Surcharge: district distance learnin[...].50 course.

    Unclassified Student-Out-of-State, Out-of-County**$90.00
    (Less than 7 credit hours system-[...]General
    Tuition : $63.50 plus Fees: $1 .50

    Out-of-State students participating in Western $97.50
    Undergraduate Exchange Program (Any number of cred-
    it hours) - per credit hour. WUE Out-of-State Surcharge:
    $32.50 plus General Tuition : $63.50 plus Fees: $1 .50

    Courses offered out of Arizona, including distance
    learning, to non-resident out-of-state students***
    Total tuition per credit hour[...]
    [...]...... .. ... ... $2.00
    - For each 15 minutes of late pick-up ...... .... ..... ... ... ..... $6.0[...]ctual cost - Prorated for course of program less than 21 days .... $250.0
    Fitness Cen[...]typt
    Library Fines- lost materials ........ (Item List price) + $5.00 of each course and will cover total costs .
    Nursing[...]g days.)
    Fees are subject to change upon adoption of the schedule for
    the new fiscal year. For current[...]ration application ..$50.00
    -Improper display of parking permit
    (i.e. , not affixed[...]
    [...]llowing procedure will be used for the collection of day except for classes fewer than 10[...]refund processes .
    b. notifying the student of the debt,
    c. attempting to collect the debt[...]d . notifying credit reporting organizations of the debt. Length of Class for 100% Refund*[...]g the class start date
    held pending payment of debt at college fiscal office with 20-29 cal[...]if
    a) collection agency, requiring payment of collection fees[...]e satisfied before
    b) the Tax Refund Setoff Programs as stated in A.R.S. any refunds are pai[...]tance are
    c) litigation , requiring payment of court costs and legal subject to federal gui[...]scounted Fees and Waivers
    1. Citizens 62 years of age and older shall be issued ID[...]Classes
    cards that allow them the privilege of attending events at[...]. Tuition and Registration Fee Waiver for Members of the one of the following reasons must submit a written reque[...]for a refund to the Office of Admissions and Records or des-
    Tuition and[...]s illness, verifiable by a doctor's
    members of the Pima-Maricopa Indian Community who[...]or the purpose refund can be given.
    of administering waivers, affidavits and exemptions[...]r man- - Serious illness or death of an immediate family member
    [...]knowledge of all the rights as well as responsibilities involv
    - Death of a student. Appropriate documentation must be[...]for academic progress for financial <
    for one of the above reasons may result in a partial prorat-[...]fferently than scholastic standards.
    ed refund of tuition, provided courses have not been com-[...]ing Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress. Specific inf<[...]mation is available at the college Office of Student Financial Ai·
    Guard who is called to[...]signed to a duty
    station, verifiable by a copy of the orders, will be allowed to[...]Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) f,
    withdraw and receive a 100% refund of tuition, provided[...]dent to move toward the completion of a degree or certifica[...]ulations state that Academic Progress Standards must incluc
    The[...]a review of all periods of enrollment, regardless of whether c
    assistance to enable access to higher e[...]inancial assistance shall be awarded on the basis of demon-[...]except where funds are specified for
    recognition of special talents and achievements.[...]I. Evaluation of Financial Aid Eligibility[...]A. Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) ar[...]clude credits attempted at th1
    the college Office of Student Financial Aid.[...]tium agreement.
    Types of Aid
    Grants, loans, student employment, and schola[...]will be notified. ThE
    be available from federal, state, and/or private sources.[...]pa Community Colleges Foundation offers a variety
    of scholarship opportunities. Scholarship opportunit[...]mid-January and most deadlines are the last week of March.[...]passing grade 2/3 of all credits attempted within thai
    480-731-8400.[...]have NOT attempted at least 6 credit
    Distribution of Aid[...]passing grades 2/3 of ALL credits attempted .
    applicants are available on request at the college Office of
    Student Financial Aid .[...]
    [...].00 C. Examples of documentation could include an obituary[...]ices agency, parole officer, etc.
    Note: Grades of F,I,N,W,X,Y,Z, and courses not yet graded
    are[...]be resolved which will
    dards for the purposes of financial aid.[...]A. Students who have attempted more than 150% of the
    E. The outcome of an appeal may include approval, a pro-
    credits required for their program of study are not con-[...]F. A student will be notified in writing of the results of the
    appeal, and of any restrictions or conditions pertaining to
    B[...]higher will be con- VI. Reinstatement of Financial Aid Eligibility
    sidered to have e[...]nt has taken (without federal
    enrolled in a state-approved teacher certification program.[...]A. Financial aid may be used ·to cover the cost of repeated consideration for rein[...]the student's responsibility to notify the Office of
    B. Audited courses, non-credit courses, credit[...]For more information , please contact the Office of Student
    for financial aid.[...]r fail to earn a
    evaluating SAP. (A maximum of 30 remedial credit passin[...]information is available at the college Office of Student[...]due to exten- Award Amount and level of Enrollment
    uating circumstances may appeal.[...]ward amount is determined , in part, on the level of enroll-[...]date. Contact
    beyond the reasonable control of the student. the college Office of Student Financial Aid for more infor-[...]
    [...]vices offices
    act as liaisons with the Department of Veterans Affairs. Each For additional det[...]ding veteran's ed
    program must be approved by the State of Arizona Department cational benefits, contact the office that serves veterans at yo
    of Veterans' Services. Students may be eligible to r[...]o ten
    weeks before receiving benefits. The amount of benefits
    awarded is determined by the Department of Veterans Affairs,
    and is based on the number of credit hours or clock hours for
    which a student is enrolled and the length of the enrollment
    period for each course.

    • Chapter 35 - Survivors and dependents of deceased/
    100% disabled veter[...]arding any change in enrollment,
    address, program of study, enrollment at another institution, or
    any[...]46 + 2.00
    Department of Veterans Affairs regulations require that all per-
    sons using any type of veteran educational assistance program
    be making satisfactory academic progress toward achievement
    of their educational objective (program of study). A student
    who does not meet the minimum s[...]above) will be
    placed on probation for a maximum of two (2) consecutive
    semesters. At this point, if[...]lity to meat
    these standards through the approval of a written appeal.

    2008-2009 GCC General[...]
    President's Honor List .......... .................... ..........[...]
    [...]ed procedures at their college of enrollment. It is the student's
    ACADEMIC LOAD (AR[...]nly persons who are registered for a class at any of the
    sidered full-time students for the fall and s[...]e-
    may be defined differently. Contact the Office of Admissions[...]eting, or
    year. A credit hour indicates the value of an academic credit.[...]sence before the first
    Standards for the awarding of credit hours may be time based[...]scheduled class meeting may, at the option of the instructor, be
    or competency based . To obtai[...]At the beginning of each course, each faculty member will pro-
    Summer[...]inarily, only students with a grade point average of 3.0 or
    higher for the preceding semester or first[...]Students bear the responsibility of notifying the Office of
    who were in the upper quarter of their high school graduating[...]involved in an official activity of the college (e.g., field trips,[...]count against the number of absences allowed by an
    demic suspension/pr[...]
    In the event of the death of an immediate family member, B. Incomplete Grade
    absences for periods of up to one week will not be counted[...]eptable work may request an
    against the number of absences allowed by an instructor or[...]course requirements by the end of the term because of ill-
    as possible to arrange for make-up work.[...]umentation will be required (for example, a copy of the obit- approved by the in[...]writ-
    uary or funeral program). In specialized programs that ten contract, ho[...]tract will be filed with the Office of Admissions and[...]e allowed is seven (7)
    ulty member or employee of the Maricopa Community months from the last date of class in which the grade of
    Colleges. Absences for such holidays shall not[...]tudents who do not complete
    against the number of absences allowed by an instructor or[...]the course to complete
    includes both the date of the holiday and the reason why[...]enrollments in a course will
    It is the policy of the Maricopa Community Colleges that a[...]pro-
    grade will be assigned at the conclusion of the course. grams for[...]*A "P" is judged to be equivalent to a grade of C or higher.[...]
    [...]t grad-
    ing system. These courses carry grades of P (credit,
    equivalent to a grade of C or higher) or Z (no credit) and
    are not comp[...]ade point average.
    Credits earned with a grade of P may be counted toward
    graduation with the exception of AGEC (Arizona General
    Education Curriculum).[...], within fourteen
    (14) days including the date of the first class meeting. The
    instructor must immediately notify the Office of Admissions
    and Records.

    In courses with st[...]ilable, the student must obtain the
    permission of the instructor. The instructor must notify the
    Office of Admissions and Records within fourteen (14)
    days including the day of the first class meeting.

    It is the student's responsibility to verify the transferability
    of crediUno credit courses. Some universities place a lim-
    itation on the number of crediUno credit courses that can
    be transferre[...]who enroll in a course for the sole pur-
    pose of obtaining information; they receive no credit,[...]e
    must be made within the first five (5) weeks of a semester.
    Auditors are subject to the same a[...]e prerequisite
    requirements or obtain approval of the instructor.. See the
    fee schedule f[...]
    [...]sed on calendar days and begin with the first day of class.
    Deadlines that fall on[...]Students to Type of Grading[...]equired)

    One Week 1st Day of Class or 1st Day of Class or
    or less 1st Day of Class Prior to the Last Day Prior to the Last 1st Day of Class 1st Day of Class 1st Day of Class
    (1 to 7 days) of Class Day of Class

    Two Weeks
    3rd Calendar
    (8[...]Calendar Day 6th Calendar Day 1st Day of Class 1st Day of Class 3rd Calendar Day
    D[...]h Calendar Day 2nd Calendar Day 1st Day of Class 5th Calendar Day
    Da[...]before Within 14 days
    Weeks or End of the Two weeks before Within first week of Within first five[...]
    [...]gnments, has the right
    1. If, after completion of twelve ( 12) or more credit hours, to appeal[...]2. If, within ten (10) working days of the request for the con-
    (Students should also[...]is not
    cumulative minimum grade point average of 2.00). resolved or the facult[...], in transferring from any accredited institution of high- filing a written complaint with the de[...]ds Committee. 3. Upon receipt of a written complaint, the departmenUdivi-[...]able to the faculty member.

    C. Admission of Suspended Students[...]d under Scholastic Standards may be of academic affairs or designee, a copy of the original writ-
    admitted on academic probat[...]each prior level. The vice president of academic affairs or[...]resolved by the vice president of academic affairs or[...]nt or designee will expedite a timely examination of the[...]
    [...]oom) The official date of withdrawal is date the withdrawal is
    COMPLAINT RE[...]received in the Office of Admissions and Records. The official[...]date of withdrawal determines refunds.
    A student who feel[...]or administrative services has the excuse of the debt incurred through registration . Please s[...]c courses in
    2. If, within ten (1 0) working days of the request for the con- the following way[...]ith-
    complaint with the appropriate supervisor of the employee drawal form with the required signatures to the Office of
    where authority exists to take corrective acti[...]days fol- lished deadlines. A grade of W (withdrawn , passing - not
    lowing the previo[...]ion with the student, the faculty
    3. Upon receipt of a written complaint, the appropriate super- member will sign the form and assign a grade of W or Y.
    visor will work with the parties in an attempt to resolve the A grade of W (withdrawn , passing- not computed in the
    co[...]not have specific documentation of Admissions and Records .
    including dates, time[...]hdrawal from College
    ident or designee, a copy of the original written complaint Students[...]n taken at each prior tact the Office of Admissions and Records no later than two
    level[...]l meet with the stu- weeks* before the end of the last class meeting and may
    dent, the emplo[...]A grade of W will be assigned in all courses for students
    5.[...]solve the com- who withdraw by the end of the 7th week* of classes.
    plaint, the student may forward it in[...]resolution . The college president or of W (withdrawn , passing - not computed in the grad[...]must follow approved procedures. The Office of result in failing grades and[...]
    [...]Scholastic Standards
    C. Withdrawal of Financial Aid Students[...]er information is available at the college Office of each college and cannot be revoked once appr[...]also meet the Financial Aid Standards of Academic[...]ROGRAM (AR 2.3.8)
    A faculty member has the option of withdrawing a student who
    has accumulated unofficial absences in excess of the number Each of the Maricopa Community Colleges has an honors pro-
    of times a class meets per week. Students withdra•[...]r for information about the program and available
    of the faculty member. A grade of W will be assigned through scholarships, i[...], and
    the 7th week*. After the 7th week*, a grade of W or Y will be President's Scholarships.
    as[...]file the withdrawal form, including the last date of atten-
    dance, with the Office of Admis~ions and Records. PRESIDENT'S HONOR LIST

    *The prescribed time limits are for full semester classes. Time The President's Honor List for each college consists of all stu-
    limits for classes which meet fewer than[...]ult with a college semester grade point average of 3 ..75 or higher.
    in failing grades and responsib[...]7)

    Students who are returning after a separation of five (5) years
    or more from the Maricopa Communit[...]st must be in writing
    and submitted to the Office of Admissions and Records at the
    college where the grades were earned.

    Academic renewal at one of the Maricopa Community
    Colleges does not guarante[...]copa Colleges will accept this action. Acceptance of aca-
    demic renewal is at the discretion of the receiving institution.

    A. Prior to petitioni[...]ewed academic performance by earning a
    minimum of twelve (12) credit hours and a cumulative
    grade point average of 2.5 or higher within Maricopa
    Colleges after r[...]urses taken prior to reenrollment with
    a grade of "A," "8," "C," "D," "F," and "Y" will be a[...]
    [...]4. have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.000[...]5. have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.000[...]Some specific programs have higher grade requirements.[...]It is the student's responsibility to be aware of these pro-
    All students are required to complete[...]rogram completion .

    1. be credited in the Office of Admissions and Records with 7. have rem[...]be credited with not fewer than the minimum total of Graduation Grade Point Average
    credit u[...]Graduation requires a minimum grade point average of 2.00.
    Students not continuously enrolled as outlined in the Some specific programs have higher grade requirements. It is
    Catalog[...]the ~tudent's responsibility to be aware of these program
    isfy current graduation requirem[...]n Requirements section .
    2. have earned a minimum of 12 semester credit units toward
    the degree or[...]ing grade point averages will
    units, a minimum of six credit units must be completed at gr[...]the college awarding the certificate. The minimum of six
    credit hours in the certificate or degree[...]Graduation - Honors Program
    Shared Programs are programs offered at multiple colleges Students who meet all the requirements of the Honors Program
    but not available at all co[...]Graduate.

    A shared program requires a minimum of six credit hours CERTIFICATES/DEGREES[...]he Maricopa Community Colleges offer Certificates of
    grade of "C" or better at the college award ing .the certificate Completion as well as Associate Degrees, one of which is con-
    or degree. The exception is the[...]erred on each student who has completed a program of study.
    shared programs with less than six credit hours, the total[...]ted at the college (1) Certificate of Completion (Career Program Specified);
    awardin[...]th (4) Associate in Arts ;
    the Office of Admissions and Records on the date deter-[...]ship;
    they have successfully completed Block 4 of the Associate (9) Associate in[...]
    [...]certificate must complete the others, and of the richly diverse world in which they live. The[...]nities to explore broad areas of commonly held knowledge and[...]rogram meets their needs and to plan their course of study. new directions, perspectives, a[...]verning Board believes so strongly in the quality of its County Community College District is committed to helping stu-
    colleges' occupational training programs that it guarantees dents develop qual[...]dents to:
    1. Graduation from an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) is Build se[...]duate's ability to perform customs of all people and all cultures
    approved program c[...]ider the local, global, and environmental impacts of
    ers. Should the employer of a graduate who has earned an pers[...], and use information
    skills normally expected of an entry-level employee in the wise[...]ll provide the graduate with up to the equivalent of sionally
    twelve (12) credit hours of retraining for no additional Thin[...]Consider the ethical implications of their choices
    2. Because technical occupations ch[...]nd events in a historical per-
    within one year of graduation from the AAS Degree pro-[...]Develop a personal sense of aesthetics
    Retraining needs to occur as cost effe[...]d productively
    graduate's employer must present a list of the graduate's skill Work cooperative[...]general education experience at MCCCD is composed of
    the college.[...]unication
    Maricopa Community Colleges courses and programs prepare Arts and Humanities
    students for entry into a variety of professions. Many of these Numeracy
    professions require th[...]Cultural Diversity
    lished by county, state or federal agencies, and often are based
    on a person's character, or whether the person has been con-
    victed of a criminal offense. It is possible for a student[...]al edu-
    pleting the degree or certificate because of concerns over the cation designation as[...]ranscript. A course evaluation and/or
    appropriate government agency that issues such credentials.[...]e necessary course and
    The general education core of the program of study for an program changes in ord[...]velop a dards.
    greater understanding of themselves, of their relationship with[...]
    [...]Earned Course Credit at a
    ing to the requirements of the catalog in effect at the time of ini- Public Community College .[...]tial enrollment or according to the requirements of any single Nonattendance .[...]active)
    catalog in effect during subsequent terms of continuous enroll- Transfer[...]t withdraws do not count toward the determination of low the requirements of the catalog in effect the following
    continuous[...]fall semester or of any single catalog in effect during sub-[...]sequent terms of continuous enrollment.
    Admitted[...]Subsequent Catalog) requirements of the degree-granting institution .

    2. Students wh[...]onsecutive semesters In areas of study in which the subject matter changes rapidly[...]years old is applicable to completion of degree requirements at
    of the public Arizona community college or university cata- the discretion of the student's major department. Departments
    log in effect at the time they are readmitted or of any single may accept such cours[...]stu-
    catalog in effect during subsequent terms of continuous dent revalidat[...]the life of coursework to less than eight years. Depar[...]
    [...]Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Instructional Assistance:
    COM[...]tional needs of learners. All Certificate Program require-[...]ments can be used toward completion of the Instructional
    In direct response to the ever[...]ffered at MCC & PC)
    P- 12 teachers and in support of the many communities it
    serves , the Maricopa Com[...]Elementary Education Teacher Preparation
    ing of early childhood , elementary, secondary, and spec[...]transfer to an
    instruction as the pri mary focus of its faculty, the Maricopa col-[...]ly Childhood
    leges are well positioned to provide state and national leader-[...]ogram at any part-
    ship in the quality and nature of instruction thus helping stu-[...]to become excellent teachers through the offering of cur-[...]loss of credit to Arizona's public universities. (Offered[...]ent for certi-
    fied teachers through the offering of course work, seminars ,[...]Elementary Education at Arizona State University Main and
    (ESL), Math Specialist, Middl[...]Arizona State University West. Transfers as a block without
    Str[...]loss of credit. (Offered at all10 Maricopa Community Colleges)
    In support of this commitment, the Maricopa Community
    College D[...]and Special Education Teacher Preparation
    and/or programs at all 10 Maricopa Colleges.*[...]fessional Preparation without loss of credit to Arizona's public universities.[...]ate Partnership Program with Northcentral
    loss of credit to Arizona's public universities. (Offered[...]Aztec/Education: housed in the Office of Program Articulation,
    work , which will allow[...]first two years of their bachelor's degree in elementary, sec-
    the field of education . (Offered at EMCC & GWCC)[...]special education. (Offered at GCC)
    Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in Instructional[...]Students develop knowledge and skills required of the instruc-[...]erships
    tional assistant through a combination of courses in method-[...]with community schools and Arizona State University.
    ology and practicum experience (Of[...]igned for students planning on choice of teaching as a profession. It reflects a commitmen[...]artners
    12. Transfers as a block without loss of credit to Charter to inspire students from under-represented groups to explore,
    Oak State College. (Offered at RSC)[...]
    [...]among Cave Creek Unified Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Bilingual Endorsement:
    Sch[...]ment. Includes all coursework required for state issued
    College of Education to inspire a diverse population of stu- Bilingual Endorsement as specified b[...]excel in teaching careers. Department of Education . Valid Arizona teaching certificate[...]is required for state endorsement. (Offered at MCC, PC)

    Teaching an[...]ies (TLC) Education Certificate of Completion (CCL) in English as a Second
    Progra[...]SL endorsement. Includes all course-
    knowledge of teaching as a career and to prepare for certi- work required for state issued English as a Second
    fication . (Offered[...]Department of Education . Valid teaching certificate is
    Teac[...]: this two-semester inter- required for state endorsement (Offered at MCC, PC)
    disciplinary[...]r two semesters, education Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Reading Specialist
    courses[...]nsfer. (Offered at CGCC) Department of Education. Includes all coursework required[...]by the Arizona Department of Education and lead to
    Post Baccalaureate Teacher Prep Programs: prepares stu- endorsements in Compu[...]ialist, and Middle School.
    (K-12) teacher. The programs are approved by the Arizona (All courses offered online at RSC; MCC offers Reading
    Department of Education. (All programs offered online at ESL, SEI and Middle[...]dvisement prior to enrolling.
    After completion of lower division courses, UTC participants
    trans[...]itial Teacher Certification program at
    Arizona State University, Tempe. (Offered at PC)[...]arly Childhood Education & Family Studies Options
    Master's Degree Partnerships for Students who complete[...]ege and Scottsdale Community College
    Teacher Prep Programs It is important to note that there is a wide range of difference in[...]requirements for early childhood professionals
    Master's Degree Partnership with North Central Universit[...]It is important that you check with
    18 credits of the post baccalaureate teacher prep program[...].
    MS in Education Degree. (Offered at RSC)

    Master's Degree Partnership with Plymouth State Associate Degrees
    University: 18 credits of the post baccalaureate teacher
    prep program ca[...]the 33 credits required for Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in Early Childhood
    an on[...]early childhood programs, with a specialization in either
    Master's Degree Partnership with Northcentral University[...]center-based, family childcare, or administration of early
    15 credits of identified endorsement coursework can be childhood programs. Courses are scheduled to accommo-
    [...]nning on
    as early childhood teachers in a variety of educational pro- becoming certified teach[...]ropriate early childhood educational of cred it to Northern Arizona University. (Offered[...]Post Baccalaureate Programs
    Assocjate in Applied Science (MS\ in Early Childhood
    peyelopment: designed to meet the needs of individuals Post Baccalaureate Earl[...]ith children and fami lies in Department of Education (ADE) early childhood teaching
    both sch[...]ucation program is based
    upon an inclusive vision of high-quality services for all chil-
    dren. Provided area a sequence of lively, interactive class- Academic Certificates
    es and a variety of field experiences, which greatly expand
    the student's understanding of children . Unique student Academic Ce[...]esigned to provide students with an understanding of uni-
    Child Development Lab , a multi-age preschoo[...]ted by the National Association for the Education of tion for early childhood care and educat[...]includes courses identified as core elements of early care[...]discipline, and child development as well as gen-
    of persons interested in pursuing careers in early c[...]tion . (Offered at RSC)
    centers, extended day programs, agencies , or other early-
    childhood care facili[...]ea
    develop the abilities to administer all facets of an early Certificates of Completion
    childhood program, along with the knowledge of child
    development and early childhood education. Personal Certificate of Completion (CCL\ in Early Childhood
    characteristics for this field are love of children , patience, Education: designed for[...]t PC) to work with children in early child programs, with a spe-[...]onal level. (Offered at GCC, Certificate of Completion (CCL\ in Early Childhood
    MCC, RSC)[...]as early childhood teachers in a variety of educational pro-
    Associate in Applied Scie[...]
    Certificate of Completion ICCL\ in Early Childhood Certificate of Completion ICCLl in Parent Edycatjon: pre-
    Dev[...]n parent education. (Offered at GCC, MCC, RSC)
    programs. (Offered at SCC)
    Certificate of Completion ICCU in Adolescent Stydjes:
    Certificate of Completion ICCLl in Early Childhood[...]those
    Development: designed to meet the needs of individuals who are employed in pr[...]mic advisement prior to enrolling.
    Certificate of Completion ICCLl Montessori lAMS\
    Nat[...]College Contact Information
    Certificate of Completion ICCLl in Early Care Specialist:
    The[...]ity College (CGCC)
    position in early childhood programs. The sequence of --Teacher Education: Sharon Fagan (Pe[...]coursework is designed to increase understanding of edu- sharon fagan@cgcmajl marjcopa edy 480.732.7124
    cation and care of young children . (Offered at MCC) --[...]majl maricopa edy 480.857.5535
    Certificate of Completion ICCLl in Early Childhood
    Education[...]Estrella Mountain Community College (EMCC)
    of persons interested in pursuing careers in early c[...]opa edy 623.935.8479
    centers, extended day programs, agencies, or other early- --Early Childh[...]develop the abilities to administer all facets of an early
    childhood program , along with the knowledge of child Glendale Community College (GCC[...]eshack
    characteristics for this field are love of children , patience, [email protected][...]gcmail. maricopa edy 623.845.3178

    Certificate of Completion ICCLl in Early Childhood[...]a@mcmail maricopa edy 480.461.7890
    Certificate of Completion ICCLl in Curriculum for Young[...]l maricopa edy 480.461.7781
    ods and uses of creative art media; science skills and expe-[...]marjcopa edu 480-461-7305
    Certificate of Completion ICCLl in Family Development: pre-
    p[...] 602.787.7731

    Certificate of Completion ICCLl in Infant Toddler[...]602.285;7657
    child care and family support programs. (Offered at SCC) --Early Childho[...]
    [...]Arizona State University (ASU), University of Arizona (UOA) , or
    --Early Childhood Education: D[...]icopa College. For information on transferability of course
    Scottsdale Community College (SCC)[...]into their teacher preparation baccalaureate programs, stu-
    [email protected][...]$500 scholarship awards available for each of the 10 Maricopa
    Dr. Yvonne Montiel[...]480-305-5783 The National Association of Community College Teacher
    --Montessori Director: Billie Larime Education Programs (NACCTEP) has a national scholarship
    billie.l[...]602-305-5601 program . The purpose of the NACCTEP National Scholarship[...]who are studying to become teachers. This
    College of Attendance[...]ship is promoted through the National Association of
    Community College Teacher Education Programs and is facili-
    Completion of teacher education course work for the various[...]her Education. Awards
    degrees, certificates , and programs available can be met are $1000 over the course of two semesters and will be made
    through the completion of teacher education course work taken availab[...]by the Arizona Department of Economic Security Child Care
    Enrolled in Teacher[...]Courses are expected to: cover the cost of the tuition/fees for college coursework. The[...]s pathway to meet the require-
    Receive a grade of "C" or better in all course work. men[...]toring , Accreditation , and the Certificate of Completion. (EMCC, GCC,
    and some basic teachin[...]on directly.
    based school experience. The cost of fingerprinting is the Scholarship opportunities vary with each program .
    sole responsibility of the student. Contact each individual
    [...]and above to be completed with a grade of "C" or better.[...]Credit units transferred from outside of the district need to be
    AGEC-A, AGEC-8, A[...]at a grade of "C" or better. A grade of "C" equals 2.0 on a 4.0[...]The MCCCD AGEC transfers as a block without loss of credit. area requirement.[...]in the Core area for the AGEC
    ation requirements of the university major for which the AGEC S.
    was designed, regardless of whether the credit was awarde.d for
    completion of course work or for pnor lea~n1ng. For additional[...]aluation and/or the general edu-
    A is a component of the MCCCD Associate in Arts, the AGEC 8[...]listed in the Arizona CEG (Course
    is a component of the MCCCD Associate in Busin~ss, ~nd the[...]Course Applicability System
    AGEC S is a component of the MCCCD Associate 1n Sc1ence.[...]ourse evaluation and/or general educat1on
    Purpose of the AGECs[...]institutions to which MCCCD
    There are three types of MCCCD AGECs. They are the AGEC[...]student is awarded
    • Scroll down to the bottom of the page credit on the transcript;
    • Select the letter of the major you're interested in.[...]• require that a minimum of 12 semester credits of course
    1. The AGEC A is designed to satisfy requirements in many lib- work be taken at any of the MCCCD colleges;
    eral arts majors as well[...]quivalents, either
    AGEC A requires a minimum of college mathematics or col- the cou[...]less stnngent than the • accept one of the courses that is cross-referenced with other[...]on a 4.0=A scale,
    AGEC 8 requires a minimum of brief calculus to sat1sfy the or stud[...]ements
    in Science. AGEC S requires a minimum of the first course
    in a calculus sequence to s[...]The 35-38 semester credits required for each of the three
    requirement, and a minimum of eight credits of either univer- AGECs follow. See the list entitled MCCCD Courses That Can
    sity chemist[...]dents must select six to eight additional cred1ts of math http://www.maricopa. ed u/aca[...]
    [...]ments simultaneously.
    Scroll down to: Matrix of MCCCD Courses That Can Be
    Used to Satisfy AG[...]AGEC A and AGEC B require four (4) semester
    rhe list identifies the courses in alpha-order by prefix as well as the credits of [SQ] and four (4) semester credits of
    :lifferent Core Areas and Awareness Areas where the course will [SG] for a total of eight (8) semester credits, OR
    ~pply. When select[...]es eight (8) semester credits of [SQ]. Students cannot
    )ptions, select from the appropriate AGEC A, B, or S list. take eight (8) semester credits of [SG] to meet the[...]S. AGEC S requires eight (8) semester credits of
    2. Literacy and Critical Inquiry [L][...]that satifies credits of university physics or eight (8) semester[...]credits of general biology appropriate to the major.[...]AT 150, MAT selection of courses that meet the other major or[...]thirty-eight semester credits to complete any of the
    b. Compute r/Sta ti sti c s/Q u a[...]ess areas simultane-
    CIS 105 Survey of Computer Information Systems ou[...]m more than one discipline for
    a total of six semester credits.[...]Courses must be completed with a grade of "C" or bet-
    [SB] or [L] and (HU] requi[...]m more than one discipline for
    a total of six semester credits.
    AGEC S: S[...]
    Courses must be completed with a grade of "C" or better AGEC A and B [CS] requires:[...]ritical Inquiry Core area. In the [L) the use of statistics or other mathematical methods in[...]re level, students gath- the interpretation of data and in describing and under-
    er, interp[...]r speech . This course includes a the use of computer programming languages or soft-
    series of graded written or spoken formal assignments. ware in the development of skills in analytical thinking.
    For AGECS, st[...]Courses must be completed with a grade of "C" or bet-
    Literacy is defined broadly as c[...]ed as the gathering, interpreting, and evaluating of more than one discipline. The Humanities and[...]rses, the Literacy and their consideration of basic human values and their
    Critical Inquir[...]helps students sustain and interpretation of the experiences of human beings.
    extend their ability to reason[...]The humanities are concerned with questions of human
    existence and the universality of human life, questions
    Mathematical Studies of meaning and the nature of thinking and knowing, and
    Courses must be completed with a grade of "C" or bet- questions of moral, aesthetic, and other human values.
    te[...]A present and the past and make use of philosophy, for-
    and AGEC B, a second course[...]Courses must be completed with a grade of "C" or bet-[...]l Sciences Core area.
    First, the acquisition of essential skill in basic mathe- Students are[...]lege algebra or to demonstrate a higher level of skill by
    completing a course for which colle[...]vides scientific methods of inquiry and empirical knowl-[...]ciety and
    Second, the real-world application of mathematical rea- within individuals. The forms of study may be cultural,
    soning requires the s[...]istorical, linguistic, political,
    or the use of quantitative analysis to solve problems of psychological , or social. The courses in t[...]address the challenge of understanding the diverse
    natures of individuals and cultural groups who live
    Third, the use of the computer to assist in serious ana- together in a world of diminishing economic, linguistic,
    lytical wo[...]and social distance.
    study the implications of social decisions or to model
    physical system[...]Courses must be completed with a grade of "C" or bet-
    Mathematics [MA] AGEC A[...]e student to develop an appreciation of the scope and
    algebra is a prerequisite. limitations of scientific capability to contribute to the[...]quality of society. This Core area emphasizes knowl-
    Ma[...]GEC B edge of methods of scientific inquiry and mastery of
    The AGEC B Mathematics Core area requires a[...]calculus sequence or any mathematics of science. At least one of the two laboratory courses
    course for which[...]clude an introduction to the fundamental behavior of
    Arizona State Univerisity (ASU).[...]
    [...]United States, or exploration of successful or unsuc-
    The AGEC A and B Natural[...]tantial introduction to the fundamental behavior. of
    matter and energy in physical or biological sy[...]ciprocity. These problems occur in a wide variety of[...]ments, law, technology trans-
    semester credits of either university chemistry or eight fer, and[...]ophy and the arts. The Global
    semester credits of university physics or eight semes- Awareness Area recognizes the need for an under-
    ter credits of general biology appropriate to the major. standing of the values, elements, and social processes
    of cultures other than the culture of the United States.
    SQ =Natural Science-Quant[...]ognize the nature of other contemporary cultures and[...]the relationship of the American cultural system to
    Subect Options[...]s completing AGEC S, through careful selection
    of courses that meet the other major or pre-requisit[...]rees, will meet this requirements are of one or more of the following types:
    requirement. Using a tran[...]tronomy, Biology, Botany, Chemistry, of culture-specific elements of a region of the world;
    Environmental Science, Geology, Physical Geography, 2. The study of a non-English language;
    Physics, Zoology. 3. Studies of international relationships, particularly[...]cation, and the transfer of technology; and
    Students must satisfy two Awareness areas: Cultural 4. Studies of cultural interrelationships of global
    Diversity in U.S. and either Global Awa[...]satisfy a Core area duced by problems of world ecology.
    and one or two Awareness areas[...]ments aims to develop a knowledge of the past that can
    Cultural Diversity in the Un[...]and future. Because
    The contemporary "culture" of the United States historical forces[...]ted modern life
    involves the complex interplay of many different cul- and lie just beneath i[...]tures that exist side by side in various states of harmo- an aid in the analysis of present-day problems. Also,
    ny and conflict. U[...]ces because the historical past is a source of social and
    not only of different groups of European immigrants national identity, h[...]duce intercul-
    and their descendants, but also of diverse groups of tural understanding by tracing cultural d[...]instructive
    Americans and Asian Americans--all of whom played analogies for. the present.
    significant roles in the development of contemporary
    culture and together shape the future of the United The Historical Awareness Area consists of courses that are
    States. At the same time, the[...]ross all distinc- tory" designates a sequence of past events or a narrative
    tions of race and ethnicity offers an even richer variety[...]ent or effect is to represent such a sequence.
    of perspectives from which to view oneself. Awareness
    of cultural diversity and its multiple sources can i[...]on, and the natural sciences, as
    The objective of the Cultural Diversity area requirement well[...]onally called history.
    is to promote awareness of and appreciation for cultur-
    al diversity with[...]States. This
    is accomplished through the study of the cultural,
    social, or scientific contributions of women and minori-
    ty groups, examination of their experiences in the[...]
    [...]e requires 60-64 semester credits for the program of designations upon transfer.
    study. The[...]• Courses completed at one of the Maricopa Community
    I. General Education :[...]eneral education designation is valid for
    Purpose of the Degree[...]script. See the list titled MCCCD Courses That Can Be used
    The Associa[...]mation via the following website :
    the components of the degree meet requ irements for majors in[...].maricopa.ed u/academic/ccta/
    the Liberal Arts or programs of study other than business or
    science. The degree will transfer as a block without loss of • Courses completed at one of the Maricopa Community
    credit to Arizona's public[...]will apply to university graduation requirements of the uni- eral elective credit (Elective) at[...]hould con-
    Information regarding the articulation of the Associate in Arts sult with an adviso[...]tution to one of the Maricopa Community Colleges will be[...]ar equivalents will satisfy AGEC-A
    • Completion of the Associate in Arts or the AGEC-A provides[...]th one or more other cours-
    Grade Point Average of 2.0 on a 4.0=A scale and a mini- es, then only one of the cross-referenced courses will be
    mum 2.5 on[...]Degree Requirements
    satisfied for completion of the Associate in Arts degree.[...]required for the Associate in Arts
    • A minimum of 60 semester credits in courses numbered 100 follow. See the list titled MCCCD Courses That Can Be used
    and above to be completed with a grade of "C" or better; to Satjsfy MCCCP AGEC-A[...] list identifies the
    completed in 35 semester credits[...]s Areas where the course will apply. For purposes of
    o Courses can satisfy a Core Area and one or tw[...]Sciences areas on the list and the AGEC requirements, an A,
    o A cou[...]
    [...]n college mathemat- A total of three (3) semester credits is required for[...]from more than one discipline for a total of six COM110AA & COM110AB &[...]from more than one discipline for a total of six b. Critical Reading[...]A total of three (3) semester credits is required for[...]e pro-
    Select four (4) semester credits of [SQ] and four (4) ficiency thro[...]ent, then the Critical
    semester credits of [SG] for a total of eight (8) Reading requireme[...]semester credits, QB eight (8) semester credits of additional electives may be[...]ents~ take eight (8) semester cred-
    its of [SG] to meet the Natural Sciences requirement.[...]Select courses to complete a minimum of 60 semester
    corresponding laboratory co[...]sep- credits but no more than a total of 64 semester credits.
    arate credit. Stud[...]Electives area should be selected from the list of Common[...]orical Awareness [H]. However, it is The list of Common Courses for each major is included[...]
    [...]as electives to meet this
    requirement as part of the Associate in Arts degree. The MCCCD[...](AAEE) requires the student to complete a total of 60-63
    Students who are undecided on a major o[...]semester credits in the program of study. The degree has
    should consult an advis[...]th two major components:
    an advisor for a list of common courses or assistance with I. MCCCD Gen[...]Purpose of the Degree[...]The degree transfers as a block without loss of credit to[...]to graduation requirements of the university major for which the[...]AAEE was designed, regardless of whether the credit was[...]awarded for completion of course work or for prior learning.[...]• Completion of the Associate in Arts or the AGEC-A provides[...]Grade Point Average of2.0 on a 4.0=Ascale and a minimum[...]satisfied for completion of the Associate in Arts degree.[...]• A minimum of 60-63 semester credits in courses numbered[...]100 and above to be completed with a grade of "C" or bet-[...]
    [...]2) CIS 105 [CS) Survey of Computer
    Equivalency Guide (CEG) within the Ari[...]Group Communication
    • Courses completed at one of the Maricopa Community[...]semester credits from the fol-
    script. See the list titled MCCCD Courses That Can Be used[...]ldren's Literature
    • ·Courses completed at one of the Maricopa Community[...]niversities. MHL 140 Survey of Music History
    For appropriate course selection[...]3 semester credits from the fol-
    tution to one of the Maricopa Community Colleges will be[...]1 World Geography 1: Eastern
    es , then only one of the cross-referenced courses will be[...]
    [...]Natural Sciences require- A total of 10 semester credits are required to sat-
    ment, select a total of 8 semester credits isfy the Electiv[...]ives.
    select 4 semester credits of SG and 4
    semester credits of SQ for a total of 8 Courses must transfer to all p[...]this requirement.
    of SQ or SG from 810 A.l'::tD[...]Sciences - Select 4 semester hours of[...]quirements 25
    A total of 25 semester credits are required to satisf[...]
    [...]\rts, Fine Arts -Art degree requires a minimum of 63 semester designations upon transfer.
    :redits for the program of study. The degree includes the fol-
    :>wing co[...]o Courses completed at one of the Maricopa Community[...]student is awarded credit on the tran-
    =»urpose of the Degree script. See the list titled MCCCD Courses That Can Be[...]u/academic/ccta/
    :ies. In general, the components of the degree meet require-
    l1ents for majors in the[...]esigned to o Courses completed at one of the Maricopa Community
    :>repare students to meet[...]ives requirement must
    ;~rams such as the Bachelor of Fine Arts, which may require a be l[...]e course selection , students should
    requirements of the university major for which the degree is[...]designed. Information regarding the articulation of the degree
    with majors at the Arizona public univ[...]institution to one of the Maricopa Community Colleges will[...]rts, Fine Arts -Art requirements.
    o Completion of the Associate in Arts, Fine Arts - Art degree or[...]esidents who courses, then only one of the cross-referenced courses will
    have a minimum Grade Point Average of 2.0 on a 4.0=A be accepted to m[...]ral catalog must be
    satisfied for completion of the Associate in Arts , Fine Arts - The 63'seme[...]Arts - Art degree follow. See the list titled MCCCD Courses[...]d to Satisfy MCCCD AGEC-A, AGEC-B,
    o A minimum of 63 semester credits in courses numbered 100[...]llow-
    and above to be completed with a grade of ~'C " or better; ing website: This list[...]its with the following stipula- For purposes of clarifying requirements in the Mathematics
    t[...]and Natural Sciences areas on the list and the AGEC require-
    o Courses can s[...]
    [...]in college mathemat- A total of three (3) semester credits is required[...]from more than one discipline for a total of six COM110 [SB] (3 credits)[...]from more than one discipline for a total of six
    semester credits.[...]8 A total of three (3) semester credits is required[...]-
    Select four (4) semester credits of [SQ] and four dents complete[...]y it to AGEC-
    (4) semester credits of [SG] for a total of eight (8) A Core Requirements or[...]iency through assessment, then the
    of [SQ] . Students cannot take eight (8) semester[...]irement has been satisfied
    credits of [SG] to meet the Natural Sciences[...]onding laboratory course(s) A minimum of 25 credits are required to satisfy the Fin[...]
    [...]Arts, Fine Arts - Dance degree requires a minimum of 64 Applicability System (AZCAS), is[...]he term in which
    semester credits for the program of study. The degree includes the student is a[...]• Courses completed at one of the Maricopa Community
    II. Fine Arts Requirements[...]uivalency Guide within the Arizona Course
    Purpose of the Degree[...]n is valid for
    sities. In general, the components of the degree meet require- the term in which[...]The degree is designed to script. See the list titled MCCCD Courses That Can Be
    prepare students[...]AGEC-B , and/or AGEC-S
    grams such as the Bachelor of Fine Arts, which may require a · for speci[...]Associate in • Courses completed at one of the Maricopa Community
    Arts, Fine Arts - Dance de[...]eral Electives requirement must
    tion requirements of the university major for which the degree b[...]designed. Information regarding the articulation of the Arizona Course Applicability System[...]institution to one of the Maricopa Community Colleges will
    • Completion of the Associate in Arts, Fine Arts -Dance[...]i-
    dents who have a minimum Grade Point Average of 2.0 on • Courses and their modular eq[...]al catalog must be courses, then only one of the cross-referenced courses will
    satisfied for completion of the Associate in Arts, Fine Arts - be accepte[...]Degree Requirements
    • A minimum of 64 semester credits in courses numbered 100
    and above to be completed with a grade of "C" or better; The 64 semester credits re[...]Arts - Dance degree follow. See the list titled MCCCD Courses
    • The General Education Re[...]site: This list
    o Courses can satisfy a Core Area and one or tw[...]o satisfy more than one For purposes of clarifying requirements in the Mathematics[...]and Natural Sciences areas on the list and the AGEC require-[...]
    [...]from more than one discipline for a total of six
    semester credits.[...]to choose course work A total of three (3) semester credits is required
    from more than one discipline for a total of six for Oral Communication. Howe[...]al
    Select four (4) semester credits of [SQ] and four electives may be taken .
    (4) semester credits of [SG] for a total of eight (8)
    semester credits, OR eigh[...]Select from the following options:
    of [SQ]. Students cannot take eight (8) semester[...]COM100 [S8] (3 credits) QR
    credits of [SG] to meet the Natural Sciences[...]o access the AZ. Course A total of three (3) semester credits is required for[...]
    [...]ements - Dance 29 three of the remaining credits may be selected from the fol-
    A minimum of 29 credits are required to satisfy the Fine Arts[...]from the following options to complete a minimum of DAN133 Modern Jazz Dance I[...]n Jazz Dance IV 1 *Selection of DAN298 courses to satisfy degree requirements
    D[...]Conservatory II (any module) 1-3 fer to any of the three Arizona state public universities.
    DAN292 D[...]
    [...]ts, Fine Arts - Theatre degree requires a minimum of 60-64 Applicability System (AZCAS), is valid for the term in which
    semester credits for the program of study. The degree the student is a[...]• Courses completed at one of the Maricopa Community
    II. Fine Arts Requirements[...]uivalency Guide within the Arizona Course
    Purpose of the Degree[...]s valid for
    versities. In general, the components of the degree meet the term in which the[...]Arts The degree is script. See the list titled MCCCD Courses That Can Be used
    designed to[...]CCCD AGEC-A, AGEC-B , and/or AGEC-S for
    teria for programs s1,1ch as the Bachelor of Fine Arts, which specific course informati[...]Associate in • Courses completed at one of the Maricopa Community
    Arts, Fine Arts - Theatre[...]eneral Electives requirement must be
    requirements of the university major for which the degree is[...]designed. Information regarding the articulation of the degree Arizona Course Applicability Sys[...]tution to one of the Maricopa Community Colleges will be
    • Completion of the Associate in Arts, Fine Arts - Theatre or[...]esidents who
    have a minimum Grade Point Average of 2.0 on a 4.0=A • Courses and their[...]general catalog must be es, then only one of the cross-referenced courses will be
    satisfied for completion of the Associate in Arts, Fine Arts - accepted t[...]Degree Requirements
    • A minimum of 60 semester credits in courses numbered 100
    and above to be completed with a grade of "C" or better; The 60-64 semester credits[...]Fine Arts -Theatre follow. See the list titled MCCCD Courses
    • The General Education Re[...]site: This list[...]eously For purposes of clarifying requirements in the Mathematics and[...]than one Natural Sciences areas on the list and the AGEC requirements,
    Core Area[...]
    [...]from more than one discipline for a total of six a. Oral Communication[...]A total of three (3) semester credits is required for[...]from more than one discipline for a total of six be taken.
    Select four (4) semester credits of [SQ] and four (4) (3 credits) QB
    semester credits of [SG] for a total of eight (8) COM110 [SB] (3 credits)[...]semester credits, .QR eight (8) semester credits of COM110AA & COM110AB & COM110AC [SB][...](3 credits) .QR
    .its of [SG] to meet the Natural Sciences requirement.[...]course. The lecture and A total of three (3) semester credits is required for[...]
    [...]ments - Theatre 25-29
    A minimum of 25 credits are required to satisfy the Fine Arts[...]gram of study. The degree includes the following componen[...]Purpose of the Degree
    Select from the following options to complete a minimum of 12
    semester credits:[...]sion Arts 3 eral, the components of the degree meet requirements for
    HUMfTHE210[...]block without loss of credit to Arizona's public universities and
    THP[...]will apply to university graduation requirements of the
    THP214 Directing Techniques[...]3 Information regarding the articulation of the Associate in
    THP217 Introduction t[...]• Completion of the Associate in Science or the AGEC-S pro-[...]Grade Point Average of 2.0 on a 4.0=A scale and a minimum[...]satisfied for completion of the Associate in Science degree.[...]• A minimum of 60 semester credits in courses numbered 100[...]and above to be completed with a grade of "C" or. better;[...]
    [...]ents simultaneously

    • Courses completed at one of the Maricopa Community c.[...]220 or MAT221 is a prerequisite
    script. See the list titled MCCCD Courses That Can Be used[...]U] 6
    • Courses completed at one of the Maricopa Community[...]cy Guide (CEG) within the of six semester credits. Select a course that
    Ariz[...]er regionally accredited insti- of six semester credits. Select a course that
    tution to one of the Maricopa Community Colleges will be[...]Select eight (8) semester credits of either gen-
    • If a course is cross-referenced w[...]mistry CHM151 & CHM151LL, and
    es, then only one of the cross-referenced courses will be[...]Eight (8) semester credits of university[...]Eight (8) semester credits of general biology,
    The 60-64 semester credits requi[...]appropriate to the major.
    Science follow. See the list titled MCCCO Courses That Can
    Be used to Satisfy[...]site: This list identifies the
    courses in alpha-order by prefix a[...]s Areas where the course will apply. For purposes of
    clarifying requirements in the Mathematics and Natural
    Sciences areas on the list and the AGEC requirements, an A,[...]
    [...]AGEC S, through careful
    selection of courses that meet the other major II. Gene[...]Select courses to complete a minimum of 60 semester
    transfer guide, select[...]s credits but no more than a total of 64 semester credits.
    above Calculu[...]eneral Electives area should be selected from the list
    Students must satisfy two Awareness Areas : of Common Courses , Arizona Transfer Pathway[...]d thirty-six to thirty-eight semes- The list of Common Courses for each major is included[...]r Guides to determine this
    A total of three (3) semester credits is required re[...]and an this requirement as part of the Associate in Science
    area with[...]sult with an advisor for a list of common courses or
    COM100AA & COM10[...]b. Critical Reading
    A total of three (3) semester credits is required[...]
    [...]valid for the term in which the student is
    total of 62-63 semester credits for the program of study. The awarded credit on the transcri[...]es that transfer as an equivalent course,
    Purpose of the Degree[...]ents
    The degree transfers as a block without loss of credit to
    Arizona's public universities and other institutions with district- • accepts one of the courses that is cross-referenced with
    wide ar[...]will apply to university graduation requirements of the universi-[...]or for which the ABus GR was designed, regardless of[...]tu-
    whether the credit was awarded for completion of course work[...]Business General Requirements follow. See the list entitled
    and above to be completed with a grade of "C" or better MCCCD Courses That Can[...]complete the
    program requirements at a minimum of 62 semester credits The list identifies the courses in alpha-order by prefix a[...]Area , AGEC B Awareness Area , B, or S list.
    and/or Common Lower Division Program[...]
    [...]A total of 27-28 credits is required to satisfy the Common[...]areas of the degree, then the number of semester credits
    from Comput[...]*MCCCD ACC250 or ACC211 may be taken in lieu of
    d. Humanities and Fine Arts (HU][...]e for a ACC211 .
    total of six semester credits. CIS10[...]3
    total of six semester credits. GBS22[...]s:
    Select four (4) semester credits of [SQ] and CIS158 [CS] COBOL Programming I
    four (4) semester credits of [SG] for a total CIS159 [CS] Visual Basic Programming I
    of (8) semester credits, .QR eight (8) semes-[...]C: Levell
    ter credits of [SQ]. Students cannot take CIS162AB [C[...]: Levell
    eight (8) semester credits of [SG] to meet CIS162AC [CS][...]Select courses to complete a minimum of 62 semester cred-
    Course Applica[...]CAS) for its but no more than a total of 63 semester credits. General[...]
    [...]al Requirements (ABus SR) degree requires a
    total of 62-63 semester credits for the program of study. The Effective Fall 2000 the course[...]ion designation may be subject to change.
    Purpose of the Degree[...]will satisfy the
    • Scroll down to the bottom of the page
    • Select the letter of the major you're interested in. As[...]quirements transfers as • accepts one of the courses that is cross-referenced with
    a block without loss of credit to Arizona's public universities and o[...]redited post-secondary institu-
    tion requirements of the university major for which the ABus SR[...]scale for Arizona resi-
    was designed , regardless of whether the credit was awarded[...]on a 4.0=A scale for non-residents
    for completion of course work or for prior learning. For addi-
    tion[...]Business Special Requirements follow. See the list entitled
    Academic Policies that Govern the Associ[...]ndex.php
    and above to be completed with a grade of "C" or better
    • uses the following policies to[...]The list identifies the courses in alpha-order by prefix a[...]ical Studies and
    gram requirements at a minimum of 62 semester credits but Natural Science[...]credits B, or S list.[...]
    [...]a second course A total of 27-28 credits is required for the Common[...]*MCCCD ACC250 or ACC211 may be taken in lieu of
    d. Humanities and Fine Arts [HU][...]lent to ACC211.
    total of six semester credits.[...]3
    total of six semester credits[...]Select four (4) semester credits of [SQ] and
    four (4) semester credits of [SG] for a total ECN111 [SB] 3
    of eight (8) semester cred its, OR eight (8)
    semester credits of [SQ]. Students cannot ECN112[...]take eight (8) semester credits of [SG] to
    meet the Natural Scienc[...]Select courses to complete a minimum of 62 semester
    The lecture course(s[...]credits but no more than a total of 63 semester credits
    [...](16 credits -grade of "C" or better)
    whose educational goals require fl[...]02/1 05/120/121/122/122AA/
    • requires a minimum of 60 semester credits in courses num-[...]/
    • AGS degree requirements follow with the use of a diagonal[...]Satisfactory completion of a higher level
    ments with an effective begin term of spring ;[...]he
    General Education Core where a minimum grade of "C" is Compu[...]Computer-related course or demonstration of compara-
    with a minimum grade of "D";[...]AJS Administration of Justice Studies 117/119/205
    3. A course cannot[...]CFS Child/Family Studies 180
    • accepts one of the courses that is cross-referenced with[...]
    [...]than one discipline.
    JAS Justice & Government Agencies Admin 225 AIS American I[...]AJS Administration of Justice Studies .11i/200/225/
    MAT Mathema[...]Religious Studies 243
    AJS Administration of Justice Studies 123 SBU[...]
    [...]stry 107/1 07LU130/130LL/151/151 LU Purpose of the Degree
    152/152LU154/154LU230/230[...]logy Any GLG course(s) needs of the Maricopa Community College students transfer-[...]AB/290AC academic program of study established among the student, the[...]the student attends. The program of study will "parallel" the stu-
    CCS Chica[...]ting institution. That is, the courses and number of
    CRE Critical Reading 101 credit hours in the degree will consist of the Freshman and
    DAH Dance Humanities 20[...]phomore lower division course degree requirements of the
    ENG English 111/200/213/215/216/217/[...]14 The ATP degree requires a core of general education credits in
    HCR Health[...]terature 140 sion requirements of the major at the baccalaureate degree-
    PHI[...]granting institution. The ATP degree must consist of at least a
    POS Political Science 115 minimum of 60 credit hours. The ATP degrees are accessible[...]of course evaluation and course changes.[...]
    Advising is a critical element of the transfer partnership degree,
    and students mus[...]with the com- Purpose of the Degree
    munity college advisor and , if/when d[...]trict Associate in
    demic advisor. Upon completion of 36 hours, the student must[...]who wish to gain a depth of technical expertise by completing
    before the remainder of their classes can be scheduled .[...]requirements follow with the use of a diagonal character (/)
    Associate in Transfer Pa[...]effective begin term of spring ;

    The Associate in Transfer Partnership ([...]General Education Core where a minimum grade of "C" is
    Partnership degrees are available in the f[...]Shared Programs are programs offered at multiple colleges
    Molecular Bioscience[...]• A shared program requires a minimum of six credit hours[...]grade of "C" or better at the college awarding the certifi[...]shared programs with less than six credit hours, the total[...]awarding the certificate. The minimum of six credit hours in[...]
    they have successfully completed Block 4 of the Associate FRE French 265
    in Applied[...]story 101/102/103/111/243
    • requires completion of General Education courses as indi- HUM Hum[...]County Community College District, or completion of a cur- LAT Latin 201/202
    riculum as state[...]147/153/155
    • accepts one of the courses that is cross-referenced with PHI[...]d to choose courses from more
    (15 credits - grade of "C" or better.) than one[...]AJS Administration of Justice Studies 200/258
    Oral Communication (3[...]21/122/141/221/
    Satisfactory completion of a higher level 223/253[...]/270/277/280/281/292
    AJS Administration of Justice Studies 123 REG Rec[...]
    [...]r be accompanied by the corresponding Purpose of the Academic Certificate
    laboratory course. The lecture and corresponding lab- (area of emphasis)
    oratory course(s) may carry separat[...]Certificate (area of emphasis) is a defined and coherent pro-
    gram of study that is recommended for students who wish t[...]hropology 231 gram of study can result in proficiency in specified skil[...]competencies, as well as mastery of knowledge, it is not
    AST Astronomy 101/10[...]on. The content for an Academic Certificate (area of
    11 0/149AN/145/150/156/160/181/182/ emphasis) may be derived from a variety of disciplines or it can
    201/205/241/247[...]152LU154/154LU230/230LL ments of the certificate may include courses that currentl[...]Certificate (area of emphasis):
    ISS Interdisciplinary Science[...]Psychology 290AB/290AC of credit hours required for an Academic Certificate[...]• requires a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better for completion ;
    *Courses no longer[...]• accepts one of the courses that is cross-referenced with[...]of an existing transfer degree;[...]
    Programs and Courses

    2008-2009 GCC[...]
    [...]requirements of the major at the baccalaureate degree-granting[...]institution. The ATP degree must consist of at least a mini-
    For Information: Scott Strober mum of 60 credit hours but no more than 64 credit hours'[...]udents by the upper division institution in terms of
    Student Goals: Transfer to a University or Career[...]al accounting). Upon completion of 36 credit hours, including the 19 credit hour
    Acc[...]meet with an ASU west campus School of Management
    ate governmental authorities. They als[...]stems which produce this of to meet the 60 credit minimum.
    import[...]work force at the end of two academic years of study. Following[...]ofessional-
    Students may complete most or all of their lower division ism in the accounting field . Some of the goals of this program
    requirements at Glendale, depend[...]i- tively analyze the function of accounting systems in relation to
    sor to plan[...]ecommended for students who wish to transfer to a state stand accounting management[...]roles affect various profiles of the company.

