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    Glendale Community College General Catalog and Student Handbook, 2014-2015


    [...].................. May 22
    Observance of Memorial Day.....................................[...]..................June 16
    Observance of Independence Day.................................[...]................August 23
    Observance of Labor Day........................................[...]........................+
    Observance of Veterans’ Day..................................[...].........................++
    Last Day of Regular Classes..................................[...]...............January 17
    Observance of Martin Luther King Birthday......................[...]...............January 19
    Observance of Presidents’ Day................................[...].........................++
    Last Day of Regular Classes..................................[...].................. May 21
    Observance of Memorial Day.....................................[...]..................June 15
    Observance of Independence Day..........................[...]
    [...]Welcome to Glendale Community College!

    On behalf of our extraordinary faculty and dedi-
    cated staff,[...]his 2014-2015
    academic year.

    You have chosen one of the best colleges in the
    Maricopa County Communit[...]rning expe-
    rience with activities in and outside of the class-
    room, such as joining a student club o[...]or cheering on the Glendale Gauchos at
    any number of sporting events.

    We have two other campuses to e[...]he Communiversity
    @ Surprise brings needed credit programs to the
    West Valley.

    This catalog and student han[...]l GCC experience. We invite you to take advantage of our free counseling, career advising
    and tutoring. Student success is at the center of our mission – to support you in attainin[...]
    [...].................................26 Office of Student Life.....................................[...]......................40 Use of Campus Grounds by Non-MCCCD-
    President’s Honor List...............................................42[...]................44 Taping of Faculty Lectures.................................[...]onships......................................323
    Programs and Courses[...].............169 Glossary of College Terminology.......................[...]
    [...]College (GCC) keeps pace with the constant
    growth of the West Valley, offering increased breadth and depth
    of educational opportunity. Last year, more than 30,[...]lled in courses or pursued degree and certificate programs at
    one of two GCC campuses, making the College’s enrollme[...]62 with one college, the MCCCD currently consists
    of ten separately accredited colleges. MCCCD is one of the larg-
    est community college districts in the[...]arged with serving the higher educa-
    tional needs of the West Valley. In August 1967, the North Central
    Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools first accredit-
    ed[...]llment was 1,884. GCC
    16, 1966, was the first day of classes on this beautiful, palm tree- North offers a variety of courses, programs and student services.
    lined campus.[...]The 75-acre site has a Facilities Master Plan that incorporates[...]four new buildings and renovation of the original site. All new ser-
    A dynamic, future-oriented Facilities Master Plan guides the on- vices opened Fall 2008. These improvements are possible due to
    going development of GCC Main campus to accommodate the[...]al development bond.
    changing needs and interests of thousands more students and
    community members. Th[...]fety Sciences building that
    houses Administration of Justice, Emergency Medical Technolo- Exp[...]cement, have been completed as venience of students, GCC now also offers classes at the “Com-
    a result of the voter-approved 2004 capital development bond.[...]leges and the City of Surprise. This new facility near Surprise’s[...]new City Hall offers programs from at least three of the Maricopa[...]
    [...]ve, quality
    learning experiences for all members of the community.

    GCC Mission
    Glendale Community[...]hing our mission, we measure and track key pieces of
    information; this is formally known as Instituti[...]to make decisions every day in life, for the rest of your life!

    And finally, we really care about serving you, our students, along every step of your journey at GCC. In the
    classroom and[...]
    [...]4.1) of these skills by classes in English as a Second La[...]Disabilities
    It is the policy of the Maricopa Community Colleges (consisting of In conformance with the provisions of Section 503 of the Rehabili-
    Chandler-Gilbert Community College, the District Office, Estrel- tation Act of 1973, as amended, and the implementing regulation[...]Commu- applicant or employee because of physical or mental disability in
    nity College, P[...]tic-
    any applicant, employee, or student because of race, color, reli- es, such as the follow[...]netic information. Additionally, it is the policy of recruitment, social/recreational programs, and training. Maricopa
    the Maricopa Community C[...]izenship status (including document abuse), age,
    of an individual’s race, color, religion, sex, sex[...]This nondiscrimination policy covers all aspects of the employ-
    ment relationship and admission to, access to, and treatment of Affirmative Action Policy Statement for[...]-
    students in the Maricopa Community Colleges’ programs and ac- ans, Special Disabled Veteran[...]ans Readjustment As-
    discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in the admission sistance Act of 1974, the Veterans Employment Opportunities Act
    and treatment of students in the Maricopa Community Colleges’ of 1998, and the implementing regulations, 41 CFR 60-250(k),
    programs and activities and in the hiring, treatment, prom[...]t will not discrimi-
    evaluation, and termination of employees. nate,[...]ment, and otherwise treat known
    It is the policy of the Maricopa Community Colleges to promote[...]discipline
    plicant, employee, or student because of race, color, religion, sex, (including proba[...]ity, or veteran status. social/recreational programs, and training. Maricopa will contin-
    Additionally, it is the policy of the Maricopa Community Colleges ue to adm[...]), age, disability, vet-
    intimidation on account of an individual’s race, color, religion, gen-[...]ost all suitable job openings at the local office of the State
    status (including document abuse), age, disabili[...], employees are protected from
    In addition, lack of English language skills is not a barrier to ad-[...]mission into career and technical education (cte) programs or skill complaint or assisting in a[...]
    Notice of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)/Section 504 DECLARACIÓN DE IGUALDAD DE
    of the Rehabilitation Act/Title IX Coordinator: Dean of Student OPORTUNIDAD
    Life, ADA/504/Title IX[...]ciu-
    information as to the existence and location of services, activities dadania (incluyendo[...]
    [...]s de recursos humanos del Título IX: Dean of Student Life, ADA/504/Coordinador del
    y d[...]
    [...]needs of our communities and are accessible, affordable,
    V[...]and of the highest quality. We encourage dialogue and th[...]freedom to have an open exchange of ideas for the common
    A Community of Colleges — Colleges for the Community —[...]responsibly to meet the life-long learning
    needs of our diverse students and communities.[...]the efficient and effective use of resources as we prepare our
    University Transf[...]live and work. We
    value our global community of which we are an integral part.

    • Excellence[...]ap-
    proach so that we remain at the forefront of global educa-
    tional excellence.[...]
    [...]ch college’s website.

    Policies, courses, programs, fees and requirements may be
    suspended, de[...]ted, supplemented or changed
    through action of the Governing Board of the Maricopa Com-
    munity Colleges.

    T[...]Administrative Regulations with the 1996 adoption of the Gov-
    ernance Model. Changes are made an[...]ence, as they are fea-
    tured in other areas of the manual and are noted accordingly.

    The[...]that are featured in the Common Pages are a part of
    approve Governing Board Policy and are located in the policy
    section of the manual. As such, the following statement re-[...]ent.

    2. Outcomes Assessment
    The mission of the Maricopa Community Colleges is to create[...]ronments for the lifelong educational needs
    of the diverse communities we serve. In order to eva[...]ission, student outcomes will be assessed as part of
    the continuous improvement process.

    Students may be asked to participate in a variety of assess-
    ment activities at each college. Assessment results will be
    used to improve educational programs, services and student
    [...]on an individual basis with the approval of college officials if[...]the student meets the established requirements of the cours-
    Persons me[...]pa Community College of their choice. Falsification of any admis- termine that the student’s admission is in the best interest of
    sion materials or off[...]dent.
    or cancellation of admission. Exceptions to the admissions pol-[...]ittee. Admission is determined in accordance with state law The Western Undergraduate Exchang[...](A.R.S. §§15-1805.01, 15-1821) and regulations of the Maricopa student exchange progra[...]ministered by the Arizona Board of Regents. Through WUE,[...]Wash-
    1. Admission of Regular Students ington, and Wyoming) and the Commonwealth of the North-
    Admis[...]to any person who meets at least one of the following criteria: requirements, pay 150 percent of the regular resident tuition
    A. Is a graduate of a high school, which is accredited by a[...]States Office of Education or approved by a State De- Students may not apply as out-of-state students and expect to
    partment of Education or other appropriate state educa- receive the WUE tuition rate aft[...]WUE students, students may not petition for in-state residen-
    B. Has a high school certificate of equivalency. cy. Further in[...]C. Is at least 18 years of age and demonstrates evidence of and Records Office/Office of Student Enrollment Services.[...]d standing from another col- 5. Admission of F-1 Nonimmigrant Students[...]cords Office/Office of Student Enrollment Services or desig-
    2. Admission of Students Under 18 Years of Age nated office for t[...]dent who is under age 18 and who of Admissions and Records or the international education of-
    completes any one of the following requirements: fi[...]i. A composite score of 93 or more on the Preliminary has b[...]cating either acceptance or denial of admission.
    ii. A composite score of 930 or more on the Scholastic[...]iii. A composite score of twenty-two or more on the materia[...]iv. A passing score on the relevant portions of the Ari-[...]v. The completion of a college placement test desig- migrant status must provide proof of secondary school com-[...]vi. Is a graduate of a private or public high school or of their secondary school (high school or equivalent[...]has a high school certificate of equivalency. to ensure success i[...]B. A community college may limit the number of semester plicants for admission to[...]e exempt from this sub-section. Office of Student Enrollment Services or designated office.[...]. A student shall not be denied admission because of age, In addition, it is the applicant[...]ll tran-
    lack of a high school diploma or high school certificate[...]foreign cre-
    of equivalency, grade in school, lack of permission of dential evaluation service if necess[...]school officials or lack of concurrent enrollment in a pub-[...]
    A. Admission to Academic Programs D. Dependent[...]in an academic program at Evidence of financial support for dependents of F-1 and
    the college must present evidence of English language M-1 students (sp[...]t children) is also
    proficiency. If the Test of English as a Foreign Language require[...]ional dependent.
    plicant must attain a score of at least 500 (on the pa- E. Health Ins[...]e International Language Testing one of the Maricopa Community Colleges are required[...]olleges’ interna-
    IELTS overall Band Score of 5.5 or better is required, tional[...]ce
    and a minimum IELTS individual Band Score of 5.0 on coverage for dependents of F-1 and M-1 students is
    each module is recommended. The dean or director of highly recommended. The Maricopa Community Col-
    admissions and records of the college may accept other leges[...]with an insurance provider annually to
    proof of English language proficiency for admission pur-[...]and Records Office/Office of Student Enrollment Ser-
    B. Admission to an Inte[...]2015 tuition and fee schedule.
    vide evidence of at least an intermediate command of (2) Based on estimated living expenses for 2 semesters (10
    English by way of one or more of the following criteria: months).
    i. At least six years of English language instruction as (3) Based o[...]rental rates. Assumes books are sold at the end of the
    ii. A minimum TOEFL score of 400 (on the paper-based semester.[...]remiums for the man-
    iii. An original letter of recommendation from a teach- datory[...]dent Health Plan.
    the director of an English language institute attest- (5) Applicants must provide evidence of this minimum
    ing to the applicant’s proficiency at the intermediate amount of financial support before an I-20 is issued.[...]or
    evidence accepted by the coordinator of an inten-
    sive English program or the c[...]ide those
    officially designated as part of the program unless
    and until they have met all of the prerequisites or
    other course requirements.
    v. Foreign students under certain types of visas may
    need special permission to en[...]ge official.
    C. Financial Support
    Evidence of financial support will be required prior to
    issuance of the I-20 form. The colleges have no schol-[...]
    [...]of review for the current enrollment period. The de-[...]cision of the review committee shall be final.[...]sions and Records Office/Office of Student Enrollment Services i. “Armed Forces of the United States” means the

    at the college of attendance. There is no charge for this service.[...]Coast Guard, the commissioned corps of the United
    A. Fr[...]al Guard, or any military reserve unit of any branch[...]ourses and above. of the Armed Forces of the United States.[...]of Maricopa Community Colleges as a full-time or[...]the beginning of the period for which continuous at-
    Disclosure of the social security number is voluntary (ARS[...](50) days before the first day of classes of the se-
    All students are classified for tuition purposes under one of mester. In-state residency must be established pri-[...]idelines.
    B. Out-of-County resident[...]nd perma-
    C. Out-of-State resident (including F-1 non-immigrant stu- nent home and place of habitation. It is the place[...]elsewhere.
    with state law (ARS §§15-1801et seq.) and regulations of v. “Emancipated person” m[...]Maricopa Community Colleges Governing Board. All of ther under a legal duty of service to his parent nor[...]entitled to the support of such parent under the laws[...]s who have questions about of this state.
    their residency[...]at
    Office/Office of Student Enrollment Services for clarification.[...]ii. Enforcement of domicile requirements shall be the surviving parent or the whereabouts of the parents
    responsibility of the Chancellor of the Maricopa are unknown, then a guardian of an unemancipated[...]the Director of Admissions and Records or other[...]make the initial domicile pose of conferring the status of an in-state student[...]student and any other in- i. In-State Student Status[...]ents or sworn testimo- state is eligible for classification as an in-state
    ny of the student.[...]iii. A request for review of the initial classification may state tuition status and other public benefits[...]States by presenting one of the documents list-
    companied by a sworn statement of all facts rele- ed in[...]admissions officer of the college within ten days of 2. A person is not entitled t[...]receipt of notification of classification as a non-res- in-state student until the person is domiciled[...]quest for review in this state for one year preceding the official[...]tes a waiver starting day of the semester, except that a per[...]
    son whose domicile is in this state is entitled to 6. A person who is a member of the armed forces[...]ssions/Registration/
    classification as an in-state student if the per- of the United States or the spouse or a depen-
    son meets one of the following requirements: dent of a member of the armed forces of the
    a. The person’s parent’s domicile is[...]Enrollment
    state and the parent is allowed to claim the in-state student if the member of the armed
    person as an exemption for state and fed- forces has claimed this state as the person’s
    eral tax purposes. state of home record for at least twelve consec-
    b. The person is an employee of an employer utive months before the member of the armed
    which transferred the person to this state forces, spouse or dependent enro[...]is sity under the jurisdiction of the Arizona Board
    the spouse of such an employee. of Regents or a community college under juris-
    c. The person is an employee of a school Dis- diction of a community college district govern-
    trict in this state and is under contract to ing board. For purposes of this subsection, the
    teach on a full-ti[...]time non-certified classroom aide, state for one year before enrollment to qualify[...]n that school District. For for in-state student classification does not apply.
    purposes of this paragraph, the person is 7. Beginning in the fall semester of 2011, a person
    eligible for classification as an in-state stu- who is honorably discharged from[...]rses necessary to com- forces of the United States on either active duty[...]r national guard status, or who has
    the state board of education to teach in a retired[...]rve or national
    school District in this state. No member of guard status, shall be granted im[...]e for classifi- sification as an in-state student on honorable
    cation as an in-state student if the person discharge f[...]is eligible for classification as an in-state continuous attendance toward the de[...]which currently enrolled, does not lose in-state
    the family member is otherwise eligible[...]son has met the
    classification as an in-state student pursu- following requireme[...]a. Registered to vote in this state.
    d. The person’s spouse has established do- b. Demonstrated objective evidence of intent
    micile in this state for at least one year to be a resident of Arizona which, for the
    and has demonstrated intent and financial purposes of this section, include at least
    independ[...]entitled to claim the one of the following:
    student as an exemption for state and fed- 1. An Arizona driv[...]hicle registration.
    was temporarily out of state for educational 3. Employment[...]domicile in this 4. Transfer of major banking services to
    state. If the person is a non-citizen, the per-[...]e visa status pursu- 5. Change of permanent address on all
    ant to federal law to classify as an in-state pertinent records.[...]6. Other materials of whatever kind or
    3. The domicile of an unemancipated person is[...]source relevant to domicile or residen-
    that of such person’s parent.[...]7. A person who is a member of an Indian
    state when such person’s parent, who had been[...]nized by the United States
    domiciled in this state, removes from this state Department of the Interior whose res-
    is entitled to classification as an in-state student ervation land lies in the state and ex-
    until attainment of the degree for which current- tends into another state and who is a
    ly enrolled, as long as such person maintains resident of the reservation is entitled to
    continuous at[...]classification as an in-state student.
    5. A person who is a member of the Armed Forces ii. Alien In-State Student Status
    of the United States and who is stationed in this[...]lien is entitled to classification as an in-
    state pursuant to military orders or who is the state refugee student if such person has been
    spouse or a dependent child of a person who granted refugee status in accordance with all
    is a member of the armed forces of the United applicable laws of the United States and has
    States and who is stationed in this state pursu- met all other requirements[...]ce with the Illegal Immigration Re-
    as an in-state student. The student does not form and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996
    lose in-state student classification while in con-[...]who was not a citizen or legal resident of the
    he or she is currently enrolled.[...]
    [...]as an in-state student pursuant to ARS §15- de[...]t to ARS §15-1802.01. A stu- one of the following documents:
    Enrollment[...]dent will be assessed out-of-state tuition until • An Arizona Driver[...]such time that documentation of lawful pres- an Arizona non-o[...]ence is received in the Office of Admissions and • A birth certific[...]and (eligibility for) sued in any state, territory, or possession of the[...]provided prior to the end of the term in which • A United States certificate of birth abroad.[...]Documentation received after the end of term • A Foreign Passport wit[...]this state. After meeting other domicile require- • A United States Certificate of Naturalization.[...]• A United States Certification of Citizenship.[...]ssified as • A Tribal Certificate of Indian Blood.
    in-state students: • A Tribal or Bureau of Indian Affairs Affidavit of Birth.
    A= Foreign Government Official or Adopted
    Child of a Permanent Resident Triba[...]Disabilities or incapacity of the mind or body,” may
    G = Principal Resident Representative of submit certain types of documents under Section[...]ed Foreign Member Govern- 1903 of the Federal Social Security Act (42 UNIT-[...]K = Spouse or Child of Spouse of a US Citizen, 6036 of the Federal Deficit Reduction Act of 2005)**
    Fiancé or Child of Fiancé of US Citizen[...]V = Spouses and Dependent Children of Law-[...]485 applicants may be tering authority of the community college or univer-[...]Notice of Action letter (I-797) confirming appli-[...]ocumentation domicile in this state while attending any ed-
    in addition to the Notice of Action for residen- ucational institution in this state as a full-time[...]it establishing domicile in this state for at least Arizona Board of Regents, in the absence of a
    o[...]starting date of the semester. Exception: In the 2. On[...]to claim the student as an exemption for state lish a new domicile.[...]3. A person who has been domiciled in this state
    stu[...]immediately before becoming a member of the[...]to the same as Armed Forces of the United States shall not[...]ent holds a visa that is not lose in-state status by reason of such person’s[...]ould not be presence in any other state or country while[...]idency. In such circum- a member of the Armed Forces of the United[...]notwithstanding his or her own filing of an I-485. v. Proof of Residency
    iii[...]benefits) must first show at least one of the follow-

    1. In-State Residency OTHER[...]Enrollment
    b. Any of the following may be used in deter- v[...]with two years’ service in the Armed Forces of the United
    3. Arizona Motor[...]gulations and stan-
    6. Place of graduation from high school dards. ([...]l - Appendix S-7.)
    7. Source of financial support
    8. Depende[...]who are apply-
    9. Ownership of real property ing for[...]fit.
    10. Notarized statement of landlord and/or Under federal law,[...]have a GED cer-
    11. Transfer of major banking services to tificate[...]treated as a home
    12. Change of permanent address on all school or private school under state law, be admitted as
    pe[...]Title IV of the Higher Education Act.
    a. An a[...]being admitted to the college with the status of Regular,
    in a county for fif[...]Requirements, or Special.
    b. Any of the following may be used to deter- i. “Regular” status, for the purpose of 2.2.3 B, is grant-
    mine a st[...]is a
    1. Notarized statements of landlord and/ high school g[...]ducation in a home
    2. Source of financial support[...]as a home school or
    3. Place of graduation from high school private school under state law. A student without a
    4. Ownership of real property hi[...]the age of compulsory high school attendance may[...]current Enrollment in Arizona Public Institutions of suing a degree/certificate[...]it is unlaw- the purpose of 2.2.3 B, is granted to a student admit-
    in two or more public institutions of higher education in does not have a GED certificate, and is beyond the
    this state including any university, college or community age of compulsory high school attendance, or has
    college for a combined student credit hour enrollment of not completed a secondary s[...]more than six (6) credit hours without payment of non-res- home school setting that is treated as a home school
    ident tuition at one of such institutions. Any non-resident or private school under state law, but has been as-
    student desiring to en[...]llege instruction requiring
    lic institutions of higher education in this state including developmental/remedia[...]a degree/certificate in an eligible program.
    of more than six (6) credit hours who is not subject[...]iii. “Special” status, for the purpose of 2.2.3 B, is grant-
    non-resident tuition at any of such institutions shall pay e[...]the non-resident tuition at the institution of his choice in rent enrollment or pursuing one or more courses of
    an amount equivalent to non-resident tuition[...]e requirements
    tution for the combined total of credit hours for which the[...]
    [...]this evaluation. The number of credits listed in the ACE guide
    Admissions/Regist[...]re official transcripts for admission to specific programs,
    for verification of course requisites, and for determination of A college is not required to grant a student the number of
    Enrollment[...]and Records Office/Office of Student Enrollment Services. It A. Educa[...]Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Ser-[...]ents may be required to present a copy of the high school equiv- the Maricop[...]alency certificate or official report of qualifying GED scores. ii. credit meets[...]the ACE Guide and the Community College of the
    equivalence[...]Air Force Catalog. Official documentation of military
    al asse[...]ACE evaluates training programs offered by business,[...]industry, and government and publishes its credit recom-[...]for Training Programs. If a student has received training[...]l-
    place in a variety of situations and circumstances. Many students[...]not life experience, is the basis for the award of college credit. ii. credit meets a pr[...]required by a specific program of study, within the Maricopa Com- Stud[...]munity Colleges using one or more of the following assessment tion in[...]the Admissions and Records Office/Office of Student En-
    Learning[...]and other requirements of the college, including payment
    • Articulated Programs of required fee. See fee schedule for appropriate fe[...]i. the evaluation of a course a second time;[...]as hours in res- ii. the evaluation of a course while currently enrolled in[...]at some MCCCD colleges for their unique programs of study. No iii. to establish cred[...]iv. to establish credit for a lower level of a course in
    able with[...]et with a program advisor or programs of study.
    contact the co[...]missions and Records Office/Office of Student Enrollment Services.[...]n credit is granted as outlined above, a notation of
    1. Credit by Evalua[...]“credit by evaluation,” and the number of credits will ap-[...]Commu-
    training programs and recommends credit awards based on[...]
    [...]has published credit recommendations for a number of Exam Score Credit[...]to the Admissions and Records
    Office/Office of Student Enrollment Services from the specific[...]requirements of the Maricopa Community Colleges.

    A. Advan[...]ity Colleges will grant credit based on
    of the College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) in[...]taken an Advanced
    Placement Examination of the CEEB may receive course Course S[...]Credit
    credit with a score of 3, 4 or 5. Scores must be received 101[...]t (and At the discretion of the individual college, an oral exam at[...]r
    individuals who have received a score of 500 or more for the American Colleg[...]roficiency Examination
    the 1986 version of the College Level Examination Program[...]form in the Admissions and Records Office/Office of Stu-
    recommendation will be 50 (on the[...]completing the examination and other requirements of
    i. Credit received through CLEP is tran[...]iv. to establish credit for a lower level of a course in[...]
    American Government ACE S[...]Macroeconomics, Principles of (Replaces Introductory ACE Score[...]Management, Principles of 50 or higher[...]Marketing, Principles of 50 or highe[...]Microeconomics, Principles of (Replaces Introductory ACE Score[...]
    [...]HI102 10
    Comparative Government and Politics (Previously 5 or 4 POS1[...]3
    Political Science – Comparative Government and
    Computer Science A[...]T206 3
    U.S. Government and Politics (Previously Political 5 or 4[...]3
    Science – American Government)
    U.S. History (Previously History – Ame[...]
    colleges for their unique programs of study. • to challenge a course[...]• to establish credit for a lower level of a course in which
    • Only grades of A, B, C, D, or P earned as a credit has been received.
    result of this examination will be recorded on[...]refundable Certain health care pathways/programs have additional re-
    after the[...]edit may be granted
    regardless of results. thr[...]monstration assessment.
    tation of “credit by examination,” a grade and
    the number of credits will appear on the stu- Grades of A, B, C, D or P, earned as a result of examination or
    dent’s transc[...]stration has been administered, regardless of results. A grade
    Students who present an International Baccalaureate of P/Z is not used in computing the grade point aver[...]n credit is granted as outlined above, a notation of “Cred-
    courses only. Credit is awarde[...]able. Demonstration,” and the number of credits will appear on the[...]health A student enrolling at one of the Maricopa Community Col-
    care may request[...]to be equivalent to the competencies of the receiving institutions. The Admissions and Re[...]strated in corresponding courses, the recognition of ex- Enrollment Services Offices at th[...]cies: New England Association of Schools and Colleges,
    Examination in the HCIES determined through the use of Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, North
    Allied Health or[...]ssment Central Association of Colleges and Schools, Northwest
    Tests (CATs)[...]Assessment under Association of Schools and Colleges, Southern Associ-
    the direction of the Allied Health or Nursing Program Inte- ation of Colleges and Schools, and/or Western Associa-[...]ork (ICAN). Students tion of Schools and Colleges. The Maricopa Community[...]• The coursework was earned with a grade of C or better.
    of Student Enrollment Services paying the required f[...]for the
    demonstration and other requirements of the college. See Arizona Gen[...]Conditions of Transfer Credit:[...]• Acceptance and applicability of courses from another[...]
    [...]• The award of transfer credit shall not express or imply that[...]ed for the purpose of fulfilling course prerequisites. The[...]contact the admissions and records office/office of
    units) are converted to semester hours of credit. The se- student enroll[...]mester conversion of quarter credits is at a rate of .67 related to these agreemen[...]i-
    • The age of credit may be considered in applying credit[...]ties: Maricopa is a participant in the Arizona state-
    toward degrees and certificate programs. wide transfe[...]ted the official source of information for the statewide[...]courses were taken is accredited by the ministry of State University, Northern Arizona University, and[...]dent’s responsibility University of Arizona). Included on is[...]which shows
    of the international credential evaluation to be tra[...]t your institutions to Arizona State University, Northern Ar-[...]izona University, and the University of Arizona. The
    Office to obtain a list of approved agencies. transferability of a course does not indicate directly[...]formal agreements to facilitate the transfer of credit to regionally accredite[...]tions that have been approved by the Ministry of Ed-
    through the development of course and program articu-[...]credit toward a bachelor’s degree. To access a list
    accreditatio[...]status with a regional accredi- of institutions with which Maricopa has established[...]copa.
    behalf of the District as a whole and not with individual edu/academic/ccta/ artic/partner_list.php.
    colleges within the district. Courses taken at any of the C. Limitations on the Transfer of Credit:
    Mari[...]Generally, the following types of courses are not intend-[...]for transfer. Contact the Admissions and Records of-
    transfer to[...]Articulated transfer programs and pathways between the be[...]accalaureate-grant- ii. Arizona government university courses[...]gram (MAPP), the U of A Bridge Program, Connect2NAU[...]eate courses
    programs of study that fulfill both associate’s degree and[...]d in a smooth vii. Some forms of credit for prior learning[...]-
    ic program of study. ties may have age of credit limits on certain coursework[...]Center and the Southwest Skill Cen- of their intended transfer institution regarding tim[...]areas
    of study. Students who have participated in t[...]
    [...]ee or to transfer on
    dated the creation of a shared numbering system for[...]ommunity colleges to the start of their first semester at a MCCCD College.[...]dents locate and en- Hoop ofstate universities. However, even if a course at the Ma[...]placement
    not address the applicability of courses. Students are[...]tests under any one of the following conditions:
    encouraged to[...]lege credit En-
    selections. To access a list of SUN courses, visit www.[...]Second Language class is required to take a test of
    nize the peculiar needs of military personnel in that they pro-[...]est valid score date at any course placement
    of servicemen. Maricopa Community Colleges follow th[...]E. The Vice President of Student Affairs or designee may
    ucation. If,[...]of record.
    dents previously enrolled. In additi[...]at least one of the following conditions apply:
    the college of record, to grant a degree upon completion of[...]credit hours at the college and the satisfaction of[...]mathwith a grade of C or higher.
    ACADEMIC ADVISING AND NEW STUDENT[...]ourses based valid district ap-
    the start of their first semester at a MCCCD college.[...]el) will be advised and placed
    Hoop of Learning, or any MCCCD Early Outreach[...]
    [...]n the student’s elec- mission of appropriate instructor(s) and approval of the
    3. Implementation of Policy i. Courses requiring permission of instructor
    To ensure consistency of the course placement process with-[...]iv. Enrollment in an alternative section of a course
    pl[...]v. Enrollment in an alternative section of a course
    evaluation of the course placement process. An annual report[...]icy’s effectiveness noting the number of students assessed,[...]three years a thorough review of the policy and procedures TUITION AND F[...]t tools and procedures. responsibility of the Maricopa Community Colleges Governing[...]Board under the laws and regulations of the State of Arizona and[...]poses under one of the following residency classifications:[...]2. Out-of-County resident
    regis[...]3. Out-of-State resident (including F-1 non-immigrant students)[...]state law (A.R.S. §15-1801, et. seq.) and regulations of the Mar-
    Students may[...]icopa Community Colleges Governing Board. All of the Marico-[...]contact the Admissions and Records Office/Office of Stu-
    der section 2 of AR 2.2.1 will be determined by the designated[...]ill be assessed fees for their enrollment at each of the Maricopa
    Class Re[...]out-of-state residents for tuition and fees purposes should re[...]n in the class must be completed before the first of-[...]current Enrollment in Arizona Public Institutions of Higher
    ficial clas[...]Education policy under the Residency section of this publication.)[...]1. Time of Payment*
    day befor[...]the time of registration or by the specified deadline[...]
    [...]college’s Admissions and Records Office/Office of Student Enrollment Services for course fees in ef[...]ate Chart
    In-State Out-of-State
    Maricopa County[...]15 In County Resident Out of County Non-Resident Non-Resident Study[...]s allow for in-county tuition rates for residents of all Arizona counties except Apache or Greenlee
    counties without an Out-of-County Residence Affidavit.
    ** According to ARS §15-1802F, “A person who is a member of an Indian tribe recognized by the US Department of the Interior whose
    reservation lies in this state and extends into another state and who is a resident of the reservation is entitled to classification as an
    in-state student.” Therefore, unclassified and out-of-state surcharges do not apply to such students.
    *** Acc[...]credit and noncredit courses and services outside of this state. A
    district is not entitled to state aid payments for students who are provided courses and services outside of this state.
    + This rate applies to out-of-state students who are taking distance learning courses[...]r. This rate does not apply to Study Abroad
    Programs as there is a separately calculated rate f[...]
    [...]Refer to Admissions Information (AR 2.2.2) of the col- EMT[...]cost
    Office of Student Enrollment services if you have ques-[...]- First Test Based on State DOE
    status and then select the number of credit hours. The - Test repeat (per section) Based on State DOE
    general[...]the official start of the term (semester) or by the specified Gradua[...]due date or at time of registration. -[...]ou choose to audit a class, add an additional fee of Assessment Fee[...]Library Fines - lost materials (Item List price) + $5.00[...]cost
    office of student enrollment services for a current listing
    of course fees.[...]ys.)
    Payment of fees may be made by cash, check, money Fees are subject to change upon adoption of the schedule for[...]you do not pay your tuition and fees at the time of
    registration or b[...]-Improper display of parking permit
    Re[...]- For each 15 minutes of late pick-up $6.00 Music[...]
    [...]employer or state agency, makes a verified payment[...]r District personnel.
    - Prorated for course of program less Ad[...]$5.00 dance with state law (ARS §§15-1805.01 AND 15-1821) and[...]regulations of the Maricopa Community Colleges Governing
    Co[...]ns & Records or courses as part of third party agreements are also subject to
    C[...]courses or participate in programs delivered by MCCCD fac-
    Fees for these cours[...]e length and type ulty or staff.
    of each course and will cover total costs.[...]A. Citizens 62 years of age and older shall be issued ID
    Any debt or[...]cards that allow them the privilege of attending events at
    enrollment and the stude[...]llowing procedure will be used for the collection of re- vices courses are not waived.[...]. Tuition and Registration Fee Waiver for Members of the
    A. The college fiscal agent is responsib[...]ary
    ii. attempting to notify the student of the debt, Fund Monies for[...]debt. members of the Pima-Maricopa Indian Community who
    B. Ma[...]ma-Maricopa Reservation.
    pending payment of debt at college fiscal office with
    cash,[...]elines and procedures established for the purpose of
    or credit card or in person with credit[...]i. collection agency, requiring payment of collection
    fees by the student;
    ii. the Tax Refund Setoff Programs as stated in A.R.S.
    iii. litigation, requiring payment of court costs and legal
    fees by the s[...]ss services desig-
    nee for the extension of services provided that at least
    one of the following conditions are met:[...]
    [...]C. Death of a student. Appropriate documentation must be
    Admi[...]station, verifiable by a copy of the orders, will be allowed[...]to withdraw and receive a 100% refund of tuition, provid-[...]n 10 calendar days in length or one of the above reasons may result in a partial prorate[...]Calendar days include week- fund of tuition, provided courses have not been completed[...]lowable refund exemption or an excuse of the debt incurred Limitation: Neve[...]tion or an excuse of the debt incurred through registration.[...]awal Deadlines
    Length of Class for 100% Refund*[...]date assistance shall be awarded on the basis of demonstrated finan-
    6[...]except where funds are specified for recognition of spe-
    70+ calendar day[...]policy assistance shall be awarded on the basis of demonstrated finan-
    m[...]except where funds are specified for recognition of spe-
    was taken.[...]The office of financial aid may request to have the validity of a
    Students withd[...]r the college or
    of the following reasons must submit a written request for a the United States Department of Education has reason to believe[...]ot obtained from
    of Student Enrollment Services or designated college[...]doctor’s may be conducted on the basis of any of the following:[...]n file with the college before a re- state, federal, or other governmental agency, another i[...]B. Serious illness or death of an immediate family mem- source[...]andfather, grand- • The contents of the student’s Free Application for Federal[...]independent professional judgment by any official of the
    any one[...]ate documentation must be office of student financial aid.[...]
    [...]days after the last date of enrollment or August 31, whichever
    New students m[...]valid electronic SAR by the student’s last day of Caution: Other web sites may charge a fee. Each ac- enrollment or June 30 of the award year, whichever comes[...]selected
    may be obtained from the college Office of Student Financial Aid. for verificati[...]on within thirty days after it has been requested of the stu-
    Types of Aid[...]student’s award may
    be available from federal, state, and/or private sources. be a[...]pa Community Colleges Foundation offers a variety of 3. The required forms and documents a[...]es not match
    and most deadlines are the last week of March. Options are avail- what is sho[...]submit changes to the US Department of Education FAFSA
    calling 480-731-8400.[...]ncial aid will be reviewed. If there
    Distribution of Aid[...]d among eligible financial aid ap- result of verification, the student will be notified by means of
    plicants are available on request at the college Office of Student the Student Center in my.maric[...]tion, the institution discovers evidence of student aid fraud[...](including identity theft), waste or abuse of US Department of
    Rights and Responsibilities[...]ould read all information provided in the process of of Inspector General of the US Department of Education.
    applying for federal financial aid in order to gain a greater knowl-
    edge of all the rights as well as responsibilities involved in receiv- Award Amount and Level of Enrollment
    ing that assistance.[...]Award amount is determined, in part, on the level of enrollment. A[...]subject to the following the college Office of Student Financial Aid for more information.
    Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress. Specific informa-
    tion is available at the college Office of Student Financial Aid. Repeated Coursework[...]inancial aid funds if they com- repetition of a previously passed course. A passed course is de[...]ssing grade fined as one in which a grade of A, B, C, D, or P is received. If you
    from all cla[...]ously received passing
    able at the college Office of Student Financial Aid. This could af- grades[...]will be calculated accordingly.

    Verification of Information Maricopa Community Colleges Standards of Satisfactory Ac-
    1. A Free Application for Federa[...]e student will be to move toward the completion of a degree or certificate within
    notified via[...]for financial aid recipients are ap-
    as part of the verification process. The earlier the Financi[...]s the required documentation, the earlier state that Academic Progress Standards must include a review of
    the student’s eligibility for financial aid can be determined. all periods of enrollment, regardless of whether or not aid was re-
    The verifi[...]
    [...]below. Failure to meet any of these minimum standards will result Notific[...]stration/

    in loss of title IV, HEA program (federal financial aid) eli[...]ollment

    Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) will be eval-
    uated at the end of each semester; fall, spring and summer. Pro-[...]to extenuating
    point of the program. Non-standard sessions will be evalua[...]must:
    the completion of the session.[...]ng for aid.
    Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress[...]ed the stu-
    Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) are evaluat-[...]standards.
    ed on each of the three measurements outlined below. Failure to[...]cumentation.
    meet any of these standards will result in suspension of eligibility • Include how that condition[...]ndards.

    Note: Grades of F,I,N,W,X,Y,Z, and courses not yet graded are Students will be notified of the results of their appeal and any re-[...]onditions pertaining to their appeal. The outcome of
    purposes of financial aid.[...]e (CGPA). of future financial aid eligibility.[...]computed.
    • Pace of Progression Measurement[...]Students must successfully complete 2/3 (66.67%) of all at- • Summer Sessions - Enrollmen[...]Students who have attempted more than 150% of the pub- tional start and end da[...]lished credits required for their program of study are consid- • Attempted Credit – Any credit for which a grade of A, B, C, D,
    ered[...]titions the institution for reconsideration of the student’s eligi-[...]Coursework included in the Pace of Progression evaluation: or illne[...]mediate fam-
    • All of those included in the semester evaluation[...]other circumstance beyond the reasonable control of
    • All evaluated tr[...]or a letter
    • All of those included in the Pace of Progression evaluation from a[...]
    [...]must return a portion of the excess equal to the lesser of:
    • Financial Aid Suspension – The status as[...]to meet the minimum SAP standards or the terms of a pro- 1. your institutional charge[...]n this status are not eligible to age of your funds, or
    receive title IV, HEA assistan[...]2. the entire amount of excess funds. The school must return
    For more inf[...]this amount even if it didn’t keep this amount of your Title IV[...]If your school is not required to return all of the excess funds, you[...]mount. Any loan funds that you must re-
    Treatment of Title IV Aid When a Student Withdraws[...]must determine the amount the terms of the promissory note. That is, you make scheduled pay-
    of Title IV program assistance that you earn if you withdraw ments to the holder of the loan over a period of time. Any amount
    from school. The Title IV programs that are covered by this law of unearned grant funds that you must return is call[...]Loans, PLUS ment. The maximum amount of a grant overpayment that you must
    Loans, Federal[...]al Opportunity Grants repay is half of the grant funds you received or were scheduled to[...]partment of Education to return the unearned grant funds.
    When you withdraw during your payment period or period of en-
    rollment (you may contact the Financial Aid o[...]or you and tell you which one applies) the amount of Title IV pro- are separate from any refund p[...]overnance/adminregs/students/2_2.php.