    Students should consult with a depa[...]This degree can be applied to a Bachelor of Applied Science
    their academic schedule in order[...]Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course listed
    As[...]ACC230 Uses of Accounting Information I (3)!.[...]ACC240 Uses of Accounting Information II (3) 9
    a major and are planning to transfer to Arizona State University + ACC112 Accounting Principles II (3)!.
    Tempe Campus or Arizona State University at the West Campus.[...]Sequence 3:
    The ATP degree requires a core of general education credits in[...]
    Programs and Courses[...]4 credits 5 periods
    CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems (3) or[...]ultation with a Fundamental theory of accounting principles and procedures.
    department[...]3 Continuation of the fundamental theory of accounting principles
    GBS220 Quantitative M[...]and procedures, including interpretation of general purpose finan-
    + GBS221 Business Stat[...]al statements. Prerequisites: ACC111 with a grade of "C" or bet-
    + GBS233 Business Communication[...]3 ter, or permission of departmenUdivision. (F,S,Su1 ,Su2,D,E)
    + GBS261[...]3
    MGT101 Techniques of Supervision 3[...]Management 3 Mastery of a microcomputer accounting system including the[...]accounts payable and pay-
    MKT271 Principles of Marketing 3[...]or permission of instructor. (F,S,Su1 ,D,E)

    General Education Req[...]pretation of general purpose financial statements.
    + ENG101[...]Development and analysis of accounting information for mana-
    Oral Communicati[...]rial planning and control. Prerequisites: A grade of "C" or bet-
    COM100 Introduction to Human[...]on (3) mission of departmenUdivision). (F,S,Su1 ,Su2,D,E)
    Critical[...]Theory and practice applicable to determination of asset val-
    Mathematics:[...]ues, liabilities, and related problems of income determination.
    + MAT102 Mathematical[...]Prerequisites: ACC212 or ACC240 with a grade of "C" or better,
    + MAT120 Intermediate Algebr[...]or permission of DepartmenUDivision. (F. E)
    + MAT121 Interme[...]Preparation of and accounting procedures for individuals; intro-[...]Prerequisites: ACC111 or ACC211 or permission of depart-
    Any approved course, see page 89.[...]ACC230 Uses of Accounting
    Natural Sciences:[...]Introduction to the uses of accounting information for internal[...]analysis. Prerequisites: Grade of "C" or better in ACC111 or
    selecting from the[...]ACC211 , or a grade of "C" or better in (ENG10.1 and MAT151

    ACC240 Uses of Accounting
    Information II[...]Administration Of Justice
    Introduction to the uses of accounting information for internal[...]The Administration of Justice program is designed to inform and[...]prepare men and women for careers in the fields of law enforce-[...]tion, the program provides practitioners of law enforcement and
    Adminlstration of correcti[...]Special Qualifications: A peace officer in the state of Arizona (Law Enforcement Traini[...]ncy
    For Law Enforcement Officers, see LEO section of the catalog[...]A completed background investigation with local, state, and[...]4. No felony conviction in any state or federal jurisdiction
    AJS courses provide infor[...]ke affect the performance of duties as a peace officer
    these courses to:[...]ment. An associate degree (AAS) and
    certificate programs are available. The certificate program is
    desig[...]ficate) may be applied towards partial completion of this
    Police officers and detectives are responsib[...]ed to specific types may apply.
    of duty such as traffic, narcotics, robbery, or homi[...]Program Description: The Administration of Justice Degree is
    pairs. Related law enforcement[...]based knowledge of the criminal justice field. It prepares the[...]students of excellent character and reputation for careers in[...]enforcement desir- Administration of Justice, including, but not limited to: law
    well find courses such as AJS1 01 , or 225 of interest.

    • For Personal Interest. Those seeking training in the safe
    and ethical use of firearms may enroll in AJS151, 153, and/or[...]
    ;tudents must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course listed
    nder Requi[...]3 certification agency in the state. The academy spans two
    AJS225 Criminology[...]3 the presence of a fully certified officer. The second semester[...]on with their
    3tudents must take any combination of CWE198 and any approved agency.[...]emy to accept them. The testing normally consists of
    Core: (15 credits)[...]eace officer training. Upon successful completion of the acad-
    Mathematics:[...]an agency, (after passing all aspects of the background investi-
    Equivalent[...]Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course listed[...]
    96 ProgramS ,iDd Courses[...]Administration of Justice Studies (AJS)
    Program Description: This c[...]ficer to become a specialist in
    the investigation of criminal activity and to successfully assist in Administration of Justice (AJS)
    prosecution . Courses address case management, legal
    aspects of interviewing, search and seizure, and courtroom p[...]the nature and causes of crime, the criminal law, constitutional
    Admission[...]safeguards, and the organization and operation of the criminal
    sonnel or permission of instructor.[...]Credits cies. Covers the history of the criminal justice system, terminol-
    Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course listed[...]1 Specialized areas of the patrol function, including responding to
    + LE[...]Covers philosophy of legal sanctions and historical develop-[...]classifications of crimes, elements of and parties to crimes, gen-[...]eral definition of crimes, common defenses utilized. Includes[...]specific offenses and the essential elements of each offense.[...]address In-depth study of the Arizona laws governing arrest by peace
    superv[...]officers, as well as, an intensive study of the Arizona substantive
    communication techniques.[...]of ARS Title 4 and ARS Title 8, as they apply to pea[...]rements for Proficiency Skills
    cer, or permission of instructor.[...]3 credits 3 periods
    Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course listed[...]Study of Arizona laws governing search and seizure, rules of
    under Required Courses.[...]1 The value of physical fitness in law enforcement and the basic[...]elements of strength training, aerobic conditioning, f[...]
    [...]dvanced familiarization with handguns. Variations of basic
    Provides computer literacy in microcomputer[...]shooting stance. Legal and moral repercussions of self-
    various areas of the criminal justice system. Considers avail-[...]actice. Prerequisites: AJS151 or
    ability and uses of hardware and software. Provides hands on approval of instructor. (F,S,E)
    experience with appropriate s[...]Familiarization with different types of long weapons and associ-
    AJS119 Computer Ap[...]3 credits 4 periods storage of weapons. Limited use of range for practice.
    Provides literacy in microcom[...]eas Prerequisites: None. (F,S,E)
    of the criminal justice system. Examines availability and uses of[...]Development of personal safety plans, confrontation avoid-
    ages[...]ffective self-defense tactics. Legal and safe use of[...]mission of instructor.
    Administration of Justice 3 credits 3 periods
    Introduces and[...]nd restrictions covering
    relate to administration of justice. Encourages critical thinking[...]the use of firearms, and the firing of sidearms. Prerequisites:
    and value decision makin[...]AJS201 Rules of Evidence 3 credits 3 periods[...]A practical insight into the rules of evidence to include how to
    AJS132 Police Ma[...]idence; the general rules governing admissibility of
    Techniques II 3 cr[...]e; the "hearsay" rule and its exceptions; the use of doc-
    Management of police personnel including selections proce-[...]isciplinary practices, public relations, elements of super- recordings; corpus delicti; op[...]A general background in the area of traffic law enforcement to
    and deadly weapons , d[...]imited num- include the elements of the Arizona vehicle laws, major issues
    ber of holds and come alongs, and restraint of prisoners and concerning traff[...]Characteristics of reports and field notes, and the importance
    tions covering the use of firearms, and the firing of sidearms
    and uses of each. Form, style, and procedures for writing var[...]ous reports, including elements of composition, required sub-
    Note: Persons that will be 21 years of age or older within six[...]proper and improper conclusions, and descriptions of
    months of this course (AJS151) and complete it successfully[...]ods Theories and basic techniques of accident investigation: what
    Methods for providing emergency medical care to victims of the vehicle shows, examination of the roadway, recording and
    accidents or illness a[...]. Includes legal and preservation of skidmark evidence, speed estimates, recon-
    civil issues, basic functions and major organs of the human struction of the accident scene, diagram and map making, pho-[...]ccident scene, background investigation, and
    tion of victims. Prerequisites: None.[...]
    [...]ions: Drugs 3 credits 3 periods
    Intensive study of Arizona substantive traffic law (ARS Title 28),[...]nced course in the specialized investigation area of drug
    traffic collision investigation techniques,[...]ement. Emphasis on the pharmacological properties of
    gation, and enforcement procedures including the[...]Examines the history, structure and activities of organized crime
    An examination of the U.S. Constitution as it relates to the law[...]groups. Reviews theories explaining the existence of organized
    enforcement function. Includes statutor[...]strategies used to combat it.
    governing the areas of arrest, search and seizure, interrogations[...]Study of deviance, society's role in defining behavior; th[...]3 credits 3 periods of criminality and the economic, social, and psychological
    An analysis of the process of planning, and a descriptive study impact of crime; relationships between statistics and crime
    of logical and systematic approaches to strategic, s[...]xamines crime victimization and the various types of
    operational, organizational and tactical planning within a law crime and categories of offenders. Required in the AJS curricu-
    enforceme[...]3 periods
    Examines the history and development of juvenile justice theo- Theories of procedures and methods of operations of public
    ries, procedures, and institutions. Prereq[...]e Stops 1 credit 1 period
    fundamentals of fingerprinting and the problems in developing[...]high risk/known risk
    latent prints, preservation of evidence, and the chain of evi- vehicle stops. Prerequisite[...]gement 3 credits 3 periods
    The use of photography and other aids in identification and Focuses on victimology and techniques of crises intervention;
    preservation of evidence such as fingerprints, footprints and and the importance of multicultural perspective. Includes cov-
    impressi[...]ne and traffic accident erage of sexual assault, family violence, child abuse, pos[...]3 periods
    The scientific analysis and examination of physical evidence AJS260[...]ion, Concerned with the understanding of procedural criminal law.
    and preservation of evidence. Topics include fingerprints, shoe[...]their effect on the daily operations of the criminal justice system.[...]3 periods
    The scientific analysis and examination of biological evidence Examination, recognition, and understanding of community
    with emphasis on collection and preservation of evidence. problems; community action programs; methods of coping with
    Topics discussed include blood, drugs[...]flict, and communication; eth-
    fibers, and topics of special interest in criminalistics .[...]
    [...]1 credit 1 period
    Introduction to the theory of criminal investigation. Examines Description of various areas of organized criminal activity,
    ::rime scene procedu[...]nses, methods for identi- cussion of the constitutional rights of the defendant and appli-
    fying , collecting and p[...]cable court decisions. Prerequisites: None.
    ments of crimes and connecting suspects to the crimes.
    Pre[...]Study of robbery investigations including: surveillances,[...]ms. Coordination
    scenes , motives, and collection of physical evidence. betwe[...]ted
    Identification number) numbers, investigation of auto theft rings, crimes. Prerequisi[...]ary to conduct an adequate traffic
    Covers methods of operations of various burglars. Detection of accident investigation. Prerequisites: None.
    burglars' tools. Lifting of fingerprints. Protection and preserva-
    tion of the crime scene and evidence. Prerequisites: None[...]Detection, investigation and control of vice crimes, including
    AJS290AE Arrest, Search an[...]gambling and pornography.
    Procedural applications of current arrest, search and seizure[...]schemes. Prerequisites: None.
    vation and analysis of physical evidence. Prerequisites: None.[...]Substantive provisions of the Arizona Criminal Code with spe-
    H[...]1 credit 1 period of witness and legal counsels. Prerequisites: None. (F,S,D,E)
    Recognition of disguised and forged writing, detection of coun-
    terfeit currency and negotiable instruments, and application of AJS290BS Stress in Law Enforcemen[...]ajor stress that affect a police officer; effects of stress and[...]1 credit 1 period
    Definition and investigation of the causes and effects of child AJS290BW Communication in
    a[...]Study of barriers to effective communication in the field of crimi-
    AJS290AW Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs1 cr[...]period nal justice. Development of effective intradepartmental and inter-
    Pharmacological effects of the use and abuse of drugs, includ- departmental comm[...]well as communication with the
    ing a description of common abuse patterns and investigative[...]uisites: None.
    techniques used in the enforcement of drug laws. Prerequisites:
    [...]Overview of alcohol-related DUI (Driving under the .influence[...]aw and legal mat- or permission of department.
    ters, patrol procedures, traffic cont[...]riods oping a course, characteristics of effective instruction, evalua-
    A continuation of the basic, entry-level training program leading[...]ng , Community Overview of information, strategies, techniques, and resource[...]igating property crimes, sex
    Prerequisites: Grade of "C" or better in AJS/LE0102 or[...]LE0281AB Criminal Investigations
    Preparation for State of Arizona armed security guard certifica-[...]uthority, communication and Review of laws regarding search and seizure. Updated infor-[...]uard 1 credit 1 period
    Preparation for State of Arizona armed security guard certifica-[...]Certification ill 1 credit 1 period
    of firearm usage, basic marksmanship, and live fire[...]tified law enforcement personnel.
    Preparation for State of Arizona armed security guard recertifica-
    tion. Includes firearm safety, legal aspects of firearm usage, basic LE0281AD Criminal[...]gations. Characteristics of pre-report preparation, preparing the[...]on 1.25 credits 1.25 periods body of the report, and assembling the case report. Process of
    Proper instructional procedures for teaching how to conduct handling submission of a case report, processing turndowns,
    high risk/kn[...]pare case documents for submittal to the attorney
    of closed bolt type submachine gun. Focus on weapon'[...]Various types of electronic evidence and the procedures[...]requisites: Certified peace officer or permission of the[...]
    [...]Programs ,and Courses[...]od Ethics defined; principles of ethics; professional demeanor and
    ltilizes the[...]es: Certified law
    ourses. Practical application of crime scene processing , enforcement personnel or permission of department.
    earch warrant application, collection and preservation of evi-
    lence, diagramming, supplemental reports, a[...]credit 1 period
    :rime trends, current methods of intelligence collection and Use, deployment, and marksmanship of the police precision
    nformation organization , an[...]enforcement personnel or permission of department.
    :mployee of a law enforcement agency.[...]Proper and safe manipulation and deployment of the police
    '\"train the trainer" course for polic[...]Certified law enforcement personnel or permission of depart-
    Prerequisites: AzPost (Peace Officer Stan[...]Certified Police General Instructor or permission of department.[...]dit 1 period Methods of controlling informants, documenting covert inform[...]used in covert operations. Prerequisites:
    manship of the police carbine. A basic course covering found[...]LE0289AD Technical Aspects of
    LE0287 AB Law Enforcement[...]1 period Set-up and use of covert audio and video recording equipment
    Advanced techniques of carbine deployment. Includes use of commonly used in un[...]s,
    officer, or corrections officer, or permission of instructor). and the legal aspects of audio and video recording.[...]redit 1 period sion of department.
    Methods for incorporating community-o[...]olicies. Legal issues
    Explores the complex issues of multiculturalism and law[...]xt century. Addresses the historical perspectives of the LE0289AF Explosive Awareness for
    formation of the Anglo-Saxon Northern European culture along[...]dit 1 period
    with the formation and structure of the "police culture." Aspects[...]ying, and taking proper pre-
    and responsibilities of leadership and supervision in a multicul- cautions to limit and/or eliminate hazards of explosives in pub-
    tural world . Understanding co[...]rvice. Prerequisites: Certified law
    the challenge of community-based law enforcement.[...]t officer, fireman, EMT, paramedic, or permission of
    Prerequisites: None.[...]
    [...]iating for peace officers responding to the scene of Introduces law enforcement officer[...]d against deadly force attacks from al
    permission of instructor.[...]requisites: Certified peace officer or permission of the
    for 911 Operators .5[...]s.
    Prerequisites: Certified officer or permission of instructor.

    LE0289AK Officer Survival I[...]requisites: Certified peace officer or permission of

    LE0289AL Law Enforcement[...]r II l credit l period
    Advanced techniques of precision rifle deployment. Includes[...]ics 1 credit 1 period
    Tactical deployment of the duty handgun and shotgun in the[...]quisites: Certified peace officer or permis-
    sion of instructor.[...]5 credits 5 periods
    Tactical deployment of the concealed handgun in law enforce-[...]the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
    mission of instructor.[...]ht physiology. Prerequisites:
    Tactical deployment of the handgun and shotgun while working[...]requisites: Certified
    peace officer or permission of instructor.[...]stration (FAA)
    Advanced principles and techniques of traffic collision investi- Instrum[...]: Certified law enforcement officer or permission of traffic control procedures; and cha[...]Completion of AET101 with a grade of "C" or better, or FAA[...]Private Pilot Certificate, or permission of instructor. (F,S,E)

    Course Availability[...]

    'he Aerospace Studies curriculum consists of the General AES103 Air Force[...]customs and courtesies,
    1rrangement with Arizona State University at Tempe, students office[...]Prerequisites: AES101 or ASU Department of Aerospace
    ;curse (GMC) at Arizona State University. Upon receiving a Studies approval.
    :>ur-year bachelor's degree and completion of the Professional
    )fficer Course (POC) at any uni[...]Air Force AES201 Evolution of USAF Air
    mTC, the student will receive a commiss[...]Further preparation of AFROTC candidate. Topics include: Air[...]TC at the same time ASU Department of Aerospace Studies approval.
    md in the same manne[...]ing one AES203 Evolution of USAF Air
    1.erospace Studies course each semester[...]ionalism. Prerequisites: AES201 or ASU Department of
    3nrolling in POC classes. Those students accepted[...]ety of sports and sports activities to include calisthen[...]tors, space and missile officers, or serve in one of literally
    hundreds of technical and non-technical career fields.[...]
    [...]Principles of cultural and social anthropology, with illustrati[...]l materials from a variety of cultures. The nature of culture[...]erequisites: None. (F,S,D,E)
    and social behaviors of human beings in both the past and the
    present. St[...]and variation. ASB202 looks at the relationships of[...]pectives as fundamental tools for suc-
    eries of archaeology. ASB231 involves the student in an[...]cessful management of social relations in a multicultural world .[...]udents to the Art,
    Archaeology, and language of Ancient Egypt. A[...]Cross-cultural analysis of the economic, social, political, and
    • To me[...]Origins, elements, and forms of religion; a comparative survey
    Natural Scien[...]SM104 of religious beliefs, myths, rituals and symbolism i[...]of the world ; the place of religion in the total culture.
    ASB223[...]researchers who made them. Emphasis on methods of archae-
    transfer as anthropology majors shou[...]humanity, including the nature of archaeological inquiry, the
    Linda Smith, Soc[...]development of human social groups, the changing role of reli-
    tional anthropology courses for transf[...]gion in evolving societies, the origins of agriculture, the origins
    of settled lifeways, the rise of cities and complex societies, polit-[...]
    [...]Introduction to forensic anthropology. Survey of the role of
    ·esearchers who made them . Emphasis on methods of archae- forensic anthropo[...]can determine life
    1umanity, including the nature of archaeological inquiry, the history of an individual. Contributions of forensic anthropology
    jevelopment of human social groups, the changing role of reli- to crime scene and oth[...]forensic
    ~ion in evolving societies, the origins of agriculture, the origins of anthropology is used to decipher historic cases, and how it is
    settled life ways, the rise of cities and complex societies, politi-[...]1-3 credits
    ASB230 Principles of Archaeology 3 credits 3 periods[...]al Field Methods 4 credits 8 periods
    Excavation of an archaeological site; recording and interpreting
    data collected during the field experience. Overview of the cul-
    tures concerned ; contemporary issues in[...]s: None. (Su1)

    ASB234 Art and Archaeology of
    Ancient Egypt 3 c[...]political, religious and econom-
    ic institutions of Ancient Egypt. The historical events and people
    t[...]Anthropological perspective and comparative study of the cul-
    tures of prehistoric native peoples of the North American south-
    west. Prerequisites: No[...]Evolution 4 credits 5 periods
    Study of human evolution and variation ; including fossil[...]4 credits 4 periods
    Techniques of artifact. Basic archaeological research tech-
    niques; methods of report writing . Prerequisites: None. (0)[...]a
    Course Note: ASM265 may be repeated for total of eight (8)
    credits hours.

    Course Availab[...]
    [...]See approved list for AA degree, or AGS degree, pages 66 an•
    from those in commercial art is the retention of responsibility for
    selection of theme, subject matter, medium, and manner of exe-
    cution .[...], ART)
    dents to be practicing artists in a number of different media as
    well as providing the artistic[...]Understanding and enjoyment of art through. study of painting,
    who wish to specialize in fine art. If[...]contemporary topics and cultural diversity in
    log of that institution for appropriate lower division c[...]History of art from prehistoric through medieval period .
    so[...]ble at most four-year History of art from around the world from the Renaissance
    sc[...](F,S,D,E,Su1 ,2)
    plus additional courses from the list that suit his or her needs.

    ARH101 *[...]3 ARHI09 History of American Art 3 credits 3 periods[...]3 Development and variety of American Art. Presentation of
    ART100 Introduction to Computer Graphi[...]3 ARHI12 History of Modern Art 3 credits 3 periods[...]3 Development and significant aspects of modern art, including
    ART116 Life Draw[...]3 comparisons of relationships in expressionism, abstractions,
    +AR[...]3 ARHI15 History of Photography 3 credits 3 periods[...]3 Survey of history of photography from beginning to present.

    UUI201 Art of Asia 3 credits 3 periods[...]roduction to the origins and historic development of art in Further study of form , structure, and anatomy of the draped and
    ~sia, with emphasis on China, Japa[...]rawing media. Prerequisites: ART117 or permission of instruc-[...]Further development of skills in expressive drawing materials[...]and techniques as applied to finished drawings of the human
    Drawint: (ART)[...]form. Prerequisites: ART216 or permission of . instructor.[...]3 credits 6 periods
    Fundamental principles of drawing. Emphasis on composition
    and facility in[...]Photo~:raphy <ART)
    variety of drawing media. Prerequisites: None. (F,S,D,E,Su1[...]chniques.
    Emphasis on composition and exploration of drawing media. Camera functions and[...]II 3 credits 6 periods
    Advanced development of drawing skill with emphasis on com- A[...]ional theory. Prerequisites: ART122 or permission of Advanced camera and darkroom techni[...]mission of instructor. (F,S,D,E)
    ART222 Drawing and Composition IV 3 credits 6 periods
    Further study of drawing techniques. with emphasis on individ-[...]equisites: ART211 or per- Refinement of aesthetic and technical aspects producing con-
    mission of instructor. (F,S,D,E,Su1 ,2) vincing images of highest quality. Prerequisites: ART 132 or[...]permission of instructor; ART111 and ART116 recommended[...]al statement and style. Related graphic art
    Study of fundamental elements and principles of two-dimen- forms explored. Development of portfolio . Prerequisites:
    sional design. Prerequ[...]E,Su1 ,2) ART133 or permission of instructor. (F,S,D,E)

    ART113 Color[...]vestigation seeking visual solutions to a variety of problems Processes[...]rning color in two and three dimensions and modes of Emphasis on development of alternative photographic process-
    color appearanc[...]technique, aesthetics, and creative imagery.
    ory of design. Prerequisites: ART112. (F,S ,D,E,Su2) Exploration of various types of non-silver photographic process-[...]. Prerequisites: None. (0)
    Fundamental principles of three-dimensional design.
    Prere[...]Fundamentals of digital photography. Includes camera opera-[...]int: (ART) theory of digital photography. Prerequisites: None. (F,S, D[...]wing I 3 credits 6 periods
    Use of form, structure and anatomy of draped and undraped
    human figure to develop basic principles of sound draftsman-
    ship. Prerequisites: None[...]
    [...]its 6 periods
    Intermediate theory and techniques of digital photography. ART161[...]Introduction to ceramic materials and techniques of hand con
    ture through intermediate techniques in[...]ites: None. (F,S,D,E,Su1 ,2)
    ART142 or permission of instructor. (F,S ,D,E,Su1)
    Course Note: Semi-adju[...]3 credits 6 periods
    Basic principles of color theory, camera and input and output[...]style develop·
    ART131 , or ART142, or permission of instructor. (0) ment. P[...]equisites: ART261 .
    Basic theories and techniques of color negative materials. (F,S,D,E,Su1 ,2)
    Prerequisites: ART234 or permission of instructor. (0)

    ART177 Computer-Photographi[...]color (ART>
    Introduction to the multiple elements of microcomputer-photo-
    graphic imaging. Basic foundation in the use of the photo-[...]3 credits 6 periods
    graphic manipulation of images using software programs.[...](ART111 and ART112) or permission of instructor. (F,S,D,E)
    graphic composition . Prerequisites or Corequisites: ART100 or
    permission of instructor. (0)[...]g III 3 credits 6 periods
    niques. Refinement of aesthetic awareness and personal[...]Continuation of watercolor painting with emphasis on control
    expr[...]3 credits 6 periods
    Exploration of sculptural form and expression in clay, plaster,[...]erequisites or Corequisites: ART115
    or permission of instructor. (F,S,D)[...]Exploration of technical and expressive possibilities of various
    ART152 Sculpture II 3 cred[...]g. Prerequisites: (ART111 and
    Emphasis on control of sculptural media. Prerequisites:[...]ART112) or permission of instructor. (F,S,D,E)
    ART151. (F,S,D)[...]Continued refinement of painting skills and investigation of new
    With emphasis on attention to individual prob[...]in painting. Prerequisites: ART167 or permission of
    niques. Prerequisites: ART152. (F,S,D)[...]Development of materials and techniques of painting. Individual
    Prerequisites: ART251. (F,S,[...]blem-solving. Prerequisites: ART168 or permission of[...]
    [...]l expression. Prerequisites: ART267 or permission of
    instructor. (F,S,D,E)[...]pts and techniques involved in Fine Art
    field of printmaking. Deals with three most basic printmaking
    modes of Serigraphy, Woodcut, and Monoprinting in first part
    of course. Overview of etching, lithography and papermaking
    in second part of course. Prerequisites: ART111 and ART113 .
    (0[...]edits 3 periods
    Career goals, presentation of artist and art work (portfolio, Student Go[...]university.
    field. Prerequisites: Permission of instructor. (F,S,D,E,Su1 ,2) .
    Course Note: A[...]Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course listed[...]+ ART190 Art of Web Site Design 3[...]3
    Prerequisites: Minimum of three (3) credits introductory and[...]gn Internship 3
    permission of Department/Division Chair. (F,S,D,E)[...]
    [...]porary Art 3
    ARH110 History of Graphic Design 3
    + ART113[...]1-3 Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course[...]+ ART190 Art of Web Site Design[...]3
    + MAT105 The Mathematics of Design (3) (Strongly[...]Students learn digital and traditional methods of design, con-[...]
    [...]& CD/DVD Mastering 3
    before entering one of the program focus tracks. Students must
    earn a grade of "C" or better for each course listed under Requir[...]3
    Students must complete One of the following tracks: + ART295K[...]3 CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems 3
    + ART11[...]3 + CIS140 Survey of Multimedia Technology 2
    + ART16[...]1 + MAT105 The Mathematics of Design (3) Q[
    + ART180AU Designer's Tools: Adobe[...]A higher level math course
    + ART190 Art of Web Site Design 3[...]
    [...]al camera use in 3D environments, editing and use of post-
    who wishes to develop marketable skills in the area of digital production techniques in a non linear environment, creation of
    imaging and animation ; Working with 2D images, c[...]fessional-quality animated titling , producing of music scores
    concept development and compositing of visual graphics and and inputting song data through the use of digital interface
    video footage, student develops[...]ction tools for short animated films, games, ani-
    of graphics software, animation software and non-lin[...]games industry.
    ent art portfolio, be apprised of pricing , promotion and publicity
    business ethics[...]ility to com- Certificate of Completion in Animation: Imaging and Design
    munic[...]Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course listed
    Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course[...]ARH110 History of Graphic Design[...]+ ART190 Art of Web Site Design[...]
    Programs anGtv9ourses[...]e designed for
    dent who wishes to develop an area of specialization in digital student[...]graphics appropriate for development of the Web pages. The
    animation techniques suitable[...]st, concept artist, designer, free- els of business and industry.
    lance artist-designer, web[...]arn to identify and use HTML features, the basics of
    The program acquaints students with art principle[...]her related software. Navigational aids, indexing of
    employment and upgrade skills of those already employed in da[...]Credits Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course
    Certificate of Completion in Animation : Imaging and Design[...]3
    Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course listed[...]3
    ARH110 History of Graphic Design 3[...]1 + ART190 The Art of Web Site Design[...]
    [...]Essential skills, concepts and use of digital media for drawin~[...]and painting. From concept to line-drawing; use of value, tex[...]e. It prepares the
    student to further their study of the web design process and ART[...]nsional
    learn how to control web security, access of data base control , Co[...]duties: software Generation of electronic two-dimensional images and tradition-[...]ript and Common al methods of visual problem solving . Understanding of com-
    Getaway Interface (CGI) scripting.[...]or Corequisites: ART100 or permission of instructor. (F,S,D,E)
    Opportunities to learn adva[...]multimedia Generation of electronic two-dimensional images.
    enviro[...]Understanding of computer techniques and traditional methods[...]of visual problem solving. Prerequisites: ART1 00 or[...]of instructor.
    Proa=ram Prerequisites: (24 credits) Credits
    Certificate of Completion in Web Publishing Design Foundation[...]Credits Interpretation of elements of design and composition through
    Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course listed[...]Development of a portfolio for electronically created two-dimen-[...]Q[ Interactive use of color for graphic communication. Color theo-
    CS[...]Introduction to the multiple elements of QuarkXPress, a visual
    CIS126AA UNIX Operating S[...]computer. Basic foundation course in the use of electronic tech-
    VPT290 Production for the[...]devices. Prerequisites: ART1 00 or permission of instructor.[...]Introduction to the multiple elements of Adobe Illustrator, a visu-[...]computer. Basic foundation course in the use of electronic tech-[...]devices. Prerequisites: ART1 00 or permission of instructor.
    ARTlOO Introduction to Computer[...]Conceptualization, visualization, and production of art using the
    computer. Prerequisites: Non[...]
    [...]iods Introduction to development of lettering and design skills
    Introduction to the multiple elements of Adobe Photoshop soft- through functional and aesthetic use of typography.
    ware package using the microcomputer.[...]ring for reproduction , type indication, his-
    use of electronic techniques including appropriate input[...]torical development, type specification , and use of letter forms
    output production devices. Prerequis[...]ign elements. Prerequisites: ART112 or permission of
    sion of instructor. (F,S,D,E,Su1 ,2)[...]tions to problems in con-
    Basic functions and use of Adobe Premiere video editing soft-[...]ART181 or permission of instructor. (F,S,D,E)

    ART180AM Designer's Tools:[...]1 credit 2 periods The art of animation (animated sequences, special effects,
    I[...]and surface rendering . Screening and discussion of select-
    powerful Web editing methods. Prerequisit[...]ms and videos . Prerequisites: ART100, or
    mission of instructor. ART111 , or ART116, or permission of instructor. (F,S,Su1 ,D,E)

    ART180AN Designer's T[...]1 credit 2 periods The art of animation using the computer. Construction charac[...]and background graphics. Screening and discussion of selected
    Flash vector graphics, 2D and 3D animation and creation of full animated short films and vid[...]ART111 , or ART116, or permission of instructor. (F,S,Su1 ,D,E)
    ART180AE), or permission of instructor.[...]The art of animation using the computer. Creating cell seque[...]r multimedia. mission of the instructor. (F,S,Su1 ,D,E)
    Foundations in ima[...]Animation III 1 credit 2 periods
    sion of instructor. The art of animation using the computer. Timing, editing , a[...]o 1 credit 2 periods mission of the instructor. (F,S ,Su1 ,D,E)
    Introduction to n[...]6 periods
    Prerequisites: ART1 00 or permission of instructor. Basic concepts of 3-D modeling. Anatomy of computer geome-
    (F,S,Su1 ,Su2,D,E)[...]2 periods ART/MMT184AC or permission of the instructor.
    Basic functions and operations of Adobe lnDesign software.
    Application for graphic[...]d web layout. Prerequisites: ART100 or permission of Basic concepts of 3-D modeling. Anatomy of computer geome-
    instructor. (F,S,Su1 ,Su2,D,E)[...]try; basic elements of compounding objects and Boolean oper-[...]ations. Prerequisites: ART/MMT184 or permission of instructor.
    ART180AT Designer's Tools: Adobe[...]eo, film and Basic concepts of 3-D modeling. Creating shapes using line,
    animation . Prerequisites: ART100 or permission of instructor. polygonal object con[...]ART/MMT185AA or permission of instructor.

    Course Availability: (F)[...]
    [...]including film storytelling and
    Basic concepts of 3-D modeling and the use of lights, cameras, scene presen[...]ART/MMT188.
    or permission of instructor.[...]Essential skills, concepts and the use of the virtual camera in
    Perspective techniques for[...]ent: Planning , pre-production, story-
    principles of 3D modeling and animation . Study of size relatior> - boards and pre-[...]mission of instructor. (F,S,Su1 ,D,E)

    ART187 AA Perspectiv[...]storyboards and pre-visualization in
    principles of 3D modeling and animation. Study of converging 3D animation en[...]requisites: None~ or permission of instructor. (F,S,Su1 ,D,E)

    ART187AB Perspective[...]ive techniques for creating depth illusion. Study of size Essential skills, concepts[...]nd lighting. Prerequisites: ART240M or permission of
    ART/MMT187M.[...]ive techniques for creating depth illusion. Study of 3D Essential concepts, camera[...]ART240AB or permission of instructor. (F,S,Su1 ,D,E)

    ART190 Art of Web Site Design 3 credits 6 periods[...]ML Career goals, presentation of artist, communication skills, keep-
    and World Wide Web publication. Discussion of color, proportion, ing files a[...]ART180AB, or ART180AC, or ART180AE, or permission of Choosing the right[...]e portfolio. Prerequisites: ART255M or permission of[...]instructor. (S,Su1 ,D,E)
    ART190AA Art of Website Design I 1 credit 2 periods[...]r Projects in creative use of lettering and type such as bookcov-
    ART180AB, or ART180AC, or ART180AE, or permission of ers, pamphlets, point of purchase, logo design and letterform
    instructor.[...]permission of instructor. (F,S,D,E)
    ART190AB Art of Website Design II 1 credit 2 periods
    Produ[...]nd graphics. Prerequisites: ART190M or permission of Continuation of skill development reached in ART181, ART182,
    ins[...]design program for industry or major
    ART190AC Art of Website Design III 1 credit 2 periods[...]eractive ART281 or permission of instructor. (F,S,D,E)
    multimedia applications for on-line design. Prerequisites:
    "ART190AB or permission of instructor.

    Courae Availability:[...]
    [...]s field. Prerequisites: Permission of instructor. (F.S,D,E,Su1 ,2)
    ART284AC Intermedia Animation III 1 credit 2 periods
    Elements of electronic animation with interactive text graphi[...]: Introduction to multiple elements of digital prepress concepts
    ADA/ART/MMT184 or permission of instructor. (F,S,D,E) a[...]the use of trapping and stripping software for the desktop.[...]Graphics 3 credits 6 periods of electronic page layout techniques including color separa-
    Computer aided design and development of a company identi- tions, reg[...]ons. signatures. and out-
    ty program; development of a videotape demonstrating market[...]mphasis on prepress concepts.
    impact; preparation of a portfolio of completed art and graphics. Prerequisites: ART100 or permission of instructor. (F,S,Su1 ,D,E)
    Prerequisites: ART100, ART169, or permission of instructor.[...]Introduction to the multiple elements of digital prepress con-
    Graphics Part I[...]ntity program . tion in the use of trapping and stripping. Use of electronic page
    Prerequisites: ART100, ART169, or permission of instructor. layout techniques[...]Prerequisites: ART100 or permission of instructor. (F,S,Su1 ,D,E)
    ART285AB Multipresenta[...]comput- Foundation in the use of trapping and stripping software for the
    er output. Development of portfolio. Prerequisites: ART100, desktop. Use of electronic page layout techniques including
    ART169, or permission of instructor. (F,S,D,E) registration , spot colors, and the basics of trapping and strip-[...]ping . Emphasis on the use of prepress concepts. Prerequisites:
    ART285AC Multip[...]2 periods ART291AA or permission of instructor. (F,S,Su1,D,E)
    Computer-aided design and development of a company identi-
    ty program; development of a videotape demonstrating market[...]l credit 2 periods
    impact; preparation of a portfolio of completed art and graphics. Basic foundation in the use of stripping software for the desk-
    Prerequisites: ART100, ART169, or permission of instructor. top. Use of electronic page layout techniques including style[...]ation of prepress concepts. Prerequisites: ART291AB or per[...]3 credits 6 periods mission of instructor. (F,S,Su1,D,E)
    3D-Character modeling a[...]Corequisites: ART/MMT188 or ART116, or permission of the Mixed Me[...]ilm , Prerequisites: Minimum of three (3) credits introductory and
    broadcast, vid[...]Prerequisites: permission of DepartmenUDivision Chair. (F.S,D,E)
    ART100 and ART184. Corequisites: ART/MMT188, or ART116,
    or permission of the instructor.[...]ART297AC Computer Graphic
    Animation of the character, materials and texture mapping.[...]industry. 80 hours of designated work per credit. Maximum of 3
    ART287 AC 3D Character Animation III 1 c[...]
    [...]ronomy courses will meet the Natural Science part of the Phone: 623.845.3187
    Ge[...]Constant increases in the number of vehicles on the road as[...]ir increasing complexity promises a steady stream of[...]n to astronomy for the non-science major. History of
    astronomy, properties of light, instruments, the solar system into oth[...]3 periods cles. The most critical attributes of an automotive technician are[...]the ability to accurately diagnose the causes of malfunctions
    Introduction to astronomy for the non-science major. Structure
    and evolution of stars; star clusters; galaxies; cosmology.[...]Thorough knowledge and understanding of the vehicle and[...]automotive programs:[...]
    Programs ,a n ourses

    There is no specific time frame for completion of this program. Program Descript[...]ven in both the theoretical and practical aspects of automo-[...]ce. Directed lab activities
    The Factory Sponsored Programs at Glendale are designed[...]s, differentials, fuel systems
    with the intention of placing the student in a dealership. The[...]l and electronic), brakes, air conditioning,
    goal of these programs is to enable the student to achieve entry[...]s, emission control ,
    level as a technician . The programs are intensive and require eng[...]steering systems. Modern, fully
    full time status of each student. The student will require four[...]t opportunities
    semesters to complete this course of study. During those four for[...]y are prod-
    sional technician. To register in one of the factory sponsored uct specific to that manufacturer's vehicle.
    programs, students must be sponsored by a dealership as a[...]Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course listed
    already agre[...]1-3) 2r
    Students sponsored through ASEP/ASSET/CAP programs may AUT298 Spec[...]rements : (18 credits)
    ASU's and NAU's Department of .Industrial Education, but the[...]degree are advised to follow the recommendations of the Distribution: ([...]
    [...]A study of automotive systems operation and maintenance for[...]Study of construction and operating principles of internal com-[...]for beginning automotive students. The principle of
    AUT103DC Automotive Charging Systems (0.9) and[...]nd Law; the use of meters; electrical schematics; the theory of
    + AUT103DE Automotive Lighting , Indicator, and[...]4 nosis, testing, service and repair of batteries, starting systems
    AUT104AA Au[...]of meters, oscilloscopes, and other basic test equip[...]as diagnosis of problems in and caused by electrical circuits.[...]Repair of these problems also covered. Prerequisites: None.[...]Study of automotive batteries. Diagnosis, testing, service[...]repair of batteries and related circuits covered . Prerequi[...]AUT103DA, or permission of instructor. (0)

    Course Availability: ([...]
    ·Programs an~44 1 ~Qurses[...]iag-
    The diagnosis, testing , service, and repair of charging systems nosis, service, and repair of the automotive power train.
    and related component[...]s, torque converters, standard and automatic
    sion of instructor. (0)[...]Diagnosis, testing, service, Theory of operation and servicing procedures for current
    and repair of starting systems and related components covered.[...]ostics and
    Prerequisites: AUT103DA, or permission of instructor. (0). testing of mechanical, electrical , and hydraulic components[...]ervice 3 credits 5 periods
    Covers the operation of, diagnosis and repair of common auto- Use of manufacturers service manuals; performance of com-
    motive lighting, instrumentation, and warnin[...]and safety habits about automotive service.
    sion of instructor. (0)[...]T214 Passenger Car and
    Theory and operation of fuel injection, engine control manage-[...]Design and operation features of a passenger car diesel which
    service and recondit[...]izes diag-
    AUT1 03AA, or AUT1 03AB, or permission of instructor..[...]nosis and service of mechanical, electrical and fuel system
    (FD ,FE,SD[...]otive and Electrical/
    The theory and fundamentals of automotive engine manage-[...]gers, automatic door locks,
    diagnosis and tune-up of the modern day automobile.[...]ower seats. Focuses on
    Emphasis on interpretation of oscilloscope patterns and
    Scantool Data as they r[...]requisites: (AUT103AA and AUT104AA) or permission of instrumentation , and cha[...]each component. Emphasizes diagnosis and repair of system[...]tioning 3 credits 6 periods of instructor. (SD,SE)
    The theory and principles of refrigeration and air conditioning.
    Training in d[...]es AUT270AA Automotive Technology
    of automotive air conditioning systems. Prerequisite[...]service industry.
    The fundamentals and principles of suspension and steering[...]80 hours of designated work per credit. Maximum of four (4)
    systems. Diagnosis, service, and recondi[...]credits can be earned by taking combinations of AUT270AA, or
    Laboratory emphasis on front-end ser[...]d for beginning automotive students. Fundamentals of See page 286. (F,S)
    Students must earn a grade of "C" or better in all courses that will[...]6
    The core focus of the program is practical training and service[...]omposition for ESL (3)
    Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course listed[...]4
    Students must select one of the following four Tracks:[...]
    ioral health services. The core focus of the program is practical
    training and service lea[...]Program Description: The Certificate of Completion in Basic
    Required Courses: (37 credits[...]in Counseling I 3 focus of the program is practical training and service lea[...]3 Students must earn a grade of "C" or better in all courses that will
    + BHS260[...]1
    Students must select one of the following four Tracks:[...]Explanation of expectations and limitations of the role of the
    Track 3: General Integrated Track[...]2 to the variety of modes of work available to the behavioral
    + BHS266 Vio[...]herapy 3 of working with clients under professional supervisi[...]3 Introduction to the field of Paraprofessional Counseling includ-
    [...]s on group dynamics. Application of observation and documentation techniques nec-
    Exploration of group developmental stages and various coun-[...]essary to maintain clinical records in a variety of community
    seling approaches and techniques. Prere[...]based behavioral health settings. Application of legal issues to[...]ological, psychological and physiological aspects of chem- BHS290 Child and Fa[...]redits 3 periods
    ical abuse. Consideration of a variety of treatment programs Define and clarify the role of advocacy in relation to multiple
    offered in commu[...]theory and navigation skills in a variety of children's systems to
    Counseling I[...]ort and needs. Prerequisites: BHS105.
    Development of communication skills important in establishing
    an[...]lping process. Prerequisites: BHS105 with a grade of
    "C" or better.

    BHS156 Supervised Practice[...][email protected]
    Exploration of hospice care and related medical, social, emo-
    ti[...]The primary focus of biology is the study of life. This includes all
    BHS204 Counseling i[...]plex plants and animals. The technological impact of
    Values, perceptions, attitudes, behaviors emphasi[...]ues for establishing rap- bility of the scientist to our society require that a basic[...]in a multicultural context. edge of biology should become a part of everyone's education.
    Competencies, strategies, a[...]several
    Familiarization with at least five models of therapeutic intervention. prerequisi[...]to the nursing program . ·
    procedures of each model. Prerequisites: BHS151 or CHD102.[...]courses include at least two semesters of CHM, two semes-
    departmental approval. ters of PHY, and at least one semester of Calculus. The par-[...]ground and the degree requirements of the transfer institu-
    Terminology, technical forms and techniques of observation tion. It is[...]mum of the AGEC to facilitate transfer. Students should[...]sult with an advisor and I or the catalog of the transfer insti-[...]
    [...]try (3) and
    and for transfer to bachelor's programs in the field of molec- + CHM130LL Fundamental[...]Transfer students should consult the catalog of the transfer
    institution for their general ed[...]ing, and the drug discovery and testing field of Biotechnology. PHI213 Med[...]ontemporary biotechnological workplace, inclusive of analyti- Any approved course,[...], CHM 130 OR CHM151, and CHM230 under
    pletion of the program will also provide the educational bac[...]Credits
    Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course listed[...]5 Fundamentals of ecology and their relevance to human impact
    BI0215 should be taken twice for a total of six (6) credits. expen[...]
    [...]Prerequisites: None. One year of high school chemistry or one
    semester of college level chemistry recommended .
    BI0108[...]edits 6 periods (F,S,D,E,Su)
    A global study of plants in relation to humans; as a source of
    food, fiber, drugs, and other products; for aesth[...]Principles of scientific method. Structural organization, home-[...]ostasis and control mechanisms of the body. Specific chemistry
    of the Southwest 3 credits 3 periods concepts. Structure and function of the major systems of the
    Study of the common plants and animals of the Southwest body. Prerequisites: N[...]or Natural History Types of microorganisms, specific pathogens, and associate[...]1 credit 3 periods diseases. Principles of growth and reproduction for specific
    Introduction[...]ld and laboratory techniques used in types of microorganisms. Chain of disease transmission and
    the study of natural history. Specific field problems presented defense mechanisms. Use of compound microscope. Safe
    dealing with plant and[...]re- handling, culturing, and identification of specific microbes.
    lationships. Weekend field trips required at students' expense. Methods of sterilization and use of disinfectants. Prerequisites:
    Prerequisites or Corequisites: 810109 or permission of instruc- None. (F,S,D)
    tor. (S,E)[...]4 credits 6 periods Principles of structure and function of living things at molecular,
    A survey of marine environments and their biotic communities cellular, and organismic levels of organization. Field trips may
    with emphasis on the natural history of marine organisms. be required at stude[...]S,D,E) year of high school chemistry or one semester of college-level[...]1 credit 1 period
    Introduction to ecology of coral reefs. Emphasis on reef envi- BI0182[...]impacts on reefs. Additional principles of structure and function of living things at
    Prerequisites: None. (F,D)[...]cular, cellular, and organismic and higher levels of organi-[...]Prerequisites: A grade of "C': or better in 810181. (F,S,D,E)[...]erved and studied. May be repeat- Study of structure and function of the human body. Topics
    ed for a total of four (4) credit hours. Prerequisites: None. (0)[...]or 810181 with a grade of "C" or better) or (one year high school[...]biology course with a grade of "C" or better). (CHM130 or high-
    Fiel[...]er numbered CHM prefixed course) or (one year of high school
    Field expeditions in which ecological[...]served and studied. May be repeat-
    ed for a total of four (4) credit hours. Prerequisites: None.[...]Continuation of structure and function of the human body.[...]trolyte balance. Prerequisites: A grade of "C" or better in[...]
    [...]Diving 3 credits 4 periods
    tudy of microorganisms and their relationship to health, ecolo- Theory and practice of underwater research using snorkel and
    y, and re[...]ed underwater breathing apparatus (SCUBA).
    rade of "C" or better) or (one year high school biology w[...]lls, data acquisition and processing , and
    rade of "C" or better). (CHM130 or higher numbered CHM pr[...]equisites: PED102SU or
    Ked COUrse) or (one year of high school chemistry) suggested equivale[...]e courses. Prerequisites:
    310211AA or permission of instructor. (0)

    U0211AC Biotechnology Seminar:[...]ce courses. Prerequisites:
    310211AB or permission of instructor. (0)

    BI0211AE Biotechnology Seminar:[...]a and
    solution preparation, routine manipulations of DNA, structural
    properties of DNA, and regulation of gene expression .
    Prerequisites or Corequisites: 810181, or (810245 and
    810246), or permission of instructor. (0)

    BI0212AB Biotechnology II[...]A) frag-
    ments for promoter activity and analysis of deoxyribonucleic
    acid (DNA) for open reading fram[...]rience in a
    biotechnology laboratory. Development of skills and knowledge
    needed to work in a biotechnology laboratory. Prerequisites:
    Permission of Program Director and (BI0212AA or BI0212BA).
    Course Note: May be taken repeated for a total of six (6) cred-

    Course Availability:[...]
    [...]Business Programs General Education requirements[...]GBS220 or MAT172
    These degree programs can be applied to a Bachelor of Applied MAT212
    Student Goals: Transfer to Arizona State University's West[...]Student Goals: Transfer to Arizona State University's West
    Description: This program is re[...]Campus.
    wishing to complete the first two years of a bachelor of science
    degree in the business at MCCCD. All cour[...]egree (ATP) is specifi-
    sen carefully. Completion of this program does not guar-[...]State University's West Campus (ASUW).
    The transfer value of a course, including general education
    value, is g[...]The ATP degree requires a core of general education credits in
    force at the time th[...]rea general education require-
    West Campus School of Management offers the junior and sen-[...]include in the ATP degree are the gen-
    ior levels of the undergraduate curriculum. Admission is award-[...]romise for sion requirements of the major at the baccalaureate degree-
    profession[...]granting institution. The must consist of at least
    professional program the student must be admitted to ASU 's a minimum of 60 credit hours but no more than 64 credit
    West C[...]udents by the upper division institution in terms of
    of 2.50 for any courses taken at ASU 's West Campus[...]ompleted the following SKILL courses with a grade of "C" advisors is the best safegu[...]cond
    or better and a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50 in these year courses. R[...]her education- Upon completion of 36 credit hours, including the 19 credit hour[...]meet with an ASU's West Campus School of Management
    ACC111 and ACC112 and ACC212 or[...]advisor regarding the selection of course work to meet the 60
    ACC211 an[...]
    [...]A,, MKT,Mq,.

    Student Goals: Transfer to Arizona State University Main and Fo[...]d/or Macintosh microcomputers
    transfer to Arizona State University Main (ASUM).[...]ke these courses:

    The ATP degree requires a core of general education credits in For Persomil Development of microcomputer skills.
    the following general educa[...]ence (AAS) degree program and a
    sion requirements of the major at the baccalaureate degree-[...]Certificate of Completion program are available. With prop-
    granting institution . The ATP degree must consist of at least[...]udent who completes the Certificate may
    a minimum of 60 credits but no more than 64 credit hours.[...]udents
    by the upper division institution in terms of course evaluation Required course[...]urse availability on the Business
    Upon completion of 36 credit hours, including the 19 credit hour[...]MCCCD academic advisor regarding the selec-
    tion of course work to meet the 60 credit minimum.[...]This degree can be applied to a Bachelor of Applied Science[...]Microcomputer Business Applications consists of 64 credits in[...]design. As many of the courses as possible are offered in the[...]
    [...]ribution: (10 credits)
    students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course listed[...]Microcomputer Applications consists of 27-31 credits, which can
    + BPC/CIS118BB PowerPoin[...]tions and English. As many of the courses as possible are
    Relation[...]a timely and flexible manner.
    CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems 3
    CIS[...]3 computer and use a variety of software in a professional manner.
    + GBS233 B[...]1 students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each cour~ listed[...]students must select courses from any combination of the follow- ACC111 Accourtti[...]3
    ing prefixes for a total of 11-12 credits:[...]
    [...]>tudents must select courses from any combination of the follow- Macintosh 1 credit 1 period
    ng prefixes for a total of 7-8 credits: Microcomp[...]Individualized advanced applications of software selected to[...]Prerequisites: BPC 101 BA or permission of instructor.[...]Advanced commands and methods of the Windows operating
    Computers[...]system. Prerequisites: BPC102AD or permission of instructor.
    Introductory course in fundamentals of computers, including
    hardware components, operati[...]Messaging and word processing functions of a Microsoft
    Outlook electronic work state. Prerequisites: None.
    BPC100AA Business-Personal[...]C106BH Microsoft Outlook:
    Introduction to the use of personal computers in the business[...]Prerequisites: BPC106AH or permission of instructor.
    Computers II[...]readsheets.
    Prerequisites: BPC100AA or permission of instructor. Introduction to busine[...]e. Mastery of essential microcomputer keyboarding skills.[...]Emphasis on touch typing of alphabetic and numeric keys and
    BPC101AA Introduc[...]ktop environment. Prerequisites: Mastery of essential microcomputer filing skills. Emphasis o[...]eview, and a desktop environment. Use of the Microsoft command line interface: basi[...]
    [...]1 credit 2 periods
    Presents basic concepts of commercially prepared software
    used to do desktop publishing. Incorporates a combination of
    narrative and pictorial/ graphic creation and pre[...]ame files,
    edit text, format, and print a variety of documents. Many students are und[...]sites: The ability to use a keyboard at a minimum of 24 directions and need some knowledge, experience, or investiga-
    w.p.m. or permission of instructor. (F,S,Su1 ,Su2) tio[...]atisfied with their present job or career and
    Use of Windows based microcomputers and appropriate com-[...]met by this course which helps
    graphic materials of high quality. Includes overview of micro[...]ing, and explo-
    operating system, work processing of copy, use of graphics pro-
    ration of a work environment by interning or volunteering to
    grams, layout of design elements, and printing alternatives.[...]work in a business or agency of their choice. In addition, this
    Prerequisites: CIS105 or BPC110 or permission of instructor.[...]credits 4 periods gies, and the concept of person/job fit. Many employers rate
    Use of Macintosh based microcomputers and appropriate co[...]o compose and print textual and
    graphic materials of high quality. Includes overview of micro Credit for Career/Work Experience w[...]ned on the fol-
    operating system, word processing of copy, use of graphics pro- lowing basis:
    grams, layout of design elements, and printing alternatives.[...]r 4
    Prerequisites: CIS105 or BPC110 or permission of instructor. weeks

    BPC170 Computer[...]lf-paced, contact and meet with
    Technical aspects of the microcomputer, including system setup[...]shooting . Emphasis
    on basic troubleshooting, use of tools, hardware components Plus:
    and ha[...]interfacing. Prerequisites: CIS105 or
    permission of instructor.[...]d as an elective toward ful-
    Advanced application of software for business and personal fil[...]r colleges
    and presentation. Includes integration of applications and and universities as electives.
    Internet. Prerequisites: BPC110, or permission of instructor.