    The amount of assistance that you have earned is determined
    on a pro-rata basis. For example, if you completed 30% of your VACCINATIONS (AR 2.2.12)
    payment period or period of enrollment, you earn 30% of the as-
    sistance you were originally scheduled to[...]ges District does not re-
    completed more than 60% of the payment period or period of en- quire that students receive vaccina[...]uled to tain professional or occupational programs do require particular
    receive for that period.[...]vaccinations for participation in those programs. More information
    about these programs can be found on college websites.
    If you did not receive all of the funds that you earned, you may
    be due a post-[...]burse them. You may choose to decline
    some or all of the loan funds so that you don’t incur addition[...]our school may automatically use all or a portion of your[...]who want to transfer to other institutions of higher education, in-
    post-withdrawal disbursement of grant funds for tuition, fees, and[...]ts be sent from the Admissions and Records Office/Of-
    school needs your permission to use the post-wit[...]fice of Student Enrollment Services. However, transcripts[...]the written request of the student in compliance with FERPA.
    your best i[...]ing debts to any of the Maricopa Community Colleges. The release
    Ther[...]of transcripts is governed by the guidance of the Family Education
    once you withdraw because of other eligibility requirements. For[...]Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (see Records Policy section). There
    and you have not completed the first 30 days of your program[...]
    [...]Department of Veterans Affairs regulations require that all per[...]using any type of veteran educational assistance program be mak-
    Ad[...]satisfactory academic progress toward achievement of their
    as liaisons with the Department of Veterans Affairs. Each program educational objective (program of study). A student who does not
    Enrollment[...]must be approved by the Department of Veterans Affairs. Students meet the m[...]if they are regis- bation for a maximum of two (2) consecutive semesters. At this[...]o ten weeks before receiving benefits. The amount of bene- ability to meet these standards through the approval of a written
    fits awarded is determined by the Department of Veterans Affairs, appeal. For appeal p[...]and is based on the number of credit hours or clock hours for which er[...]a student is enrolled and the length of the enrollment period for[...]• Chapter 33 - Post 9/11 GI Bill & Transfer of Eligibility to[...]• Chapter 35 - Survivors and dependents of deceased/[...]ent, address,
    program of study, enrollment at another institution,[...]
    President’s Honor List...........................................[...]
    [...]nly persons who are registered for a class at any of the Maricopa
    Scholastic S[...]A credit hour is defined as an amount of work represented in contact the instr[...]course competencies and verified by evidence of student achieve- class meeting may, at the option of the instructor, be withdrawn.[...]at reasonably approximates not less than one hour of
    classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours
    Scholastic Standards[...]At the beginning of each course, each faculty member will provide
    of out-of-class student work each week for approximately fi[...]weeks for one semester hour of credit, or the equivalent amount respons[...]tor regarding official or
    of work over a different amount of time, or at least an equivalent unofficial[...]ate with the first
    amount of work for other academic activities, including lab[...]work
    leading to the award of credit hours. In accordance with common Students bear the responsibility of notifying the Admissions and[...]resenting a credit hour Records Office/Office of Student Enrollment Services when they[...]are involved in an official activity of the college (e.g., field[...]h events shall not
    Office of Student Enrollment Services for clarification. count against the number of absences allowed by an in-[...]year. A credit hour indicates the value of an academic credit. ification[...]Standards for the awarding of credit hours may be time based or[...]narily, only students with a grade point average of 3.0 or higher for the student will n[...]dents who were in the C. In the event of military commitments. Absences for pe-
    upper quarter of their high school graduating class are permitted riods of up to one week will not be counted against the[...]hours. number of absences allowed by an instructor or depart-[...]r co-curricular activities umentation of the specific orders, length of assignment
    or receiving f[...]instructor to discuss make-up work. If the length of the[...]dingly. termined that the length of absence for the military com-[...]drop the class or, in the case of open-entry classes, the
    S[...]procedures at their college of enrollment. It is the student’s re- D. In the event of the death of an immediate family member,[...]onger be attend- absences for periods of up to one week will not be count-[...]ed against the number of absences allowed by an in-[...]
    [...]g acceptable work may request an
    a copy of the obituary or funeral program). In specialized[...]I” if they are unable to complete the
    programs that require clinical rotations, this regulation course requirements by the end of the term because of
    may not apply.[...]uirements within the time
    member or employee of the Maricopa Community Colleges.[...]months from the last date of class in which the grade of
    ber of absences allowed by an instructor or department.[...]recorded in accordance with the written
    date of the holiday and the reason why class attendance i[...]by an incomplete grade. Refer to the Standards of Satis-[...]grade, students may repeat
    It is the policy of the Maricopa Community Colleges that a[...]ove
    grade will be assigned at the conclusion of the course. Official a grade. (A[...]individual courses and programs for exceptions.
    B Above Average..........[...]grading system. These courses carry grades of P (credit,
    D Passing.....................[...]er credit hour equivalent to a grade of C or higher) or Z (no credit) and[...]redit hour Credits earned with a grade of P may be counted toward[...]graduation with the exception of AGEC (Arizona General
    I Incomplete.......[...](14) days including the date of the first class meeting. The[...]puted in cords Office/Office of Student Enrollment Services.[...]er credit hour the permission of the instructor. The instructor must no-[...]tify the Admissions and Records Office/Office of Student
    Z No Credit.............. Not com[...]the day of the first class meeting.
    * A “P” is judged to be equivalent to a grade of C or higher. E. It is the stu[...]ity of credit/no credit courses. Some universities place[...]limitation on the number of credit/no credit courses that[...]
    [...]the sole
    purpose of obtaining information; they receive no credit,[...]ange must be made within the first five (5) weeks of a
    semester. Audit[...]requisite requirements or obtain approval of the instruc-[...]
    [...]sed on calendar days and begin with the first day of class.
    Deadlines that fall on[...]Students to Type of Grading Ch[...]Audit Grade
    Grade of W Signature Required)
    One Week 1st Day of Class or 1st Day of Class or
    or less 1st Day of Class Prior to the Last Day Prior to the Last 1st Day of Class 1st Day of Class 1st Day of Class
    (1 to 7 days) of Class Day of Class

    Two Weeks
    3rd Calendar
    (8[...]h Calendar Day 6th Calendar Day 1st Day of Class 1st Day of Class 3rd Calendar Day[...]2th Calendar Day 2nd Calendar Day 1st Day of Class 5th Calendar Day
    Da[...]eks before Within 14 days
    Weeks or End of the Two weeks before Within first week of Within first five[...]
    [...]nt Affairs.
    pletion of twelve (12) or more credit hours, the student’s[...]1. If, within ten (10) working days of the request for the confer-[...]at graduation requires a 2. Upon receipt of a written grievance, the Department/Division[...]cumulative minimum grade point average of 2.00). Chair or appropriate[...]ays, the student should forward to vice president of aca-
    Regulations re[...]to demic affairs or designee, a copy of the original written griev-[...]tive grade point average. level. The dean of instruction or appropriate college/center[...]resolved by the vice president of academic affairs or desig-[...]district office is not an avenue of appeal for the instructional[...]rim-
    ination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, gender identif[...]
    [...]o a non-instructional process Office/Office of Student Enrollment Services provides information[...]The official date of withdrawal is date the withdrawal is received in[...]the Admissions and Records Office/Office of Student Enrollment
    1. Discuss the issue with th[...]The student Services. The official date of withdrawal determines refunds.
    should reques[...]is not an allowable refund exception or an excuse of[...]nd policy.

    2. If, within ten (10) working days of the request for the confer-
    ence with the em[...]en complaint with the
    appropriate supervisor of the employee where authority exists STUDENT[...]tudent may initiate an official
    3. Upon receipt of a written complaint, the appropriate super-[...]sions and Records Office/Office of Student Enrollment
    spond to a complaint whic[...]c documentation including grade of W (withdrawn, passing - not computed in the[...]ward to the Vice Pres- a grade of W (withdrawn, passing - not computed in the
    ident of Student Affairs or Designee, a copy of the original grade point average[...]a refund of tuition/fees if the withdrawal is processed outsi[...]the Admissions and Records Office/Office of Student Enroll-[...]Services no later than two weeks* before the end of the[...]
    [...]ic Standards
    A grade of W will be assigned in all courses for students wh[...]withdraw by the end of the 7th week* of classes. Withdrawals a grade of “A,” “B,” “C,” “D,” “F,” and[...]completed after this time will result in a grade of W (withdrawn, as academic renewal on the s[...]dards

    3. Withdrawal of Financial Aid Students[...]also meet the Financial Aid Standards of Academic Progress
    formation is available at the college Office of Student Finan- if they wish to receive[...]A faculty member has the option of withdrawing a student who Each of the Maricopa Community Colleges has an honors pro[...]has accumulated unofficial absences in excess of the number of gram. Interested students should contac[...]absences may be reinstated only with the approval of the faculty Scholarships.
    member. A grade of W will be assigned through the 7th week*.
    After the 7th week*, a grade of W or Y will be assigned. Faculty[...]PRESIDENT’S HONOR LIST
    al through the online system, including last date of attendance and
    withdrawal[...]The President’s Honor List for each college consists of all stu-[...]college semester grade point average of 3.75 or higher.
    justed ac[...]Students who are returning after a separation of five (5) years or
    more fr[...]itted to the Admissions and Records Office/Office of Student
    Enrollment Servic[...]Academic renewal at one of the Maricopa Community Colleges[...]will accept this action. Acceptance of academic renewal is at the
    discretion of the receiving institution.[...]by earning a
    minimum of twelve (12) credit hours and a cumulative grade
    point average of 2.5 or higher within Maricopa Colleges aft[...]
    [...]they have successfully completed Block 4 of the Associate in[...]. have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.000 at[...]. have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.000 in
    GENERAL GRADUATION REQUI[...]Some specific programs have higher grade requirements. It[...]is the student’s responsibility to be aware of these program
    requirements as app[...]dited in the Admissions and Records Office/Office of
    Student Enrollment Services[...]Graduation

    certificate programs, be credited with not fewer than the min- Graduation with Honors
    imum total of credit units required for the certificate program[...]tions:
    2. have earned a minimum of 12 semester credit units toward[...]te requires fewer than 12 credit units, a minimum of six
    credit units must be com[...]EES
    certificate. The minimum of six credit hours in the certificate The Maricopa Community Colleges offer Certificates of Comple-
    or degree curricula[...]tion as well as Associate Degrees, one of which is conferred on
    and/or[...]each student who has completed a program of study. These cer-
    Education[...]rees are as follows:

    Shared Programs are programs offered at multiple colleges (1) Certificate of Completion (Career Program Specified);[...]A shared program requires a minimum of six credit hours (3) General Educ[...]to be completed with
    a grade of “C” or better at the college awarding the cer[...]ng program. For
    those shared programs with less than six credit hours, the[...]Admissions and Records Office/Office of Student Enrollment
    [...]• Consider the ethical implications of their choices
    General Graduation Requirements as[...],
    gram meets their needs and to plan their course of study. and the future

    LICENS[...]• Develop a personal sense of aesthetics
    Maricopa Community Colleges courses and programs prepare
    students for entry into a variety of professions. Many of these • Use technological resources[...]. These requirements are established by coun-
    ty, state or federal agencies, and often are based on a per[...]general education experience at MCCCD is composed of
    character, or whether the person has been convicted of a criminal specific elements across the c[...]certifi- • Communication
    cate because of concerns over the student’s character or crimin[...]strongly advised
    to consult with the appropriate government agency that issues • Numeracy[...]AL EDUCATION STATEMENT
    The general education core of the program of study for an as- • Problem-Solvin[...]te helps students develop a greater
    understanding of themselves, of their relationship with others, and • Cultural Diversity
    of the richly diverse world in which they live. The[...]GENERAL EDUCATION DESIGNATIONS
    broad areas of commonly held knowledge and prepares them to[...]e beliefs, traditions, abilities, and
    customs of all people and all cultures[...]ider the local, global, and environmental impacts of per-[...]quirements of the catalog in effect at the time of initial enrollment[...]or according to the requirements of any single catalog in effect
    • Communicate ef[...]during subsequent terms of continuous enrollment. Students may[...]
    [...]t withdraws do not count toward the determination of Public Community College or University[...]S03 (Inactive) the requirements of the catalog in effect the following fall se-[...]mester or of any single catalog in effect during subsequent[...]terms of continuous enrollment.
    Graduation[...]continuously enrolled, and must meet requirements of
    the public Arizona community[...]effect at the time they are readmitted or of any single catalog Public Community College[...]in effect during subsequent terms of continuous enrollment
    after[...]of the degree-granting institution.[...]
    [...]ost public university majors are matched with one of the following Maricopa Community Colleges Associa[...]l Electives (Select courses to complete a minimum of 60 credits but no more
    62-63 credits than a total of 64 semester credits.)
    All Business Majors exc[...]l Electives (Select courses to complete a minimum of 60 credits but no more
    62-63 credits than a total of 64 semester credits.)
    CIS Majors[...]l Electives (Select courses to complete a minimum of 60 credits but no more
    60-64 credits[...]than a total of 64 semester credits.)

    Additional Programs for University Transfer
    Associate in[...]
    [...]and above to be completed with a grade of “C” or better.
    Education Curr[...]Credit units transferred from outside of the district need to be[...]at a grade of “C” or better. A grade of “C” equals 2.0 on a 4.0
    AGEC-[...]• A minimum of 60 semester credits in courses numbered 100[...]and above to be completed with a grade of “C” or better; Credit
    eral Ed[...]units transferred from outside of the district need to be at a
    ter-[...]tificate that fulfills lower-division grade of “C” or better. A grade of “C” equals 2.0 on a 4.0 grad-[...]the MCCCD AGEC transfers as a block without loss of credit. collected by the communit[...]apply to graduation requirements of the university major for which awarded b[...]to other colleges
    is a component of the MCCCD Associate in Arts, the AGEC B is a[...]mester credit hours may
    component of the MCCCD Associate in Business, and the AGEC[...]ied toward AGEC;
    S is a component of the MCCCD Associate in Science.
    Gra[...]students complete the re-
    Purpose of the AGECs[...]ing the 35-
    There are three types of MCCCD AGECs. They are the AGEC A,[...]ities). AGEC A requires a minimum of college mathematics or • follows the g[...]credit
    B requires a minimum of brief calculus to satisfy the Mathe- on the[...]in Science. AGEC S requires a minimum of the first course • require courses t[...]dit
    quirement, and a minimum of eight credits of either university (Elective) at all Arizo[...]must select six to eight additional credits of math and/or sci- CAS is valid for the term[...]• require that a minimum of 12 semester credits of course work[...]be taken at any of the MCCCD colleges;

    [...]culus course (MAT220 or MAT221)
    • accept one of the courses that is cross-referenced with other[...]e or higher degree from a of six semester credits.
    regionally accredited[...]6
    The 35-38 semester credits required for each of the three AGECs fol- AGEC A and A[...]licking on the AGEC icon. of six semester credits.[...]6 of [SQ] and four (4) semester credits of [SG] for a total of
    2. Literacy and Critical Inquiry [L][...]urse that satisfies the [L] of [SQ]. Students cannot take eight (8) semester cre[...]of [SG] to meet the Natural Sciences requirement.[...]AGEC S requires eight (8) semester credits of either[...]niversity chemistry or eight (8) semester credits of uni-
    3. Mathematical Studies [MA/CS][...]versity physics or eight (8) semester credits of general
    The Mathematics [MA] requiremen[...]tive Applications [CS] of courses that meet the other major or pre-requisit[...]not necessary for stu-
    CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems[...]
    [...]ion Requirements
    complete any of the three MCCCD AGECs because courses[...]Courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better in the
    Firs[...]use of statistics or other mathematical methods in the i[...]y [L] pretation of data and in describing and understanding quanti-
    Courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better in tative relationships, courses that involve the use of computer
    the Literacy and Cri[...]gramming languages or software in the development of
    typically at the sophomore le[...]or speech. This course includes a series of graded written or
    spoken form[...]vior- Courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better in
    al Scien[...]dents to broaden and deepen their consideration of basic
    written and oral discou[...]as the human values and their interpretation of the experiences of
    gathering, interpreting, and evaluating of evidence. Building human beings.[...]The humanities are concerned with questions of human exis-
    helps students su[...]ty to reason criti- tence and the universality of human life, questions of mean-
    cally and communicate c[...]language. ing and the nature of thinking and knowing, and questions of[...]Courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better in and make use of philosophy, foreign languages, linguistics[...]and Courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better in the

    First, the acquisition of essential skill in basic mathematics The Soc[...]urse in college alge- scientific methods of inquiry and empirical knowledge about
    bra or to demonstrate a higher level of skill by completing a human behavior, both[...]ebra is a prerequisite. The forms of study may be cultural, economic, geographic,[...]Second, the real-world application of mathematical reasoning courses in this area address the challenge of understanding
    requires the student to take a course in statistics or the use of the diverse natures of individuals and cultural groups who
    quantitative analysis to solve problems of substance. live together in a world of diminishing economic, linguistic,[...]cial distance.
    Third, the use of the computer to assist in serious analytical[...]d to study the im-
    plications of social decisions or to model physical syst[...]
    [...]pean immigrants and their descendants, but also of diverse
    Courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better in groups of American Indians, Hispanic Americans, African[...]Americans and Asian Americans--all of whom played signif-[...]icant roles in the development of contemporary culture and
    Courses in the Natur[...]elp the student together shape the future of the United States. At the same
    to develop an appreciation of the scope and limitations of sci- time, the recognition that gender, class,[...]entific capability to contribute to the quality of society. This ences cut across all distinctions of race and ethnicity offers an
    Core area emphasizes knowledge of methods of scientific in- even richer variety of perspectives from which to view oneself.
    quiry and mastery of basic scientific principles and concepts, Awareness of cultural diversity and its multiple sources can[...]standing the concepts, principles, and vocabulary of sci- The objective of the Cultural Diversity area requirement is to
    ence. At least one of the two laboratory courses required in promote awareness of and appreciation for cultural diversity
    the N[...]s is accomplished
    to the fundamental behavior of matter and energy in physical through the study of the cultural, social, or scientific contribu-[...]tions of women and minority groups, examination of their ex-[...]periences in the United States, or exploration of successful or
    Natural Sciences [SQ] A & B[...]tial introduction to the fundamental behavior of matter and Human organizations and relatio[...]gy, microbiology, physical anthro- variety of activities, such as food supply, ecology, health[...]se- nizes the need for an understanding of the values, elements,
    mester credits of either university chemistry or eight semes- and social processes of cultures other than the culture of the
    ter credits of university physics or eight semester credits of United States. The Global Awareness Area incl[...]that recognize the nature of other contemporary cultures and[...]the relationship of the American cultural system to generic
    SQ =[...]quirements are of one or more of the following types:
    Students completing AGEC S, through careful selection of
    courses that meet the other major or pre-requ[...]ea studies that are concerned with an examination of
    ments for Science degrees, will meet this requirement. Using culture-specific elements of a region of the world;
    a transfer guide, select Mathematics courses above Calcu- 2. The study of a non-English language;
    lus, and/or Science courses from: Astronomy, Biology, Bot- 3. Studies of international relationships, particularly those[...]transfer of technology; and
    Awareness Areas 4. Studies of cultural interrelationships of global scope such
    Students must satisfy two Aw[...]s the global interdependence produced by problems of
    in U.S. and either Global Awareness or Histori[...]aims to develop a knowledge of the past that can be useful
    Cultural Diversit[...]torical forces
    The contemporary “culture” of the United States involves the and traditio[...]n life and lie just beneath
    complex interplay of many different cultures that exist side by its surface, historical awareness is an aid in the analysis of
    side in various states of harmony and conflict. U.S. history present-[...]l past is a
    involves the experiences not only of different groups of Euro- source of social and national identity, historical s[...]
    [...]The Historical Awareness Area consists of courses that are[...]e requires 60-64 semester credits for the program of
    tory” designates a sequence of past events or a narrative[...]Purpose of the Degree[...]components of the degree meet requirements for majors in the[...]Liberal Arts or programs of study other than business or science.[...]the degree will transfer as a block without loss of cred-[...]will apply to university graduation requirements of the univer-[...]regarding the articulation of the Associate in Arts with majors at[...]• Completion of the Associate in Arts and the AGEC-A provides[...]Point Average of 2.0 on a 4.0=A scale and a minimum 2.5 on[...]satisfied for completion of the Associate in Arts degree.[...]• A minimum of 60 semester credits in courses numbered 100[...]and above to be completed with a grade of “C” or better; Cred-[...]it units transferred from outside of the district need to be at a[...]grade of “C” or better. A grade of “C” equals 2.0 on a 4.0 grad-[...]
    [...] by clicking on the state-[...]ematics [MA] A and
    • Courses completed at one of the Maricopa Community Col-[...]ntitative Applica-
    • Courses completed at one of the Maricopa Community Col-[...]from more than one discipline for a total of six se-[...]er regionally accredited in-
    stitution to one of the Maricopa Community Colleges will be[...]from more than one discipline for a total of six se-[...]lect four (4) semester credits of [SQ] and four (4) se-
    es, then only one of the cross-referenced courses will be ac- mester credits of [SG] for a total of eight (8) semes-
    cepted to meet requirements.[...]ter credits, OR eight (8) semester credits of [SQ].[...]Students cannot take eight (8) semester credits of
    • Courses completed at one of the Maricopa Community Col-[...]r to the universities that have the shared majors list- The lecture course(s) selected f[...]course. The lecture and corre-
    or more degree programs at other Arizona public universities as[...]
    [...]- Select courses to complete a minimum of 60 semester cred-
    versit[...]obal Aware- its but no more than a total of 64 semester credits.
    nes[...]semester should be selected from the list of Common Courses, Arizona[...]OR The list of Common Courses for each major is included in[...]Non-English
    A total of three (3) semester credits is required for[...]es may be taken. requirement as part of the Associate in Arts degree.[...]OR list of common courses or assistance with selecting appro[...]cal Reading
    A total of three (3) semester credits is required for[...]
    requires the student to complete a total of 60-63 semester credits o Courses can satisfy a Core Area Requirement and one
    in the program of study. The degree has two major components:[...]the course evaluation and/or general edu-
    Purpose of the Degree[...]lly, the degree transfers as a block without loss of credit
    to Arizona’s public universities. In mos[...]rses applied to • Courses completed at one of the Maricopa Community Col-
    the MCCCD Associate i[...]must be listed in the
    to graduation requirements of the university major for which the Cour[...]valid for the term in which the
    • Completion of the Associate in Arts and the AGEC-A provides[...]ng on the statewide AGEC icon.
    Point Average of 2.0 on a 4.0=A scale and a minimum 2.5 on
    a[...]• Courses completed at one of the Maricopa Community Col-[...]to which the stu-
    satisfied for completion of the Associate in Arts degree. dent pla[...]should consult with an advisor.
    • A minimum of 60 semester credits in courses numbered 100
    and above to be completed with a grade of “C” or better; • Courses transfer[...]d in-
    Credit units transferred from outside of the district need to stitution to one of the Maricopa Community Colleges will be
    be at a grade of “C” or better. A grade of “C” equals 2.0 on evaluated by the co[...]a 4.0 grading scale or equivalent. A grade of “C” equals 2.0 Associate in Arts Elem[...]AGEC granting/receiv- es, then only one of the cross-referenced courses will be ac-
    in[...]ent or credit • Courses completed at one of the Maricopa Community Col-
    by evaluation i[...]ration to one or more degree programs at other Arizona pub-[...]
    [...]select a total of 8 semester credits from the fol-[...]2) CIS105 [CS] Survey of Computer courses. You can select 4 semester credits of[...], OR SG and 4 semester credits of SQ for a total of
    BPC110 [CS][...]1) Life Sciences-Select 4 semester credits of
    ARH100 Intro[...]es - Select 4 semester hours of SQ or SG[...]MHL140 Survey of Music History for lab[...]POS110 American National Government 2. MCCCD Additional Requirem[...]
    [...]ements 25
    A total of 25 semester credits are required to satisfy the E[...]Arts, Fine Arts - Art degree requires a minimum of 63 semester
    EDU221 Introduction to Education credits for the program of study. The degree includes the following[...]ting Geometry, Probability, and Sta- Purpose of the Degree
    tistics[...]5-7 In general, the components of the degree meet requirements for
    A total of 5-7 semester credits are required to satisfy the[...]dents to meet selective admission criteria for programs such as
    the Bachelor of Fine Arts, which may require a portfolio or perfo[...]-transferable in the Arizona requirements of the university major for which the degree is de-[...]signed. Information regarding the articulation of the degree with
    requirement.[...]ed course(s) • Completion of the Associate in Arts, Fine Arts - Art degree[...]have a minimum Grade Point Average of 2.0 on a 4.0=A scale
    Any Foreign Langu[...]fied for completion of the Associate in Arts, Fine Arts - Art degree.[...]• A minimum of 63 semester credits in courses numbered 100[...]and above to be completed with a grade of “C” or better; Cred-[...]it units transferred from outside of the district need to be at a[...]grade of “C” or better. A grade of “C” equals 2.0 on a 4.0 grad-
    AAEE Total Cred[...]ocumentation
    NOTE: The following courses meet the state teacher certification collec[...]
    • Courses completed at one of the Maricopa Community Col-[...]6
    • Courses completed at one of the Maricopa Community Col-[...]from more than one discipline for a total of six se-
    transferable to the u[...]from more than one discipline for a total of six se-
    stitution to one of the Maricopa Community Colleges will be[...]lect four (4) semester credits of [SQ] and four (4) se-
    and Ass[...]s. mester credits of [SG] for a total of eight (8) semes-[...]ter credits, OR eight (8) semester credits of [SQ].
    • If a course is cross-[...]Students cannot take eight (8) semester credits of
    es, then only one of the cross-referenced courses will be ac-[...]c-
    • Courses completed at one of the Maricopa Community Col-[...]r to the universities that have the shared majors list- sponding laboratory course(s) ma[...]ts should also
    or more degree programs at other Arizona public universities as[...]
    [...]reness Areas: Cultural Di- A minimum of 25 credits are required to satisfy the Fine Arts[...]tion
    a. Oral Communication
    A total of three (3) semester credits is required for[...]Arts, Fine Arts - Dance degree requires a minimum of 64 semes-
    COM100 [SB] (3 credits) OR ter credits for the program of study. The degree includes the fol-
    COM100AA[...]ng Purpose of the Degree
    A total of three (3) semester credits is required for The[...]re Re- ties. In general, the components of the degree meet requirements
    quirements[...]students to meet selective admission criteria for programs such
    requirement has been satisfied and additional elec- as the Bachelor of Fine Arts, which may require a portfolio or per-[...]requirements of the university major for which the degree is de-[...]signed. Information regarding the articulation of the degree with[...]
    [...]ewide AGEC icon.
    • Completion of the Associate in Arts, Fine Arts - Dance degree[...]public • Courses completed at one of the Maricopa Community Col-
    u[...]have a minimum Grade Point Average of 2.0 on a 4.0=A scale transferable t[...]t be
    satisfied for completion of the Associate in Arts, Fine Arts - • Co[...]stitution to one of the Maricopa Community Colleges will be[...]e AGEC-A or Asso-
    • A minimum of 64 semester credits in courses numbered 100[...]and above to be completed with a grade of “C” or better; Cred-
    it units transferred from outside of the district need to be at a • Courses and[...]nts will satisfy AGEC-A
    grade of “C” or better. A grade of “C” equals 2.0 on a 4.0 grad- and Ass[...]tes that the P-grade es, then only one of the cross-referenced courses will be ac-[...]• Courses completed at one of the Maricopa Community Col-[...]r to the universities that have the shared majors list-
    Graduation[...]ster credit hours may or more degree programs at other Arizona public universities as[...]].
    • Courses completed at one of the Maricopa Community Col-[...]
    [...]se course work A total of three (3) semester credits is required for
    from more than one discipline for a total of six se- Oral Communication. H[...]from more than one discipline for a total of six se- (3 credits) OR[...]dits) OR
    lect four (4) semester credits of [SQ] and four (4) se- COM230 [SB] (3 credits)
    mester credits of [SG] for a total of eight (8) semes-
    ter credits, OR eight (8) semester credits of [SQ]. b. Critical Reading
    Students cannot take eight (8) semester credits of A total of three (3) semester credits is required for[...]ptions to complete four A minimum of 29 credits are required to satisfy the Fine Arts[...]from the following options to complete a minimum of
    Areas simultaneously. Therefore no ad[...]
    [...]DAH210 History of Ballet and Modern Dance 3
    P[...]Students can choose to complete a combination of up to three cred- DAH201 World Da[...]1 DAN295 Teaching and Management of Studio Dance 3
    DAN233[...]V: Intensive 2 * Selection of DAN296 or 298 courses to satisfy degree require-[...]1 transfer to any of the three Arizona state public universities.
    [...]ts, Fine Arts - Theatre degree requires a minimum of 60-64 se-
    mester credits for the program of study. The degree includes the • Gene[...]the term in which the student is awarded
    Purpose of the Degree[...]tion evaluations
    ties. In general, the components of the degree meet requirements and/or g[...]students to meet selective admission criteria for programs such • Courses completed at one of the Maricopa Community Col-
    as the Bachelor of Fine Arts, which may require a portfolio or per-[...]ties. The course’s evaluation and/or
    quirements of the university major for which the degree is de-[...]he
    signed. Information regarding the articulation of the degree with student is awarded cre[...]ine • Courses completed at one of the Maricopa Community Col-
    Arts - Theatre Degree[...]al Electives requirement must be
    • Completion of the Associate in Arts, Fine Arts - Theatre and[...]n advisor.
    have a minimum Grade Point Average of 2.0 on a 4.0=A scale
    and a minimum 2.5 on a 4[...]stitution to one of the Maricopa Community Colleges will be
    • Th[...]the AGEC-A or Asso-
    satisfied for completion of the Associate in Arts, Fine Arts - ciate[...]equivalents will satisfy AGEC-A
    • A minimum of 60 semester credits in courses numbered 100[...]ents.
    and above to be completed with a grade of “C” or better; Cred-
    it units transferred from outside of the district need to be at a • If a course[...]ferenced with one or more other cours-
    grade of “C” or better. A grade of “C” equals 2.0 on a 4.0 grad- es, then only one of the cross-referenced courses will be ac-
    ing[...]the P-grade • Courses completed at one of the Maricopa Community Col-
    issued was the o[...]r to the universities that have the shared majors list-
    awarded by AGEC granting/receiving institut[...]g assessment or credit or more degree programs at other Arizona public universities as[...]
    [...]A total of three (3) semester credits is required for[...]from more than one discipline for a total of six se- Select from the following opti[...]from more than one discipline for a total of six se- COM225 [L] (3 credits) OR[...]iences requirement: Se- A total of three (3) semester credits is required for the
    lect four (4) semester credits of [SQ] and four (4) se- Critical Readin[...]lete
    mester credits of [SG] for a total of eight (8) semes- CRE 101 and apply i[...]ter credits, OR eight (8) semester credits of [SQ]. or if the students demonstr[...]Students cannot take eight (8) semester credits of sessment, then the Critic[...]
    [...]eatre 25-29
    A minimum of 25 credits are required to satisfy the Fine Arts[...]of study. The degree includes the following componen[...]Purpose of the Degree
    Students may take a variety of courses, or they may choose to[...]for students plan-
    emphasize a particular aspect of theatre, such as acting, technical[...]the components of the degree meet requirements for majors with
    thea[...]the degree will transfer as a block without
    area of emphasis.
    loss of credit to Arizona’s public universities and oth[...]from the following options to complete a minimum of 9 se-
    mester credits:[...]will apply to university graduation requirements of the
    HUM/THE210 Contemporary Cinema[...]Information regarding the articulation of the Associate in Science
    THF120AA Aud[...]• Completion of the Associate in Science and the AGEC-S pro-[...]Grade Point Average of 2.0 on a 4.0=A scale and a minimum
    THP216[...]satisfied for completion of the Associate in Science degree.
    COM/THP241 Oral Interpretation of Literature 3
    THP262[...]• A minimum of 60 semester credits in courses numbered 100
    T[...]and above to be completed with a grade of “C” or better;
    THP268 Opportuni[...]Credit units transferred from outside of the district need to be
    MUP/THE270 Musical Th[...]at a grade of “C” or better. A grade of “C” equals 2.0 on a 4.0
    [...] by clicking on the state-
    and [HU] requirements s[...]cy
    • Courses completed at one of the Maricopa Community Col-[...].

    • Courses completed at one of the Maricopa Community Col-[...]from more than one discipline for a total of six se-
    dent plans to transfe[...]6
    stitution to one of the Maricopa Community Colleges will be[...]from more than one discipline for a total of six se-
    ciate in Science Degr[...]Select eight (8) semester credits of either general
    es, then only one of the cross-referenced courses will be ac-[...]OR
    • Courses completed at one of the Maricopa Community Col- Eight (8) semester credits of university physics
    leges to s[...]ared ma- (8) semester credits of general biology, BIO181 &
    jor[...]ration to one or more degree programs at other Arizona pub-

    [...]Select courses to complete a minimum of 60 semester cred-
    Students completing A[...]l its but no more than a total of 64 semester credits.
    selection of courses that meet the other major or
    pr[...]Botany, should be selected from the list of Common Courses, Arizona
    Chemistry, Envi[...]The list of Common Courses for each major is included in[...]Re- to meet this requirement as part of the Associate in Science
    quirements.[...]on a major or university should
    A total of three (3) semester credits is required for[...]course that satisfies both the Oral list of common courses or assistance with selecting appro[...]ts)

    b. Critical Reading
    A total of three (3) semester credits is required for[...]
    [...]gram requirements at a minimum of 62 semester credits but
    Descripti[...]as within the degree simulta-
    tal of 62-63 semester credits for the program of study. The degree neously (AGEC B Core A[...]licability System (AZCAS)
    Purpose of the Degree[...]lly, the degree transfers as a block without loss of cred- Arizona Course Applicability Sys[...]will apply to university graduation requirements of the university
    major for which th[...]atisfy the Associ-
    • A minimum of 62-63 semester credits in courses numbered[...]100 and above to be completed with a grade of “C” or better;
    Credit units transferred from outside of the district need to be • accepts one of the courses that is cross-referenced with oth-
    at a grade of “C” or better. A grade of “C” equals 2.0 on a 4.0 er courses[...]Select Maricopa Community College District or any of the
    required Core an[...]
    [...]es [MA/CS] 6 A total of 27-28 credits is required to satisfy the Common L[...]ourses that simultaneously satisfy multiple areas of the de-
    [MA] B and a second course from Computer/ gree, then the number of semester credits required for Com-[...]C240 OR
    CIS105 [CS] Survey of Computer Informa- *ACC211 & ACC21[...]work from more than one discipline for a total of ECN211 [SB] Macroeconomic Principl[...]work from more than one discipline for a total of
    six semester credits.[...]Select four (4) semester credits of [SQ] and four
    (4) semester credits of [SG] for a total of (8) se- *Students planning to attend ASU[...]mester credits, OR eight (8) semester credits of to take MAT217 or MAT218[...]ake eight (8) semester
    credits of [SG] to meet the Natural Sciences re- Busi[...]as: Cul- MKT271 Principles of Marketing
    tural Diversity in[...]
    [...]Select courses to complete a minimum of 62 semester cred- ply to credits awar[...]its but no more than a total of 63 semester credits. General[...]gram requirements at a minimum of 62 semester credits but
    Associate[...]equires a to-

    tal of 62-63 semester credits for the program of study. The degree • follows the general e[...]Given that curriculum is
    Purpose of the Degree[...]lly, the degree transfers as a block without loss of cred- credit on the transcript[...]may apply to university graduation requirements of the university • includes both courses a[...]• accepts one of the courses that is cross-referenced with oth-
    • A minimum of 62-63 semester credits in courses numbered[...]100 and above to be completed with a grade of “C” or better;
    Credit units transferred from outside of the district need to be • provides for exe[...]rsity admission re-
    at a grade of “C” or better. A grade of “C” equals 2.0 on a 4.0 quirem[...]
    [...]Select Maricopa Community College District or any of the ness Areas bec[...]y [L] 3 A total of 27-28 credits is required for the Common Lower[...]uivalent to
    CIS105 [CS] Survey of Computer Informa- ACC211[...]work from more than one discipline for a total of Programming II:[...]CIS250 Management of Information Systems 3[...]work from more than one discipline for a total of ECN211 [SB] Macroeconomic Principles[...]Select four (4) semester credits of [SQ] and *MAT217 Mathema[...]OR
    four (4) semester credits of [SG] for a total of *MAT218 Mathematical Analysi[...]eight (8) semes-
    ter credits of [SQ]. Students cannot take eight III. G[...]0-6
    (8) semester credits of [SG] to meet the Natural Select courses to complete a minimum of 62 semester credits
    Sciences[...]but no more than a total of 63 semester credits for the pro-[...]
    [...]Satisfactory completion of a higher level Mathematics
    Readin[...]Computer-related course or demonstration of comparable
    Academic Policies That[...]isor for
    • requires a minimum of 60 semester credits in courses num-[...]• AGS degree requirements follow with the use of a diagonal[...]with an effective begin term of spring;[...]AJS Administration of Justice Studies 205
    eral Education Core where a minimum grade of “C” is re-[...]/244/245
    with a minimum grade of “D”;[...]& Nutrition 100
    • accepts one of the courses that is cross-referenced with oth-[...]JAS Justice & Government Agencies Admin 225
    (16 credits - grade of “C” or better)[...]
    [...]Mass Communications 120
    AJS Administration of Justice Studies 123 PAD Pu[...]Physical Science 110/120
    AJS Administration of Justice Studies 101/119/200/225/258/ P[...]
    [...]Purpose of the Degree
    CRE Critical Readi[...]wish to gain a depth of technical expertise by completing an occu-[...]requirements follow with the use of a diagonal character (/)
    POS[...]fective begin term of spring;
    THE Theater 220[...]eral Education Core where a minimum grade of “C” is re-
    Elective Cours[...]Shared Programs are programs offered at multiple colleges[...]• A shared program requires a minimum of six credit hours from[...]of “C” or better at the college awarding the cer[...]programs with less than six credit hours, the total hours[...]certificate. The minimum of six credit hours in the certificate or[...]they have successfully completed Block 4 of the Associate in[...]• requires completion of General Education courses as indi-[...]Community College District, or completion of a curriculum as[...]
    • accepts one of the courses that is cross-referenced with oth-[...]85/290
    General Education Core
    (15 credits - grade of “C” or better.)[...]AJS Administration of Justice Studies 101/200/225/258/
    COM Communicat[...]277/equivalent course/Satisfactory completion of a ENG English 213[...]blic Administration 200
    AJS Administration of Justice Studies 123 P[...]
    [...]LG course(s) of an existing transfer degree;
    GP[...]Academic Certificate (AC)
    Purpose of the Academic Certificate
    (area of emphasis)

    The Maricopa Community[...]strict Academic Certificate
    (area of emphasis) is a defined and coherent program of study
    that is recommended for stu[...]pertise in an academic area. While this program of study can re-

    sul[...]competencies, as well as
    mastery of knowledge, it is not designed to prepare someone[...]r an Academ-
    ic Certificate (area of emphasis) may be derived from a variety of
    disciplines or it can be discipli[...]omponent even though
    requirements of the certificate may include courses that currentl[...]rn the Academic Certificate
    (area of emphasis):
    • generally ranges[...]100 or above, although there is no minimum number of
    credit hours required for an[...]• requires a cumulative GPA ofof the courses that is cross-referenced with[...]
    [...]nical Specialist CCL.................... 138
    Master Suite Applications Specialist CCL........ 82[...]labetical order by title. This index provides the programs by department/division.[...]
    [...]Administration of Justice AAS.............................. 81[...]labetical order by title. This index provides the programs by department/division.

    [...]Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better in
    Phone: 623.845.3453[...]ffer their services + ACC230 Uses of Accounting Information I (3) and
    to the public on[...]g), or are employed + ACC240 Uses of Accounting Information II (3) 9[...]Pay is relatively high, and the accounting field of-
    fers many opportunities for professional growth[...]GCC will accept ACC107 in lieu of ACC105 and ACC115.
    ment as a paraprofessional[...]year institution. Stu- CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems 3
    dents may complete most or all of their lower division require- GBS151[...]For Information: Scott Stroher
    Certificate of Completion - CCL 5665[...]of the goals of this program are to develop students’ abilities (1)
    Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Ac- to critically and constructively analyze the function of accounting
    counting program is designed for stude[...]ts management, and its
    and knowledge in the field of accounting. Possible entry-level po- goal[...]lar, how these roles affect various profiles of the company.
    able/receivable clerk, claims[...]
    Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for each course listed[...]ents: (22-24 credits)
    Select one of the following three core sequences:[...]osition (3) and
    ACC230 Uses of Accounting Information I (3) and[...]position (3) or
    ACC240 Uses of Accounting Information II (3)[...]3
    CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems (3) or[...]Satisfactory completion of a higher level ECN212[...]in Arts (AA)
    MGT101 Techniques of Supervision 3[...](AAFA-Art)
    + MKT271 Principles of Marketing 3[...]in commercial art is the retention of responsibility for selection of[...]theme, subject matter, medium, and manner of execution.

    + indicates[...]
    [...]res students to
    be practicing artists in a number of different media as well as pro-[...]Administration of Justice Studies[...]institution, he or she should consult the catalog of[...]certificate programs are available. The certificate program is[...]Officers working
    plus additional courses from the list that best suit his or her needs.[...]y Art 3 specific types of duty such as traffic, narcotics, robbery, or[...]well find courses such as AJS101, or 225 of interest.[...]ethical use of firearms may enroll in AJS151, 153, and/or 154.
    +[...]Design 3 Administration of Justice
    + ART177 Computer-Photographic Imag[...]Phone: 623.845.3913
    See approved list for AA degree, or AGS degree, pages 52 and
    72[...]The Administration of Justice program is designed to inform and[...]prepare men and women for careers in the fields of law enforce-[...]the program provides practitioners of law enforcement and cor-[...]
    [...]Students must take any combination of CWE198 and any approved
    in an ex[...]Special Qualifications: A peace officer in the state of Arizona must (any suffixed[...]A completed background investigation with local, state, and Oral Communication:[...]4. No felony conviction in any state or federal jurisdiction + COM225 P[...]al Reading (3) or
    performance of duties as a peace officer[...]cate) may be applied towards partial completion of this degree; Humanities and Fine A[...]Certificates

    Administration of Justice degree is interdisciplinary in nature and[...]ent with a broad based knowledge
    of the criminal justice field. It is designed to pre[...]dobe Creative Suite in Business:
    of excellent character and reputation for careers in Administration
    of Justice, including, but not limited to: law enfor[...]Master Suite Applications Specialist[...]Certificate of Completion - CCL 5778
    tions, pro[...]ewart
    Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for each course listed[...]3 Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL)
    AJS110[...]3 in Adobe Creative Suite in Business: Master Suite Applications
    AJS200[...]le that allow students to specialize in whichever of the smaller
    Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better in Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better in
    all courses required within the program. Instruction on the use of all courses required within the program. Instruction on the use of
    other supporting programs included with the Adobe Creative Suite other supporting programs included with the Adobe Creative Suite
    will be in[...]Usage and Applications (3) or
    CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems (3) 3 CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems (3) 3[...]Certificate of Completion - CCL 5807[...]Print and Web Applications Specialist
    Certificate of Completion - CCL 5780[...]Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in
    Phone: 623.845.3250[...]alist is designed to develop proficiency with one of the profes-[...]dobe. Devel-
    Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in oping skill with[...]for those interested in effective incorporation of video, audio and
    Specialist is designed to develop proficiency with one of the pro- special effects in web pages and o[...]designing print and web content. In ness: Master Suite Applications CCL available for students loo[...], there is also Adobe Creative Suite in
    Business: Master Suite Applications Specialist CCL availabl[...]
    [...]Certificate of Completion - CCL 5397[...]Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Ado-[...]Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better in foster care, crisis intervention programs, group and halfway houses,
    all c[...]social service agencies (both private and State/local government),
    of other supporting programs included with the Adobe Creative[...]3 Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for
    CIS120DC[...]CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems (3) 3[...]3
    Certificate of Completion - CCL 5807[...]Certificate of Completion - CCL 5398
    Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in 19 credits[...]Foundations helps develop proficiency with three of Ado- Check Sheet
    be’s foundational graphics programs: Photoshop, Illustrator, and
    Flash. The courses in this CCL are the common subset of those For Information: Judy Pogg[...]applied towards
    the requirements of any of these more comprehensive certificates. Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in[...]es in adult day care centers, crisis intervention programs, group
    Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better in all and halfway[...]service agencies (both private and State/local government), facil-[...]
    Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better in Track 2: Grief & B[...]3
    CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems (3) 3[...]3 Select a total of 10 credits from the following courses:
    CFS249[...]ort 3
    vices. The core focus of the program is practical training and ser- +[...]rogram Notes: Students must earn a cumulative GPA of 2.5. Core: (12-17 credits)[...]Credits
    Students must select one of the following four Tracks:[...]
    [...]Therapy 3
    Certificate of Completion - CCL 5521[...]Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in GCC does n[...]elopment: Problem
    The core focus of the program is practical training and service[...]Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better in
    all courses[...]The Aerospace Studies (AES) curriculum consists of the Gener-
    + BHS156 Superv[...]3 ment with Arizona State University at Tempe, students at Glendale[...]1 at Arizona Stateof the Professional Officer Course (POC)[...]s, stu-
    Students must select one of the following four Tracks:[...]e pilots, naviga-
    Select a total of 10 credits from the following courses:[...]tors, space and missile officers, or serve in one of literally hun-
    + BHS264 Un[...]3 dreds of technical and non-technical career fields.[...]
    [...]origins, cultures, biology, and
    social behaviors of human beings in both the past and the pres-[...]and variation. ASB202 looks at the relationships of different to their skill levels. The program[...]d present. ASB214 discusses reli- foundation of knowledge, competency, and experience important[...]introduce students to the methods and discoveries of archae-
    ology. ASB235 covers past Native Amer[...]s Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for
    for any associate degre[...]Select one of two (2) tracks:[...]
    [...]Select one of two (2) tracks:
    Distribution: (1[...]0 or MTC/TCM120 220.
    Certificate of Completion - CCL 5334[...]Certificate of Completion - CCL 5447
    GCC Degrees &[...]Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Au-
    dio Prod[...]Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in
    ated with re[...]nd
    to give students a foundation of knowledge, competency, and ex-[...]repair of automotive chasses, brakes, and drivetrains. This[...]Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for
    Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for[...]
    [...]ing 3
    Certificate of Completion - CCL 5451[...]23.845.3950

    Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in
    Automotive Engine and Drive T[...]General Information
    maintenance and repair of automotive engines and drive trains.
    This course[...]Constant increases in the number of vehicles on the road as well[...]ir increasing complexity promises a steady stream of new
    Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better in all career openings[...]cles. The most critical attributes of an automotive technician are
    and Air Conditioning[...]the ability to accurately diagnose the causes of malfunctions and
    Certificate of Completion - CCL 5455[...]knowledge and understanding of the vehicle and component be-[...]23.845.3950

    Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Automotive Tec[...]its
    tomotive technicians specialized in the areas of driveability and en- Check Sheet
    gine perfor[...]giewicz
    Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for Phone: 623.845.[...](0.8) 4 motive programs:[...]
    [...]There is no specific time frame for completion of this program.
    Classes for studen[...]evenings.

    The Factory Sponsored Programs at Glendale are designed with
    the intention of placing the student in a dealership. The goal of
    these programs is to enable the student to achieve entry level
    as a technician. The programs are intensive and require full time
    status of each student. The student will require four semesters to
    complete this course of study. During those four semesters the[...]degree are advised to follow the recommendations of the
    working conditions and grow[...]ding placements.
    register in one of the factory sponsored programs, students must
    be sponsored by a[...]ven in both the theoretical and practical aspects of automotive[...]Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better in all
    Students sponsored through ASEP/ASSET/CAP programs may courses within the pr[...]3
    ASU’s and NAU’s Department of Industrial Education, but the[...]
    [...]The primary focus of biology is the study of life. This includes all
    Critical Reading:[...]plex plants and animals. The technological impact of the
    + CRE111 Critical Reading for Business a[...]nces on society and the increasing responsibility of
    equivalent by assessment[...]ist to our society require that a basic knowledge of biol-
    Mathematics: 0 ogy should become a part of everyone’s education. Students take
    Mathemati[...]ommended courses include at least two semesters of CHM,
    Certificate of Completion - CCL 5522 two semesters of PHY, and at least one semester of Calculus.
    19 credits[...]background and the degree requirements of the transfer in-[...]of the AGEC-S to facilitate transfer. Students shoul[...]with an advisor and/or the catalog of the transfer institution
    Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in to determi[...]es designed to pro- to bachelor’s programs in the field of molecular biology.
    vide students with the skills[...]basic behavioral
    health services. The core focus of the program is practical training • mee[...]iology.
    Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better in all
    courses within the progr[...]Transfer students should consult the catalog of the transfer insti-[...]
    [...]+ BIO220 Biology of Microorganisms (4) or[...]cturing, and the drug discovery and testing field of Bio- + CHM152 General Chemistry[...]ontemporary biotechnological workplace, inclusive of
    analytical, critical thinking an[...]nic chemistry option.
    completion of the program will also provide the educational bac[...]Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for + ENG101 Fi[...]ics course
    Select 3 credit hours of Biology Seminar (BIO211AA and BIO211AB[...]6
    Two (2) semesters of internship are required.[...]
    [...]Student Goals: Personal, Career-related
    Purpose of the Degree[...]• For Personal Development of microcomputer skills. Begin-
    ward a baccalaureate[...]lly, the degree transfers as a block without loss of cred-
    of Completion program are available. With proper cho[...]will apply to university graduation requirements of the university[...]ir academic schedule in order to complete
    Purpose of the Degree[...]lly, the degree transfers as a block without loss of cred-
    it to Arizona’s public universities and o[...]s
    may apply to university graduation requirements of the university
    major for which the ABus-SR[...]
    [...]Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for[...]0.5
    dustries, government agencies, and private businesses of all kinds.[...]Today’s office employee performs a variety of tasks. Data entry + CIS113CE[...]1
    keep records of completed work.[...]ees &

    uments, keep inventory of office supplies, take dictation and tran-
    Certif[...]rences, prepare and/or coordinate the preparation of docu- Phone: 623.845.4196[...]This degree can be applied to a Bachelor of Applied Science de-[...]ree includes courses
    Certificate of Completion - CCL 5238[...]Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Busi- are integr[...]hods, managing calendars, and fundamental aspects of
    using a payroll software.[...]
    Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for each course listed in +[...]y approved course, see page 75.
    CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems 3[...]or Certificate of Completion - CCL 5212
    + CIS214DE Advanced E[...]3 Phone: 623.845.4196
    + CIS250 Management of Information Systems 3
    + GBS[...]3 Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in[...]rses
    OAS101AA Computer Typing I: Keyboard Master (1) and in the following areas: gen[...]GCC Degrees &
    Students may select any combination of additional courses from the[...]Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better in all
    following prefixes for a total of 7-10 credits. BPC106AH and BPC-[...]ses and restricted electives
    must total a minimum of 42 credits.[...]ms course CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems[...]OAS101AA Computer Typing I: Keyboard Master (1) and
    COM100 Introduction to Human Com[...]
    [...]ay select additional courses from any combination of the
    following prefixes for a total of 2-4 credits. BPC106AH and BPC- + CAD245 Design and Modeling of Mechanisms (3) or
    106BH recommen[...]g course(s) (1-3) or
    Certificate of Completion - CCL 5410[...]Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in
    CAD Applicat[...]al modeling and documentation specific to one of the three major Certificate of Completion - CCL 5409
    design fields (architecture, civil, manufacturing). The goal of this 16 credits
    progra[...]Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for For Informa[...]Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for
    Prerequisite courses may be waived with permission of Program Di- each course listed in th[...]Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in
    CAD100 Fundamentals of 2D AutoCAD 3 C[...]nts with
    + CAD101 Elements of CAD Graphics (AutoCAD) 3[...]e in 2-di-
    + CAD145 Survey of CAD 3[...]D) Modeling and Advanced cal of entry level CAD operators.[...]Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for
    + CAD105 Fundamentals of Revit Architecture (3) or e[...]CAD100 Fundamentals of 2D AutoCAD 3[...]ology (3) or + CAD101 Elements of CAD Graphics (AutoCAD) 3[...]+ CAD145 Survey of CAD 3[...]Design + CAD105 Fundamentals of Revit Architecture (3) or[...]
    [...]+ CAD245 Design and Modeling of Mechanisms 3
    Phone: 623.845.3[...]3
    in the manipulation of 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional objects[...]ided Drafting course(s) (1-3) or
    their experience of the design sector and heightening their skills in[...]+++ Any ART course(s) (1-3) or
    and perceptions of the range of design possibilities. ECE[...]1-3
    Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for each course listed[...]ments: (19-22 credits)
    CAD100 Fundamentals of 2D AutoCAD 3
    + CAD101 Elements of CAD Graphics (AutoCAD) 3[...]Credits
    + CAD145 Survey of CAD 3[...]ENG102 or ENG108 is acceptable with permission of department
    + CAD295 Design Geometry[...]f ENG111 is not available.
    + CET211 Strength of Materials 3[...]and (DFT107 or MAT182)
    Students must complete one of the following application spe- i[...]3
    + CAD105 Fundamentals of Revit Architecture 3 A[...]is recommended)
    + CAD245 Design and Modeling of Mechanisms 3
    + CAD281[...]
    [...]fer ferring to the University of Arizona.

    Chemists study the behavior of substances, and create new or G[...]ourses are strongly recommended.
    of living systems vital to research efforts in the field of medicine.
    They also analyze samp[...]ying chemistry often find employment in a variety of Certificate of Completion - CCL 5401
    related fi[...]for BS, MS, and PhD chemists in business, government and in- For Information: Judy P[...]Phone: 623.845.3194
    labs, government labs, and the semiconductor industry, opportu-[...]Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in
    picture is m[...]signed to generally parallel the first two years of course work re- within management and administration of programs such as:

    quire[...]mistry de- centers, crisis intervention programs, group and halfway houses,
    partm[...]courses transfer. private and State/local government), facilities for the disabled and[...]Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for[...]Credits
    gebra, or the equivalent of 4 years high school math.[...]CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems (3)[...]
    [...]ion and World Languages Department is
    Certificate of Completion - CCL 5710[...]n (GCC/NAU)

    Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in That’s correc[...]without ever leaving GCC’s campus. The Bachelor of Science De-
    documented training in preparation fo[...]ldhood education who intend to completion of the program, students receive their B.S. degree from
    pursue the national credential of CDA from the Council for Pro- Northern Arizona University. The Bachelor of Science Degree in
    fessional Recognition. Students[...]munication provides a better understanding of how organizations
    uation and validation.[...]etorical and experimental approaches to the study of
    Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for human communicat[...]opportunity to study a common core of communication courses,[...]to design part of their program to achieve individual goals, and to[...]e 8 (3) 3 and service with the goal of improving communicative interactions.[...]A recent national survey of college graduates with the majors or
    EED200 Foundations of Early Childhood Education 3 min[...]3 vices, public relations, advertisement, government, social services,[...]munication 3

    The objectives of the Communication and World Languages De-[...]provide individual courses as electives in other
    programs; to satisfy requirements prescribed by programs in other Upper Division NAU Courses taken[...]ts for the GCC/NAU SC 312 Methods of Interviewing 3
    university Communication programs; and to provide second lan-
    guage learners opport[...]Our courses are organized to meet practical needs of students,[...]
    [...]program of study that provides intensive study of written and oral
    Students are required to take 12 hours of GCC courses in a con- communicatio[...]ing interpersonal
    centrated area of study. Students should work in conjunction with t[...]and World Languages Department’s selection of Maricopa Com-
    munity College cou[...]ion Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for each course listed[...]h Communication, and Communication Studies at any of Ar-
    izona’s universities. Depe[...]COM241 Oral Interpretation of Literature ENG1[...]mpliance. CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems 3[...]COM263 Elements of Intercultural Communication 3[...]Credits
    series of courses for speakers of other languages. Through these[...]3
    The aim of the program is that of achieving communication com-[...]
    [...]nts will get experience with
    disciplinary program of study designed to extend traditional ESL[...]a variety of operating systems, database management, and pop-[...]ular programming languages. A Certificate of Completion (CCL)
    and written communication skills[...]Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better in[...]Credits
    Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for each course listed[...]ESL (3) 3 CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems[...]indows Professional (3) or
    COM120 Pronunciation of American Speech 3[...]3 GCC will accept MST150SV in lieu of MST150, MST150VI, or[...]mming Level I course (3) or
    CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems 3[...]
    [...]Courses area. 12 CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems 3[...]GCC will accept MST150SV in lieu of MST150, MST150VI, or
    + ENG102 Fi[...]Satisfactory completion of a higher level
    mat[...]ire the knowledge and skills that match the needs of[...]r Network Servicing.
    Certificate of Completion - CCL 5671
    21 credits[...]Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in
    Computer Inf[...]rdware and software skills
    needs of students who are planning to find employment usin[...]gram. Students will get experience with a variety of oper- • Effective verbal and writt[...]Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better in
    all courses[...]h an Aca- • A working knowledge of applications software skills.[...]
    panding role of microprocessors, another field of employment COM100 Introduction to Human[...]3
    mum of 18 credits in required NET and/or MIT courses at[...]4
    a solid, hands-on skill set of computer, networking and internet- Any app[...]nology principles.
    Students gain an understanding of the interaction between micro-
    computer software[...]p-
    erating systems software and hardware, the use of troubleshooting
    techniques, and troubleshooting h[...]rmation
    Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for[...]esigning, writing, and
    Permission of Program Director 0-2 modifying computer programs to accomplish a wide variety of tasks
    in all areas of business and industry. Students take these course[...]Level I-A 1 well as write programs for almost all areas of industry. CS ma-
    CNT140AA Cisco Net[...]
    [...]rallels the first two
    years of a BS degree in Computer Science or Computer Sys-[...]with access to a community of writers and creative writing activi-[...]portfolio of original work that may be used to seek admittance[...]bachelor’s or master’s level creative writing program or that may[...]of all levels regardless of academic or professional standing.[...]edu, for an up-to-date description of course offerings.
    Certificates[...]traditional creative writing programs because of cultural, dialect[...]lack of academic experience.
    Counseling[...]Completion of the certificate does not lead to a particular deg[...]program, but may aid students in their pursuit of a career in the
    For Information:[...]ting professions and in their continued enjoyment of writing for
    Phone: 623.845.3059[...]ng must
    al, and career interests of students. These courses are NOT de- be earned from Glendale Community College. CRW courses of-
    signed as pre-major courses for[...]Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for
    [...]210 may be substituted for CRW150 with permission of Program + ENG236 Magazine Writer’s W[...]3
    GCC will accept ENG210 in lieu of CRW150 with permission of
    Program Director.

    + CRW200 Readings for Writers[...]2
    CRW200 must be repeated for a total of two (2) credits. Dance[...]of a traditional dance major and allow the student t[...]l level.
    Series I:
    Students must complete two (2) of the following courses for a total of The GCC resident dance company, Verve Dance C[...]for those students who wish an intense program of study and plan
    CRW120 Introduction to Writing[...]3 an intermediate or advanced level of skill.
    CRW172 Introduction to Comic Book Writi[...]I (by audition)
    Students must complete three (3) of the following courses for a total DAN264 or DAN265 Choreography I, II
    of nine (9) credits.[...]these DAH210 History of Ballet and Modern Dance
    [...]Digital Cinema Arts
    Certificate of Completion - CCL 5034[...]Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in
    Developmenta[...]ving children or alized the importance of television as a marketing tool and staff[...]se
    ical and emotional correlates of developmental disability. The stu- production of training and marketing media. Demand for video[...]oduction technicians are involved in a wide range of busi-
    Required Courses: (13 cred[...]Credits ness and industrial applications of media production. Individuals
    Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for each course listed[...]applications of video production operation. Individuals working[...]al television assist in the design and production of in-
    + PSY241 Understanding[...]vior 3 house television programs to meet the needs of the industry, ca-
    + PSY242[...]n.
    + PSY243 The Psychology of Developmental Disabilities 3[...]ing in the craft, process and language of moving images. The pro-
    CFS176[...]gram uses state of the art technology and provides opportunities[...]3 Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for all courses within t[...]
    Students must select one (1) of the following two (2) tracks:

    Track I: Film Cred[...]in Digital Media Arts program offers two tracks of study: Design
    + VPT206 Directing[...]completion of the program, students will have compiled an onlin[...]Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better in all[...]3 Students must select one (1) of the following two (2) tracks:
    Any approved cour[...]+ ART/MMT190 Art of Web Site Design[...]
    [...]) program of study that provides an educational foundation in[...]cally related to the business needs and practices of early
    Humanities and Fine Arts:[...]Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for[...]amily Organizations:
    Certificate of Completion - CCL 5418[...]EED200 Foundations of Early Childhood Education 3[...]Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in + EED261[...]+ EED280 Observation and Assessment of Typical and
    function of an emergency vehicle driver/operator.[...]Students must select courses from any combination of the following
    Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for prefixes for a total of 3 credits.
    each course listed in[...]+ CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems 3[...]n Course 1-3
    sion of Program Director is required.[...]
    [...]Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for each course listed
    Core: (1[...](3) or EED200 Foundations of Early Childhood Education 3
    +[...]assessment or Two (2) semesters of internship are required
    Approved ma[...]struction -
    Satisfactory completion of a higher level B[...]+ EED280 Observation and Assessment of Typical[...]to prepare indi-
    viduals to work within the field of early childhood education (ECE), Distribution[...]Credits
    focusing on programs serving children birth through 8 years of Humanities and Fine Arts:[...]3
    are offered in a variety of formats, and are scheduled to accom-[...]a department ad- FON241 Principles of Human Nutrition (3) and
    visor in planning their a[...]order to complete + FON241LL Principles of Human Nutrition (1)
    degree requirements in[...]
    Certificate of Completion - CCL 5374[...]Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Economics courses provide an understanding of economic institu-
    Early Childhoo[...]terested in working in the field of early childhood education (ECE), Students take these courses to:
    particularly in programs serving children birth through 8 years of
    age. The courses are based on cu[...]ces Re-
    are offered in a variety of formats, and are scheduled to accom-[...]Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for ECN211[...]institution. Students should consult the catalog of the
    Education Classroo[...]nstitution.
    EED200 Foundations of Early Childhood Education 3[...]3 bution, and consumption of goods and services. They evaluate[...]results of financial, governmental, and business policies. A[...]of specialization include labor, fiscal management,[...]With the increased reliance on scientific methods of analyzing
    Two (2) semesters of internship are required.[...]production operations, employment of economists can be expect-
    + EED2[...]+ EED280 Observation and Assessment of Typical
    [...]areer Outlook: Arizona is experiencing a shortage of qualified tronic Music is intended for[...]ents, and acknowledgment for completion of electronic music courses, and
    demands for reducti[...]completion of the certificate does not lead to a particular deg[...]it does provide and enhance the development of musicianship for
    Transfer recommendations: Studen[...]ith fundamental musical skills covering a variety of topics,
    their admission and course requirements.[...]tion, students receive a high level of technical training in creating
    Department Recomme[...]they will build a portfolio of original compositions that may be used
    EDU221[...]ldren’s Literature (3) or
    EDU292 The Art Of Storytelling (3) or Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for
    EDU204 Fine Arts in[...]MTC100 Fundamentals of Music (2) or
    Other Recommendations for Elementary[...]Permission of instructor 2-3
    + COM2[...]Students are required to complete a total of six (6) credits of MTC240.
    ARH100 Introduction to Art (3) or[...]Two (2) semesters of Composition are required.[...]
    [...]Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better in[...]3)
    been actively practicing as a State Certified Basic Emergency
    Medica[...]counseled by Chris Coughlin or Paula Davis of the Emergency
    Medical Technology[...]Paramedic classes are scheduled to meet the needs of
    community agencies.[...]Permission of Program Director (0) 0-0.5[...]or exceed the National Registry/State of Arizona refresher train- OR[...]ponse and Operations
    Certificate of Completion - CCL 5643[...]Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Program De[...]cy Medical Technology program includes techniques of Emergency Response and Operati[...]emergency care, stabilization, and immobilization of victims of with a curriculum specific to the[...]illness and injury. Recognition and documentation of signs and to the knowledge and sk[...]changing public safety
    symptoms of illness and injury, intervention, and evaluation of the workplace. The program develops ed[...]ention, techniques for assessment, administration of oxy- for planning, responding, and[...]arious emergency situa-
    gen, use of specific immobilization devices, and preparation[...]-
    transportation are other areas of the program. This program is a tive[...]prerequisite to other emergency response programs. in public safety eme[...]ponent. Additional Certificates of Completion (CCL) are available.[...]
    Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better in all + EMT245[...]rogram
    entrance exam as appropriate or Permission of Program Director. + EMT272LL[...]Cooperative Education (3) or
    Permission of Program Director[...]logy for Health Care
    Students must select one (1) of the following five (5) tracks:[...]permission of Program Director 0-3
    OR[...]AJS/DPR/FSC148 Fundamentals of Emergency Management 3
    Arizona State EMT Certification (0) or[...]GCC Degrees &
    Arizona State Paramedic Certification (0) or[...]Certificates
    Permission of Program Director[...]3 AJS/DPR/FSC148 Fundamentals of Emergency Management 3
    FSC130 Fitness for[...]FSC108 Fundamentals of Fire Prevention 3
    Track I[...]Permission of Program Director 0-3

    Arizona State EMT Certification (0) or[...]s/First Responder 3
    Arizona State Paramedic Certification (0) or FSC108 Fundamentals of Fire Prevention 3
    Permission of Program Director[...]
    [...]ence and mathematics skills. Calculate the height of
    Students must choose the appropriate number of credits to meet the your rocket and the path of catapult projectiles; use levers[...]+ ECE215 Mechanics of Materials 3[...]See approved list for AA degree.
    Certificates[...]e following Engineer-
    ing degree programs: Computer Systems, Electrical, Mechanical,[...]agreements exist
    with all three state universities in Arizona.[...]required of entry-level engineering technicians. Students are[...]ete vided with the fundamentals of physics, engineering, computer[...]Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for all
    AutoCAD to build models of engineering designs. co[...]lative GPA of 3.0 for all Engineering Technology AAS req[...]
    [...]ECE 212 (3) Mechanics of[...]Skills of Writing composition I c[...]
    [...]Mechanics of[...]Skills of Writing First year[...]
    [...]ntals (4) or
    + CAD145 Survey of CAD (3) or[...]Courses in English are in the areas of composition, literature, and
    +[...]tion skills of writing, reading, and speaking. Courses in litera[...]4-5 tory, development, and structure of language.

    + PHY116 Univer[...]study programs. They develop communication skills for person-[...]encourage personal enrichment through the study of literature.[...]s in English as a second language assist speakers of other
    ECE111 Bioengineering[...]ee require-
    + ECE215 Mechanics of Materials[...]
    [...]Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for
    Departmental Recommendation[...]3 EXS112 Professional Applications of Fitness Principles 3
    + ENG200 Reading[...]niques 3
    ENH221 Survey of English Literature Before 1800 3[...]ing and Prescription 3
    ENH222 Survey of English Literature After 1800 3[...]+ EXS239 Practical Applications of Personal Training
    The following course is also hi[...]3 + EXS239AA Practical Applications of Personal Training[...]+ EXS239AB Practical Applications of Personal Training[...]FON241 Principles of Human Nutrition (3) 3[...]Credits
    be eligible for the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Choose a total of 6 (six) credits from EXS, FON, HES and/or WED
    Hea[...]FON+++++ Any FON Food and Nutrition courses
    of Sports Medicine (NASM) personal trainer certifica[...]General Education Requirements: (22-27 credits)
    of individuals with existing degrees in such[...]
    [...]Students must complete one of the following Blocks:
    + MAT120[...]Credits CFS225 Foundations of Parent Education 3[...]care, adult day care centers, crisis intervention programs, First-Year Composition:[...]cial service agencies (both private and State/local government), fa-[...]Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for Mathematics[...]Credits
    CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems (3)[...]
    [...]Officer Leadership program or permission of the Program Director.
    Fire Academy
    Certificate of Completion - CCL 5383[...]3

    Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in
    Fire Academy is designed to p[...]offers the firefighter/fire- Certificate of Completion - CCL 5557
    fighter candidate the necessary course of instruction and training 17-27 credits
    t[...]le to a degree in fire science. At the completion of For Information: Raul Muniz
    the program and with the satisfactory passing of the necessary Phone: 623.845.4776
    state exams, state certification in Firefighter I and II is granted[...]Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in[...]tunity for individuals who
    Program Notes: A grade of “C” or better is required for all courses[...]standard firefighting skills needed in the field of fire-[...]3 Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for[...]Admission Criteria: Completion of Program Prerequisites.[...]ts) Credits
    Certificate of Completion - CCL 5420[...]Permission of Program Director 0-1
    Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in + FSC102[...]ractical in-
    cident command, supervisory training of personnel, and human
    resource management.

    This p[...]llege.

    Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for
    each course listed i[...]
    [...]Certificate of Completion - CCL 5486
    General In[...]Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Fire
    The Fir[...]for plant
    Greater Phoenix is one of the fastest growing cities in the “Sun[...]ture of the program is that the instructors are professio[...]mployed as firefighters can expect the attainment of the lege, Estrella Mountain Communit[...]Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for
    FSC110 - W[...]minimum FSC108 Fundamentals of Fire Prevention 3[...]AJS/DPR/FSC148 Fundamentals of Emergency[...]3. No felony conviction in any state or federal jurisdiction[...]sely affect the
    performance of duties as a firefighter[...]lness
    5. Successful completion of the agility and written (general[...]ng Through a diversified program of activities, the health/physical ed-[...]ucation instructor encourages maintenance of health and physical
    in an expedi[...]rings, degree fitness, development of interest in sports and physical activity, and[...]y to extend completion time the art of socialization through play. Related careers are c[...]sports, health spa management, gymnasium programs, YMCA or[...]
    [...]: This program is designed as the first two
    years of course work for students intending to complete a[...]e: 623.845.3453
    which provide a general knowledge of personal health concepts http://www[...]d techniques and safety. Prevention and
    Treatment of Athletic Injuries is offered for the prospective[...]ad- management, public service, management of distribution warehous-
    vanced knowledge than is p[...]under supervision of experienced personnel to gain knowledge and
    There[...]al Business program is designed to meet the needs of[...]students who wish a broad overview of business and desire not to
    dient manner. Required[...]ned to acquaint students with major subject areas of business,
    students may find it necessary to exten[...]dents with an understanding of influencing factors in business de-[...]to meet the needs of students who wish to transfer to a four-year
    GCC[...]ansfer institution. A Certificate of Completion (CCL) is also available.
    guide to students who are pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Rec-
    reation. Those students may compl[...]g, economics, marketing, supply chain management,
    of study at GCC leading to an Associate in Arts degr[...]Business-General
    ue their third and fourth years of study at ASU’s West Campus and Requir[...]munity Col-
    REC120 Leisure and the Quality of Life lege, and Sout[...]Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better in all
    GCC’s Fitness and Well[...]o obtaining certificates and degrees in the field of Fitness, Per-
    sonal Training, Strength Conditioni[...]ment 3
    higher level of knowledge, leading to an AA degree, AAS degree
    an[...]will be well on their CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems 3
    wa[...]MKT271 Principles of Marketing 3[...]
    [...]Certificate of Completion - CCL 5683
    ACC+++[...]Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in[...]Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better in
    Core: (15-1[...]CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems[...]
    [...]and Historical Awareness requirements of the AGEC-A and AGEC-B
    General Information[...]and the Optional Sciences requirement of AGEC-S. When taken in[...]combination of lecture and lab together, Physical Geology (GLG10[...]taken in combination of lecture and lab together, Historical Geolo-[...]the Global Aware-
    Geology is the scientific study of the Earth - its composition, struc- ness (G)[...]y, geologists are called
    upon to find new sources of useful earth materials to balance so-
    ciety’s g[...]nt opportunities for geologists include the areas of water General Information
    resource manag[...]d production, geologic hazard assessment, federal/state re- Phone: 623.845.4760
    search, manageme[...]lt a department advisor for specific requirements of events and achievements of humanity. Historians analyze and
    senior instituti[...]redits
    The following courses are required by each of the State’s Universities. History courses at Glendale[...]1 braries, archives, government agencies, and communication me-[...]sulting and research) should be explored. Because of its
    + MAT220 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I (5) or breadth as a part of the liberal arts curriculum, a baccalaurea[...]
    [...]2. Recent graduates of Maricopa County high schools are eli-[...]meet one of the following criteria:
    General[...]a. Rank in the top 15% of their NCA-accredited Maricopa
    Fo[...]at the time of application, have either tested into at[...]least ENG101 (with a minimum WritePlacer score of 5),
    ented and motivated students[...]English WritePlacer score of 6 or higher
    general education re[...]Students who complete a minimum of fifteen (15) Honors credits[...]• enroll in and complete a minimum of 12 credits each se-
    apply for honors programs and scholarships at state universities[...]• enroll in and complete a minimum of 24 credits in cours-
    Benefits of the Honors Program:[...]• enroll in and complete with a grade of “C” or higher at
    GCC Degrees &[...]least 3 credits of honors course work each semester
    Certificates[...]• maintain a cumulative MCCCD GPA of 3.25 or higher
    • Financial[...]the loss of their scholarships, which cannot be reinstated, a[...]minimum of 12 credits in courses numbered 100 and above
    • Assistance with transfer to our state universities[...]GPA of 3.25 or higher may apply for the Honors Achieve-[...]cepted will receive partial
    programs and conferences[...]tuition-fee waivers based on the number of credits for which[...]Number of Credits Amount of Fee Waiver
    1. Students with a cumulative MCCCD GPA of 3.25 or higher[...]
    • enroll in and complete the number of credits for which they[...]et
    • enroll in and complete with a grade of “C” or higher at[...]Information: Ray Esparza
    least 3 credits of honors coursework[...]5.3273
    • maintain a cumulative MCCCD GPA of 3.25 or higher[...]ols to understand how networks, operating
    end of the semester and the amount of the award is deter-
    systems and programs function. Emphasis is placed on develop-
    mine[...]systems. The program is designed to
    Please Note: State law now requires that a person who is not a[...]meet the training needs of government and industry employees.
    citizen or legal resident of the United States or who is without law-[...]The program covers a variety of information security disciplines
    ful immigration status is not entitled to classification as an in-state[...]s and business, industry and govern-
    According to state law, a person who is not a citizen of the Unit-[...]d at any community college under the jurisdiction of[...]Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of a “C” or better for
    an Arizona community coll[...]nancial
    aid, tuition assistance or any other type of financial assistance[...]at is subsidized or paid in whole or in part with state monies.
    + Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Information Security[...]Students should select 12 credits from the list below of which 6 credits
    or scholarships may be subject to[...]3
    alter class schedules without approval of the Honors Office. + CNT160 Ci[...]GCC will accept CNT160AA in lieu of CNT160.[...]GCC will accept CNT170AA in lieu of CNT170.[...]
    [...]. Interested students CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems 3[...]6 GCC will accept CNT140AA in lieu of CNT140.
    + ENG101 First Year Comp[...]GCC will accept CNT150AA in lieu of CNT150.
    + ENG108 First-Year Comp[...]3-5 GCC will accept MST150SV in lieu of MST150 or MST150XP.
    + MAT150[...]r Design courses to:
    Certificate of Completion - CCL 5347
    27 credits[...]the basic design principles and elements of design. Discov-[...]Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in In-[...]ng a Home.
    operating systems and programs function, as well as, how to pro-[...]he program is designed to meet the training needs of
    employees in both public and pri[...]ow to make a home more
    a variety of information security disciplines that include bot[...]Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of a “C” or better for[...]
    [...]Journalism, Mass Communications and
    Certificate of Completion - CCL 5429
    30 credits[...]ed, Transfer
    Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in In-
    terior Merchandising prog[...]electronic shortcuts will replace the journalist of tomorrow. Report-
    ture and furniture, fabrics, an[...]will help prepare them for the particular segment of[...]casting. A sizable number of graduates found non-media jobs in-
    Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for[...]of journalism experiences can be planned for the max[...]afting 3 efit of the student.
    INT105 Introduction to Interi[...]hich they plan to transfer. Due to limited course of-[...]3 fy the general education requirements of most four-year colleges
    ARH100 Introduction t[...]JRN133 Development of Small Publications 3
    MKT271 Principles of Marketing[...]
    [...]s 3 Certificate of Completion - CCL 5466
    JRN236[...]3 Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in[...]scipline or are
    See approved list for AA degree, page 14. The following courses[...]state and country and requires an internship in journal[...]a juried portfolio of published articles to complete the certificate.[...]POS110 American National Government 3 + JRN234[...]nts intending to transfer into ASU’s Department of Journalism JRN215 News Product[...]+ COM241 Oral Interpretation of Literature (3) 3 Restrict[...]JRN133 Development of Small Publications 3

    + ENG215 Strategies of Academic Writing (3) or[...]Certificate of Completion - CCL 5899
    + MAT152[...]Penny Babb
    CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems 3[...]the investigation of criminal activity and to successfully assist in[...]of interviewing, search and seizure, and courtroom p[...]Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for[...]
    [...]nsible for all costs pertaining
    nel or permission of instructor.[...]1 Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for
    + LEO281AD Criminal In[...]Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for each course listed
    Certificate of Completion - CCL 5485[...]r certification Check Sheet
    agency in the state. The academy spans two semesters with the
    first certifying the successful participants as Limited Authority Of- For Information: Guiomar Borras
    ficers with full peace officer powers when in the presence of a Phone: 623.845.3636
    fully certified o[...]. detailed understanding of video equipment, operation; an overall[...]knowledge of video terminology; directing and production expe-[...]t by a law rience; and a basic knowledge of professional television studio
    enforcement agency[...]irements
    cept them. The testing normally consists of a written exam, an oral in an expedient man[...]r, the certifi- Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for each course listed in
    catio[...]eace officer training. Upon successful completion of the acade-
    my, these cadets will have 9 months to[...]ation. GCC will accept ENG213 in lieu of SLC201.