    BPC270 Computer Maintenance II[...]3 credits 4 periods
    Advanced technical aspects of maintaining and servicing com- •[...]ench technician. Prerequisites: BPC170 with grade of C or CWE198AB Career/Work Experience 2 credits
    better, or permission of instructor. CWE1[...]and/or exploring a career or field of choice. Helps students
    See page 286.[...]and interviewing skills. Development of employability skills.[...]
    Chemists study the behavior of substances, and create new or[...]ntial Equations 3
    of living systems vital to research efforts in the field of medicine. + PHY115* University Physics I[...]transferring to the University of Arizona.

    Students studying chemistry often find[...]riety General Education Recommendations:
    of related · fields: medicine, pharmacy, industrial[...]Phoenix area has some
    positions in medical labs, government labs, and the semicon-
    ductor industry, opportuni[...]esigned to generally parallel the first two years of course work
    required by most four-year institutio[...]chemistry principles of students deficient or insecure in these[...]CHM095 Review of
    ments in an expedient manner. Required courses ma[...]A brief review of CHM151 concepts and problem-solving tech-
    degree[...]requisites: CHM151 and
    Algebra, or the equivalent of 4 years high school math. (MAT120[...]A survey of chemistry and its impact on the environment.[...]Completion of CHM107LL is required to meet the Natural[...]
    [...]dit 3 periods
    Laboratory experience in support of CHM107. Prerequisites or Laboratory experience in support of CHM 151. Prerequisites
    Corequisites: CHM107. (F,[...]CHM 130LL or permission of instructor. Prerequisites 01[...]emistry 3 credits 3 periods
    Elements of general chemistry for all students. Serves to pre[...]M230. Prerequisites: A study of the chemical properties of the major groups of ele-
    Grade of "C" or better in CHM090, .or MAT091, or MAT092, o[...]and other selected topics. Completion of CHM152LL required to
    (F,S,D,E,Su1)[...]e Note: Course content designed to meet the needs of and CHM151LL. Completion of CHM151 and CHM151LL with-
    students in such areas[...]s Laboratory experience in support of CHM152. Prerequisites:
    Laboratory experience in support of CHM130. Prerequisites or CHM151LL o[...]CHM154 General Chemistry II
    Elements of fundamental and organic chemistry. Includes the[...]3 credits 3 periods
    general chemical behavior of inorganic matter and the struc- A study of the chemical properties of the major groups of ele-
    ture of organic and biochemical systems. This course is[...]ics, electro-
    designed for specific allied health programs at MCCCD. It may chemistry, and othe[...]e analy-
    not be applicable to other allied health programs or transfer- sis. Prepares students f[...]ore chemistry courses.
    able. Prerequisites: Grade of "C" or better in CHM090; or one Completion of CHM154LL is required to meet the Natural
    year of high school chemistry with a grade of "C" or better; or Science requirement.[...]re on placement exam. Completion of CHM151 and CHM151LL within the last two
    (F,S,D)[...]edits 6 periods
    Laboratory experience in support of CHM138, Chemistry for Laboratory experience in support of CHM154. Includes qualita-
    Allied Health. Prerequi[...]try 3 credits 3 periods
    Detailed study of principles of chemistry for science majors and Principles and methods of chemical analysis. Prerequisites:
    students in pre[...]rerequisites: (CHM130 and CHM130LL), or (one year of high
    school chemistry With a grade of C or better taken within the last CHM220LL Analytical Chemistry
    five years), and completion of intermediate algebra or equiva-[...]2 credits 6 periods
    lent. Completion of all prerequisites within the last two years is Laboratory experience in support of CHM220. Prerequisites:
    recommended.[...]se Note: Students may receive credit for only one of the Corequisites: CHM220. (0)
    follo[...]y 3 credits 3 periods
    Detailed study of principles of chemistry for science majors and Chemistry ot representative groups of organic compounds,
    students in pre-professional c[...]rerequisites: (CHM130 and CHM130LL), or (one year of high and CHM130LL), or (CHM150 or CHM151 and CHM151LL).
    school chemistry with a grade of C or better taken within the last Completion of (CHM130 and CHM130LL) or (CHM150 or
    five years), and completion of intermediate algebra or equiva- CHM151[...]within the last two years recom-
    lent. Completion of all prerequisites within the last two years is[...]e Note: Course content designed to meet the needs of
    Course Note: Students may receive credit for only one of the students in agriculture,[...]
    [...]it 3 periods
    .aboratory experience in support of CHM230. Prerequisites:
    :;HM130LL, or CHM151LL, o[...]3 periods
    ~igorous introduction to chemistry of carbon-containing com-[...]er
    oounds. Reaction mechanisms and recent methods of synthe-[...]and CHM152LL, or
    CHM154 and CHM154LL. Completion of (CHM152 and
    CHM152LL) or (CHM154 and CHM154LL) wi[...]dit 4 periods
    Laboratory experience in support of CHM235. Prerequisites:
    CHM152LL, or CHM154LL, or[...]A 3 credits 3 periods in the field of early childhood education (ECE), focusing on pro-
    Study of chemistry of carbon-containing compounds continued . grams serving children birth through 8 years of age. The cours-
    Structural determination and addi[...]y and practice, are offered in
    and modern methods of synthesis emphasized . Prerequisites: a variety of formats, and are scheduled to accommodate those
    CHM235 and CHM235LL. Completion of CHM235 and wh[...]emic schedule in
    Laboratory experience in support of CHM236. Prerequisites: ord[...]Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course listed
    CHM260[...]ed Courses.
    Structures, properties, and functions of proteins, enzymes, CFS/ECH[...]lassroom 3
    thesis of these materials by living systems and the relatio[...]EED200 Foundations of Early Childhood Education 3
    of the processes to energy production and utilizatio[...]ly Learning: Health, Safety,
    CHM238LL. Completion of CHM230 and CHM230LL, or[...]+ EED280 Observation and Assessment of Typical[...]
    [...]Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in
    Oral Communication :[...]the field of early childhood education (ECE), focusing on pro-[...]grams serving children birth through 8 years of age. The cours-
    + CRE101 Critical and Evalua[...]a variety of formats, and are scheduled to accommodate those
    M[...]3 Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course
    Any approved cour[...]3
    FON241 Principles of Human Nutrition (3) .Ill!!.[...]EED200 Foundations of Early Childhood Education 3
    + FON241LL Principles of Human Nutrition (1)[...]+ EED280 Observation and Assessment of Typical[...]
    [...]edits) Cmlin
    intervention programs, group and halfway houses, hospice[...]101 First-Year Composition (3) irul
    vate and State/local government), facilities for the disabled and +[...]onal Communication (3)
    Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course[...]rmediate Algebra (5) 2r
    CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems (3) 3[...]mily Development 3
    CFS225 Foundations of Parent Education 3
    Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) ir
    Parent Education will prepare[...]in adoption and foster care, crisis intervention programs, social paraprofessional level can[...]ent opportuni-
    service agencies (both private and State/local government), ties in adult day care centers, crisis intervention programs, group
    and other child and family, community-base[...]service agencies (both private and State/local government), facil-
    Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course[...]Students must earn a grade of "C" or better in all courses with-
    BPC110[...]and Applications (3) 2r
    CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems (3) 3[...]Credits
    CFS225 Foundations of Parent Education 3[...]CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems (3)[...]1

    Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in
    Adolescent Development will p[...]Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in
    nities in adoption and foster care, crisis intervention programs, Child and Family Organizations Man[...]o enter the family life education, human
    vate and State/local government), facilities for the disabled and d[...]administration of programs such as: adoption and foster care,[...]adult day care centers, crisis intervention programs, group and
    Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course[...]ice agencies (both private and State/local government), facilities[...]ty-based organizations.
    CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems (3) 3
    CFS[...]3 Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course
    CFS249[...]3 CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems (3)[...]
    [...]Designed to develop understanding of a broad range of con-
    Fiscal Management and Gr[...]Overview of issues facing single parent families. Examination of[...]nt issues with emphasis on relationships. Methods of[...]ting family life to meet the needs and variations of one-par-
    • • • Course Desc[...]Fundamental concepts of public health, with emphasis on com-[...]ontrol in the early childhood setting. Principles of
    CFS101AH Art Activities for disease prevention, routes of disease transmission, arrival
    the You[...]cies, sanitation, and components
    The creative use of art media and techniques at appropriate of a healthy environment. Scientific principles, con[...]FS125 Safety in Early
    Interpreting the study of science in early childhood education as[...]Settings 1 credit 1 period
    a part of a dynamic growth process offered by the child's daily Fundamental concepts of safe practices and procedures for the
    life experi[...]ement, fire safety, and written documentation
    Use of creative imagination with toys to enable the chil[...]explore the world. Includes evaluating proper use of basics. Prerequisites: None. (F,S,E)[...]Study of marriage and the family as a social system, inclu[...]1 credit 1 period els of family analysis, intra- and interpersonal relatio[...]Prerequisites: None. {F,S,D,E)
    Emphasis on design of emergency plan of action. Basic Life
    Support, recognition and management of common childhood CFS160[...]'s Literature 1 credit · 1 period
    Department of Health Services child care worker requirements. Using elements of music, speech, and movement with chil-
    Prerequisi[...]erequisites: None. (F,S ,E)
    Practical application of basic infant care theory to promote opti-
    mal development of the infant. Caregiving skills necessary to CFS165 Home-Based
    protect the well-being of infants. Prerequisites: None. {S,E)[...]d personal time management. Planning and
    Overview of the relationship between fathers or significant m[...]duling the home-based program . Includes overview of
    figures and children from the role perspective of the involved, nur-[...]child growth and development, types of routines and activities
    turing male. Strategies f[...]ules. Prerequisites: None. {O,E)
    male involvement programs examined . Prerequisites: None. (F,S)[...]home-based child care. Past, current, and
    Causes of hyperactivity in children; focus on the fa[...]
    [...]and coverage, in early childhood programs. Prerequisite: None. (F,S)
    shared facilities, and[...]ns in early childhood organizations and the
    Study of the science of human development from conception influence of the individual's personal needs on the overall ne[...]lls, parent and and objectives of the organization. Prerequisites: None. (F,S)
    adult roles in the lives of children, and contemporary issues.
    Prerequisites:[...]riods Provides a broad perspective of the organizational life of an
    Positive methods to strengthen relationships a[...]on 1 credit 1 period
    CFS178 Survey of Early[...]3 credits 3 periods hood programs. Prerequisites: None. (F,S) ·
    Orientation to basic concepts of day care and nursery pro-
    grams. History and philosophy of child care services including CFS196 Ethics and the
    state regulations governing those services. Observation[...]ildhood settings. Considers availability and uses of[...]ersonality development from birth through
    members of a team in the writing of an Individualized Education adult[...]; perspectives, expert-
    ise, and responsibilities of members of the team; and commu- CFS206[...]Examination of management and administration of community-[...]child and family organizations within the context of organi-
    CFS190 Home-Based Visitation[...]zational behaviors. Focus on attributes of effective organizations:
    Emphasis on development of skills needed to successfully the impact -of organizational culture and learning, work-place
    c[...]supervisors in child Examination of organization and community leadership as it
    care[...]applies to the management and administration of community-
    growth of child care staff. Prerequisites: None. (S,E)[...]of leadership styles and function . Prerequisites: N[...]ies for financial management and administra-
    tion of finances in a child care center. Specific concerns of par-
    ticipants addressed . Prerequisites:[...]
    [...]asis on physical, cognitive and psy-
    ::xamination of fiscal accountability and resource development chosocial dimensions of retirement. Prerequisites: None. (F,S)
    :ts it applies to the management and administration of commu-
    nity-based child and family social service[...]es in Aging 3 credits 3 periods
    Provides overview of grant development processes beginning[...]ns: Examination of the physical, psychological, social, and cultural[...]ve cultural variation. Examination of facts and myths, current liter-
    project managemen[...]evaluation and project Sexuality of males and females in contemporary society; impact[...]isites: None. (F,S) of sexual trends on society; home/school issues in s[...]education. Prerequisites: Permission of department. Student
    CFS210 Family Life Edu[...]18 years or older. (F,S,E,D)
    Provides an overview of the professional work within the field of
    family life education . Emphasis on developing fl[...]Prerequisites: Emphasizes the blend of job-related activities including career
    None. (F,[...]the-job issues. May be repeated for a total of three (3) credit
    CFS220 Introduction to Par[...]ildhood Education 3 credits 3 periods
    Overview of the field of family and parent development.[...]tion in school programs required . Prerequisites: CFS176 or
    introduced an[...]ECH176 or permission of instructor. (F,S)
    Prerequisites: None. (F,S,E)[...]ren with Special Needs in
    CFS225 Foundations of Parent[...]and disabilities in the preschool setting. Types of disabilities,
    Emphasis on developing effective sk[...]volved with the child . Skills and types of programs, and working with families. Prerequisites:
    techni[...]1 credit 1 period
    Considers the influences of physical and social environments in An exploration of the educational , social , and behavioral issues[...]d concerns involved in the successful integration of children
    spectives of the individual, the family, society and the profe[...],S) sion of practical concerns such as adaptation of environment[...]cultural Early

    population, including integration of cultures, generations, genders,[...]period
    and races into the classroom, facilitation of second language Practical early chi[...]- ethnic population, including integration of multicultures into the
    opmentally appropriate. Pr[...](F,S,E) classroom , facilitation of second language acquisition , and[...]Prerequisites: CFS176. (O,E)
    Examines the impact of social policy on family systems and the
    [...]periods Introduction to techniques of observing young children
    Work experience in child care centers. 80 hours of designated Recording methods, interpretation and use of collected infer·
    work per credit. Maximum of 6 credits allowed. Prerequisites:[...]cations. Prerequisites
    CFS/ECH 176 and permission of department. Corequisites: No[...]Exploration of the influence of the environment on the behavior
    Preschool 1 credit I period of young children. Indoor and outdoor spaces conside[...]and the preschool. Emphasis analysis of environments practiced. Prerequisites: None.
    on m[...]ds. Prerequisites:
    CFS176 or CFS278 or permission of instructor. (S,E) ECH273[...]ods and techniques for encouraging the beginnings of
    CFS290AA Child Abuse: Identification and Reportin[...]I credit I period the theory of Jean Piaget. Prerequisites: None. (F,S,E)
    Identification, recording , and reporting by child care providers of
    sexual abuse, physical abuse, or neglect of young children . ECH275 Lit[...]Overview of language acquisition for young children in both[...]is on adults' roles in
    Introduction to principles of development in infants from birth fos[...]d An intensive focus on the process of building curriculum units
    Overview of the developmental needs of children from 15 to 30 appropriate to the developmental needs and abilities of the
    months. Emphasis on the adult role in providi[...]young child. Design, use, and evaluation of materials and activ-
    lating everyday environment[...]ities. May be repeated for a total of four (4) credits.
    tate and commun icate with othe[...]1 credit I period
    Safety and design features of commercial , homemade, and A discussion of the nutritional needs of young children and the
    household learning materia[...]rough 30 cultural and social meanings of foods, feed ing, and eating.
    months of age. Focus on matching items with children's deve[...]hild 1 credit 1 period
    Design aspects of traditional early childhood play materials Consideration of motor development in the toddler through the
    exam[...]sign, pro- 8 year-old and exploration of age-appropriate rhythmic, musi-
    duction, and field-testing of teacher-made devices. cal[...]ildren. Emphasis on uti- of Child Groups 1 credit 1 perio[...]s: None. (F,E) Exploration of techniques for guiding children in groups[...]
    [...]elopment 3 credits 3 periods
    of the Young Child 1 credit 1 period Exploration of the ways that biology and cultures influence the
    Ensuring the physical health and safety of young children well-being and development of children around the world.
    through age-appropriat[...]Considers traditional and scientific views of the child, as well as
    experiences. Prerequisites:[...]threats to the well-being of the young in the contemporary[...]ion and
    Emerging professionalism within the field of early childhood Assessment[...]tion 3 credits 3 periods
    education. Consideration of job responsibilities, rewards, ethics Overview of Early Education standards, observation techniques[...]bilities and the application of standards within varied education-[...]urces mission of instructor.
    and Referral 1 credit 1 period
    Survey of current community agencies, resources, and support
    groups for a variety of child and family needs. Considers appro-[...]ce CFCSl
    priate procedures for referral, handling of information, confiden-
    tiality and follow up. Pre[...]Techniques of portfolio development to document prior learning[...]Includes study of learning styles and levels, analysis of person-
    EED111 Multimedia and the Early[...]al and vocational experiences, synthesis of these with compe-
    Childhood Education[...]tencies for specific courses, and integration of the above with
    Explore theories and teaching strategies of utilizing multimedia other material to creat[...]d for evalua-
    with children birth through 8 years of age. Examine usage of tion for credit. Prerequisites: Completion of twelve (12) credit
    various multimedia in early childhood education settings. hours of CFS and/or FCS coursework and permission of
    Explore ways to integrate appropriate multimedia[...]Program Coordinator.
    learning. Explore the use of multimedia and ECE professional
    growth. Prerequis[...]community-based, family-focused service
    Benefits of play for children birth to 8 years of age. Inclusion of and/or educational organizations. 80 hours of designated work
    art, music, and movement used in all dimensions of play. per credit. Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.
    Identify uses and roles in the development of children. Course Note: May be repeated for a total of six (6) credit. hours.
    Prerequisites: CFS/ECH 176[...]s
    Define speech and language and discuss theories of language ITD201 Attachment and
    acquisition in young children , birth through 8 years of age in a Relationships 2 credits 2 periods
    variety of settings. Explore techniques to encourage and sup- Explores the roots of human relationships in the attachment
    port the development of language, assessment techniques and pro[...]spectives of Mahler, Erikson, and Magda Gerber. Prerequisites:[...]redits 3 periods None. (F,S,E)
    Overview of emergent literacy, early literacy development, an[...]erequisites: CFS/ECH176 or CFS205 ·or permission of
    [...]The objectives of the Communication Department are: to provide[...]individual courses as electives in other programs; to satisfy
    Chinese[...]requirements prescribed by programs in other areas; and to pro-[...]ho will transfer to other Arizona university
    lary of the Mandarin Chinese language. Includes the study of Communication programs; and to provide second language
    Chinese culture, practice of listening, speaking, reading, and[...]courses are organized to meet practical needs of students,[...]ram as well as various other stu-
    Continued study of grammar and vocabulary along with the[...]CC's Communication Department is affiliated
    study of Chinese culture. Emphasis on pronunciation and[...]e without ever leaving GCC's campus. The Bachelor of
    Conversation II 3 credit[...]ication is a joint offering
    Continued development of speaking and listening skills for[...]University. Upon completion of the program , students receive
    ments of Chinese culture. Prerequisites: CHI115 or equival[...]Bachelor of Science Degree in Speech Communication with an[...]1-3 credits understanding of how organizations work and helps students
    See pag[...]etorical and experimental approaches to the study of human[...]opportunity to study a common core of communication courses,[...]to design part of their program to achieve individual goals, and[...]research, and service with the goal of improving communicative[...]interactions. A recent national survey of college graduates' with[...]
    Programs a. ~:~+ ~eurses[...]Communication Department's selection of Maricopa
    COM100 Introduction to Human Commun[...]Studies at any of Arizona's universities. Depending on the uni-
    CO[...]n Business and Professions*
    SC 312 Methods of Interviewing 3[...]nary program of study that provides intensive study of written and
    Students are required to take 12 hours of GCC courses in a con-[...]erent contexts including interper-
    centrated area of study. Students should work in conjunction with[...]Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course listed[...]
    [...]CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems[...]3
    CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems 3[...]3
    COM263 Elements of Intercultural Communication 3[...]concentrated program of study in communication and oral fluen-[...]ation and fluency of American speech as well as experience in[...]heir professional, aca-
    interdisciplinary program of study designed to extend tradition-[...]n- Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course listed
    flict resolu[...]COM120 Pronunciation of American Speech 3.
    Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course listed
    under Requir[...]Lan~age ua.iter Course
    COM120 Pronunciation of American Speech 3[...]The Communication Department offers a series of courses for
    CRE101 Critical and Evaluative Reading I (3) 2r speakers of other languages. Through these offerings and an[...]nication skills and achieve oral fluency. The aim of the
    program is that of achieving communication competence. Please[...]
    [...]Emphasis on the use of digital technology to create, edit, pro-[...]chniques to facilitate Overview of theory and methodological practice in communica-[...]ntion to scholarly writing skills. Emphasis
    total of six (6) credit hours. Prerequisites: None. (F,S,D) on development of critical thinking skills through active partici-
    Note: Recommended for students with CELSA test scores of pation in the research pr[...]NG1 01 or
    30-38 ; students with CELSA test scores of 39-50 may enroll in ENG107 or e[...]sion of instructor. (F,S,E)

    COM095 Basic Oral[...]3 periods Emphasis on diagnosis of individual listening, corrective proce-
    Listening[...]ills, dures, and reinforcement of improved habits through normal
    including notetaki[...]on-native English speakers with
    CELSA test scores of 51-56 or who test into 4th level ESL class-[...]ENG/RDG 071/091. Students with CELSA test scores of Leadership strategies, ski[...]ervices, advocacy, and clubs.
    Theory and practice of communication skills in public, small[...]group, and interpersonal settings. Includes study of the speech p~rmission of instructor. (0)
    communication process. Prerequisi[...]age Learner (ELL) students to
    Theory and practice of communication skills which affect day-[...]presentational speaking. Emphasis on development of
    using verbal and nonverbal symbols, interactive l[...]ning tional speaking; and use of English to interact spontaneously
    personal and pr[...]3 credits 3 periods
    COM120 Pronunciation of Discussion and practice of the use of evidence, applied rea-
    American Speec[...]3 periods soning, recognition of fallacies, selection of arguments, and
    Analysis of American speech production problems due to methods of analyzing issues. Prerequisites: ENG101 , or
    accents produced by another language, correction of misarticu- ENG107, or equivalen[...]ts 3 periods
    visual media. Principles of verbal message development and Principles and processes of small groups and development of
    related visual design stressed. Techniques of managing the skills for par[...]ion making, and information
    ods and the operation of common equipment. Prerequisites:[...]
    [...]COM277 Group Facilitation Theory
    Application of communication skills that enhance the personal[...]. Assessment and Theory and practice of group facilitation skills. Emphasis on
    improvement of your individual communication skills in your[...]5 years work experience, or permission of instructor. (0)
    COM241 Introduction to Oral[...]study, analysis, and preparation for performance of prose, Designed to provide students with[...]ence
    poetry, and dramatic literature. Preparation of material for pub- in a variety of speech situations beyond the classroom setting.
    Study, analysis, rehearsal, and performance of various types of COM282AA Volunteerism for Speech Communic[...]r Speech Communication:
    Introduction to the study of communication in organizations[...]3 credits
    including identification of variables, roles and patterns influencing Servi[...]repeated for a total of four (4) COM282 credit hours; may not
    COM251 Inte[...]ore than two (2) credit
    Principles and techniques of interviewing, including ·practice hours[...]lined in catalog. Prerequisites: Permission of instructor. (0)
    sive, and employee-related situat[...]quivalent.

    COM260 Communication of Sex and
    Sexual Identity 3 credits 3 periods
    Communication of personal, interpersonal, and cultural mes-
    sages[...]0, or COM110, or
    ENG101. (0)

    COM263 Elements of Intercultural
    Communication[...]mmunication 3 credits 3 periods
    Effects of space, time, body movements, environment,[...]
    [...]Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course listed[...]CAD101 Elements of CAD Graphics (AutoCAD) 3[...]+ CAD100 Fundamentals of 2D AutoCAD 3
    For Archi[...]+ CAD145 Survey of CAD 3[...]+ CET211 Strength of Materials 3[...]3
    The CAD Technology Associate of Applied Science program
    and courses provide stude[...]Students must complete one of the following application spe-
    on training to dev[...]cialty groups:
    core knowledge of drafting standards, mathematics, and engi-[...]Group II. Manufacturing Option
    than the supply of skilled technicians. Jobs are available in[...]+ CAD245 Design and Modeling of Mechanisms 3
    Department of Labor.[...]+CAD245 Design and Modeling of Mechanisms 3[...]l Software(AutoCAD Architecture) II:
    manipulation of 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional objects using[...]3
    broadening their experience of the design sector and heighten-[...]tural Drafting 3
    ing their perc,eptions of the range of design possibilities.[...]
    ENG102 or ENG108 is acceptable with permission of department + CAD255 Stru[...]+CAD245 Design and Modeling of Mechanisms 3
    ECN211[...]sional modeling and documentation specific to one of the three ing at a skill level[...]Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course[...]Credits
    CAD101 Elements of CAD Graphics (AutoCAD) 3[...]Credits
    + CAD100 Fundamentals of 2D AutoCAD 3 CAD101 Elements of CAD Graphics (AutoCAD) 3
    + CAD145 Survey of CAD 3 + CAD1 00 Fundamentals of 2D AutoCAD 3
    + C[...]3 + CAD145 Survey of CAD[...]Credits
    Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course listed
    of AutoCAD skills
    • May or may may not be seeking[...]he Fundamentals of 2D
    one you should take[...]---------~ CAD101 -Elements of
    • This course should be taken at the same time[...]INT140- lntro to
    • Want a solid foundation of AutoCAD skills[...]lass is best for you, or have questions
    about any of the AutoCAD and Drafting courses, call Susan Camp[...]Fundamentals of 2D
    of CAD Graphics[...]D
    CAD145 - Survey of ~......,......,.., CAD155 - Advanced[...]
    [...]CET211 Strength of Materials 3 credits 3 periods[...]esign A study of strength and application of the materials of engineer-
    (BLT, CET, CAD, DFT)[...]ing construction, including the mechanics of beams, shafts, and[...]MAT187, or equivalent, or permission of department. (S,E)

    BLT120 Techniques of
    Building Inspection 3 cr[...]Computer-Aided Draftin& <CAD>
    Theory and practice of zoning, foundation, structural , mechani-
    cal and[...]commer- CAD 100 Fundamentals of 2D AutoCAD 3 credits 6 periods
    cial construction[...]operties to format, draw, edit, layer,
    Principles of safe electrical installations and proper inspecti[...]manipulation, and hardcopy production of 2-D drawing files
    ardous occupancies and the Nati[...]3 periods CADlOl Elements of CAD Graphics
    National Electrical Code requirement[...]ntial build- Computer generation of common design components using
    ings. Topics inclu[...]tection, wiring methods, types of concept illustration based on standard pictorial methods.
    and proper usage of material, swimming pool installation. Introduction of multiview presentations and projection tech-
    Prer[...]its 3 periods CAD145 Survey of CAD 3 credits 6 periods
    Code req[...]actices. Topics include Survey of the basic standards and procedures for drawing
    du[...]setups and design documentation in the fields of architecture,
    Prerequisites: None. (S,E)[...]3 credits 3 periods permission of instructor. (F,S)
    Uniform plumbing code and plumb[...]periods
    ative to the installation and maintenance of plumbing systems.[...]tion of design documentation; attribute manipulation and[...]CAD100 and CAD101 , or permission of instructor. (F,S)
    Designed specifically to acquaint students with safety principles
    of building construction under the International Bui[...]utoCAD Architecture) 1:
    concrete, fire resistance of building construction, fire resistant[...]Prerequisites: CAD145 or permission of instructor. CAD255 is
    of building construction under the International Res[...]s for wood, masonry and
    concrete, fire resistance of building construction, fire resistant[...]mission of instructor. CAD 255 recommended .

    [...]ng design. Design, construc- Use of AutoCAD Architecture, an architectural modeling soft-
    tion and documentation of primitive, regional, and composite[...]e (ANSI) and design. CAD treatment of selected details and other structural
    Internation[...]ssion practices and standards of working drawings.
    of instructor. (F,S,E)[...]l engineering/surveying applica- Use of REVIT architectural modeling software utilized by the
    tion software. Volumetric analysis of earthwork (cut and fills) uti- architectu[...]building design. Focus on CAD develop-
    Production of base mapping, earthwork, grading, and drainage ment of selected plans, details, and structural practices[...]AD167 or per-
    Prerequisites: CAD145 or permission of instructor. mission of instructor.

    CAD215 Three-Dimensional[...]gn 3 credits 3 periods
    Reduction of 3D design concepts to coordinate space and pro-[...], graphics, sprinkler design, detail
    Manipulation of wireframes; surfacing techniques; development[...], landscape legends, sectional and 3-D views, E-Z
    of solids using Boolean operations. Production of standard dis- estimate and Database[...]CAD1 01, or CAD135) and AGL 189, or permission of instructor.
    and CAD135) or permission of instructor. (F,S) ([...]cialized training in the documentation and design of electro-
    animation. Uses Discreet's 3D Studio's software suite of model- mechanical products, using various sources of design informa-
    ing, rendering and animation tools to visualize and solve design tion as part of the manufacturing process. Typical construction
    issues. Development of professional quality presentation mate-[...]kages, and chassis and rack
    CAD215) or permission of instructor.[...]permission of instructor. (F,S,E)
    CAD245 Design and Modeling
    of Mechanisms 3 credits 6 periods[...]ts 6 periods
    Specialized training in the design of manufactured products Use a coor[...]ol
    parts, and operating sheets (O.S.) and methods of tooling[...]ods
    (M.O.T.). Prerequisites: CAD175 or permission of instructor.[...]engineering design. Study of the geometry of technical drawing[...]with an emphasis on the space relationship of points, lines and
    CAD 255 Structural Details[...]ms using
    CAD-based instruction in the development of framing plans,[...]ods. Prerequisites: (CAD215
    sections, and details of typical southwestern construction sys-[...]and DFT1 07) or permission of instructor.
    tems. Creation of personal standard detail files for wood, con-
    cre[...]ce practices.
    Prerequisites: CAD145 or permission of instructor.[...]
    [...]n the design trades.
    Additional topics in the use of rectangular coordinates.
    Prerequisites: MAT092 or equivalent, or 1 year ·of high school
    algebra, or permission of department. (F,S,D,E)[...]geometry with practical applications to the field of design draft- www.J:c.m[...]business/computers/
    ing. Problems in the analysis of force, stress, and vectors as
    well as primary geo[...]hasis on basic drafting techniques and principles of archi-
    tectural drafting. Use of basic drafting instruments. Includes let-[...]Student Goals: TrC!nsfer to Arizona State University Main.
    tering , line weights, dimension[...]3 credits 3 periods Arizona State University Main (ASUM).
    Analysis and interpretation of technical drawings common to
    the construction ind[...]The ATP degree requires a core of general education credits in
    None. (0)[...]sion requirements of the major at the baccalaureate degree-[...]granting institution. The ATP degree must consist of at least
    a minimum of 60 credits but no more than 64 credit hours.[...]the upper division institution in terms of course evaluation and[...]Upon completion of 36 credit hours, including the 19 credit hour[...]of course work to meet the 60 credit minimum.[...]
    [...]Students must select two (2) of the following courses for a total of two (2) credits:[...]CIS122AA VAXNMS Operating System (1)
    Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) degree.[...]s from Group B or
    dents flexibility in their area of concentration allowing them to Three (3) course[...]their individual career goals. for a total of twelve (12) credit hours.[...]Students must select courses from any combination of the follow-
    producing logical designs, coding ins[...]ing prefixes for a total of eleven to twelve (11-12) credits:
    language approp[...]ear Composition (3) and
    Students must eam a grade of "C" or better for each course listed + ENG111[...]Evaluative Reading I (3) or
    CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems 3[...]
    Programs a,a~i Courses[...]Credits
    Program Description : The Associate of Applied Science (MS) Humani[...]3
    program provides an in-depth exploration of different computer Any approv[...]ciety and Business (3)
    Students must earn a grade of a "C" or better for all courses[...]Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL)
    + BPC/CIS117CM Database Manageme[...]program provides an in-depth exploration of different computer
    Microsoft Ac[...]es, but is not limited to the
    CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems 3[...]1 Students must earn a grade of a "C" or better for all courses
    +CIS150 Any[...]3 CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems 3
    + CIS166[...]*ENG101 or ENG107 with a grade of "C" or better or permis-
    Core: (1 2 credits)[...]-Credits sion of department/division is prerequisite to GBS233.
    Fi[...]6 Select 2 of the 3 courses for a total of 6 credits:
    + ENG101 First-Year Compo[...]
    [...]tructure 3
    students for a variety of industry recognized Linux certification[...]3
    place. The program includes a core of Linux classes including CIS250 Management of Information Systems 3
    Objectives for a variety of industry certifications are encom-[...]t-Year Composition (3)
    Students must earn a grade of a "C" or better for all courses[...]indicated by assessment
    CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems(3) QI[...]3
    Permission of Department or Division[...]Usage and Applications (3) or
    CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems (3) 3
    BPC/CIS[...]Level II 3
    + CIS270 Essentials of Network and Information Security 3
    + CIS29[...]
    [...]+CIS250 Management of Information Systems 3
    Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in CIS2[...]ogram will help to prepare
    students for a variety of industry recognized Linux certification
    exams as[...]s for the work
    place. The program includes a core of Linux classes including
    Linux Operating System Ba[...]ent professional skills.
    Objectives for a variety of industry certifications are encom- Program Description: The Certificate of Completion in Linux
    passed within course and prog[...]of industry-recognized Linux certification exams as well as pro-
    Students must earn a grade of a "C" or better for all courses[...]includes a core of Linux classes including Linux operating sys-[...]ent professional skills. Objectives for a variety of indus-
    Server+ Prep[...]Students must earn a grade of a "C" or better for all courses
    +CIS126CL[...]d Line Operations 1
    CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems (3) 3[...]3 CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems 3
    + BPC170[...]3 +CIS270 Essentials of Network and Information Security 3
    + BPC273 Ad[...]II 3
    + CIS270 Essentials of Network and Information Security 3
    + CIS29[...]
    [...]ram will help to prepare stu-
    dents for a variety of industry-recognized Linux certification Program Description: The Associate of Applied Science (MS
    exams as well as provide prac[...]rovide studenn
    place. The program includes a core of Linux classes including with the knowledge a[...]dministration , operating systems and programs function . Emphasis is placec
    Network Administrat[...]gram is designed to meet the training needs of government and
    Objectives for a variety of industry certifications are encom- industry employees. The program covers a variety of informa-
    passed within course and program objecti[...]IT) security training.
    Students must earn a grade of a "C" or better for all courses The Informat[...]business, industry and government.
    Required Courses: (12 credits)[...]Students must earn a grade of a "C" or better for all courses
    CIS126AL Lin[...]3 Certificate of Completion: Information Security Technology (5347[...]s Students should select 12 credits from the list below of which 6
    BPC/CIS121AB Microsoft Command Line Ope[...]Networks (WAN) Technologies 3
    CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems 3 + CN[...]) or + CNT186 Fundamentals of Wireless LANs 4
    MST140 Mi[...]s in the Enterprise 3
    +CIS270 Essentials of Network and Information Security 3[...]
    [...]Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in
    + ENG108 First-Year Com[...]works, operating systems and programs function , as well as,
    + COM225 Public Spea[...]3-5 the training needs of employees in both public and private sec-
    + MAT15[...]tors. The program covers a variety of information security disci-
    + MAT151 Colleg[...]3 Students must earn a grade of a "C" or better for all courses
    Any approved cou[...]Certificate of Completion: Information Security Technology (5347[...]3
    Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in + CNT1[...]+ CNT186 Fundamentals of Wireless LANs 4
    stu[...]LAN security solutions and understand the impact of
    new wireless solutions. The Wireless Network Secu[...]Credits
    Certificate of Completion . is part of a comprehensive + CIS[...]tware 1
    CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems 3[...]3
    + CNT186 Fundamentals of Wireless LANs 4
    + IT[...]
    Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in
    Information Security Technol[...]ence, often as part
    works, operating systems and programs function, as well as, of a criminal investigation, from computers and comp[...]ks. The discipline requires a technical knowledge of the rela-
    knowledge and skills to maintain secur[...]s), and between the operating
    the training needs of employees in both p~blic and private sec- system and system/application programs and the network.
    tors. The program covers a variety of information security dis- Evidence gather[...]c the evidence is admissible in a court of law, and can be docu-
    security training. The Inf[...]stry certi- Security Forensics Certificate of Completion is part of a com-
    fications.[...]Essentials Prep 3 Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course
    CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems 3 listed in the program.

    Students must earn a grade of a "C" or better for all courses Pro2ram[...]CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems 3[...]
    [...]applications. In
    Desk. Courses include a balance of information about ttie tech- addition to web pa[...]t, this certificate prepares soft-
    nical aspects of user support with an appropriate emphasis on[...]ents for the Microsoft Certification to write programs to manage corporate database via the web.
    Exams[...]Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course listed
    A grade of "C" or better is required for all courses within[...]CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems 3[...]/CIS120BF Computer Graphics:
    CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems 3[...]
    [...]or permission of instructor.
    Program Description: The certificate[...]Credits BPC/CIS114BE or permission of instructor.
    Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course listed
    under Requir[...]statistics, and matrix manipulation. Production of graphs and
    Adobe Photoshop: Leve[...]Introduction to the basic elements of a current version of the
    + CIS235 e-Commerce[...]Exploration of additional components of the Microsoft Access
    • • •[...]CIS117AM or permission of instructor.
    Computer Information System[...]1 credit 1 period Application of the features of the Microsoft Access program to
    Examines behavior[...]e client service organization. Focuses on methods of Prerequisites: BPC117BM or CIS1178M.
    increasing the effectiveness of help-desk professionals when
    responding to a range of customer conditions. Prerequisites:[...]Introduction to the basic elements, exploration of additional
    CIS103 Using Help Desk Software[...]g reports. Prerequisites: tents of BPC/CIS117M and BPC/CIS117BA and
    CIS105 or permission of instructor.[...]S117CA. Prerequisites: None.

    CIS105 Survey of Computer[...]3 credits 4 periods Use of Powerpoint software to produce professional-quality
    Overview of computer technology, concepts, terminology, and[...]esentation visuals. Prerequisites: None.
    the role of computers in society. Discussion of social and ethi-
    cal issues related to computers. Use of word processing, CIS120DC[...]y to use Flash graphics soft-
    programming and use of the Internet. Exploration of relevant ware on microcompute[...]used in the creation, manipulation, and editing of Flash anima-[...]
    [...]Programs, an-[...]3 credits 4 periods Use of a UNIX operating system including system componen[...]. Installation, configuration , and main-
    the use of electronic techniques to select, manipulate, and edit tenance of a UNIX operating system, Create scripts and batch[...]lications. Fundamental
    folders and files, running programs , and learning about[...]ification covered ,
    Wordpad and Paint application programs_ Prerequisites: None_ Pre[...]redit 2 periods Overview of the lnternet!WWW and its resources, Hands-on
    Use of the Microsoft command line interface: basic conce[...]Structured program design and logic tools. Use of computer
    Utilization of project management software packages by man-[...]05, or permis-
    agement planning tasks, Evaluation of management opportuni- sion of instructor. (0)
    ties utilizing software packages[...]ect-Oriented Programming 3 credits 4 periods
    tion of management reports, Prerequisites: None_ (F)[...]d and Object-Oriented design and logic tools. Use of
    CIS124BA Project Management[...]ming language. Prerequisites: CIS105
    Advanced use of project management software. Covers fea- or permission of instructor. (F)
    tures and functions to solve crit[...]and exporting data also Use of the Visual Basic programming language to solve pr[...]m business or other disci-
    CIS 124M or permission of instructor. (F) plines_ Prerequisites: CIS105, or permission of instructor.

    CIS126AA UNIX Operating S~stem:[...]programming. Includes features needed to con-
    Use of the UNIX operating system: system components, built- struct programs, functions, pointers, input and output options,
    i[...]Prerequisites: CIS105, or permission of instructor. (0)

    CIS126BA UNIX Operating System:[...]ts,
    Installation, configuration , and maintenance of the UNIX oper- program desig[...]programming. Prerequisites: CIS105, or permission of instruc-
    Level III[...]
    [...]rogramming . Prerequisites: CIS105, or permission of instruc- Access '97 Internet fe[...]ging information flow, Object-Oriented
    permission of instructor. (S)[...]CIS120DC or permission of instructor.
    CIS164AG Oracle: Data Modeling and Re[...]system development. A continuous application
    sion of instructor. (S,E)[...]ripting 3 credits 4 periods of instructor. (0, Spring 2010, Spring 2012)
    Introdu[...]pages on the World Wide Web with a vari-
    mission of instructor. (S) ety of markup languages, programming languages, scripts,[...]sophisticated web documents. Exploration of best
    Server Pages (ASP).NET 3[...]BPC/CIS133CA or BPC/CIS133DA or permission of instructor.
    Markup Language (HTML), ASP. Net Web[...]ment 3 credits 4 periods
    mission of instructor. (F) The use of Extensible Markup Language (XML) to make docu-[...]for XML generation, data extraction and
    Overview of local area networks. Emphasis on the elements of sharing , and transformation and managing of XML files.
    a local area network, current issues and products, and use of a Prerequisites: (CIS133CA or CIS[...]soft- CIS119DO) or permission of the instructor. (0)
    ware components, connectivity[...]4 periods
    Prerequisites: CIS105, or permission of instructor. (0) Introduct[...]erequisites: CIS133CA, or CIS133DA, or permission of
    II, and Ill network management tasks. Prerequ isi[...]tructor. (0, Spring 2010, Spring 2012)
    permission of instructor. (0)

    Course Availability:[...]
    [...]m administration tasks using one or more versions of
    UNIX. Topics include: installing the operation s[...]shooting. Prerequisites: CIS126DA, or
    permission of instructor. (0)[...]Phone: 623.845.3237
    manipulation of fi le structures, backup systems, printing
    proce[...]Cisco Systems is the world's largest manufacturer of network-
    disk maintenance and configuration, pro[...]Internet hardware and has seen tremendous growth of
    prioritizing, kernel customization, and system r[...]Academy instructors.
    or CIS126DL or Permission of Instructor (0)[...]quisites: CIS126DL, or CIS126DA, or per-
    mission of instructor. (0)[...]3 credits 4 periods
    The study of business information systems and its manage-[...]Associate in Applied Scie
    Overview ofof information systems and how
    they are transformin[...]. The curriculum is taught by Cisco Systems
    Use of the Visual Basic programming language to identify[...]sition working with Cisco Systems networking and
    of instructor. (S ,E)[...]eshoot Cisco routers and
    CIS270 Essentials of Network[...]works (WANs); use the MS-DOS
    Threats to security of information systems; responsibilities and[...]basic cryptography. Introduction to the language of network ice; and describe the basic components of electronic systems.
    security and hardware, software and firmware components of Courses in the program also[...]ers and compo-
    MST150 any module), or permission of instructor. (F)[...]bleshooting problems with var-
    . Critical inquiry of current topics in computing . Application of[...]
    [...]Distribution: (I 0 credits)
    ufacturer of networking and Internet hardware and has seen[...]Humanities and Fine Arts :
    tremendous growth of market share. The employment opportu-[...]Credits
    Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course listed
    under Requir[...]Certified Professionals. The Certificate of Completion in
    + CIS191 Novell NetWare System[...]ks (WANs). The courses in the
    ELT100 Survey of Electronics 3[...]king Associate will
    CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems (3) 3[...]turer of networking ano Internet hardware and has seen
    + C[...]tremendous growth of market share. The employment opportu-
    MST140[...]) 3
    + CIS270 Essentials of Network and Information Security 3 nit[...]Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course listed
    + CIS[...]
    Programs >and Courses[...]Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course
    or Local Academy, p[...]Systems
    Certified Professionals . The Certificate of Completion in Required Cours[...]Networking Essentials (3) 3-4
    ufacturer of networking and Internet hardware and has seen[...]3
    tremendous growth of market share. The employment opportu-[...]Credits
    Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course listed[...]CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems (3) 3[...]1-3
    This degree can be applied to a Bachelor of Applied Science
    degree at the ASU West cam[...]
    [...]4 CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems (3) or
    +MST244[...]3 Permission of Department or Division 3
    +MST252[...]Program Description: The Certificate of Completion in the
    Critical Reading:[...]Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course[...]CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems (3) .Qr
    Program Description: The Certificate of Completion in Permission of Department or Division 3
    M[...]rators and end users.

    Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course
    listed in th[...]
    Program Description : The Certificate of Completion in Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in
    Microsoft Systems Enginee[...]In lieu of the courses listed below, students with experienc[...]requirements with the permission of the instructor.
    1 required to perform various t[...]CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems (3) 3
    Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course[...](3) 3-4
    CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems (3) 2r[...]dows Client
    Permission of Department or Division 3[...]Knowledge of skills to install, configure, customize, maintain[...]permission of instructor.