    Those interested in attending the[...]
    [...]Students must choose two (2) courses from the list below. Prerequi- CIS126DL Linu[...]Credits
    COM263 Elements of Intercultural Communication 3[...]CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems 3[...]+ CIS270 Essentials of Network and Information Security 3[...]Linux Associate
    Certificate of Completion - CCL 5219
    24 credits[...]Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Li- Phone: 623[...]p prepare students for a
    variety of industry-recognized Linux certification exams as[...]designed to help
    includes a core of Linux classes including Linux Operating System to prepare students for a variety of industry recognized Linux cer-
    B[...]the work place. The program includes a core of Linux classes in-
    edge and skill[...]ent professional skills. Objectives for a variety of industry certi- Network Administration and[...]Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for
    all course[...]Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for[...]
    [...]on 4
    CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems(3) or
    Permission of Department or Division 3[...]dits Satisfactory completion of a higher level
    Selected courses will not apply in[...]3
    CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems (3) 3[...]Certificates
    + CIS250 Management of Information Systems 3
    + CIS270 Essentials of Network and Information Security 3 Certificate of Completion - CCL 5225
    + CIS274DL Linux Ente[...]Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in
    CNT140AA Cisco Networking F[...]3-4 prepare students for a variety of industry recognized Linux cer-[...]the work place. The program includes a core of Linux classes in-
    + CNT160AA Cisco Local Ar[...]tives for a variety of industry certifications are encompassed with-[...]Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for
    [...]3 Certificate of Completion - CCL 5204
    + CIS238[...]Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Linux
    MST1[...]variety of industry-recognized Linux certification exams as[...]includes a core of Linux classes including Linux operating system[...]ent professional skills. Objectives for a variety of industry certi-
    Restricted Elect[...]bjectives.
    CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems (3) 3[...]Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for
    + CIS241DL[...]e program.
    + CIS250 Management of Information Systems 3
    + CIS270 Essentials of Network and Information Security 3[...]CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems 3[...]4 + CIS270 Essentials of Network and Information Security[...]
    [...]courses in italics. GCC does not cur-
    Certificate of Completion - CCL 5843[...]t Technology
    Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Certificate of Completion - CCL 5473
    Microsoft Certified Informa[...]r Mi- Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Mi-[...]the skills to successfully trouble-
    Typical tasks of a Microsoft Certified Information Technology Pro-[...]Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better in all
    nity College.[...]ogram.

    Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for Program Prerequis[...]program. In lieu of the courses listed below, students with experienc[...]Credits quirements with the permission of the instructor.
    CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems (3) or
    Permission of Department or Division 0-3[...]
    [...]s Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better in all
    CIS10[...]or CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems or
    CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems (3) 3 Permission of Department or Division 0-3[...]GCC will accept CNT140AA in lieu of CNT140. + CIS2[...]This degree can be applied to a Bachelor of Applied Science de- MST150++ A[...]GCC does not cur-
    Typical tasks of a Microsoft Networking Administrator include[...]tricted Electives.
    Typical tasks of a Microsoft Certified Information Technolo[...]
    [...]ed course, see page 75.
    + CIS270 Essentials of Network and Information Security 3[...](3) or Certificate of Completion - CCL 5852
    CIS280++ Current Topi[...]Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in
    + CIS290++ Computer Infor[...]) or Typical tasks of a Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator
    MST[...]Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for
    + MST244 Microsoft SQL S[...]CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems (3) or
    GCC does not[...]does not cur- Permission of Department or Division 0-3[...]
    [...]ROTC in that they:
    Certificate of Completion - CCL 5841
    16-17 cred[...]2. Teach valuable skills regardless of the student’s future plans
    For[...]Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Mi-
    crosoft[...]some or all of these courses may be granted to veterans,[...]students who attend ROTC summer programs
    The courses in the program also[...]Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University, and the[...]versity of Arizona offer a two-year and four-year program le[...]The Departments of Military Science and Aerospace Studies will
    Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for
    GCC Degrees &[...]8 semester hour curriculum of either the Department of Military
    Program Prerequisites:[...]. In addi-
    CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems (3) or[...]tion, the Department of Aerospace Studies will accept applicants
    Permission of Department or Division 0-3[...]GCC will accept CNT140AA in lieu of CNT140.

    MST150 Microsoft Wi[...]3

    + CIS270 Essentials of Network and Information Security[...]
    [...]MUP209 Elements of Conducting 2

    Pro[...]equired courses for Music Majors at four year in-
    of music required for a Bachelor degree in Music Edu[...]MUP250 Survey of Diction for Singers (1 credit each) 2
    Mo[...]And one of the following:
    There are some courses which have[...]2
    sufficient training in the fundamentals of music are advised to take MUP181[...]I 3
    the areas of piano, voice and various instruments. Students ar[...]tificates
    for each half-hour lesson. The duration of the term for music les- MUC111[...]Workstation II (DAW II) 3
    length of a private lesson is 30 minutes for one credit or[...]3
    will receive a grade of “P” (credit) or “Z” (no credit). Upon rea[...]2
    Availability: Complete day programs. Partial evening programs.
    Due to limited course offerings, students[...]
    [...]MUC136 Turntablism: The Art of the Scratch DJ 3[...]Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for + MUC180 Co[...]must select twelve (12) credits from the approved list of MKT101 Introduction to Public Rela[...]Music Business MKT271 Principles of Marketing 3[...]pecialization. MKT267 Principles of Salesmanship 3[...]3
    + MUC241 Business Principles of Music Production 3[...]
    [...]ion Requirements: (22-25 credits)
    + ACC230 Uses of Accounting Information I 3
    + ACC240 Uses of Accounting Information II 3[...]Credits
    CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems 3[...]y approved course, see page 75.
    COM263 Elements of Intercultural Communication 3[...]uld choose twelve (12) credits from the following list of Music Business
    courses except courses used to satisfy the Restricted Electives area. Certificate of Completion - CCL 5258[...]g 3
    MKT271 Principles of Marketing 3[...]Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Music[...]Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for
    Promotion and Tra[...]1
    + MUC241 Business Principles of Music Production 3
    [...]ust select fifteen (15) credits from the approved list of MKT101 Introduction to Public Relat[...]Music Business MKT271 Principles of Marketing 3[...]pecialization. MKT267 Principles of Salesmanship 3[...]3
    + MUC241 Business Principles of Music Production 3[...]es 3 + ACC230 Uses of Accounting Information I 3
    MUC136 Turntablism: The Art of the Scratch DJ 3 + ACC240 Uses of Accounting Information II 3[...]3 CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems 3[...]2 COM263 Elements of Intercultural Communication 3[...]
    [...]0AA Cisco Local Area Networking (LAN)
    Certificate of Completion - CCL 5969[...]ted students
    Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in should inquire at[...]Systems Certified Professionals. The Certificate of Comple-[...]llege.

    Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for
    all courses required within[...]Certificate of Completion - CCL 5312[...]Check Sheet
    One of the following two tracks must be fulfilled:[...]Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in
    + CNT148 CCNA Discovery[...]sco Systems is the world’s largest manufacturer of network- Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for
    ing and Internet hardware and has seen tremendous growth of each course listed in the prog[...]
    [...]Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for
    Permission of Program Director 0-2 ea[...]and Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for each course listed[...]4 GCC will accept MST150SV in lieu of MST150, MST150VI, or
    NET220 H[...]One of the following two tracks must be fulfilled:[...]oduction to Routing and
    facturer of networking and Internet hardware and has seen tre[...]4
    mendous growth of market share. The employment opportunities[...]
    [...]age and Applications (3) or
    CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems (3) 3[...]3
    + CIS270 Essentials of Network and Information Security 3[...]puter Networking 3
    ELT100 Survey of Electronics 3
    CIS[...]pliance Configuration 3 Certificate of Completion - CCL 5967
    + CNT183 Cisco Secure[...]Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in
    + BPC273 Advanced Serve[...]emy program curriculum.
    + CIS250 Management of Information Systems 3
    CIS280[...]Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for
    GCC does not current[...]
    Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for each course listed[...]ademics/departments/nursing

    One of the following two tracks must be fulfilled:[...]Community Colleges integrated the curriculum of all allied health
    + CNT150 Cisc[...]ogies (4) or and nursing programs. All allied health or nursing program path-[...]d educational offerings emphasize the achievement of rel-[...]ployer, and the community. As a result, graduates of the various
    In[...]3-4 Allied Health or Nursing Assumption of Risk/Release of Liability[...]Most of the program pathways of the allied health or nursing in-[...]talics. Interested students clude a program of study in a clinical training environment which[...]Use of Confidential Information
    CNT13[...]3 adhere to the requirements of those clinical sites and applicable[...]nterprise 4 Act of 1996 (HIPAA).
    + CNT168 CCN[...]4 Allied Health or Nursing College of Attendance[...]As the allied health or nursing programs are integrated across[...]the Maricopa Community College District, college of attendance[...]requirements for the completion of the health care program path-[...]ways can be met through the completion of coursework taken at[...]
    [...]5. Any arrest warrant issued by any state
    entering such learning experiences. Because the clinical experi-
    ence portion of the programs is critical to completing a program 6. Any misdemeanor conviction for the following regardless of
    of study, MCCCD has instituted two specific backgrou[...]t must obtain, at his or B. Sex crime of any kind including non consensual sexual
    her own[...]crimes and sexual assault
    na Department of Public Safety. Precluding offenses for a Level I[...]eck will be based on the most stringent standards of J. Pandering
    MCCCD’s clinical exp[...]drugs
    Clearance Card from the Arizona Department of Public Safety. O. Aggravated DUI
    They are also required, at the time of their clinical assignments,
    to submit to, pay for[...]ng to a controlled substance convic-
    requirements of the clinical agencies to which their EMT program[...]uses for the “pass/fail” background
    searches of the following databases and information but MCCCD[...]gram recommends that students carry proof of the background clear-
    background check requiremen[...]2011 will generally need to meet the requirements of each pro-[...]programs, even after a student is accepted. Students shoul[...]nse Databases aware of this right.

    6. State of Arizona and National Sexual Offender Registries[...]Watch Lists of their program any change in the information that[...]itiate background checks relating to the
    Examples of background information that will result in a “f[...]ed to the Arizona Department of Public Safety and MCCCD’s sup-[...]s standards will result
    3. Any inclusion on any of the Federal exclusion lists or Home- in re[...]nical Agency Background Check
    4. Any conviction of a felony regardless of how long ago the Some clinical agencies[...]mit to a criminal background check covering other of-[...]
    [...]ackground check. A clinical completion of the CEP course of study at a MaricopaNursing col-[...]obtained a “pass” sta- rollment programs, please visit the MaricopaNursing website at[...]outstanding warrants, unfinished terms of a sentence (such as un-
    paid fines), pattern of repeated types of arrests/convictions, and[...]Certificate of Completion - CCL 5963
    failure to[...]gnments are mandatory requirements for completion of a pro-[...]Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in
    gram, a stud[...]requirements are the exclusive responsibility of the Arizona State
    Board of Nursing. The MCCCD Nurse Assisting Program is ap-
    No Guarantee of Receipt of Licensure/Certificate[...]proved by the Arizona State Board of Nursing.
    Many of the nursing and allied health programs prepare gradu-
    ates for application for State or National certificates or licenses. In[...]rella Mountain Community College
    of a license or certificate to practice in the field of study.
    GCC Degrees &[...]munity College
    including Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University,
    and University of Phoenix.[...]Waiver of Licensure/Certification Guarantee[...]CD Nurse Assisting Program
    These programs are designed for qualified associate degree[...]nts who are interested in earning thier Bachelors of[...]edures are the exclusive right and responsibility of the
    degree in nursing.[...]Arizona State Board of Nursing. Students must satisfy the require-[...]ments of the Nurse Practice Act: Statutes, Rules and Regul[...]independently of any college of school requirements for graduation.
    pursue an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree in nursing
    while providing an affordable course of study that, followed in se-[...]led in the CEP will follow the traditional course of[...]er Phoenix area.
    Upon completion of the MaricopaNursing program, graduates are[...]
    [...]Admission Criteria:
    ed to permit the Department of Public Safety to obtain state and Application and acceptance into t[...]t the nursing education consultant
    at the Arizona State Board of Nursing (602-899-5150). All students must submit a copy of a fingerprint clearance card[...]that Nursing students be able to perform a number
    of physical activities in the clinical portion of the program. At a min- Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for
    imum, students will be requ[...]n Applied Science - AAS 3812
    and physical demands of the program prior to making application.[...]Nursing Program is available at eight of the Maricopa Commu-
    maintain current status[...]s. Clinical experiences are provided in a variety of[...]ing requirements are the exclusive responsibility of
    4. Health Provider Signature Form signed by a l[...]the State Board of Nursing.
    care provider.[...]approved by the Arizona State Board of Nursing and accredit-[...]ge
    Students who are planning to earn the Bachelor of Science in[...]Waiver of Licensure/Certification Guarantee:
    complete the N[...]raduation from the Nursing Program does not guar-
    State Board of Nursing to practice in a health care agency as a[...]re require-
    certified nurse assistant. Completion of the nurse assistant pro-[...]quent procedures are the exclusive right and
    gram of study provides job ready skills as a nursing assi[...]responsibility of the Arizona State Board of Nursing. Students
    Students may apply to the Nursi[...]must satisfy the requirements of the Nurse Practice Act: Statutes,
    prerequisite co[...]Rules and Regulations, independently of any college or school[...]
    [...]The Nursing Program is approved by the Arizona State Board of
    If you cannot prove that the abs[...]printed to permit
    the Department of Public Safety to obtain state and federal crimi- Admission Requirem[...]cation consultant
    at the Arizona State Board of Nursing (602-889-5150).[...]to complete an application.
    of physical activities in the clinical portion of the program. At a min-
    imum, stu[...]right to deny acceptance
    demands of the program prior to making application. of an admission application if the applicant was dis[...]Checklist verifying completion of all requirements and main- All appl[...]4. Students must provide a copy of their current and valid Finger[...]The Nursing Program’s Core Values of Caring, Holism, Nursing[...]Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for
    Course Fee[...]Students who are planning to earn the Bachelor of Science in
    Nursing may obtain th[...]m, please One year of high school biology 0-4[...]Nursing grad- One year of high school chemistry 0-4[...]s related to the art
    and science of nursing. The RN may be employed in a variety of
    + indicates course has pre[...]
    [...]) or earn a grade of “C” or better for each course listed in the program.
    Satisfactory completion of higher level
    mathematics course[...]7 FON241 Principles of Human Nutrition(3) 3
    + NUR[...](4) and concentrated program of study in communication and oral flu-
    + BIO205[...]ation and fluency of American speech as well as experience in[...]s to enhance their professional, aca-
    Certificate of Completion - CCL 5302[...]-wellness Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for each course listed[...]red Courses.
    Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in
    Nutrition for Fitness and Wel[...]ssionals with a foun- COM120 Pronunciation of American Speech[...]
    Certificate of Completion - CCL 5513
    47.5-62.5[...]Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in
    Paramedicine[...]al Technology 12.5
    niques of emergency care, stabilization, and immobilization of + EMT272AB Advanced Emergency Medical Technology 12.5
    victims of illness and injury. The techniques of emergency care + EMT272LL Adva[...]ination, recognition and documentation of signs and symptoms of[...]racticum (7.5) or
    the evaluation of the interventions. The techniques of assessment[...](3.75) and
    tion, administration of oxygen, defibrillation, synchronized cardio-[...]The techniques for immobilization of the victim include but are not EMT29[...]cation (3) or
    limited to the use of specific immobilization devices, peripheral[...]Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better in all[...]udents permission of Program Director 0-3[...]tarting Advanced level courses or have Permission of
    Program Director.[...]onal Rescuer (0) or
    Permission of Program Director[...]OR

    Arizona State EMT Certification (0) or
    Arizona State Paramedic Certification (0) or
    Permission of Program Director[...]
    [...]Semester I
    Certificate of Completion - CCL 5396[...]Semester II
    Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in EXS112 Professional Applications of Fitness Principles 3
    Parent Education will[...]ment opportunities FON241 Principles of Human Nutrition (3) 3
    in adoption and foster care, crisis intervention programs, social EXS239AA Practical Applications of Personal Training
    service agencies (both private and State/local government), and Skills and Techniques[...]llege.

    Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for
    each course listed in the p[...]Certificate of Completion - CCL 5445[...]Check Sheet
    CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems (3) 3[...]rtments/fitness-wellness
    CFS225 Foundations of Parent Education 3
    CFS243[...]3 Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Per-[...]of human physiology and anatomy, introduction into c[...]in the field of Exercise Science, Kinesiology and Physical Educa-[...]and assessments; application of exercise fitness principles and[...]ry training techniques; a fundamental
    Certificate of Completion - CCL 5421
    knowledge of nutrition, exercise physiology, and biomechanics;[...]munity College.
    Note: The Certificate of Completion in Personal Trainer will pre-
    pare stu[...]Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better in all[...]he program.
    Program Description: This Certificate of Completion (CCL)
    in Personal Trainer is designed[...]n to Human Anatomy and
    plement individual fitness programs and group exercise classes[...]4
    Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for
    each course listed in the p[...]EXS112 Professional Applications of Fitness Principles 3[...]
    [...](3) or
    FON241 Principles of Human Nutrition (3) 3[...]Resuscitation (3) or Certificate of Completion - CCL 5784
    proof of First Aid and CPR Certification 0-3[...]+ EXS239 Practical Applications of Personal Training Skills[...]+ EXS239AA Practical Applications of Personal Training Skills Phone:[...]+ EXS239AB Practical Applications of Personal Training Skills[...]Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in[...]Photography program includes the study of both the digital and[...]film aspects of photography. The program is structured to help[...]Credits
    Choose a total of 4-6 credits from EXS, FON, HES, SPM, and/or WED students develop an understanding of exposure principles, cam-
    course[...]based strategies, studio lighting, and the basics of running
    EXS+++++ Any EXS[...]Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better in all[...]Philosophy courses critically examine the nature of human be- + ART138 Commerci[...]3
    ings and of the world, ways in which people seek to understan[...]losophic issues from the following list to best fulfill goals:
    and[...]ARH115 History of Photography 3[...]hould consult with
    a member of the Philosophy Department to plan for tran[...]
    [...]Certificate of Completion - CCL 5901[...]ted Phone: 623.845.3913
    The science of physics seeks to understand the behavior of mat- Program Description: This certifica[...]s, e.g., chemistry and biology, build on the laws of physics first line supervisor or mid-managem[...]communication techniques.
    Employment of physicists is greatest in areas that have heavy
    i[...]- Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for
    ments. Related careers are medical electronics, solid-state phys- all courses within the program.
    ics,[...]permission of instructor.
    Transfer Recommendations: This program is designed as the first
    two years of course work for students intending to pursue the[...]c Geometry II 5 Certificate of Completion - CCL 5957[...]am Description: The Practical Nursing Certificate of Com-
    + CHM151 General Chemistry I (3) and[...]pletion (CCL) Program is available at eight of the Maricopa Com-
    + CHM151LL General Chemistry[...]s. Clinical experiences are provided in a variety of
    + CHM152 General Chemistry II (3) and[...]bility of the Arizona State Board of Nursing.[...]The Practical Nursing Certificate of Completion (CCL) Program is[...]approved by the Arizona State Board of Nursing.[...]
    [...]CC Degrees & Certificates
    Waiver of Licensure/Certification Guarantee:[...]Students who are planning to earn the Bachelor of Science in
    quirements and the su[...]aricopa
    right and responsibility of the State Board of Nursing. Students Community College[...]e-
    must satisfy the requirements of the Nurse Practice Act: Statutes, qui[...]Rules and Regulations, independently of any college or school contact a[...]r profession- Following completion of the practical nurse level program of study,
    al or practical nurse lic[...]ust be received five or more rection of a registered nurse. Practical Nurses function wit[...]If you cannot prove that legal scope of practice and use professional standards of care in
    the absolute discharge d[...]m is
    ed to permit the Department of Public Safety to obtain state and approved by the Arizona State Board of Nursing and accredit-
    federal cr[...]10006,
    consultant at the Arizona State Board of Nursing (602-889-5150). 212.363.555[...]High School diploma or GED,
    of physical activities in the clinical portion of the program. At a min-
    imum, stu[...]ideration to the mental and physical of an admission application if the applicant was dismissed for is-
    GCC Degrees &

    demands of the program prior to making application.[...]Checklist verifying completion of all requirements and main- ing and/[...]ing with the Board of Nursing. Once enrolled, students receiving[...]4. Students must provide a copy of their current and valid Finger The Nursing Program’s Core Values of Caring, Holism, Nursing
    Pri[...]Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for[...]One year of high school biology 0-[...]
    [...]quirements are fairly uniform
    One year of high school chemistry 0-4[...]with the requirements of a particular professional school by consult-
    + MA[...]nstitution.
    Satisfactory completion of higher level
    mathematics course[...]The following programs recommend pre-health courses suitable
    PSY101[...]of the human body. A physician may also perform surg[...]operations and often specializes in one aspect of medical care[...]and treatment of ailments or abnormalities of gums and teeth.[...]rest lands and their resources two years of preparation for entering medical or dental school[...]program which will meet the entrance requirements of
    Nearly two-thirds of salaried conservation scientists and forest- professional schools.
    ers work for Federal, State, or local governments. The remainder
    worked in pr[...]Biology (Majors) II 4
    State governments, and forestry-related businesses.[...]ry II Laboratory (1) 4
    Pre-health programs are designed for students preparing for the
    follo[...]and optometry. Students planning to apply to one of these
    schools should first pursue the baccalaurea[...]Credits
    institution (exception: most pharmacy programs do not require a + MAT182 Plane Tri[...]4
    baccalaureate degree). In view of the keen competition for admis-[...]4
    sion to professional schools, a GPA of at least 3.0 is advisable,
    especially in the requ[...]* See guidelines for proper placement of students in math. Students
    math. Also, many professional programs require specific entrance applyin[...]
    [...]ts examine, treat, and in-
    ments of the four-year institution from which they expect[...]es, appearance and stability of walking, need and use of braces
    An optometrist examines and determines the condition of one’s and artificial limbs, function of the heart and lungs, integrity of sen-
    eyes and prescribes treatme[...]- sation and perception, performance of activities required in daily
    out the use of medicine, drugs, or surgery.[...]octoral program before
    two years of preparation for entering optometry school. Studen[...]at that university to plan a program of study which will meet the
    possib[...]planning a pro- entrance requirements of that school. Students are encouraged
    gram which will meet the entrance requirements of that school. to pursue a science-[...]ed by the require-
    ** Two-thirds of optometry schools require microbiology or bacteriology. ments of the four-year institution from which they expect[...]Credits
    See approved list for A.S. degree. The following course is recommen[...]the proper use of medicines, monitor patients for therapeutic and[...]ctice, clinical pharmacy, industry, education, or government.

    + indicates course has[...]
    [...]a Baccalaureate well-grounded in the use of language. The ability to write clearly,
    degree – they require up to 90 semester credits of prerequisite cours- concisely, and with a sense of style is highly desirable. Therefore,
    es, includi[...]lan develop a lucid writing style.
    a program of study which will meet the entrance requirements of that
    school. To prepare an educational plan that[...]students should consult with a GCC standing of institutions and values with which the law deals[...]llent preparation for a career in law. The habits of reading wide-[...]iting clearly are tied closely to the development of the
    Program Recommendations:[...]4 Study in the areas of government, history, philosophy, psychology,
    + BIO182 G[...]ogy I 4 understanding of our social, political, and economic institutions[...]Overall academic performance for the full period of atten-
    + CHM230 Fundamental Organic Chemistry (3)[...]4 jor field of study. Electives should include courses in a wide[...]range of disciplines. Courses at the undergraduate level i[...]law are not essential since much of the material will be ex-
    Follow general education requirements of the transfer university. plored at[...]schools require demonstration of this ability as part of their[...]ition to the above listed requirements. The study of law re-
    Student Goals: Transfer[...]career.
    No formal pre-law course of study is required to be eligible to ap-[...]con-
    ply for admission to law school. The demands of law are so varied[...]sidered as the first two years of a baccalaureate program. Stu-
    that no one course of preparation can possibly be regarded as ex-[...]recommended.
    fullest sense of that term. Legal educators agree that a pre-legal
    education should be geared to the development of:[...]following courses are recommended:

    • habits of thoroughness, intellectual curiosity, and[...]
    [...]+ POS110 American National Government 3
    + P[...]3) 3
    quirements of the four-year institution from which they expect[...]GCC will accept CNT140AA in lieu of CNT140.

    Programming and System[...]+ CIS250 Management of Information Systems (3) 3[...]Program Description: The Associate of Applied Science (AAS)
    program provides an in-depth exploration of different computer + GBS233[...]Select 2 courses for a total of 6 credits:
    following: operating[...]nication, team roles, and dynamics. A Certificate of Completion + CIS159 Visual Basi[...]Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for + CIS262[...]ion (3) or
    CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems 3[...]GCC will accept MST150SV in lieu of MST150, MST150VI, or[...]
    [...]Credits + CIS250 Management of Information Systems (3) 3

    Programming and System Analysis
    Certificate of Completion - CCL 5048
    24 credits
    Check Sheet[...]623.845.3732
    Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) pro-
    gram provides an in-depth exploration of different computer lan- Associate in Arts[...]hologists are concerned with the scientific study of the be-
    lege, Estrella Mountain Community College[...]llege. any of the human service fields such as nursing, child c[...]ficates
    Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for field of psychology as a psychologist require a graduate d[...]nt, public relations, sports
    CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems 3[...]oft Windows Vista Administration (3) or of the Psychology Department should be consulted for[...]3 mation about specific courses, transfer of courses, and detailed
    GCC will accept MST150SV in lieu of MST150, MST150VI, or requireme[...]
    [...]- With the numerous and varied demands of our complex world many
    sen only sparingly by psychology majors. No more than one or two of of us face serious difficulties adjusting to and cop[...]ses
    these should be taken. (Some of these courses are junior-senior level and pressures of modern living. The following courses may be of con-
    upper division courses at t[...]3 + PSY235 Psychology of Gender *(SB,C) 3[...]3 + PSY243 The Psychology of Developmental Disabilities 3[...]3 + PSY277 Psychology of Human Sexuality (SB)* 3
    + PSY225 Psychology of Religion 3
    PSY235 Psychology of Gender*(SB,C) 3[...]ns
    + PSY243 The Psychology of Developmental Disabilities 3 Gen[...]4
    + PSY277 Psychology of Human Sexuality (SB)* 3[...]n courses at a university. Between three and five of those in press relations, community or con[...]nd science requirements and planning their course of study. Students will compile a portfolio of their news and feature writing,[...]e available every
    a wide variety of majors. Most universities will require five or si[...]psychology courses for a minor; at least two of them should be at planning their aca[...]and attend
    es from the following list, depending on university requirements:[...]4
    + PSY277 Psychology of Human Sexuality (SB)*[...]
    [...]diate Algebra (5) or
    program includes development of a portfolio that will exhibit stu- MAT121[...]satisfactory completion of a higher level
    and plan events, and to produce br[...]age 75.
    Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better in all Natural Sciences:[...]GCC Degrees &
    CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems (3) 3[...]3 Careers in Religious Studies: An Associate of Arts degree in Re-[...]ligious Studies prepares students for a variety of career options.
    JRN125 Photo Editing (3) or[...]Level I: Digital Imaging (3) 3 ety of human cultures, as well as learn to listen[...]
    [...]This degree can be applied to a Bachelor of Applied Science de- + ENG111[...]3
    position challenges of the future. The curriculum encompasses[...]Satisfactory completion of a higher
    necessary for students[...]Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for
    each cours[...]Certificate of Completion - CCL 5286
    GCC Degrees &[...]ificates

    + ACC230 Uses of Accounting Information I 3 33 credits
    + ACC240 Uses of Accounting Information II 3[...]ary Marrer
    CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems (3) 3[...]related fields, for the management challenges of the future. The
    MGT251 H[...]ment.
    + GBS161 Mathematics of Business (3) 3[...]radise
    MGT101 Techniques of Supervision (3) or[...]Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for
    MKT271 Principles of Marketing[...]
    [...]Maricopa Community Colleges.
    CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems (3) 3[...]2
    MGT101 Techniques of Supervision (3) or[...]3
    MKT271 Principles of Marketing 3

    GCC d[...]ity Colleges. Certificate of Completion - CCL 5706[...]Richard Shortridge
    Certificate of Completion - CCL 5192[...]Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in
    For Information: Gary Marrer[...]of individuals who wish to become entrepreneurs. Cou[...]which students complete a business plan. The goal of[...]undation for
    Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in[...]success of the business community.
    acquire the skills, tools[...]necessary for successful
    start-up and operations of a profit-making business. Emphasis is[...]e Val-
    a business plan, and practical application of small business oper-[...]n
    ating principles. Students develop a foundation of business start-[...]Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better re-[...]3
    Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better re- MKT271 Principles of Marketing 3[...]
    [...]trong academic ex-
    understanding of sustainable living practices associated with eco- pertise along one of four significant pillars of sustainability, where
    nomics, equity and the environment. Through a combination of students will examine and asses[...]cks, including land use and human transformations of
    tally aware. The certificate is[...]e earth systems, political and economic treatment of the earth,
    transfer to four-year[...]Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of C or better for all[...]Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better in all
    courses[...]Students must select one (1) of the following four (4) tracks:
    R[...]AGS260 Origin and Composition of Soils 4
    Certificates[...]ill choose 2 different courses from the following list: GLG103 Introduction to Geolo[...]4
    + ECN263 The Economics of Natural Resources,[...]4
    ENH260 Literature of the Southwest (3)
    HUM201 Human[...]Students will choose 1 course from the following list: + GPH215 Introducti[...]Track II: Social, Political, Economic Treatment of the Earth 9
    HUM250 Id[...]+ ECN263 The Economics of Natural Resources,

    Track IV: Human Transformation of the Earth 9-11
    ASB100 I[...]n/LEED Certification 3 Certificate of Completion - CCL 5051
    ECE111 Bioengineering[...]Program Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in
    SCT271AA Sustainable D[...]addition to web
    SOC180 Social Implications of Technology 3 page develo[...]using interactive applications as well as write programs to man-[...]nd Paradise Valley Community College.
    Certificate of Completion - CCL 5159
    18 credits[...]Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for
    Check Sheet[...]Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for each course listed[...]ining web pages for CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems 3[...](1) and
    Program Notes: Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for CIS120CF[...]1
    Students must earn a grade of “C” or better for each course listed[...]
    [...]ed, General Education

    The study of another language not only provides a language ski[...]elps students understand the customs and cultures of
    other countries. GCC offers the opportunity to study a variety of
    GCC Degrees &

    world l[...]
    [...].................... MC
    tions for additional programs and related areas)[...].............................. MC ditional programs and related areas)
    (See Horticulture section for additional programs and related
    [...](See Media Technology section for additional programs and
    Commercial Drafti[...]
    [...]Management of Clinical Information Technology: Health
    Accoun[...], SM, CG, EM Management of Clinical Information Technology: Health
    Accoun[...].......... PV Management of Clinical Information Technology: Practice
    Book[...]....................PV Management of Clinical Information Technology:
    (See Business Administration for additional programs and re- Imple[...]Management of Clinical Information Technology:[...](See Middle Management section for additional programs Insurance-Cust[...].. MC
    (See Management section for additional programs and relat-
    ed areas)

    Office Occupation[...]...............................GW
    Management of Clinical Information Technology...........[...]
    Foundations of Student Services.................................[...]Nursing
    Government and Public Administration[...]
    [...]SC, SM
    (See Hospitality section for additional programs and related Teachi[...](See Food & Nutrition section for additional programs and Int[...]
    [...](See Office Occupations section for additional programs and Server ..............[...](See Office Occupations section for additional programs and Networking System Admi[...](See Office Occupations section for additional programs and Programming and System[...]Adobe Creative Suite in Business: Master

    Database[...](See Office Occupations section for additional programs and Media Arts: W[...]
    [...](See Allied Health section for additional programs and related
    CAD Technology....................[...]Administration of Justice
    Industrial Design Technology..........[...].........GW Administration of Justice............................. EM, GC, PC,[...]Administration of Justice-Comprehensive......................... PC[...]............GW Administration of Justice-Fundamentals........................... P[...].................... MC Administration of Justice Studies...............CG, MC, SC, GW
    (See Manufacturing section for additional programs and relat- Em[...]
    [...]. 220 AJS Administration of Justice........................ 180[...]
    [...]Uses of Accounting Information I
    Accou[...]Introduction to the uses of accounting information for internal and[...]Prerequisites: Grade of “C” or better in ACC111 or ACC211, or a
    Bookk[...]grade of “C” or better in (ENG101 and MAT151 and CRE10[...]Uses of Accounting Information II
    ACC111[...]Introduction to the uses of accounting information for internal and
    Accountin[...]on analysis for use by manage-
    Fundamental theory of accounting principles and procedures.[...]Aerospace Studies (AES)
    Continuation of the fundamental theory of accounting principles
    and procedures, including interpretation of general purpose finan- AES101[...]al statements. Prerequisites: ACC111 with a grade of “C” or bet- Air Force Today I
    ter, or permission of department/division.[...]None.
    Mastery of a microcomputer accounting system including the g[...]course, or per- Air Force Today II
    mission of instructor.[...]AES101 or ASU Department of Aerospace Studies approval.
    Introduction to theory and practice in the preparation and inter-
    pretation of general purpose financial statements. Prerequisit[...]Evolution of USAF Air and Space Power I[...]Further preparation of AFROTC candidate. Topics include: Air
    ACC212[...]equisites: AES103 or ASU
    Development and analysis of accounting information for manage- Department of Aerospace Studies approval.
    rial planning and control. Prerequisites: A grade of “C” or better in
    (ACC111 and ACC112), or ACC211, and (CIS105 or permission of AES203[...]Evolution of USAF Air and Space Power II[...]alism. Prerequisites: AES201 or ASU Department of Aerospace
    Theory and practice applicable to determination of asset values, Studies approval.
    liabilities, and related problems of income determination. Prereq-
    uisites: ACC212 or ACC240 with a grade of “C” or better, or per- AES294[...]1 credit 3 periods
    mission of Department/Division.[...]3 credits 3 periods ety of sports and sports activities to include calisthen[...]ball, volleyball, and other physical
    Continuation of the theory and practice applicable to liabilities[...]repeated for credit.
    uisites: ACC219 with a grade of “C” or better, or permission of
    Department/Division.[...]See page 264.
    Tax Accounting
    Preparation of and accounting procedures for individuals; intro-[...]. Prerequi-
    sites: ACC111 or ACC211 or permission of department/division.[...]
    [...]Covers philosophy of legal sanctions and historical development[...]fications of crimes, elements of and parties to crimes, general[...]definition of crimes, common defenses utilized. Includes specif[...]offenses and the essential elements of each offense. Required in[...]In-depth study of the Arizona laws governing arrest by peace of-
    plane systems, airports,[...]ficers, as well as, an intensive study of the Arizona substantive
    ti[...]code (ARS Title 13). Focuses on specific sections of
    planning, and flight physi[...]Study of Arizona laws governing search and seizure, rules of ev-
    lations applicable to[...]ations, and physiology. Prerequisites: Completion of AET101[...]d requirement
    with a grade of “C” or better, or FAA Private Pilot Certifica[...]quisites: None.
    permission of instructor.[...]Focus on changing the distribution of crime opportunities rather than[...]offender motivation. Topics include application of situational crime
    AIS105[...]ion to political, economic, and social structures of Amer- defensible space. Prerequisites: None.[...]ican Indian Nations. Provides overview of American Indian tribal
    cultures prior to contact, the impact of European contact, and the AJS116[...]3 periods
    influence of western social systems on tribal nations. Prerequ[...]agencies use to operate crime prevention programs. Prerequi-[...]e.
    Administration of Justice (AJS)[...]racy in microcomputer applications in major areas of
    An introduction to crime a[...]al justice system. Examines availability and uses of cur-
    the nature and causes of crime, the criminal law, constitutional r[...]safeguards, and the organization and operation of the criminal on experience with appropr[...]encies.
    Covers the history of the criminal justice system, terminology and[...]Ethics and the Administration of Justice[...]elate to
    Specialized areas of the patrol function, including responding to administration of justice. Encourages critical thinking and[...]
    [...]coordi- Familiarization with different types of long weapons and associated
    nation, reporting, bu[...]Emphasis on safety techniques for use and storage of
    lems. Prerequisites: None. weapons. Limited use of range for practice. Prerequisites: None.