    Course Availability:[...]
    [...]CNT186 Fundamentals of
    and Intermediate Routing 3 credi[...]SM), Intermediate routing ing of wireless networks. Overview of technologies, security,
    protocols, Routing Intern[...]ogies, products and solutions, site
    configuration of switches, Ethernet switching, Virtual Local[...]examination . Prerequisites: CNT150 or permission of instruc- and vendor interoperab[...]Prerequisites: CNT170 , or permission of instructor.
    (WAN) Technologies[...]Emphasis on local area network with overview of wide area
    Digital · Network (ISDN}, Dial on Dema[...]ls, and secu-
    Prerequisites: CNT160 or permission of instructor.[...]4 credits 5 periods
    Applications of Cisco Networking technologies in designing[...]nd implementing security solutions to reduce risk of revenue[...]indows desktop operating systems. Basic knowledge of sys-
    products and solutions, secure router instal[...]. Prerequisites: CIS102 and CIS105, or permission of
    Networks (SEGUR) exam, which applies toward the C[...]Microsoft Windows Desktop
    CNT170 or permission of instructor.[...]CIS105, or permission of instructor. Prerequisites or
    Prepare the student[...]Corequisites: MST150XP. (S,E,O)
    a series of four exams that lead to the Cisco Security Specia[...]MST150XP Microsoft Windows XP
    permission of instructor.[...]istration tasks of Microsoft Windows XP Professional.[...]
    [...]ination. Prerequisites: CIS259, or any
    permission of instructor. (F,S,D,E) MST152 course, or permission of instructor. (F,S,E)

    MST155 Implementing Win[...]ion. Prerequisites or needs of an organization. Preparation for Microsoft certification
    Corequisites: Any MST152 course or permission of instructor. examination. Prere[...]mission of instructor. (O,E)

    MST157 Implementing Windo[...]m-
    Prerequisites: Any MST152 course or permission of instructor. ination. Prerequisi[...]of instructor. (SE)

    MST171 Microsoft FrontPage[...]Web sites using Microsoft FrontPage. Includes use
    of ActiveX components, databases, and FrontPage serv[...](CIS233BA or CIS233DA) and
    MST170, or permission of instructor. (F,E)

    MST241 Microsoft Interne[...]erequisites or Corequisites: MST240 or permission of
    instructor. (SO)

    MST242 Microsoft Exchange[...]n. Prerequisites: Any MST152 course or
    permission of instructor. (SO)

    MST244 Microsoft SQL[...]ites: Any MST152 course, or
    MST170, or permission of instructor. (F,S,E)

    MST253 Designing a Micro[...]t. Prerequisites: Any
    MST152 course or permission of instructor. (SO)

    Course Availability:[...]
    [...]Concepts of problem solving, structured programming in C++,[...]lls in designing, writing,
    and modifying computer programs to accomplish a wide vari- CSCllOAB Introduction to Computer
    ety of tasks in all areas of business and industry. Students take[...]Concepts of problem solving, structured and object-oriented[...]120, or MAT121 , or
    guages, as well as write programs for almost all areas of MAT122. (F,S,D,E[...]le-
    work which parallels the first two years of a BS degree in me[...]mization techniques. Analysis and design of combinational
    ASU. Coursework should include[...]chronous and asynchronous sequential circuits and state
    CSC120 Digital Design Logic[...]equivalent, or permission of instructor. (F,S,D,E)
    CSC230 Computer[...]Introduction to systematic definition of problems, solution for-
    MAT227 Discre[...]CSC182AA Principles of Programming
    CSC180 Computing for Scientists,[...]Organization of and access to infonmation on the Internet.
    s[...]Design, creation and publication of interactive web pages with
    284, and 285 are[...], for an up-to-date description of course

    Course Availability:[...]
    [...]4 credits 4 periods Design and publication of interactive web pages using
    Covers Object-Oriente[...]interactive pro-
    CSC100, or CSC110, or permission of instructor. (F,S,D,E) gramming of FLASH objects, form processing in FLASH, and[...]tion and permission of instructor. (F,S,E,O)
    Assembly Langua[...]185 and prior program-
    CSC/EEE120], or permission of instructor. (F,E) ming experi[...]erent Investigation of special topics in computing technology and[...]redits 5 periods applications. Examination of industry trends to solve prob-
    Introduction to pr[...]/or investigate issues. Prerequisites: Permission of
    declarative (Prolog) languages. Prerequisites: CSC210 or per- Instructor.
    mission of instructor. (F,D,E)[...]ng. Prerequisites: CSC150 or
    CSC200 or permission of instructor. (0)

    CSC270AA C# Programming[...]applications for the Microsoft .NET platform.
    Use of object-oriented principles in developing modularized C#
    programs. Prerequisites: CSC200, or CSC250, or CSC260, or
    permission of instructor. (F,O)

    CSC283 Bioinformatics an[...]rray analysis and
    phylogenetic trees. Application of standard software to bioinfor-
    matic computing tasks, including word processing of reports,
    and use of spreadsheets for statistical analysis and graphin[...]) and
    (MAT120 or MAT121 or MAT122)] or permission of instructor.
    Corequisites: 810212AA is stro[...]
    [...]of developing alternative, and more desirable though[...]Reviews the sources of stress, the physiological effects and the
    Student[...]psychological impact of stress on the individual. Provides
    The college's[...](F,S,Su1 ,D,E)
    tional, and career interests of students. These courses are
    NOT designed as pre-m[...]Provides an understanding of the emotion of anger, explores
    and NAU.[...]personal anger patterns and feelings, and the use of
    encouraged to register for the following classes[...]esteem. Personal assessment of attitudes, values, support
    CPD150AB Study Sk[...]include: An overview of the process of career/life planning through self-
    CPD102M Ass[...]of a comprehensive career search process which inclu[...]scussion, role play- Examination of the multiple cultures and subcultures within the[...]contemporary United States. Personal exploration of aware-
    express feelings, beliefs, and opinions in a direct appropriate ness and appreciation of multiculturalism. Activities for experi-
    manner.[...]vailable according to
    on self-assessment in terms of educational and career oppor-[...]unities and reasonable possibilities in the world of work.
    Includes assessment for personal/career int[...]des, skills, and other potential, and exploration of See page 286.
    occupational i[...]
    [...]Overview of the field of dance focusing on origins, historical[...]development, and cultural characteristics of the various styles
    The GCC program in dance is designed to offer the first two of dance. Prerequisites: None. (F)
    years of a traditional dance major and allow the student t[...]in a pre-profession- Survey of the history and development of dance in film and
    al atmosphere. Courses may be r[...]od
    for those students who wish an intense program of study and An overview of the professional opportunities available in
    plan[...]ce related fields. Prerequisites: None. (S)
    start of classes for Fall and Spring semesters. Students are
    expected to perform at an intermediate or advanced level of skill. DAH201 World Dance Per[...]Exploration, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of the role of
    Recommended Dance courses for Dance majors:[...]skill) Overview of the history of ballet and modern dance from the
    DAN138[...](by audition) DAH100 or permission of Instructor.
    DAN120 Wor[...]st centuries. Explores social and cultural issues of[...](required for Theory and practice of Hip Hop dance. Development of move-
    Dance Pe[...]Course Note: May be repeated for a total of two (2) credits.
    DAH190[...]ies [HU] and Global Theory and practice of world dance. Development of move-
    Awarenes[...]Course Note: May be repeated for a total of two (2) credit
    As Offered:[...]Introduction to the theory and practice of musical theatre dance
    DAH110[...]at the beginning level. Development of movement quality and[...]Course Note: May be repeated for a total of two (2) semester
    Graduation Requirements s[...]
    [...]1 credit 3 period1
    Theory and practice of musical theatre dance at the advanced An intensive experience in the process of choreography, per-
    beginning level. Development of movement quality and per- f[...]mance skills. Prerequisites: DAN129 or permission of total of two (2) semester credit hours. Prerequisites: None. (O:
    Course Note: May be repeated for a total of two (2) semester DAN150 D[...]An introduction to the process and practice of dance perform-[...]ance. May be repeated for a total of two (2) semester credit
    DAN131 Ballet I[...]ne. (F,S)
    Introduction to the theory and practice of ballet at the beginning
    level. Development of movement quality and performance[...]Introduction to the elements of light, sound, and scenery as
    Course Note: May be repeated for a total of two (2) credit they relate to the art of dance. Prerequisites: None. (0)
    hours.[...]Introduction to the theory and practice of makeup and costum-
    Introduction to the theory and practice of modern dance at the ing as they[...]equisites: None. (0)
    beginning level. Development of movement quality and per-
    formance skills. Prereq[...]c Theory
    Course Note: May be repeated for a total of two (2) credit f[...]· Exploration of the ways in which music, time, pitch, and ener-[...]gy work with the art of dance. Emphasis on reading and writing
    DAN133[...]es to the
    Introduction to the theory and practice of modern jazz dance at notation and[...]sites: None. (S)
    the beginning level. Development of movement quality and per-
    formance skills. Prereq[...]periods
    Course Note: May be repeated for a total of two (2) credit Theory and practice of musical theatre dance at the beginning
    hours.[...]intermediate level. Development of movement quality and per-[...]mance skills. Prerequisites: DAN130 or permission of
    DAN134 Ballet II 1 credi[...]s instructor.
    Theory and practice of ballet at the advanced beginning level. Course Note: May be repeated for a total of two (2) semester
    Development of movement quality and performance skills.[...]credit hours.
    Prerequisites: DAN131 or permission of instructor. (F,S,Su)
    Course Note: May be repeated for a total of two (2) credit DAN230[...]Theory and practice of musical theatre dance at the intermedi-[...]ate level. Development of movement quality and performance
    DAN135 Mod[...]skills. Prerequisites: DAN229 or permission of instructor.
    Theory and practice of modern dance at the advanced begin- Course Note: May be repeated for a total of two (2) semester
    ning level. Development of movement quality and performance ·[...]ours.
    skills. Prerequisites: DAN132 or permission of instructor.
    Course Note: May be repeated for a total of two (2) credit Theory and practice of ballet at the beginning intermediate
    hours.[...]level. Development of movement quality and performance[...]skills. Prerequisites: DAN134 or permission of instructor.
    DAN136 Modem Jazz Dance II[...]{F,S,Su)
    Theory and practice of modern jazz .dance at the advanced Course Note: May be repeated for a total of two (2) credit
    beginning level. Development of movement quality and per- hours.
    formance skills. Prerequisites: DAN133 or permission of
    instructor. (F,S,Su)[...]periods
    Course Note: May be repeated for a total of two (2) credit Theory and practice of modern dance at the beginning inter-
    hours.[...]mediate level. Development of movement quality and perform-[...]ance skills. Prerequisites: DAN135 or permission of instructor.
    DAN138 Dance Seminar I[...]l I scientific evaluation and in-depth discussion of the the- Course Note: May be repeated for a total of two (2) credit
    ory and practice of work done in dance technique class.[...]Theory and practice of modern jazz dance at the beginning
    DAN140 Ta[...]ds intermediate level. Development of movement quality and per-
    An introduction to the theory and practice of tap dance. May be formance skills. Prerequisites: DAN136 or permission of
    repeated for a total of two (2) semester credit hours.[...]Course Note: May be repeated for a total of two (2) credit[...]
    [...]AN293 Teaching Dance in
    Theory and practice of ballet at the intermediate level.[...]Education 3 credits 3 periods
    Development of movement quality and performance skills. Introduction to theories and methods of teaching dance and
    Prerequisites: DAN231 or permission of instructor. (F,S ,Su) movement[...]lanning,
    Course Note: May be repeated for a total of two (2) credit facilitating,[...]DAN233, and DAN264}, or permission of instructor.
    DAN235 Modern Dance IV 1 credit 3 periods
    Theory and practice of modern dance at the intermediate level. DAN294 Teaching Dance In
    Development of movement quality and performance skills.[...]s 3 periods
    Prerequisites: DAN232 or permission of instructor. (F,S) Introduction to the theories and methods of teaching dance and
    Course Note: May be repeated for a total of two (2) credit movement in t[...]DAN233, and DAN264}, or permission of instructor.
    Theory and practice of modern jazz dance at the intermediate
    level. Development of movement quality and performance DAN295 Teaching and Management of
    skills. Prerequisites: DAN233 or permission of instructor. Studio[...]ands upon teaching/learning processes in the area of
    Course Note: May be repeated for a total of two (2) credit dance as relates to studio dance setting and exploration of
    hours.[...]DAN232, DAN233, and DAN264 }, or permission of instructor.
    DAN237 Ballet Pointe I[...]period
    An introduction to the theory and practice of pointe work at the
    beginning level. Development of strength and movement qual-
    ity. May be repeated for a total of two (2) semester credit hours.
    Prerequisites: DAN 134 or permission of instructor.
    Corequisites: DAN231 or DAN234. (F,S[...]II scientific evaluation and in-depth discussion of the the-
    ory and practice of work done in dance technique class.
    Prerequisites: DAN 138 or permission of instructor.
    Corequisites: Any ballet, modern danc[...]aphy I 3 credits 3 periods
    Study of basic dance choreography to include construction of a
    phrase, structure and form in a composition, and the basic ele-
    ments of time, space and energy. Prerequisites: None. (F)[...]II 3 credits 3 periods
    Exploration of the craft of choreography at the intermediate
    level. Experimen[...]nology 2 credits 3 periods
    Survey of the expanding field of technology as it pertains to the
    study and performance of dance. Prerequisites: DAN264 or
    permission of instructor. (0)

    DAN280 Dance Practicum 2 credits 6 periods
    A culmination of coursework for the dance major requiring com-
    pletion of an extended choreographic work from conception to[...]throughout the project.
    Prerequisites: Permission of instructor. (F,S)

    Course Availability:[...]
    [...]Selected principles of macroeconomic and microeconomic[...]some paraprofessional programs. Not for business transfer[...]. (F)

    Economics courses provide an understanding of economic ECN211[...]omic A descriptive analysis of the structure and functioning of the
    systems. Students take these courses to:[...]. Consideration given to the macroeconomic topics of
    Requirements. ECN100, 211 , 212, or 160 are[...]Microeconomic analysis including the theory of consumer
    ECN211 or 212 are typically recomme[...]monopoly and oligopoly; and the effects of government regula-
    Liberal Arts College, the Business C[...]institution. Students should consult the catalog of (F,S,D,E,Su1 ,Su2)
    the relevant[...]ri- ECN160 Economic History of[...]3 credits 3 periods
    bution , and consumption of goods and services. They evaluate[...]A description of the trends of American population , industry,
    and forecast busi[...]and wealth through examination of major American institutions,
    uate results of financial, governmental, and business policies.[...]and economic thought. Emphasis on the roles
    Areas of specialization include labor, fiscal management,[...]of technology and natural resources in agriculture a[...]the economic impact of government. Prerequisites: None. (F)
    macy, and investment co[...]With the increased reliance on scientific methods of analyzing ECN298 Special Pro[...]e page 286.
    and production operations, employment of economists can be
    expected to increase. In[...]
    [...]The ATP degree requires a core of general education credits in[...]uirements to meet the lower division requirements of[...]ATP degree must consist of at least a minimum of 60 cred-
    Student Goals: Explore teaching as possi[...]areer Outlook: Arizona is experiencing a shortage of quali- the baccalaureate de[...]the upper division institution in terms of course evaluation and
    ments, and demands for redu[...]ary and tion of course work to meet the 60 credit minimum.
    Specia[...]Literature (3) 2r
    EDU292 The Art Of storytelling (3) Ql[...]Exploration of fine arts integration in the K-12 classroom set-[...]n (3) 3 art standards of dance, visual , theater and music also cov-
    ARH[...]ry to 1870 (3) 2r Overview of education and educational institutions in our soc[...]Elementary Teachers I (3) Arut tions of educators. Opportunity for students to assess the[...]Course Note: Requires minimum of 30 hours of field experi-
    POS222 U.S. Constit[...]Overview of the exceptional learner, one who differs from the[...]s a major and are planning to transfer to Arizona
    state University's West Campus (ASUW).

    [...]Emer~~it~y ~e4ifa!~
    Examination of the relationship of cultural values to the forma-
    tion of self-concept and learning styles ..Examination of the role Te[...]"·· ·
    of prejudice, stereotyping and cultural incompatibil[...]For Information: Chris Coughlin
    of all cultural groups. Prerequisites: None. (F,S,Su[...]sroom Setting 3 credits 3 periods
    Analysis of K-12 classroom interactions, classroom environ-[...]ergency Medical Technology (Paramedic) pro-
    point of view. Focus on classroom as a multidimensional envi- gram are separate and distinct programs.
    ronment in which principles of classroom design, communica-[...]actively practicing as a State Certified Basic Emergency
    Course Note: Requires a[...]ing to enter the Advanced EMT program must
    Review of folk and modern literature from a variety of world cul- be advised and counseled by Chris Coughlin or Paula Davis of
    tures, including application of literary criteria to folk and modern t[...]uled to meet the needs of community agencies.
    EDU292 The Art Of Storytelling 3 credits 3 periods
    Explore the art and origin of storytelling. Provide a variety of Students should consult with a dep[...]ule in order to complete degree require-
    delivery of telling stories. Assist in the integration and ap[...]xpedient manner. Required courses may not be
    tion of storytelling to the learning environment in the c[...]able and meet or exceed the National Registry/State of Arizona[...]niques of emergency care, stabilization, and immobilization of
    victims of illness and injury. Recognition and documentation of
    signs and symptoms of illness and injury, intervention, and[...]evaluation of the interventions are other areas of the program.[...]rhythm identification, administration of oxygen , medications[...]approved by the Arizona Department of Health Services,
    Bureau of Emergency Medical Services, advanced airway[...]techniques, use of specific immobilization devices, periphera[...]
    Programs and Courses[...]edits) Credits
    A grade of "C" or better is required for all courses under P[...]Any approved course see page 89.
    Certificate of Completion in Basic EMT (5143)[...]tion or
    ASSET reading test with a minimum score of 41 or
    COMPASS reading test with a minimum score of 81 3

    Required Courses: (38.5 cre[...]ncy Medical Technology
    Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course listed[...]der Required Courses and students must earn a GPA of 2.5 for
    all courses under Required Courses.[...]Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in
    + EMT272AA Advanced Emergency[...]Emergency Medical Technology includes techniques of
    + EMT272AB Advanced Emergency Medical Technology[...]mergency care , stabilization, and immobilization of victims of
    + EMT272LL Advanced Emergency Medical Technology[...]illness and injury. Recognition and documentation of signs and
    Practicum (7.5) 7.5 symptoms of illness and injury, intervention, and evaluation of[...]Credits for assessment, administration of oxygen , use of specific
    Students must earn a grade of "C" or better in each Restricted[...]re
    Elective course with an EMT prefix, with a GPA of 2.5 for all other areas of the program .
    Restricted Electives with EMT prefi[...]- Student must 18 years or older at time of admission to the
    + EMTIFSC238 Vehicular Extricati[...]port 2 - Proof of TB testing or chest x-ray with a negative result[...]4 - Proof of immunity to measles, mumps, and rubella.
    EMT258[...]ASSET reading test with a minimum score of 41 or
    General Education Requirements: (18 credits[...]COMPASS reading test with a minimum score of 81
    Core: ( 12 credits)[...]Students must earn a grade of "C" or better in the Required Course.
    184 Programs ana 'eourses[...]Designed to train students in the skills of cardiopulmonary
    niques of emergency care, stabilization , and immobilization of
    victims of illness and injury. Recognition and documentation of resuscitation to include mouth-to-mouth, mouth-to-mask, and
    signs and symptoms of illness and injury, intervention, and cardiac compression , stabilization of adult, infant, and child vic-
    evaluation of the interventions are other areas of the program. tims with airwa[...]S ,D,E,Su1)
    rhythm identification, administration of oxygen, medications
    approved by the Arizona Department of Health Services , EM[...]3 credits 3 periods
    Bureau of Emergency Medical Services, advanced airway[...]rain a lay person to provide care
    techniques, use of specific immobilization devices, peripheral[...]s suffering sudden illness or injury. For members of
    intraosseous and central intravenous techniques,[...]ogy 8 credits 9.45 periods
    A grade of "C" or better is required for all courses under Program Techniques of emergency medical care in accordance with
    Prerequ[...]national and state curriculum . Study of the human body, patient
    Certificate of Completion in Basic EMT (5143)[...]assessment, treatment of medically or traumatically compro-
    BI0156[...]ation in
    ASSET reading test with a minimum score of 41 or[...]gency
    COMPASS reading test with a minimum score of 81[...]Credits years of age prior to applying to the BLS (Basic Life Support)
    Students must earn a grade of "C" or better in each Required[...]Statutes, and must have
    Course and an overall GPA of 2.5 in Required Courses.[...]y lent. Proof of: TB testing or chest x-ray with a negative result[...]Credits
    Students must earn a grade of "C" or better in each Restricted[...]or
    Elective course with an EMT prefix, with a GPA of 2.5 for all[...]Designed to meet National and Arizona Department of Health
    + B10202 Human Anatomy and Physiology[...]8 knowledge base of the Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)
    + EMTJf'SC[...]Provider/Professional Rescuer or permission of instructor.
    + EMT246 Trauma Managemen[...]
    Designed to contribute to Arizona Department of Health Designed for the[...]l Technician dealing with
    Services (A-DHS) Bureau of Emergency Medical Services (B- the administration of emergency medications in the field as out-
    EMS) r[...]current paramedic legislation. In-depth coverage of med-
    Technician Basic (EMTB) according to the U.S. Department of ications enumerated in the algorithms of patient care as defined
    Transportation (DOT) EMT-[...]Life Support (ACLS). Coverage of medications that interact or
    Prerequisites: Curre[...]ealth Care Provider/Professional Rescuer or proof of current effect, contraindicatio[...]ts to medica-
    registry with the National Registry of Emergency Medical tions. Prerequisites: EMT/FSC104 or permission of instructor.
    Technicians (NREMT).[...]iods
    Designed to contribute to Arizona Department of Health Participative cou[...]for the Emergency Medical
    Services (A-DHS) Bureau of Emergency Medical Services (B-[...]essary to access, extricate, and care for victims of crash
    Technician Basic (EMTB) according to the U.S. Department of incidents. Provides exposure[...]upport, American Heart tion of local emergency medical services (EMS) for patien[...]rating proce-
    rent EMT Basic certification in the state of Arizona. Must be cur- dures to selec[...]ment personnel, or permission of instructor. (F,S,D)
    EMT Refresher[...]iods
    Designed to contribute to Arizona Department of Health EMT240 Adva[...]Technicians (EMT) according to the US Department of Designed to provide t[...]est, post- resuscita-
    Enhances the knowledge base of the EMT. Updates a wide[...]ement, and core cases in Advanced Cardiac
    variety of subjects including respiratory and cardiac emerge[...]Care 2004. Includes the ACLS approach to car-
    the state of Arizona and successful completion of 16 hours of diovascular emergencies, elements of emergency cardiovas-
    interactive media with docum[...]cal interven-
    Designed to meet Arizona Department of Health Services tions, c[...]rgency cardiovascular care algorithms, acute
    base of the Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) and incorp[...]erequisites: Current validation in Basic Life
    ety of subjects including medical and trauma emergencies[...](EMT235 and EMT236, or permission of instructor).
    providers, and emergency scene manag[...](F,S,D,Su1 ,E)
    Current EMT certification in the state of Arizona. {F,S,E)

    EMT235 Emergency Cardiac[...]edits 3 periods
    Designed to acquaint all levels of emergency care providers
    with basic electrocardio[...]ired content for the identification and treatment of
    cardiac emergencies. Prerequisites: EMT/FSC104 or permis-
    sion of instructor. {F,S,E)

    Course Availability[...]
    186 Programs and Courses

    EMT241 Advanced Cardiac[...]e teach EMT courses or enhancement of teaching skills for expe-
    patient management, and[...]rrent Guidelines for of Health Services (A-DHS) Bureau of Emergency Medical
    Cardiopulmonary Resus[...]al, and ethical
    diovascular emergencies, elements of emergency cardiovas- issues; learning environments and styles; domains of learning,
    cular care, ethical and legal issues, review and validation of the including goals, objectives, and lesson planning; techniques for
    techniques of airway assessment and management, ventilation[...]travenous therapy, analyzing of communication and feedback, student motivation, c[...]ar pharmacolo- (Arizona Department of Health Services certification as a Basic
    gy, acut[...]are permission of instructor. (0)
    Provider/Professional Rescuer or EMT240) or permission of
    instructor. (F,S,D,E,Su)[...]room
    niques, victim stabilization, transportation of the victim to an discipline, couns[...]pport Classes. Prerequisites:
    ence, or permission of department. (F,S,D,E,Su1)[...]Provider and (State of Arizona EMT [Paramedic) certification or
    EMT246[...]l the assistant) or permission of instructor. (0)
    critical skills necessary to mana[...]gic interventions, stabilization , transportation of the room discipline, counseling, and[...]s. Prerequisites: Current certification as a
    sion of instructor. (F,S,D)[...]Victimology and
    Designed to acquaint all levels of emergency care providers[...]Focuses on victimology and techniques of crises intervention;
    tation using the 12-lead ele[...]. Required and the importance of multicultural perspective. Includes cov-
    content for identification and treatment of myocardial infarction erage of sexual assault, family violence, child abuse, pos[...]substance abuse, coping skills, stress
    permission of instructor. (F,S,E,D,Su1 ,2)[...]
    [...]s to perform a EMT- Paramedic under guidelines of the U.S. Department of
    rapid assessment of sick and injured children in variety of cir- Transportation (U.S. DOT), National Registry of EMTs
    cumstances. Includes scene management, use of pediatric (NREMT) as recognized by the Arizona Department of Health
    assessment triangle, developmental differences, injury preven- Services (A- DHS) Bureau of Emergency Services (8-EMS).
    tion, airway manageme[...]atric cardiovascular emergencies, unconscious of undetermined eti-
    trauma and mechan ism of injury, submersion events, children ology, head injury with altered levels of consciousness, and
    with special health care needs[...]e, validates skills,
    and family interactions, use of specialized equipment, docu- reviews and informs students of new standards and technolo-
    mentation of signs, symptoms, care and transportation , special gies. Trains and educates out of state applicants in knowledge,
    issues in pediatric tran[...]to Arizona's sys-
    accordance with recommendations of the American Academy tem. Remediates students who have been unsuccessful three
    of Pediatrics. Prerequisites: Advanced cardiac life[...]uisites: (EMT - Advanced
    Paramedic, or permission of instructor. (0) Paramedic[...]proof of current paramedic registry with the National Registry of
    EMT272AA Advanced Emergency[...]ergency Medical Technicians[NREMT]) or permission of
    Medical Technology 12.5 credit[...]xam], ENG101 , EMT235,
    and EMT236), or permission of Program Director.
    Comprehensive written, oral and[...]am] , ENG101 , EMT235,
    and EMT236), or perm1ss1on of Program Director.
    Comprehensive written , oral an[...]riods
    Clinical and vehicular practicum in support of EMT272AA and
    EMT272AB. Prerequisites or Co[...]
    [...]Learning culture of engineering, engineering use of computer[...]sis and design. Prerequisites: Two years of high school algebra
    includes, but is not limited[...]tmental approval. Corequisites: MAT151 or
    :Iegree programs: Computer Systems, Electrical, Mechanical,[...]ECE103AB Engineering Problem
    all three state universities in Arizona.[...]Fundamentals of the design process: engineering modeling,
    Acquire[...]MATLAB to solve engineering problems. An overview of
    Gain computer application skills. Use MatLab[...]tes: None. (E,S)
    Use AutoCAD to build models of engineering designs.
    Gain science and mathematics skills. Calculate the height of ECE106 Survey of Nanotechnology 1 credit 1 period
    your rocket and the path of catapult projectiles; use levers[...]d- key issues in the development of nanoscale engineering.
    ing machine or a mini[...]Application of engineering to biological and earth systems. An
    D[...]Credits analysis of materials, structures, fluid mechanic, bioelectri[...]als 4 Foundations of engineering mechanics, including force sys-
    + EEE[...]tems, resultants, equilibrium of particles and rigid bodies, cen-[...]4. troids and centers of mass, area and mass moments of inertia,[...]nal forces in structures, kinematics and kinetics of
    Other Recommendations:[...]dits particles, kinematics and kinetics of rigid bodies, energy and
    + CHM152 G[...]Credits
    See approved list for AA degree.

    Course Availability:[...]
    mization techniques. Analysis and design of combinational[...]hronous and asynchronous sequential circuits, and state
    reduction techniques. Building physical circuits[...]ELE181 , or NET181, or
    equivalent, or permission of instructor. (E,S)[...]Courses in English are in the areas of composition, literature,[...]munication skills of writing, reading, and speaking. Courses in
    Intro[...]comprehend and appreciate
    sient analysis, steady state analysis, Laplace transform, and[...]examine the history, development, and structure of language.
    ECE103AB. Prerequisites or Corequisite[...]ts in com-
    Programming the Motorola 68000 family of processors and[...]advanced study programs. They develop communication skills
    CSC110 or CSC200) and CSC/EEE120, or permission of[...]the study of literature. Courses in English as a second lan-[...]ENH221 Survey of English Literature Before 1800 3[...]ENH222 Survey of English Literature After 1800 3[...]
    [...]ed: ENG100AC The Mechanics of
    ENH201 World Literature Through the Renaiss[...]fter the Renaissance 3 Review of the mechanics of written English, including punctua-
    ENH251[...]English placement test score, or a grade of "C" or better in[...]ENG071 , or permission of instructor. (F,S,D,Su1) ·
    • • •[...]The social aspects of grammar and usage, including appropri-[...]) ate levels of formal and informal language. Prerequisites:[...]propriate English placement test score or a grade of "C" or
    En2Iish (ENG)[...]ng projects comprising at or (a grade of "C" or better in ENG071). (F,S,D,E, Su1,2)
    least[...]jects compris-
    placement test score or permission of department/division ing at least[...]strate an understanding of expository writing as a process per
    Course Note:[...]s), the student will demonstrate
    an understanding of writing as a process through the ability to[...]erstanding writing as a
    ENG071 Fundamentals of Writing 3 credits 3 periods proc[...]ords in total. Prerequisites: ENG101 with a grade of "C" or
    strategies through five or more writing pr[...]-based writing
    placement test score or permission of department/division projects comp[...]dent will further demonstrate an understanding· of writing as a
    Course Note: Through five or more wr[...]s}, the student will demonstrate
    an understanding of writing as a process through the ability to[...]Equivalent of ENG101 for students of English as a Second[...]ai.Prerequisites: Appropriate ASSET/COMPASS
    grade of "C" or better in ESL040, or (ESL040AA, ESL040AB, placement test score, or a grade of "C" or better in ENG071 or
    and ESL040AC}, or ENG071, or permission of instructor. ESL077. (F,D,S,D,E[...]1 credit 1 period standing of writing as a process per the course competencies.
    Latin and Greek derivatives, development of competency and
    discrimination in word choice, spe[...]ropriate English placement test score, or a
    grade of "C" or better in ESL040, or (ESL040AA, ESL040AB,
    and ESL040AC}, or ENG071, or permission of instructor.
    [...]Fundamentals of Writing '[...]Fundamentals of Writing English[...]
    Programs a"d C~urses[...]ENG216 Persuasive Writing
    Equivalent of ENG102 for students of English as a Second[...]Advanced course in techniques of analyzing and writing per-
    focus on persuasive,[...]suasive arguments addressing topics of current public interest.
    writing as a process. D[...]least 4,000 words in total. Prerequisites: Grade of "C", or better, ENG217 Per[...]a source and inspiration for pub-
    understanding of writing as a process per the course compe-[...]planning , organization , research , and writing of tech- essays about fiction , poetry[...]s. Prerequisites: ENG102. (0)
    ences. Preparation of recommendation and feasibility reports,
    proposals, and applications of graphics in documents and oral[...]resentations. Prerequisites: ENG1 01 with a grade of "C", or Basic skills and tech[...]y professional writers for
    better, or permission of instructor. (F,S,D,E)[...]ing Understanding and enjoyment of film and its correlation to liter-
    mood ..Emphas[...]sic, and other disciplines. Prerequisites: None.
    of six (6) credit hours. Prerequisites: None. (F,E ([...]to international literature through various forms of
    techniques in character, plot, and scene develop[...]hort story, and novel. Provides a global overview of
    repeated for a total of six (6) credit hours. Prerequisites:[...]diverse cultural contribu-
    ENG183 or permission of instructor. (S ,E (odd years)) tions of women, African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispan[...]redits 3 periods
    Emphasis on critical analysis of various genres of literature; ENH112 Chica[...]3 credits 3 periods
    includes study of necessary terminology, introduction to meth- Introduction to the works of Mexican-American writers of the
    ods of literary criticism , and practice in interpretati[...]ods
    Skills and techniques used in the production of marketable ENH114 Afr[...]s that buy prose fiction , Survey of major African-American writers from Colonial peri[...]expository articles. May be repeated for a total of through the present; analysis of trends and movements within
    six (6) credit hours[...]African-American literary history; analysis of literary types and
    ENG102 with a grade of "C" or better or permission of depart- selected works. Prere[...]of Science Fiction 3 credits 3 periods[...]Surveys the last two hundred years of Science Fiction literature
    Study of Language 3 credits 3 periods[...]edia. Investigates the similarities between
    Study of language as code; phonetics, phonology, morpholog[...]. Prerequisites: ENG102, or ENG111 , with a grade of from a variety of perspectives, as well as social issues.
    "C" or better, or permission of instructor. (0)[...]
    [...]Programs, andw Gourses[...]3 credits 3 periods
    Examines a selection of the world's literary masterpieces with- Introduction to selected readings of Greek and Latin literature
    in their cultural con[...]ation and to the key elements as integral aspects of
    Renaissance. Analyzes the influences of major literary philoso- Wester[...]es, genre, and styles. Assesses the contributions of None. (0)
    major writers. Introduces the terminology of literary analysis.
    Prerequisites: None. (F,D)[...]Deals with the myths and legends of civilizations with the great-
    ENH202 World Li[...]est influence upon the development of the literature and culture
    After the R[...]3 credits 3 periods of the English speaking people, and compares those myths
    Includes a selection of the world's literary masterpieces from[...]of Literature 3 credits 3 periods[...]mes in reference to the Old and
    Examines the work of major writers in poetry, fiction and drama[...]Presents works of literature and their film versions and ana-
    ENH21[...]lyzes distinguishing techniques of each medium. Prerequisites:
    A study of the social, historical, and cultural backgrounds[...]or equivalent. (F,S,D,E)
    as the form and content of the Mexican American novel.
    Prerequisites: ENG101[...]Presents cinematic versions of Shakespeare's plays and[...]e dramatist's major tragedies,
    ENH221 Survey of English[...]tical backgrounds as well as the
    form and content of English literature from Anglo-Saxon times[...]Indian Literature 3 credits 3 periods
    to the end of the eighteenth century. Prerequisites: (ENG1 01 or Contemporary American Indian forms of literary expression.
    ENG107) or equivalent. (F,D)[...]Selected oral traditions of American Indians. Trends and[...]rican Indian literary history.
    ENH222 Survey of English[...]s the ENH260 Literature of the Southwest 3 credits 3 periods
    form and the content of English literature in the nineteenth and[...]ture, control of nature versus primacy of nature, and growth.[...]t, the sonneteer, the lin-
    guist, and the citizen of the 17th century. Considers the major[...]Includes novels and short stories of modern writers which
    use of language; and connects the writer to the time. Some reflect significant themes of our time. Prerequisites: None. (0)
    emphasis on Sh[...]19th century including the nature of women's lives in the fami-
    ENH241 Am[...]
    [...]on themes relevant to women's lives regardless of age, creed,
    or ethnic background . Prerequisi[...]ature 3 credits 3 periods
    Review of folk and modern literature, including application of lit-[...]requisites:
    History, motivations, and effects of censorship in a democratic None. (F,S,D,E)
    society. Censorship and book banning as a method of silenc-
    ing diverse voices. Critical analysis of banned or challenged lit- ESLOOIBA Basic ESL 1[...]repeated for a total of four (4) credits .[...]sion of instructor. (F,S,D,E)[...]repeated for a total of four (4) credits.[...]sh at a basic
    Language and Literary Culture of the USA is a course of study level. Focus on survival skills rel[...]ing and everyday
    designed to provide students of English as a non-native lan- life when l[...]sites: ESL001 BB or permission
    and vocabulary of North American English, academic and pro- of instructor. (F,S,D,E)
    fessional reading and w[...]Credit (P) or no credit (Z). Standard grading
    of representative literature and culture of the USA in all its available according to[...]repeated for a total of four (4) credits.[...]Basic English as a
    Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course[...]redits United States. Continuing development of grammatical pat-
    + ENG107 First-Year C[...]3 terns. May be repeated for a total of twelve (12) credits.
    + ENG108 First-Ye[...]3 ESL001CB or permission of instructor. (F,S,D,E)
    ENH111 Literat[...]repeated for a total of twelve (12) credits.
    + ENG298AA S[...]
    196 Programs and Courses[...]ing Emphasis on the acquisition of basic English vocabulary
    development of grammatical patterns. May be repeated for a[...]ng and pronouncing words related to people,
    total of four (4) credits. Prerequisites: ESL001 , or ESL0[...]May be
    or ESL001 BC, or ESL001 CB, or permission of instructor. repeated for a maximum of two (2) credits. Prerequisites:
    (F,S,D,E)[...]ppropriate ESL placement test score or permission of instruc-
    Course Note: Credit (P) or no credit (Z)[...]outlined in catalog. May be
    repeated for a total of four (4) credits.[...]riting English at a high Study of idiomatic English for speakers of English as a Second
    beginning level. Focus on sur[...]ludes practice on a computer or with audio
    opment of grammatical patterns. Prerequisites: ESL002BA or tapes. May be repeated for a maximum of two (2) credits.
    permission of instructor. (F,S,D,E)[...]). Standard grading mission of instructor.
    available according to procedures outlined in catalog. May be
    repeated for a total of four (4) credits.[...]Second level of English as a Second Language (ESL).[...]rocedures outlined in catalog. May be
    development of grammatical patterns. Prerequisites: repeated for a maximum of six (6) credits. Prerequisites:
    ESL002BB or permission of instructor. (F,S,D,E) Appropriate ESL placement test score, or a grade of "P" or "C"
    Course Note: Credit (P) or no credit ([...]ESL010AC). (F,S,D,E)
    repeated for a total of four (4) credits.[...]and speaking skills involving social
    First level of English as a Second Language (ESL). Emphasis[...]ions and responses. May be repeated for a maximum of six
    Credit (P) or no credit (Z). Standard grading[...]or ESL011 or ESL012 or RDG010. (F,S,D,E)
    maximum of six (6) credits. Prerequisites: Appropriate ESL
    p[...]n basic writing skills, accompanied by recitation of
    Listening and Speaking 3 credit[...]hort writings. Sentence patterns and introduction of paragraph
    Emphasis on listening and speaking skil[...]writing . May be repeated for a maximum of six (6) credits.
    skills. Asking and answering que[...]nd personal safety. May be repeated for a maximum of grade of C or better in ESL012, or permission of instructor.
    six credits. Prerequisites: Appropria[...]3 credits 3 periods Third level of English as a Second Language (ESL). Emphasis
    Emphasis on basic conventions of writing in English. Includes o[...]sentence structure. May be repeated for a maximum of Standard grading available a[...]catalog. May be repeated for a maximum of six (6) credits.
    score or permission of instructor. (F,S,D)[...]grade of "P" or "C" or better in ESL020, or (ESL020[...]
    Programs an(ii Courses[...]related primarily to Review of auxiliary verbs and the comparative and superlati[...]tudents who want to
    May be repeated for a maximum of six credits. Prerequisites:[...]re or ESL020 or ESL021 or of two (2) credits. Prerequisites: Appropriate ESL p[...]test score, or a grade of "C" or better in ESL020, or[...](ESL020AA, ESL020AB, and ESL020AC), or permission of
    ESL032 ESL Ill-Writing[...]it 1 period
    ting. May be repeated for a maximum of six (6) credits. Review of verbals and gerunds for ESL students who have
    Pre[...]experience in reading and writing English.
    grade of Cor better in ESL022, or permission of instructor. (F,S,D) Appropriate f[...]English. May be repeated for a total of two (2) credits.
    ESL040 English as a Second[...]3 credits 3 periods grade of "C" or better in ESL030, or (ESL030AA, ESL030AB,
    Fourth level of English as a Second Language (ESL). and ESL030AC), or permission of instructor. (Su,D,E)
    Continued emphasis on senten[...]nciation practice and drills for English as a
    mum of six (6) credits. Prerequisites: Appropriate ESL p[...]e repeated for a max-
    ment test score, or a grade of "P" or "C" or better in ESL030, or imum of six (6) credits. Prerequisites: Appropriate ESL c[...]placement score, or a grade of C or better in (ESL020 or[...]ESL021 or ESL022 or RDG020), or permission of instructor.
    ESL041 English as a Second Langu[...]oral presentations. May be repeated for a maximum of six cred- Individualized pro[...]be repeated for a maximum of two (2) credits. Prerequisites:[...]Emphasis on paragraph writing and oral recitation of complex ESL S[...]for English as a second language (ESL) speak-
    mum of six (6) credits. Prerequisites: Appropriate ESL c[...]ers. May be repeated for a maximum of two (2) credits.
    placement score, or a grade of C or better in ESL032, or per- Prerequisites: None.
    mission of instructor. (F,S,D)[...]ESL Speakers: Word Stress and
    Review of grammatical concepts for ESL (English as a Second[...]language speakers. May be repeated for a maximum of two (2)
    total of six (6) credits. Prerequisites: Appropriate ESL c[...]Prerequisites: None.
    placement score, or a grade of C or better in ESL040, or per-
    mission of instructor. (F,S,D)[...]Appropriate ESL placement test score, or a grade of "C" or bet-
    Review of the use of English verbs and word placement in sen-[...]e RDG040, or permission of instructor. (F,S ,D,E)
    in reading and writing Eng[...]e skills in English . May be repeated
    for a total of two (2) credits. Prerequisites: Appropriate ESL
    placement test score, or a grade of "C" or better in ESL010, or
    (ESL010AA, ESL010AB, and ESL010AC), or permission of
    instructor. (Su,D,E)

    Course Availability:[...]
    [...]Appropriate ESL placement test score,
    or a grade of "C" or better in ESL040, or (ESL040AA,
    ESL040AB, and ESL040AC), or RDG040, or permission of
    instructor. · (F,S,D,E)[...]Appropriate ESL placement test score, or a
    grade of "C" or better in ESL040, or (ESL040AA, ESL040AB,[...]try level
    and ESL040AC), or RDG040, or permission of instructor.[...]tive dents have some knowledge of how to operate a sewing
    use of the computer and the Internet to communicate in a[...]opriate ESL place-
    ment test score, or completion of ESL020 or ESL021 or
    ESL022 or RDG020 with a grade of "P" or "C" or better.

    ESL067 Basic Writing[...]cement score, or
    ESL040, or ESL042, or permission of department chair. (F,S,D)[...]Basic clothing construction techniques. Use of commercial pat-
    and Oral Reading for[...]terns and sewing machine in the construction of basic gar-
    Pronunciation practice and review, spelling of English sounds, ments. Prerequis[...]ation patterns in English.
    Prerequisites: A grade of Cor better in ESL051, or permission[...]lothing Construction 3 credits 5 periods
    of instructor. Construction of garments applying basic construction principles
    Course Note: May be repeated for a total of six (6) credit and technique[...]vious sewing experience,
    ESL077 Fundamentals of Writing English
    as a Second Language[...]during this course. May be repeated for a total of 12 credit
    rect, idiomatic English. Prerequisites:[...]English or hours with permission of instructor.
    ESL placement score, or ESL040, or ENG056, or ENG061, or
    ESL042, or ESL067, or permission of department chair. TEC112AB Alteration of
    (F,S,D,E)[...]Knowledge, skills, and techniques of altering ready made gar-[...]Structural features of patterns and altering patterns to achieve[...]Course Note: May be repeated for a total of six (6) credit hours[...]
    [...]Sewing Skills

    • have a basic knowledge of sewing,

    know how to use a sewing mach[...]-- TEC117-- TEC126--
    Alteration of Pattern Sewing[...]
    [...]2 credits 4 periods
    Construction of clothing accessories for personal or profes-[...]hand and machine quilting.
    sional use. Selection of accessories and coordination of acces- Includes fabric selection[...]Prerequisites: TEC117 or permission of instructor. (F,S)

    TEC117 Beginning Quilting[...]hand and machine quilt- Study of textile fibers and fabrics, their properties, ide[...]rerequisites: TEC11 0 Principles of tailoring as applied in the construction of a coat or
    or TEC111 or permission of instructor. (F,S) suit. Alteration of patterns and fitting techniques. Prerequisites:[...]TEC 124 or permission of instructor.
    TEC120 Intermediate[...]Course Note: May be repeated for a total of 12 credit hours
    Clothing Constructio[...]edits 4 periods with permission of instructor. (0)
    Application of intermediate clothing and fitting techniques.
    Emp[...]3 credits 5 periods
    TEC111 or permission of instructor. May be repeated for a total[...]ssion through flat pattern in applying principles
    of 8 credit hours with permission of instructor. (F,S) of art to clothing design. Various resources for des[...]. Prerequisites: TEC11 0 or TEC111 or permission of instruc-
    TEC121 Creative Sewing Machine Use 3 credits 3 periods tor (0).
    Use of the sewing machine for other than construction of gar- Course Note:May be repeated for a total of twelve (12) credits.
    ments or household items. Emphasis on decorative uses of
    the sewing machine on items made or purchased by[...]Operation of a home serger in advanced application of con-[...]or
    Skills and techniques used in the construction of garments permission of instructor. (0)
    made from knit fabrics. Prerequis[...]on pattern method. Principles of flat pattern and use of sloper
    and fit and techniques used on specialty f[...], sizing for figure differ-
    TEC 111 or permission of instructor. ences, and creation of an original design. Prerequisites:
    Course Note: May be repeated for a total of 12 credit hours TEC225 or permission of instructor. (0)
    with permission of instructor. (F,S) Course Note: May be repeated for a total of twelve (12) cred-
    TEC126 Sewing for the Hom[...]ods
    machine assumed . May be repeated for a total of 9 credit hours Designed for the[...]ts 4 periods pant. Fabric draft of the basic pant to be fitted on each student.
    Includes demonstration and application of knowledge and skills Prerequisi[...]a Serger 2 credits 2 periods
    Operation of a home serger. Use in constructing, finish[...]
    [...]fire science, or a better understanding of fire hazards and prob-[...]lems in the field . Completion of the two-year program will qual-[...]ify students for the Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in Fire
    Student Goals: Care[...]Science Technology. A Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Fire[...]Science is also offered. A Certificate of Completion in Fire
    The Fire Science program at Gl[...]Academy is also a feature of the curriculum . An application for
    primarily for[...]Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course[...]listed in the program.
    Greater Phoenix is one of the fastest growing cities in the "Sun
    Belt," and[...]FSC 108 Fundamentals of Fire Prevention 3
    expect the attainment of the degree to be an asset when seek-[...]+ ACC230 Uses of Accounting Information I[...]+ ACC240 Uses of Accounting Information II[...]CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems[...]Students must select courses from any combination of the follow-
    2. A high school diploma or GED equiv[...]ing prefixes for a total of nine (9) credits. Students may apply addi-
    3. No felony conviction in any state or federal jurisdiction[...]sor.
    affect the performance of duties as a fire fighter[...]y Fire Science course(s)
    5. Successful completion of the agility and written (general[...]
    [...]science, or a better understanding of fire hazards and problems
    Equivale[...]in the field. However, because of accident liability, hands on[...]ting the general education require-
    POS130 State and Local Government (3) .QI ments for that de[...]Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course
    + POS222 U.S.[...].[ FSC108 Fundamentals of Fire Prevention 3
    + PHY101[...]+ ACC230 Uses of Accounting Information I 3
    P[...]signed to prepare a + ACC240 Uses of Accounting Information II 3
    s[...]Emphasized in the cur- CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems 3
    ric[...]Medical Technology course 3
    course of instruction & training to efficiently and effecti[...]le to a degree
    in fire science. At the completion of the program and with the
    satisfactory passing of the necessary state exams, state certi-
    fication in Firefighter I & II is granted and EMT certification also.

    A grade of "C" or better is required for all courses[...]
    [...]AJS123 Ethics and the Administration of Justice (3)
    64~~tedit[...]aterials incidents, tactics, strategy, and
    safety of firefighting activities, and customer service in[...]Program Description: The CCL (Certification of Completion)
    working in state, local, federal, and international governments,[...]gram prepares students
    Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course to manage[...]incidents, tactics, strategy, and safety of firefighting activities,
    listed in the program.[...]Emergency Management Specialist, working in state, local,
    AJSIFSC146 Disaster Recovery Operations[...]3
    AJSIFSC148 Fundamentals of Emergency Management 3 militar[...]Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course
    FSC105 Hazardou[...]3 AJS/FSC148 Fundamentals of Emergency Management 3
    + FSC211 Fundamentals of Flammable AJSIFSC1[...]erials 3
    AJS Any Administration of Justice Studies course
    FSC Any F[...]
    [...]Programs apd Courses[...]Comprehensive review of Fire Department Standard Operating[...]Procedures, Evaluation of Fitness and Conditioning as they[...]at emergency
    Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in
    Firefighter Operations provid[...]scenes. Prerequisites: Successful completion of the Fire
    who are not sponsored by a fire departme[...]shal and current PASS on Candidate Physical
    field of firefighting and who are seeking employment in va[...]Hazardous Materials/
    Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course[...]Basic methods of recognition and identification based upon the[...]chemical and physical properties of hazardous materials; basic
    Admission Criteria:[...]safety procedures when utilizing specific types of protective
    Completion of Program Prerequisites.[...]redits 3 periods
    Permission of Program Director History and evaluation of fire department organization. Role of[...]e fire service in the community. Responsibilities of the fire
    Required Courses: (14 credits)[...]interdepartmental relationships , management of buildings and
    FSC134 Fitness and Con[...]equipment; techniques of fire-fighting. Also includes emer-[...]• • of Fire Prevention 3 credits 3 periods[...]Fundamentals of fire prevention. Includes techniques, proce-[...]of hazards in ordinary and special occupancies. Fiel[...]so included . Prerequisites: None. {S,E)
    Overview of the application and selection processes utilized[...]ighter 3 credits 3 periods
    Elements of fire service culture and their effects on persona[...]and interpersonal relationships. Major components of the wildland[...]application processes, requirements, preparation of beginning lev[...]FSC113 Introduction to
    of the interview in the pre-employment process. Prep[...]experiences at a fire station. General components of the Characteristics and behavior of fire, fire hazard properties of
    selection process, the importance of general education, and[...]extinguishing agents, fire suppression
    components of life long learning in career choices.[...]nt, and Principles of care, maintenance, and operation of fire appara-
    administrative policies, fire depart[...]ng effective fire streams.
    FSC130) and permission of instructor. Corequisites: FSC134.[...]
    Programs and Courses[...]FSC202 Supervisory Training
    Review of basic mathematics. Hydraulic laws and formulas as[...]periods
    applied to the fire service. Application of formulas and mental Administrative[...]ssues, standards, and philosophical consideration of Methods of coordinating personnel , equipment, and apparatus[...]on the fireground . Practical methods of controlling and extin-
    ity of fire service personnel and those they serve. Prerequisites: guishing structural and other types of fires. Includes simulation
    None. {F,S,E)[...]exercises. Prerequisites: FSC113 or permission of instructor or[...]3 credits 3 periods
    Review offundamentals of containment, prevention, and knowl- Effective methods of managing major emergency incidents
    edge of basic hazard and risk assessment techniques. Topi[...]d multi-
    hazards, vapor suppressions, and cooling of tanks. Meets the casualty medic[...]Includes incidents that require the
    requirements of the Department of Labor Part Ill; Occupational commitment of resources based on a transitional situation
    Safety and Health Act 29; Code of Federal Regulations Part and/[...]Actions necessary to provide for the safety of firefighters oper-
    Skills and abilities required[...]mina. Opportunity to various types of building construction resulting in the loss of
    take the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) structural integrity.· Includes signs and symptoms of structural
    Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT) at the end of the course. damage. Prerequisites: FSC 113 or permission of instructor or
    Prerequisites: None. {F,S,D,E)[...]3 credits 3 periods Methods of determining point of fire origin , path of fire travel ,
    Practical application of safe rescue practices for urban techni-[...]interviewing witnesses; arson laws and types of arson fires; and
    confined-space rescue, swiftwate[...]1 credit 1 period
    Overview of all aspects of fitness for current and prospective Fundamentals of basic chemical identification for field applica-
    firefighters. Includes mental aspects of performance for optimal tion. Includes demonstration of sampling techniques, safety,
    achievement on fire[...]s. Also includes stress management, com-
    Overview of all aspects of engine company operations including munication and motivational skills, and roles of the company
    the activities and responsibilities p[...]Prerequisites: FSC202 or permission of instructor. (F,S,E)
    style. Designed for the aspir[...]r or anyone hav-
    ing the opportunity for the role of a company officer.
    Prerequisites: None. (0[...]
    [...]FSC258 Victimology and
    Overview of all aspects of ladder company operations including[...]ties, expectations, and responsibilities required of the lad- Focuses on victimology and techniques of crises intervention;
    der captain . Designed for t[...]aspires to and the importance of multicultural perspective. Includes cov-
    the role of ladder company officer. Prerequisites: None. (0) erage of sexual assault, family violence, child abuse, pos[...]ources. Prerequisites: None.
    Comprehensive review of the critical factors that threaten the (F,S,D)
    safety and well-being of operating firefighting crews with an
    emphasis on[...]iques used in analyzing suspected arson
    and types of construction, building dating, smoke and fire size- scenes, motives, and collection of physical evidence .
    up, unique building types and[...]1-3 credits
    fire ground safety. Safety of fire companies operating on every See page 286. (0)
    other type of incident in which a Command Structure is estab-
    lished , focus on the scope of an Incident Safety Officer.
    Prerequisites: Rank of Fire Captain or Chief Officer. (F,S,D,E,O)

    out. Prerequisites: FSC220 or permission of instructor. (F,S,E)

    FSC231 Battalion Chief[...]mine the many roles and responsibilities required of a chief
    officer. Manage emergency incidents, expl[...]pital care providers.
    Enhances the knowledge base of the EMT and incorporates
    new knowledge and skills necessary to access, extricate, and
    care for victims of crash incidents. Provides exposure to scene
    manag[...]tions, hazardous
    materials incidents, integration of local emergency medical
    services (EMS) for patien[...]ence, or law-enforcement personnel, or permission of instruc-
    tor. (F,S,E)

    FSC240 Incident Command Officer 3 credits 3 periods
    Preparation of Incident Command officers in handling local
    commu[...]ions . Prerequisites: Chief Officer
    or permission of instructor.

    Course Availability: {F)[...]
    [...]REC120 Leisure and the Quality of Life 3
    Student Goals: Transfer, Caree[...]3
    Through a diversified program of activities, the health/physical[...]sity,
    education instructor encourages maintenance of health and he or she sh[...]about suggestions
    physical fitness , development of interest in sports and physical for electives.
    activity, and the art of socialization through play. Related
    careers are c[...]essional sports, health spa management,
    gymnasium programs, YMCA or YWCA. The commercial and[...]West Campus have agreed to provide a trans-
    years of course work for students intending to complete a[...]fer guide to students who are pursuing a Bachelor of Science
    calaureate in Physical Education at a fou[...]each semester to ond years of study at GCC leading to an Associate in Arts
    plan[...]degree and continue their third and fourth years of study at[...]ion majors seek
    which provide a general knowledge of personal health concepts depart[...]d techniques and safety. Prevention and
    Treatment of Athletic Injuries is offered for the prospective[...]REC120 Leisure and the Quality of Life
    There are various emphasis "tracks" for phys[...]o obtaining certificates and degrees in the field of
    time lines and attend both day and evening classe[...]Credits ping stone to a higher level of knowledge, leading to an AAS
    HES271 Prevention and Treatment of Athletic Injuries 3 degree and eventually a 4 year institution.
    PED265 Theory of Coaching 3
    HES1[...]tificates and Degrees:
    HIS102 History of Western Civilization[...]
    [...]Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL ) in
    essary to provide and implement individual fitness programs[...]vides students with a fundamental knowledge of human physi-
    Required Courses: (13 credits)[...]ology and anatomy, prevention and treatment of exercise relat-
    Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course listed[...]and assessments; application of exercise fitness principles and
    PED112 Professional Applications of Fitness Principles 3[...]ngth training techniques; a fundamental knowledge of nutri-
    PED125 · Exercise Science[...]3
    PED140 Principles of Safe Exercise 1[...]HES271 Prevention and Treatment of Athletic Injuries 3[...]PED112 Professional Applications of Fitness Principles 3
    Program Description: Th[...]ealthful Living (3) or
    Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course WED110 Principles of Physical Fitness and Wellness (3) 3
    listed in the[...]+ PED275 Methods of Enhancing Physical Performance 2r[...]ory Exercise and Activities (2) iru!.
    Certificate of Completion in Personal Trainer. (See above.)[...]ng (2) 3-6
    + PED128 Methods of Teaching Group Fitness I 2[...]+ PED139 Practical Applications of Personal Training Skills[...]
    [...]ble for the + PED275 Methods of Enhancing Physical Performance 3
    American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Health and[...]27 credits)
    ing them more marketable in the field of fitness and nutrition. Qm: (15-1[...]~
    This degree will also meet the needs of individuals with existing First-Ye[...]3
    Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course[...]4
    PED112 Professional Applications of Fitness Principles 3[...]3
    + PED139 Practical Applications of Personal Training
    Skills and Techniques Internship (3) or
    + PED139AA Practical Applications of Personal Training
    Skills and Techniques Internship (1) and
    + PED139AB Practical Applications of Personal Training
    Skills and Techniq[...]Health Science (HES)
    Choose one of the following series for 5-6 credits:
    Series 1: C[...]2 style. Explores current topics of interest such as stress man-
    PED212CR In[...]
    [...]ity and wellness study to help develop a lifetime of
    None. (0)[...]ol down/stretch. May be repeated for
    of Athletic Injuries 3 credits 3 periods[...]equisites: None. (F,S,D,E,Su)
    Prevention and care of athletic injuries, emphasizing use of
    modern training techniques and support materials. Utilization of
    preventive taping, strapping , bandaging , cardio[...]Physical Education Minor-Major or
    cal application of muscle reconditioning. Prerequisites: None.[...]apping of Fitness Principles 3 credits 3 periods[...]its 2 periods Basic principles of fitness for the prospective fitness profes-
    Expands and enhances practical uses of basic taping and sional.[...]s
    wrapping skills. Hands-on experience in the use of braees, ath- include exercise ri[...]to care for athletic injuries. of fitness, fitness assessment, and exercise programming.
    Prerequisites: HES271 or permission of instructor. Prerequ[...]Uses a variety of behavior change strategies to help fit physi-[...]y into a busy schedule. Addresses the root causes of[...]a lifelong habit of physical activity. Prerequisites: None.

    Students are offered activity courses with a wide variety of PED125 Exercise Science[...]ces. It is recommend- Principles of exercise science applied to teaching fitness/ aer[...]obics. Major factors related to the function of the human body.[...]ed in the sched- PED128 Methods of Teaching
    ule of classes. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite[...]of music, choreography development for high and low[...]iod (PED112 and PED125) or permission of instructor. (S,Su)
    Individual, dual, or team sports activities as listed in the sched-
    ule of classes. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisites: None PED129 Methods of Teaching[...]2 credits 4 periods use of music, choreography development for step aerobics[...]Corequisites: PED128 or permission of instructor. (S ,Su)
    stretching and body sculpturing. May be repeated for a total of
    8 credits. Prerequisites: None. (F,S,D,E,Su)[...]Principles and techniques of strength training including[...]
    [...]Techniques, methods, and procedures of teaching swimming
    Covers principles and techniques of aerobic training and the and l[...]gned by American Red Cross. Qualified
    application of these to the development of aerobic training pro- students ear[...]edit .5 period ence in an area of community service which helps relate his or
    Major principles of sport psychology for fitness professionals[...]instructor select assignments from an available list of commu-
    considerations related to communication, m[...]she must devote a minimum of 60 hours each semester in des-
    PED137 Exerc[...]al .5 credit .5 period
    Majo·r principles of exercise psychology applied to fitness pro- PED265BC Baseball Theory of Coaching 3 credits 3 periods
    fessional who train[...]s. Theory and techniques of coaching baseball as a competitive
    Psychological[...]PED265BO Basketball Theory of Coaching 3 credits 3 periods[...]Theory and techniques of coaching basketball as a competitive
    PED138[...]usiness 1 credit 1 period
    Overview of the personal training business in the fitness indus- PED265FW Football Theory of Coaching 3 credits 3 periods
    try. Skills for beco[...]personal Theory and techniques of coaching football as a competitive
    training busin[...](F,S,D)
    PED139 Practical Applications of Personal Training
    Skills and Technique[...]periods PED265VC Volleyball Theory of Coaching 3 credits 3 periods
    Development of personal training skills including effective com- Theory and technique of coaching volleyball as a competitive
    munication,[...]3 credits
    Current CPR certification or permission of instructor. See page 286.
    Course Note: Students will have 240 hours of contact with

    PED145 Guidelines[...]REC120 Leisure and the
    assessment, safety of exercise, exercise testing, and exercise Quality of Life 3 credits 3 periods
    prescription . Prerequisites: Completion of Fitness Leadership Overview of the historical, psychological, social, and cultur[...]aspects of play, leisure, and recreation and their role in c[...]temporary society. Nature of play and leisure behavior in
    PED146 Sports N[...]lay, recreation , and leisure make to the quality of life for
    Advanced principles and applications in[...]include nutrient needs, effec-
    tiveness and usage of ergogenic aids, sports nutrition diet, and[...]Camping and outdoor skills including types of camping, equip-[...]1 credit 1 period
    Practical application of general principles of exercise prescrip- REC210 Leis[...]es: None. Systematic study of Delivery of Leisure Services in public, com-[...]
    WED1S1 Overview of[...]dicine 3 credits 3 periods
    Definition of health; exploration of mind-body-spirit connection
    in health; various therapeutic modalities; identification of[...]ormation: Robert Martin
    strengths and limitations of alternative therapies. Also includes
    development of ability to critically review written material in[...]l Education, Career-related , Personal
    Physiology of meditation and its effects on physical and mental[...]relaxation tech- and the various areas of the food and beverage industry.
    niques. Prerequis[...],S,Su1 ,Su2) Employment of registered dietitians remains strong because of
    their increasing importance as members of the health care
    WED172 Overview of tea[...]1 period and varied.
    History and evolution of herbs for healing applications.
    Preparation, usage, and effects of certain herbs used for heal- Food and Nutri[...]poses. Basic literature review skills in the area of herbal serve students who intend to major in d[...]should consult with a department advi-
    Physiology of aromatherapy; methods of use; preparation of sor to plan their program.
    oils; uses[...]Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course[...]
    [...]Application of the principles of nutrition to the needs of infants,
    Block Two:[...]od Service
    PED112 Professional Applications of Fitness Principles 3[...]t, employee habits and personal hygiene, and role of man-[...]Introduction to Professions
    and minimizing risk of chronic disease. Focuses on use of in Nutrit[...]cludes unique nutrition needs for selected stages of tory, current practice, and fu[...]e lifecycle, methods for evaluating creditability of nutrition tion of nutrition and dietetics within health care systems and pub-
    claims, principles of vegetarian nutrition, safe and economic[...]policy. Highlights professional ethics, standards of practice, edu-
    use of supplements, principles of energy balance, basic ele- cation requirements and areas of practice. Prerequisites: None.
    ments of food safety, diet for exercise and sports, and pe[...]e taken for credit if Overview of the anatomy of physiology of the heart. Focus on
    credit has been earned in FON[...]nutritional causes and treatments of heart diseases. Emphasis
    Prerequisites: None. (F,[...]on the role of fat and non-fat nutrients on normattleart dynam-[...]ics, disease processes, function of nutrients, fat quality, ener-
    FON100AA Introducto[...]3 credits 5 periods
    mizing risk of chronic disease. Focuses on use of tables, food Exploration and applications of scientific principles involved in food
    guides, an[...]hasis
    Includes methods for evaluating credibility of nutrition claims, on the rationale of cooking techniques. Prerequisites: None.
    principles of vegetarian nutrition , safe and economic use of
    supplements, principles of energy balance , and personal[...]Understanding diet in the context of culture. Historical, reli-
    other preprofessional[...]and socio-cultural influences on the development of cui-
    credit has been earned in FON100. Prerequisi[...]nutritional status of various ethnic groups. Traditional and con-
    FON10[...]temporary food habits. Health and social impact of changes in
    Applications of nutrition guidelines to the life cycle. Focuses diet. Preparation and serving of foods from many cultures.
    on unique dietary needs[...]e factors that
    complement diet and basic elements of food safety. FON2[...]h care trends, leadership skills, man-
    Principles of nutrition applied to fitness, exercise, and sport[...]erequisites:
    FON100M, or equivalent or permission of instructor. (0)

    Course Availability:[...]
    [...]rition Therapy · 3 credits 3 periods
    Principles of nutrition applied to fitness, exercise, and sports. Introduction to fundamental principles of medical nutrition
    Dietary fundamentals as applied[...]therapy. Emphasis on development and analysis of diets that
    other unique needs for exercise and sp[...]recovery. Emphasis on max- of educational programs for a diverse adult population.
    imizing fitness, performance, and safety. Discussion of supple- Prerequisites: FON241.
    ments and their effects on metabolic enhancement. Discussion
    of anabolic, catabolic, and energy-producing agents.[...]uisites: Comprehensive study of genetic, physiological, psychological,
    FON100AA, or FON100, or equivalent, or permission of metabolic, and enviro[...]depth study of the theories of body weight with emphasis on[...]statistics as permission of instructor.
    applied to complementary and alternat[...]pies.
    Emphasis on the analysis and interpretation of health-related FON298 Speci[...]ds
    Managing and understanding the nutrition needs of special
    populations. These populations include pe[...]enior adults.
    Prerequisites~ FON100 or permission of instructor.

    FON241 Principles of
    Human Nutrition 3 credits 3 periods
    Scientific principles of human nutrition. Emphasis on health
    promotion and[...]therapeutic nutri-
    tion principles for treatment of common health conditions.
    Includes exploration of food sources of nutrients, basic metab-
    olism of nutrients in the human body, relationship between diet
    and other lifestyle factors, use of supplements, current recom-
    mendations for food selection throughout the life cycle, and
    use of nutrition tools for planning food intake or assessment of
    nutritional status. Prerequisites: None. (F,S,D,E)

    FON241LL Principles of Human
    Nutrition Laboratory[...]atory experience to complement FON241,
    Principles of Human Nutrition using anthropometric, biochemical,
    and dietary analysls. Includes the use of qualitative and quantita-
    tive methodology[...]
    :t Programs ·andCourses[...]Basic grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary of the French[...]language. Includes the study of French culture , practice of lis-
    Student Goals: Personal, Career-related , Ge[...]None. (F,S,D,E,O,Su1)
    The study of another language not only provides a language
    ski[...]ary French lJ 4 credits 4 periods
    tures of other countries. GCC offers the opportunity to study a Continued study of grammar and vocabulary of the French lan-
    variety of foreign languages: Chinese, French, German, Italian , guage along with the study of French culture. Emphasis on
    Japanese, Latin , Rus[...]Continued development of speaking and listening skills for[...]and governmental agencies. Review of essential grammar of the French language and
    Those wishing to bec[...]instructors or profession- study of French culture. Continued practice and developmen[...]d training far beyond the bache- of reading , writing , and speaking skills . Prerequ[...]equence in the with a grade of "C" or better, two years of high school French
    selected language satisfi[...]ansfer, entrance with an average of "C" or better, or departmental approvaL
    and[...]l advisor to plan their pro- Review of grammar, continued development of French language
    gram.[...]skills, and continued study of the French culture. Prerequisites:[...]FRE201 with a grade of "C" or better or three years of high
    Degree-seeking and transfer students sh[...]a school French with an average of "C" or better. (S,D)
    department advisor in p[...]A survey of those major cultural and historical forces which[...]ped France from its origin through the Revolution of[...]1789. Prerequisites: Two years of high school French ,[...]
    [...]ent 3 credits 3 periods
    Continuation of survey of those major cultural and historical[...]e present time .
    Prerequisites: FRE102, two years of high school French, or
    departmental approval. (S[...]Conversation I
    Continued development of skills in conversational French for[...]3 periods
    Conversation II
    Development of intermediate level skills in conversational
    Frenc[...]store management, public service, management of distribution[...]assigned duties under supervision of experienced personnel to[...]Bachelor of Applied Science degree at ASU west campus.[...]Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course listed[...]CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems 3[...]MKT271 Principles of Marketing 3[...]MKT267 Principles of Salesmanship (3)[...]
    Programs an~ Courses[...]Legal and ethical aspects of contracts , sales, commercial
    Oral Communication:[...]3 paper, secured transactions, documents of title, letter of credit,
    COM100 Introduction to Human Commu[...]3 Legal and ethical aspects of agency, partnerships, corpora-
    + MAT102 Math[...]tcy, antitrust, securities, and other regulations of
    + MAT120 Intermediate Algebra (5) or[...]Credits Business applications of quantitative optimization methods in
    Humanities a[...]tions management decisions. Prerequisites: (Grade of
    Any approved course, see page 89.[...]Business applications of descriptive and inferential statistics, meas-[...]urement of relationships, and statistical process management[...]Includes the use of spreadsheet software for business and statisti-[...]cal analysis. Prerequisites: Grade of "C" or better in GBS220.[...]ENG107 with grade of "C" or better, or permission of depart-
    GBS103 Principles of Banking 3 credits 3 periods[...]S,D,E)
    History, characteristics, and significance of American banking
    system ; includes types of accounts, banking services, and the[...]3 credits 3 periods
    relationship of commercial banks to their depositors. Evaluation of various investment forms, including study of infla-
    Prerequisites: None. (0) tion , taxation , government securities, stocks and bonds, real[...]~state, and retirement plans. Prerequisites: None. (S,E)[...]s Calculations 3 credits 3 periods
    Review of basic arithmetic and application of mathematics to
    business problems; includes percen[...]3 credits 3 periods
    Principles and practices of personal and family financial plan-
    ning; include[...]it, buying versus renting,
    and general principles of consumerism. Prerequisites: None.

    GBS1[...]edits 3 periods
    Characteristics and activities of current local, national, and
    international business. An overview of economics, marketing,
    management and finance. Prerequisites: None. (F,S,D,E)

    GBS161 Mathematics of Business 3 credits 3 periods
    Applications of basic financial mathematics; includes interest,
    f[...]Prerequisites: GBS131 , or MAT102, or permission of
    department/division. (0)

    Course Availabil[...]
    [...]the geographically variable components of the earth and their
    Process of building a piece of furniture including calculating[...]erly and safely society. All of these courses transfer to state universities.
    (hand tools and machines), jointer[...]ourses may be used as listed below:
    Continuation of GTC 130 including special setups on machines,[...]tery I 3 credits 5 periods
    Techniques of general furniture upholstery, operations of web-
    bing, springing , stuffing , trimming, sewin[...]Geography (GCU, GPH)
    Application and use of modern materials and tools , button tuft-
    ing , c[...]Geography 1:
    Advanced techniques in upholstering of furniture and other[...]yout; Description and analysis of area variations in social, economic,
    fabric cutti[...]3 credits 5 periods
    Advanced techniques of furniture upholstery for students inter-[...]Description and analysis of variations in social, economic, and
    ment selectio[...]The historical to modern development of Arizona. The interplay[...]
    [...]ates, landforms, requirements of senior institutions.
    soils, water, and plants. Pr[...]The following courses are required by each of the State's
    Principles of physical geography relating to environmental[...]) 4-5
    CIS105 or CSC180 or permission of instructor. (F,S,E)[...]and Historical Awareness requirements of the AGEC-A and AGEC-[...]8 and the Optional Sciences requirement of AGEC-S. When taken[...]in combination of lecture and lab together, Physical Geology[...]Likewise, when taken in combination of lecture and lab together,
    For I[...]eness (H) credit.
    Geology is the scientific study of the Earth - its composition,
    structure, history,[...]y, geologists are called upon to find new sources of
    useful earth materials to balance society's growi[...]opportunities for geologists include the ·areas of G[...]A study of the kind and arrangement of materials composing
    federal/state research, management, and environmental ag[...]
    [...]1 periotl
    Outlines the origin and history of the earth with emphasis on GLG231AC Special[...]ts 3 period!
    changes; animals and plants of the past; the evolution of life. Exploration of important topics in geology. Specific topic varie[...]GLG280 Geology of Arizona Lecture 3 credits 3 periods[...]students with the physical and historical geology of
    May accompany GLG101 . Study of common rock-forming min- Arizona, including the origin of present-day land forms and out-
    erals, rocks and[...]1 credit 3 periods GLG281 Geology of Arizona Lab 1 credit 3 periods
    May accompany GLG102. Study of geological structures and May accompany GLG280. Examples of specific geologic
    rocks, fossils, and geologic ma[...]redits 6 periods See page 286. (0)
    A survey of solar system objects and their geologic evolution[...]ds
    Acquaints students with the use and importance of geological
    studies as they apply to the interacti[...]such as
    floods, earthquakes, and landslides; use of fossil fuels; mining
    of raw materials. Prerequisites: None. (F,S,D,E)

    GL[...]Prerequisites: None. (0)

    GLG230AA Field Geology of
    the Southwest 1 credit 5 periods
    GLG230AB Field Geology of
    the Southwest 2 credits 10 periods
    GLG230AC Field Geology of
    the Southwest[...]
    [...]in German. Prerequisites: GER1 02 or permission of instructor.[...]Continued development of skills in conversational German.[...]Prerequisites: One year of German or departmental approval.[...]Further development of skills in conversational German.
    GER101 Elem[...]periods Prerequisites: One year of college German GER225, three
    Basic grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary of the German semesters of high school German or departmental approval.
    language. Includes the study of German culture, practice of lis- {S,DO,EO)
    tening, speaking,[...]II 4 credits 4 periods
    Continued study of grammar and vocabulary of the German
    language along with the study of German culture. Emphasis on
    German language skill[...]ts 3 periods
    Continued development of speaking and listening skills for[...]man. Prerequisites: GER115,
    one year of high school German, or department[...]diate German I 4 credits 4 periods
    Review of essential grammar of the German language and
    study of the German culture. Continued practice and develop-
    ment of reading, writing, and speaking skills. Prerequisites:
    GER102, two years of high school German, or departmental
    approval. (F,[...]4 credits 4 periods
    Continued development of German language skills and contin-
    ued study of the German culture. Prerequisites: GER201[...]
    [...]rance Card must remain in effect for the duration of time
    of program enrollment. It is advised that students c[...]of the clearance at all times during any agency lear[...]years, certain State licensing boards may require a new back-[...]ground check or clearance card upon request for State licen-
    In collaboration and partnership with the[...]copa Community Colleges integrated the curriculum of all
    allied health and nursing programs. All HCIES program path-
    ways and educational offerings emphasize the achievement of[...]ployer, and the community. As a result, graduates of the professions' practice, the MCCCD has integrated the curriculum of all allied
    various HCIES program pathways will me[...]health and nursing programs and identified common, shared, or program com-
    HCIES Assumption of Risk/Release of Liability[...]IIIIIII Exit Point
    Most of the program pathways of the HCIES include a pro-[...]Shared Competencies
    gram of study in a clinical training environment which ma[...]T
    Use of Confidential Information
    Students enrolled in program pathways of the HCIES will have
    learning experiences in a hea[...]o sign an
    agreement to adhere to the requirements of those clinical sites[...]s Entry Point
    and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPM). • Assessment of Basic Academic Skills[...]cialized Placement (if appropriate)
    HCIES College of Attendance[...]Notes:
    As the programs within the HCIES are integrated across the[...]ired
    Maricopa Community College District, college of attendance[...]lth Care Pathway.
    requirements for the completion of the health care program[...]math-
    pathways can be met through the completion of coursework[...]d Level II common competencies through assessment of
    Centers.[...]4. Completion of Level I and Level II does not guarantee admission into Level III
    Requirement of Background Check[...]Health Care Pathways.
    Students enrolled in most of the HCIES pathways will be in[...]ersons, and other vulnerable populations. Arizona State law Scott[...])
    and healthcare agency policies require evidence of clear[...]ences. Students seeking admission to some health programs information regarding the availability of colirses and course schedule information.
    will be[...]a current Fingerprint Clearance
    Card at the time of application to or enrollment in clinical[...]

    Waiver of Licensure/Certificate Guarantee Examoles of Level II Health Care Pathways**
    lllany of the HCIES programs prepare graduates for applica- Clinical Research Coordinating (GWCC)
    :ion for State or National certificates or licenses. In some pro[...](PC)
    HCIES program does not guarantee the receipt of a license or Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound (GWCC)
    ::ertificate to practice in the field of study. Direct C[...]r Health Care Workers 1111.0 Examples of Level Ill Health Care Pathways**[...]Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound (GWCC)
    Required of only certain health occupations program path-[...]- ** Subject to change
    ment of all Levell and II Common Competencies prio[...]
    [...]The political , economic, and social development of Unitec[...]The political , economic, and social development of the United
    Phone: 623.[...]zona's political and eco-
    events and achievements of humanity. Historians analyze and[...]ents Survey of selected major issues in history of United States from
    who need these courses in prep[...]Survey of American history from 1945 to the present. Focuse[...]olitical , social , economic and cultural history of the
    Those with a baccalaureate in history will fi[...]United States from the end of World War II to the present time.
    crowded . Caree[...]lopments and foreign policy.
    libraries, archives, government agencies, and communication[...]ulting and research) should be explored . Because
    of its breadth as a part of the liberal arts curriculum , a bac- HIS145 History of Mexico 3 credits 3 periods
    calaure[...]Survey of the political, economic, and social forces which[...]shaped the development of Mexico from Precolumbian times to
    relations, e.g.[...]Focuses on the impact of the United States military in both
    • •[...]None. (F,E)

    HIS100 History of Western Civilization[...]3 credits 3 periods
    Survey of the origin and development of Western civilization History and cultural heritage of African-Americans from their
    and its institutions[...]ginnings in Ancient Africa through the experience of chattel
    and the Middle Ages. Prerequisites: None.[...]. Prerequisites: None. (S,D)
    HIS101 History of Western Civilization
    Middle Ages to[...]HIS204 African-American
    Survey of origin and development of Western civilization and its[...]Multifaceted experiences of African-American people from the
    Age of Enlightenment. Prerequisites: None. (F,S,Su1 ,Su2[...], and self-determination in
    HIS102 · History of Western Civilization[...]resent 3 credits 3 periods
    Survey of origin and development of Western civilization and its[...]A survey of the political, economic, and social forces[...]
    Programs"·anq ,C<>urses[...]lonial Period 3 credits 3 periods
    A survey of the political, economic, and social forces which[...]molded Latin American civilization in the period of the develop-
    ment of Republics. Prerequisites: None. (0}[...]Honors convocation
    The development of various religions from the prehistoric to
    modern[...]• Assistance with transfer to our state universities
    tionships among world religions. Consideration of both Eastern
    and Western religions. Prerequisites[...]al programs and conferences.
    lllS273 U.S. Experience in[...]re three ways to enter the Honors Program:
    Survey of the U.S. experience in Vietnam , 1945-1975, in view
    of political, economic, and social forces of the Cold War.[...]1. Students with a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or higher may
    Prerequisites: None. (0)[...]Middle East 3 credits 3 periods
    Survey of the political and economic development of the Middle 2. Recent graduates of Maricopa County high schools are eli- ·
    East since 1500. Emphasis on the decline of the Moslem[...]Scholarship provided they
    empire, the resurgence of contemporary Pan-Arabian, the meet one of the following criteria:
    Palestinian-Israeli question and the impact of oil production on
    the region and the rest of the world . Prerequisites: None. (0)[...]a. Rank in the top 15% of their NCA-accredited Maricopa[...]• enroll in and complete a minimum of 12 credits in cours-
    of creative learning.[...]• enroll in and complete with a grade of "C" or higher at
    general education requirements f[...]least 3 credits of honors course work each semester
    Classes are smal[...]• maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or higher
    Students who complete a minimum of fifteen (15) credits in
    honors courses (P/Z credi[...]excluded.
    grade-point average of 3.5 or higher will be designated as
    Honors Progra[...]the loss of their scholarships, which cannot be reinstated , and
    Benefits of the Honors Program include:[...]minimum of 12 credits in courses numbered 100 and
    Perso[...]cumulative GPA of 3.25 or higher may apply for the Honors
    Earl[...]tuition-fee waivers based on the number of credits for
    Scholarships or fee waive[...]
    Number of Credits Amount of Fee Waiver Courses to meet the gen[...]ry (L) as
    • enroll in and complete the number of credits for which they well as Historic[...]P/Z credits excluded) fers to Arizona State University as both Humanities (HU) and[...]ss (C).
    • enroll in and complete with a grade of "C" or higher at least
    3 credits of honors coursework

    maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or higher

    Students who do not complete the number of credits for which[...]iver will be billed for repay-
    ment in the amount of the credits not completed .[...]An exploration of human expression in contemporary arts and
    Debbie[...]courses or History and development of electronic media and its impact on
    alter class schedules without approval of the Honors popular arts. Pre[...]A study of contemporary films, directors, and critics with[...]An historical analysis of the interrelationships of art, architecc[...]An historical analysis of the interrelationships of art, architec-
    Student Goals: Personal Enrichment[...]Cultural, literary, and artistic expressions of Native, Hispanic, and
    expression to roots in vari[...]·HUM292 The Art Of Storytelling 3 credits 3 periods
    and are team taught by members of the Art, English, Music,[...]Explore the art and origin of storytelling. Provide a variety of
    and Philosophy departments.[...]delivery of telling stories. Assist in the integration and ap[...]tion of storytelling to the learning environment i[...]
    [...]+ ELE121 Solid State Devices and Circuits I 4[...]+ ELE222 Solid-State Devices and Circuits II 4[...](AAS) in Industrial Education includes a variety of technical GTC216 Properties of Materials[...]3
    Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course listed[...]Core: (12 credits)
    ELE100 Concepts of Electricity and Electronics 3[...]
    [...]Learn the basic design principles and elements of design.
    Discover how to best select carpet,[...]industry. Focus on industry standards of equipment use, letter-
    more marketable throu[...]ent, Introduction and practice of industry-specific drawing types,
    effective a[...]projection, and paraline. Brief exploration of hand sketching[...]Introduction to the profession of interior design, including[...]design process, elements and principles of design, and basic
    concepts of space planning and furniture layout. Development[...]of design vocabulary relative to architectural detai[...]INTllS Historical Architecture
    knowledge of the residential home furnishings industry, includ[...]theory, histori- Historical survey of the development of furniture, interiors, and
    cal architecture and fu[...]will help them prepare
    for the particular segment of the industry they are most inter-[...]Survey of the development of furniture, interiors, and architec-[...]t. Emphasis is on mod-
    Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for all courses list-
    ed in the program .[...]American Institute of Architects (AlA) guidelines. Prerequisites[...]
    [...]endering 3 credits 6 periods
    Development of basic freehand sketching and perspective
    Introduction to the theory and application of color as related to
    the elements and principles of design. Light and its effect on
    color. Emphasis on the development of presentation skills for •[...]• •
    the field of interior design. Prerequisites: None. (S,E)[...]or Interiors 3 credits 3 periods
    Study of the properties, design, and performance character[...]to basic grammar, pronunciation , and vocabulary of
    tics of interior fabrics. Psychological and cultural impact of tex-
    Italian. Development of speaking , listening, reading , and writing
    tiles on the built environment. Role of the interior designer in[...]skills. Study of the Italian culture. Prerequisites: None. (F,E)
    w[...]Continued development of speaking, listening, reading, and
    INT170 Int[...]writing skills in Italian. Study of Italian culture. Prerequisites:
    Properties, perfo[...]epartmental approval. (S,E,O)
    eral characteristic of interior finishes, furnishings, and equip-
    ment. Emphasis on building a resource file of interior finishes, ITA115 Be[...]Continued development of speaking and listening skills for[...]Review of essential grammar of the Italian language and study[...]of the Italian Culture. Continued practice and development of[...]Continued development of Italian language skills and contin-[...]ued study of the Italian culture. Prerequisites: ITA201 , or e[...]Continued development of skills in conversational Italian for effec-[...]tive communication. A review of grammar and development of[...]vocabulary. Intensified study of Italian life and culture. Prerequisites:[...]Continued development of skills in conversational Italian for effec-[...]tive communication. A review of grammar including the extensive[...]use of grammatical concepts. Continued development of vocab-[...]ulary. Intensified study of Italian life and culture. Prerequisites:[...]
    [...]Continued development of skills in conversational Japanese for[...]effective communication and study of the Japanese culture.[...]iods
    Basic grammar, pronunciation, and voca~ulary of Japanese.
    Study of Japanese culture. Development of speaking , listening,
    reading and writing skills.[...]nese II 5 credits 6 periods
    Continued study of basic grammar, pronunciation and vocabu-
    lary of Japanese. Study of the Japanese culture. Intensive[...]pp
    practice in oral communication and development of reading[...]electronic shortcuts will replace the journalist of
    ing. Prerequisites: None. (F,S,D,E)[...]loyment studies show that journalism
    Continuation of conversational Japanese for survival in every-[...]rs,
    day business and social situations. Expansion of vocabulary weekly newspap[...]agazines, and news broadcasting. A sizable number of grad-
    reading and writing Kana. Prerequisites: JP[...]te Japanese I 5 credits 6 periods
    Expansion of sentence structures through oral/aural practice.[...]alism advisor as soon as possible so that a
    study of Japanese culture. Prerequisites: JPN1 02 or equiva- sequence of journalism experiences can be planned for the
    len[...]maximum benefit of the student.

    JPN202 Intermediate Japanese[...]urnalism and Mass Communications
    Extensive review of Japanese grammar; development of courses vary as to[...]ntal advisor at both
    writing . Continued practice of oral communication skills and[...]year school to which they plan to transfer.
    study of Japanese culture. Prerequisites: JPN201 or equiva[...]lowing recommendations will
    Continued development of skills in conversational Japanese for satisfy the general education requirements of most four-year
    effective communication and study of the Japanese culture.[...]
    JRN133 Development of Small Publications 3
    + JRN201[...]3 Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in[...]ncouraged to throughout the state and country and requires an internship in
    choose[...]journalism and a juried portfolio of published articles to com-
    dents consult' with th[...]JRN298AA Special Projects: Portfolio of Published Clips 1
    + NMS215 Elec[...]Credits
    See approved list for AA degree, page 66. The following courses JRN133 Development of Small Publications 3
    POS110 American National Government 3
    PSY101 Introduction to P[...]Basic techniques of photo composition and editing for media
    Students intending to transfer into ASU's Department of Journalism reproduction. Teach how to crop and size photographs. Use of
    and Telecommunications may wish to take courses l[...]page on the computer. The effect and impact of color vs. black
    + COM225 Public Speaking[...]and white photographs. Basic techniques of photo essay, photo
    + COM241 Introduction t[...]reative Writing (3) or
    + ENG215 Strategies of Academic Writing (3) or impact of photos on typography. Prerequisites: None. (F,D)[...]JRN133 Development of[...]es used by newspaper and maga-
    CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems[...]
    [...]erequisites: ENG101 , Study of historical and contemporary roles of media and its per-
    ENG107 or equivalent. (F,S,D,E[...]s on interviewing and in-depth reporting; mastery of
    reporting , rewriting skills, and legal and ethic[...]al Diversity
    Prerequisites: .JRN201 or permission of the instructor. (0)[...]Images of the diverse cultures and gender issues within the[...]U.S. media. Exploration of racial and gender roles which shape
    Writing techn[...]lenges of the minority press in the United States. Prerequi[...]a newspaper or other news
    organization . 80 hours of designated work per credit. Maximum
    of6 credits allowed. Prerequisites: JRN215. ([...]
    [...]Introduction to the basic grammar and vocabulary of the Latin[...]4 credits 4 periods
    Comparative study of English and Latin grammar. Emphasis on[...]sferability: IFS101 , LBS101 , LBS201 transfer to state
    analytical thinking , memorization, and familiari[...]four year degree programs.
    in Latin . Prerequisites: LAT1 01 or permission of instructor.
    (S ,E)[...]Development of skills and competency in accessing, evaluating[...]of the use and organization of information. Prerequisite:[...]of libraries and their structure, tools, and staff t[...]evaluate and make effective and ethical use of information.[...]Use of computers to access electronic databases and to[...]aluating search results, and bibliographic citing of elec-[...]
    [...]Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course list-[...]CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems (3)[...]MGT101 Techniques of Supervision (3) or[...]1
    This degree can be applied to a Bachelor of Applied Science GBS205[...]MGT109 Development of Professional Skills[...]Middle management positions cover a wide spectrum of jobs[...]3
    involving the supervision of people and functions. Positions[...]MKT267 Principles of Salesmanship 3
    s[...]MKT271 Principles of Marketing 3
    o[...]ar Composition:
    Program Description: The purposes of the MS degree pro- + ENG1[...]gebra (3) ~
    broaden their background in a variety of fields.[...]Satisfactory completion of a higher level mathe-
    careers in sales/mer[...]
    This degree can be applied to a Bachelor of Applied Science[...]or the mid-level man-
    agement position challenges of the future. The curriculum[...]and related fields, for the management challenges of the future.[...]usiness essentials and
    Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course[...]3 Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course list-
    + ACC230 Uses of Accounting Information I 3 ed in the program .
    + ACC240 Uses of Accounting Information II 3[...]Credits
    CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems (3) 3[...]3. CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems (3)[...]siness & Industry (3) or
    + GBS161 Mathematics of Business (3) 3 +[...](3) 3
    MGT101 Techniques of Supervision (3) 2r +[...]3 MGT101 Techniques of Supervision (3) 2r
    MKT268 Merchandising[...]3
    MKT271 Principles of Marketing 3[...]MKT271 Principles of Marketing 3
    F[...]ons (3) or
    Satisfactory completion of a higher
    mathematics course[...]
    [...]Overview of control and flow of materials from the supplier to[...]the consumer. Elements and interrelationships of the supply[...]nd control , and
    Program Description: The purpose of the certificate program[...]terested in starting and/or advancing in a career of MGT135 Global Pro[...]3 credits 3 periods
    to pursue advanced programs and/or degrees. Students com- The evolution of purchasing to supply management.
    pleting the prog[...]Underlying fundamentals of tactical purchasing and strategic
    dising , distri[...]ly management Prerequisites: MGT102 or permission of
    ownership, and/or services industries.[...]Examines the nature of organizations, paradigms, and change
    extend compl[...]Includes ethics and the future of organizations in a global econ-
    Required Courses:[...]Prerequisites : None.
    Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course listed
    under Requir[...]3 Covers basic principles of managing quality and performance in
    BPC110[...]functions: planning , organ-
    CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems (3) 3[...]3 credits 3 periods
    + GBS161 Mathematics of Business (3) 3[...]3 industry, and government organizations. Prerequisites: None.
    MGT101 Techniques of Supervision 3[...]3 Includes practical applications of activities, issues, and prob-
    GBS205[...]Human Relations
    MKT267 Principles of Salesmanship 3[...]its 3 periods
    MKT271 Principles of Marketing 3 Analysis of motivation, leadership, communications, and other[...]advertisement and promo-
    MGT101 Techniques of Supervision 3 credits 3 periods[...]ontrol, and ethics. Prerequisites: None.
    Overview of the foundations of supervision and how to get
    things done within an[...]Practicum 1 credit 1 period
    functions of planning , organizing , staffing, motivating and[...]tion of an economic education project for a selected publ[...]Project focus on improving understanding of current economic[...]tem . Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.

    Course Availability: (F)[...]
    [...]plores the various levels and specialized segment of the
    Management work experience in a business or industry. 80 fashion industry, the principles of fashion , the fundamentals of
    hours of designated work per credit. Maximum of 3 credits merchandising apparel , con[...]ing campaigns.
    including analysis and management of operations, information[...]MKT267 Principles of
    MGT276 Personnel/Human[...]ensating , al selling. Highlights the role of the professional sales represen-
    and appraising[...]3 periods Surveys structure and operation of retail organizations.
    Covers the historical, leg[...]MKT271 Principles of Marketing 3 credits 3 periods[...]An analysis of the marketing process and environment with[...]A tour of the fashion merchandising industry outside the me[...]ropolitan Phoenix area. Includes a variety of experiences and[...]activities to enhance awareness of this multifaceted career.[...]of designated work per credit. Maximum of 8 credits allowed .
    Phone: 623[...]de the business organization, including operation of a PR
    counseling firm. Prerequisites: None[...]
    [...]two variables; graphs; systems of equations in two variables;[...]nomials; properties of exponents; applications. Prerequisites:[...]Grade of "C" or better in MAT082, or MAT102, or equivalent[...]Course Note: May receive credit for only one of the following:
    Phone: 623.[...]two variables; graphs; systems of equations in two variables;
    Mathematics courses a[...]ur-year nomials; properties of exponents; applications. Prerequisites:
    instituti[...]courses in preparation for Grade of "C" or better in MAT082, or MAT102, or equivalent[...]Course Note: May receive credit for only one of the following :
    mathematics should consult with a[...]hematical
    Mathematicians engage in a wide variety of activities ranging[...]redits 3 periods
    from the creation and relating of new theories to solving of sim- · A problem solving approach to[...]uates engage and the world of work. Development, demonstration, and com-
    in mat[...]tarian purposes, munication of mathematical concepts and formulas that relate
    an[...]Prerequisites: Grade of "C" or better in MAT082, or equivalent,
    At a time[...]ilable
    options. Teaching and research are but two of a long list of pos-[...], or MAT150, or MAT151 , or MAT152, or permission of
    degree seeking students may find it necessary to[...]Course Note: MAT108 may be repeated for a maximum of 10[...]tions and equations; graphs of quadratic, exponential, and log-
    • •[...]nal exponents; applications. Prerequisites: Grade of[...]Course Note: May receive credit for only one of the following :
    numbers; proportions, and percent[...]MAT120, MAT121, or MAT122.
    representations of data, geometric figures, and measurement.[...]
    [...]To meet the requirements of the[...]s who plan on attending any ASU Campus in pursuit of a business degree.[...]
    [...]c func- Analysis and interpretation of the behavior and nature of func-
    tions and equations; graphs of quadratic, exponential , and log-[...]sions, and complex num- tems of equations, modeling and solving real world proble[...]nal exponents; applications. Prerequisites: Grade of Additional topics . may include[...]ces and series, and conics. Prerequisites: Grades of
    alent, or a satisfactory score on the District p[...]nt,
    Course Note: May receive credit for only one of the following : or satisfactory[...]Course Note: May receive credit for only one of the following:[...]credits 4 periods
    tions and equations ; graphs of quadratic, exponential , and log- Analysis and interpretation of the behavior and nature of func-
    arithmic functions; equations quadratic in[...]nal exponents; applications. Prerequisites: Grade of tems of equations, modeling and solving real world proble[...]ces and series, and conics. Prerequisites: Grades of
    Course Note: May receive credit for only one of the following: or satisfactory[...]Course Note: May receive credit for only one of the following:[...]5 credits 5 periods
    Working knowledge of college-level mathematics and its appli-[...]ated throughout the course .
    Prerequisites: Grade of "C" or better in MAT120, or MAT121, or Prerequisites: Grade of "C" or better in MAT142 or MAT150 or
    MAT122 or eq[...]geometry, probability and data
    Working knowledge of college-level mathematics and its appli-[...]tics, finance, and geometry.
    Prerequisites: Grade of "C" or better in MAT120, or MAT121, or[...]duction to the mathematics required for the study of
    ment exam.[...]and the mathematics of finance. Includes applications of tech-[...]nology in problem~solving . Prerequisites: Grade of "C" or better
    MAT142 College Mathematics[...]AT152, or MAT187 or equivalent,
    Working knowledge of college-level mathematics and its appli-[...]ance, and geometry. A study of measures of angles, properties of graphs of trigono-
    Prerequisites: Grade of "C" or better in MAT120, or MAT121 , or[...]mulas, inverse trigonometric functions, solutions of trigono-
    ment exam. (F,S,Su,D,E)[...]metric equations, complex numbers and properties of triangle
    Course Note: Appropriate for the student[...]solution. May receive credit for only one of the following:
    not require college algebra or pre[...]MAT182 or MAT187. Prerequisites: Grade of "C" or better in[...]
    Programs , an,~tCourses[...]and groups.
    lus. May receive credit for only one of the following : MAT150,[...]MAT151 , MAT152, or MAT187. Prerequisites: Grade of "B" or Prerequisites: Grade of "C" or better in CSC100 and (MAT220,
    better in MA[...]or MAT221 , or equivalent) or permission of instructor. (S,D)
    factory score on a placement te[...]AT230* Calculus with Analytic
    some knowledge of trigonometry.[...]Techniques of integration for both proper and improper inte-
    MAT206 Elements of Statistics 3 credits 3 periods[...]al sciences, ele-
    Basic concepts and applications of statistics, including data ments of analytic geometry, and the analysis of sequences and
    description , estimation and hypoth[...]series. Prerequisites: Grade of "C" or better in MAT220 or
    grade of "C" or better in MAT140 or MAT141 or MAT142) or ([...]MAT221 or equivalent.
    grade of "C" or better in MAT150 or MAT151 or MAT152) or[...]rse Note: Student may receive credit for only one of the
    equivalent, or satisfactory score on District[...]uction to the theory, techniques and applications of the Geo[...]ts 5 periods
    differential and integral calculus of functions with problems[...]iation, multiple integration, and an intro-
    Grade of "C" or better in MAT150, or MAT151 , or MAT152, o[...]duction to vector fields. Prerequisites: Grade of "C" or better in
    MAT187 or equivalent, or satisfa[...]rse Note: Student may receive credit for only one of the[...]tion to the theory, techniques , and applications of the MAT261 Differe[...]ts 4 periods
    differential and integral calculus of functions with problems[...]orms with numerical methods. Prerequisites:
    Grade of "C" or better in MAT150, or MAT151 , or MAT152, or Grade of "C" or better in MAT230, or MAT231, or equivalent[...]duction to the mathematics required for the study of
    business. Includes multivariable optimization , Lagrange multi- * The order of topics may vary in the calculus courses
    pliers, l[...]nd continuous distributions. Prerequisites:
    Grade of Cor better in MAT212 or MAT213. (D,F,S)

    MAT220*[...]s, continuity, differential and integral calculus of functions
    of one variable. Prerequisites: Grade of "C" or better in
    (MAT150 or MAT151 or MAT152 and[...]se Note: Students may receive credit for only one of the
    following : MAT220 or MAT221 . (F,S,Su,D,E)[...]3 periods
    Introduction to matrices, systems of linear equations, determi-
    nants, vector spaces,[...]tions and eigenvalues.
    Emphasizes the development of computational skills .
    Prerequisites: Grade of "C" or better in MAT212 or MAT220, or
    [...]Overview of mission, organization and structure of the Army
    For Information: ASU Main ROTC[...]and its role in national defense, discussion of current military
    Phone: 480-9[...]military team
    2. Teach valuable skills regardless of the student's future operations; theory and application of military leadership princi-
    plans[...]s II 3 credits 5 periods
    some or all of these courses may be granted to veterans,[...]operations; theory and application of military leadership princi-
    students who attend ROTC summer programs[...]~--~:~ ·- '0

    Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University, and the
    University of Arizona offer a two-year and four-year program
    le[...]U.S. Air Force and the U.S.
    Army. The Departments of Military Science and Aerospace
    Studies will accep[...]who has
    completed the 8 semester hour curriculum of either the
    Department of Military Science or Aerospace Studies for the
    four-year program. In addition, the Department of Aerospace
    Studies will accept applicants f[...]
    years of . music required for a Bachelor degree in Music[...]MUP209 Elements of Conducting 2[...]o have MUP250 Survey of Diction for Singers (1 credit each) 2
    not had sufficient training in the fundamentals of music are
    advised to take MTC101 and MTC103 before taking And one of the following:
    MTC105-Music Theory I and MTC106-A[...]tment provides private instruc-
    tion in the areas of piano, voice and various instruments.
    Students ar[...]Music I 3
    of the term for music lessons is 15 weeks during whi[...]3
    vate lessons are given. The length of a private lesson is 30 +MTC24[...]s as necessary. That student will receive a grade of[...]2
    Availability: Complete day programs. Partial evening pro-[...]
    244 Programs ".~S)d &ourses[...]Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course
    Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course[...]3 MKT271 Principles of Marketing 3
    MKT271 Principles of Marketing[...]
    [...]Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in[...]ate and degree program
    Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course[...]Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course
    Select one of two (2) tracks:[...]Select one of two (2) tracks:
    + MTC106 Aural Percep[...]
    [...]advanced study of music theory and skills. Recommended for
    M[...]n 2 credits 2 periods
    MHL140 Survey of Music History 3 credits 3 periods[...]he aural skills necessary to hear relation-
    Study of composers, compositions, styles, and periods in music ships of intervals, rhythms, melody, and harmony in music.[...]be repeated for a total of four (4) credit hours. Prerequisites:[...]n-European musical traditions including the study of music MTC105 Music Theory I[...]ds
    in rituals, musical instruments and the impact of cultures on The chronological study of music theory including: harmony,
    musical styles.[...]ts. Prerequisites: MTC100 or MTC101 or permission of
    Popular Music 3 cre[...]instructor. Corequisites: MTC106. (F,S)
    The study of cultural and social contributions to the evolution of
    American jazz and popular music from the mid-1800[...]The development of listening and performing skills through dic-[...]nd keyboard harmony. Prerequisites:
    MHL146 Survey of Broadway Musicals 3 credits 3 periods None. Corequisites: MTC105. (F,S)
    Survey of Broadway musicals traced from their origins to th[...]rs, lyricists, An in-depth study of functional and theoretical practice as
    directors,[...]applied to the fretboard of the guitar through understanding of[...]MTC101 . (S (even years))
    History of Rock music and how cultural , social, political,[...]A continuation of Music Theory I with emphasis on harmony[...]rocedures . Prerequisites: MTC1 05.
    MHL155 Survey of American Music 3 credits 3 periods Corequisites: MTC156. (S,Su)
    History of the music of North America from the earliest
    American Indian m[...]ents and A continuation of Aural Perception I, including harmonic prac-
    tren[...]literacy, including generic appli-
    In-depth study of music history from the primitive era through cations and music-specific programs with hands-on experi-
    the Baroque period. Prerequ[...]sic notation required . Prerequisites:
    permission of instructor. (F)[...]cing music with Musical Instrument
    In-depth study of music history from the Classical period[...]Digital Interface (MIDI) configuration consisting of computers,
    through the Contemporary period . Prer[...]and other compatible MIDI instruments.
    permission of instructor. (S)[...]Continued study of the production of music with Musical[...]) configurations. Emphasis on
    MTC100 Fundamentals of Music 2 credits 3 periods[...]None. (F,S) The study of chromatic harmony and melody, modulation tech-[...]niques and expanded chords. The analysis of formal structure.[...]
    Programs and .Courses[...]ng II 3 credits 5 periods
    A development of listening and performing skills, including an[...]ocessing equipment, mixing consoles,
    introduction of chromatic harmonic techniques and concepts of and advanced musical recording[...]and engineering. Includes mix-down and resultant master
    tape of a musical recording session. Prerequisites: MUC19[...]MUC195AA. (F,S)
    Introduction to the basics of music composition , stressing tech-
    niques and pr[...]3 credits 3 periods
    repeated for a total of twelve (12) credit hours. Prerequisites: Basic principles of live sound engineering. Emphasis on signal
    (MTC105 and MTC106, or equivalent), and permission of flow, acoustic, sound[...]Prerequisites: None. (F,S)
    A continuation of Music Theory Ill, including 20th century theo-
    ri[...]Emphasis on musical production decisions. Front-of-house and[...]aterial and sound pressure levels.
    A continuation of Aural Perception Ill, including extended Includes setting up of sound system and mixing live perform-
    chords. Cor[...]ances with various styles of music. In addition to mixing at alter-[...]ized from pre-production through delivery of the final mix.
    Operation, scope, and career oppor[...]eighty (80) hours of designated work per credit. A maximum of[...]on the record industry; environmental
    music; uses of music in radio, telecommunications, and film;[...]Practical class with emphasis on techniques of playing and[...]station I (DAW I) 3 credits 5 periods
    Use of digital mixing and automation software in conjunc[...]r operation, trou- Continuation of Class Brass I with additional focus on skills
    ble[...]of instructor. (S)
    MUC112 Digital Audio[...]ussion I 2 credits 3 periods
    Uses of Pro Tools mixing and automation in conjunction wi[...]Practical class with emphasis on techniques of playing and
    editing and recording utilizing the D[...]ments, stick control, and elements of reading rhythms.
    agement. Prerequisites: MUC111 .[...]2 credits 3 periods
    Basic principles of studio sound recording . Emphasis on musi- Continuation of Class Percussion I with additional emphasis on
    cal acoustics, operation of recording equipment, studio setups,[...]Prerequisites: MUE235 or permission of instructor. (S)
    musical production decisio[...]
    Practical class with emphasis on techniques of playing and Basic intro[...]dits 3 periods Development of beginning piano techniques and the funda-
    Continuation of Class Woodwinds .I with additional emphasis mentals of music including basic hand position , music readi[...]transposition, skills of melodic and harmonic material, major scales, tran[...]nizations including the I, IV, V7 chords.
    mission of instructor. (S)[...]Continuation of Piano I with emphasis on elementary piano[...]permission of instructor. (F,S,Su)
    MUP201 Private Instru[...]instruction emphasizing developmental improvement of[...]Introduction to the fundamentals of vocal production. Emphasis
    musicianship and techn[...]tion and performances in
    course sequence required of all music majors meeting depart-[...]class of solo vocal literature. Prerequisites: None. (F,S,[...]Continuation of Class Voice I including the elements of stage
    violin, viola, violoncello, contrabass , ba[...]and diction. Prerequisites: MUP133 or permission of
    and harp. May be repeated for credit. (F,S,Su) *([...]performance of all styles of choral literature. Public perform-
    MUP102[...]pet, French horn, trom- tion of band lite'rature for public performance. Audition[...]· the preparation of all styles of band literature. Public perform-[...]ction. Emphasis on demonstration and discus-
    sion of specific vocal problems. May be repeated for a total of MUP163 Jazz Ensemble[...]Open to all students on the basis of auditions. May be repeat-[...]Theoretical and performance skills in many styles of jazz
    cussion of specific guitar problems. May be repeated for a t[...]improvisation. May be repeated for a total of six (6) credit
    of three credits. Prerequisites: None. Corequ[...]
    [...]s in many styles Development of intermediate piano techniques including
    of jazz improvisation _ May be repeated for a total of six (6) selected solo literature, transposition of harmonic patterns, and
    credit hours. Prerequisites: MUP164 or permission of instruc- secondary dominants. Prerequisites: MUP132 or permission of
    tor. (0)[...]ntal, vocal , Continuation of Piano Ill including modulation techniques ,
    and m[...]improvisation of piano accompaniments, advanced chromatic
    Prerequi[...]harmony, and sight reading of advanced literature.[...]Prerequisites: MUP231 or permission of instructor. (F,S,Su)
    MUP182 Chamber Singers[...]ical and performance experience in various styles of vocal MUP233 Class Voi[...]periods
    music. Open to all students on the basis of auditions. May be Interpretive singing through a closer examination of coloring ,
    repeated for credit. Prerequisites: No[...]yles. Percussion literature from a diverse number of world Continuation of Class Voice Ill with additional emphasis on the
    m[...]various preparation of solo vocal literature for the purpose of evaluation
    African traditions, Indian music, Japa[...]esian and the integration of the music with the drama of the music.
    music, Mexican, Central, and South Ame[...]Prerequisites: MUP233 or permission of instructor. (F,S,Su)
    cussion compositions from th[...]ted MUP250AA Survey of Diction
    throughout the semester. Percussion techn[...]hasis Introduction to the use of phonetics in the study of English song
    placed on reading and listening skil[...]s: None. MUP250AB Survey of Diction
    (F,S,E)[...]Introduction to the use of phonetics in the study of Italian/Latin
    MUP209 Elements of Conducting 2 credits 2 periods[...]Prerequisites: None. (F (even years))
    Essentials of conducting techniques used in choral and instru-[...]n, •nd MUP250AC Survey of Diction
    styles. Prerequisites: None. (S)[...]Introduction to the use of phonetics in the study of German
    MUP225 Class Guitar I[...]ncludes finger-style laying. Stresses development of effi- MUP250AD Survey of Diction
    cient practicing techniques and proper si[...]Introduction to the use of phonetics in the study of French song[...]reading range including second position and parts of MUP270 Musical T[...]ions. Classical, popular, Latin, and other styles of Workshop in the study and performance of Musical Theatre
    music. Theory including scales, k[...]ques, talent evaluation crit-
    Technical exercises of both hands. Prerequisites: MUP225 or[...]ques, vocal acting styles, stage move-
    permission of instructor. (F,S,Su)[...]performance. Prerequisites: MUP226 or permission of instruc-
    tor. (F,S,Su)[...]e techniques. Prerequisites: MUP227 or
    permission of instructor. (F,S,Su)

    Course Availabili[...]
    [...]Waiver of Licensure/Certification Guarantee:[...]responsibility of the Arizona State Board of Nursing. Students must[...]satisfy the requirements of the Nurse Practice Act: Statutes, Rules[...]and Regulations, independently of any college or school require-
    For[...]his application. If you cannot prove that
    Advisor list and Information & Application packets are availab[...]the Department of Public Safety to obtain state and federal crimi-
    Degree/Certificate:[...]is any question about eligibility for
    Certificate of Completion in Practical Nursing[...]at the Arizona State Board of Nursing (602-889-5150).