    AJS132[...]Home and Vehicle Personal Defense
    Management of police personnel including selections procedures, Development of personal safety plans, confrontation avoidance,
    disciplinary practices, public relations, elements of supervision, and effective self-defense tactics. Legal and safe use of firearms.
    service ratings, recruiting and probati[...]nge practice. Prerequisites: AJS151 or permission of
    problems. Prerequisites: AJS131 or instructor’s[...]Domestic Violence
    Fundamentals of emergency response to suspected terrorist[...]within the United
    events. Historical perspective of terrorist activities and methods States from h[...]the ment perspectives. Provides an overview of theories, definitions
    public from these threats. Coordination of responding agencies. and causes of, and interventions for domestic violence involvin[...]Examines the dynamics and effects of domestic violence. Ad-
    AJS140AA[...]1 credit 1 period The study of serial killers, mass murderers and their victims.[...]amines the history and frequency of these crimes, profiles the
    Pre-law enforcement em[...]- killers and their victims, explores theories of causation, and dis-
    fles are used in the law enfo[...]sites: None. cusses the problems and techniques of investigation, prosecu-[...]pons, demonstration and drill in a limited number of An overview of the history, structure, goals, and activities of do-
    holds and come alongs, and restraint of prisoners and the mental- mestic and internat[...]Issues in Criminal Justice
    tions covering the use of firearms, and the firing of sidearms Examines current issues, techniqu[...]Course Descriptions
    21 years of age or older within six months of taking AJS151 and
    complete it successfully are el[...]Rules of Evidence[...]A practical insight into the rules of evidence to include how to rec-
    AJS151AA[...]idence; the general rules governing admissibility of evi-
    Arizona Concealed Weapon Permit[...]he “hearsay” rule and its exceptions; the use of documen-
    A course meeting the requirements of the State of Arizona for is- tary evidence, written memoranda, photographs, and recordings;
    suance of a concealed weapon permit, including the responsi[...]evidence; circumstantial evidence, eviden-
    ities of the firearm owner regarding safety, legal aspects of using tial privileges. Required in AJS curriculum. Prerequisites: None.
    force and a demonstration of proficiency. Prerequisites: Must be
    legally able[...]1 credit 1 period Characteristics of reports and field notes, and the importance
    Firea[...]and uses of each. Form, style, and procedures for writing various
    Advanced familiarization with handguns. Variations of basic shoot- reports, including elements of composition, required substance,
    ing stance. Legal and moral repercussions of self-defense. Includes proper and improper conclusions, and descriptions of persons
    range practice. Prerequisites: AJS151 or approval of instructor. and property. Prerequisit[...]
    [...]ce Function
    An examination of the U.S. Constitution as it relates to the law en- Theories of procedures and methods of operations of public police
    forcement fu[...]orking
    governing the areas of arrest, search and seizure, interrogations[...]Examines the history and development of correctional theories
    An analysis of the process of planning, and a descriptive study of and institutions. Prerequisites: None.[...]3 periods application, benefits and future of community policing. Prerequi-[...]Fundamental principles and processes of fingerprints to include
    id[...]Forensic Psychology
    vation of evidence and the chain of custody. Prerequisites: None. An interdisciplinary course that draws from the fields of psychology,[...]nomenclature of mental disorders as well as legal constructs in-
    The use of photography and other aids in identification and pres- cluding the medicalization of deviance as embodied in dealing with
    ervation of evidence such as fingerprints, footprints and imp[...]hotogra- psychology and law in the areas of civil commitment and various[...]the doctrine of informed consent. Prerequisites: PSY101.
    The scientific analysis and examination of physical evidence with
    emp[...]3 periods
    preservation of evidence. Topics include fingerprints, shoe print[...]rereq- Focuses on victimology and techniques of crises intervention; and
    u[...]the importance of multicultural perspective. Includes coverage of[...]The scientific analysis and examination of biological evidence with
    emphasis on collection and preservation of evidence. Topics dis- AJS260[...]edural Criminal Law
    topics of special interest in criminalistics. Prerequisites: None. Concerned with the understanding of procedural criminal law. Ex-
    Course Descriptions[...]on the daily operations of the criminal justice system. Prerequi-[...]nced course in the specialized investigation area of drug sites: None.
    enforcement. Emphasis on the pharmacological properties of
    abused drugs, field testin[...]Examination, recognition, and understanding of community prob-[...]lems; community action programs; methods of coping with human
    AJS225[...]munity and relation-
    Study of deviance, society’s role in defining behavior; theories of ships with the criminal justice system. Prer[...]nd the economic, social, and psychological impact of
    crime; relationships betwe[...]crime victimization and the various types of crime and categories Criminal Investigation I
    of offenders. Required in the AJS curriculum. Prerequisites: None. Introduction to the theory of criminal investigation. Examines[...]
    [...]History of Photography
    Methods for incorporating community-oriented policing into the Survey of history of photography from beginning to present. Em-
    police[...]ajor stress that affect a police officer; effects of stress and meth- ARH298[...]1 period
    Communication in Criminal Justice
    Study of barriers to effective communication in the field of crimi-
    nal justice. Development of effective intradepartmental and inter-[...]Fundamental principles of drawing. Emphasis on composition and
    AJS298[...]tive and expressive representation, using variety of
    Special Projects[...]Emphasis on composition and exploration of drawing media. Pre-[...]2 credits 2 periods
    Survey of Alternative Energy[...]dits 6 periods
    Basic principles and history of alternative energy sources. Alter- Drawing[...]lar photovoltaic, so- Advanced development of drawing skill with emphasis on compo-
    lar thermal[...]ional theory. Prerequisites: ART122 or permission of instructor.
    power facilities utilizing alternativ[...]Further study of drawing techniques with emphasis on individual[...]t History (ARH) of instructor.
    Introduction to Art
    Understanding and enjoyment of art through study of painting, Art Design Bas[...]Study of fundamental elements and principles of two-dimensional[...]tes: None.
    Prehistoric Through Gothic Art
    History of art from prehistoric through medieval period. Pre[...]vestigation seeking visual solutions to a variety of problems con-
    ARH102 ART1102[...]rning color in two and three dimensions and modes of color
    Renaissance Through Contemporary Art[...]including light and effects in design and theory of
    History of art from around the world from the Renaissance th[...]periods Three-Dimensional Design
    History of Modern Art Fundamental principles of three-dimensional design. Prerequi-
    Development and significant aspects of modern art, including sites: None.
    comparisons of relationships in expressionism, abstractio[...]
    [...]ART) Refinement of aesthetic and technical aspects producing convinc[...]ing images of highest quality. Prerequisites: ART132 or permis-[...]sion of Instructor.
    Life Drawing I
    Use of form, structure and anatomy of draped and undraped hu-[...]man figure to develop basic principles of sound draftsmanship.[...]forms explored. Development of portfolio. Prerequisites: ART133[...]or permission of instructor.
    Life Drawing II
    Further study of form, structure, and anatomy of the draped and[...]Emphasis on development of alternative photographic processes[...]of various types of non-silver photographic processes including[...]ing media. Prerequisites: ART117 or permission of instructor.[...]Basic techniques of lighting, camera work, and reproduction of
    Further development of skills in expressive drawing materials and[...]techniques as applied to finished drawings of the human form.[...]. Prerequisites: ART131, or ART142, or permission of In-
    Prerequisites: ART216 or permission of instructor.[...]Insight into the profession of Portrait Photography. Application of
    ART119 3 credits 3 periods the principles of design and fine art in lighting, composition, and[...]posing. Prerequisites: ART131 or permission of Instructor.
    Study of fundamental elements and principles of two-dimensional
    design. Pr[...]3 credits 3 periods Fundamentals of digital photography. Includes camera opera-[...]al output, and
    Development of a complete sequential comic, using all comics theory of digital photography. Prerequisites: None. Course[...]Intermediate theory and techniques of digital photography. Aes-
    Course Descriptions[...]3 credits 6 periods permission of instructor. Course Note: Semi-adjustable, high-re[...]one. Course Notes: Camera required. aspect of their personal histories. Use of digital technology to pro-[...]es: ART131 or permis-
    sion of instructor.

    [...]3 credits 6 periods
    Exploration of sculptural form and expression in clay, plaster,[...]ays and glazes. Prerequisites: ART261.
    permission of instructor.

    ART152[...]Watercolor (ART)
    Emphasis on control of sculptural media. Prerequisites: ART151.[...]techniques. (ART111 and ART112) or permission of instructor.
    Prerequisites: ART152.[...]Continuation of watercolor painting with emphasis on control and[...]ted toward more personal expression.
    The concepts of glass, glass fusing, and glass slumping will be[...]covered with hands-on experience using a variety of techniques
    to create finished glass projects such[...]Course Notes: ART155 may
    be repeated for a total of twelve (12) credits.[...]Exploration of technical and expressive possibilities of various
    Further study in the area of glass fusing and slumping. Advanced painting[...]n Bars, watchbands, ART112) or permission of instructor.
    bracelets, and patterned dishes. Prer[...]Course
    Notes: ART156 may be repeated for a total of twelve (12) credits. ART168[...]Continued refinement of painting skills and investigation of new
    Ceramics (ART)[...]in painting. Prerequisites: ART167 or permission of[...]Introduction to ceramic materials and techniques of hand con-
    Study of the nude and clothed figure in painting with spec[...]painting techniques, and development of anatomical knowledge[...]its 6 periods and contemporary modes of depicting the figure to develop a per-
    Ceramics I[...]making and decorating drawings, “Planes of the Head” models, and the studio skeleton
    techn[...]will be used as the basis of projects. Prerequisites: ART167 or per-[...]mission of Instructor. Course Notes: Previous experie[...]
    [...]hic Design III
    Development of materials and techniques of painting. Individual Advanced course in de[...]blem-solving. Prerequisites: ART168 or permission of instructor. Projects in creative use of lettering and type such as bookcovers,[...]pamphlets, point of purchase, logo design and letterform used as[...]dvertisement. Prerequisites: ART182 or permission of
    Painting IV[...]l expression. Prerequisites: ART267 or permission of instructor. ART297AA[...]try. 80 hours of designated work per credit. Maximum of 3 credits
    ART171[...]Jewlery I
    Fundamentals of jewelry making. Covers hand formed methods,[...]imation
    Further refinement of personal expression using techniques and The art of animation (animated sequences, special effects, titles,
    design concepts of ART171. Prerequisites: ART171.[...]surface rendering. Screening and discussion of selected animat-
    Jewlery I[...]ues and practices. ART116, or permission of instructor.
    Prerequisites:[...]Basic concepts of 3-D modeling. Anatomy of computer geome-
    Emphasis on expanding repertoire of advanced jewelry design try; basic ele[...]mission of the instructor.[...]Essential skills, concepts and the use of the virtual camera in 3D
    Basic understanding of design principles and the stages of graph-[...]Prerequisites: ART100 or permission of Instructor.
    Course Descriptions[...]or permission of Instructor.
    ART182[...]Utilizing graphic design essentials of typography, contrast and[...]uisites: Minimum of three (3) credits introductory and three (3)
    mission of Instructor.[...]ate level courses in specific field or permission of[...]courses in the subject matter area, or permission of
    Instructor. Course Notes: ART280 may be repeated for a total of
    six (6) credit hour[...]
    [...]Career goals, presentation of artist and art work (portfolio, resume,[...]o, promotion and publicity, writing press re-
    Art of Web Site Design[...]communication skills. Prerequisites: None.
    Design of mock-ups using digital design software to produce[...]ge
    (HTML), digital text, and graphics. Discussion of color, proportion,
    typography and Web-specific design principles. Emphasizes de-
    sign of cross-browser compatible interfaces that optimize[...]operability. Prerequisites: ART100,
    or permission of Instructor. CIS133DA recommended.[...]field. Prerequisites: Permission of instructor. Course Note: ART-
    Advanced interactiv[...]Video site optimization tech-
    niques. Development of design concepts for web pages that com-
    municate[...]atively. Prerequisites: ART/
    MMT190 or permission of instructor. ART180AM and ART180AN[...]redits 6 periods
    Designed for broad overview of the digital arts. Experience in digi- Art Works[...]es. Prerequi-
    Prerequisites: ART100 or permission of Instructor. sites: Minimum of three (3) credits introductory and three (3) cred[...]te level courses in specific field, or permission of
    ART210 3 credits[...]ion, and Publishing
    Industry standard development of image manipulation, digital pro- ART298[...]e Descriptions
    T180AS)] and ART181, or permission of Instructor.[...]Principles of cultural and social anthropology, with illustrati[...]terials from a variety of cultures. The nature of culture; social, po-
    Introduction to Printmaking[...]Prerequisites: None.
    of printmaking. Deals with three most basic printmaking modes
    of Serigraphy, Woodcut, and Monoprinting in first part of course.[...]3 credits 3 periods
    Overview of etching, lithography and papermaking in second pa[...]Women in Other Cultures
    of course. Prerequisites: ART111 and ART113.[...]Cross-cultural analysis of the economic, social, political, and reli-[...]
    [...]Introduction to forensic anthropology. Survey of the role of forensic
    Origins, elements, and forms of religion; a comparative survey ant[...]the courtroom. Understand
    of religious beliefs, myths, rituals and symbolism i[...]orensic anthropologist can determine life history of an indi-
    ic, witchcraft and healing as practiced in selected regions of the vidual. Contributions of forensic anthropology to crime scene and
    world; the place of religion in the total culture. Prerequisites: Non[...]ers who made them. Emphasis on methods of archaeological field- ASM298[...]pecial Projects
    the nature of archaeological inquiry, the development of human so- See page 264.
    cial groups, the changing role of religion in evolving societies, the
    origins of agriculture, the origins of settled lifeways, the rise of cities
    and complex societi[...]ronomy courses will meet the Natural Science part of the Gen-
    sites: None.[...]n to astronomy for the non-science major. History of
    who made them. Emphasis on methods of archaeological fieldwork[...]astronomy, properties of light, instruments, the solar system and[...]alent. Note: AST111
    nature of archaeological inquiry, the development of human social[...]groups, the changing role of religion in evolving societies, the origins
    of agriculture, the origins of settled life ways, the rise of cities and[...]and evolution of stars; star clusters; galaxies; cosmology. Prereq[...]eriods
    Art and Archaeology of Ancient Egypt[...]my Laboratory
    institutions of Ancient Egypt. The historical events and people t[...]nceptual, experimental, and computational aspects of a special[...]topic in astronomy. Prerequisites: Permission of Department or
    ASM104[...]and Human Evolution
    Study of human evolution and variation; including fossil h[...]A study of automotive systems operation and maintenan[...]
    [...]Automotive Brake Systems
    Study of construction and operating principles of internal combus- Designed for beginning automotive students. Fundamentals of
    tion engines and related lubrication, cooling, fu[...]for beginning automotive students. The principle of elec- Designed for beginning automotive stude[...]with Ohm’s Law; sis, service, and repair of the automotive power train. Includes
    the use of meters; electrical schematic; the theory of electrical clutches, torque converters, stan[...]rive axles, drive shafts, dif-
    service and repair of batteries, starting systems and charging sys-[...]Theory Theory of operation and servicing procedures for current do[...]c transmissions; includes diagnostics and testing of mechan-
    cludes shop safety and procedures, Circuits, Ohm’s Law, use of ical, electrical, and hydraulic component[...]other basic test equipment, as well as
    diagnosis of problems in and caused by electrical circuits. Re[...]4 credits 7 periods
    of these problems also covered. Prerequisites: None.[...]Use of standard service publications; performance of commonly
    AUT104AA 3[...]ment and safety habits about
    Theory and operation of fuel injection, engine control manage- au[...]credits 7 periods
    AUT103AB, or permission of instructor. Autom[...]dvanced lighting cir-
    The theory and fundamentals of automotive engine management cuits and[...]sting, service, and repair. Prerequi-
    and tune-up of the modern day automobile. Emphasis on interpre- sites: AUT103AA, or AUT103AB, or permission of Instructor.
    tation of oscilloscope patterns and Scantool Data as they r[...]redits 5 periods
    and AUT104AA), or permission of instructor. Computeriz[...]component. Emphasizes diagnosis and repair of system faults. Pre-
    Diagnostic and service skills[...]requisites: AUT103AB and AUT104AA, or permission of instructor.
    tomotive internal combustion engines.[...]otive service industry.
    The theory and principles of refrigeration and air conditioning. 80 hours of designated work per credit. Maximum of four (4) cred-
    Training in diagnosis, servicing, and reconditioning procedures of its can be earned by taking combinations of AUT270AA, or AU-
    automotive air conditioning syst[...]1-3 credits
    The fundamentals and principles of suspension and steering sys- See pa[...]
    [...]Familiarization with at least five models of therapeutic intervention.[...]procedures of each model. Prerequisites: BHS105 or CHD102 or
    provide a copy of thier English and reading Accuplacer test scores[...]permission of Department or Division.
    to the Counseling Department. A reading score of 56 or higher or
    a C or bet[...]ues for influ-
    Explanation of expectations and limitations of the role of the be- encing change in group settings.[...]ntal approval.
    the variety of modes of work available to the behavioral health[...]nal, the ethical obligations and responsibilities of working BHS260[...]Terminology, technical forms and techniques of observation nec-
    BHS105[...]Introduction to the field of Behavioral Health Professionals includ-[...]3 credits 3 periods Application of observation and documentation techniques neces-[...]sary to maintain clinical records in a variety of community based
    Participat[...]behavioral health settings. Application of legal issues to case re-
    Exploration of group developmental stages and various counsel-[...]Exploration of topics relative to the development of helping pro-
    Sociological, psychological and physiological aspects of chemical fessionals involved with perpet[...]y af-
    abuse. Consideration of a variety of treatment programs offered in fected by traumatic or continu[...]use Counseling
    Development of communication skills important in establishing an[...]of violence and abuse. Prerequisites: BHS105 or depa[...]ing process. Prerequisites: BHS105 with a grade of “C” or better.[...]tending staff Exploration and application of therapeutic play techniques and
    Course Descriptio[...]avement Issues
    Exploration of hospice care and related medical, social, emotional Exploration of topics related to the development of helping profes-
    and spirit[...]necessary for the paraprofes- permission of department.
    [...]orcing positive interaction with chil- A survey of marine environments and their biotic communities[...]es emphasis on the natural history of marine organisms. Prerequi-
    for oppositional, def[...]sites: sites: None.
    PSY240 or permission of Department or Division.[...]ological and environmental principles
    Exploration of the process, dynamics and objectives of the ther- and concepts are observed and[...]is on Art Therapy from both the total of four (4) credit hours. Prerequisites: None.
    psych[...]lights topics in the
    history, theory and practice of Art Therapy. Prerequisites: BHS105 BIO149A[...]total of four (4) credit hours. Prerequisites: None.
    Facil[...]s on facilitating art therapy groups in a variety of settings[...]Introductory Biology for Allied Health
    of group work and the therapeutic art process. Prere[...]is on humans. Topics include fundamental concepts of cell bi-[...]microbiology, and genetics. Prerequisites: Grade of
    BHS290 3 cred[...]ear high school chem-
    Define and clarify the role of advocacy in relation to multiple sys- istry or one semester of college-level chemistry recommended.
    tems affecti[...]6 periods
    and navigation skills in a variety of children’s systems to facilitate Introductio[...]ites: BHS105. Principles of scientific method. Structural organization, homeo[...]sis and control mechanisms of the body. Specific chemistry con-[...]cepts. Structure and function of the major systems of the body.
    Biology (BIO)[...]Fundamentals of planning and conducting biological experiments,
    B[...]ubsequent analysis, interpretation, and reporting of
    trips may be required at students’ expense. Pre[...]General Biology (Majors) I
    Fundamentals of ecology and their relevance to human impact[...]Principles of structure and function of living things at molecular, cel-
    on natural ecosy[...]lular, and organismic levels of organization. Field trips may be re-
    expense. Pre[...]ired at students’ expense. Prerequisites: Grade of “C” or better in[...]ing placement test score. One year of high school or one semester
    Introduction to Biote[...]of college-level biology and chemistry is strongly r[...]Additional principles of structure and function of living things at[...]cular, cellular, and organismic and higher levels of organiza-[...]sites: A grade of “C” or better in BIO181.[...]
    [...]nd Regulatory Issues
    Study of structure and function of the human body. Topics include Selected top[...]156 or BIO181
    with a grade of “C” or better or one year of High School biolo- BIO215[...]3 periods
    gy with a grade of “C” or better) and (a grade of “C” or better in Biotechnology Internshi[...]ment test score). CHM130 or higher or one year of High School achieving, and evaluating g[...]in a biotechnology laboratory. Development of skills and knowl-[...]4 credits 6 periods Permission of Program Director and (BIO212AA, or BIO212BA,[...]lock hours in
    Continuation of structure and function of the human body. Topics the laboratory sett[...]ance. Prerequisites: A grade of “C” or better in BIO201. Biology of Microorganisms[...]Detailed study of microbial cells, their structure, genetics, phys-[...](BIO156 or BIO181 with a grade of “C” or better or one year of
    High School biology with a grade of “C” or better) and (a grade of BIO240 4 c[...]acement test score). CHM130 or higher or one year of Intensive introduction to the field of genetics including histori-[...]cal perspective, Mendelian insights and patterns of inheritance,[...]inheritance, pedigree analysis, molecular levels of
    Nucleic Acid Methods[...]gene expression, genetic control of metabolic pathways, analyt-[...]methods for the isolation, puri- ic dissection of molecular mechanisms behind DNA replication,[...]ication, manipulation analysis and quantification of nucleic acids. transcription, translation, and[...]and eukaryotes, population genetics, genetics of behavior, and
    permission of instructor. genetics of evolution and speciation. Prerequisites: BIO181.[...]iotechnology with intensive Applies concepts of molecular and cellular biology of bacteria, an-
    focus on the recovery of heterologous proteins and other biomol- im[...]ts to real-world problems. Prerequisites: A grade of
    ecules from cultivated cel[...]puri- C or better in BIO181. One semester of college-level chemistry or
    fication and characterization of these molecules. Prerequisites: equivalent[...]nd BIO175)], or permission
    of instructor.[...]g in the principles, operation and interpretation of niques for analyzing one nucleotide or protein[...]iple
    BIO209, or permission of instructor. se[...]tion of standard software to bioinformatic computing task[...]credit 1 period ing word processing of reports, and use of spreadsheets for sta-
    Biot[...]Course Note: BIO211AA may be repeated for a total of two el mathematics course)], or permission of Instructor. Concurrent
    (2)[...]enrollment in, or previous completion of, BIO208 or BIO212AA is[...]e 264.
    211AA or permission of instructor. Course Note: BIO211AB may
    be repeated for a total of two (2) credit hours.[...]
    [...]Individualized advanced applications of software selected to solve
    Techno[...]101BA or permission of instructor.
    BLT125[...]Top- Messaging and word processing functions of a Microsoft Outlook
    ics include branch circuitry,[...]culations, services grounding, electronic work state. Prerequisites: None.
    over current protection, wiring methods, types and proper usage of
    material, swimming pool installation. Prerequisit[...]cally to acquaint students with safety principles of Net Folders; share and fax contacts; and rec[...]crete, requisites: BPC106AH or permission of instructor.
    fire resistance of building construction, fire resistant materials,[...]cally to acquaint students with safety principles of problems including word processing, spreadsh[...]s for wood, masonry and concrete,
    fire resistance of building construction, fire resistant materials,[...]Mastery of essential microcomputer keyboarding skills. Empha[...]on touch typing of alphabetic and numeric keys and symbols. Pre-[...]Mastery of essential microcomputer filing skills. Emphasis on in-
    Introduction to the use of personal computers in the business en- de[...]Presents basic concepts of commercially prepared software used
    Use the perso[...]do desktop publishing. Incorporates a combination of narrative
    mation. Procedures for running and usin[...]graphic merging, and other
    BPC100AA or permission of instructor. c[...]mputer, includ- Explore technical aspects of personal computers, including sys-
    ing electronic[...]s, and notebooks. Emphasis placed on proper usage of tools,[...]mission of instructor.
    Computer software applications[...]
    [...]6 periods software. Volumetric analysis of earthwork (cut and fills) utilizing
    Fundamentals of 2D AutoCAD[...]eering/surveying application software. Production of
    Utilize AutoCAD software t[...]draw, edit, layer, CAD145 or permission of instructor.
    dimension, imp[...]manipulation, and hardcopy production of 2-D drawing files from CAD201[...]6 periods the automation and semi-automation of design documentation,
    Elements of CAD Graphics (AutoCAD)[...]n. De-
    Computer generation of drafting and design components using velopment of three-dimensional (3D) models including construc-[...]nd develops (CAD100 and CAD101) or permission of Instructor.
    multiview proj[...]duction to the fundamentals of 3D modeling and the construction CAD215[...]6 periods
    and printing of 3D objects. Prerequisites or Corequisites: CAD100[...]CAD Modeling
    or permission of Instructor. Reduction of 3D design concepts to coordinate space and pro-[...]3 credits 6 periods nipulation of wireframes; surfacing techniques; development of
    Elements of CAD Graphics (AutoCAD) solids using Boolean operations. Production of standard displays
    Introduc[...]ents. Create, edit, CAD135) or permission of instructor.
    dimension, and[...]and CAD experience, and permission of Department or Division). Entry level cour[...]alize and solve design issues. Development of professional quality
    Survey of CAD[...]uisites or Corequi-
    Survey of the basic standards and procedures for drawing setups sites: CAD201, or CAD215, or permission of Department or Division.
    and design documentation in the fields of architecture, manufac-
    tur[...]101), or ECE103, or Design and Modeling of Mechanisms
    ECE103AB, or permission of instructor. Specialized training in the design of manufactured products us-[...]operating sheets (O.S.) and methods of tooling (M.O.T.). Prereq-[...]automation uisites: CAD175 or permission of instructor.
    of design documentation; attribute manipulation and[...]iods
    CAD101, or permission of instructor. Str[...]CAD-based instruction in the development of framing plans, sec-
    CAD167[...]3 credits 6 periods tions, and details of typical southwestern construction systems.[...]t): Residential CAD Creation of personal standard detail files for wood, concrete/ma-
    Use of Revit architectural modeling software to develop[...]tial working drawings. Pre- or permission of instructor.
    requisites: CAD105 or permission of Department or Division.[...]d Design Use of Revit architectural modeling software utilized by[...]mercial building design. Focus on CAD development of
    and documentation of primitive, regional, and composite models[...]al buildings. Prerequisites: CAD167 or permission of De-
    tional Organization fo[...]sites or Corequisites: CAD145 or permission of Instructor.

    [...]in Adolescence
    Specialized training in the design of manufactured products us- Current issues[...]ng with teens em-
    erating sheets (OS) and methods of tooling (MOT). Prerequisites: phasized. Is[...]ent sexuality, abuse, mental
    CAD245 or permission of Department or Division. h[...]cialized training in the documentation and design of electro-me- Emphasis on development of skills needed to successfully com-
    chanical products, using various sources of design information as plete home-based client visitation. Opportunities for field-based
    part of the manufacturing process. Typical construction d[...]pment
    layout. Prerequisites: CAD175 or permission of instructor. Explores the growth and[...]Examination of management and administration of communi-
    CAD287[...]child and family organizations within the context of or-
    Architectural Drawings III (Revit): Advanced[...]ganizational behaviors. Focus on attributes of effective organiza-
    Advanced use of Revit architectural modeling software utilized by tions: the impact of organizational culture and learning, work-place
    t[...]ation & Community Leadership in Child and
    mission of Department or Division.[...]Examination of organization and community leadership as it ap-
    C[...]plies to the management and administration of community-based
    Design Geometry[...]family services organizations. Provides overview of
    CAD based graphical solutions for problems in arc[...]n. Prerequisites: None.
    engineering design. Study of the geometry of technical drawing
    with an emphasis on the space relationship of points, lines and CFS208[...]nd Grant Writing
    DFT107) or permission of Instructor. Examination of fiscal accountability and resource development[...]s it applies to the management and administration of commu-[...]vides overview of grant development processes beginning with[...]erequisites: None.
    Marriage and Family Life
    Study of marriage and the family as a social system, inclu[...]3 credits 3 periods
    models of family analysis, intra- and interpersonal relatio[...]ment models. Prerequisites: None.
    Study of the science of human development from conception
    through adolesc[...]credits 3 periods
    adult roles in the lives of children, and contemporary issues. Pre-[...]Provides an overview of the professional work within the field of[...]
    [...]y Issues in Aging
    Overview of the field of family and parent development. Focuses Cu[...]3 periods
    Foundations of Parent Education[...]related to work with parents. Empha- Areas of concentration include family transition, diversit[...]gresses into a more complicated future. The study of change as
    Prerequisites: N[...]an integral part of all family’s day-to-day experiences while rec-[...]l
    Considers the influences of physical and social environments in Work/[...]udes multiple roles and per- permission of Instructor.
    spectives of the individual, the family, society and the profe[...]3 credits 3 periods Examination of the physical, psychological, social, and cultur-[...]ife and
    Focus on the study of parents and children from a cross-cultur- cultural variation. Examination of facts and myths, current litera-[...]expectation perspective. Course designed of males and females in contemporary society; impact of sexual
    for those seeking c[...]quisites: None. requisites: Permission of department. Student must be 18 years[...]Identification and examination of facets of family relationships and Adult-Adolescent Interaction
    aging. Emphasis on study of central family connections for older Prepa[...]eople, unique family situations, and implications of family transi- effectively with teenagers. Develops understanding of the inter-
    tions. Course d[...]Emphasis on major elements of the transition to adulthood and[...]urse Descriptions

    ment of intergenerational relationships and reassessment of fam-
    ily priorities. Cours[...]of the Mandarin Chinese language. Includes the study of Chinese
    Social Policy and[...]culture, practice of listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.
    Examines the impact of social policy on family systems and the im-[...]Continued study of grammar and vocabulary along with the study[...]of Chinese culture. Emphasis on pronunciation and sp[...]skills. Prerequisites: CHI101 or permission of Department or Di-
    chosocial dimensions of retirement. Prerequisites: None.[...]vision. Completion of prerequisites within the last three years[...]
    [...]and vo- Laboratory experience in support of CHM130. Prerequisites or
    cabulary necessary to de[...]Detailed study of principles of chemistry for science majors and
    CHI116[...]and CHM130LL), or CHM130AA, or one year of high school chem-
    Continued development of speaking and listening skills for effec- istry with a grade of “C” or better taken within the last five year[...]munication in Mandarin Chinese. Includes elements of and completion of MAT151 or higher level mathematics course
    Chinese culture. Prerequisites: CHI115 or permission of Depart- with grade of “C” or better. Completion of all prerequisites within
    ment or Division. Completion of prerequisites within the last three the last tw[...]receive credit for only one of the following: CHM150 or CHM151.

    CHI298[...]Detailed study of principles of chemistry for science majors and[...]and CHM130LL), or CHM130AA, or one year of high school chem-
    istry with a grade of “C” or better taken within the last five year[...]and completion of MAT151 or higher level mathematics course[...]with grade of “C” or better. Completion of all prerequisites within
    CHM090[...]receive credit for only one of the following: CHM150 or CHM151.
    A developmental[...]d to review basic math and chem-
    istry principles of students deficient or insecure in these areas.[...]Laboratory experience in support of CHM151. Prerequisites:[...]CHM130LL or permission of instructor. Prerequisites or Corequi-
    CHM107[...]CHM150 or CHM151.
    Chemistry and Society
    A survey of chemistry and its impact on the environment. Comp[...]CHM1152 3 credits 3 periods
    tion of CHM107LL is required to meet the Natural Science[...]A study of the chemical properties of the major groups of elements,[...]selected topics. Completion of CHM152LL required to meet the
    Chemistry and Socie[...]CHM151 and CHM-
    Laboratory experience in support of CHM107. Prerequisites or[...]151LL. Completion of CHM151 and CHM151LL within the last
    Corequisites:[...]grade of “C” or better in [(CHM150 or CHM151) and CHM1[...]or CHM150AA, or CHM151AA. Completion of prerequisites within
    Fundamental Chemistry[...]the last two years recommended.
    A survey of the fundamentals of general chemistry. Emphasis on
    essential concepts[...]CHM1152 1 credit 3 periods
    ples of measurement, chemical bonding, structure and reac[...]try II Laboratory
    nomenclature, and the chemistry of acids and bases. Preparation[...]Laboratory experience in support of CHM152. Prerequisites:
    for students taking more a[...]requisites or Corequisites: CHM152.
    to meet needs of students in such diverse areas as agriculture,
    nu[...]3 credits 3 periods
    ogy. Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in CHM090, or MAT090,[...]Chemistry of representative groups of organic compounds, em-
    and MAT103AB) or satisfact[...]and
    Effective Spring 2015: Prerequisites: A grade of “C” or better[...]pletion of (CHM130 and CHM130LL) or (CHM150 or CHM151
    and MA[...]Note: Course content designed to meet the needs of students in
    and [RDG091 or eligibility for[...]
    [...]Laboratory experience in support of CHM230. Prerequisites:[...]Strength of Materials[...]A study of strength and application of the materials of engineer-
    CHM235[...]ing construction, including the mechanics of beams, shafts, and
    General[...]Rigorous introduction to chemistry of carbon-containing com-[...]pounds. Reaction mechanisms and recent methods of synthe-[...]MAT187 or equivalent or permission of Department or Division
    sis[...]CHM154 and CHM154LL. Completion of (CHM152 and CHM-
    152LL) or[...]Laboratory experience in support of CHM235. Prerequisites: Use of the Internet to promote learning. Focus on Intern[...]redit 1 period
    Study of chemistry of carbon-containing compounds continued. In[...]effec-
    and modern methods of synthesis emphasized. Prerequisites: tive client service organization. Focuses on methods of increasing
    CHM235 and CHM235LL. Completion of CHM235 and CHM- the effectiveness of help-desk professionals when responding to a[...]years recommended. Effective Spring range of customer conditions. Prerequisites: None.
    2015: Prerequisites: A grade of “C” or better in CHM235 and
    CHM235LL. Completion of prerequisites within the last two years CIS1[...]Survey of Computer Information Systems[...]Overview of computer technology, concepts, terminology, and t[...]236 1 credit 4 periods role of computers in business and society. Discussion of social[...]and ethical issues related to computers. Use of word processing,
    General O[...]Laboratory experience in support of CHM236. Prerequisites:[...]of application software and the Internet for efficie[...]problem solving. Exploration of relevant emerging technologies.[...]Structures, properties, and functions of proteins, enzymes, nucle- Microsoft Word: Word[...]to create, name and manage
    of these materials by living systems and the relationship of the files, edit text, and do basic formatting of documents. Prerequi-
    proce[...]d Processing Level II
    tion of CHM230 and CHM230LL, or CHM236 and CHM236LL, or Using more advanced features of word processing software to[...]Effective Spring 2015: Prerequisites: A grade of “C” or better in uments with themes and st[...]HM235 and CHM235LL). Com- mission of Instructor.
    pletion of prerequisites within the last two years recommend[...]Utilizing more advanced features of word processing software to[...]sion of Instructor.

    [...]tware to create, name and manage Use of PowerPoint software add movement and sound to des[...]desktop publishing features, and print a variety of CIS118AB.
    types of documents. Prerequisites: None.[...]ting, and projections. Prerequisites: None. use of electronic techniques to select, manipulate, and[...]quisites: CIS114AE or per- to editing use of electronic techniques to select, manipulate, and
    mission of instructor.[...]niques, including complex mac- Foundations of video import, export, and editing. Includes parts[...]lation. Project design using mul- and function of a video camera, preproduction and production,
    tip[...]s, titles, graphics, animation and audio,
    mission of instructor.[...]llustrator graph-
    matrix manipulation. Production of graphs and reports. Project de- ics software on a computer. Basic foundation course in the use of
    sign using multiple, integrated spreadsheets. Pre[...]uisites: None.
    Introduction to the basic elements of a current version of the Mi-
    crosoft Access database management progra[...]the creation, manipulation, and editing of Flash animation graph-
    Exploration of additional components of the Microsoft Access da- ics. Prerequisites[...]Course Descriptions
    mission of instructor.[...]puter. Basic foundation course in the
    Application of the features of the Microsoft Access program to use of electronic techniques to select, manipulate, and[...]s
    Introduction to the basic elements, exploration of additional com- Fireworks: Web Graphics
    ponen[...]se management problems related Use of graphics software to create and edit vector and b[...]e Microsoft Access program. Combines the contents of CIS- (raster) graphics. Creation and manipulation of paths and special
    117AA and CIS117BA and CIS117CA[...]1 credit 2 periods
    Powerpoint: Level I
    Use of Powerpoint software to produce professiona[...]
    [...]Installation, configuration, and maintenance of the UNIX operating
    and met[...]ment using Adobe Audition. Includes the import of files in a variety UNIX Operating System
    of formats that were generated using other software and how to Use of a UNIX operating system including system componen[...]3 credits 4 periods of a UNIX operating system. Create scripts and batch[...]ts 4 periods
    creation of interactive PDF documents including security sett[...]I) desktop environment
    Use of the Microsoft command line interface: basic conce[...]l I Overview of the Internet and its resources. Hands-on experien[...]et Explorer fine tuning, security, Exploration of additional Internet resources. Hands-on experienc[...]arch techniques, keyboard with a variety of resource discovery and information retrieval tool[...]: None. as well as enhancement of Web pages. Prerequisites: CIS133AA.[...]ment Level I-C
    Utilization of project management software packages by manag-[...]planning tasks. Evaluation of management opportunities utilizing and typo[...]Includes “what-if” analyses, and preparation of manage- CIS133DA[...]Overview of the Internet/WWW and its resources. Hands-on ex-[...]e development
    Advanced use of project management software. Covers features[...]Prerequisites: CIS124AA or permis- Use of Adobe InDesign to compose and print textual and graphic
    sion of instructor. materials of high quality. Includes word processing of copy, use
    of graphics programs, layout of design elements, printing alter-[...]permission of Instructor.
    Use of the UNIX operating system: system componen[...]
    [...]d and Object-Oriented design and logic tools. Use of Introduction to web scripting using Mic[...]ASP.Net Web Forms, programming logic, and
    mission of instructor.[...]CIS133DA) and (CIS159 or CIS162AD)) or permission of instructor.
    CIS156[...]3 credits 4 periods
    Use of the Python programming language to solve problems[...]P: Hypertext Prepro-
    sites: CIS105, or permission of instructor. cessor).[...]permission of instructor.
    Use of the Visual Basic programming language to solve pr[...]t 4 periods
    requisites: CIS105, or permission of instructor. Advanced Micro[...]g documents. Prerequisites: CIS113DE or (CIS113AE
    programs, functions, pointers, input and output options, data and CIS113BE and CIS113CE) or permission of Instructor.
    types, structures, and unions, and disk file operations. Prerequi-
    sites: CIS105, or permission of instructor. CIS217AM[...]ogram-
    ming. Prerequisites: CIS105, or permission of instructor. CIS220DC[...]ring manipulation, graphics, and permission of instructor.
    object-oriented programming. Prerequisites: CIS105 or permis-
    sion of instructor.[...]its 3 periods Goes beyond the basic use of palettes, selections, layers, menus,
    Oracle: Data[...]rately re- 120CF) or CIS120DF, or permission of Instructor.
    flects the business. Mapping the ER d[...]abase
    design. Prerequisites: CIS105 or permission of instructor. CIS221AB[...]r Shell (PS) is used to aid system administrators of
    Introduction to JavaScripting[...]gramming sites: CIS121AB or permission of Instructor.
    logic and debugging, as well as forms[...]Prerequisites: CIS133CA or CIS133DA or permission of instructor.[...]
    [...]orm network operating systems including a variety of
    other software packages su[...]oriented iterative process for sys- The study of business information systems and its management,[...]tabase concepts, and project management. Overview of sys-
    program language, or permission of instructor. tems analys[...]tegic uses of information systems and how they are transforming[...]3 credits 4 periods
    of markup languages, programming languages, scripts,[...]e authoring and preparing sophis- Use of the Visual Basic programming language to identify[...]ticated web documents. Exploration of best practices/issues for advanced probl[...]disciplines. Prerequisites: CIS159 or permission of instructor.
    e-commerce. Pr[...]r CIS133DA or permis-
    sion of instructor.[...]me-
    Design and development of comprehensive and interactive web- di[...]experience designing, devel- permission of Instructor.
    oping, testing[...]riods
    133DA, or permission of Instructor. Essentials of Network and Information Security[...]Threats to security of information systems; responsibilities and basic[...]om an online Introduction to the language of network security and hardware, soft-[...]it assign- ware and firmware components of an information security system[...]line-learning environment. Introduction to basics of online pedago- prepare participants for the[...]rerequisites: CIS133CA or CIS133DA, or permission of instructor. (MST150 or MST150 any module), or permission of instructor.
    Course Descriptions[...]m administration tasks using one or more versions of UNIX. Implementing in-depth security met[...]eripher- nux-based network environment. Utilize programs, utilities and
    als, securi[...]eshooting. Prerequisites: CIS126DA, or permission of instructor. network security. Gain knowledge in a variety of security cracking[...]ues and how to guard against them. In all aspects of se-
    CIS238DL[...]credits 4 periods curity, the standard of practicing professional ethics seriously em-[...]inux+, RHCT, RHCE,
    ulation of file structures, backup systems, printing process[...]and LPIC. Prerequisites: CIS240DL or Permission of Instructor.
    bleshooting, u[...]certificates, Comp- Critical inquiry of current topics in computing. Application of indus-
    TIA’s Linux+, RHC[...]CIS126BL and CIS126CL; or CIS126DL or Permission of Instructor. sites: None.[...]
    [...]Preparation for renewal of CCNA certification by reviewing the[...]IP addressing, subnet masks, access control list, basic network
    Introduction to Networks[...]roubleshoot Cisco routers and switches for
    models of the Internet and other computer networks. The pri[...]and Wide Area Networks (WANs)
    ples and structure of IP addressing and the fundamentals of Eth-[...]or CNT170AA or CCNA certification or permission of instructor.
    and switches, and implement IP addres[...]Development of knowledge and skills needed to manage Internet
    Architecture, components, and operations of routers and switches[...](IPv6), and configuration of secure routing solutions to support
    ter-VLAN rout[...]actice to reinforce configuration skills.
    mission of Instructor.[...]mission of Instructor. Corequisites: CNT220. Course Notes: P[...]Networks
    Architecture, components, and operations of routers and switches[...]a series of four exams that lead to the Cisco Security Specia[...]amination. Prerequisites: CNT150AA or permission of Instructor.
    permission of instructor.
    CNT170AA[...]networks. Development of a security infrastructure, identification
    lection of network devices and WAN technologies to meet netw[...]of threats and vulnerabilities to networks. Mitigation of security
    requirements. Configuring and troublesho[...]and monitoring of network devices to maintain integrity, confidenti[...]ality and availability of data and devices. Competency in the tech-
    Protoco[...]etworking Associate
    sites: CNT160AA or permission of Instructor.[...](CCNA) certification or permission of Instructor.[...]Development of knowledge and skills in building, monitoring, and[...]guring, securing and verifying the implementation of complex[...]industry certification, or permission of Instructor. Corequisites:[...]
    [...]cation of intercultural communication in social and organiz[...]or ENG107 level, or a grade of “C” or better in ENG091 or ESL097,[...]or permission of Instructor.
    and maintaining relationships: May be repeated for a total of six
    (6) credit hours. Prer[...]students with CELSA test scores of 30-38; students with CELSA[...]cation Inquiry
    test scores of 39-50 may enroll in either COM080 or COM095.[...]Overview of theory and methodological practice in communicati[...]velopment of critical thinking skills through active participa[...]alent, and COM100 or equivalent, or permission of instructor.
    cluding noteta[...]Listening
    of 51-56 or who test into 4th level ESL classes or E[...]Emphasis on diagnosis of individual listening, corrective proce-
    071/091. Students with CELSA test scores of 39-50 may enroll in[...]dures, and reinforcement of improved habits through normal and[...]eriods
    Theory and practice of communication skills in public, small group,[...]and interpersonal settings. Includes study of the speech commu-[...]: Par-
    Theory and practice of communication skills which affect day-[...]ipation in Student Leadership Forum or permission of instructor.
    to-day interac[...]presentational speaking. Emphasis on development of speech,
    Pronunciation of American Speech[...]entational speak-
    Analysis of American speech production problems due to accent[...]ing; and use of English to interact spontaneously with others. Pr[...]produced by another language, correction of misarticulated Amer-[...]requisites: COM120 or permission of instructor.
    ican speech so[...]Discussion and practice of the use of evidence, applied reasoning,[...]recognition of fallacies, selection of arguments, and methods of an-
    media. Principles of verbal message development and related vi-[...]sual design stressed. Techniques of managing the presentational[...]designed to improve
    ation of common equipment. Prerequisites: None.[...]nication
    phasis on the use of digital technology to create, edit, produce and[...]Principles and processes of small groups and development of
    archive a digital s[...]
    [...]roup Facilitation Theory and Practice
    Application of communication skills that enhance the personal Theory and practice of group facilitation skills. Emphasis on lead-
    rela[...]in problem solving and decision-making.
    provement of your individual communication skills in your rela[...]work experience, or permission of instructor.