    Program Description: The[...]Declaration:
    Nursing Program is available at nine of the Maricopa Community[...]that Nursing students be able to perform a number of
    Colleges. Clinical experiences are provided in a variety of health- physical activities in the clinical portion of the program. At a mini-
    care settings. The Nursin[...]ing requirements are the exclusive responsibility of the State experience also places students under considerable mental and
    Board of Nursing.[...]der stressful conditions.
    approved by the Arizona State Board of Nursing and accredited by[...]physical demands of the program prior to making application.
    (NLNAC),[...]Checklist verifying completion of all requirements and maintain cur-
    This program i[...]4. Students must provide a copy of their current and valid Finger
    Mesa Community Col[...]Students who are planning to earn the Bachelor of Science in[...]
    and science of nursing. The RN may be employed in a variety of + NUR151 Nursing Theory and Sci[...]Met by PSY101 under Program Prerequisites.
    of an admission application if the applicant was dis[...]re-

    Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course
    listed in the p[...]logy (Majors) I (4) or
    One year of high school biology 4
    + BI02[...]try Laboratory (1) or
    One year of high school chemistry 4[...]
    [...]Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course[...]am Description: The Practical Nursing Certificate of dent's educational experience.
    Completion (CCL) Program is available at nine of the Maricopa BI0156 I[...]BI0181 General Biology (Majors) I (4) or
    ety of healthcare settings. The Practical Nursing Program provides One year of high school biology 0-4
    eligibilit[...]II 4
    the exclusive responsibility of the Arizona State Board of Nursing. + BI0205 Microbiolog[...]emistry (3) and
    The Practical Nursing Certificate of Completion (CCL) Program is + CH[...]emistry Laboratory (1) 2r
    approved by the Arizona State Board of Nursing and accredited by One year of high school chemistry 0-4
    the Nation[...]Intermediate Algebra (5) or
    Following completion of the practical nurse level program of study, + MAT121 Intermediate[...]-based health care agencies under the direc-
    tion of a registered nurse. Practical Nurses function wit[...]Credits
    legal scope of practice and use professional standards of care in + NUR111 Nursing[...]es are created based on community interest.
    ance of an admission application if the applicant was dis[...]• •
    good standing with the Board of Nursing. Once enrolled, stu-
    dents receiving any[...]are. Body systems
    All students must submit a copy of a fingerprint clearance card[...]
    Programs an~ Courses[...]NCE203 Interpretation of Laboratory[...]credits 3 periods Utilization of laboratory diagnostic examination results for eva[...]with emphasis on analysis uation of patient conditions. Normal results for selected b[...]nals. Theoretical foundation tions of adults. Incorporation of results of examinations to
    of bioethics reviewed within historical and contempo[...]Practical Nurse, Nursing students, or permission of instructor.
    HCR220 Health Care Organiza[...]3 periods (Su1)
    Overview of United States health care delivery systems; financ-
    ing, health policy, impact of managed care, and basic principles[...]rug Therapy .5 credit .5 period
    of budgeting , cost-benefit analysis, and resource m[...]es: Current student
    Relation between cultures of diverse groups and health/illness. in Associate Degree Nursing program, or permission of instructor.
    Emphasis on cross-cultural commun[...]luding aware- (Su1)
    ness of own cultural influences and indigenous and comple[...]us flow
    as a foundation for the understanding of alterations in health. rates usin[...]The structural and functional pathophysiology of alterations in ods. These calcula[...]Current student in Nursing program or permission of[...]tion problems with oral, parenteral, and
    Role of certified nurse assistant for clients across the[...]specific to meeting the basic and holistic needs of Prerequisite: Current student[...]al for the cer- gram, or permission of Instructor. (Su1 ,Su2)
    tified nurse assistant. Nursing interventions to ensure the
    needs and safety of the client. Specific types of diseases, con- NCE2140P Orientatio[...]1 period
    ditions and alterations in behavior of the client. Principles of Overview of the philosophy, core values , policies, competen-
    nutrition and fluid balance. Special needs of the elder client in cies and curricular components of the Maricopa Community
    the acute and long-ter[...]College District Nursing Program. Basic concepts of therapeu-
    skills and procedures. Prerequisite[...]ng process, pharmacology, metrology, and concepts of intra-
    NCE.151 Basic Certified Nursing[...]venous therapy. Emphasis on the use of the nursing process,
    Assistant L[...]2 credits 6 periods utilization of critical thinking skills, sound decision-making prin-
    Demonstration of problem solving , professional behavior and[...]therapeutic communication skills. Demonstration of caring management and stres[...]and
    Provides opportunity for the development of clinical proficien- Registered Nurse (RN). Review and evaluation of Practical
    cies in the performance of selected Basic Certified Nursing[...]into the Nursing program. (F,S)
    1 of clients. Prerequisites: None. (F,S)[...]
    [...]dents 2 credits 2 periods
    Brief review of nursing care by systems using an NCLEX[...]sing study skills
    thinking related to application of nursing care in case study sit- to help students achieve success in their respective block of
    uations. Also practice multiple-choice questions.[...]Currently enrolled nursing student, or permission of instructor. tion skills emphasize[...]t enrollment in the Nursing program or permission of
    NCE249AA Critical Care: Cardiac I cre[...]NUR104AB may be repeated for a total of eight (8) credit
    anatomy, physiology, and pharmac[...]ered Nurse or Practical Nurse, or recent graduate of an NURitt Nursing Process and Critical
    accredited nursing program, or permission of the instructor. T[...]Overview of nursing and critical thinking strategies focused[...]um. Theoretical concepts related to holistic care of well , geri-
    Foundation in basic critical care fo[...]ological/mental health disorders. Emphasis on use of
    anatomy, physiology, and ·pharmacology. Disease[...]•nursing process in the role of the nurse as member of the
    ment for the respiratory system. Prerequisite[...]health care team . Includes concepts of pathophysiology, nutri-
    as Registered Nurse or Practical Nurse, or recent graduate of tion , and communication. Requires application of previous
    an accredited nursing program, or permission of the instructor. knowledge of physical, biological , and social sciences.
    (Su1)[...]programs. Corequisites: NUR118 or permission of Nursing
    NCE249AC Critical Care: Neurologic[...]ered Nurse or Practical Nurse, or recent graduate of and skills instruction. Emphasi[...]ypes
    an accredited nursing program, or permission of the instructor. and skills necessary for safe administration of selected medica-[...]tion categories. Concepts of medication administration by select-
    NCE249AD Cri[...]ed routes introduced. Application of previous knowledge of phys-
    Endocrine & Renal[...]the Practical Nursing or Nursing Programs. (Su2,F,S,D,E)
    interested in entering the critica[...]Prerequisites: Development of clinical competency in the performance of
    Current license as Registered Nurse or Practical[...]ocedures. Provides for participa-
    recent graduate of an accredited nursing program , or permis- tion in the care of clients experiencing problems of alteration in
    sion of the instructor. (Su1)[...]stinal .5 credit .5 period ety of long term care and acute settings. Application of holistic
    Foundation in basic critical care for nu[...]ease management as concepts of pathophysiology, nutrition, and communication.
    fo[...]ered Nurse or Practical Nurse, or recent graduate of Programs. Corequisites: NUR111 or permission of Nursing
    an accredited nursing program, or permission of the instructor. Department[...]
    [...]izes management
    :oncepts related to holistic care of adult and geriatric clients with of clients receiving complex therapies such as blood[...]e-
    developmental principles. Introduction to care of newborn, pedi- ment. Application of previous knowledge of physical , biological ,
    atric, well childbearing[...]and social sciences. Includes an overview of parenteral med-
    Continuation of the role of the nurse as member of the health ications and therapi[...]lected situations .
    care team . Includes concepts of pathophysiology, nutrition, and Pr[...]d (NUR128 or NUR129).
    communication . Application of previous knowledge of physical, (F,S)
    biologic, social[...]e III 5 credits IS periods
    permission of Nursing Department chairperson . (F,S) Application of critical thinking skills through the nursing proc[...]II 2 credits 4 periods of clinical and cultural competency and the continue[...]on prototypes and skills. ment of selected nursing skills and procedures within the[...]safe practice in medica- ing scope of practice. Holistic care of clients, families, and
    tion administration. Introduces concepts of venipuncture and small groups in a variety of acute and community health care
    initiation of IV access. Requires application of previous knowl- settings. Application of nursing concepts related to health edu-
    edge of physical, biological, social and nursing sciences[...]119). Integrates concepts of nutrition , communication , health promo-
    (F,S)[...]I 4 credits 12 periods of Nursing Department chairperson . (F,S)
    Continuation of application of holistic nursing concepts and
    assessments related[...]credits 18 periods
    vention and health restoration of individuals and families. Synthesis of nursing concepts. Provides nursing care for high-
    Provides continued opportunity for the development of clinical risk newborn, pediatric[...]clients with multi-
    competency in the performance of selected nursing skills, par- sy[...]sis on leadership and man-
    ticipation in the care of clients with alterations in health. agement roles of the nurse. Includes a preceptorship experi-
    Provi[...]ng clients and childrearing families in a variety of acute Integrates concepts of nutrition, communication , health promo-
    care and community settings. Application of nursing concepts tion and adva[...]iology. Prerequisites: NUR231,
    in the development of care plans as well as concepts of patho- NUR237, and NUR239. Coreq[...]munication . Includes participation of Nursing Department chairperson . (F,S,D,E)
    in cli[...]R281 Nursing Process &
    NUR121 or permission of Nursing Department Chairperson .[...]needs of the critically ill and high-risk clients with mul[...]hasis on complex on application of critical thinking skills to modify a holistic pla[...]s/illness continuum in a variety of care. Highlights the role of the professional nurse in health
    of acute care and community settings. Theoretical co[...]n, and restorative care.
    related to holistic care of adults with selected acute and chron-[...]ompetency Assessment Network
    Introduction to role of the professional nurse as member of the (ICAN) placement.
    health care team. Integrates concepts of nutrition. communica- Course Not[...]e must be successfully completed con-
    Application of previous knowledge of physical, biologic, social, curren[...]28 or NUR129). Corequisites: NUR238 or permission of
    Nursing Department chairperson . (F,S)[...]
    [...]ackground in general studies.
    service industries, government agencies, and private busi-
    nesses of all kinds.[...]One year of high school typing QC
    Today's office employee performs a variety of tasks. Data entry[...]ions to previously entered data,
    and keep records of completed work.[...]Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course listed
    file documents, keep inventory of office supplies, take dictation[...]+ GBS161 Mathematics of Business (3) 3
    Office coo[...]re plans for MGT1 01 Techniques of Supervision 3
    the overa[...]rences, prepare and/or coordinate the preparation of OAS113 Micro-Alphabetic[...]+ OAS121 Techniques of Proofreading 1[...]
    [...]secretary in a business office
    CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems (3) and[...]finding and keeping the perfect employee are part of the pro-
    + OAS106AA Basic Machine Transcription:[...]Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course listed
    Core: (15 cr[...]supervision of employees and database applications, desktop[...]Certificate of Completion in General Office Secretary (see above[...]Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course listed[...]MGT101 Techniques of Supervision 3[...]
    [...]Description of writing job descriptions and advertisements for[...]aluating work performance. Options for resolution of poor[...]5 credit .5 period Description of various required and voluntary benefits provided
    Overview of professional etiquette in the workplace, includin[...]Description of federal regulation of discrimination, safety, and
    Office Ima[...]ective call handling.
    Development and application of rapid writing skills for notetak- Fundamentals and techniques of telephone service.
    ing, messages, and minutes. Pr[...]Assess the effectiveness of service standards, correct possible[...]ng customers and the criteria
    Review and practice of professional etiquette in the workplace;[...]Preparati0n and use of sale aids for writing effective sales pro-[...]e performance, and
    maintenance and/or adjustments of machines. Prerequisites: ef[...]erstanding client's decision-making
    Various types of contemporary office communication technolo-[...]a sales presenta-
    gy. Includes uses and features of each type as well as demon- ti[...]perceptions and effectively respond to
    strations of their operation. Prerequisites: None. (F,S[...]
    [...]ods OAS103AA Computer Typing:
    The stages of need and satisfying customers' needs through[...].7 periods
    negotiations. Explore the complexities of sales skills. Individual progression[...]y to touch type 25 words per minute or permission of[...]3 credits 5 periods or permission of departmenUdivision. (F,S,D,E,Su1)
    Keyboard master[...]1 credit 1. 7 periods or permission of departmenUdivision. (F,S,D,E,Su1 ,2)
    Incorporates[...]rerequisites: (OAS101 or OAS101AC), or permission of
    Letter, table, and report formatting. Prerequisites: OAS1 01AA departmenUdivision. (0)
    or permission of departmenUdivision. (F,S,D,E,Su1)[...]Comprehensive coverage of correct use of English grammar
    OAS101AC Computer Typing 1:[...](F,S,D,E)
    OAS101AB or permission of department/division.
    (F,S,D,E,Su1)[...]Mastery of essential microcomputer keyboarding skills.
    OAS10[...]Emphasis on touch typing of alphabetic and numeric keys and
    Docum[...]None. (F ,S,D,E,Su1) ·
    Arrangement of letters, memos, manuscripts, and tabulation;
    spee[...]boarding II 1 credit 1.7 periods
    mission of departmenUdivision. (F,S,D,E,Su1) Further development of microcomputer keyboard speed and[...]development of numerals as related to preparation and handling[...]s and Memos 1 credit 1.7 periods of documents. Prerequisites: BPC/OAS111AA or permission of
    Further develop and refine letter and memo skills[...]and accuracy. Prerequisites: OAS101 or permission of
    departmenUdivision. (F,S,D,E,Su1)[...]Mastery of essential microcomputer filing skills. Emphasis o[...]. (F,S,D,E,Su1)
    OAS101 and OAS102AA or permission of departmenUdivision.
    (F,S,D,E,Su1)[...]Touch system of numeric keys on ten-key pads. Prerequisites:
    OASl[...]1 and OAS102AB, or permis- Development of speed and accuracy of data entry skills.
    sion of departmenUdivision. (F,S,D,E,Su1)[...]ng: mission of instructor, OAS118 suggested but not required .[...]y to touch type 25 words per minute or permission of OAS120 Financial Record Keeping[...]Computerized application of concepts and procedures of office[...]
    260 Programs and . Gourses

    OAS121 Techniques of Proofreading 1 credit 1 period[...]Office Career Success (OCS)
    Recognition of errors in mechanics, format, and content in any
    w[...]e Skills 1 credit 2 periods
    permission of instructor. (F,S,D,E,Su1 ,2)[...]essary for the workplace. Includes knowledge of basic busi-
    Using WordPerfect software word proce[...]ame files, edit text, format, and print a variety of docu-[...]ing of messages and minutes. Use appropriate software and
    mum of 24 words per minute or permission of instructor.[...]Investigate functionality and protocol of electronic mail sys-
    OAS135DK Word: Level I[...]nam~ ~les ,
    edit text, format and print a variety of documents. Prerequ1s1tes:[...]eriods
    The ability to use a keyboard at a minimum of 24 words per[...]als and opportunities in the
    minute or permission of instructor. (F,S,D,E,Su1 ,2)[...]es in the workplace. Prerequ1s1tes: None.
    Mastery of skills and techniques used in the production of letter,
    manuscript, and statistical documents; de[...]l communications and written
    minimum typing speed of 50 wpm or permission of depart-[...]in the office. Investigate basic contents of memorandums, let-
    Using WordPerfect word processi[...]etwork systems and machines. Prerequisites:
    table of contents. Prerequisites: BPC/OAS135DD or permissi[...]None.
    of instructor. (F,S,D,E,Su1 ,2). '[...]Develops a comprehensive understanding of essential work-
    columns, macros, styles, graphics, sort, outlines, and table of place skills and reinforces lear[...]ntents. Prerequisites: BPC/OAS135DK or permission of practices. Includes fundamental knowledge of office etiquette,
    instructor. (F,S,D,E,Su1 ,2)[...]note taking, protocol of electronic mail systems~ and pr~~ara­[...]tion of oral and written presentations. Identifies tnd1v1[...]to include preparing a resume and prac-
    Basic use of an office suites software package; develops skill[...]n
    sheet, database, presentations, the integration of these fea-
    tures, electronic mail, and scheduling[...]office. 80 hours of designated work per credit. Maximum of 3
    80 hours of designated work per credit. Maximum of 3 credits[...]
    [...]Examination of questions such as the meaning of life and[...]the identity of the self freedom and destiny, the ethical life, a[...]the relationship of science and religion. Comparative analysis[...]of diverse Eastern and Western viewpoints. Prerequis[...]Major theories of conduct. Emphasis on normative ethics, the-[...]ories of good and evil from Plato to the present. Prerequi[...]Philosophy courses critically examine the nature of human[...]A philosophical consideration of moral problems that arise in
    beings and of the world , ways in which people seek to under-[...]phy) Philosophical consideration of moral problems arising in busi-
    and PHI105[...]ss practice, "including corporate responsibility, government
    issues and major attempts to resolve them.[...]Philosophical consideration of diverse theories and perspec-[...]tives on the environment, and application of these theories to
    To Prepare for a Major i[...]moral issues such as animal rights, preservation of
    tution. PHI101 and 103 will generally tran[...]lent. (F,S,D)
    should consult with a member of the Philosophy
    · Department to plan for tra[...]stitution. PID218 Philosophy of Sexuality 3 credits 3 periods[...]Philosophical examination of sexuality in human life. Historical
    As Back[...]and critical survey of philosophical and theological views.
    ly rec[...]Comparison and evaluation of contemporary theories about the
    those planning to enter law, journalism, government, pub-
    nature of sexual desire and sexual acts. Implications of theo-
    lic relations, and other areas requir[...]The development of various religions from prehistoric to mod-[...]ships among world religions. Consideration of both Eastern[...]PHI244 Philosophy of Religion 3 credits 3 periods
    PID101 Intro[...]Religious language, the existence of God, miracles, and
    General consideration of human nature and the nature of the human destiny. Prerequ[...]ption, freedom and determinism,
    and the existence of God . Prerequisites: None.
    (F,S,D,E,Su1 ,2)

    PID1[...]al fallacies, elementary symbolic logic,
    analysis of argument forms, and construction of proofs for
    validity. Prerequisites: ENG101[...]
    [...]Natural Sciences part The science of physics seeks to understand the behavior of
    of the General Education requirements for the AA, AA[...]of physics and rely on many instruments originally d[...]Employment of physicists is greatest in areas that have heavy[...]sical Science (PHS) state physics, production supervision, industrial sales[...]cs, and nuclear physics.
    PHSllO Fundamentals of
    Physical Science 4 cred[...]commendations: This program is designed as
    Survey of the principles of physics and chemistry.[...]the first two years of course work for students intending to pur-
    Prerequisites: Grade of "C" or better in MAT090, or MAT091, or[...]evening classes.
    the basic laws and facts of the physical sciences which provide
    the st[...]
    Programs,and Courses[...]For Information: Eileen Johnston
    A survey of physics emphasizing applications of physics to[...]: 623.845.3280
    modern life. Prerequisites: Grade of"C" or better in MAT090, or
    MAT091, or MAT092, or[...]aration for other careers, and students
    A survey of physics emphasizing applications of physics to choosing the[...]ending to pur-
    modern life. Prerequisites: Grade of "C" or better in MAT090, or s[...]se Note: Students may receive credit for only one of the
    following : PHY1 01 or PHY111AA.[...]Transferability: All courses transfer to state universities.[...]program.
    Includes motion, energy, and properties of matter.
    Prerequisites: Trigonometry or department[...]nce (POS)
    Includes motion, energy, and properties of matter.
    Prerequisites: Trigonometry or department[...]Introduction to the discipline of political science and its relation
    Course Note: R[...]credit for and institutions of government. Prerequisites: None. (F,S,D)
    only one of the following: PHY111 or PHY111AA.[...]s 6 periods Government 3 credits 3 periods
    Includes e[...]d modern physics. Study of the historical backgrounds, governing principles,[...]institutions of the national government of the United States.[...]American Politics 3 credits 3 periods
    ples of mechanics and thermodynamics. Recommended for Examination of major issues in current affairs in the fields of
    majors in the sciences and mathematics. Required[...]and others through the reading and viewing of secondary infor-
    department consent. Corequisites[...]on to principles and issues relating to the study of
    PHY116 University Physics II 5 credits[...]international relations. Evaluation of the political, economic,
    Principles of electricity, magnetism, waves, and optics.[...]
    PO'S130 State and Local Government 3 credits 3 periods
    Survey of state and local government in the United States.
    Special attention on Arizona State government. Prerequisites:
    None. (S,D)

    POS140 Comparative Government 3 credits 3 periods
    Overview and evaluation of the subfield of comparative politics.
    Covers various national gov[...])!fransferProgram
    their structure, system, method of governance. Examines for Northern Arizona University
    methods of assessing these governments. Prerequisites:
    None.[...]cal Ideologies 3 credits 3 periods
    Survey of twentieth century non-democratic ideologies and Nearly two-thirds of salaried conservation scientists and
    movements wi[...], foresters work for Federal, State, or local governments. The
    Stalin, and Mao. Prere[...]f-employed as consultants for private
    Examination of the Constitution of the State of Arizona. landowners, Federal and State governments, and forestry-
    Equivalent to the second part of POS220. May not enroll in re[...]please visit:
    Examination of the United States Constitution. Equivalent to the
    first part of POS220. May not enroll in POS220 and POS222
    The historic background and current status of major civil rights
    issues in the United States. P[...]Pre-health programs are designed for students preparing for[...]one of these schools should "first pursue the baccalaure[...]degree at a four-year institution. In view of the keen competi-[...]ts should become acquainted with the requirements of a[...]ty college experience is a time of exploration for a suitable[...]
    [...]Program~attd.S~ urses

    rhe following programs recommend pre-health courses suit-
    lble for trans[...]ptometrist examines and determines the cond ition of one's
    ·ecommendations for general education cour[...]without the use of medicine, drugs, or surgery.[...]first two years of preparation for entering optometry school.
    A. phy[...]to consult with a faculty advisor in plan-
    orders of the human body . A physician may also perform sur[...]program which will meet the entrance requirements of
    gery and operations and often specializes in one aspect of that school.
    medical care a[...]jors) I 4
    tion and treatment of ailments or abnormalities of gums and + BI0182 Ge[...]General Chemistry II (3) and
    first two years of preparation for entering medical or dental[...]General Chemistry II with Qual Laboratory (1) 4-5
    of professional schools.[...]II (3) and **Two-thirds of optometry schools require microbiology or bacteri[...]See approved list for AA degree. The following course is recom-

    * See guidelines for proper placement of students in math.
    Students applying for medic[...]ge.

    General Education Requirements:
    See approved list for AA degree, page 66. In determining course
    choices, students should be guided by the requirements of the
    four-year institution from which they[...]

    Working within the scope of a physical therapy practice act,[...]e dysfunc- several masters programs in related fields. They are:
    tion of the structural and physiological systems of the body.
    Through various evaluation and therapeu[...]tudents/year)
    ical therapy optimizes the function of individuals with impair- Occupational Therapy (30 students/year)
    ment of the neurological, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular[...]eneral hospitals, Because of the prerequisites at Grand Canyon for their pre-[...]ols, home health health programs, it is strongly suggested to see an advisor at
    ca[...]lgebra and
    the challenging and stimulating nature of the physical therapy tri[...].

    All persons practicing physical therapy in the state of Arizona
    must be licensed by the Arizona Board of Physical Therapy[...]dication specialists, who advise patients on
    tion of an examination administered by the board. the proper use of medicines, monitor patients for therapeutic .[...]d serve as consultants to other
    With the increase of rehabilitation programs and with the health professionals on drug therapy.
    expansion of facilities for the elderly, the disabled, and the[...]government. ·
    Program Description: This is a suggested curriculum for the
    first two years of courses that would prepare students for a University of Arizona College of Pharmacy, Pre-Pharmacy
    physical therapy program.[...]nding classes at the Maricopa
    University is now a master's program. An applicant must earn[...]leges and preparing to transfer to The
    a Bachelor of Science degree before applying to the program. University of Arizona, the following course work is recommend-[...]ed. Admission into the professional phase of the pharmacy pro-
    positions.) Students are urged[...]m is very competitive and requires the completion of the
    sional school as soon as possible, and to con[...]pre-pharmacy curriculum . A maximum of 64 credits of com-
    ty advisor in planning a program which will[...]work may be applied to a bachelor's
    requirements of that school. degree program at The University of Arizona. Refer to The[...]UA General Catalog or contact the College of Pharmacy (520-
    Program Recommendations:[...]ents are highly encouraged to contact the College of
    + CHM151 General Chemistry I (3) an[...]tory (1) 4 completion of the pre-pharmacy course requirements.
    + CHM152[...]3
    See approved list for AA degree.[...]
    [...]No formal pre-law course of study is required to be eligible to
    Religious S[...]apply for admission to law school. The demands of law are so[...]varied that no one course of preparation can possibly be
    Social & Behavioral[...]l career to acquire a
    taking two courses in any of the following departments in the[...]liberal education to the fullest sense of that term. Legal educa-
    Maricopa County Communi[...]development of:
    (COM). Two semesters of a spoken second language will fulfill
    one socia[...]habits of thoroughness, intellectual curiosity, and scholar[...]well-grounded in the use of language. The ability to write clear-[...]ly, concisely, and with a sense of style is highly desirable.
    ECN211 Macroec[...]e may be completed by
    taking two courses in any of the following departments in the[...]understanding of institutions and values with which the law
    (POS[...]llent preparation for a career in law. The habits of
    (COM). Two semesters of a spoken second language will fulfill[...]opment of the capacity to absorb abstract ideas and to reas[...]systematically. Study in the areas of government, history, phi-
    **MAT182, Plane Trigonometry, is a[...]all contribute to the deep understanding of our social , political ,
    Fourth Semester:[...]Overall academic performance for the full period of atten-
    Dance (DAN) or Theatre (THE or THP) depa[...]major field of study. Electives should include courses in[...]since much of the material will be explored at a later t[...]
    [...]ly. (Many law
    schools require demonstration of this ability as part of their
    admission test.)[...]ition to the above listed requirements. The study of law Phone: 623[...]Student Goals: Transfer to Arizona State University Main or
    admission to College of Law at ASU, UA, and other univer- Arizona State University west campus.
    sities. It is taken[...]State University Main (ASUM) or Arizona State University west
    3: Students must be able to read[...]The ATP degree requires a core of general education credits in[...]edits); Natural
    considered as the first two years of a baccalaureate program. Scien[...]sion requirements of the major at the baccalaureate degree-
    Program Re[...]granting institution. The ATP degree must consist of at least
    Students should choose a major and consult with an advisor in a minimum of 60 credits but no more than 64 credit hours.
    plan[...]udents by the upper division institution in terms of
    + ACC212 Managerial Accounting[...]3 Advising is a critical element of the ATP degree, students must
    +CRE101 Crit[...]3 completion of 36 credit hours, including the 19 credit hour
    E[...]to meet with an ASU west campus College of Arts and
    + ENG102 First-Year Composition[...]3
    POS110 American National Government 3
    POS120 World[...]
    programs,,and ~purses[...]+ PSY277 Psychology of Human Sexuality (SB)* 3[...]hologists are concerned with the scientific study of the[...]cal Inquiry, and (SG) counts for Natural
    behavior of organisms. Psychology is a beneficial major or[...], medicine, law, social
    work, management, or any of the human service fields such as[...]ree. At least
    real estate. Positions in the field of psychology as a psycholo- five[...]three and five of those courses may be at the lower division[...]science requirements and planning their course of study.
    sports and recreation, speech pathology, s[...]a wide variety of majors. Most universities will require five or si[...]psychology courses for a minor; at least two of them should be at
    employment in psychology. It is[...]d take PSY 101 , and choose other courses
    Members of the Psychology Department should be consulted from the following list, depending on university requirements:
    for more information about specific courses, transfer of cours-
    es, and detailed requirements for a psycho[...]Credits + PSY260 Psychology of Personality (SB)* 3[...]1 + PSY277 Psychology of Human Sexuality (SB)* 3
    +[...]rsonal Improvement and Personal Interest Courses:
    of these should be taken. (Some of these courses are junior-sen- With the numerous and varied demands of our complex world
    ior level upper division courses at the universities and have no many of us face serious difficulties adjusting to and cop[...]ill count as stresses and pressures of modern living. The following courses
    lower divisi[...].) may be of considerable help in coping with such problems.[...]3 PSY123 Psychology of Parenting[...]3
    + PSY225 Psychology of Religion 3[...]3
    PSY235 Psychology of Gender*(SB,C) 3 + PSY235 Psychology of Gender *(SB,C)[...]3 + PSY245 Psychology of Adult Development *(SB)[...]3
    + PSY243 The Psychology of Developmental Disabilities 3 + PSY277 Psychology of Human Sexuality (SB)*[...]3
    + PSY260 Psychology of Personality (SB)*[...]
    [...]res students for fields of psychology such as learning, memory, emotion , pe[...]focuses on the physical and emotional correlates of Note: .PSY1 01 has no official p[...]course involves a substantial amount of reading , it is strongly
    in settings with persons[...]Credits PSY123 Psychology of Parenting 3 credits 3 periods
    Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course listed The demonstration and application of psychological principles
    under Required Courses.[...]to the development and guidance of children and adolescents.
    PSY101 Introducti[...]3 credits 3 periods
    + PSY243 The Psychology of Developmental Disabilities 3[...]and culture using examples from a variety of contexts and
    +~SY249 Special Topics: Develop[...]peractive Child 1 cations of behavioral and cognitive principles to enhance in[...]3 Introduction to the study of lesbian, gay, bisexual , and trans-
    CFS290AA[...]ological, historical and cultural aspects. Review of
    CPD102AA Assertiveness Training[...]literature regarding the etiology and assessment of
    CPD1 02AD Eliminating Self-Defeating Be[...]Designed to give the student an understanding of the research
    FON100 Introductory Nut[...]and theories of death, dying, and the bereavement process.
    GBS1[...]Historical overview of the development of Black Psychology
    + PSY270 Personal and[...]and the African-American "frame of reference." Includes topics
    REC250 R[...]3 Critical examination of psycho-cultural forces which have
    + SWU280[...]behavior of African-Americans and to gain a greater apprecia-[...]tion of the theories, research, writings, and activities of Black[...]
    [...]or Lab 1 credit 2 periods
    Application of the physiological, behavioral, social , cognitive, Designed to apply the principles of behavior modification,
    and humanistic perspective[...]o sport Includes Application of behavior modification principles, techniques, and[...]atment(s) to modify self-behavior or the behavior of others,
    action effect, self-actualization, psycho[...]Exposure to the "hands-on" application of behavioral program-
    self-efficacy, and the general health benefits of sport participa- ming, including th[...]ementa-
    tion, Prerequisites: PSY1 01 with a grade of "C" or better or per- tion , assessment, and modification of a behavioral program ,
    mission of instructor, (F ,S,D)[...]its 3 periods
    Behavioral and mental foundations of health, wellness, illness, PSY243 The Psychology of
    and disease, and psychological dimensions of medical inter-[...]riods
    vention, Prerequisites: PSY101 with a grade of "C" or better or The interrelati[...]g the physical , intellectual, social,
    permission of instructor, (0) and psychological aspects of developmental disabilities (00),[...]Various service approaches, policies, and programs designed
    PSY225 Psychology of Religion 3 credits 3 periods[...]troduction to the history, varieties and theories of their families, Values and beliefs relating to persons with devel-
    the psychology of religion from an empirical, research-based[...]disabilities, Prerequisites: PSY101 or permission of
    perspective, Specific areas of study include the role of gender, instructor, , (F,S,Su1 ,E[...]ersonality on religious expe-
    rience, the effects of religion and prayer on mental and physi-[...]opmental Disabilities
    cal health, the development of religious thought and behavior[...]riod
    over the lifespan, and the social psychology of new religious Experience in wo[...]elopmental dis-
    movements, In addition , the role of cultural differences on reli- abilities and their families, 80 hours of designated work,
    gious attitudes both within the[...]o addressed , Prerequisites: PSY101 or Permission of departmental approvaL (F[...]PSY245 Psychology of Adult
    PSY230 Introduction to Statistics 3[...]eristics, life
    Consideration given to the methods of data collection, sampling styles, activities and problems of adults as well as current the-
    techniques, graphing of data, and the statistical evaluation of ories and research , Prerequisites: PSY101 with a grade of "C"
    data collected through experimentation, Required of psycholo- or better or permission of instructor, (0)
    gy majors, Prerequisites: PSY101 with a grade of "C" or better
    and MAT092 or equivalent, or permission of instructor, PSY249[...]al disabilities, Topics include con-
    Applications of inferential and descriptive statistics to comput-[...]rsuing careers in or employed in
    ers in the field of psychology , Prerequisites: None,[...], PSY242, and PSY243, (F,S)
    PSY235 Psychology of Gender 3 credits 3 periods
    To assess h[...]rding The scientific study of how people's thoughts, feelings, and
    the psychology of women and men, Prerequisites: PSY101[...]nced by other people and situations,
    with a grade of "C" or better, or permission of instructor, Includes how we[...]3 periods PSY101 with a grade of "C or better or permission of the
    Human development from conception through adu[...]PSY255 Psychology of the
    majoring in nursing, education, pre-med, and[...]ts 3 periods
    Prerequisites: PSY101 with a grade of "C" or better or permis- Influences of the Information Age on human behavior, with an
    sion of the instructor, (F,S,D,E,Su1)[...]munication usage, and the potential future of technology,
    Changing Behavior 3 credits 3 periods Effects of technology and information avoidance, Prerequisit[...]odifying PSY101 with a grade of "C" or better, or equivalent, or permis-
    behavior, Prerequisites: PSY1 01 with grade of "C" or better or sion of instructor, (0)
    permission of the instructor, (F,S,E,)
    Course Availabili[...]
    [...]t and related fields
    with techniques and agencies of domestic intervention.[...]and runaways. Prerequisites: PSY101 with
    a grade of "C" or better or permission of instructor. (0)

    PSY260 Psychology of Personality 3 credits 3 periods[...]Information: Julie Knapp
    Introduction to theories of personality with emphasis upon Phone: 623.845.3914
    application of specific theories towards the understanding of
    individuals. Prerequisites: PSY101 with a grade of "C" or better
    or permission of instructor. (0)[...]nteer recruitment. Jobs in public relations
    ments of psychological problems and disorders are discusse[...]th in business
    Prerequisites: PSY101 with a grade of "C" or better or permis- and industry.
    sion of instructor. (F,S,D,E,Su1 ,Su2)[...]ill prepare them for entry-level employ-
    Overview of the practice of psychology in the law, by the law,[...]ations, community or consumer relations, mar-
    and of the law. Focuses on the complementary functions a[...]mited to, criminal investigations,
    risk and level of danger, competency, interrogations, confes- Students will compile a portfolio of their news and feature writ-
    sions, assessment, e[...]an expedient manner. Degree-seeking students may
    of "C" or better or permission of the instructor. (0) fi[...]day and evening classes.
    PSY277 Psychology of
    Human Sexuality 3 credits 3 periods
    Survey of psychological and physiological aspects of human sex-
    ual behavior. Emphasis placed on the integration of the cognitive,
    emotional , and behavioral factors in sexual functioning .
    Prerequisites: PSY101 with a grade of "C" or better, or permis-
    sion of instructor. Student must be 18 years or older. (F[...]ning , execution, analysis, and written reporting of psycho-
    logical research . Surveys the literature[...]designed to provide
    ments in representative areas of psychological research . s[...]Corequisites: PSY230 (or equivalent) with a grade of "C" or in press relations, community or consumer relations, market
    better, or permission of instructor. (F,S,D,E)[...]gy 3 credits 3 periods of their news and feature writing , photography, publications
    Biological foundations of sensation, perception, motivation,[...]rk.
    sciences. Prerequisites: PSY1 01 with a grade of "C" or better,
    or permission of instructor. (F,S,D)

    PSY298 Special Pro[...]
    Programs "aftd , 1:~purses

    ~equired Courses: (33 credit[...]Credits
    ltudents must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course listed
    1nder Requi[...]3
    JRN133 Development of Small Publications 3
    • JRN234[...]ntal growth by improving
    MKT271 Principles of Marketing 3 reading skills and study techniques. A variety of courses rang-
    VPT104 Scriptwriting[...]needs of all levels of readers. CRE101 is a required course for
    Restrict[...]and reading placement test score of 41 or higher (ASSET), or
    + ENG102 First-Year[...]grade of "C" or better in RDG091 , or permission of instructor.
    + ENG111 Technical Writing (3)[...]3 ENG101/107 with a grade of "C" or better. Additionally , stu-
    + CRE101[...]or dents must have one of the following: an appropriate ASSET
    + CRE111[...]ndustry (3) score, permission of instructor, or completion of RDG091 with
    Mathematics: 3 a grade of "C" or better.
    + MAT102 Mathematical Concept[...]3 and technology. Includes interpretation of technical and profes-
    Any approved course, see p[...]requisites: Reading (ASSET) test score , or grade of "C"
    Any approved course, see page 89.[...]or better in RDG091 , or permission of instructor. (F ,S,D,E)
    Natural Sciences:[...]language. Includes the study of the speech sounds used in[...]English as represented by the written symbols of the alphabet;
    recognition of spelling patterns and resulting pronunciation ;[...]score (ASSET) or permission of instructor.

    Course Availability: (F) F[...]
    [...]rovide opportunities for practice and application of basic read-
    Designed for students who are-learnin[...]pro- tural analysis, use of context, and use of dictionary, reinforced
    ficient readers in English[...]through practical application . Development of vocabulary
    of the English alphabet. Expands essential vocabular[...]figurative interpretation using materials
    opment of reading comprehension skills. 'Prerequisites:[...]placement test score, or Grade of Cor better in RDG040, or per-[...]mission of instructor. (F,S,D)
    RDG013 Spelling Developme[...]s ing experiences.
    Study of basic English spelling principles with emphasis o[...]ling Improvement 2 credits 2 periods
    of homonyms, homophones, homographs, and contractions. Study of common spelling errors due to mispronunciation wi[...]the most useful spelling principles. Examination of
    words. Prerequisites: RDG01 0 with grade of "C" or better, or homonym[...]words frequently misspelled and prefix
    permission of instructor.[...]placement score (ASSET), or permission of instructor. (0)
    Designed to expand and improve re[...]ary Systematic methods of increasing vocabulary by emphasizing
    building strategies which will aid in ongoing study of words. the most important[...]ary effectively. Prerequisites: RDG010 with grade of "C" or in English, vocabularies of areas of study and interest.
    better, or permission of instructor. Interpretation of information in dictionary entries. Examination[...]of words frequently confused and misused. College pr[...]periods
    language. Includes continued development of vocabulary and[...]nition, prediction of contents of reading selections, and devel-
    placement test score or grade of "C" or better in RDG010 or[...]opment of basic vocabulary. Emphasis on identifying main
    permission of instructor. (F,S,D,E)[...]understanding of graphic materials. Prerequisites: Placement
    RDG03[...]test scores, or permission of instructor. (F,S,D,E,Su1)
    Second Lang[...]nts
    Appropriate ESL placement test score or grade of "C" or better[...]dicate a need for reading
    in RDG020 or permission of instructor. (F,S,D,E)[...]or a grade of "C" or better in RDG081, or permission of instruc-
    RDG040 Reading English as a[...]3 credits 3 periods
    Designed for students of English as a second language.[...]3 credits 3 periods
    Includes development of advanced vocabulary, comprehension[...]Analysis of learning styles and development of individual learn-
    skills, and culture awareness.[...]ing strategies. Introduction of library research techniques.
    placement test score or grade of "C" or better in RDG030 or[...]and study techniques applicable to any
    permission of instructor. (F,S,D,E)[...]college course. Prerequisites: Grade of "C" or better in[...]RDG091 or permission of instructor. (Su1 ,D)

    Course Availabili[...]
    [...]Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course listed[...]+ GBS161 Mathematics of Business 3[...]ridge POS 130 State and Local Government 3[...]+ REA281* Principles of Real Estate Law 3[...]MKT267 Principles of Salesmanship (3) 3[...]3
    Real Estate careers involve sales and service of real property. MGT175[...]3
    Included might be jobs in sales of residential and commercial
    property, brokers, tit[...]102 First-Year Composition (3) or
    Department of Real Estate for both Prelicensure and[...]ntinuing Education. Students who wish to take the state[...]3
    see:[...]- Equivalent
    sions of the real estate codes and with the license(s) req[...]4
    ments in an expedient manner. Knowledge of computers rec- An[...]
    [...]·~s valuation , market analysis, classification of date and[...]permission of instructor . . (F)
    REA179 Real Estate Principles I 3 credits 3 periods
    Basics of real estate principles including introduction to[...]s 3 periods
    fession and license law, definition of real property, legal Covers o[...]y, ownership, con- and psychology of sales techniques. Prerequisites:.REA 179 or
    tract[...]and foreclosure, land permission of instructor. (S)
    use, and valuation. Prerequisites[...]and the Commissioner's or permission of instructor.
    rules, investment, property management, and government restric-
    tions. Prerequisites: REA 179 or permission of instructor. REA290AA Real Es[...]regulations, law, appraisals, investment
    Overview of the fundamentals of assessment and mass a[...]eal estate law, descriptive statistics, valuation of land, estate license renewal. Prerequisites: Current Arizona real
    and cost method of appraisal. Prerequisites: (REA 179 and[...]estate license.
    REA180) or REA201, or permission of departmenUdivision.[...]3 credits 3 periods
    Exploration and application of real estate tax law, tax assess- REA291 Legal Aspects of
    ment methods, determination methods of property valuation[...]ing 3 credits 3 periods
    and application of tax rates. Recommended for individuals cur- Methods and procedures of financing real estate acquisitions,
    rently involv[...]as: salespersons, brokers, rights of the respective parties; application and affixation of
    appraisers, assessors, tax agents, consultants, l[...]REA292 Legal Aspects of
    REA281 Principles of Real Estate Law 3 credits 3 periods[...]d Tenant 3 credits 3 periods
    Incidents of ownership and use of real estate, legal principles, Variations of leasing real estate; landlord-tenant relationship;
    procedures, and methods of acquisition and disposition of real rights of the respective parties; laws, procedures, problem[...]and mechanics surrounding the lease of real estate.[...]Finance 3 credits 3 periods
    Study of lending institutions, induding banks, savings and[...]al property. Prerequisites: REA 179 or permission of instructor. (F) productive real estate op[...]t 3 credits 3 periods of instructor.
    Emphasizes realty laws, survey of rentals, housing needs, and
    rents in Phoenix metropolitan area. Prerequisites: REA 179 or
    permission of instructor. (S)

    Course Availability:[...]
    [...]tion to History, scriptures, practices and impact of[...]A philosophical consideration of moral problems that arise in[...]The development of various religions from prehistoric to mod-
    Studen[...]ships among world religions. Consideration of both Eastern and
    Religious Studies (REL) courses[...]equisites: None. (F,S,D,E,Su1 ,2)
    Humanities part of the General Education requirements for the
    AA, AG[...]REL244 Philosophy of Religion 3 credits 3 periods[...]Religious language, the existence of God, miracles, and
    Transferability: All courses transfer to state Ul)iversities. human destiny[...]The nature and content of the Christian tradition developed[...]over time, with overview ofof denominations. Prerequisites: None. (F,D)[...]periods The nature and content of the Christian tradition developed
    Various religious expressions of humankind. Focuses on basic over time, with overview of the New Testament, major historical
    religious the[...]mystical illumination, survey of denominations. Prerequisites: None. (S,Su1 ,D)
    sp[...]3 credits 3 periods
    REL201 Classics of Western Religions 3 credits 3 periods The role of women in several organized religions and/or reli-
    Academic study of the scriptures of Judaism, Christianity and gious sects, including a study of myth and symbols as they are
    Islam, and works from later phases of these religious traditions. used[...]rerequisites: None. (F,S,D)

    REL202 Classics of Asian Religions 3 credits 3 periods
    Academic study of selected works from Hindu, Buddhist, Taoist
    and Confucian traditions. Study of cultural and concepts of the
    world, history, culture, and human nature as[...]Religions 3 credits 3 periods
    Tribal traditions of the peoples native to North America, and
    pan-Indi[...]s 3 periods
    Introduction to the nature and role of religious beliefs and prac-
    tices in shaping the lives of individuals and societies, with par-
    ticular atte[...]to the history, scriptures, practices and impact of
    Judaism. Prerequisites: None. (0)

    [...]• • cepts and skills of American Sign Language (ASL). Students[...]ociate in Applied Science degree or a Certificate of
    Russian. Emphasis on speaking skills. Prerequisit[...]the completion of the above programs, including ENG1 01,
    RUS096 Speak Russian II[...]Two years of ASL satisfies the foreign language requirement fo[...]ain
    Basic grammar, pronunciation , and vocabulary of the Russian your transfer institutio[...]u to meet the foreign language
    language. Practice of listening, speaking , reading , and writing[...]advisors prior to registering for
    Continued study of grammar and vocabulary, with emphasis on[...]Introduction of principles, methods, and techniques for com-[...]municating with deaf people who sign. Development of expres-
    Continued development of speaking and listening skills for[...]sign vocabulary. Overview of syntax, · grammar, and culture
    equivalent or dep[...]an 4 credits 4 periods
    A continuation of RUS102. Review of essential grammar and (F,S,D,E,Su1)
    continued practice and development of reading, writing, and
    speaking skills. Prerequ is[...]Continued development of knowledge and language skills for[...]gerspelling, and culture. Emphasis on enhancement of
    Continued development of Russian language skills . receptive sign skills and continued development of expressive
    Prerequisites: RUS201 or equivalent or[...]al approval. sign skills. Application of rudimentary, syntactical, and gram-
    (0)[...]cal structure stressed with continued development of sign[...]vocabulary. Prerequisites: SLG1 01, with a grade of "C" or bet-
    RUS298 Special Projects 1-3 credits ter, or permission of departmenUdivision. (F,S,D,E,Su2)
    See page[...]
    [...]1 credit 1 period
    History and development of American Sign Language (A.S.L.)
    and English codes. Overview of education for Deaf and Hard of[...]nd common adaptive devices
    used by Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals. Prerequisites:[...]i-
    cations. Prerequisites: SLG1 01, or permission of depart-[...]gn Language III 4 credits 4 periods
    Linguistics of American Sign Language (A.S.L.) including non-
    accuracy. Emphasis on practical application of A.S.L. skills,[...]up and opera-
    Prerequisites: SLG102, with a grade of "C" or better, or per- tions of a profit-making business. Emphasis is placed on eval-
    mission of department/division. Suggested but not required:[...]plan , and practical application of small business operating prin-
    by score on the re[...]ciples. Students develop a foundation of business start-up[...]Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course
    cultural framework.[...]listed in the program.
    signing of English idioms and words with multiple meanings.
    Prerequisites: SLG103 and SLG201 with a grade of "C" or bet-[...]Credits
    ter, or permission of department/division. Suggested but not[...]
    [...]r buying behavior profile. Analysis and selection of adver-
    Entrepreneurial Studies (E[...].g~business promotion methods and timing: Methods of[...]nd of an individual marketing and advertising/promotion[...]Prerequisites: None. (F)
    Development of an integrated approach to strategic choice
    concerning new venture start-up. Includes development of a SBS211 Small Busine[...]eral current computer application programs. Emphasizes prac-
    Principles, processes, and tool[...]handling problem employees, and
    In-depth analysis of and individual plan development for the[...]day-to-day" problems encountered in the operation of a small[...]nce from their
    business. Includes the development of an individual business[...]rance/risk management requirements.
    Investigation of daily problems related to inventory control and[...]Includes topics on attitude of employees, customer perceptions
    Introduces accoun[...]ustomer dissatisfaction, and devel-
    practical use of financial data for the successful management[...]tomer, supplier, vendor, and distributor loyalty.
    of a small business. Develops an understanding of the account-[...]rerequisites: None. (F)
    ing cycle and preparation of financial statements. Includes sec-
    tion on tax c[...]Business 1 credit 1 period
    ager of a small business. Prerequisites: None.[...]Explores the common causes of stress related to the operation[...]of a small business. Includes discussion of the physiological
    SBS203 Financing and Cas[...]and psychological effects of stress, and specific methods for
    fo[...]s in
    Planning for and meeting the financial needs of the small busi-[...]ness including cash flow planning, identification of financial
    needs and sources, equity and debt fina[...]SBS217 Starting/Managing
    of loan packages. Participants complete a financial[...]Analysis of the successful operation of a home-based busi-
    revenue projection , expense a[...]ness. Includes study of economic feasibility, practicality, and
    trol. Day[...]adJustments for the family. Analysis of the advantages/disad-
    Prerequisites: None.[...]vantages of operating a home based business, versus a "store-[...]front" business. Review of current trends in home business[...]opportunities and franchises. Descriptions of home businesses[...]
    Programs*'and Courses[...]ing
    and importing. Includes researching viability of an import/export
    business, marketing an export or[...]oals: Transfer, Career-related
    growth and success of business; examples of successful mar-
    keting on the Internet; availability of Internet services; neces- Those who have completed a baccalaureate or master's degree
    sary hardware and software for marketing[...]attempt to alleviate problems of individuals, families, and com-
    ing; budget constraints and on-going operations of the Internet munities through c[...]dents are strongly advised to consult the catalog of that
    SBS290AB Developing a Practical[...]institution in planning their transfer programs. SWU1 02 and
    Small Business Plan[...]Students should contact ASU 's School of Social Work regard-
    a business plan . Designed fo[...]ing admission a year in advance of their planned transfer.
    manager. Taught in Spanis[...]equired courses may not be
    Developing a statement of marketing direction and a related[...]s 3 periods
    The study and scientific inquiry of issues and demands placed[...]ship
    on business enterprise by owners, customers, government, Deg[...]re social, ethical and public
    issues and analysis of the social impact of business respons-
    es. Prerequisites: None. (F)[...]major and are planning to transfer to Arizona State University
    Middle Management, Retail Management,[...]Main (ASUM) or Arizona State University's West Campus
    Supervision - See Manage[...]The ATP degree requires a core of general education credits in[...]
    sion requirements of the major at the baccalaureate degree-[...]granting institution. The ATP degree must consist of at least Concepts of chemical use, abuse, and addiction examined
    a minimum of 60 credits but no more than 64 credit hours.[...]disciplines and technologies. Addresses issues of psychiatric
    The ATP in Social Work does not assu[...]Prerequisites: BHS/SWU130 or permission of instructor. (0)
    Students participating in the AT[...]udents by the upper division institution in terms of SWU258 Victimology and
    cours[...]Focuses on victimology and techniques of crises intervention;
    Advising is a critical element of the ATP degree, students must and the importance of multicultural perspective. Includes cover-
    work[...]llege program advisor. Upon age of sexual assault, family violence, child abuse, post-traumat-
    completion of 36 credit hours, including the 19 credit hour gen[...]rerequisites: None. (0)
    meet with an ASU College of Human Services advisor, or a
    MCCCD academic advisor regarding the selection of course SWU275 Case Repo[...]Includes privacy and legal issues, and use of resources in
    sible for periodic meetings with th[...]reparing reports. Terminology and characteristics of a good
    and, if/when determined necessary, with t[...]Purposes, structures, and delivery systems of human service[...]agencies. Includes 40 hours of volunteer experience in local
    • •[...]SWU102, or SWU271, or permission of the department. (F,E)
    An introduction to the fields within the area of social work Introduction to professional helper communication skills with
    . through a study of the disciplines of social case work, social respect to[...]nd SWU102) or
    experience the various techniques of practice within each dis- SWU271 su[...]udents enrolled in the associate degree
    program of the social work curriculum . Prerequisites: Eligi[...]1 credit 1 period
    Review and analysis of problems and situations which develop
    during the[...]y
    structure, operations, procedures, and delivery of services.
    Prerequisites: SOC101, SWU102, and permission of the
    instructor. Corequisites: Concurrent enrollment in first semester
    of SWU210. (F,S)

    SWU210AA Human Services Internship[...]ence in community service organizations. 80 hours
    of designated work per credit. Maximum of 6 credits.
    Prerequisites: SOC101, SWU102, and permission of program
    director or department chairperson[...]
    [...]Examination of the physical, social, cultural, and institutional[...]contributions to human sexuality. Examination of facts and[...]processes. Explores the sexuality of males and females in con-[...]zing cultural origins, developments, and problems of[...]F,S,D,E)
    human groups, particularly the influence of culture, socializa-
    tion, social structure, strat[...]ions, differenti- SOC157 Sociology of Marriage
    ation by race, ethnicity, gender, age, c[...]r. The study of courtship , marriage, and family patterns, their[...]er courses especially A study of the way culture shapes and defines the positions[...]l issues are SOC 130 roles of both men and women in society. Major emphasis on[...]social conditions which may lead to a broadening of gender
    (Sociology of Marriage and Family), 212 (Women and Men roles and a reduction of gender role stereotypes and the impli-
    in a[...]Problems), and 253 cations of these changes. Open to both men and women.
    ([...]A sociological exploration of selected social problems.
    meet this requirem[...]Focus on the class structure of American Society. Effects of
    As Needed Background for other careers. SOC1[...]causes and consequences of poverty in the United States.
    transfer and the Pre-Law programs described in this cata-
    log. In addition, se[...]SOC265 Sociology of Aging 3 credits 3 periods
    Sociolog[...]Examination of the aging process from post adolescence
    ing[...]institutions and the amelioration of age-related problems.[...]ad
    background in the social sciences will be of value•

    • • • Course[...]logy . 3 credits 3 periods
    Fundamental concepts of social organization , culture, social-
    [...]Continued review of grammatical problems in speaking and[...]SPA111 Fundamentals ofof elementary Spanish for students with pre-[...]pronunciation, vocabulary and the study of the Spanish- speak-[...]1 credit 1 period of high school Spanish. (F,S,D,E)
    Limited vocabular[...]1 period Continued study of basic pronunciation, vocabulary, sentence
    Limited[...]or permission of department or division. (F,S,D,E,Su2)

    Basic grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary of the Spanish Basic conver[...]care workers or stu-
    language. Includes the study of the Spanish-speaking cultures.[...]basic sentence structure, pronunciation
    Practice of listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.[...]sh II 3 credits 3 periods
    Continued study of grammar and vocabulary of the Spanish Basic conve[...]health care personnel or stu-
    language and study of the Spanish-speaking cultures.[...]permission of department. (0)

    SPA103 Elementary Spanish f[...]gs I 3 credits 3 periods
    Review of basic Spanish grammar and pronunciation.[...]. Emphasis on basic sen-
    speakers -needing review of essential language skills.[...]
    Programs ~~~;- ~ourses[...]and
    tors and other school personnel. Continuation of SPA 119, expand- vocabulary practic[...]in
    lary. Prerequisites: SPA/EPD119 or permission of department. (0) Spanish. Prerequisites: A grade of B or better in SPA005AA and[...]SPA 109, or permission of the instructor. (0)
    SPA169 Law Enforcement[...]r I credit I period mission of instructor). (0)
    One-week tour designed to develo[...]Continued study of vocabulary, sentence structures, and cultural
    SPA[...]speaking and listening skills in
    Continued study of essential Spanish grammar and Spanish-[...]king cultures. Continued practice and development of Prerequisites: SPA116, or SPA102 or permission of department or
    reading, writing, and speaking skil[...]poken Spanish. Prerequisites:
    SPA102 or two years of high school Spanish, or departmental[...]Continued study of vocabulary, sentence structures, and cultural
    SPA[...]o improve speaking and listening skills in
    Review of grammar, continued development of Spanish lan- increasingly[...]cy and moderate
    guage skills with continued study of the Spanish-speaking cul- accura[...]the equivalent or permission of department or division. (S,D)
    (F,E,S,D,E,Su1)[...]s 4 periods Continued development of skills in conversational fluency.
    Designed for Sp[...](F)
    ture and conversation . May be taken in lieu of SPA201.
    Prerequisites: Permission of instructor or Department Chair. (0)[...]Further development of skills in conversational fluency.
    Stu[...]ned for Spanish-speaking students. Advanced study of Prerequisites: SPA235, or e[...]approval. (S)
    May be taken in lieu of SPA202. Prerequisites: SPA203, or
    SPA201 , or permission of instructor or department chair. (0)[...]Analysis of Spanish and Spanish-American film as art form and[...]ntence films based on works of literature. All films, coursework, class
    structur[...]ng Prerequisites: SPA202 or permission of department. (0)
    ability in common job-related sit[...]urse conducted in
    Spanish. Prerequisites: A grade of B or better in SPA005AA and
    SPA 109, or permission of the instructor. (0)

    Course Availability[...]
    [...]nd Spanish-American Film II
    Analysis and critique of movies presented in the Spanish lan-
    guage and pr[...]ers. Includes documen-
    tary, biography, and works of literature and their film versions
    as art form an[...]ilable under any prefix listed in this
    permission of department. (0)[...]nized and tailored around the interests and needs of the
    Introduction and study of Spanish and Spanish-American litera-[...]dual student. Structured to provide an atmosphere of indi-
    ture. Selected readings from most Spanish-s[...]vailable for student use. Allows the best aspects of inde-[...]ze student development. Prerequisites: Permission of
    Further study of Spanish and Spanish-American literature.[...]ined by departmental designation.
    Graduated level of difficulty from the literature studied in SPA265.[...]ege experiences that involve the combined efforts of
    educators and employers to accomplish an outcome related to
    the career. objectives of the students. Prerequisites:
    Completion of at least twelve (12) college credits, minimum 2.6[...]student's present job may
    qualify); or permission of instructor. Corequisites: Must be con-
    currently[...]ent's major or career interest or with permission of the instruc-
    tor. (0)

    SPA298 Special Projects[...]n 3 credits 3 periods
    Representative works of peninsula Spanish literature from early
    times to the present in English translation . Knowledge of
    Spanish not required . Prerequisites: None. (0)[...]n Translation 3 credits 3 periods
    Continuation of SPH150. Other representative works of Latin
    American literature from the modernist move[...]s-
    ent covered in English translation . Knowledge of Spanish not
    required . Prerequisites: None[...]
    Programs wanc;t 1 , ~9urses[...]ire the knowledge and skills that match the needs of
    Ui Luu Phone: 623.845.3173[...]cial Skill Levels Needed: Students with two years of high Servicing.
    school algebra and one semester of trigonometry are well pre-[...]to remove their deficiencies, accord-
    ing to one of the following sequences:[...]puters.
    Day Students
    ELT100 Survey of Electronics[...]• A working knowledge of applications software skills.
    + EL T1 02 M[...]stallation, management,
    2. Students with one year of recent and successful high[...]ooting skills.
    school algebra (or one semester of college algebra), but no
    trigonometry:[...]With the expanding role of microprocessors, another field of[...]
    [...]Any approved course, see page 89.
    imum of 18 credits in required NET and/or MIT courses at[...]ysics I (4) (required)
    solid , hands-on skill set of computer, networking and internet-
    working system[...]ronics principles. Students gain an
    understanding of the interaction between microcomputer soft-
    ware[...]perating sys-
    tems software and hardware, the use of troubleshooting tech-[...]34 credits
    Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course
    listed in the progr[...]Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) ir
    Proeram Prerequisites: (2 cre[...]dents for entry·
    Students may request permission of department to waive program level emplo[...]gies 3 Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course
    + CNT181 Cisco Se[...]listed in the program .
    + CNT186 Fundamentals of Wireless LANs 4
    ELT1 00 Survey of Electronics 3 Students may request permission of department to waive program
    ELT101 Mathematic[...]2 CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems[...]+ CNT186 Fundamentals of Wireless LANs[...]
    Program Description: The Associate of Applied Science in[...]2
    required by the US Department of Labor, Bureau of + PPT210 Val[...]3
    Apprenticeship and Training , and the State of Arizona, PPT211[...]5
    Apprenticeship Division. This program consists of a core cur- PPT212 Con[...]3
    apprentice selects a track of study - mechanical, electrical,[...]: Power Plant Technology: Electrical
    eral or all of the colleges offering this program. ELC 119 Concepts of Electricity and Electronics[...]ELC120 Solid State Fundamentals[...]3
    ' Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course[...]3 + ELT195 Solid State Electronics 4
    GTC216 Properties of Materials 3[...]3
    PPT118 Conduct of Maintenance[...]3
    Students will select one of the following tracks and complete 17[...]1
    craft-related credits from the list of restricted elective courses indi- + FAC115[...]ing Lab 1
    PPT1 04 Properties of Materials 1[...]2
    PPT112 Principles of Machining[...]
    [...]n 5 ELT100 Survey of Electronics 3 credits 3 periods
    MET110 Survey of Manufacturing Materials 1 An introduction to the field of electronics for those who may not
    + MET112 In[...]ature; includes familiarization with a wide range of electron-
    + MET115 Geometric Dimensioning and[...]3 Basic principles of Algebra with applications to the analysis of
    + MET264 Manufacturing Process Planning[...]electronic circuits. Emphasis on the use of the calculator for[...]and The study of simultaneous equations, quadratic equations,
    + EN[...]3 Application of the scientific calculator to technical problem so[...]t modes of operation. Scientific notation ; parenthetical ex[...]etwork theorems applied to the study and analysis of the
    Social and Behavioral Sciences:[...]EL T1 02 or equivalent.
    PHS110 Fundamentals of Physical Science (4)[...]experiments. Prerequisites: ELT113 or permission of instructor.[...]Study and practical application of service and repair of electrical,[...]y; basic servicing and repair procedures; and use of test[...]

    ELT195 Solid State Electronics 4 credits 6 periods MITIIO Semiconductor
    Characteristics and use of solid state devices in practical circuit[...]computer simula- Semiconductor units of measure and conversion factors,
    tions. Includes,[...]e including program flow, mission of instructor.
    data flow, and functional operation of subunits; number systems
    and data codes; basic d[...]amming concepts Processes of devices and integrated circuit formation. ion
    in[...]erequisites: MIT110, or equivalent, or permission of instructor.
    umenting programs. Prerequisites: ELT131 , NET181.[...]3 credits 5 periods Use of statistical tools in fabrication process control[...]and attribute control charts. Trends and aspects of quality con-
    processor system to perform input/o[...]5 periods Develops an understanding of the fundamental laws and princi-
    Electronic inst[...]ir usage in measuring and ana- ples of fluids together with consideration of such fluid devices
    lyzing electronic circuits. I[...]as valves, cylinders, pumps, sizes of lines, and simple hookups.
    meters, oscilloscopes[...]Theory and application of control circuits used to control
    ELT261 Co[...]Evolution of automation in manufacturing from ·fixed (hard)[...]rogrammable logic con-
    al work environment. Role of Occupational Safety and Health tro[...]cies, safety signs and color codes, recognition of safety and
    health hazards accident preven[...]
    [...]organization and utilization. Hardware cover-
    Use of basic operations on a command line as it relates to TCP/IP ase includes functional operation of units and interdependent
    networking and peripherals. Use of net commands to monitor and part[...]rnal structure
    configure network hardware and use of internal/external DOS studied[...]the hard system software coverage of minicomputer system. Writing
    drive and its conten[...]and debugging programs in assembly language, executing and[...]analyzing field engineering diagnostic programs, and perform-
    NET127 How Computers Work[...]namically control the sys-
    Functional description of the hardware component operation of tem. Prerequisites or Corequisi[...]) or departmental approval.
    Introductory coverage of programming techniques in Visual
    BASIC. Flowchart[...]Technical aspects of the microcomputer, including system
    NET183AA Oper[...]eshooting. Emphasis on basic troubleshooting, use of
    others; system management; files, commands, and u[...]very. Shortcuts to folders mission of instructor.
    and directories. Prerequisites: BP.C101AA, or CAD125, or
    equivalent, or permission of department.[...]Theory of operation of microcomputers and the setup and
    NET242 Net[...]3 credits 4 periods maintenance of microcomputers as stand alone systems and in
    Over[...]Lab 1 credit 1 period
    Basic concepts of networking including hardware and software,[...]Advanced technical aspects of maintaining and servicing micro-[...]nance, diagnosis, and problem resolution of microcomputer[...]communication devices. Use of software diagnostic and utility[...]tools. Prerequisites: NET271 or BPC170 with grade of "C" or
    better, or permission of instructor.

    Course Availability: (F)[...]
    [...]A study of contemporary films, directors and critics with em[...]inia Ludders Analysis of dramatic literature studied within political, his[...]ltural contexts and examined from the perspective of the[...]Understanding and enjoyment of film and its correlation to litera-
    A wide variety of academic and production theatre arts courses[...]Fundamental techniques and terminology of acting through
    tered in the college is eligible,[...]Purposes, materials and techniques of theatrical makeup.
    See Associate in Arts, Fine Ar[...]Practice in the techniques of auditioning for the stage. Identifies[...]and illustrates techniques of the prepared monologue audition.[...]Practice in the techniques of auditioning for the stage. Identifies[...]and illustrates techn iques of the cold reading audition.[...]ombat 3 credits 4 periods
    A survey of theatre, including basic elements and principles of
    Analysis and practice of physical movement, including basic
    production, styles, and/or historical perceptions of theatre, dra-[...]3 credits 3 periods
    Practice and study of theories and techniques of writing for the[...]tion to Cinema 3 credits 3 periods
    Survey of the history and development of the art of motion pic-[...]1 credit 2 penods
    tures, including criticism of aesthetic and technical elements.[...]tion crews of college theatre productions. May be repeated for[...]to a maximum of four (4) credits. Prerequisites: None. {F,S,D,E)[...]Arts 3 credits 3 periods
    History and development of electronic media and its impact on
    [...]produc- Basic theories and methods of stage lighting for all production
    tion crews of college theatre productions. May be repeated for[...]l/theoretical facts, artistic/design
    to a maximum of four (4) credits. Prerequisites: None. (F,S,D,E)[...]concept development, and "teamwork" structure of theatre.[...]trol systems, and basic
    Special technical aspects of acting before a camera . design. Prerequisites: THP213 or permission of instructor. (0)
    Prerequisites: THP112 or permission of instructor. (0)[...]3 credits 4 periods
    Theory and practice of creative drama, including improvisation, The role of the theatre designer in creating scenic, lighting[...]ry and secondary Elements of the design process and communication of dramat-
    school levels. Prerequisites: None. (0)[...]or permission of instructor. (0)
    THP211AA Creative Drama: Improvisation 1 credit 1 period
    Theory and practice of creative drama, including improvisation.[...]study, analysis, and preparation for performance of prose,
    Prerequisites: None. (S)[...]poetry, and dramatic literature. Preparation of material for pub-[...]1 credit 1 period
    Theory and practice of creative drama in storytelling and pup-[...]tre 3 credits 4 periods
    petry. Covers use of puppets to enhance storytelling skills. Study, analysis, rehearsal, and performance of various types of
    Emphasis on application in elementary and seconda[...]Theory and skills in scenic artistry. Techniques of painting two-
    Script Development[...]l scenery, tools, and the use
    Theory and practice of creative drama in script development. of color. Prerequisites: THP213. (0) '
    Covers creation and adaptation of dramatic materials from a
    variety of sources. Emphasis on application in elementary an[...]ers international phonetic
    Fundamental techniques of acting through script analysis,[...]expand the versatility of characterization skills. Emphasis on[...]work to the total production process.
    Procedures of technical theatre production and demonstration. Performance of monologues, scenes, and one-act plays.
    Topics include design and construction of scenery, lighting and Prerequisit[...]y theory and practice in directing, the evolution of expand the versatility of characterization skills. Emphasis on
    present-day directing procedures, and a sampling of scripts for relating the actor's[...]roduction process.
    directing practice. Principles of script analysis, blocking, cast- Performance of monologues, scenes, and one-act plays.
    ing, rehea[...]rtmental approval. (F,S,Su)
    TH5220, or permission of instructor. (S)[...]analysis and makeup design. Technical
    application of makeup. Prerequisites: THP115. (F,D)

    [...]Professionalism and the role of commercial driver. Introduction ·[...]-trailers, including identification and operation of vari-[...]ous parts and controls. Introduction to hours-of-service regula-[...]tions. Discussion of truck stops/fueling stations. Analysis of the[...]tandem slides. Preparation for the Arizona State License and[...]Department of Transportation's certification examinations.
    Pro[...]requisites: Must meet pre-qualifying requirements of the
    entrants into the trucking profession with t[...]'s license, five-year motor vehicle report devoid of excessive
    ciently. Students completing the certi[...]infractions, and passing Department of Transportation physical
    gain employment in entry[...]ctor-Trailer Driving II 3 credits 3 periods
    of federal and state regulations pertaining to vehicle, cargo, Continued study of activities performed by professional drivers,
    speed, and hours-of-service. Instructions will consist of class- with an emphasis on the safety of the driver, vehicle, cargo,
    room lecture, lab, r[...]trip inspection . Discussion of tire chain use and demonstrated[...]installation. Development of knowledge and skills in the areas
    Applicants mus[...]of cargo documentation and trip planning. Discussion of issues
    qualify for admission to the program.[...]ce for the
    Must meet pre-qualifying requirements of the industry by provid-[...]s license, five-year
    motor vehicle report devoid of excessive infractions, and passing[...]iving III 4 credits 6 periods
    Department of Transportation physical exam and drug screen.[...]Study and application of practical skills and knowledge neces-
    Any DUI, D[...]operation in mountain
    Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course list-[...]operation of all key vehicle systems, diagnosing and reporting of
    Required Courses: (16 credits)[...]
    296 Programs l\fld 6our~es

    TTD104 Tractor-Trailer[...]trailer.
    Includes accurate reading and evaluation of vehicle systems
    and controls, advanced proficiency of control maneuvers, gear-
    shifting procedures, bac[...]ing experience. Covers non-driving tasks required of ideo~roducti[...]realized the importance of television as a marketing tool and[...]tate in-house production of training and marketing media.[...]oduction technicians are involved in a wide range of[...]business and industrial applications of media production.[...]management applications of video production operation .[...]and production of in-house television programs to meet the
    needs of the industry, cable, or broadcast television.[...]a. detailed understanding of video equipment, operation ; an[...]overall knowledge of video terminology; directing and produc-[...]tion experience; and a basic knowledge of professional televi-[...]Students must earn a grade of "C" or better for each course listed[...]
    Programs+and Courses[...]3 TCMlOl Fundamentals of
    +VPT206 Directing[...]ews Gathering History of American radio and television , government regula-
    (ENG, EFP) and Post P[...]3 tions , self-regulation of broadcasting , the relationship of net-[...]ks and stations, the social and political aspects of radio and
    Restricted Electives: (11 credits)[...]edits television programming , the role of mass communications in
    ART131 Photog[...]2 responsibilities and purposes of mass communications .
    VPT130 Makeup[...]Provides an overview of screenwriting for short documentaries,
    Core: (15[...]Credits Basic principles of recording and mixing sound for film and
    Humanitie[...]4 TCM136) or permission of instructor.
    Any approved course, see page 90.[...]ing, interviewing, studio anchoring , and of on-air technique in[...]radio. Development of basic commercial announcing tech-
    • •[...]• niques including the study and practice of various dialects and[...]characterization styles. Use of radio control room including[...]radio equipment and specialized audio software programs for
    Video Production Technology (TCM, VPT)[...]development of commercials. Prerequisites: None.[...]Theory and practice in the delivery of news and sports programs,
    TCMlOO Digital Multi Media 3 credit[...]g and studio
    Introduction to the major components of a multi media project.[...]anchoring. Use of radio control room , television camcorders[...]
    [...]4 credits 4 periods
    Introduction to elements of pre-production for motion picture[...]practice in calibration and adjustment of signals, setup and con-
    to establish style, loca[...]esign, shot sheet/story board , trol of field and studio cameras, setup of professional decks,
    sound design, shooting sched[...]igitizing and compression, keying
    Pre-production of one film project and one video project of titles and multi-layered video, and audio setup and trou-
    required. Prerequisites: TCM100 or permission of department. bleshooting. Prerequisites: TCM136 or permission of instructor.

    TCM135 Broadcast Production[...]Practical work and classes in selected aspects of film produc-
    on location. Emphasizes teamwork an[...]tion. Prerequisites: TCM136 or permission of instructor.
    through a variety of program types. Prerequisites: None.[...]Prerequisites: TCM136, or permission of instructor.
    on location. Emphasizes teamwork and group production
    through a variety of program types. Prerequisites: None.[...]and lighting. Emphasis on the role of the cinematographer,
    Introduction to multi-camer[...]exposure meters, film stocks, and the aesthetics of
    through a variety of program types. Prerequisites: None.[...]nal projects. Prerequisites: TCM136 or permission of instruc-
    TCMI45 Introduction to[...]periods
    Introduction to the art and technology of filmmaking. Focus on TCM216 Scree[...]M220 Advanced Sound Design
    through a variety of program types. Prerequisites: None.[...]system. Prerequisites: MTC/TCM120 or permission of instructor.
    Introduction to basic concepts of video production. Emphasis
    on operation of camcorders, microphones, lights, editing and[...]ce in directing the motion picture. Includes
    sion of instructor. overview of the roles and responsibilities of the film director,
    examples of film directing, and practice sessions in analyzin[...]nts and overseeing
    Introduction to basic concepts of video production. Emphasis elements of a production. Prerequisites: TCM/MTC120 and
    on operation of camcorders, microphones, lights, editing and[...](TCM215, or TCM215AA, or TCM215AB) or permission of
    post-production equipment. Prerequisites: TCM136 or permis- instructor.
    sion of instructor.[...]3 credits 3 periods Study of and practical application in broadcast news writi[...]work as tele-
    Prerequisites: TCM111 or permission of instructor. vision[...]TCM180 or TCM180AA or permission of instructor.

    Course Availability: (F)[...]
    [...]ting and sound business aspects of production. Examines methods of setting
    for advertising commercials. Prerequisite[...]pany, strategies for financing and distribu-
    sion of instructor.[...]Includes development of a prospectus on a specific film/video
    TCM241[...]ed Non-Linear
    Prerequisites: TCM136 or permission of instructor.[...]ID 4 credits 6 periods sion of instructor.
    Introduction to editing on a non-linear editing system .
    Prerequisites: TCM136 or permission of instructor. TCM280 The Art of Editing 3 credits 5 periods[...]ensive post-production course. Emphasizes the art of
    TCM241AB Introduction to Non-linear[...]ng movie and television media and the development of
    Editing: Final Cut Pro 4 credits[...]raw footage .
    Prerequisites: TCM136 or permission of instructor. Prerequi[...]rerequisites: (TCM241AA and TCM242) or permission of[...]roduction Technoloc <VPT)
    TCM241AB) or permission of instructor.[...]s color video
    Advanced workshop in the production of the short narrative. equipmen[...], lighting, and audio. Provides a basic knowledge of video
    Uses small production teams to pre-produce[...]quisites: None.
    aesthetics and technical elements of scriptwriting , directing
    actors, directing crew,[...](TCM215, or TCM215AA, or TCM215AB) or permission of
    Course Note: TCM245 may be repeated for a total of twelve
    ation of the first ten pages of a screenplay. Prerequisites: None.
    (12) credits.[...]digital production, and New Media Basics of video-production including the use of colors, textures
    Installation. Prerequisites: TCM[...]and shapes in the preparation of graphics for video production.[...]Graphics design using the rules of good design and techniques
    TCM251 Advanced[...].
    Prerequisites: TCM151 and TCM212, or permission of instructor. tions. Prereq[...]
    [...]effects for editing. The role of the director/producer in pre-pro-[...]The coordination and supervision of the personnel involved in
    eting and decision-maki[...]the production team; preparation of charge-back system ; facil-[...]ne while in the knowledge of current state of the art equipment, its functions
    field ; audio re[...]Advanced use of video equipment for shooting and post-pro-[...]ing, non-linear
    Requisites: VPT108, or permission of instructor. audio[...]History of the documentary films and mini-documentaries.[...]dramatic curve and the use of advanced directing techniques.
    Requisites: VPT115AA, or permission of instructor. Prerequisites: VPT114 and VPT204, or permission of instructor.

    VPTi15AC Introduction to[...]its 3 periods
    Requisites: VPT115AB, or permission of instructor. Video p[...]hours of designated work per credit. Maximum of 6 credits
    VPT130 Makeup Techniques[...]allowed. Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.
    Use of makeup in video production. The gray scale "magic pass";
    selection and application of color; use of products and tools; light- VPT216 Multimedia Project
    ing techniques; management of facial and skin aberrations; eye-[...]Prerequisites: CIS/MMT140, or permission of instructor.
    ity shooting , lighting. Techniques f[...]on a video production. History, theory and design of
    a television commercial and marketing tape[...]
    [...]credits 4 periods
    Distribute video over a range of distribution mediums including
    the CD-ROM, DVD,[...]Principles and techniques of electric arc and oxyacetylene[...]Further study of electric arc and oxyacetylene welding with[...]
    [...]nd Religion 3 credits 3 periods
    The role of women in several organized religions and/or reli-
    gious sects, including a study of myth and symbols as they are
    used to estab[...]
    [...]mmunity College is dedicated to providing diverse programs and services that help
    students develop the ab[...]hat
    student success is a shared responsibility of both employees and students, and believe that to[...]ask questions regarding access
    college's programs, services and ameni- and services in[...]and show
    and sensitivity to the feelings of others. patience and sensitivity to empl[...]arning opportunities for stu- 7. Be aware of and select those person-
    dents to[...]
    [...]of school-related items: general school supplies, ar[...]2. Checks will be accepted for the amount of the purchase
    assisting students in a continual monitoring and evalua- only, with one of the following forms of ID: a current
    tion of their educational progress ; Arizona Driver's License, a GCC ID, a State ID, or a
    integrating the many resources of the institution to meet Military ID[...]4. No out-of-state checks I no exceptions.
    Academic Advisement is required of any student who is:[...]for a full refund
    placed on restricted course list for Financial Aid ,[...]thin 7 days from and including the official start of the fall
    in a designated decision zone as a result of assessment[...]returned for a full refund within 2 days of purchase except[...]chased within the last 2 weeks of classes and the week of
    Location: EC (Enrollment Center) finals of any semester or summer session .
    Hours: Mon[...]2. At the end of each semester, with a professor's written
    This of[...]transcripts , refunds; lowing term at 50% of the purchase price until they have
    enrollment verification; special admission of individuals under sufficient quantity[...]quantity, and price of books bought back.[...]
    [...]Offices open two Saturdays during the months of[...]Cashiers Office is responsible for the collection of tuition The Center For Learning provides free[...]refunds and disburses Financial Aid checks. of adult illiteracy. The Center serves adults who ha[...]distributes student payroll checks range of literacy needs, including ESL and basic skills wi[...]over the age of 16 years as well as all GCC students.
    The Cashier[...]rt processing refunds until after
    the second week of classes. Refund checks will be mailed or[...]Credit classes
    ing days from the date of payment, bring canceled check, Study s[...]testing
    working days must pass from the date of payment for a
    refund to be processed ; (twenty (20) days for out of state Services available to faculty:
    checks).[...]mputer software and multi-instructional materials list.
    Tuition Payment by Credit Card: Refunds must[...]days. A state licensed, nationally accredited early childhood p[...]t by E-Cashier (Payment Plans): E- of enrolled students. The Center serves children age[...]t 10 days (or qualified staff, a variety of activities, and an environment that
    next busi[...]credit promotes the growth and development of each child .
    card account has been charged .[...]vailable from the Center.
    an automated return of funds to the account used as that
    [...]Parking Regulations
    The mission of the College Safety Department is to provide a[...]gnated by yellow parking lines. Students are
    ment of campus rules and regulations pertaining to the sa[...]n those spaces designated by white
    and well-being of all who enter the college grounds. The[...]ffice is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
    Some of the services that the College Safety Department p[...]ted/marked for parking.
    vides includes protection of college and personal property;
    traffic control ;[...]e .
    prevention and loss reporting; identification of safety hazards;
    and safety escorts. In addition,[...], and click on "Disclosure of
    Safety" policies and annual crimes statistics."[...]There is NO parking at the end of islands and in "NO
    DENT OCCURS. Accident forms ar[...]4. Pedestrians always have the right of way and special cau-[...]building immediately. 5. Compliance with State of Arizona, ARS-28 codes is mandatory.
    For students physically incapable of holding their places in line
    or moving at a reaso[...]rent emissions control
    them to move independently of the line of march under the standards.
    supervision of a responsible student or instructor. Once out-
    si[...]us are not considered visitors. Any vehi-
    In case of fire, notify the College Safety desk at 62[...]
    [...]ng on campus grounds. The following sug-
    Examples of Fines Include:[...]3. Keep all personal items out of plain view.
    Falsifying information on registra[...]ety Department.
    Parking fines are adopted as part of the Tuition and Fee 6. Attend persona[...]inars
    amounts are subject to change upon adoption of the sc l~, edule are informative, free of charge and advertised in the college
    for the new[...]No firearms or lethal weapons of ANY type are permitted on
    All citations issued to[...]us. For fu11her information, contact the Director of
    dent, employee, or the registered owner of the vehicle. College Safety, or the Dean of Student Life in SU-109.

    1. Fines must be paid at[...]citation within 15 working
    days from the date of the citation or the fine will be doubled.

    2. Any[...]ust do so within
    15 working days from the date of the citation, or the
    citation fine will be doubled and all rights of appeal will
    be lost.

    Step 1: If the party wishes to appeal, the citation or a copy
    of the citation must be attached to the completed wr[...]ust be received within
    twenty-one working days of the appeals letter notification
    date or doubling of the citation amount will occur.

    Step 2: If th[...]s decision, a paid receipt equal
    to the amount of the penalty, and all enclosures must be[...]
    Counseling and Career Services houses a variety of servic- Disability Services and Resources[...]each their academ ic, educational , and ning of the admission process to discuss service needs.
    p[...]students who want available by the first day of class. Please, for best results,
    assistance c[...]re available to learn more about start of a semester. Certain services require a completed[...]ment the need for academic aids. Knowledge of disability and
    offered each semester. Some of the more popular cours- disability documen[...]proctors, scribes), library research
    Schedule of Classes for a current listing.[...]du/careers. signment of classroom by contacting the DSR Office. Students[...]generally at Building.
    the beginning of each semester.
    Re-Entry Services are designed[...]ar new to school or are returning after a period of time.[...]
    [...]to 7:00 p.m.
    ing a Post-Secondary Education Plan of Study and related Frida[...]p.m.
    forms required by Vocational Rehabilitation programs (AZ. Closed Fridays duri[...]aid programs designed to assist students in meeting financial[...]needs while attending college. The form and type of financial
    MCCCD has established minimum requireme[...]aid varies according to the needs of the student and the pur-
    mentation must meet in o[...]he current and sub- pose and philosophy of the Financial Aid Program. These pro-
    stantial ne[...]ation. Consequently, a grams consist of grants, loans, scholarships, and jobs.
    student wi[...]ity documentation to verify the nature and extent of the dis- Applications are available at the F[...]urces web site at: Department of Education web site: www.fafsa.ed .gov.
    http://gec[...]beginning ofof all credit hours attempted during[...]institutional minimum scholastic standard.
    copies of necessary documentation directly to the DSR offic[...]ons to financial aid awards may occur as a result of[...]sible for ure to comply with federal/state laws/regulations and college
    evaluating and deter[...]federal or state allocation of funds to the college be reduced[...]ugh Sunday during the Summer Four types of grants are available for students. These grants[...]student may obtain a free picture ID card . A fee of Leveraging Educational Assistance Par[...]h as Aerobics and the pletion of a rigorous secondary school program.
    Fitness Cent[...]er's license,
    military identification) and a copy of your class registration .

    2008-2009 GC[...]
    [...]AAA Si Se Puede!
    Title IV Loan Programs: Adult Re-entry GCC
    Three types of Title IV loans are made available to eligible[...]Central Arizona Region Vintage Chevrolet Club of
    Federal Subsidized Stafford Loan - This is a need- America
    based loan. The federal government subsidizes interest Doeg M. Nelson Memorial
    while the student attends college on a minimum of a half Don Schultz Memorial
    time b[...]Herlihy Memorial
    need based loan. The federal government doe!? not sub- Dr. Irwin S. "Wes" Wes[...]wed
    interest that accrues throughout the life of the loan, includ- Dr. & Mrs. Merle Lange[...]olarship Office are available to students in need of Drs. Doris & Michael Sarullo
    emergency[...]Engineers Club of the Sun Cities Area
    Business and Professional[...]GCC Business Department
    First Interstate Bank of Arizona Charitable Foundation GCC Emp[...]nniversary
    Sun City West American Association of University Women GCC Faculty Senate in Honor of Dr. John Waltrip
    Loan Fund GCC Veterans Spirit of National Service
    Louis Csontos Memorial Loan[...]Eastin Memorial
    been established by the wife of the late, longtime faculty Glendale Art C[...]unity College Assistance
    GCC students in need of emergency educational assis- Glenda[...]amily and Grady-Maxfield
    friends of Dr. AI J. Hoeffel, former chairperson of the GCC Hank Knowles Memorial
    Counseli[...]ngtime Arizona educator, In Memorial of Erma R. Griggs and Rosa Rochin
    have establish[...]International Education
    GCC students in need of special assistance. Jean A[...]holarship searches from the Financial Aid portion of our web Refsnes Memorial
    site : ww[...]
    [...]Arizona Cattle Industry of Research and Education
    Women's Club at Glenda[...]Arizona Society of Practicing Accountants Scholarship
    Achieving a[...]nd Mathematics National Association of Hispanic Nurses-NAHN (Valle de
    (CSEMS)[...]Sol Chapter)
    Cooper State Mustang Ford Asset Club[...]programs and services that help students develop the abili[...]students are a special and important part of the campus com-[...]and assignments. Students have the option of participating in
    Rick Brown Memorial[...]
    [...]ing .
    The Palms Cafe, located in the central area of the Student
    Union, serves breakfast, lunch, dinne[...]grams and study abroad programs for domestic students.
    Telephone: 623.845.3458[...]IESL, such students will have 12+ hours per week of classes
    the center of the building. It has the capacity to hold 336 mic[...]is adjacent to the faculty offices and is capable of holding
    144 microcomputers and terminals distributed among 12
    islands of 12 workstations each . The Center for Innovation ,
    the offices of Training and Employee Development, and the[...]
    [...]posting of a debt (bill for material replacement.) Debts are[...]s overdue. Failure to receive an
    Telephone: Hours of Operation: 623.845.3100[...]primary infor- destruction or mutilation of any library materials will result in a
    mation center of the college. Its resources include over 80 ,000[...]osts for the damaged or mutilated material , plus
    of full-text titles; print subscriptions to periodic[...]Board determines fees. The Arizona Department of Revenue
    slides, and related equipment.[...]o duplication, and accommoda- Mentoring Programs
    tions for the visually impaired. In addition, the[...]unseling and Career Services)
    Desk to check out a state-of-the-art studio listening wand .
    Library faculty a[...]mentors.

    Book drops are located on the west side of the Library Media Mentoring for Nursing Students
    Center at the circulation desk, on the east side of the media GCC Students are mentored throu[...]ite cours-
    counter, and for the convenient return of library materials, on es and the application process for the Nursing Program.
    the curbside of the cul-de-sac circle drive at the east end of the Nursing students are provided academic sup[...]rollment Center
    issues ID cards upon presentation of a photo ID card and "paid
    registration rec[...]
    [...]Office of Student Life
    Location: MA (Math)[...]The Math Solution (located in the Northwest area of the MA students personally inspect any ac[...]th videos, a testing center, and a limited amount of help with lege accident insurance policy that h[...]A printed copy of the policy benefits can be obtained from the
    proc[...]Office of Student Life, SU-1 01 .
    Services include:[...]designed for students who attend one of the Maricopa
    3. Assistance with admissions and fi[...]s and applic§_ltions are available in the Office of
    7. On-campus student services referral[...]culating publicity of any kind on campus, obtain clearance from[...]the Office of Student Life.[...]r web site for descriptions or stop by the Office of[...]
    [...]consists of three 25-minute placement tests and is[...]ministracion) only one of the three tests and will take approximately 30[...]mpleo context and grammatical understanding of the English
    en el presente y en el futuro.[...]language for students who are not native speakers of[...]automotive admissions test and covers a variety of skill[...]HCC (Health Care Core) is used by health care programs[...]
    [...]l benefits. If the
    1/Vest Brown Street just north of GCC. student is[...]uation. The of required classes will be sent to the V.A. with[...]a request for approval of the program of study. Once approved ,[...]within 30 days of enrollment. The college Veterans Enrollment
    A stu[...]vices must be able to report to the VA the amount of cred-
    sity to complete requirements for a baccala[...]it previously earned before the end of the first semester to
    should consult the catalog of the college of intended transfer avoid retroactive termination of benefits.
    with the assistance of an advisor to determine the equivalent
    course req[...]dale Community College. Universities in the S!ate of U.S. law prohibits payment of VA benefits for a course from
    Arizona accept tran[...]urse that the vet-
    cumulative grade point average of 2.00 or better. eran studen[...]he EC or call 623.845.4576. Grades of A, B, C, D, F will result in full benefits for th[...]Grades of W, Z, Y or I will impact on VA benefits as follow[...]eran and will require pay back of all benefits paid for that
    Hours: Monday th[...]to 7:00 p.m. course from the beginning of the semester. Mitigating circum-
    Fri[...]qualify for VA benefits only when a letter grade of A, B,[...]ligible students in applying for U. S. Department of Y - VA wi ll interpret this grade as an[...]the veteran and will deny benefits from the date of withdrawal.
    Enrollment Services is responsible fo[...]es Representative, at least once in the beginning of change an "Incomplete" grade to a punitive grade of A , B. C.
    each semester, to assure that their certification of enrollment is D, F, or P. If the veteran doe[...]he VA will reclaim all monies paid for the period of the
    it is the student's responsibility to report that change to the course (a full semester of benefits.)
    Veterans Affairs Office (VAO).[...]
    [...]Government offer exhibitions from local artists in a variety of
    with a faculty member to seek help in any aspect of writing:[...]uled the first Monday evening of the show, from 6-8 pm.
    Assistance is also given i[...]ed to provide free writing assis- An exhibition of the Art Department faculty is held in the spring[...]This annual exhibit of the work of the Art Faculty is an oppor-[...]tunity to showcase the individual visions of the members of the
    Both the Writing Center and the Electronic Writing Center are Art Department of Glendale Community College.
    unavailable during th[...]An Art Faculty juried exhibition of student art work is held every[...]share the variety of art media and experiences offered through[...]onal arts are represented , along with innovative programs[...]Children's Center allows us to experience the joy of art through
    the eyes of children. Fresh and uncluttered, these artworks[...]a testimony to the creative possibilities in all of us.

    2008-2009 GCC General Catalog & St[...]
    ~ssociated Student Government Performing Arts
    _oca[...]The Music, Theatre, and Dance Departments of GCC offer
    relephone: 623.845.3526 many programs to the community.[...]The Music Department offers a variety of concerts to students
    fhe Associated Student Government gives students an excel-[...]and the public. Concerts include programs by the A Cappella
    ent experience in leadership a[...]free to the public. ·
    Two of the elected members sit on the President's Fund 2[...]sentations
    the President regarding the allocation of student funds for var- during the year to stud[...]and are open to students.
    The Associated Student Government (ASG) is made up of stu- faculty and staff, and the public.[...]ected from the student body during the third week of tor is often invited to direct one of the shows. The admission
    class each fall semester[...]mpetitive intercollegiate sports pro- work of graduating AAFA students. Auditions for Physical[...]International Festival
    on campus. And if one of those is not what you are looking for, Every year, usually in the first week of April, GCC hosts an
    it is fun to start a new one in your area of interest. international festival. Th[...]tents in the central mall area of the campus and features
    Clubs provide a network o[...]ffice (SU-123) in the Student The purpose of the international festival is to give students an[...]chance to experience the rich cultural diversity of[...]The event is free of charge and open to the public.
    Club Fairs
    The Fall and Spring Club Fairs are held during the third week
    of class. It offers students an opportunity t[...]
    [...]members. lating lectures on a variety of topics. Lectures are free to tht[...]ngs Center for Learning. For a list of study skills videos, stop b}
    Effective Resume[...]Strategies

    For details, please see GCC Calendar of Events at
    http://www.gc.maricopa. edu/calendar/.[...]ges in the United States and abroad . The
    purpose of this organization is to recognize academic achiev[...]llowship. Membership entitles the scholar, in one of many
    honored traditions, to wear the golden stole[...]his/her commencement.

    The Omicron Lambda Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa at GCC
    invites all students who h[...]s with a minimum cumulative grade point aver-
    age of 3.5 to join Phi Theta Kappa, If you are intereste[...], has as
    its mission the professional development of psychology stu-
    dents in two-year colleges through promotion and recognition
    of outstanding achievement in scholarship, leadershi[...]irations in psychology
    that meet the requirements of having successfully completed
    12 credit hours with a cumulative GPA of 3.0, and a 3.0 or high-
    er in all psycholo[...]
    [...]of the complainant, the complainant has the right to[...]complaint within 300 days of the most recent alleged discrimi-
    College Environ[...]Formal Resolution of Discrimination Complaints
    DISCRIMINATION COMPLAIN[...]contacting the Dean of Student Services at each respective
    This procedur[...]plaints by college or center. The dean of Student Services will accept
    students who believe[...]complaint filings within 300 calendar days of the most recent
    illegal or prohibited discrimination by the Maricopa County occurrence of the alleged discriminatory act.
    Community College[...]form prescribed by the Office of General Counsel. A student
    Complaints may be brou[...]r discrimina- may also contact the Office of General Counsel to obtain the
    tion based on race,[...]al origin, sex (including name and phone number of the college or center official des-
    pregnancy dis[...]basis that constituted an alleged act or practice of unlaw-
    upon receipt of an allegation of conduct that might constitute dis-
    crimination . Any member of the college community should refer ful or[...]rence was taken or
    a person who might be a victim of such conduct to these proce-
    dures, as well as to[...]Upon receipt of a complaint, the Dean of Student Services will
    ment may utilize the Report[...]y the college president or provost and the Office of
    addition to the Informal and Formal Resolution pr[...]General Counsel. The Office of General Counsel will assign a[...]Resolution processes may be extended by the Dean of
    A copy of the complaint will be shared with the respondent[...]within five (5) working days of receipt by the Dean of Student
    when classes are not in session or upon m[...]stigation will be conducted.
    equitable resolution of any complaint of discrimination.[...]within fifteen (15) calendar days of his or her receipt of the
    Procedure for Students is also available from the Office of complaint.
    General Counsel at 480-731-[...]After accepting a complaint, the Dean of Student Services will
    Informal Resolution of Discrimination Complaints d[...]ation, which will include, at a minimum, a review of
    may attempt to resolve the problem through inform[...]on's supervisor or department head. Dean of Student Services may serve as complaint investigator.
    The student may choose to ask the Dean of Student Services Within ninety (90) calendar days following receipt of the com-
    to assist in the informal resolution process. The Dean of plaint, the complaint investigator shall deliver to the Dean of
    Student Services may designate an employee to pro[...]r's written findings and the
    assistance. The Dean of Student Services may modify or reject results of the investigation, including summaries of all inter-
    an informal resolution of a complaint of discriminatory conduct views and all documents received as part of the investigation.
    under this process if, in the judgment of the Dean, the resolu- Within ten (1 0) working days following receipt of the results of
    tion that is proposed is not in the best interests of both the stu- the investigation from the complaint investigator, the Dean of
    dent and the institution. The Dean shall take suc[...]fifteen (15) calendar days after receiving notice of investigator's written findings and the De[...]tions as to the disposition of the complaint.
    Attempts to informally resolve all[...]modify the rec-
    within ninety (90) calendar days of the most recent alleged dis- ommendations and will provide a written notification of his or
    criminatory act. For complaints dealing wi[...]ent must submit a writ- (15) calendar days of receiving the written findings and rec-
    ten complaint under the formal resolution procedure of this policy. ommendations from the Dean of Student Services.

    2008-2009 GCC General[...]
    [...]plainant or respondent may receive the assistance of an
    the allegations of discrimination and/or sexual harassment and attorney or other person at any stage of a complaint filed under
    which was obtained during[...]satisfied with the deci- assistance.
    sion of the president or provost has ten (1 0) working days to
    request, in writing, administrative review of the decision by his Confidentiality of Proceedings
    or her college president or provost.[...]college and MCCCD to protect
    trative review must state specific reasons why the complainant the confidentiality of the parties during the processing of com-
    or respondent believes the finding was impro[...]ined in a
    dent or provost will review the results of the investigation and confidential manner t[...]D's legal obligation to
    working days from receipt of the request. If the president or investigate and resolve issues of discrimination.
    provost determines that the decis[...]ments Prohibited
    dent seeking to make a complaint of discrimination to the Vice Any individual who knowingly provides false information pur-
    President of •student Affairs. Every student complaint of dis- suant to filing a discrimination cha[...]ination shpll be investigated under the authority of the Vice tion of a discrimination charge will be subject to appropriate
    President of Student Affairs in accordance with these discipline.
    Procedures. The Vice President of Student Affairs and any
    complaint investigator wh[...]es in a complaint resolu- Filing a Report of Sexual Harassment
    tion pursuant to these Procedur[...]rtial manner, and shall fully consider tim of sexual harassment as prohibited by MCCCD policy may
    all facts discovered in the course of any investigation before a Report (either o[...]. Each party in any complaint resolution of Student Services at each college or center. The R[...]cu- should be made within 180 calendar days of the most recent
    mentation the party feels is germane to the complaint. At no alleged incident of sexual harassment.
    time shall a student who has made an allegation of discrimi-
    nation under these Procedures be asked or required in any Upon receipt of the Report, the Dean of Student Services or
    way by a college official to[...]with any person alleged to have committed an act of discrimi- meeting shall include: identif[...], alerting the alleged harasser to the perception of
    made to obtain information from each witness to every act of the impact of his or her behavior, providing the individual with
    alleged discrimination or from any other person possessed of a copy of the MCCCD Sexual Harassment Policy, encouraging
    i[...]material to the complaint reso- completion of the Office of General Counsel's Sexual
    lution. The Vice President of Student Affairs shall ensure that Harassme[...]e corrective action that is warranted as a result of ness ot behaviors that may lead to perceptions of sexual
    any complaint resolution will be taken, an[...]ts to ensure that the college prevents recurrence of dis- alleged harasser shall in any way constitute a finding of sexu-
    crimination in the future. al harassment. The name of the complainant shall not be iden-[...]t during the Report process; however,
    Maintenance of Documentation[...]er must be conducted within ten (10) working days of
    Office of General Counsel. Investigative records are not to be receipt of the Report.
    maintained with or considered as a part of a student record.
    Documentation regarding corrective action is considered part
    of the student's record .[...]
    External Filing of Discrimination Complaints[...]o dis-
    crimination charges filed by, or on behalf of, students: criminatorio mas recienteme[...]ormal de Quejas de Discriminaci6n
    U.S. Department of Education[...]
    [...]rocesamiento de U.S. Department of Education
    quejas bajo este procedimiento.[...]
    [...]E. Commit any act of sexual assault or public sexual inde-
    (AR 2.4.4 &[...]ity Colleges property or in connection
    The policy of the Maricopa Commun ity Colleges is to provide[...]and business environment free ty;
    of unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual fa[...]ter being informed or on notice
    hibited by local, state, and federal law.[...]limited to, commentary about an indi-
    Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action up[...]ally degrading words to
    and including termination of employees, sanctions up to and descr[...]comments, sexu-
    including suspension or expulsion of students, and appropriate ally suggesti[...]tutionally protected speech rights
    and principles of academic freedom . Questions about this pol-[...]A) gard or fail to report allegations of sexual harassment (whether
    Office.[...]reported by the person who is the subject of the sexual harass-[...]ment or a witness) are in violation of this policy.
    Examples of Policy Violations (AR 5.1.9)
    It shall be a violation of Maricopa Commun ity College' Sexual Respon[...]inform perceived offenders of this policy that the commen-
    B. Make unwelcome re[...]ther cir-
    C. Engage in verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature cumstances may be inappropriate if one of the individuals in
    with another employee, stud[...]xplicitly or implicitly, that the in a position of authority with respect to, the other, such as in
    individual's submission to, or rejection of, the sexual the context of instruction, counseling, advisement or supervi-[...]sion. An element of power is often present in such a context[...]assigned duties, shifts or any other condition of employ- Complaints (AR 5.1.13)
    ment o[...], student or visitor) are urged to
    academic programs, class standing or other education- report such conduct to the direct attention of their supervi-
    al opportunities ;[...]ve Action
    D. Engage in verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature Office (480-731 -88[...]ployee's supervisor or someone in the direct line of[...]reason is uncom-
    1. Has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with fort[...]
    [...]lege premises by
    conduct to the Vice President of Student Affairs or representative[...]s. A student may also for the purpose of submission of a ballot proposition to vot-
    contact the Maric[...]es EEO/AA Office ers, or nomination of a candidate for elective office, in a
    to obtain the name and phone number of the college offi- city-, county-, or state-wide election .
    cial designated to respond to[...]h college president shall designate general hours of[...]ises where all representatives on behalf of any candidate
    Complaints will be investigated[...]where the solicitation will not
    Office. Copies of these procedures may be obtained in the[...]r otherwise
    college president's office, Office of the Vice President of disrupt the college environment.
    Studen[...]college or center of their intent to be present on college
    Confidentia[...]tives shall be provided a written version of this regulation.
    with Maricopa Community Colleges' legal obligation to investi-
    gate and resolve issues of sexual harassment.[...]SOLICITATION (AR 2.4.9)
    Violations of Law (AR 5.1.15)
    An employee or student may be acc[...].
    harassment under applicable local, state, and/or federal law, A "solicitor" is any[...]iated entity that would, on the premises of any Maricopa
    Disciplinary action by Maricopa Comm[...]ty that would enter the premises for the purposes of pro-
    involving the same incident have been dismis[...]vent" is a college-sponsored event conducted
    tion of a discrimination charge , will be subject to appropriate on college premises for the benefit of students that is based
    disciplinary action, up to[...]deemed it essential to invite the participation of solicitors[...]complaint, or participating in the investigation of a B. Requirements
    complaint , is strictly prohi[...]inary action, up to and lege or center of their intent to solicit on college or cen-
    includ[...]official a certificate of commercial liability insurance and[...]opportunity for solicitation, a fee in the amount of $50 per[...]
    [...]nd CHILDREN ON CAMPUS {AR 2.4.10)
    use of amplification may apply. All requests for space[...]not attend any class unless
    upon completion of the requirements contained in this they[...]thorized college program or under the supervision of an
    areas. Standard sp'ace will be one or tw[...]be limited to no more than fifty
    (50) hours of solicitation activity per semester at each[...]pportunity for solicitation on the
    premises of a college or center, a solicitor warrants that[...]e its product, service or types and number of cri mes on college property as well as
    idea[...]fety and
    proprietary interest. The activity of any solicitor may not Security Department.[...]existing Maricopa contract.

    5. The president of every college ·or center shall establish WO[...]ch location restrictions governing the activities of {AR 2.4.12)
    solicitors. Such restrictio[...]ulation. It is the policy of the Maricopa Community Colleges to promote[...]ollege determines that such participation will be of par- lence, threats of violence, harassment, intimidation, and other
    ticular educational benefit to the interests of that col- disruptive behavior.
    lege's[...]ege may waive both the responsibility of all members of the Maricopa Community
    fee and the insuranc[...]re- Colleges to report any occurrence of such conduct. Every
    scribed in this regulat[...]of physical violence of which he/she is aware. All reports will[...]a. Such product or service presents low risk of harm to behavior can include oral or writ[...]ions that communicate a direct or indirect threat of[...]propriate prosecution within
    the discretion of the College Safety department and STUD[...]lege District, its col- Under the terms of the Student Right To Know Act, the college[...]must maintain and report statistics on the number of students
    or otherwise - for the acts or om issions of any vendor receiving athletically related[...]statistics. To obtain copies of these reports, contact the Office
    of Admissions and Records.

    2008-2009 GCC[...]
    [...]........ ............................ 330
    Taping of Faculty Lectures .........................[...]
    [...]The owner of a copyright in a particular work has the exclusiv[...]tive version of the work. Generally, then this means that you[...]prior permission of the copyright holder.[...]some tangible medium of expression. Neither registration of
    COPYRIGHT ACT COMPLIANCE (AR 2.4.5) the copyright with the federal government nor a copyright[...]udents are expected to comply with the provisions of the
    Copyright Act of 1976 pertaining to photocopying of printed What is copyright infringement?
    materials, copying of computer software and videotaping. In G[...]erform, distribute or create a derivative version of a
    appropri.ate notices shall be placed on or nea[...]copyrightable work either without the permission of the copy-
    capable of duplicating copyrighted materials.[...]significant damages--poten-
    A. It is the intent of the Governing Board of the Mancopa tially in excess of $100,000 for each work infringed.
    County Community College District to adhere to the provi-
    sions of the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, United States[...]nternet?
    controversy regarding interpretation of the Copyright Law, Copyright law covers w[...]available on the Internet without any indication of their copy-
    righted status. As a rule of thumb, you should assume that
    B. The Governing B[...]lines that ( 1) clearly discourage violation of the Copyright or copying software, or pictur[...]Internet, may be
    Law and (2) inform employees of their rights and responsi- copyright infr[...]affords greater protection for copyright holders of dig-
    name an individual(s) at each district l[...]pears solely in a
    assume the responsibilities of distributing copyright guide- digital form[...]garding copyright matter
    and provide training programs on current copyright laws. New technolo[...]as Peer to Peer (P2P) allows for the transmission of music,
    specifically allowed by the (1) Copyr[...]ses or contractual agreements, or (4) most of which is subject to copyright protection.
    ot[...]t the time it
    E. The Governing Board disapproves of unauthorized dupli- becomes fixed in some tangible medium of expression. That
    cation in any form . Employe[...]to a friend, you are infringing on the rights of the copyright
    F. In order to assist employees an[...]afficking in such material without the permission of
    with the Copyright Law, appropriate notices s[...]his includes
    on or near all equipment capable of duplicating copyright- unauthorized music[...]to a statement recently issued by representatives of
    What Students Should Know About Copyright[...]clandestine manner walking out with a text-
    types of creative works. A work is copyrightable if it is an orig- book without paying for it."
    inal work of authorship fixed in a tangible medium of expres-
    sion. Copyrightable works include[...]
    Nhy is it important for a student to be aware of copyright TAPING OF FACULTY LECTURES (AR 3.4)
    :opyright infringe[...]ch as photocopiers, desktop first week of classes to his/her policy with regard to taping .[...]net access, or elec-
    tronic mail--for the purpose of infringing a copyright in any Students wi[...]udents are expected to comply with the provisions of member to exempt a student from his/her taping policy.
    the Copyright Act of 1976 pertaining to photocopying of print-
    ed materials, copying of computer software and videotaping."[...]Standards, a student is prohibited from
    the "use of software, graphics, photographs, or any other tan- Introduction
    gible form of expression that would violate or infringe any[...]opyright or similar legally-recognized protection of intellectual provides its students and employe[...]r otherwise using computing exchange of opinions and ideas is essential to academic free-
    resources in a manner that would constitute a violation of state dom, and the advancement of educational, research , service,
    or federal law .[...]these policies, then , can be disciplined
    at any of the Maricopa Community Colleges. This discipline[...]misuse of these resources by some users infringes upon the[...]nload files from a col- opportunities of all the rest. As Maricopa is a public institution[...]of higher education , however, the proper use of those
    Thanks to recent changes to copyright law c[...]quired and maintained with public funds.
    formance of non-dramatic literary works or musical works, as
    well as the display of "reasonable and limited portions" of any General Responsibilities
    work in an amo[...]t limited to, desktop
    live classroom setting. Use of the works must, however, be "an and laptop[...]ers, central computing facilities,
    integral part" of the distance-learning class session , and avail-[...]ectronic mail and similar electronic
    transmission of the copyrighted works must be under the direc- information) of the Maricopa County Community Colleges
    tion .or actual supervision of a faculty member. District are available only to authorized users, and any use of[...]esources is subject to these Standards. All users of
    Even though the college does not hold the copyrig[...]e read
    works, or even have the express permission of the copyright and understood the Standa[...]vered over the Internet to students in use of technology resources District-wide, an individual[...]lace or
    The fact that the law authorizes such use of copyrighted mate- waive these Standards.
    r[...]by the institution in connection with dis- Use of Maricopa's technology resources, including websit[...]ees and students, is limited to educational,
    tion of copyright law.[...], service , operational , and management purposes of[...]delines. You should also review the complete
    text of the Computer Resource Standards which can[...]
    [...]is not Maricopa's practice to monitor the content of electron- 5. Hosting a website that vi[...]'s technology resources. 6. Use of technology resources for non-Maricopa commercia
    The maintenance, operation and security of Maricopa's tech- purposes , i[...]e
    resources and, on occasion , review the content of data and 7. Use of software, graphics, photographs, or any other tan[...]hrough those gible form of expression that would violate or infringe any
    res[...]opyright or similar legally-recognized protection of intel-
    expressly authorized for such purpose and[...]8. Activities that would constitute a violation of any policy of
    privacy is subject to Arizona's public records la[...]Board , including, but not limited to,
    applicable state and federal ·laws, as well as policies of Maricopa's non-discriminatio[...]its policy against
    Maricopa's Governing Board all of which may supersede a sex[...]ogy resources can be violation of state or federal law, or MCCCD policy or admin-
    obtained only through use of a password known exclusively to[...]data protection schemes.
    Much of the data contained in Maricopa records that are
    accessible through use of technology resources is confidential[...]ming any act that would disrupt normal operations of
    under state and federal law. That a user may have the techni-[...]rily mean that such access is authorized . A user of
    Maricopa's technology resources is prohibited fro[...]to wrongful-
    thorized access to, or dissemination of, confidential records. ly hide the identity of the user or pose as another person.

    Violation of any provision of the Standards could result in 14[...]ess to Maricopa's technolo-
    immediate termination of a user's access to Maricopa's tech-[...]l as appropriate disciplinary action. A
    violation of the Standards should be reported immediately to[...]The home page of a website must display, or link to , the fol-[...]ct
    The following is prohibited conduct in the use of Maricopa's All information p[...]ting any errors or damages of any kind resulting from access to its
    material that would constitute a violation of Maricopa Internet resources or use of the information contained
    County Community Co[...]cy of information presented as factual; however errors[...]responsible for the content or functionality of any technolo-
    munications or software, without[...]damage to a file users through use of Maricopa's technology resources are
    or compute[...]those of their respective authors, who are solely responsi[...]them , and do not necessarily represent the views of
    4. Performing acts that would unfairly monopolize[...]y College District.
    resources to the exclusion of other users, including (but not
    limited to) unauthorized installation of server system soft- Complaints and V[...]Complaints or allegations of a violation of these standards will[...]dures or resolution of controversy.

    2008-2009 GCC General Cata[...]
    Jpon determination of a violation of these standards, Maricopa 7. Hazing activitie[...]llegal pledging or underground activities.
    llance of content in the event that a content complaint is made b. Acts of mental and physical abuse, including, but not
    off[...]ing, yelling ,
    grievance procedures or resolution of controversy. biting, duck-[...]sive exercise, beating or physical abuse of any kind ,[...]and the potentially forced consumption of any food or
    strives to exceed the changing expectations of our many com- and/or current students and/or members of the opportu-
    munities for effective, innovative, student-centered , flexible nity of a minimum of six hours sufficient sleep each
    and lifelong educ[...]ty improve- d. Encouraging or forcing use of alcohol or drugs.
    ment and the efficient use of resources. We are a learning e. Any type of student club/organization scavenger hunt,
    organization guided by our shared values of: education, stu- quest, road trip or[...]cent or inap-
    Central to the vitality and dignity of our community of learners propriate manner. See Sexual Ha[...]h. Aiding or abetting theft, fraud, embezzlement of funds,
    involvement come together to meet this goal. All members of
    destruction of public, personal or private property, or
    the Mari[...]academic misconduct.
    best of their abilities, must be provided the opportunity[...]or
    ment. One factor that inhibits the achievement of the above personal degradation.
    stated purpose is the practice of hazing. j. Personal[...]is prohibited. 8. Alleged violations of this regulation by students or student[...]rganizations can be reported to thevice president of stu-
    2. "Hazing" is defined as any intentional, k[...]t affairs' office for investigation by any member of the
    act committed by a student or other person[...]college community. The vice president of student affairs'
    college or affiliated educati[...]l other college and Maricopa
    and in which both of the following apply: Community Colleges policies, and local and state laws.

    a. The act was committed in connection with an initiation Alleged violations of the Maricopa Community Colleges
    into, an affiliation with or the maintenance of member- hazing prevention regulation or[...]b. The act contributes to a substantial risk of potential
    physical injury, mental harm or[...]comes of the proceedings shall be final, pending the nor-[...]9. Alleged violations of the Maricopa Community Colleges haz-
    4. Aiding an[...]be reported to the vice president of student affairs' office for[...]investigation by any member of the college community. The
    5. Victim consent is not a defense for violation of the vice president of student affairs' office will investigate the
    M[...]Community Colleges policies, and local and state laws.

    6. All students, faculty and staff must ta[...]faculty or staff member
    ures within the scope of their individual authority to prevent who k[...]rmitted, authorized or condoned the
    violations of the Maricopa Community Colleges Hazing[...]Colleges policies, and local and state laws.[...]
    [...]~tuch;~nt Rights
    10. If the vice president of student affairs' office receives a ABUSE-FREE ENVIRONMENT (AR 2.4. 7)
    report or complaint of an alleged hazing activity involving
    physical injury, threats of physical injury, intimidation, A. Subs[...]national issue anc
    appears to violate Arizona state law, the college will report is receiv[...]he community. The insidious effects of the abuse of these
    said college safety office will investig[...]nd agents are also felt by all walks of life and economic levels
    report on the alleged[...]institution, we are
    college, district, local, state and federal guidelines, policies responsi[...]prevention, control, and treatment of the abuse/misuse o1[...]gs outlined above substantiate an
    occurrence of hazing activity-where students or student[...]n recommend the and health factors of substance abuse/misuse issues forth-
    followi[...]lege needs to adapt programs applicable to their commu-
    a. Censure: Censure[...]our individual student's needs. The policy
    of a program designed with the intent of eliminating the statements · should[...]ensive , understood by
    hazing activity. The programs will be devised with the those exp[...]realistic and enforceable, con-
    cooperation of all involved parties and monitored by the[...]d cover foreseeable dangers.
    vice president of student affairs' office.
    b. Probation: The stu[...]ganization(s) will be Construction of this statement has been founded on con-
    placed on probation for a specified period of time. cerns of individual safety, educational quality, and legal lia-
    Conditions of probation will be determined by the vice[...]ach individual is responsible for
    president of student affairs' office and outlined in writing[...]term will be monitored by the vice president of student share community responsibil[...]o substance abuse/mis-
    suspended. The terms of the suspension can be use[...]time to be considered for admission or renewal of col-
    lege recognition status.[...]1. Visibly demonstrate a performance of the Maricopa
    d. Revocation: The student club(s[...]re".
    have its status revoked, with the loss of all college asso-
    ciations, recognitions an[...]nts for federal funds.
    international office of an organization, if so affiliated , will
    be requested to revoke the charter of an organization. 3. Describe what[...]the following 4. Inform/educate members of the academic community of
    conduct: adverse effects of these substances.

    a. Customary athletic event[...]ance misuse and abuse.
    are sponsored by any of the Maricopa Community
    Colleges.[...]. Any activity or conduct that furthers the goals of a legit- use.
    imate educationa[...]idual and group counseling .
    13. For the purposes of the Maricopa Community Colleges[...]and rehabilitation of any identified problem.