    COM241[...]3 credits 5 periods
    Oral Interpretation of Literature Co[...]study, analysis, and preparation for performance of prose, Designed to provide students with c[...]ence
    poetry, and dramatic literature. Preparation of material for public in a variety of speech situations beyond the classroom setting.
    a[...]Course Note: COM282AB may be repeated for a total of six (6)
    Interpreters Theatre[...]dures
    Study, analysis, rehearsal, and performance of various types of outlined in catalog.
    literature. Prerequisi[...]3 credits
    Introduction to the study of communication in organizations in- Service-Learning Experience in Communication
    cluding identification of variables, roles and patterns influencing Unpai[...]oved community partner. Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.

    COM251[...]Special Projects
    Principles and techniques of interviewing, including practice See page[...]strengths with the use of various assessments. Aids in the de-
    Communication of Sex and Sexual Identity
    velopment of individualized educational/career goals and action
    Communication of personal, interpersonal, and cultural messages[...]peated for a total of six (6) credit hours.
    COM263[...]2 credits 2 periods
    Elements of Intercultural Communication[...]thoughts, emotions and behaviors, for the purpose of developing
    COM271[...]of personal development. Examination of masculine and feminine
    Nonverbal Communication[...]cts in social roles, emotions, and physi-
    Effects of space, time, body movements, environment,[...]
    [...]Provides an understanding of the emotion of anger, explores the Examination of the multiple cultures and subcultures within the[...]contemporary United States. Personal exploration of awareness
    the need for str[...]tion to anger. Examines and appreciation of multiculturalism. Activities for experiencing[...]personal anger patterns and feelings, and the use of effective in- diverse cultural perspectives.[...]2 credits 2 periods or permission of Instructor.
    African Americ[...]eness
    Develop an awareness of cultural roots, history, and traditions with
    emphasis on the shaping of personal identity, social, career, and[...]mate-
    Develop an awareness of cultural roots, history, and traditions with[...]st
    emphasis on the shaping of personal identity, social, career, and[...]grade of “C” or better in ENG101 or ENG107) and (appro[...]reading placement test score or grade of “C” or better in RDG091[...]or RDG095 or permission of Instructor).
    Career and Personal Development
    An overview of the process of career/life planning through[...]ENG101/107 with a grade of “C” or better. Additionally, students[...]must have one of the following: an appropriate ASSET score, per-[...]mission of instructor, or completion of RDG091 with a grade of “C”
    ate interests, skills and values. Emphasis on the development of[...]technology. Includes interpretation of technical and professional[...]requisites: Reading (ASSET) test score, or grade of “C” or better
    developi[...]in RDG091, or permission of instructor.
    ness and developing self-management strategies. Elements of
    college resources and rela[...]hers explored in sup-
    port of students’ educational experience. Prerequisites[...]lls development, and educational Overview of writing children’s literature. Emphasis on genr[...]and standards for quality. Development of techniques in reading,[...]sis on increasing student success through the use of study
    strategies including[...]Introduces the student to elements and techniques of creative[...]writing in a variety of genres; teaches terminology and concepts[...]
    [...]g and evalu- Analysis, writing, and revision of genre or element within poetry.
    ating (in worksho[...]various Prerequisites: CRW150 or permission of instructor.
    elements of poetry, critique one’s own and the poetry of others,
    and produce a portfolio of finished, marketable poems. Prerequi- CRW[...]Writing original short stories; analysis of works of fiction; concen-
    Practice in writing fiction through a process of prewriting (invention
    and discovery), writing, an[...]actice in manipulating various elements and forms of fic- Topics in Writing: Fiction
    tion. Prerequi[...]equired. Analysis, writing, and revision of genre or element within fiction.[...]Prerequisites: CRW150 or permission of instructor.
    CRW180[...], structuring, and beginning a novel; prewriting,
    of invention and discovery, writing, analysis, evalu[...]writing, analysis, evaluation, and revision of novel plans and ex-
    vision. Combines lecture, dis[...]cerpts. Prerequisites: CRW150 or permission of instructor.
    the production of marketable quality creative nonfiction. Prerequi-[...]ing; focus on establishing goals and us-
    Overview of screenwriting elements; introduction to screenwri[...]critiques. Prerequisites: CRW272 or permission of instructor.

    CRW200[...]ising the Novel
    Close analysis and interpretation of selected literary texts designed Studio course[...]the genre in which they write and their knowledge of selected sites: CRW273 or permission of instructor.
    literary elements. One-on-one meeting[...]n-
    structor. Prerequisites: CRW150, or permission of instructor. Course CRW290[...]periods
    Notes: CRW200 may be repeated for a total of six (6) credits. Intermediate Screenwr[...]Drafting and revision of original screenplay; overview of marketing
    CRW201[...]a screenplay. Prerequisites: CRW190 or permission of instructor.
    Close analysis of the creative writing portfolio culminating in se-
    lection, revision, editing, and compiling of the student’s own liter-[...]eative Writing Certificate Program and completion of[...]Concepts of problem solving, structured programming in C++,
    sion of Program Director.[...]rnal writing. Prerequisites: CRW150
    or permission of instructor.[...]Concepts of problem solving, structured and object-oriented p[...]s and techniques and
    Emphasis on writing a series of original poems; analysis and eval-[...]. Social and ethical responsibilities. In-
    uation of the functions and effects of established works of poetry;[...]workshopping. Prerequisites: CRW160 or permission of
    [...]binary and complement Investigation of special topics in computing technology and appli-[...]ircuit minimization tech- cations. Examination of industry trends to solve problems and/or
    niques. Analysis and design of combinational logic, flipflops, simple investigate issues. Prerequisites: Permission of Instructor.
    counters, regi[...]us
    sequential circuits and state reduction techniques. Building phys- CSC298A[...]ELE181, or NET181, or equivalent, or permission of instructor. See page 264.[...]omputational thinking. Use
    of application software to create documents, spreads[...]bases, e-mail and text files, and use of Internet browsers. Prereq-[...]d wish to ex-
    Organization of and access to information on the Internet. Design[...]t
    creation and publication of interactive web pages with HTML, mul-[...]experience, on-the-job training, and exploration of a work environ-
    gramming.[...]of their choice. In addition, this course will aid i[...]tes: CSC110, or
    permission of Instructor.[...]e Descriptions

    mission of instructor.[...]or exploring a career or field of choice. Helps students relate their[...]d interviewing
    Application of standard software to bioinformatic computing task[...]skills. Development of employability skills. Prerequisites: None.
    including word processing of reports, and use of spreadsheets
    for statistic[...]er-level mathematics course)], or permission of Instructor. Concur-
    rent enrollment in, or previous completion of, BIO208 or BIO212AA[...]
    [...]Theory and practice of modern dance at the advanced beginning[...]level. Development of movement quality and performance skills.
    DAH100[...]Prerequisites: DAN132 or permission of instructor. Course Note:
    Introduction to Dance[...]DAN135 may be repeated for credit.
    Overview of the field of dance focusing on origins, historical devel-
    opment, and cultural characteristics of the various styles of dance.[...]Theory and practice of jazz dance at the advanced beginning
    DAH110[...]level. Development of movement quality and performance skills.
    Dance in[...]Prerequisites: DAN133 or permission of instructor. Course Note:
    Survey of the history and development of dance in film and video[...]l I scientific evaluation and in-depth discussion of the theory
    Dance in Popular Culture[...]and practice of work done in dance technique class. Prerequi-
    Int[...]st centuries. Explores social and cultural issues of power, class,
    gender, age and sexual orientation.[...]An introduction to the theory and practice of tap dance. Prerequi-
    Dance[...]Tap Dance II
    Theory and practice of Hip Hop dance. Development of move- Theory and practice of tap dance at an advanced beginning level.
    ment qu[...]Course Prerequisites: DAN140 or permission of Instructor. Course Notes:
    Note: DAN115AA may be r[...]ormance I
    Introduction to the theory and practice of ballet at the beginning An introduction to the process and practice of dance perfor-
    level. Development of movement quality and performance skills.[...]Theory and practice of current social dance trends. Development
    Introduction to the theory and practice of modern dance at the be- of movement quality and performance skills. Prerequisites: None.
    ginning level. Development of movement quality and performance Course[...]3 periods Introduction to the elements of light, sound, and scenery as they
    Jazz Dance I[...]relate to the art of dance. Prerequisites: None.
    Introduction to the theory and practice of jazz dance at the begin-
    ning level. Development of movement quality and performance DAN2[...]epeated for credit. Exploration of the ways in which music, time, pitch, and energy[...]work with the art of dance. Emphasis on reading and writing music
    DAN1[...]e versa. Prerequisites: None.
    Theory and practice of ballet at the advanced beginning level. De-
    velopment of movement quality and performance skills. Prerequi-
    sites: DAN131 or permission of instructor. Course Note: DAN134
    may be rep[...]
    [...]Theory and intensive practice of ballet at the beginning interme- Continued study of the process and practice of dance perfor-
    diate level. Development of movement quality and performance mance at a level III. Prerequisites: DAN155 or permission of in-
    skills. Prerequisites: DAN134 or permission of Instructor. Course structor. Course Note: DAN250 may be repeated for a total of two
    Notes: DAN231AA may be[...]Theory and intensive practice of modern dance at the beginning Culmination of the process and practice of dance performance at
    intermediate level. Development of movement quality and perfor- a level IV. Prerequisites: DAN250 or permission of instructor.
    mance skills. Prerequisites: DAN135 or permission of Instructor. Course Note: DAN255 may be repeated for a total of two (2) se-
    Course Note: D[...]Theory and intensive practice of jazz dance at the beginning in- Study of basic dance choreography to include construction of a
    termediate level. Development of movement quality and perfor- phrase, str[...]mance skills. Prerequisites: DAN136 or permission of Instructor. ments of time, space and energy. Prerequisites: None.[...]Exploration of the craft of choreography at the intermediate lev-
    Theory and intensive practice of ballet at the advanced interme- el. Experim[...]y
    diate level. Development of movement quality and performance choreo[...]skills. Prerequisites: DAN231AA or permission of Instructor. sites: DAN264.[...]A culmination of coursework for the dance major requiring com-
    Theory and intensive practice of modern dance at the advanced pletion of an extended choreographic work from conception to
    intermediate level. Development of movement quality and perfor- performance.[...]nce skills. Prerequisites: DAN232AA or permission of Instruc- cesses and challenges encountered[...]for credit. requisites: Permission of instructor.

    DAN236AA[...]Theory and intensive practice of jazz dance at the advanced in-[...]termediate level. Development of movement quality and perfor-[...]nce skills. Prerequisites: DAN233AA or permission of Instruc-[...]Additional topics in the use of rectangular coordinates. Prerequi-[...]sites: MAT092 or equivalent, or 1 year of high school algebra, or
    Ba[...]permission of department.
    An introduction to the theory and practice of pointe work at the
    beginning level. Development of strength and movement quali-[...]ty. May be repeated for a total of two (2) semester credit hours.[...]Prerequisites: DAN134 or permission of instructor. Corequisites:[...]try with practical applications to the field of design drafting. Prob-[...]lems in the analysis of force, stress, and vectors as well as prima-[...]II scientific evaluation and in-depth discussion of the theory[...]6 periods
    and practice of work done in dance technique class. Prerequi-[...]sites: DAN138 or permission of instructor. Corequisites: Any bal-[...]hasis on basic drafting techniques and principles of architec-
    let, modern danc[...]tural drafting. Use of basic drafting instruments. Includes lette[...]
    [...]Laboratory experience in support of ECE216. Prerequisites or Core-[...]1-3 credits
    Learning culture of engineering, engineering use of computer[...]age 264.
    sis and design. Prerequisites: Two years of high school algebra
    or MAT122 or departmental app[...]3 credits 3 periods
    Fundamentals of the design process: engineering modeling, com- Economic History of the United States
    munication, and problem solving skills in a team environment. Em- A description of the trends of American population, industry, and
    phasis on proc[...]process. In- wealth through examination of major American institutions, histor-
    troduction t[...]ents, and economic thought. Emphasis on the roles of tech-
    ECE102AA) and (high school physics, or PHY1[...]4 credits 6 periods impact of government. Prerequisites: None
    Bioengineering Systems
    An in[...]ECN2201 3 credits 3 periods
    of engineering to biological and earth systems. An analysis of mate- Macroeconomic Principles
    rials, structu[...]ity, and dynamics as ap- A descriptive analysis of the structure and functioning of the
    plied to biological and environmental systems[...]Consideration given to the macroeconomic topics of national in-
    Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics[...]tary and fiscal policies.
    Kinematics and kinetics of particles, translating and rotating co- Prerequisites: None. Recommendations: Completion of ENG101
    ordinate systems, rigid body kinematics, dynamics of systems of and MAT122.
    particles and rigid bodies,[...]Microeconomic analysis including the theory of consumer choice,
    Engineering Mechanics[...]e allocation and income distribution.
    Foundations of engineering mechanics, including force systems,[...]ructures such as monopoly
    resultants, equilibrium of particles and rigid bodies, centroids and and oligopoly; and the effects of government regulation. Selected
    centers of mass, area and mass moments of inertia, friction, internal issues are examine[...]ns:
    forces in structures, kinematics and kinetics of particles, kinemat- Completion of ENG101 and MAT122.
    ics and kinetics of rigid bodies, energy and momentum principles.
    Pre[...]3 credits 5 periods
    Mechanics of Materials
    Designed to provide students with a strong fundamental founda-
    tion in the mechanics of solids. Includes the concepts of stress and[...]n (EDU)
    strain applied to the analysis and design of members subjected[...]rs (ELL)
    bending, applications and transformation of plane stress and plane[...]h Language Learners (ELL) Ra-
    strain, deformation of beams, and elastic buckling of columns. Pre-[...]of various types of language educational models including Struc-
    ECE2[...]ed practi-
    fasteners, as well as creation and use of engineering drawings.[...]na Department of Education.[...]
    [...]Foundations of Early Childhood Education
    Overview of education and educational institutions in our society, Overview of early childhood education (birth to age eight) in[...]rent issues, responsibilities, and qualifications of ed- ican society, including current issues[...]their interest in this phasis on issues of professionalism, ethics and program types.[...]rerequisites: None. Course Note: Requires minimum of 30 Opportunities for students to ex[...]l career paths. Pre-
    hours of field experience in elementary or secondary class[...]tes: None. Course Note: EED200 requires a minimum of 30
    environment. hours of field experience in birth to age eight environmen[...]nd Cognitive Play
    Overview of the exceptional learner, one who differs from the av- Benefits of play for children birth to 8 years of age. Inclusion of
    erage or normal, with emph[...]art, music, and movement used in all dimensions of play. Identi-
    tices, ident[...]ons. fy uses and roles in the development of children. Prerequisites:
    I[...]Define speech and language and discuss theories of language
    EDU230[...]uisition in young children, birth through 8 years of age in a
    Cultural Diversit[...]variety of settings. Explore techniques to encourage and support
    Examination of the relationship of cultural values to the forma- the development of language, assessment techniques and family
    tion of self-concept and learning styles. Examination of the role of involvement. Prerequisites: CFS/ECH176.[...]ffer an equal educational opportunity to students of all cultural Guidance, Management and t[...]environments. Exploration of guidance, management, and how[...]riods the environment impacts the lives of young children. Includes ob-[...]y College servation of classrooms of children ages birth to age eight. Pre-[...]leges. Includes focus on the design and practice of effective com- EED215[...]t. Prerequisites: None. Consideration of public health issues and safety procedures with-[...]credits 3 periods eight. Overview of nutritional needs and issues ofof folk and modern literature from a variety of world cul- requisites: None.
    tures, including application of literary criteria to folk and modern[...]e Descriptions

    The Art of Storytelling ment of the young child (birth to age eight). Considers trends and
    Explore the art and origin of storytelling. Provide a variety of story- threats to attachment, relationships[...]ues, styles and exercises to enhance the delivery of social and emotional experiences and the[...]tories. Assist in the integration and application of storytelling oping brain. Prerequisites: None.[...]D) Overview of the exceptional learner (birth - age eight), one[...]echniques, characteristics, identification, types of programs,
    Multimedia and the Early[...]Explore theories and teaching strategies of utilizing multimedia with[...]children birth through 8 years of age. Examine usage of various mul-[...]learning. Explore the use
    of multimedia and ECE professional growth. Pr[...]
    [...]Circuits and Devices
    Overview of emergent literacy, early literacy development, an[...]ks, reading, and writing. analysis, steady state analysis, Laplace transform, and active and
    Empha[...]lers, and linkers. Pro-
    Prerequisites: Completion of twelve (12) credit hours of EED cessor organization and design, data path, control, pipelining, and
    coursework and permission of Program Coordinator. input/o[...]1 credit 1 period mission of instructor.
    Early Childhood Infant/Toddler Intern[...]in early care and edu-
    cation settings. 80 hours of designated work per credit. Prerequi-
    sites: Permission of department. Course Note: May be repeated[...]Electronics Technology (ELT)
    for a total of six (6) credit hours.[...]Survey of Electronics
    EED261[...]An introduction to the field of electronics for those who may not
    Early Childhood[...]ature; includes familiarization with a wide range of electron-
    settings. 80 hours of designated work per credit. Prerequisites:[...]n to electronic systems, such as radio
    Permission of department. Course Note: May be repeated for a[...]eivers - both AM (amplitude modulation) and
    total ofof curriculum appropriate to the[...]dits 3 periods
    developmental characteristics of learners, birth through five years.[...]Basic principles of Algebra with applications to the analysis of elec-
    gram settings relate to the teaching, learn[...]tronic circuits. Emphasis on the use of the calculator for conver-
    process. Includes fiel[...]3 periods
    Standards, Observation & Assessment of Typical/[...]Mathematics for Electronics II
    Atypical Behaviors of Young Children Birth Age Eight[...]The study of simultaneous equations, quadratic equations, trigo-
    Standards, observation, and assessment of typical and atypical[...]nctions and logarithms as ap-
    behaviors, overview of standards, observation and assessment[...]lternating current) circuit analysis. Application of the
    methodologies for typical and atypical young[...]etwork theorems applied to the study and analysis of the series,
    Digital Design Fundamentals[...]ELT102 or equivalent.
    niques. Analysis and design of combinational logic, flip-flops, sim-
    ple counter[...]onous and asynchro-
    nous sequential circuits, and state reduction techniques. Building
    physical circuits.[...]r ELE181, or NET181, or equivalent, or permission of instructor.[...]
    [...]Designed to train students in the skills of cardiopulmonary resusci-
    iments. Prerequisites: ELT113 or permission of instructor.[...]pression, stabilization of adult, infant, and child victims with airway[...]Prerequisites: None.
    Solid State Electronics
    Characteristics and use of solid state devices in practical circuit[...]s suffering sudden illness or injury. For members of law enforce-
    sites: ELT113[...]Techniques of emergency medical care in accordance with national
    flow, and functional operation of subunits; number systems and[...]and state curriculum. Study of the human body, patient assessment,[...]treatment of medically or traumatically compromised patients,[...]operations; debugging and documenting programs. Prerequisites:[...]or completion of an Associate’s degree or higher from an accredi[...]tion. Students must meet National Registry of EMTs requirements
    sites: E[...]Simulation of actual emergency responses, with practical applic[...]tion of techniques and skills covered in EMT curricula. S[...]based learning applied to the techniques of emergency medical
    equipmen[...]care in accordance with national and state curriculum. Practical
    requ[...]application of anatomy, physiology, patient assessment, and trea[...]ment of medically or traumatically compromised patients,[...]medic in the State of Arizona, or permission of Instructor.
    ELT298[...]Designed to meet National and Arizona Department of Health Ser-[...]base of the Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) and reinfo[...]or permission of instructor.

    [...]Support Refresher
    Designed to acquaint all levels of emergency care providers with Designed to[...]ient
    content for the identification and treatment of cardiac emergen- management, and core case[...]ort
    cies. Prerequisites: EMT/FSC104 or permission of instructor. (ACLS) according to curren[...]approach to cardiovascular emergencies, elements of
    Pharmacology in an Emergency Setting[...]chnician dealing with the and validation of the techniques of airway assessment and man-
    administration of emergency medications in the field as outlined in[...]current paramedic legislation. In-depth coverage of medications therapy, analyzing and interp[...]trocardiogram (ECG),
    enumerated in the algorithms of patient care as defined by the analyzing[...]tions, cardiovascular phar-
    port (ACLS). Coverage of medications that interact or interfere ma[...]t validation
    requisites: EMT/FSC104 or permission of instructor. MAT082 or in Basic Life Sup[...]Rescuer or EMT240) or permission of instructor.

    EMT238[...]tes new knowledge and skills necessary to of Pediatric Advanced Life Support. Includes endotracheal intu-
    access, extricate, and care for victims of crash incidents. Provides bation, defibrillati[...]alida-
    hazardous materials incidents, integration of local emergency tion in Basic Life Supp[...]Rescuer or [EMT235 and EMT236]) or permission of instructor.
    and standard operating procedures to[...]ence, or law enforcement personnel, or permission of instructor. Designed to instruct prehospit[...]rest, post- resuscitative tion, transportation of the victim to an emergency care facility, and
    pat[...]with emergency room experience, or permission of department.
    nary Resuscitation and Emergency Card[...]4 credits 4 periods
    ments of emergency cardiovascular care, ethical and legal[...]ic Life Support stabilization, transportation of the victim to an emergency care fa-
    (BLS) Health[...]rtified as a Basic EMT,
    and EMT236, or permission of instructor). Interm[...]nurse, or permission of Instructor.[...]
    [...]teach EMT courses or enhancement of teaching skills for expe- rapid assessment of sick and injured children in variety of circum-
    rienced EMS instructors according to the Arizona Department of stances. Includes scene management, use of pediatric assess-
    Health Services (A-DHS) Bureau of Emergency Medical Services ment triang[...]environments and styles; domains of learning, including goals, ob- unsynchronize[...]lanning; techniques for facilitation, presenta- of injury, submersion events, children with special[...]tions, evaluation, and discipline; principles of communication and needs, child abuse and neg[...]vation, critical thinking, and remediation; of specialized equipment, documentation of signs, symptoms,
    cultural[...]ucation. Prerequisites: (Arizona Department of Health Services Treatment to children is in accordance with recommendations of
    certification as a Basic E[...]te EMT, or Advanced the American Academy of Pediatrics. Prerequisites: Advanced[...]assistant), or permission of instructor. Paramedic, or permission of instructor.

    EMT255AB[...]rerequisites: and EMT236], or permission of Program Director. Comprehensive[...]ll EMT272AA prerequi-
    and (State of Arizona EMT [Paramedic] certification or Arizona[...]EMT for one full calendar year or permission of Program Director.
    permission of instructor.[...]and EMT236], or permission of Program Director. Comprehensive[...]Focuses on victimology and techniques of crises intervention; and EMT for one full calendar year or permission of Program Director.
    the importance of multicultural perspective. Includes coverage of Corequisites: EMT272AA and EMT272LL.[...]Clinical and vehicular practicum in support of EMT272AA and EM-[...]
    Clinical and vehicular practicum in support of EMT272. Prerequi- Emphasis on preparation[...]cticum Part II score, or a grade of C or better in ENG071 or ESL077, or permis-
    Clinical and vehicular practicum in support of EMT272. Prerequi- sion of Department or Division.
    sites: EMT272LA. Prerequi[...]Fundamentals of Writing
    EMT273 3[...]mprising at least 2000
    Paramedic under guidelines of the U.S. Department of Transporta- words in total. Prerequisites[...]placement test
    tion (U.S. DOT), National Registry of EMTs (NREMT) as recognized score, or a grade of C or better in ENG081 or ESL087, or permis-
    by the Arizona Department of Health Services (A- DHS) Bureau of sion of Department or Division.
    Emergency Services (B-EMS[...]nscious American-English Spelling System
    of undetermined etiology, head injury with altered levels of con- American-English spelling system rule[...]grade
    idates skills, reviews and informs students of new standards and of “C” or better in ENG091 or ESL097, or permission of Instructor.
    technologies. Trains and educates out of state applicants in knowl-
    edge, procedures, medication[...]on Latin and Greek derivatives, development of competency and dis-
    for those who have expired ce[...]ropriate English placement test score, or a grade of “C” or
    fication or EMT - Intermediate certification or proof of current para- better in ENG091 or ESL097, or permission of Instructor.
    medic registry with the National Registry of Emergency Medical
    Technicians [NREMT]) or permission of instructor. ENG100AC[...]The Mechanics of Written English
    EMT296WC 3 credits 15 periods Review of the mechanics of written English, including punctuation,
    Advanced[...]ege experiences that involve the combined efforts of ed- sentence patterns. Prerequisites: Appr[...]related to the test score, or a grade of “C” or better in ENG091 or ESL097, or
    career objectives of the students. Prerequisites: Work-college ex- permission of Instructor.
    periences that involve the combined efforts of educators and em-
    ployers to accomplish an outcom[...]1 credit 1 period
    of the students.[...]The social aspects of grammar and usage, including appropriate[...]levels of formal and informal language. Prerequisites: Appr[...]ate English placement test score, or a grade of “C” or better in
    Engli[...]ENG091 or ESL097, or permission of Instructor.
    English courses 071, 081, 091, 101 an[...]ropriate writing placement test score, or a grade of C or better
    tence-level speaking and written stra[...]priate writing placement test score or permission of Department
    or Division.[...]
    [...]College OR Reading Fundamentals of Writing OR Fundamentals of
    Reading fo[...]of Writing[...]
    [...]ction. Prerequisites:
    total. Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in ENG101. None. Course Note: ENG235 may be repeated for a total of six[...]periods
    First-Year Composition for ESL
    Equivalent of ENG101 for students of English as a Second Lan-
    guage (ESL). Emphasis on[...]to international literature through various forms of
    requisites: Appropriate writing placement test score, or a grade of[...]hort story, and novel. Provides a global overview of[...]of women, African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispan[...]Native Americans. Prerequisites: None.
    Equivalent of ENG102 for students of English as a Second Lan-
    guage (ESL). Emphasis on[...]Introduction to the works of Mexican-American writers of the
    through three or more writing projects compri[...]wed in their
    words in total. Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in ENG107.[...]Survey of major African-American writers from Colonial peri[...]through the present; analysis of trends and movements within Af-
    into work-related[...]rican-American literary history; analysis of literary types and se-
    ENG101 with a grade of “C”, or better, or permission of instructor.[...]Survey of English Literature Before 1800
    Emphasis on critical analysis of various genres of literature; in-[...]political backgrounds as well as the
    cludes study of necessary terminology, introduction to methods[...]form and content of English literature from Anglo-Saxon times
    of literary criticism, and practice in interpretatio[...]to the end of the eighteenth century. Prerequisites: (ENG101 or[...]credits 3 periods
    Introduction to the Study of Language
    Survey of English Literature After 1800
    Study of language as code; phonetics, phonology, morpholog[...]and the content of English literature in the nineteenth and twentieth
    guistics. Prerequisites: ENG102, or ENG111, with a grade of “C”[...]r ENG107) or equivalent.
    or better, or permission of instructor.[...]Survey of Gothic Literature
    Personal and Exploratory Writin[...]A study of the origins, common elements and characteristics, and
    Advanced course in techniques of analyzing and writing persua-[...]historical development of Gothic literature with an exploration of
    sive arguments addressing topics of current public interest. Pa-[...]the literary techniques and psychological aspects of the genre.
    pers research based. Prerequisi[...]
    [...]ates. Pre- History, motivations, and effects of censorship in a democratic[...]society. Censorship and book banning as a method of silencing[...]diverse voices. Critical analysis of banned or challenged literature[...]Deals with the myths and legends of civilizations with the greatest[...]Development of an integrated approach to strategic choice con-
    influence upon the development of the literature and culture of the[...]erning new venture start-up. Includes development of a compre-
    English speaking[...]guage (ESL)
    Presents works of literature and their film versions and ana-
    lyzes distinguishing techniques of each medium. Prerequisites: ESL010[...]First level of English as a Second Language (ESL). Emphasis on[...]Includes novels and short stories of modern writers which reflect or no credit[...]proce-
    significant themes of our time. Prerequisites: None. dures outlined in catalog. May be repeated for a maximum of six[...]3 periods
    Exploration of selected topic(s) in American Literature. Focuses[...]reading and interpretation of literature from a variety of cultures Asking and answering questions rel[...]personal safety. May be repeated for a maximum of six credits.
    permission of Instructor. Course Notes: ENH280 may be repeated[...]ore or ESL002.
    for a total of nine (9) credit hours.[...]Emphasis on basic conventions of writing in English. Includes in-[...]19th century including the nature of women’s lives in the family, in sentence structure. May be repeated for a maximum of six (6)
    work situations, a[...]mmon themes. Prerequi- permission of instructor.
    Course Descriptions[...]on themes Sound symbol relationships of the English alphabet. Essential
    relevant to women’s lives regardless of age, creed, or ethnic back- vocabulary for[...]Development of reading comprehension skills. Prerequisites: Ap-[...]dren’s Literature
    Review of folk and modern literature, including application of liter-
    ary criteria[...]
    [...]ing English as a Second Language III
    Second level of English as a Second Language (ESL). Contin-[...]dard grading available ac- test score, or grade of “C” or better in ESL/RDG026, or permission
    co[...]outlined in catalog. May be repeated for a of Instructor.
    maximum of six (6) credits. Prerequisites: Appropriate ESL place-
    ment test score, or a grade of “P” or “C” or better in ESL010, or E[...]Fourth level of English as a Second Language (ESL). Continued
    ESL[...]ns. alog. May be repeated for a maximum of six (6) credits. Prerequi-
    Practice with question[...]Appropriate ESL placement test score, or a grade of “P” or “C”
    responses. May be repeated for a maximum of six credits. Pre- or better in ESL030, o[...]n basic writing skills, accompanied by recitation of oral presentations. May be repeated for a maximum of six credits.
    short writings. Sentence patterns and introduction of paragraph Prerequisites: Appropriate ESL p[...]or ESL030
    writing. May be repeated for a maximum of six (6) credits. Prereq- or ESL031 or ESL032[...]ppropriate ESL course placement score, or a grade of C
    or better in ESL012, or permission of instructor. ESL042[...]Emphasis on paragraph writing and oral recitation of complex sen-
    Reading English as a Second Language[...]s for short essays. May be repeated for a maximum of six (6)
    guage. Continued development of vocabulary and reading com- credits. P[...]tes: Appropriate ESL placement test a grade of C or better in ESL032, or permission of instructor.
    score, or grade of “C” or better in ESL/RDG016, or permission of
    Instructor.[...]edits 3 periods Developed for students of English as a second language. Devel-
    English as a[...]III: Grammar opment of advanced vocabulary, comprehension skills, and cul-
    Third level of English as a Second Language (ESL). Emphasis on[...]ding. Extensive grammar score, or grade of “C” or better in ESL/RDG036, or permission of
    study and writing practice. Credit (P) or no cred[...]utlined in catalog.
    May be repeated for a maximum of six (6) credits. Prerequisites: ESL050[...]Appropriate ESL placement test score, or a grade of “P” or “C” or Review Grammar For ESL[...]AA, ESL020AB, and ESL020AC). Review of grammatical concepts for ESL (English as a Second[...]ce skills in English. May be repeated for a total of six (6)
    Emphasis on listening and speaking skills[...]stions, working in small groups, or a grade of C or better in ESL040, or permission of instructor.
    using college resources, informal oral presentation. May be repeat-
    ed for a maximum of six credits. Prerequisites: Appropriate ESL[...]Practice imum of six (6) credits. Prerequisites: Appropriate ESL c[...]and speech. placement score, or a grade of C or better in (ESL020 or ESL021
    Introduction to[...]ollege set- or ESL022 or RDG020), or permission of instructor.
    ting. May be repeated for a maximum of six (6) credits. Prerequi-
    sites: Appropriate ESL course placement score, or a grade of C or
    better in ESL022, or permission of instructor.[...]
    [...]Pronunciation practice and review, spelling of English sounds, and Uses a variety of behavior change strategies to help fit physical[...]y into a busy schedule. Addresses the root causes of phys-
    sites: A grade of C or better in ESL051, or permission of instructor. ical inactivity and focuses on the[...]Course Note: May be repeated for a total of six (6) credit hours. long habit of physical activity. Prerequisites: None.[...]Principles of exercise science applied to teaching fitness/ aer[...]ls. Major factors related to the function of the human body. Emphasis
    F[...]priate writing placement test score or permission of Department
    or Division.[...]rs Principles and techniques of strength training including strength[...]3 periods
    or grade of C or better in ESL077 or ENG071, or permission of Cardiovascular Fitness: Physiological P[...]Covers principles and techniques of aerobic training and the ap-[...]3 credit 3 periods plication of these to the development of aerobic training programs.
    Fundamentals of Writing for English Language Learners[...]riate writing placement score, or a Overview of the personal training business in the fitness industry.
    grade of C or better in ESL087 or ENG081, or permission of De- Skills for becoming a successful and[...]sessment, safety of exercise, exercise testing, and exercise pre-[...]student with a general Fundamental methods of instructing and leading fitness activities
    overview of the disciplines and professions associated with t[...]identified by pro-
    fields of Exercise Science, Kinesiology and Physical Educat[...]Basic history, philosophy, and theory of each discipline will be ex-[...]credits 3 periods Fundamental methods of instructing and leading fitness activities
    Professional Applications of Fitness Principles includ[...]petencies
    Basic principles of fitness for the prospective fitness professional[...]sites:
    and characteristics of quality communication and fitness leader-[...]cing motivation
    components of fitness, fitness assessment, risk stratifi[...]
    [...]ory Exercises and Basketball Theory of Coaching
    Activities[...]the principles, philosophy, strategies and theory of
    Fundamental methods of instructing and leading fitness activities[...]Football Theory of Coaching[...]the principles, philosophy, strategies and theory of
    EXS230 3 cre[...]1-3 credits
    Introduction to the general nature of research with specific appli- Special Project[...]. Pre-
    requisites: ENG101 or ENG107 or permission of Instructor.[...]t and Professional Writing
    Practical Applications of Personal Training Skills and[...]Techniques of portfolio development to document prior learning[...]Includes study of learning styles and levels, analysis of personal
    hours of designated work per credit. Prerequisites: Completion of[...]and vocational experiences, synthesis of these with competencies
    nine (9) credits of EXS courses required for the (AAS in Strength[...]for specific courses, and integration of the above with other mate-
    and Personal Training,[...]rsonal Trainer), current CPR card, and permission of
    Prerequisites: Completion of twelve (12) credit hours of CFS and/
    Department or Division. Course Note: CPR[...]or FCS coursework and permission of Program Coordinator.
    current through the duration of the internship. EXS239 may be
    repeated for a maximum of six (6) credits.[...]ed, family-focused service
    Practical Applications of Personal Training Skills and[...]and/or educational organizations. 80 hours of designated work
    Techniques Internship[...]per credit. Prerequisites: Permission of instructor. Course Note:
    Work experience in a fit[...]May be repeated for a total of six (6) credit hours.
    hours of designated work per credit. Prerequisites: Completion of
    nine (9) credits of EXS courses required for the (AAS in Strength
    and[...]rsonal Trainer), current CPR card, and permission of Food and Nutrition (FON)
    D[...]ertification must be
    current through the duration of the internship. EXS239AA may be Food and[...]e research, dietetics, and
    repeated for a maximum of six (6) credits. the various areas of the food and beverage industry. Employment[...]of registered dietitians remains strong because of their increasing
    EXS239AB[...]redits 3.6 periods importance as members of the health care team. Opportunities in[...]Course Descriptions
    Practical Applications of Personal Training Skills and the[...]courses at Glendale Community College serve
    hours of designated work per credit. Prerequisites: Completion of students who intend to major in dietetics or food service at a four-
    nine (9) credits of EXS courses required for the (AAS in Strength[...]rsonal Trainer), current CPR card, and permission of est. Students intending to pursue a bac[...]plan their program.
    current through the duration of the internship. EXS239AB may be
    repeated for a maximum of six (6) credits. FON[...]3 credits 3 periods
    Baseball Theory of Coaching
    Reviews the principles, philosophy, strategies and theory of
    coaching baseball, as a competitive sport.[...]
    [...]Managing and understanding the nutrition needs of special pop-
    rent dietary[...]are diagnosed
    imizing risk of chronic disease. Focuses on use of tables, food with heart disease, diabete[...]unique nutrition needs for selected stages of the lifecycle, meth- FON100 or permission of instructor.
    ods for evaluating creditability of nutrition claims, principles of
    vegetarian nutrition, safe and economic use of supplements, prin- FON241[...]dits 3 periods
    ciples of energy balance, basic elements of food safety, diet for Principles of Human Nutrition
    exercise a[...]luation techniques. Scientific principles of human nutrition. Emphasis on health pro-[...]ples for treatment of common health conditions. Includes explo-[...]ration of food sources of nutrients, basic metabolism of nutrients
    FON105[...]fessionals factors, use of supplements, current recommendations for food
    Basic principles of nutrition for the prospective fitness profession- selection throughout the life cycle, and use of nutrition tools for
    al. Overview of health and wellness and its relationship to person- planning food intake or assessment of nutritional status. Prereq-
    al trainers. Emphasis on general principles of nutrition for health uisites: None.[...]lth, fitness, sport, and weight Principles of Human Nutrition Laboratory[...]Principles of Human Nutrition using anthropometric, biochemical[...]period and dietary analysis. Includes the use of qualitative and quantitative[...]hasis on the integra-
    tion of nutrition and dietetics within health care system[...]policy. Highlights professional ethics, standards of practice, edu- Introduction to Medical Nutri[...]cation requirements and areas of practice. Prerequisites: None. Introduction to fundamental principles of medical nutrition therapy.[...]Emphasis on development and analysis of diets that fit an indi-
    FO[...]promote dietary adherence and the development of educational
    Exploration and applications of scientific principles involved in food programs for a diverse adult population. Prerequisites: FO[...]emphasis
    on the rationale of cooking techniques. Prerequisites: None.[...]3 credits 3 periods Comprehensive study of genetic, physiological, psychological,[...]es required for effective nutri- depth study of the theories of body weight with emphasis on dis-[...]rvice operations. Prerequisites: MAT092 or of instructor.
    equivalent, or[...]See page 264.
    Principles of nutrition applied to fitness, exercise, and sport[...]performance, and safety. Discussion of supplements and their ef-[...]fects on metabolic enhancement. Discussion of anabolic, catabol-[...]Basic grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary of the French lan-
    ic, and en[...]guage. Includes the study of French culture, practice of listening,
    on the m[...]
    [...]Special Projects
    Continued study of grammar and vocabulary of the French lan- See page 264.
    guage along with the study of French culture. Emphasis on speak-
    ing, listening[...]Prerequisites: FRE101,
    or FRE101AA, or permission of Department or Division. Comple-
    tion of prerequisites within the last three years is requ[...]Overview of the application and selection processes utilized[...]of fire service culture and their effects on persona[...]terpersonal relationships. Major components of written application
    with little emphasis on gramm[...]processes, requirements, preparation of resumes and their effect[...]and the importance of the interview in the pre-employment pro-
    Continued development of speaking and listening skills for effective[...]on in French. Prerequisites: FRE115 or permission of
    components of the selection process, the importance of general
    Department or Division. Completion of prerequisites within the last[...]education, and components of life long learning in career choices.
    three years[...]Fire Department Operations
    Review of essential grammar of the French language and study of[...]rench culture. Continued practice and development of reading,[...]ire department operations, personnel
    with a grade of “C” or better), or two years of high school French[...]re Service Accreditation Congress
    with an average of “C” or better, or permission of Department or[...]uisites: (EMT104, FSC105 and
    Division. Completion of prerequisites within the last three years is[...]FSC130) and permission of instructor. Corequisites: FSC134.
    required.[...]Comprehensive review of Fire Department Standard Operating
    Review of grammar, continued development of French language[...]Procedures, Evaluation of Fitness and Conditioning as they re-
    skills, and continued study of the French culture. Prerequisites:[...]s on physical development and
    FRE201 with a grade of “C” or better, or three years of high school[...]s with skills necessary to
    French with an average of “C” or better. Completion of prerequi-[...]Prerequisites: Successful completion of the Fire Operations Acad-[...]Test (CPAT).
    French Civilization to 1800
    A survey of those major cultural and historical forces which[...]ped France from its origin through the Revolution of 1789. Pre-[...]s Materials/First Responder
    requisites: Two years of high school French, FRE102, or depart-[...]Basic methods of recognition and identification based upon the
    men[...]chemical and physical properties of hazardous materials; basic[...]safety procedures when utilizing specific types of protective cloth-
    FRE225[...]ions in accordance with the
    Continued development of skills in conversational French for busi-[...]s or travel. Prerequisites: FRE116, or permission of Depart-
    ment or Division. Completion of prerequisites within the last three[...]History and evaluation of fire department organization. Role of the
    FRE226 3 cre[...]fire service in the community. Responsibilities of the fire adminis-
    Intermediate French Conversatio[...]departmental functions, interdepart-
    Development of intermediate level skills in conversational Frenc[...]mental relationships, management of buildings and equipment;
    for business and travel. Prerequisites: FRE225, or permission of
    techniques of fire-fighting. Also includes emergency medical ser-
    Department or Division. Completion of prerequisites within the last[...]
    [...]3 periods
    Fundamentals of Fire Prevention[...]hnical Rescue
    Fundamentals of fire prevention. Includes techniques, proce- Practical application of safe rescue practices for urban technical[...]ations, and enforcement. Also includes discussion of rescue. Includes ropes and rope syste[...]ith little or no experience in the Overview of all aspects of fitness for current and prospective[...]firefighters. Includes mental aspects of performance for optimal
    le[...]ing operators; the personal qualities of emergency vehicle operator FSC139[...]candidates; legal responsibilities of operators; and physical forces Emergency[...]. Includes hands-on train- Fundamentals of emergency response to suspected terrorist[...]events. Historical perspective of terrorist activities and methods[...]public from these threats. Coordination of responding agencies.
    Intro[...]Characteristics and behavior of fire, fire hazard properties of or-
    dinary materials, exti[...]developing programs and activities associated with disaster re-[...]quisites: None.
    Principles of care, maintenance, and operation of fire apparatus
    and pumps.[...]education programs and strategies for the general community as[...]Fire Hydraulics
    Review of basic mathematics. Hydraulic laws and formulas as[...]applied to the fire service. Application of formulas and mental cal- Fundamentals of Emergency Management
    culat[...]function, tasks and responsibilities of the emergency manage-
    Course Descriptions[...]ment program manager, role of the emergency manager in miti-[...]ssues, standards, and philosophical consideration of mor- from World War II. Prerequisites:[...]countered in fire service. Ethical responsibility of
    fire service personnel and[...]ods Knowledge and skills required to develop programs to reduce loss-
    Fitness fo[...]n-
    ternational Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) Candidate Physical[...]Ability Test (CPAT) at the end of the course. Prerequisites: None.[...]
    [...]Battalion Chief Academy
    Methods of coordinating personnel, equipment, and apparatus[...]mine the many roles and responsibilities required of a chief
    the fireground. Practical methods of controlling and extinguishing officer. Mana[...]lore personal and pro-
    structural and other types of fires. Includes simulation exercises. fessio[...]bally, manage
    Prerequisites: FSC113 or permission of instructor or equivalent. personnel more[...]ction
    Actions necessary to provide for the safety of firefighters oper- FSC298[...]y have on Special Projects
    various types of building construction resulting in the loss of struc- See page 264.
    tural integrity. Includes signs and symptoms of structural damage.
    Prerequisites: FSC113 or permission of instructor or equivalent.