    "Organization" is def[...]other similar environment capable of:
    group that is affiliated with Maricopa Community Colleges,
    whose membership consists primarily of students enrolled 1. Developing a[...]at may also be prevention programs.
    classroom-related or co-curricular in nature.[...]2. Providing educational training and prevention programs[...]
    4. Establishing supportive counseling programs as needed. b. Comply with the Drug-Free[...]Act of 1989, and other relevant substance abuse
    5. Establishing a strong on-going evaluation of services. laws.

    6. Providing ass[...]ents with access to appropriate treat-
    tion of substance abuse/misuse.[...]7. Clarifying the college regulations for control of alcohol
    and drug use. 2. Standards of Conduct
    In the student handbooks of the Maricopa Community
    8. Providing procedures[...]e will follow to cor- Colleges under codes of conduct, the following are
    rect and stabilize emergency situations. examples of behavior that is prohibited by law and/or[...]vide emergency a. Drinking or possession of alcoholic beverages on the
    services and to con[...]b. Misuse of narcotics or drugs.
    The Maricopa Community Col[...]e program at 3. Sanctions for Violation of Standards of Conduct
    each college designed to affect positively the problems of Disciplinary actions include, but are not limited to:
    irresponsible use of alcohol and the use and abuse of illegal a. Warning ,
    substances. A main focus of the program will be on educa- b. Loss of privileges,
    tion of the campus community and assistance to individual[...]plinary action for misconduct and the enforcement of 4. Legal Consequences of Alcohol and Other Drugs
    state laws governing the use of alcohol and the use, abuse, a. Laws Governing Alcohol
    possession or distribution of controlled substances or ille- The State of Arizona sets twenty-one as the "legal
    gal drug[...]bever-
    B. Student Program to Prevent Illicit Use of Drugs and ages is guilty of a misdemeanor and may be subject
    Abuse of Alcohol[...]and Purpose
    The recent adoption by Congress of the Drug-Free The Uniform Act R[...]pro-
    Schools and Communities Act amendments of 1989 hibits driving while under the influence of intoxicating
    (Public Law 101-226) requires[...]e refuse to be tested face suspension of their licenses
    school. As a recipient of federal grants, the District must or permi[...]tration of 0.08 or more will have his/her license or per-
    federal legislation has been the impetus for creation of[...]recognize that substance abuse is a problem of nation- ranges from not less than twe[...]t Maricopa hours in jail and a fine of not less than $250 for a first
    Community Co[...]ncern, it is offense to a minimum of six months in jail and revo-
    intended that this program on prevention of alcohol and cation of the driver's license for three years upon a[...]third offense.
    strict dictates of the law and will serve as a comprehen-
    sive[...]Possession of a Controlled Substance
    The Maricopa Communi[...]000 but not more than $100,000, or
    benefits of a student's educational experience. The[...]east fifteen days in
    learning that are free of the problems associated with prison,[...]ned at least
    the unauthorized use and abuse of alcohol and drugs. $2,500 but not more than $250,000, or both.
    Part of the educational mission of Maricopa Community
    Colleges, in conjunction[...]$5,000 but not more than $250,000, or both.
    of a healthy lifestyle and the health risks associat[...]Special sentencing provisions for possession of crack
    The purpose of this program is to:[...]1) First conviction and the amount of crack possessed
    public is safe, orderly and free of illegal activity. exceeds fiv[...]
    2)Second conviction and the amount of crack pos- 2. No purchase of alcoholic beverages is allowed from an:[...]funds under the jurisdiction of the Governing Board a[...]sequent crack conviction and the
    amount of crack possessed exceeds one gram . 3. Lawful occupants of residential housing under the juris[...]diction of the Governing Board, if over the age of
    Forfeiture of personal and real property used to pos-[...]uch prac
    sess or to facilitate possession of a controlled sub- tice, may possess a[...]nishable by more than one the privacy of their respective leased housing facility[...]Guests of such occupants over the age of 21 years shal
    sions re: crack).[...]alcohol is permitted in pub·
    Forfeiture of vehicles, boats, aircraft or any other con- lie areas (nor common areas of a dormitory) at any time
    veyance used to[...]4. The personal or individual purchase of alcoholic bever·[...]ending District approved func-
    Civil fine of up to $10,000 (pending adoption offinal[...]discretion shall be exercised in the approval of the loca-
    Denial of Federal benefits, such as student loans, tion of such activities, as such decision pertains to the[...]professional and commercial nature of the group involved .
    licenses, up to one[...]a firearm. Neither a diagnosis of AIDS nor a positive HIV antibody[...]test will be part of the initial admission decision for those
    Miscellaneous: Revocation of certain Federal licens- applying to attend any of the Maricopa Community
    es and benefits, e[...]tenancy, etc., are vested within the authorities of indi- require screening of students for antibody to HIV.
    vidual Fede[...]bars, gymnasiums, swimming pools, recre-
    c. State Penalties and Sanctions[...]mon areas, as
    Title Thirteen, Chapter 34 of the Arizona Revised there is not curr[...]fenses and their penalties.
    Following is list of drugs that are frequently misused Where ac[...]asible , students who
    with a description of the potential penalties attached have medi[...]Marijuana: A first offense for possession or use of through the Office of Disabled Resources and Services or
    marijuana in an amount of less that one pound con- the Office of Vice President of Student Affairs ..
    stitutes a class 6 felony and carries a possible
    prison term of one and one-half years and a fine of The Maricopa Community Colleges acknowled[...]undred fifty dollars. The sale importance of privacy considerations with regard to per-
    of marijuana in an amount of less that one pound sons with AIDS . The number of people who are aware of
    carries a prison sentence of four years and a fine of the existence and/or identity of students who have AIDS or
    at least sev[...]knowledge
    2)LSD: Possession, use and sale of LSD are felonies
    of the condition should be transmitted to the approp[...]ences from four to five years and fines
    of not less that one thousand dollars.[...]3)Heroin and Cocaine: Possession, use and sale of be remembered that mere exposure to[...]know the diagno-
    seven years and a fine of not less that two thou- sis. It is, th[...]n the premises ity.
    owned (by the State) and/or leased/rented by the
    Maricopa Commu[...]Students are encouraged to contact the Office of Disabled
    educational purposes, except as pr[...]Resources and Services and/or the vice president of stu-[...]dent affairs or designee for the types of services available[...]
    [...]each Comprehensive Measures In Each Of The Following Areas:
    college's disability service[...]equired doc- include current levels of functioning in the relevant
    umentation verifying the nature and extent of the disability prior areas, such as read[...]must submit a written , current diagnostic report of executive function, and motor ability)[...]rained and qualified (i.e., Examples Of Measures
    certified and/or licensed) professionals[...]Revised : Tests Of Cognitive Ability
    2. Blind or Visual Impair[...]And Adult Intelligence Test
    3. Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing
    4. Traumatic Brain Injury[...]e: Revised: Tests Of Achievement (W-Jr)
    a) A clear disability diag[...]ng a clinical history c) Stanford Test of Academic Skills (TASK) ·
    that stablishes the date of diagnosis, last contact with d) Scho[...]the disability. a) Subtests of The Wais-R Or Wais-Third Edition
    c) A description of any medical and/or behavioral symp-[...]Educational Battery-Revised: Tests Of Cognitive Ability
    d) A discussion of medications, dosage, frequency, and
    any ad[...]ses relevant histor-
    activities and degree of severity) due to the disability i[...]areas of difficulty, age at initial diagnosis, and history[...]commodation , including ration- of accommodations used in past educational settings[...]ning (e.g ., reading , mathematics, 2. A list of all instruments used in the test battery.[...]te psycho-educational 3. Discussion of test behavior and specific test results.
    o[...]student shall submit a written diagnostic report of specific of alternative explanations for the learning prob-
    l[...]"probable" used in the diagnostic summary state-
    normed instruments.[...]
    [...]mation, age
    c) A psychometric summary of scores. at initial diagnosis, duration and severity of the disorder.
    d) A recommendation for accommodations, includ- 2. Discussion of medications review of past and current
    ing rationale.[...]academic achievement, and history of disability accom-[...]modations and their effectiveness.
    Diagnosis of specific learning disabilities that do not con-[...]measures may not be used for a list of all instruments used in the assessment and test[...]ividualized education 4. Discussion of the assessment results.
    plans (IEPS) or 504 p[...]ita-
    The student shall submit a current diagnosis of attention deficit tions to one or mo[...]c) A discussion of medications and their possible impact[...]nale.
    age at initial diagnosis, discussion of medication, and e) The duration for[...]modations should
    history and effectiveness of accommodations in past be pro[...]need . for disability accommodations
    ing a list of all instruments used in the assessment).[...]semester, one year, two years).
    3. Discussion of the testing results and behavior, including[...]e estimated
    exist, including a rule-out of alternative explanations length of time services will be needed.
    for behav[...]he diagnostic sum- pending receipt of documentation. If documentation is
    mary[...]on prescribed in this regulation
    degree of severity. If the limitations are in learning may be considered at the discretion of each college's disabili-
    (e.g., reading[...]ucational evaluation must sional opinion of the responsible college's disability services[...]best interest of the student and will neither undermine the[...]garding medications or medical integrity of any college offering nor violate any mandate unde[...]n(s). state or federal law. All situations shall be considere[...]a qualified professional that provides an update of the diagno-
    sis with a description of the individual's current level of func-
    tioning during the past year, and a[...]
    Eligibility of Students Taking Reduced Course Loads[...]est a reduced aca- tion . Continuation of this status is not automatic. Each
    demic load as[...]case will be re-evaluated at the end of the semester to
    A college Disability Resource Ser[...]h certification shall be sole- quences of this status for making progress toward grad-
    ly t[...]s and to seek eligibility to comply with mandates of the distinctions and designations.
    Na[...]that a student may be deemed a full- programs that have specific block formats will not be
    time[...]priate college offices will receive documentation of Approval Form (see Appendix S-10),[...]ccepts them .
    must be made prior to the beginning of each semester. Every 6. When a reduc[...]ability Resources & Services professional, a copy of[...]hours during the summer to offset the impact of A. Definitions
    Academic eligi[...]as defined by process. Some examples of academic misconduct are
    the College catalog[...]eating - includes, but is not limited to, (a) use of any
    tions including, but not limited to, ex[...]upon the aid of sources beyond those authorized by the
    4. Elig[...]ing reports,
    according to the total number of credit hours taken in the solving problem[...](c) the acquisition, without permission, of tests or other
    load, must be at least half[...]) academic material belonging to a member of the college
    in order to receive a Stafford[...]faculty or staff.
    5. The amount of federal financial aid (Title V) awarded is
    based on the actual number of credit hours taken . 3. Plagiarism - includes, but is not limited to, the use of
    6. Requirements for continuation of funding through paraphrase or direct quotation of the published or
    Vocational Rehabilitation may differ. The student must unpublished work of another person without full and
    contact hi[...]pact their funding . edged use of materials prepared by another person or
    7. The[...]agency engaged in the selling of term papers or other
    (NJCAA) has published[...]Information gathered from the
    ignation of Certified Disabled Student-Athlete in Article[...]identified is also considered
    V Section J of the NJCAA bylaws. This procedure[...]faculty member may recom-
    to the beginning of each semester. mend[...]mentation must include a diagnostic of academic affairs or designee that sanctions 5, 6,[...]th by the only by the vice president of academic affairs or designee.)
    Maricopa Com[...]Policy in order to evaluate the current impact of the dis-[...]
    [...]itin,g to the student that the stu- 4. Use of college computer resources such as the Internet[...]ode. in violation of TECHNOLOGY RESOURCE STAN-[...]DARDS (AR 4.4) which may result in notification of law
    2. Grade Adjustment - Lowering of a score on test or enforcemen[...], the faculty mem-
    4. Course Failure - Failure of a student in the course ber shall[...]appropriate vice president or designee in writing of the[...]ulty member's recommendation. If a resolution of the prob-
    designated period of time and includes the probability of lem is not reached between the faculty m[...]tudent may be removed permanently pur-
    acts of academic misconduct.[...]procedures.
    6. College Suspension - Separation of the student from the
    college for a definite period of time, after which the stu-
    dent is eligible[...]The purpose of this code is to help ensure a healthy, comfort-[...]s,
    7. College Expulsion - Permanent separation of the stu- employees and visitors.[...]The following are definitions of terms or pl:lrases contained[...]within this code:
    C. Appeal of Sanctions for Academic Misconduct
    Students can[...]A. "Accused student" means any student accused of violating[...]as the appellate board .
    According to the laws of the State of Arizona , jurisdiction
    and control over the Ma[...]e stu- other property in the possession of or owned, used or con-
    dent life subject to basic standards of reasonableness. trolled by the coll[...]suant to this Student Conduct
    resolve problems of student conduct and responsibility,[...]official to be responsible for the administration of the[...]sciplinary
    action falls into the general areas of: F. "Complainant" mean[...]en a student believes that s/he has been a victim of
    altering college records.[...]are provided to the complainant,
    al safety of any faculty, staff, students, or others lawful- even if another member of the college community submit-[...]ll exclude weekends and holidays.
    3. Violation of Arizona statutes, and/or college regulatio[...]
    [...]e college official responsible for administration of the
    substantially interferes with or obstructs[...]edures for the
    learning process in the context of a classroom or educa- administration of the judicial program and rules for the con-
    ti[...]duct of hearings that are consistent with provisions of this[...]Article Ill: Prohibited Conduct
    ber of faculty.
    A. Jurisdiction of the College
    K. "May" is used in the permissive se[...]r District premises, or at college- or
    L. "Member of the college community" means any person[...]y lege community and/or the pursuit of its objectives. Each
    other person employed b[...]uation shall be determined by the time of admission through the actual awarding of a degree,
    college president.[...]certificate, or similar indicator of completion of a course of[...]before classes
    M. "Organization" means any number of persons who have com- begin or a[...]year and during periods between terms of actual enroll-[...]N. "Policy" is defined as the written regulations of the college a degree is awarded). The[...]B. Temporary Removal of Student[...]operations of the college. Students who engage in disrup-
    Q . "[...]college offi-
    responsible for administration of the Student Conduct cial responsible for administration of the Student Conduct
    Code to impose .sanction[...]Conduct Administrator and the sole member or one of the class period , the faculty member should invoke the proce-
    members of a Student Conduct Board. The college official[...]Conduct Code.
    responsible for administration of the Student Conduct
    Code may authorize the s[...]dent to determine whether a 1. Acts of dishonesty, including but not limited to the fol-[...]"Threatening behavior" means any written or oral state-
    ment, communication , conduct or gesture dire[...]b. Forgery, alteration or misuse of any college docu-
    any member of the college community, which causes a ment, record or instrument of identification.
    reasonable apprehension of physical harm to self, others
    or property. It[...]c. Tampering with the election of any college-recog-
    municating the threat has t[...]2. Obstruction of teaching, research , administration, disci-[...]e college official responsible for administration of the tings or other authorized n[...]dent Conduct Code shall determine the composition of the conduct occurs on co[...]
    [...]consent or when such a recording is
    tration of the Student Conduct Code in writing of the likely to cause injury or distres[...]not limited to, secretly taking pictures of another person
    faculty member's recommendation. If a resolution of the in a gym, locker room, or restroom.[...]15. Attempted or actual theft or other abuse of technology
    cedures . ·[...]threatens or
    endangers the health or safety of any person, and/or b. Unauthorized transfer of a file
    disruptive behavior as defined in Ar[...]c. Unauthorized use of another individual's identification
    4. Attempted or actual theft of and/or damage to property and/or password
    of the college or property of a member of the college
    community or other personal or public property. d. Use of technology facilities or resources to interfere[...]with the work of another student, faculty member or
    5. Failure to comply with direction of college officials or law college official
    enforcement officers in the performance of their duties
    and/or failure to identify oneself to these persons when e. Use of technology facilities or resources to send[...]6. Unauthorized possession , duplication or use of keys to f. Use of technology facilities or resources to interfere
    any college premises, or unauthorized entry to or use of with normal operation of the college computing sys-
    college premises[...]tem

    7. Violation of any college or District policy, rule or regula- g. Use of technology facilities or resources in violation of
    tion published in hard copy such as a colle[...]h. Any violation of the District's technology resource[...]standards.!
    8. Violation of federal , state or local law.
    i. Use of technology facilities or resources to illegally
    9. Use, possession , manufacturing or distribution of illegal download files.[...]16. Abuse of the Student Conduct system, including but not[...]al use, possession, manufacturing or distribution of a. Falsification, distortion or misrepresentation of infor-
    alcoholic beverages or public intoxi[...]Board

    11 . Illegal or unauthorized possession of firearms, explo- b. Disruption or interference with the orderly conduct of
    sives , other weapons , or dangerous chemi[...]uct Board proceeding
    lege premises, or use of any such item, even if legally
    possessed ,[...]l's proper par-
    rupts the normal operations of the college and infringes ticipation in, or use of, the Student Conduct system
    on the rights of other members of the college communi-
    ty; leading or incitin[...]e. Attempting to influence the impartiality of the member
    normal activities within any college building or area. of a Student Conduct Board prior to, and/or during t[...]course of, the Student Conduct Board proceeding
    13. Obstruction of the free flow of pedestrian or vehicular
    traffic on college p[...]dation of a member of a Student Conduct Board prior[...]duct that is disorderly, lewd or indecent; breach of ceeding
    the peace; or aiding, a[...]this Student Conduct Code
    members of the academic community. Disorderly con-
    duc[...]r attempting to influence another person to
    of electronic or other devices or to make an audio or commit an abuse of the Student Conduct Board sys-
    video record of any person while on college or District[...]
    [...]or a meeting or and/or cannot be disposed of by mutual consent, the
    hearing as part of the Student Conduct system Student[...]shall be set for a Student Conduct
    period of time and such conduct would cause a reason-[...]Maximum time limits for scheduling of Student Conduct
    D. Violation of Law and College Discipline Board hearings may be extended at the discretion of the
    1. Disciplinary proceedings may be institu[...]factual situation) without regard to pending of civil or provided by Article IV A. 7 bel[...]al proceedings off
    campus at the discretion of the college official responsi- b. The compl[...]and their advisors,
    ble for administration of the Student Conduct Code. if any, shall be allowed to attend the entire portion of
    Determinations made or sanctions imposed un[...]ission
    because criminal charges arising out of the same facts of any person to the hearing shall be at the discretion
    giving rise to violation of college rules were dismissed , of the Student Conduct Board and/or its Student
    reduced, or resolved in favor of or against the criminal Conduct Admini[...]more
    2. When a student is charged by federal, state or local than one accused student, the Student Conduct
    authorities with a violation of law, the college will not Administrator[...]rd hearing concerning each stu-
    ual because of his or her status as a student. If the[...]shall have the right
    off campus authorities of the existence of this Student to be assisted by any advisor they choose, at their
    Conduct Code and of how such matters will be handled own expense. The advisor must be a member of the
    internally within the college community[...]are responsible for
    cies in the enforcement of criminal law on campus and in presenti[...]ed to speak or participate directly
    itation of student violators. Individual students and facul-[...]l try to arrange the attendance
    1. Any member of the college community may file charges of possible witnesses who are members of the col-
    against a student for violations of this Student Conduct lege community, if[...]ons directed
    and/or if they can be disposed of administratively by to the chairper[...]han to the witness directly.
    mutual consent of the parties involved on a basis[...]Student Conduct Administrator. Such of the hearing and to avoid creation of an adversarial
    disposition shall be final a[...]l be no subse- environment. Questions of whether potential informa-[...]
    [...]ry Sanctions - work assignments, essays,
    of the chairperson of the Student Conduct Board. se[...]Student Conduct Board at the discretion of the chair- f. College Suspension - separation of the student from
    person.[...]he colleges in the District for a definite period of[...]s for readmission may be specified.
    sion of the chairperson of the Student Conduct Board.[...]g. College Expulsion - permanent separation of the stu-
    h. After the portion of the Student Conduct Board hearing d[...]Board shall determine 2. More than one of the sanctions listed above may be
    (by ma[...]imposed for any single violation .
    sists of more than one person) whether the accused
    student violated the section of this Student Conduct 3. Other than coll[...]with violating. not be made part of the student's academic record, but[...]shall become part of the student;s disciplinary record.
    i. The S[...]iplinary record may be
    made on the basis of whether it is more likely than not that expunged of disciplinary actions upon the student's appli-[...]ing the imposition of sanctions other than suspension or
    5. There sh[...]ed from the student's confiden-
    recording , of all Student Conduct Board hearings before tial record five (5) years after final disposition of the case.
    a Student Conduct Board (not incl[...]erations).
    The record shall be the property of the District. In situations in[...]have violated this Student victim of another student's conduct, the records of the
    Conduct Code because the student failed to appear process and of the sanctions imposed, if any, shall be con-[...]sidered to be the education records of both the accused
    dence and support of the charges shall be presented s[...]because the educational career and chances of success
    in the college community of each may be impacted.
    7. The Student Conduct B[...]or the personal safety, well-being , and/or fears of[...]or organizations:
    confrontation of the complainant, accused student,[...]lephone, videophone, closed cir- b. Loss of selected rights and privileges for a specified[...]rencing , videotape, audio tape, period of time.
    written statement, or other means, where and as deter-
    mined in the sole judgment of the college official respon- c. Deactivation -loss of all privileges, including college
    sible for administration of the Student Conduct Code. recognition for a designated period of time .

    B. Sanctions[...]b. Probation - a written reprimand for violation of speci- Student Conduct Board, the recommendation of the
    fied rules or regulations. Probation[...]ard shall be considered by the
    ed period of time and includes the probability of more Student Conduct Administrator in[...]s not limited to sanctions recommended by members of
    the probationary period .[...]ring, the Student Conduct Board and
    c. Loss of Privileges - denial of specified privileges for a the Student Co[...]rator shall advise the
    designated period of time. accu[...]plaining student who believes s/he was the victim of
    d. Restitution- compensation for loss, dama[...]another student's conduct) in writing of its determination
    This may take the form of appropriate service and/or and of the sanction(s) imposed, if any.[...]
    [...]ned to the original Student Conduct
    any member of the college community or the educational[...]ficial responsible for administering of the Student Conduct Board hearing to allow recon-[...]iately suspend or sideration of the original determination and/or sanc-
    alter the rights of a student pending a Student Conduct[...]al and binding upon all concerned .
    resolution of the matter through mediation or any other dis-[...]on and Revision
    whether the continued presence of the student on the col- Any question of interpretation regarding the Student Conduct
    l[...]onsible for
    emotional condition and well-being of any individual, includ- administration of the Student Conduct Code for final determi-
    in[...]elating to the safety and wel- nation.
    fare of any college property, or any college function .[...]RECORDS (2.5.3)
    responsible for administration of the Student Conduct Code
    may direct that the s[...]tudent not to return until For the purposes of this policy, the Maricopa County
    contacted by[...]District has used the following defini-
    lation of this policy regardless of whether the person who is tion of terms.
    the object of the threat observes or receives it, as long as a[...]ffice.
    duct or gesture as a serious expression of intent to harm.[...]an agent of the college which is directly related to a stu-[...]or in the personal possession of the individual who made
    complainants to an Appellate Board within five (5) days of the record , and information contained in the record
    receipt of the decision. Such appeals shall be in writing an[...]2. Except as required to explain on the basis of new infor- b. An employment record of an individual whose
    mation, an appeal shall be limited to the review of the employment is not contingent on the fact that s/he is
    verbatim record of the Student Conduct Board hearing[...]n
    and supporting documents for one or more of the fol- to the individual's[...]f
    hearing was conducted fairly in light of the charges the record is mainta[...]ing the complainant a rea- cies of the same jurisdiction and the security unit[...]student after he or she is no longer an attendant of
    not be a basis for sustaining an appeal[...]ntial infor- Students will be notified of their further rights annually by
    establish that a violation of the Student Conduct Code
    occurred . Rights of Access to Educational Records[...]eir educa-
    appropriate to the violation of the Student Conduct tion records. The[...]out in the orig- records within 45 days of the day the college receives a
    inal hea[...]ere not known to the person appealing at the time of
    the original Student Conduct Boa[...]
    [...]ke arrangements for.access and notify the student of ed the withholding of such information. Students who do
    the time[...]uring the admissions process or notify the Office of
    to whom the request was subm itted , that o[...]Admissions and Records.
    advise the student of the correct official to whom the
    request sh[...]one num-
    2. The right to request the amendment of the student's ber, major field of study, participation in officially recog-
    e[...]nized activities and sports, weight and height of members
    curate or misleading. of athletic teams, degrees and awards received, dates of[...]where the student has been enrolled , photograph of stu-
    clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, dent, and el[...]D. Use of Educational Records for Advisement Purposes[...]puterized degree audit program. During
    dent of the decision and advise the student of his or her the advisement process, each s[...]demic record reviewed for coursework taken at any of
    Additional information regarding the hearin[...]will be provided to the student when notified of the right
    to a hearing.[...]determining the release of directory information. ·
    3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identi-
    fiable information conta[...]close educational records to parents of minors or to parents
    of a student who have established the student's stat[...]dependent according to the Internal Revenue Code of 1986,
    sent, is disclosure to school officia[...]du- section 152, without the written consent of the student.
    cational interests. A school o[...]a. It shall be the philosophy of Maricopa Community[...]the scholastic
    without consent to officials of another school in which a endeavor[...]of-class study and participation in activities.
    4. The right to file a complaint with the US Department of
    Education concerning alleged failures by the college to b. A workload of twenty (20) hours per week should be
    comply with the requirements of FERPA. established as the maximum number of hours a stu-[...]on campus. All student
    The name and address of the Office that administers employees shall be enrolled in a minimum of three (3)
    FERPA is:[...]semester credit hours. Any combination of day and
    Family Policy Compliance Office[...]t this requirement. Any stu-
    US Department of Education[...]
    [...]dents may be eligible 2) Selection of a student should not extend beyond
    for employment if they were enrolled for a minimum of one semester without the approval of the president
    three (3) semester credit hours at the end of the spring of student affairs.
    semester, or if they ha[...], program directed by the chief of security and
    or his/her designee. Summer[...]d as approved by the president of student affairs .
    the time from the official end of the spring semester to b. Recommended program for students other than
    the beginning of classes for the fall semester. those in Administration of Justice programs:[...]majors in the Administration of Justice program
    As student employees, there[...]should be given at least twenty (20) hours of training
    employee benefits; i.e., vacation,[...]red under Worker's 1)Wearing of the uniform, general appearance, and
    Compen[...]2)The use of the various security report forms and
    Stude[...]e request-
    Financial Aid office, the office of the fiscal agent or the ed informati[...]viewed periodi-
    cally by the vice president of student affairs. 3)Public[...]methods used on the campus;
    The hourly rate of pay for student employees shall coin-[...]ildings and grounds.
    cide with the policies of the District Salary Schedule.[...]6) Laws and regulations governing the actions of
    7. Student Employee Grievance Procedure
    Part-time student employees working for one of the campus security personnel concerning rendering of[...]lating to certain working conditions or violation of campus
    student employment reg[...]elp. If student guards do not come from the ranks of health and life, or disability insurance. Students will,
    Administration of Justice classes, they must undergo[...]5. Student Employment Records
    2. Workload of Student Security Guards[...]or a mini- be maintained at the office of the chief of security and
    mum of three (3) semester hours. reviewed periodically by the president of student affairs.

    b. Student security guard[...]rday and Sunday, between administration of the District is vested in the Chancellor who[...]plementation
    3. Students not in Administration of Justice Program capacity having the ultimate responsibility for all activities of
    a. Use of student other than those in Administration of the college. The president shall designate[...](i.e., directors of student leadership) at each college who will
    1)Selection of the student must be personally be ch[...]the college
    approved by the president of student affairs and student governing body(ies) in the development of college stu-
    chief of security. dent activities and programs.[...]
    [...]hts ,~~~~ ~!_sponsibilities
    A representative form of student governance may exist at each Tenure in any combination of officer positions shall be lim-
    college/center as[...]tive ited to four (4) semesters.
    means of communication among students, faculty, staff and[...]titution , tutions for removal for cause of individuals from elected or
    These constitutions s[...]for the elective/appointive officers. All student government
    constitutions shall be submitted to the Governing[...]ns
    services to ensure compliance with federal and state laws, and 1, Student body officers may[...]e Rio Salado Community terms of office as authorized in their respective student[...]) credit hours in leadership classes per
    designee of each college shall be responsible for submitting[...]or services rendered
    any changes to the president of the college for transmittal to and[...]ships for executive student officers is a maximum of
    Each student governance constitution shall define which of $200,00,
    its elected positions (maximum of 5) within its structure 4, Compensa[...]ion shall be considered as elect- designee of each college shall be responsible for submit-[...]ting any constitutional changes to the president of the col-
    may have. been appointed to fill an unexpired term of
    another individuaL[...]nce constitutions, Such advisors shall be
    ( 1) government shall be considered day students, for the
    purposes of this document. full-time or part-time employees of the Maricopa[...]Recommendations for appointment of an advisor may be
    All student governance const[...]president. Recommendations for dismissal of an advisor
    in and maintain a minimum of six (6) credit hours for day
    student governmen[...]sident.
    minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.50 and be in
    good standing (not on probation[...]covered in student policies, or interpretation of such mat-
    rigid requirements, if so desired by[...]offices of General Counsel and Chancellor, respectively.

    D. Tenure of Position[...]position shall be deter- In the event of a complete breakdown of the governance
    mined by the respective student[...]student be allowed to serve in any
    combination of officer/member positions beyond a total of
    ten (10) semesters.

    2008-2009 GCC Ge[...]
    [...].................................... 350
    Glossary of College Terminology ......................[...]
    [...]B.A. , M.A. , Arizona State University; Graduate study: Arizona
    DiStrict[...]State University.[...]service 1983-2012 B.A. , Arizona State University; Diploma, M.Litt. in Social
    Colleen Cl[...]2007 - 2012 Anthropology, University of Oxford, England ; Graduate
    Scott Crowley, A.A.S..[...]B.S. , M.S., Ph.D., University of Arizona[...].... .Chancellor Emeritus B.S. , Oregon State University; M.A. , Arizona State
    Darrel Huish ....... .................. .........[...]icer, University; Graduate study: Arizona State University.[...]A., William Rainey Harper College; B.S., Illinois State
    Albert A. Crusoe, M.A. ........ .................[...]Chancellor, University; M.A. , Western State College; Graduate study:[...]Human Resources University of Colorado, Arizona State University.
    Maria Harper-Marinick, Ph.D . .. ....[...]A.A., Glendale Community College; B.S., Arizona State[...].. ... President, Glendale B.S. , Oregon State University; M.A. , Arizona State
    Shouan Pan , Ph.D .... ..... ..... .. ..... ... .[...]ent, Mesa University. Graduate Study: Arizona State University.
    Mary Kathryn Kickels, Ed .D .. .... .[...]B.A., Arizona State University; MC, University of Phoenix.

    Glendale Com'rn'u nity Colle[...]., Western Michigan University; Ph.D., Michigan
    State University.[...]B.A. , University of Wisconsin-Platteville; M.A., University of
    B.A. , M.A., Arizona State University; Ed.D., Nova Wisconsin-Milwaukee; Ph .D., University of Arizona.
    Southeastern University. Glendale Commu[...]A.A., Southwestern College; B.A., University of San Diego;
    Waltrip, John R. (1966)[...]M.P.A. , Californ ia State University, Long Beach; M.L.S.,
    B.S., Millikin University; M.A. , Arizona State University; University of Arizona.
    Ph.D., University of Missouri.

    2008-2009 GCC General Catalog[...]
    [...]A.A., Miami-Dade Community College; B.M., Florida State Information Technology
    University; M.M., Ph .D., Michigan State University. B.S. , M.B.A. , Arizona State University; M.S., Golden Gate[...]ty,
    A.A. , Phoenix College ; B.A., M.A. , Arizona State University. Northern Arizona University; C.P[...](Association of Professionals in Business Management).
    Arnoldt, C[...]B.A. , New York University; M.L.S. , University of Arizona.
    B.A. , California State University, Fullerton ; M.A., Southern
    Illinois[...]Brown, Paul (2002) Administration of Justice Studies[...]Computer Science/Mathematics
    B.S., B.S., Oregon State University; M.S., University of Brown, Philip J. (2004) Business and
    Hawaii, Manoa; M.S. , Arizona State University.[...]B.S., Middle Tennessee State University; M.S.M. , Georgia
    Barstack, Renee (1996) English Institute of Technology.
    B.S., Indiana University ; M.A. , Ed .D., Arizona State
    University. MCCCD since 1981 .[...]B.S., Santa Clara University, CA; M.C., Arizona State
    Bass, Brandi L. (2006)[...]utheastern Louisiana University; M.S., University of
    New Orleans; Graduate Study: Southern Universit[...]hern Arizona University; M.S., Ph .D., University of
    Beene, Holly McKinzie (1975) C[...]zona.
    B.A. , LaVerne College ; M.S., University of Southern
    California ; M.A. , Ph.D., Fielding Ins[...]Information Technology
    B.S., University of Maryland; M.A. , University of Phoenix. Camp, Jane (1986)[...]B.A., University of California , Santa Barbara; M.A. , Stanford
    Bird,[...]ematics University; Graduate study: Arizona State University.
    B.S., University of California, Irvine; M.N.S., Arizona State
    University.[...]S., Northern Arizona University; M.B.A. , Arizona State
    B.A. , University of Wyoming ; MAT. , University of University; Graduate study : Ph .[...]B.A. , Arizona State University; M.A. , Arizona State
    Bowker, Robert (1987)[...]B.S., Jacksonville University; M .A ., Louisiana State
    University, Baton Rouge; Ph.D., Arizona State University. Carter, Lee (19.88)[...]., Stanford University; M.A. , Ph .D., University of Arizona.
    Brandt-Williams, Ann (1984)[...]Mathematics
    University; Ph .D., Arizona State University. B.A. , M.A. , Arizona State University; Graduate study : Ph.D.,[...]Arizona State University.
    Brenner, Douglas (2002)[...]tion
    B.A. , Westmar College ; M.A. , University of Iowa ; Ph .D. , Cheslik, Paula (2002) Technology Systems/Engineering
    University of Nebraska-Lincoln; M.Ed., Arizona State B.S., Texas Christian University; M.A., University of
    University. Memphis; M.S., University of Minnesota. Mesa Community[...]ty College since 2001 .
    B.S., M.S. , New Mexico State University[...]
    B.A. , Arizona State University; B.A. , Arizona State B.A. , M.A. , Arizona State University; Certificate in Online
    University; M.A., Arizona State University; Ph.D., Arizona Teaching , UCLA Extension.
    State University[...]Biology B.S .W., Colorado State University; A.D .N. , Arapahoe
    B.S., University of California, Davis; M.S., Ph.D., Yale Community College; B.S.N. , Metropolitan State College;
    University. M.S., Arizona State University.

    Cortney, Daniel D. ( 1994)[...]Psychology
    M.S., Math , M.S.E.E., New Mexico State University. A.A., Pima College; B.A., University of Redlands; M.A.,
    California State University at San Bernardino; Ph.D., Union
    Cost,[...]Graduate School; M.L.E., Graduate School of Education,
    Inf[...]Harvard University; Post-doctoral study: Arizona State
    B.S., M.S., Northern Arizona University; M.B.A., Arizona University, University of San Francisco, University of
    State University.[...]A. , Ottawa B.S.N., University of Arizona; M.N., University of Phoenix;
    University; M.Ed., Northetn Arizona University. Glendale CNE, National League of Nursing. Graduate study: University
    Community College since 1994. of Phoenix. Maricopa Skill Center 1990-1995, Glendal[...]Technology
    A.S., Cochise College; B.S., Colorado State University; Diebolt, Lisa (2000) Chemistry
    M.A. , University of Phoenix. B.S ., Arizona State University; Ph.D. , Arizona State[...]., Ellsworth Community College; B.A. , University of DiGianfilippo, Denise A. (1999)[...]B.S.N., Loyola University of Chicago; M.S., Northern Illinois[...].
    B.S., Lipscomb University; Ph.D. , University of Alabama at
    Birmingham.[...]epair Technology), Bay de Noc
    B.A. , University of Nevada, Reno; M.A.T.E.S.L. , University of Community College; A.A.S. (Automotiv[...]State University.
    Daugherty, James R. (1988) Nutrition
    B.S., M.S., Arizona State University. Dudley,[...]A.A. , Phoenix College; B.S. , M.A. , Arizona State University.
    Davis, Don (2005)[...]EMT B.S.N., M.S.N ., Troy State University; Ed .D., Nova
    A.A.S., Phoenix College[...]ity.
    Family Nurse Practitioner; M.N., University of Phoenix.
    Glendale Community College since 1994.[...]B.A. , M.S.L.S., University of Illinois.
    Dawkins, Beth E. (2006)[...]B.S. Grand Canyon College; M.Ed ., Ph.D., Arizona State Egherman, Monte (2003)[...]Physics
    B.S., B.S. , University of Wyoming ; M.S., Kansas State Eide, Christina A. (2005) P[...]B.M., Capital University Conservatory of Music; M.M.,
    Peabody Conservatory of the Johns Hopkins University;
    DeMarco, Lenna J. ([...]Performing Arts/Dance D.M.A. , Arizona State University.
    B.A., University of Louisville; M.A. , University of California,
    Los Angeles.[...]M.A. , University of Arizona; Graduate study: Arizona State
    DeSanti, Doug (1991) Chair, Applied[...]B.A., San Diego State University; M.A. , San Diego State[...]
    [...], Pima Community College; B.S., M.Ed., University of A.A. , Scottsdale Community College[...]Business and
    A.A. , Cochise College; B.S., Troy State University; M.S.,[...]A+ . B.S., Bowling Green State University; M.S., Colorado State[...]Video Production Technology
    SA , M.Ed., Arizona State University; Graduate study: Gill[...]Agribusiness and
    Arizona State University. GateWay Community College[...]B.S., University of Arizona ; M.S., University of Arizona.

    Fernandez, Philip J. (2005)[...]Library Media Center
    B.S., Arizona State University; M.S., Arizona State Univesity; A.A. , Staten Island Community College, C.U.N.Y. ; SA,
    Ph.D. , University of Arizona .[...]avid B. (1986) Men and Women's
    State University, Long Beach ; C.P.A. , Nebraska and[...]SA , Loyola University of Los Angeles ; M.Ed., Loyola[...]Mathematics
    B.S., University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire; M.Ed. , Arizona[...]English
    State University.[...]ersity; M.S., Northern Arizona
    M.S., University of Arizona; Ed.D., Nova Southeastern[...]Library Media Center SA , Arizona State University; M.A. , Arizona State
    A.A. , Phoenix College; SA , University of Arizona ; M.L.S., University.
    University of Arizona.[...]ter Science B.A. , Ed .D., Arizona State University; M.A. , University of
    B.S., M.S. , Ph.D., Arizona State University. New Mexico.[...]English
    M.F.A. , University of Wisconsin-Madison . Glendale B.A. , Butler University; M.A. , Arizona State University;
    Community College since 1992. M.Ed. , Arizona State University. Glendale Community[...]Art History/Art/Photography
    B.S. , Arizona State University; B.A., Arizona State B.A. , University of Northern Colorado; M.A. , University of
    University; M.S. , University of Arizona. Maryland ; Ph.D., University of Maryland .

    Gaekel, Gar B. (1990) Au[...]Art
    B.S.E.E.T. , Arizona State University; M.B.A. , University of B.A. , University of California, Los Angeles; M.A. , Northern
    Phoenix[...]Arizona University; Graduate study: Arizona State University.

    Garesche, Gay ( 1987)[...]Business and
    SA , University of Illinois; M.A. , University of Toronto;[...]Information Technology
    Graduate study: Arizona State University. B.S. , Arizona State University; MAM ., University of[...]llege District Office 1980-1983,
    B.S. , Humboldt State University; M.S. , San Diego State Glendale Community College 1983 to present.
    University; Ph.D., Arizona State University.[...]
    [...]001) Chair, Social Sciences
    M.S., Kansas State University, Emporia. B.S.Ed. , Central Missouri State University; M.A.Ed .,[...]Criminal Justice, SUNY; M.A. , University of Colorado,
    M.A. , Monterey Institute of International Studies. Glendale[...]College and Seminary; Graduate study: University of
    Hicks, Betsy Ann (1987) Computer Science/[...]sity, Nova University.
    B.S., M.A. , M.A. , Ball State University.[...]ling B.A. , B.S., Minnesota State University-Moorhead; M.A., North
    A.A.S ., Glend[...]; B.A., Ottawa Dakota State University; Ph.D., Arizona State University.
    University; M.Ed., Northern Arizona[...]Ottawa University; Undergraduate study: Arizona State Kadel, Steven D. (1998) Geology/Astronomy/
    University, Arizona State University West.[...]B.A. , University of Virginia; M.S., Arizona State University.
    Holtfrerich, Michael E. (1989) C[...]A.A. , El Camino College; B.A. , Cal-State University Long[...]Beach ; M.F.A., Ed.D., Arizona State University.
    Horowitz, Karina R. (2007)[...]Susan (2004) Psychology
    State University.[...]Community College 2001-2004.
    M.N. , University of Phoenix.[...]Music B.S., M.A., Arizona State University; Ph.D., University of
    B.M., University of Connecticut; M.M. , Arizona State New Mexico.
    University; Graduate study : Arizona State University.
    Glendale Community College since 199[...](2000) Performing Arts/Music
    Bachelor of Music in Education, Arizona State University; Kruse, Diane C. (2000) Nursing
    Masters of Music, Arizona State University. B.S.N., Arizona State University; M.S., Arizona State[...]University; DNSc, University of San Diego.
    Huotari, Robert (2001)[...]cs
    B.A., Lewis and Clark College ; B.A. , Oregon State Kruse, Jeffery J. (1990[...]Mathematics
    University; M.A. , San Francisco State University; Ph.D., B.S.E.E. , University of Nebraska; M.S.E., Arizona State
    Colorado State University.[...]Social Science
    B.S ., M.A., Ph.D ., Arizona State University. B.S.,[...]Arizona State University.
    Jenkin, James A. (1989)[...]) Chair, Fitness and Wellness
    Arizona State University. B.S., University of Arizona; M.Ed ., Northern Illinois University.

    J[...], Malone College; M.A. , Chicago Graduate School of B.A. , University of Illinois; M.A. , Ph.D., University ofToronto.
    T[...].A., Western Michigan University; Ph.D.,
    Kansas State University.[...]B.A., Arizona State University; M.B.A. , University of
    Jenkins, David A. (2000) Networking Tec[...]Glendale Community College; B.S.B.A. , University of
    Phoenix; CCNA, CCAI.[...]Texas Christian University; M.S., Ph.D., Arizona State
    Johnson, Frederica A. (1988)[...]University.
    B.A. , Windham College; M.A. , State University of New York,
    Stony Brook; M.Ed ., University of Arizona.

    2008-2009 GCC General Catalog[...]
    B.A. , M.S., Ph.D., University of Oklahoma . Mesa B.S., Northern Arizona University; M.S., University of
    Community College 2000-2002.[...]Mathematics
    B.S., Arizona State University; M.S., Arizona State University, B.S., Southern Connecticut State University; M.A. , State
    Graduate study: Rocky Mountain University of Health University of New York.
    Professionals. Glendale Community Col[...]Science/Humanities/Art B.A. , University of California, Berkeley; M.Ed., Arizona State
    B.F.A., University of Colorado; M.A., University of Northern University.
    Colorado.[...]Theatre/Communication B.A. , University of California, Santa Cruz; M.A., Arizona
    B.S., Eastern Illinois University; M.A., Arizona State State University; J.D., University of California-Hastings
    University; Graduate study: Arizona State University. College of Law.

    Luu, Ui (2000) Techno[...]Business and
    B.S.E.E. , Ohio State University; M.S.E.E., Rensselaer[...]B.A. , University of Texas-Austin; Graduate study: Arizona
    State University.
    Macleish, Kenneth J. (2001)[...]Center
    B.A. , Boston College; M.S., University of Arizona. Phoenix B.A. , Rutgers University; M.A., University of Arizona
    College 1998-2001 .[...]Psychology B.A. , University of California; M.S., Ph.D. , Arizona State
    B.A., University of Washington ; M.A. , Whitworth College; University.
    M.S. , University of Washington ; Ph.D. , University of
    Washington.[...]Catherine M. (2001) Library Media Center
    State University of New York, Geneseo, NY; Graduate B.A., State University of New York, Buffalo; M.L.S., State
    study: M.B.A. - MIS Concentration, Binghamton University, University of New York, Albany; Graduate study: Arizona
    Bingh[...].Ed., Northern Arizona University. State University.

    Martin, Robert, Ill (2005) F[...]Nutrition B.S., University of Arizona; Ph.D., University of Hawaii.
    B.S., St. Cloud State University; M.S., Arizona State
    University.[...]B.A. , Amherst College; M.A., University of Rochester; Ph.D.,
    Mateer, B. Philip (1989) English Florida State University.
    B.A., Kent State University; M.A. , Carnegie-Mellon University.[...]India; M.A., Mumbai University,
    B.A., University of Northern Iowa; M.Ed., Northern Arizona I[...]A.A. , Glendale Community College; B.A. , Arizona State Art History
    University; M.A., Arizona State University. B.A. , Arizona State University; M.A. , University of California[...]Nursing
    Diploma, Norfolk General Hospital School of Nursing; Mick, Angela K. (2004)[...]te Study: Nova Southwestern University of Health Sciences; D.C., National University of
    [...]Chair, Technology and
    B.S., University of Michigan-Flint; M.A., Arizona State Consumer Sciences
    University; Ph.D., Arizona State University. i 1.. Arizona State University; Ph.D., Arizona State[...]Social Science B.S., University of Nevada, Reno; M.Ed., Northern Arizona
    B.S., M.A. , Arizona State University. University. Graduate study: Arizona State University.

    Minyard, Linda J. (2003)[...], Northern Arizona University; B.S.N., University of B.S.N., Arizona State University; M.S.N. , University of
    Phoenix; M.N., University of Phoenix. Maricopa Skill Center Phoenix. Graduate study: University of Arizona .
    1990-1995, Arizona State University 1995-1998, Mesa
    Community College/Bo[...]A., Claremont McKenna College; M.A. , Univerr ;ty of
    Arizona. Glendale Community College 1999-2000, 2[...]B.A., University of Utah ; M.A. , University of Illinois
    Moore, Nadine (1983)[...]s (Urbana/Champaign).
    B.S. , Idaho State University; M.A. , Ph.D., Syracuse
    University.[...]. , Northern Illinois University; M.Ed. , Arizona State
    Mooroian-Pennington, Christina (2005) Nursing University.
    B.S.N., Arizona State University; M.S.N., University of
    Phoenix; Graduate study: Northcentral University[...]Mathematics
    B.A. , Truman State University; M.A. , Arizona State University. B.A. , M.A. , Brigham Young Unive[...]nformation Technology M.S. , University of Toledo; M.Ed. , University of Toledo;
    B.S.B.A., University of Denver; M.Ed ., Arizona State B.Ed., University of Toledo.
    University; Graduate study: California State University at
    Long Beach, Pepperdine University, University of California Parker, Michelle (2005)[...]B.S. , M.S., Arizona State University; R.D., Emory University.
    Nelson, David[...], Craig (1998) Performing Arts
    State College; M.F.A. ,Arizona State University M.A., Arizona State University; D.M.A., Arizona State[...]B.S., Texas Christian University; M.S. , Arizona State Peterson, Nelia (2007)[...]B.S., University of Santo Tomas; M.S.N. , University of[...]Geography
    B.S., B.A. , University of Minnesota; M.A. , University of Peterson, Randall (2004) Nursing
    Minnesota; Graduate study: Arizona State University. Mesa A.A.S., Phoenix Colleg[...]e Community M.S.N., University of Phoenix.
    College 2000, Glendale Community Colleg[...]alden
    B.A. , Limestone College; M.A., University of New Mexico; University. Glendale Community College since 1998.
    D.M.A., Arizona State University.[...]Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara.

    2008-2009 GCC[...]
    [...]Northern Arizona University; B.S., M.S., Arizona State B.A. . University of Arizona; M.A. , Arizona State University;
    University. M.C., Arizona State University. Glendale Community[...]Erie Community College; B.A. , M.A. , Ph.D., The State Schiedat, Marilyn L. (1976) English
    University of New York at Buffalo. B.A. , M.A. , Arizona State University; Graduate study:
    Arizona State University.
    Radisich, Aleksander (2005)[...]B.M.E., Indiana University; M.M.P., Arizona State University.
    B.S., Southern Illinois University; M.S. , Montana State
    University; Ph.D., Arizona State University. Schuett, Laura ([...]., Central Michigan University; M.A. , University of
    Ray, Clarence (2006) Applie[...]BSN, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire; MSN, University
    Reavis, Robert H. (1998) Biology of Phoenix.
    B.S., University of Washington ; Ph .D., University of
    California, Berkeley.[...]Chair, Communication/ M.L.S., University of Arizona; M.I.M., American Graduate[...]Foreign Languages School of International Management.
    B.A., Point Loma Univ[...]M.F.A. , University of Southern California; HDRA. University
    Regan, Brendan M. (2005) Art/Photography of Southern California; Post-Baccalaureate in Teacher
    B.S., Ithaca College; M.F.A., Washington State University. Education, Ottawa University[...]unity College since 1998.
    B.A. , M.A. , Arizona State University.[...]., Northern Arizona University; Ph.D., University of
    B.S. , Arizona State University; M.S., Purdue University. Cal[...]tics
    B.S.N., St. Louis University; M.S., Arizona State University; B.S., M.S., Indiana State University; Ph .D., Arizona State
    Gerontology Certification: Arizona State University. University.
    GateWay C[...]Chair, Library Media Center Director of Forensics
    B.A. , Southern Methodist University; M.A.L.S. , University of M.A. , Emerson College: Glendale Community C[...]Business and
    B.S., Hunter College of the City University of New York; M.S, Information Technology
    Ed ., Queens College of the City University of New York; B.A., University of Washington; M.B.A. , Thunderbird , The
    Ph.D., Arizona State University. American Graduate School; Graduate study: Arizona State[...]Counseling
    B.A. , Arizona State University; M.Ed., Northern Arizona Shor[...]A.A., Phoenix College; B.S., Arizona State University; M.S.,
    Saint-Amour, Jeanne (1995) Phil[...]ate University; J.D., University ofTulsa, College of Law.
    B.A. , M.A., Ph.D ., University of Missouri-Colombia; M.B.A. ,
    Western Internationa[...]work: Fontbonne College; B.A. , Albany State College, Georgia; M.A. , Bowling Green
    Paul VI Institute; Arizona State University. State University, Ohio; Graduate study: University of Georgia.

    Sanders, James E. (1998)[...]Biology
    B.A. , M.A. , Ph.D., University of South Florida; Graduate B.S., City College of New York; M.S., Ph.D ., Rutgers
    study: University of South Florida.[...]
    [...]ess and
    A.A. , Phoenix College; B.A., University of California; M.A., Information Technology
    Arizona State University. Faculty at Phoenix College 1963-1965. B.S., Northwest Missouri University; M.S., Iowa State[...]Performing Arts/Music
    B.A. , California State University-Chico; M.M., Arizona State Van Marche, Deborah (1997) Psychology
    University; D.M.A. , Arizona State University. B.S., M.S. , University of Wisconsin; Ph.D., Arizona State[...]Fitness and Wellness B.S., Arizona State University; M.B.A. , University of Southern
    B.A. , M.A. , University of Iowa. California; Ph.D. , Arizona State University; C.P.A. ; C.C.P.

    South, Sarah R. (200[...]) Business and
    M.S., Idaho State University; Graduate study: University of Info[...]B.S., M.B.A., M.S., Arizona State University; C.P.A. , Arizona .

    Springer, Joseph[...]English
    B.S., Trenton State College; Ph.D., Arizona State University.[...]B.A. , SUNY Purchase, Purchase, NY; M.S., Arizona State
    B.S.N., Arizona State University; M.S.N., University of Phoenix. University; M.N.S., Arizona State University; Graduate
    Study: Arizona State University.
    Steward, Jason (2007)[...]ersity. Canyon University; M.A., Arizona State University. Glendale
    Glendale Community College[...]Mathematics
    B.A., Florida State University; M.A. , Ph .D., Indiana B.S., M.S., University of Houston; Ph.D., University of North
    University; Post-graduate study: Arizona State University, Texas.
    University of Costa Rica .[...]Information Technology B.A. , University of Delaware; M.A. , Arizona State University;
    A.A., Scottsdale Community College; B.S., Arizona State Ph.D., Walden University.
    University; M.B.A. , Arizona State University; C.P.A., Arizona.[...]Business and B.S., Utah State University; M.S., Utah State University;
    Information Technology Ph .D., Utah State University.
    B.S., Western Illinois University; M.S. , National College of
    Education.[...]B.S., Tufts University; M.S., University of Maryland.
    Templeton, Olivia A. (1990)[...]ss
    B.S., Grand Canyon University; M.S., Arizona State University. Wheeler, Betsey J. (2003)[...]B.A. , Arizona State University; TESOL Certificate, University
    Terasak[...]986) Art/Photography of California at Los Angeles; M.Ed., Northern Arizona
    B.F.A., University of Colorado ; M.F.A. , Arizona State University; M.A., Northern Arizona Un[...]B.S., Rutgers University; M.S., Ph.D., University of New
    B.S., M.C. , Arizona State University; Graduate study: Mexico.
    Arizona State University, University