    FSC209[...]3 credits 3 periods
    Methods of determining point of fire origin, path of fire travel, and[...]Exploration of fundamental theories and concepts of human rela-
    viewing witnesses; arson laws and types of arson fires; and court[...]Review of basic arithmetic and application of mathematics to
    son scene. Includes class room and[...]nt, and
    tion. Prerequisites: FSC209 or permission of Instructor.[...]Principles and practices of personal and family financial planning;
    on applic[...]general principles of consumerism. Prerequisites: None.
    a crime scene. Prerequisites: FSC210 or permission of Instructor.[...]Characteristics and activities of current local, national, and inter-
    Skills and in[...]national business. An overview of economics, marketing, man-
    Focus on courtroom and[...]m assignment. Prerequisites: FSC211 or permission
    of Instructor.[...]es and decisions. Prerequisites: None.
    Management of fire service personnel functions. Includes select[...]3 credits 3 periods
    of supervision. Labor relations and related personne[...]Business applications of quantitative optimization methods in op-[...]tions management decisions. Prerequisites: (Grade of “C” or
    FSC215[...]Business applications of descriptive and inferential statistics, mea-[...]surement of relationships, and statistical process management[...]Includes the use of spreadsheet software for business and sta-[...]tistical analysis. Prerequisites: Grade of “C” or better in GBS220.[...]
    [...]ons, including verbal Continued development of speaking and listening skills for ef-[...]Prerequisites:
    with grade of “C” or better, or permission of department/division. GER115, or one year of high school German, or permission of[...]Department or Division. Completion of prerequisites within the last[...]Review of essential grammar of the German language and study[...]of the German culture. Continued practice and development of
    courses describe and analy[...]to social, economic, and political phenomena. All of these courses[...]GER102AA, or two years of high school German, or permission of
    transfer to state universities.[...]Department or Division. Completion of prerequisites within the last[...]s
    Description and analysis of spatial variations in culture, social,[...]Continued development of German language skills and continued
    phasis on the major cultural realms of Europe, North Africa, and[...]study of the German culture. Prerequisites: GER201 or perm[...]sion of Department or Division. Completion of prerequisites within[...]s
    Description and analysis of variations in social, economic, and po-[...]Continued development of skills in conversational German. Pre-[...]requisites: One year of German or departmental approval.[...]The historical to modern development of Arizona. The interplay[...]Further development of skills in conversational German. Prereq-[...]uisites: Three semesters of high school German or permission of
    izona today. Prerequisites[...]Department or Division. Completion of prerequisites within the last[...]Basic grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary of the German lan-
    guage. Includes the study of German culture, practice of listening,
    speaking, readi[...]al Lecture
    Continued study of grammar and vocabulary of the German lan-[...]A study of the kind and arrangement of materials composing the
    guage along with the study of German culture. Emphasis on Ger-[...]quisites: None.
    permission of Department or Division. Completion of prerequisites
    within the l[...]Outlines the origin and history of the earth with emphasis on North[...]and plants of the past; the evolution of life. Prerequisites: None.[...]May accompany GLG101. Study of common rock-forming miner-[...]
    [...]Historical Laboratory
    May accompany GLG102. Study of geological structures and[...]variable components of the earth and their relation to the environ-
    Intr[...]mental problems facing contemporary society. All of these courses
    A survey of solar system objects and their geologic evolution[...]transfer to state universities.
    faces, interiors, and atmospheres,[...]nt
    Acquaints students with the use and importance of geological[...]Principles of physical geography relating to environmental prob-
    earthquakes, and landslides; use of fossil fuels; mining of raw ma-[...]Study of atmospheric phenomena over periods of time measured in
    GLG230AC[...]des average weather conditions, in-
    Field Geology of the Southwest[...]frequent and unusual types of weather, and the influence of weath-
    Field trips to selected areas in the South[...]A mathematical, statistical, and spatial analysis of climatological
    Exploration of important topics in geology. Specific topic varie[...]Introduction to GIS Using ArcGIS
    Geology of Arizona Lecture[...]students with the physical and historical geology of Ari-[...]erequisites: CIS105 or
    zona, including the origin of present-day land forms and outstand-[...]CSC180 or permission of instructor.
    ing modern geologic features and proc[...]1 credit 3 periods
    Geology of Arizona Lab
    May accompany GLG280. Examples of specific geologic process-
    es and local ar[...]
    [...]Advanced techniques of furniture upholstery for students interest-[...]digits, exponents, square roots and order of operations. Solve
    problems[...]tions, exponents, and square root. Use of hand held calculator.
    safe and proper use of woodworking hand tools and stationary r[...]ling. Prerequisites: None.
    of the project, and basic finishing techniques. Prer[...]Further development and application of basic woodworking skills. approach to selec[...]buying needed materials. Introduction of jointery, complex fit- terms using basic w[...]iations and
    and permission of Instructor.[...]rs III
    Further exploration of advanced woodworking techniques on com- M[...]ex projects. Prerequisites: GTC144 and permission of instructor. special services. Includes obstet[...]gnostic imaging, oncology, and surgery terms. Use of word parts
    GTC156[...]re Upholstery I
    Techniques of general furniture upholstery, operations of webbing,
    Course Descriptions[...]alysis
    Application and use of modern materials and tools, button tuft-[...]health care professionals. Theoretical foundation of
    GTC156 or departmental per[...]Advanced techniques in upholstering of furniture and other nee-[...]n to the social, political, and economic contexts of the
    ric cutting and sewing[...]Prerequisites: Grade of “C” or better in ENG102 or ENG108.[...]
    [...]Prevention and Treatment of Athletic Injuries
    Relation between cultures of diverse groups and health/illness. Prevention and care of athletic injuries, emphasizing use of
    Emphasis on cross-cultural communication, includi[...]ing techniques and support materials. Utilization of
    of own cultural influences and indigenous and comple[...]cation of muscle reconditioning. Prerequisites: None.
    HCR24[...]letic Training
    a foundation for the understanding of alterations in health. The Practical applic[...]upervi-
    structural and functional pathophysiology of alterations in health; sion, of methods and techniques of treatment of athletic injuries.
    selected therapeutics consider[...]Expands and enhances practical uses of basic taping and wrap-[...]ping skills. Hands-on experience in the use of braces, athletic tap-
    HES100[...]HES271 or permission of instructor.
    Health and wellness and their application to an optimal life style.
    Explores current topics of interest such as stress management,[...]3 credits 3 periods
    Basic overview of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and Au- History of Western Civilization to Middle Ages
    tomated Exter[...]or (AED). Covers choking procedures Survey of the origin and development of Western civilization and
    and the importance, guid[...]History of Western Civilization Middle Ages to 1789
    Basic fi[...]he layperson. Training with the assess- Survey of origin and development of Western civilization and its
    ments and skills tha[...]from the Renaissance and Reformation through Age of
    common home or workplace emergencies until emerge[...]3 credits 3 periods History of Western Civilization 1789 to Present[...]suscitation Survey of origin and development of Western civilization and its
    Cardiopulmonary Resu[...]The political, economic, and social development of the United
    HES201[...]tes from the Pre-Columbian period through the end of the Civil
    Substance Abuse and Behavior[...]Prerequisites: None.
    Principles and factual bases of drug use and abuse. Physiological
    and socio-psychological effects of drug use and law enforcement HIS104 3 credits 3 periods
    of drug abuse. Consultants used extensively to enric[...]The political, economic, and social development of United States[...]
    [...]Southwest History
    Survey of Hispanic, Anglo, African-American and Native cult[...]interdisciplinary courses
    of the peoples who have settled the American Southwe[...]and may be team taught by members of the Art, English, Music,
    role development of the region. Prerequisites: None.[...]an also be used for
    Survey of American history from 1945 to the present. Focuse[...]political, social, economic and cultural history of the United[...]HUM251
    States from the end of World War II to the present time. Includes[...]transfers to Arizona State University as both Humanities (HU) and[...](C).
    Focuses on the impact of the United States military in both peace[...]An exploration of human expression in contemporary arts and sci-[...]erequisites: None.
    History of Women in America
    Introduct[...]which have influenced the lives of women. Prerequisites: None.[...]Interdisciplinary studies of selected issues confronting the individ-[...]History and cultural heritage of African-Americans from their be-[...]ginnings in Ancient Africa through the experience of chattel slav-[...]gram or Permission of the Instructor.
    Multifaceted experiences of African-American people from the
    Course Descripti[...]Survey of the history and development of the art of motion pic-
    tive struggle[...]tures, including criticism of aesthetic and technical elements. Pre-[...]to Television Arts
    Survey of the U.S. experience in Vietnam, 1945-1975, in view of[...]History and development of electronic media and its impact on
    political, economic, and social forces of the Cold War. Prerequi-[...]A study of contemporary films, directors, and critics with emphasis
    Survey of the political, religious and economic development of the[...]Middle East since 1500. Emphasis on the decline of the Moslem
    empire(s), the resurgence of contemporary Pan-Arabism, the Pal-[...]Taliban and Al Qaeda, and the impact of oil production on the re-
    gion and the rest of the world. Prerequisites: None.[...]
    [...]3 credits 3 periods
    Hispanic Film
    Analysis of Hispanic film as art form and as social commentar[...]dustry. Focus on industry standards of equipment use, lettering,
    Introduction to the literature of the Holocaust. Provides brief theo-[...]ound to establish the context practice of industry-specific drawing types, including floor plans, el-
    of anti-Semitism, especially in 19th and 20th centur[...]ideologies. Emphasis on exploration of hand sketching and Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
    literature of the Holocaust, including fiction, creative non-fi[...]l drafting. Prerequisites: None.
    and poetry, much of which involves theological and moral debate.
    Includes analysis of supplementary performing and visual arts.[...]Introduction to the profession of interior design, including design[...]process, elements and principles of design, and basic concepts of
    HUM250 3 cred[...]space planning and furniture layout. Development of design vo-
    Ideas and Values in the Humanities[...]furnishings, and finishes.
    An historical analysis of the interrelationships of art, architecture, Prerequisites: None.
    lit[...]Historical survey of the development of furniture, interiors, and ar-
    HUM251[...]d Values in the Humanities
    An historical analysis of the interrelationships of art, architecture, INT120[...]Western cultures. Prerequi- Survey of the development of furniture, interiors, and architecture
    sites: ENG[...]3 credits 3 periods
    The Art Of Storytelling[...]credits 6 periods
    Explore the art and origin of storytelling. Provide a variety of story- Introduction to CAD for Interior Desi[...]ues, styles and exercises to enhance the delivery of Introduction to CAD tools for the interi[...]tories. Assist in the integration and application of storytelling sis on industry-accepted standards[...]Prerequisites: None. American Institute of Architects (AIA) guidelines. Prerequisites:[...]Introduction to the theory and application of color as related to the
    Information Studies (IFS)[...]repare MC- elements and principles of design. Light and its effect on color.
    CCD studen[...]ay’s in- Emphasis on the development of presentation skills for the field of[...]Study of the properties, design, and performance characteristics
    Transferability: IFS10 transfers to state universities. Transferabil- of interior fabrics. Psychological and cultural impact of textiles on
    ity may vary based on university and four year degree programs. the built environment. Role of the interior designer in working with[...]3 credits 6 periods
    Development of skills and competency in accessing, evaluating[...]ontext, as well as the technological implications of the
    characteristic of interior finishes, furnishings, and equipment. Em-
    use and organization of information. Prerequisites: A grade of “C”[...]phasis on building a resource file of interior finishes, furnishings,
    or better[...]
    [...]n to basic grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary of Information Technology Security (ITS)
    Italian. Development of speaking, listening, reading, and writing
    skills. Study of the Italian culture. Prerequisites: None.[...]edits 4 periods Fundamental concepts of information technology security. Topics[...]Pub-
    Continued development of speaking, listening, reading, and writ-[...]ing skills in Italian. Study of Italian culture. Prerequisites: ITA101, hardening of operating systems and network devices, securing
    or ITA101AA, or permission of Department or Division. Comple- r[...]securing infrastruc-
    tion of prerequisites within the last three years is requ[...]3 credits 3 periods of Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol ([...]MST150DA or MST150XP) or permission of Instructor.
    Designed for s[...]Exploration of legal and ethical issues unique to information se[...]rity. Analysis of professional ethical codes and their application to
    Continued development of speaking and listening skills for effec-[...]information security practitioners. Federal and state laws as they
    of Department or Division. Completion of prerequisites within the relate to in[...]. of Instructor.

    ITA201[...]ing System Security
    Review of essential grammar of the Italian language and study of In-depth examination of operating system security including[...]alian Culture. Continued practice and development of read- Transmission Control Protocol/[...]ption
    102AA, or permission of Department or Division. Completion of Standard (AES), Pretty Good Priva[...]rver
    Continued development of Italian language skills and continued[...]both the Windows and
    study of the Italian culture. Prerequisites: ITA102, or IT[...]ux environments. Builds on thorough understanding of Trans-
    permission of Department or Division. Completion of prerequisites mission Control Protoco[...]sites: ITS110 or permission of Instructor
    Continued development of skills in conversational Italian for effective[...]ty
    communication. A review of grammar and development of vocabu- Examination of techniques used to defend network security. De-
    lary. Intensified study of Italian life and culture. Prerequisites: ITA102, sign and implementation of devices including firewalls and In-
    or ITA102AA, or ITA116, or permission of Department or Division. trusion Dete[...]rivate Networks
    Completion of prerequisites within the last three years is requ[...]ments. Builds on thorough understanding of Transmission Control
    Inter[...]d MS
    Continued development of skills in conversational Italian for effec-[...]tive communication. A review of grammar including the extensive[...]ITS130) or permission of Instructor.
    use of grammatical concepts. Continued development of vocab-
    ulary. Intensified study of Italian life and culture. Prerequisites:
    ITA201, or ITA225, or permission of Department or Division. Com-
    pletion of prerequisites within the last three years[...]
    [...]se I
    Basic grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary of Japanese. Journalism (JRN)
    Study of Japanese culture. Development of speaking, listening,
    reading and writing skills.[...]5 credits 6 periods Basic techniques of photo composition and editing for media re-
    Eleme[...]tion. Teach how to crop and size photographs. Use of pho-
    Continued study of basic grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary[...]design software in paginating a newspaper page on
    of Japanese. Study of the Japanese culture. Intensive practice in[...]the computer. The effect and impact of color vs. black and white
    oral communication and development of reading and writing skills.
    Prerequisites: JPN101 or permission of Department or Division. photographs. Basic techniques of photo essay, photo page and
    Completion of prerequisites within the last three years is requ[...]ry and/or multimedia news products and the impact of[...]tence structure, pronunciation, Development of Small Publications
    and vocabulary necessary to de[...]3 credits 5 periods
    Continuation of conversational Japanese for survival in everyday[...]Writing
    business and social situations. Expansion of vocabulary and sen- Writing news for the p[...]d writing Kana. Prerequisites: JPN115. Completion of prerequi- al structure for news. Prerequis[...]nd resources available on the Internet.
    Expansion of sentence structures through oral/aural practice.[...]Use of information and resources available on the Intern[...]asis on reading and writing in Japanese and study
    of Japanese culture. Prerequisites: JPN102 or permission of De- ing, as well as writing for the Inter[...]quisites: Place-
    partment or Division. Completion of prerequisites within the last ment into ENG[...]adcast scripts: promotions, com-
    Extensive review of Japanese grammar; development of vocabulary mercials, public service annou[...]Course Descriptions
    practice of oral communication skills and study of Japanese culture. casts, reports, using broadc[...]ites: ENG101.
    Prerequisites: JPN201 or permission of Department or Division.
    Completion of prerequisites within the last three years is requ[...]puter pagination, photo us-
    Continued development of skills in conversational Japanese for ef- ag[...]sroom management,
    fective communication and study of the Japanese culture. Includes and legal an[...]alist, with emphasis on the
    Continued development of skills in conversational Japanese for development and creation of news photographs. Experience in
    effective communication and study of the Japanese culture. In- shootin[...]
    [...]publications. Includes re- Comparative study of English and Latin grammar. Emphasis on[...]in. Prerequisites: LAT101 or permission of Department or Division.
    JR[...]3 credits 5 periods Completion of prerequisites within the last three years is requ[...]veloped Transferability: LBS101 transfers to state universities. Transferabil-[...]may vary based on university and four year degree programs.
    job sites. Writing media[...]of libraries and their structure, tools, and staff t[...]evaluate and make effective and ethical use of information. Em-
    Business[...]s the nature and
    functions of business and the roles of business journalists. Exam-[...]ng to
    ganization. 80 hours of designated work per credit. Maximum of 6 certification by the Arizona Peace Offi[...]Organized around the development of a portfolio of published sto- comply with AzPOST employme[...]ries for submission to a jury of professional journalists, active and[...]cate. Passing requires approval from two-thirds of the jury. Pre-[...]A continuation of the basic, entry-level training program leading t[...]by the Arizona
    permission of Instructor Prerequisite or Corequisites: JRN240AB[...]and Officer Survival. Prerequisites: Grade of “C” or better in AJS/[...]Preparation for State of Arizona armed security guard certification.[...]Introduction to the basic grammar and vocabulary of the Latin lan-
    guage. Prac[...]Preparation for State of Arizona armed security guard certifica-[...]of firearm usage, basic marksmanship, and liv[...]
    [...]al Investigations Certification V
    Preparation for State of Arizona armed security guard recertifica- P[...]rop-
    tion. Includes firearm safety, legal aspects of firearm usage, basic erly prepare case docume[...]police officers; defensive driv- Various types of electronic evidence and the procedures required
    i[...]l application. fied peace officer or permission of the instructor.
    Prerequisites: Arizona P.O.S.T. certified police officer or permis-
    sion of Department or Division. Course Notes: LEO/LET212[...]1 credit 1 period
    be repeated for a total of five (5) credit hours. Cri[...]periods courses. Practical application of crime scene processing, search
    High Risk Vehicle[...]warrant application, collection and preservation of evidence, di-
    Proper instructional procedures for[...]nipulation, marksmanship, and tactical deployment ofof intelligence collection and information
    enforceme[...]used in crime analysis. Prerequisites: Employee of a law enforce-[...]Firearm Instructor
    ing a course, characteristics of effective instruction, evaluation A “trai[...]od Police General Instructor or permission of department.
    Criminal Investigations Certification I
    Overview of information, strategies, techniques, and resource[...]ed by a patrol officer/deputy in the use of the patrol rifle, and tech-
    niques of teaching those skills to other officers/deputies.[...]enforcement firearms instructor, or permission of instructor.
    Review of laws regarding search and seizure. Updated inform[...]ship of the police carbine. A basic course covering found[...]Advanced techniques of carbine deployment. Includes use of bar-[...]tions officer, or permission of instructor).
    Emphasizes the necessity for good reports in criminal investi-
    gations. Characteristics of pre-report preparation, preparing the
    body of the report, and assembling the case report. Process of
    handling submission of a case report, processing turndowns, and
    [...]Explores the complex issues of multiculturalism and law enforce- Advanced techniques of precision rifle deployment. Includes ad-[...]century. Addresses the historical perspectives of the formation of considerations, and range estimation. Prere[...](certified law enforcement officer or permission of the instructor.)
    tion and structure of the “police culture.” Aspects and responsi-
    bilities of leadership and supervision in a multicultural wor[...]complex cultural communication and the challenge of Tactical Firearms I: Individual Officer[...]tes: None. Tactical deployment of the duty handgun and shotgun in the pa-[...]1 credit 1 period of instructor.
    Ethics and Pro[...]Ethics defined; principles of ethics; professional demeanor and LEO289[...]ment personnel or permission of department. Tactical deployment of the handgun and shotgun while working[...]redit 1 period officer or permission of instructor.
    Law Enforcemen[...]Use, deployment, and marksmanship of the police precision rifle. LEO289AR[...]: Certified law enforce- Advanced techniques of police precision rifle deployment with the
    ment personnel or permission of department. emphasis[...]timation, effects of wind and other factors, extended range bal-[...]Proper and safe manipulation and deployment of the police shot- enforcement officer, or permission of Instructor.
    gun in the law[...]law enforcement personnel or permission of department. LEO290BC[...]iating for peace officers responding to the scene of a policies and procedures. Prerequisites: N[...]ce officer or per-
    mission of instructor.[...]Mathematicians engage in a wide variety of activities ranging from
    Course Descriptions[...]structure, individual responsibilities, and types of equip-[...]the creation and relating of new theories to solving of simple or
    ment and tactics[...]requisites: Certified peace officer or permission of the instructor.[...]tions. Teaching and research are but two of a long list of pos-
    sites: Certified officer or permission of instructor.[...]requisites: Certified peace officer or permission of instructor.[...]
    [...]ational numbers; and equations; graphs of quadratic, exponential, and logarithmic[...]ions on rational ex-
    tions of data, geometric figures, and measurement. Prerequ[...]exponents; applications. Prerequisites: Grade of “C” or better in
    dents may receive credit for only one of the following: MAT081, MAT090, MAT091, M[...]credit for only one of the following: MAT120, MAT121, or MAT122.[...]variables; graphs; systems of equations in two variables; func- Quadra[...]tions on polynomi- and equations; graphs of quadratic, exponential, and logarithmic
    als; properties of exponents; applications. Prerequisites: Grade of functions; equations quadratic in form; oper[...]exponents; applications. Prerequisites: Grade of “B” or better in
    credit for only one of the following: MAT090, MAT091, MAT092,[...]credit for only one of the following: MAT120, MAT121, or MAT122.[...]variables; graphs; systems of equations in two variables; function Working knowledge of college-level mathematics and its applications[...]g mathematical con-
    erties of exponents; applications. Prerequisites: Grade of “C” or bet- cepts and their applications. T[...]tics, finance, and geometry. Prerequisites: Grade of “C” or bet-
    District P[...]alent, or satisfactory
    one of the following: MAT090, MAT091, MAT092, or MAT093.[...]Mathematics
    and the world of work. Development, demonstration, and com-[...]real-life prob-
    munication of mathematical concepts and formulas that relate to[...], statistics,
    sites: Grade of “C” or better in MAT082, or equivalent, or satisfac- finance, and geometry. Prerequisites: A grade of “B” or better
    tory sco[...]completion of Maricopa Modules, or satisfactory score on Dis-[...]periods trict placement exam, or (a grade of “C” or better in MAT120, or[...]ath study skills to help stu- for only one of the following: MAT 140, MAT 141, or MAT 142.
    Cour[...]21, or Analysis and interpretation of the behavior and nature of functions
    MAT122, or MAT14[...]MAT151, or MAT152, or permission of department chair. Course solute value, and piecewise-defined functions; systems of equa-
    Note: MAT108 may be repeated for a maximum of 10 credits. tions, modeling and so[...]5 periods and conics. Prerequisites: Grades of “C” or better in MAT120 or[...]xam. Course Note: May receive credit for only one of
    and equations; graphs of quadratic, exponential, and logarithmic t[...]exponents; applications. Prerequisites: Grade of “C” or better in
    credit for only one of the following: MAT120, MAT121, or MAT122.[...]
    [...]Finite Mathematics
    Analysis and interpretation of the behavior and nature of functions An introduction to the mathematics required for the study of so-
    including polynomial, rational, exponential,[...]e value, and piecewise-defined functions; systems of equa- descriptive statistics, matrix algeb[...]world problems. Additional top- mathematics of finance. Includes applications of technology in
    ics may include matrices, combinato[...]es, problem-solving. Prerequisites: Grade of “C” or better in MAT150,
    and conics. Prerequisites: Grades of “C” or better in MAT120 or or MAT151,[...]xam. Course Note: May receive credit for only one of
    the following: MAT150, MAT151, MAT152, or MAT187.[...]3 credits 3 periods A study of measures of angles, properties of graphs of trigono-
    College-Algebra/Functions[...]dition and half-angle
    Analysis and interpretation of the behavior and nature of functions formulas, inverse trigonometric functions, solutions of trigono-
    including polynomial, rational, exponent[...]metric equations, complex numbers and properties of triangle
    solute value, and piecewise-defined functions; systems of equa- solution. May receive credit for only one of the following: MAT182
    tions, modeling and solving[...]tional top- or MAT187. Prerequisites: Grade of “C” or better in MAT150, or
    ics may include m[...]registration in
    and conics. Prerequisites: Grade of “B” or better in MAT120, or MAT150, or[...]e Notes: Students may receive credit for
    only one of the following: MAT150, MAT151, MAT152, or MAT187.[...]Prerequisites: receive credit for only one of the following: MAT150, MAT151,
    Grade of C or better in MAT142 or MAT150 or MAT151 or MAT152 MAT152, or MAT187. Prerequisites: Grade of “B” or better in
    or equivalent or satisfactor[...]students have some knowledge of trigonometry.
    MAT157[...]ry, probability and data analysis. Elements of Statistics
    Appropriate technologies, problem solv[...]and proof are Basic concepts and applications of statistics, including data de-
    integrated through[...]ng 2015: MAT157 will be replaced by MAT257. of “C” or better in MAT140 or MAT141 or MAT142) or (A grade of[...]ns on numbers. Brief Calculus
    Techniques of problem solving with an emphasis on exploring a[...]uction to the theory, techniques and applications of the dif-
    variety of strategies. Uses a variety of visualization techniques to[...]ferential and integral calculus of functions with problems related to
    develop a conceptual understanding of these topics. Designed to business, life, and the social sciences. Prerequisites: Grade of “C”
    meet requirements for prospective element[...]T152, or MAT187, or ap-
    ers. Prerequisites: Grade of “C” or better in (MAT150, or MAT151, pro[...]tes: Students may
    or MAT152, or higher), or grade of “C” or better in [(MAT120, or[...]receive credit for only one of the following: MAT212 or MAT213.
    MAT121, or MAT12[...]140, or MAT141, or MAT142, or
    higher)], or [grade of “C” or better in (MAT140, or MAT141, or[...]ction to the theory, techniques, and applications of the dif-[...]ferential and integral calculus of functions with problems related to
    MAT257[...]fe, and the social sciences. Prerequisites: Grade of “C”
    Investigating Geometry, Probability and S[...]soning and proof to receive credit for only one of the following: MAT212 or MAT213.
    develop a conceptual understanding of these topics. Designed to
    meet the requirements f[...]erequisites: MAT256, or equivalent, or permission of instruc-
    tor. Offered starting Spring 2015[...]
    [...]4 credits 4 periods * The order of topics may vary in the calculus courses depending[...]duction to the mathematics required for the study of busi-
    ness. Includes multi[...]nd continuous distributions. Prerequisites: Grade of C or[...]Study of historical and contemporary roles of media and its perva-
    Calcu[...]s, continuity, differential and integral calculus of functions of[...]one variable. Prerequisites: Grade of “C” or better in [MAT182 and[...]and the Media
    for only one of the following: MAT220 or MAT221.[...]Images of the diverse cultures and gender issues within the[...]media. Exploration of racial and gender roles which shape the me-[...]cial change. Roles, contributions, and challenges of the minority
    Introduction to matrices, systems of linear equations, determi-[...]Emphasizes the development of computational skills. Prerequi-
    sites: Grade of “C” or better in MAT212 or MAT220, or MAT221,[...]Boolean algebras, and groups. Techniques of Supervision
    Emphasis on to[...]omputer science. Prerequisites: Overview of the foundations of supervision and how to get things
    A grade of “C” or better in (CSC100 or CSC110) and (MAT2[...]ions
    MAT221) or permission of Instructor. of planning, organizing, staffing, motivating and co[...]3 periods
    Techniques of integration for both proper and improper integrals Development of Professional Skills and Standards[...]ry to develop and maintain
    of analytic geometry, and the analysis of sequences and series. a successful profe[...]ader-
    Prerequisites: Grade of “C” or better in MAT220 or MAT221 or[...]rofessional conduct, time/
    of the following: MAT230 or MAT231.[...]- valued functions, Covers basic principles of managing quality and performance in
    Course Descri[...]vector fields. Prerequisites: Grade of “C” or better in MAT230 or ing, leadin[...]rse Note: Student may receive credit for only one of ethics and social responsibility. Prereq[...]theoretical and practical solution dustry, and government organizations. Prerequisites: None.[...]AB. Pre-
    requisites: Grade of “C” or better in MAT230, or MAT231, or per-[...]its 3 periods
    mission of Department or Division. Course Notes: Students ma[...]receive credit for only one of the following: MAT276 or MAT277. Includes practical applications of activities, issues, and problems[...]
    [...]Rock Music and Culture
    Analysis of motivation, leadership, communications, and other hu- History of Rock music and how cultural, social, political, a[...]Survey of American Music
    MGT253 3 credits 3 periods History of the music of North America from the earliest American
    Owning a[...]ess or industry. 80 hours In-depth study of music history from the primitive era through
    of designated work per credit. Prerequisites: Permission of De- the Baroque period. Prerequisites or[...]may be repeated MTC156, or permission of instructor.
    for a total of three (3) credit hours.[...]In-depth study of music history from the Classical period through
    M[...]orary period. Prerequisites: MHL241 or permission
    of designated work per credit. Prerequisites: Permission of De- of instructor.
    partment or Division. Course Notes: MGT270AB may be repeated
    for a total of six (6) credit hours.

    MGT270AC[...]Introduction to the Military I
    of designated work per credit. Prerequisites: Permission of De-
    Overview of mission, organization and structure of the Army and
    partment or Division. Course Notes:[...]its role in national defense, discussion of current military issues.
    for a total of six (6) credit hours.[...]nal dynamics involved in military team op-
    Survey of Music History erations; theory and application of military leadership principles.
    Study of composers, compositions, styles, and periods in m[...]n-European musical traditions including the study of music in Introduction to interpersonal dy[...]team
    rituals, musical instruments and the impact of cultures on musical operations; theory and application of military leadership princi-
    styles. Prerequisites[...]periods
    American Jazz and Popular Music
    The study of cultural and social contributions to the evolution of
    American jazz and popular music from the m[...]
    [...]plores the various levels and specialized segment of the fash-
    T[...]ion industry, the principles of fashion, the fundamentals of mer-[...]trial work environment. Role of Occupational Safety and Health Marketing[...]ical safety, Theory and practice in the use of social media in marketing. Top-[...]al emergencies, ics may include a history of social media, preparation for social
    safety signs and color codes, recognition of safety and health marketing, the power of collective influence, and how to engage[...]s 3 periods
    Processes of devices and integrated circuit formation. Ion imp[...]or equivalent, or permission of instructor. uisites:[...]Control Principles of Salesmanships
    Use of statistical tools in fabrication process control,[...]rol charts, and selling. Highlights the role of the professional sales representative
    attribute control charts. Trends and aspects of quality control. Pre- and his/her functions as[...]ing
    Theory and application of control circuits used to control mechan- Surveys structure and operation of retail organizations. Empha-[...]Principles of Marketing
    MIT209[...]3 credits 6 periods An analysis of the marketing process and environment with regard[...]tion in order to
    Evolution of automation in manufacturing from fixed (hard) au-[...]ation protocol. Manufacturing A tour of the fashion merchandising industry outside the me[...]PC); itan Phoenix area. Includes a variety of experiences and activities[...]acturing resource to enhance awareness of this multifaceted career. Prerequisites:[...]rk experience in a business or industry. 80 hours of[...]designated work per credit. Maximum of 8 credits allowed. Pre-
    MK[...]de the business organization, including operation of a PR coun-
    seling f[...]
    [...]o functionality security and performance features of network-
    Emphasis on local area network with overview of wide area networks.[...]or permission of Instructor. Course Notes: MST155DA is a prepa-
    ti[...]course, or permission of Instructor. Course Notes: MST156DA is a
    desktop operating systems. Basic knowledge of system archi-[...]3 credits 4 periods
    CIS105, or permission of Instructor. Prerequisites or Corequisites:[...]ces
    MST150, or any MST150++ course, or permission of Instructor.[...]permission of Instructor. Course Note: Preparation for Microsof[...]r Configuration
    to-day administration and support of the Microsoft Windows 7 op-[...]centralized management of users and computers. Prerequisites:[...]Any MST course or permission of Instructor. Course Notes: MST-
    MST152[...]or Corequisites: Any MST150 course or permission of instructor.[...]or any MST157++ course), or permission of Instructor. Course
    Knowledge and skills to plan,[...]es: MST150, or
    any MST150++ course, or permission of Instructor. Corequisites:[...]ods
    MST152, or any MST152++ course, or permission of Instructor.[...]mission of instructor.
    Knowledge and skills to install, conf[...]Microsoft SQL Server Administration
    of Instructor. Course Note: Preparation for Microsof[...]or MST15+++ course, or permission of Instructor. Course Notes:[...]
    [...]ure, and administer Mic- The development of listening and performing skills through dic-[...]MST15+++ course, or permission of Instructor. Course Note: Corequisit[...]ation An in-depth study of functional and theoretical practice as applied[...]and implement databas- to the fretboard of the guitar through understanding of chord sym-
    es using Micros[...]T152 course,
    or permission of instructor.[...]3 credits 4 periods A continuation of Music Theory I with emphasis on harmony and[...]n II
    course, or permission of Instructor. Course Note: Preparation for[...]A continuation of Aural Perception I, including harmonic practices.[...]tions and music-specific programs with hands-on experience.[...]ronic Music I
    Fundamentals of Music[...]Interface (MIDI) configurations consisting of computers, printers,
    Intro[...]3 credits 3 periods Continued study of the production of music with Musical Instru-[...]song arrange-
    vanced study of music theory and skills. Recommended for music[...]Principles of sound synthesis using computer-based methods.[...]the aural skills necessary to hear relationships of Synthesis methods include subtractive, additive[...]n synthesis
    ed for a total of four (4) credit hours. Prerequisites: None. Cours[...]Notes: MTC103 may be repeated for a total of two (2) credit hours. permission of Instructor.

    The chronological study of music theory including: harmony, mel- The study of chromatic harmony and melody, modulation tech-[...]m- niques and expanded chords. The analysis of formal structure.
    position[...]Prerequisites: MTC100 or MTC101 or permission of instructor.
    Corequisites:[...]A development of listening and performing skills, including an[...]introduction of chromatic harmonic techniques and concepts of[...]
    [...]Disc Jockey Techniques
    Introduction to the basics of music composition, stressing tech- Development of beginning level live-performance disc jockey
    niqu[...]iques. Emphasis on understanding the construction of in-
    ed for a total of twelve (12) credit hours. Prerequisites: (MTC105[...]thods,
    and MTC106, or equivalent), and permission of instructor. the relationship of beats per minute to segueing, and program-[...]to entertain a live audience. Covers the history of the
    MTC255 MUS2223 3 cr[...]None. Course Notes: MUC135 may be
    A continuation of Music Theory III, including 20th century theories repeated for a total of six (6) credits.
    and techniques. Prerequisites: M[...]different musical genres. Develop
    A continuation of Aural Perception III, including extended chords.[...]of Instructor.
    Music: Commercial/Business (MUC)[...]Basic principles of studio sound recording. Emphasis on musical
    Music[...]acoustics, operation of recording equipment, studio setups, and
    Operation[...]engineering. Includes mix-down and resultant master tape of a
    ness. Focuses on the record industry; environme[...]rding session. Prerequisites: MUC195 or MUC195AA.
    of music in radio, telecommunications, and film; and[...]Basic principles of live sound engineering. Emphasis on signal
    Digita[...]einforcement set-ups and installation, signal
    Use of digital mixing and automation software in conjunc[...]Emphasis on musical production decisions. Front-of-house and
    Digital Audio Workstation II (DAW II)[...]e placement, loudspeaker arrangements, power
    Uses of Pro Tools mixing and automation in conjunction wi[...]cludes setting up of sound system and mixing live performances
    intosh[...]with various styles of music. In addition to mixing at alternate loca-
    P[...](MUC122 or MTC/TCM120), or permission of Instructor.
    MTC191 or TCM/VPT105. Prerequisites or Corequisites: MUC111
    or permission of Instructor.[...]
    [...]a: includes Sound Effects, Mu- Continuation of Class Woodwinds I with additional emphasis on ski[...]d literature. Prerequisites: MUE237 or permission of instructor.
    Emphasis on co[...]d to provide an atmosphere
    of team research and study paralleled by professiona[...]MUC112, MUC196, and MUC222), or permission of Instructor. MUP101 Private Instru[...]ording projects are organized from pre-pro- of musicianship and technique from an entering skill[...]r
    duction through delivery of the final mix. Prerequisites: MUC196. course sequence required of all music majors meeting departmen-[...]May be repeated
    (80) hours of designated work per credit. A maximum of 12 credits for credit. *(one 30-minute le[...]allowed. Prerequisites: Permission of department. partment facu[...]uisites: MUP152
    (80) hours of designated work per credit. A maximum of 12 credits MUP252 Private Instruction* 2[...]Practical class with emphasis on techniques of playing and teach-[...]o Class/Voice
    Continuation of Class Brass I with additional focus on skills inc[...]ruction. Emphasis on demonstration and discussion of
    solo literature. Prerequisites: MUE137 or permission of instructor. specific vocal problems. May be repeated for a total of three cred-[...]Practical class with emphasis on techniques of playing and teach- MUP123AC[...]itar
    control, and elements of reading rhythms. Prerequisites: None.[...]ruction. Emphasis on demonstration and discussion of
    MUE236[...]ific guitar problems. May be repeated for a total of three cred-
    Class Percussi[...]Instruction.
    Continuation of Class Percussion I with additional emphasis on[...]ites:
    MUE235 or permission of instructor.[...]Practical class with emphasis on techniques of playing and teach- piano experienc[...]
    [...]Jazz Improvisation I
    Development of beginning piano techniques and the fundamen- Theoretical and performance skills in many styles of jazz improvi-
    tals of music including basic hand position, music reading skills of sation. May be repeated for a total of six (6) credit hours. Prereq-
    melodic and harmoni[...]theoretical and performance skills in many styles of
    Continuation of Piano I with emphasis on elementary piano tech- jazz improvisation. May be repeated for a total of six (6) credit
    niques including major and minor s[...]hours. Prerequisites: MUP164 or permission of instructor.
    sation, and sight reading. Prerequisites: MUP131 or permission
    of instructor.[...]equisites: None.
    Introduction to the fundamentals of vocal production. Emphasis[...]Chamber Singers
    class of solo vocal literature. Prerequisites: None.[...]ical and performance experience in various styles of vocal[...]music. Open to all students on the basis of auditions. May be re-
    MUP134[...]Prerequisites: None.
    Class Voice II
    Continuation of Class Voice I including the elements of stage MUP190[...]and diction. Prerequisites: MUP133 or permission of Percussion Ensemble
    instructor.[...]Percussion literature from a diverse number of world musical tradi-
    MUP150[...]percussion compositions from the
    and preparation of a variety of choral literature for public perfor- American E[...]to emphasize choral techniques and per-
    formance of all styles of choral literature. Public performances are MUP2[...]ncludes finger-style laying. Stresses development of effi-[...]2 credits 3 periods
    of band literature for public performance. Auditions[...]reading range including second position and parts of higher[...]ions. Classical, popular, Latin, and other styles of music. Theory
    MUP162[...]of both hands. Prerequisites: MUP225 or permission of instructor.
    A class designed to emphasize instrumental techniques and the
    preparation of all styles of band literature. Public performances MUP227[...]formance. Prerequisites: MUP226 or permission of instructor.
    MUP163[...]rformances. Ad-
    Open to all students on the basis of auditions. May be repeated vanced ensemble[...]None. sion of instructor. Course Note: MUP228 may be rep[...]
    [...]sing Assistant
    Development of intermediate piano techniques including selected Role of certified nurse assistant for clients across the[...]solo literature, transposition of harmonic patterns, and secondary illness contin[...]dominants. Prerequisites: MUP132 or permission of instructor. ic to meeting the basic and holistic needs of clients. Professional[...]sing interventions to ensure the needs and safety of the client.
    Class Piano IV[...]Specific types of diseases, conditions and alterations in behav-
    Continuation of Piano III including modulation techniques, impro- ior of the client. Principles of nutrition and fluid balance. Special
    visation of piano accompaniments, advanced chromatic harmony, needs of the elder client in the acute and long-term care settings.
    and sight reading of advanced literature. Prerequisites: MUP231 B[...]sites: None.
    or permission of instructor.[...]Demonstration of problem solving, professional behavior and[...]Interpretive singing through a closer examination of coloring, therapeutic communication skills. Demonstration of caring be-
    tone production[...]opportunity for the development of clinical proficiencies in the per-[...]formance of selected Basic Certified Nursing Assistant skills[...]s procedures through participation in the care of clients. Prerequi-
    Class V[...]sites: None.
    Continuation of Class Voice III with additional emphasis on the
    preparation of solo vocal literature for the purpose of evaluation NCE203[...]period
    and the integration of the music with the drama of the music. Interpretation of Laboratory Diagnostic Examinations
    Prerequisites: MUP233 or permission of instructor. Course Note: Utilization of laboratory diagnostic examination results for eva[...]r credit. ation of patient conditions. Normal results for selected b[...]results related to pathophysiological conditions of
    MUP250AA[...]1 credit 2 periods adults. Incorporation of results of examinations to assess, modify,
    Survey of Diction for Singers (English)[...]q-
    Introduction to the use of phonetics in the study of English song uisites: Registered Nurse or Lice[...]students, or permission of instructor.

    MUP250AB[...]it .5 period
    Survey of Diction for Singers (Italian/Latin)[...]py
    Introduction to the use of phonetics in the study of Italian/Latin Advanced course in drug calculati[...]Current student in
    Survey of Diction for Singers (German) Associate Degree Nursing program, or permission of instructor.
    Introduction to the use of phonetics in the study of German song
    literature. Pr[...]se Descriptions

    Survey of Diction for Singers (French)[...]ng
    Introduction to the use of phonetics in the study of French song the ratio/proportion and dimensio[...]ing program or permission of Department or Division.[...]n Associate Degree Nursing program, or permission of[...]
    [...]s who are new or inter- Functional description of the hardware component operation of
    ested in entering the critical care environment.[...]the micro-
    or Practical Nurse, or recent graduate of an accredited nursing processor, and data s[...]orage description includes
    program, or permission of the instructor. flopp[...]nment. Including anato- Introductory coverage of programming techniques in Visual BA-
    my, physiolo[...]C. Flowcharting, coding, testing, and documenting programs in
    respiratory system. Prerequisites: Current lic[...]one.
    Nurse or Practical Nurse, or recent graduate of an accredited
    nursing program, or permission of the instructor. NET183AA[...]PC operating systems, such as the current version of Microsoft
    Critical Care: Neurologic[...]mis-
    Nurse or Practical Nurse, or recent graduate of an accredited sion of Department or Division.
    nursing program, or permission of the instructor.[...]ered Nurse or Practical Nurse, or recent graduate of an ac- Introduction to Networking
    credited nursing program, or permission of the instructor. Basic concepts of networking including hardware and software,[...]port
    Nurse or Practical Nurse, or recent graduate of an accredited Maintaining and troubleshoo[...]ourse Descriptions
    nursing program, or permission of the instructor. tomer service[...]Technical aspects of the microcomputer, including system setup
    Use of basic operations on a command line as it relates[...]e and trouble-
    IP networking and peripherals. Use of net commands to monitor[...]shooting. Emphasis on basic troubleshooting, use of tools, hard-
    and configure network hardware and use of internal/external DOS[...]NET183AA or CIS121AB or CIS126AA or permission of instructor.[...]
    [...]Advanced technical aspects of maintaining and servicing mi- Introduction to the role of the nursing assistant for clients across[...]tenance, diagnosis, and problem resolution of microcomputer of practice. Includes basic problem solving processe[...]ork meeting the basic and holistic needs of clients, therapeutic com-
    communication devices. Use of software diagnostic and utility munication[...]tools. Prerequisites: NET271 or BPC170 with grade of “C” or bet- to ensure the needs and safety of the client, specific types of dis-
    ter, or permission of instructor. eases, conditions and alterations in behavior of the client, and[...]principles of nutrition and fluid balance. Focus is on special[...]of the elder client in the acute and long-term care[...]for the development of clinical competency in the performance of[...]tion in the care of clients. Prerequisites: College Placement Exam[...]posite score of 75% or higher. Completed MCCD Background[...]Utilization of previous knowledge and demonstration of compe-
    Nursing S[...]es from Nursing Theory and Science I. Application of Nurse
    of the Future competencies to provide safe, quality[...]w sion of Nursing Department Chairperson.[...]tudents achieve success in their respective block of nurs- NUR191[...]ites: None. Corequisites: Concurrent Overview of the role of the practical nurse in care of clients. In-
    enrollment in the Nursing program or permission of Department cludes nursing standards and scope of practice of the practical
    Chair. Cours[...]basis. NUR104AB may be repeated for a total of eight (8) credit of the well childbearing client and childbearing fam[...]the role of practical nurse in providing care through interve[...]10 credits 20 periods NUR171 or permission of Nursing Department Chair.[...]and Science I
    Introduction of Nurse of the Future competencies as a framework NUR25[...]16 periods
    for development of the professional nurse: Patient-Centered Care,[...]stems-Based Practice, Informat- Utilization of previous knowledge and demonstration of compe-
    ics and Technology, Communication, Teamwork and Collabora- tencies of Nursing Theory and Science I and II. Continue to[...]ment, and Evidence-Based Practice. velopment of Nurse of the Future competencies to provide safe,
    Course D[...]mission of Nursing Department Chairperson.[...]Utilization of previous knowledge and demonstration of compe-[...]strate attainment of the Nurse of the Future competencies to[...]permission of Nursing Department Chairperson.[...]
    [...]Business English
    Utilization of previous knowledge and demonstration of compe- Comprehensive coverage of correct use of English grammar in-
    tencies from Nursing Theory a[...]tion, capitalization, and number style me-
    thesis of the Nurse of the Future competencies to facilitate role cha[...]expe-
    rience. Prerequisites: NUR271 or permission of Nursing Depart- OAS113[...]Mastery of essential microcomputer filing skills. Emphasis o[...]Touch system of numeric keys on ten-key pads. Prerequisites: None[...]Computerized application of concepts and procedures of office
    Incorporates correct touch typing principl[...]1-3 credits
    permission of department/division.[...]anuscripts. Prerequisites: OAS101AB
    or permission of department/division.

    OAS103AA[...]y to touch type 25 words per minute or permission of depart-

    OAS103AB[...]acy drills. Prerequisites: OAS103AA
    or permission of department/division.

    OAS103AC[...]acy drills. Prerequisites: OAS103AB
    or permission of department/division.[...]
    [...]are offered activity courses with a wide variety of choice
    including lifetime[...]General consideration of human nature and the nature of the uni-
    Ph[...](PED) existence of God. Prerequisites: None.[...]2 credits 4 periods sis of argument forms, and construction of proofs for validity. Pre-[...]tality. Current principles
    of cardiovascular exercise, weight training, flexibi[...]plans developed and implemented with support of highly trained Examination of questions such as the meaning of life and death,
    fitness pr[...]es: None. Course Note: PED115 may ty of the self freedom and destiny, the ethical life, and the rela-
    be repeated for a total of eight (8) credit hours. tionship of science and religion. Comparative analysis of diverse[...]duction to Ethics
    lifetime of regular exercise and muscular strength maintenance. A survey of ethical theory in Western Philosophy, including the
    Development of full body strength and stability of the body’s core major normative theories[...]tional movement ability including assessment of current strength
    and goal-[...]ues
    repeated for a maximum of eight (8) credits. Philosophical consideration of such moral issues as civil disobe-[...]A philosophical consideration of moral problems that arise in rela-[...]
    Business Ethics
    Philosophical consideration of moral problems arising in busi-[...]ess practice, including corporate responsibility, government[...]A survey of physics emphasizing applications of physics to mod-
    ENG107, or equivalent.[...]ern life. A survey of physics emphasizing applications of physics[...]to modern life. Prerequisites: Grade of “C” or better in MAT090,
    PHI216[...]ote: Students may re-
    Philosophical consideration of diverse theories and perspectives ceive credit for only one of the following: PHY101 or PHY101AA.
    on the environment, and application of these theories to global
    moral issues such as animal rights, preservation of wilderness PHY101AA[...]s: None. A survey of physics emphasizing applications of physics to modern[...]life. Prerequisites: Grade of “C” or better in MAT090, or MAT091,
    PHI218[...]r equivalent, or satisfactory score on
    Philosophy of Sexuality[...]ents may receive credit
    Philosophical examination of sexuality in human life. Historical for only one of the following: PHY101 or PHY101AA.
    and critical survey of philosophical and theological views. Com-
    parison and evaluation of contemporary theories about the nature PHY111 PHY1111 4 credits 6 periods
    of sexual desire and sexual acts. Implications of theories for con- General Physics I
    temporary m[...]Includes motion, energy, and properties of matter. Prerequisites:
    or permission of Instructor. Student must be 18 years or older.[...]a grade of “C” or better, or permission of Department or Division.
    PHI224[...]in Euroamerican political phi- for only one of the following: PHY111 or PHY111AA.
    losophy from P[...].
    Prerequisites: ENG101, or ENG107, or permission of Instructor. PHY111AA[...]ds Includes motion, energy, and properties of matter. Recommended
    Philosophy of Religion[...]er majors. Pre-
    Religious language, the existence of God, miracles, and human requisites: MAT1[...]nometry with a grade of “C” or better, or permission of Department[...]of the following: PHY111 or PHY111AA.[...]omagnetism, and modern physics. Pre-
    Fundamentals of Physical Science requisites: PHY111.
    Survey of the principles of physics and chemistry. Prerequisites:[...]Course Descriptions
    Grade of “C” or better in MAT090, or MAT091, or MAT092[...]of mechanics and thermodynamics. Recommended for maj[...]Principles of electricity, magnetism, waves, and optics. Required
    laws and facts of the physical sciences which provide the st[...]
    [...]) Examination of the Constitution of the State of Arizona. Equivalent[...]to the second part of POS220. May not enroll in POS220 and[...]Skills
    Theory and practice of basic phlebotomy including laboratory test[...]edical Assisting or Phlebotomy program), (a grade of
    Examination of the United States Constitution. Equivalent to the[...]or better in HCC130 and HCC145AA), and permission of Pro-[...]first part of POS220. May not enroll in POS220 and POS222 con-[...]Civil Rights
    Application of phlebotomy and specimen processing techniques[...]The historic background and current status of major civil rights
    in a cl[...]uisites: PLB109 or permission of Program Director. Prerequisites
    or Corequisites: PLB111 or permission of Program Director.[...]of psychology such as learning, memory, emotion, per[...]Introduction to the discipline of political science and its relation[...]rerequisites.
    institutions of government. Prerequisites: None.[...]r, since the course involves a substantial amount of read-[...]skills.
    American National Government
    Study of the historical backgrounds, governing principles,[...]3 periods
    stitutions of the national government of the United States. Prereq-[...]ior and culture using examples from a variety of contexts within
    POS115[...]nitive styles,
    Examination of major issues in current affairs in the fields of pol-[...]cation, work and health. The role of enculturation throughout the
    others through the reading and viewing of secondary information[...]lifespan will be explored to increase awareness of how behavioral
    sources. Pr[...]on to principles and issues relating to the study of inter-[...]national relations. Evaluation of the political, economic, national,[...]Introduction to the study of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgen-[...]ological, historical and cultural aspects. Review of research liter-[...]ature regarding the etiology and assessment of sexual orientation,
    POS210[...]rerequisites: None.
    Survey of twentieth century non-democratic ideologies and m[...]Designed to give the student an understanding of the research
    POS220[...]and theories of death, dying, and the bereavement process. Pre-[...]uisites: None.
    Examination of the United States Constitution and the constitution
    and government of the State of Arizona. Prerequisites: None[...]
    [...]tanding and Changing Behavior
    Historical overview of the development of Black Psychology and Theory and methods[...], and modifying be-
    the African-American “frame of reference.” Includes topics such havior. Prerequisites: PSY101 with grade of “C” or better or per-
    as family, psychological assessment, mental health, male/female mission of the instructor.
    relationships, personality and co[...]1 credit 2 periods
    tion of psycho-cultural forces which have helped to shape[...]Lab
    termine the unique thought, styles, behavior of African-Americans Designed to apply the principles of behavior modification. Appli-
    and to gain a greater appreciation of the theories, research, writ- cation of behavior modification principles, techniques, and treat-
    ings, and activities of Black Psychologists. Prerequisites: None. ment(s) to modify self-behavior or the behavior of others. Exposure[...]to the “hands-on” application of behavioral programming, includ-
    PSY210[...]and modification of a behavioral program. Prerequisites: PSY101.
    Scie[...]quisites: PSY241.
    teaching and learning. The role of psychology in educational set-
    tings, human diversity, theories of learning, intelligence, memory, PSY243[...]fluencing effective instruction The Psychology of Developmental Disabilities
    and learning. Prerequisites: PSY101 with a grade of “C” or better, The interrelationships among the physical, intellectual, social, and
    or permission of Instructor. psychological aspects of developmental disabilities (DD). Various[...]service approaches, policies, and programs designed to foster an
    PSY215[...]persons with developmental disabili-
    Application of the physiological, behavioral, social, cognitive, and ties. Prerequisites: PSY101 or permission of instructor.
    humanistic perspectives in psychology[...]hip in Psychology
    and the general health benefits of sport participation. Prerequisites: Experience in working in a wide variety of settings including but
    PSY101 with a grade of “C” or better or permission of instructor. not limited to schools, non-pr[...]and other governmental agencies. 80 hours of designated volun-
    PSY230[...]PSY courses, and permission of Instructor.
    An introduction to basic concepts in[...]dits 2 periods
    eration given to the methods of data collection, sampling tech- Special Topics: Developmental Disabilities
    niques, graphing of data, and the statistical evaluation of data col- Explore special topics related to se[...]individ-
    lected through experimentation. Required of psychology majors. uals with developmen[...]concepts rel-
    Prerequisites: PSY101 with a grade of “C” or better and MAT092 evant to t[...]yed in human service
    or equivalent, or permission of instructor. organiza[...]nd PSY243.
    Laboratory for Statistics
    Applications of inferential and descriptive statistics to compute[...]Course Descriptions
    the field of psychology. Prerequisites: None. Corequisites: PS[...]The scientific study of how people’s thoughts, feelings, and behav-
    PSY[...]er people and situations. Includes how
    Psychology of Gender[...]and prejudice. Prerequisites: PSY101 with a grade of C
    psychology of women and men. Prerequisites: PSY101 with a or better or permission of the instructor.
    grade of C or better or permission of Instructor.[...]psychology. Prerequisites: PSY101 with of psychological problems and disorders are discussed. Prereq-
    a grade of “C” or better or permission of the instructor. uisites: PSY101 with a grade of “C” or better or permission of in-[...]
    [...]Contract Writing
    Overview of the practice of psychology in the law, by the law, and Contract writing skills, techniques, and requirements. Writing of
    of the law. Focuses on the complementary functions a[...]ate contracts, including purchase offers, counter of-
    tions between psychology[...]stigations, risk and level
    of danger, competency, interrogations, confessions,[...]ing
    Biological foundations of sensation, perception, motivation, emo-[...]rovide opportunities for practice and application of basic read-
    tion, cognitio[...]life sciences. Prerequisites: PSY101 with a grade of “C” or better[...]analysis, use of context clues, and use of dictionary, reinforced
    or permission of Instructor.[...]through practical application. Development of vocabulary required[...]hension and development of inferential interpretation. Prerequi-
    Psychology of Human Sexuality[...]ppropriate reading placement test score, or grade of “C” or
    Survey of psychological and physiological aspects of human sex-[...]better in ESL/RDG046, or permission of Instructor. Course Note:
    ual behavior. Emphasis placed on the integration of the cognitive,[...]uisites: PSY101 with a grade of “C” or better, or permission of[...]terns of organization, interpreting inference. Reviews int[...]nning, execution, analysis, and written reporting of psycholog-[...]or grade of “C” or better in RDG071, or permission of Instructor.
    in representative areas of psychological research. Prerequisites:[...]ts 3 periods
    grade of “C” or better, or permission of Instructor.[...]ppropriate reading placement test score, or grade of[...]“C” or better in RDG081, or permission of Instructor. Appropriate[...]reading placement test score, or grade of “C” or better in RDG081,[...]or permission of Instructor. Course Note: RDG091 is recommend-[...]Estate Principles I
    Basics of real estate principles including introduction to[...]fession and license law, definition of real property, legal descrip- Intensive Found[...]main idea identification, patterns of organization recognition, and[...]3 periods placement test score, or a grade of “B” or better in RDG071, or[...]permission of Instructor. Course Notes: RDG095 is an acceler-[...]r’s rules, investment, property management, and government re-
    strictions. Prerequisites: REA179 or permission of instructor.

    [...]The nature and content of the Christian tradition developed over
    Emphasis o[...]introductory class in time, with overview of the New Testament, major historical trends
    the Li[...], major Christian ideas and practices, and survey of
    gy. Introduction to Learning Management System (L[...]course textbook and assessments and develop-
    ment of academic vocabulary. Prerequisites: Appropriate r[...]its 3 periods
    placement score or permission of instructor. Corequisites: Any Introduc[...]CHM, CIS, GLG, The nature and content of the Christian tradition developed over
    MAT, NUR,[...]fe Sciences, Mathe- time, with overview of the New Testament, major historical trends
    matics, Physical Sciences or Technology, or permission of instruc- and figures, major Christian ideas and practices, and survey of
    tor. Course Note: Course satisfies RDG091 require[...]Focus on the role of women in several organized religions and/[...]or religious sects. Study of myth and symbols as they are used to
    Religious St[...]d the world. Prerequisites: None.
    quiry (L) parts of the General Education requirements for the AA,
    AG[...]Religion and Sexuality
    All courses transfer to state universities.
    Exploration of the perspectives of various religious traditions on[...]human sexuality. Includes consideration of all aspects of sexual
    REL100 3 c[...]l norms and structures. Prerequi-
    The development of various religions from prehistoric to modern[...]elationships
    among world religions. Consideration of both Eastern and West-
    ern religions. Prerequisit[...]3 credits 3 periods
    An examination of the historical and cultural background of di- Leisure and the Quality of Life
    verse lifeways and worldviews belonging to the peoples indige- Overview of the historical, psychological, social, and cultur[...]tinent over time, including a study pects of play, leisure, and recreation and their role in contempo-
    of modern day American Indian beliefs and practices. Prerequi- rary society. Nature of play and leisure behavior in human de-
    sites: ENG[...]recreation, and leisure make to the quality of life for individuals in
    REL205[...]Modern World
    Introduction to the nature and role of religious beliefs and prac-[...]Course Descriptions
    tices in shaping the lives of individuals and societies, with par-
    ticular atte[...]In-depth analysis of and individual plan development for the “day-
    R[...]to-day” problems encountered in the operation of a small busi-
    Introduction to the academic study of religion through the study of
    ness. Includes the development of an individual business oper-
    myths, symbols, and[...]eduling,
    by scholars to study the complex subject of religion. Attention to lit-[...]te and nonliterate cultures. Prerequisites: Grade of C or better[...]rance/risk management requirements. Investigation of daily
    in ENG101, or ENG107, or permission of Department or Division.[...]3 credits 3 periods
    Philosophy of Religion
    Religious language, the existence of God, miracles, and human
    destiny. Prerequi[...]
    [...]phasis on Explores the common causes of stress related to the operation
    practical use of financial data for the successful management of of a small business. Includes discussion of the physiological and
    a small business. Develops an understanding of the accounting psychological effects of stress, and specific methods for dealing
    cycle and preparation of financial statements. Includes section wit[...]ed for the non-financially oriented owner/manager of
    a small business. Prerequi[...]1 credit 1 period Analysis of the successful operation of a home-based business.
    Fin[...]Small Business Includes study of economic feasibility, practicality, and adjustmen[...]Planning for and meeting the financial needs of the small busi- for the family. Analysis of the advantages/disadvantages of oper-
    ness including cash flow planning, identification of financial needs ating a home based business, ve[...]urces, equity and debt financing, and preparation of loan Review of current trends in home business opportunities and[...]l plan for their individ- chises. Descriptions of home businesses that have succeeded in[...]importing. Includes researching viability of an import/export busi-
    Int[...]buying behavior profile. Analysis and selection of advertising/busi-
    ness promotion methods and timing. Methods of deciding product SBS220[...]and market segment focus included. Design of an individual mar- Internet Marketing for[...]1 credit 1 period growth and success of business; examples of successful marketing
    Small[...]on the Internet; availability of Internet services; necessary hardware[...]al current computer application programs. Emphasizes practical services appropriat[...]asing decision criteria, on-going operations of the Internet site. Prerequisites: None.[...]An overview of accounting and record-keeping for the successful[...]ing employees in a small busi- management of a small business. Develops an understanding ofof financial statements. In-[...]cludes section on tax consequences and the choice of legal entity
    for handling[...]ss Plan
    topics on attitude of employees, customer perceptions and motiva-[...]Developing a statement of marketing direction and a related mar-[...]
    [...]History and development of American Sign Language (A.S.L.) and[...]English codes. Overview of education for Deaf and Hard of Hear-[...]Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals. Prerequisites: None.[...]Concentration on
    The study and scientific inquiry of issues and demands placed[...]duc-
    on business enterprise by owners, customers, government, em-[...]Prerequisites: SLG101, or permission of Department or Division.
    and analysis of the social impact of business responses. Prereq-[...]Completion of prerequisites within the last three years is requ[...]G) Linguistics of American Sign Language (A.S.L.) including[...]tual accuracy. Emphasis on practical application of A.S.L. skills,
    and skills of American Sign Language (ASL). Students engaged[...]n, and relat- requisites: SLG102 with a grade of C or better, or permission of
    ed fields will find these courses useful. The cou[...]Associate in Applied Sci- tion. Completion of prerequisites within the last 3 years is required.
    ence degree or a Certificate of Completion in Interpreter for Deaf.
    Credits in Ge[...]edits 4 periods
    campus toward the completion of the above programs, including American Sign Language IV
    ENG[...]of English idioms and words with multiple meanings. Prerequisites:
    Two years of ASL satisfies the foreign language requirement for SLG201 with a grade of C or better or permission of Department
    most universities. Check with a GCC ad[...]Introduction to Sociology
    Introduction of principles, methods, and techniques for commu-[...]The systematic study of social behavior and human groups, par-
    nicating with deaf people who sign. Development of expressive
    ticularly the influence of culture, socialization, social structure,
    and rec[...]erentiation by region, race,
    vocabulary. Overview of syntax, grammar, and culture related to[...]amines social-cultural fac-
    Continued development of knowledge and language skills for[...]tors contributing to use and abuse and effects of commonly used
    communicating with deaf people who[...]gerspelling, and culture. Emphasis on enhancement of receptive[...]tervention,
    sign skills and continued development of expressive sign skills.[...]blic policies concerning drug related
    Application of rudimentary, syntactical, and grammatical structu[...]isites: None.
    stressed with continued development of sign vocabulary. Prereq-
    uisites: SLG101 with a grade of “C” or better, or permission of
    Department or Division. Completion of prerequisites within the last
    three years[...]
    [...]onversation II
    Examination of the physical, social, cultural, and institutional con- Continued study of basic pronunciation, vocabulary, sentence
    tributions to human sexuality. Examination of facts and myths, structures, and a cultu[...]ts and processes. SPA115AA, or permission of Department or Division. Completion
    Explores the sexuality of males and females in contemporary so- of prerequisites within the last three years is requ[...]Examines how the social construction of race shapes social inter- Emphasis on basic[...]nd social institutions. Explores the consequences of pow- ulary used in health care settings. Pr[...]nd
    A sociological analysis of the way culture shapes and defines the voca[...]117 or
    positions and roles of both men and women in society. Major em- permission of Department or Division. Completion of prerequisites
    phasis on social conditions which may lead to a broadening of within the last three years is required.
    gender roles and a reduction of gender role stereotypes and the
    implications of these changes. Prerequisites: None.[...]A sociological exploration of selected social problems and in- velop i[...]Continued study of essential Spanish grammar and Span-[...]king cultures. Continued practice and development of[...]ccuracy in spoken Spanish. Prerequisites: A grade of[...]Spanish (SPA) of Department or Division. Completion of prerequisites within the[...]Basic grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary of the Spanish[...]language. Includes the study of the Spanish-speaking cultures.
    Course Description[...]Review of grammar, continued development of Spanish language
    Practice of listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.[...]skills with continued study of the Spanish-speaking cultures. Pre-[...]requisites: A grade of “C” or better in SPA201, or permission of[...]Department or Division. Completion of prerequisites within the last[...]Spanish II
    Continued study of grammar and vocabulary of the Spanish lan-[...]4 periods
    guage and study of the Spanish-speaking cultures. Emphasis on[...]ding, and writing skills. Prerequisites: (A grade of “C”[...]or better in SPA101 or SPA101AA), or permission of Department[...]re
    or Division. Completion of prerequisites within the last three years[...]and conversation. May be taken in lieu of SPA201. Prerequisites:
    is[...]Permission of instructor or Department Chair.[...]
    [...]ned for Spanish-speaking students. Advanced study of Analysis of Spanish and Spanish-American film as art form and[...]udes documentary, biography, and
    be taken in lieu of SPA202. Prerequisites: SPA203, or SPA201, films based on works of literature. All films, coursework, class
    or permission of Department or Division. Completion of prerequi- participation, and oral and wri[...]Prerequisites: SPA202 or permission of Department or Division.
    Completion of prerequisites within the last three years is requ[...]cific. Intermediate level Analysis and critique of movies presented in the Spanish lan-
    speaking, li[...]nezuela, Ecuador, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica and the
    of B or better in SPA005AA and SPA109, or permission of Instructor. Mexican independent film produce[...]ography, and works of literature and their film versions as art form
    SP[...]commentary. Prerequisites: SPA241, or permission of
    Spanish for Business Communication Department or Division. Completion of prerequisites within the
    Continued development of Spanish language skills with empha- l[...]. Prerequisites: GBS151 and (SPA201 or permission of
    Department or Division). Completion of prerequisites within the SPA265[...]Introduction and study of Spanish and Spanish-American litera-
    SPA225[...]s, and written assignments are in
    Continued study of vocabulary, sentence structures, and cultural Spanish. Prerequisites: SPA202 or permission of Department or
    awareness necessary to improve speaking and listening skills in Division. Completion of prerequisites within the last three years
    Spanish[...]r SPA102AA, or SPA116, or SPA116AA,
    or permission of Department or Division. Completion of prerequi- SPA266[...]Further study of Spanish and Spanish-American literature. Read-
    SP[...]eports in Spanish. Graduated lev-
    Continued study of vocabulary, sentence structures, and cultural el of difficulty from the literature studied in SPA265.[...]istening skills in SPA265, or permission of Department or Division. Completion of
    increasingly complex Spanish. Emphasis on fluency[...]. Prerequisites: SPA201, or
    SPA225, or permission of Department or Division. Completion of SPA296[...]ege experiences that involve the combined efforts of
    SPA235 3 credit[...]the career objectives of the students. Prerequisites: Completion
    Continued development of skills in conversational fluency. Class of at least twelve (12) college credits, minimum 2.6[...]in a position related to student’s aca-
    mission of Department or Division. Completion of prerequisites demic or career goals (st[...]required. mission of instructor. Corequisites: Must be concurrently en[...]s 3 periods interest or with permission of the instructor.
    Advanced Spanish Conversation II
    Further development of skills in conversational fluency. Grammar[...]s: SPA235 Special Projects
    or permission of Department or Division. Completion of prerequi- See page 264.
    sites with[...]
    [...]An introduction to the fields within the area of social work through[...]a study of the disciplines of social case work, social group work,[...]various techniques of practice within each discipline. Required[...]nized and tailored around the interests and needs of the indi- for students enrolled in the associate degree program of the so-
    vidual student. Structured to provide an atmosphere of individual- cial work curriculum. Prerequis[...]student use. Allows the best aspects of independent study and in-[...]ment. Prerequisites: Permission of Program Director or instructor. SWU210AB[...]ence in community service organizations. 80 hours of[...]designated work per credit. Maximum of 6 credits. Prerequisites:[...]SOC101, SWU102, and permission of program director or depart-[...]Concepts of chemical use, abuse, and addiction examined from
    Representative works of peninsula Spanish literature from early[...]to the present in English translation. Knowledge of Spanish[...]plines and technologies. Addresses issues of psychiatric and sub-
    not r[...]sites: BHS/SWU130 or permission of instructor.
    SPH151[...]3 periods
    Continuation of SPH150. Other representative works of Latin[...]Focuses on victimology and techniques of crises intervention; and
    ent covered in English translation. Knowledge of Spanish not re-[...]the importance of multicultural perspective. Includes coverage of
    quired. Prerequisites: Non[...]Includes privacy and legal issues, and use of resources in preparing
    SSH[...]ds reports. Terminology and characteristics of a good written report.
    Sus[...]Introduction to the field of sustainability and exploration of the
    practices leading to the development of sustainable cities. Ex- SWU291[...]periods
    plores the concept of sustainable development of cities within lo- Social Service Delivery S[...]Purposes, structures, and delivery systems of human service[...]agencies. Includes 40 hours of volunteer experience in local hu-[...]SWU271, or permission of the department.

    SUS110[...]Introduction to the field of sustainability and exploration of the in- Introduction to professional hel[...]
    [...]Introduction to elements of pre-production for motion picture and[...]duction of one film project and one video project required.[...]or TCM/VPT105, or permission of Department or Division.
    team member experience, p[...]Introduction to elements of production for motion picture and tele-
    Video Pro[...]lenses, lighting and sound recording. Production of one film
    applications. Basic production technique[...]permission of Department or Division.
    post-production technique[...]3 credits 3 periods
    VPT105, or permission of Instructor.[...]Introduction to elements of post-production for motion picture and
    TCM111[...]strategies. Post-production and marketing of one film and one vid-
    Provides an introduction to[...]eo required. Prerequisites: TCM135 or permission of department.
    requisites: None.[...]a variety of program types. Prerequisites: TCM100, or TCM/[...]VPT105, or permission of Instructor.
    TCM114[...]requisites: TCM111 or permission of instructor.
    niques using a Shot Gun Boom micropho[...]ness aspects of production. Examines methods of setting up a[...]opment of a prospectus on a specific film/video project. Pr[...]one.
    operation and lighting. Emphasis on the role of the cinematog-
    rapher, basic camera operation and[...]rs, Production Designers, Editors, and
    permission of Instructor.[...]Screenwriters. Prerequisites: Permission of Instructor. Course[...]repeated for a total of twelve (12) credits.[...]
    [...]• have a basic knowledge of sewing,[...]TEC126--
    Alteration of Pattern Sewing[...]
    [...]Includes demonstration and application of knowledge and skills[...]Principles of tailoring as applied in the construction of a coat or
    suit. Alteration of patterns and fitting techniques. Prerequisites:
    E[...]TEC124 or permission of instructor. Course Note: May be repeat-
    dents have some knowledge of how to operate a sewing machine.[...]ed for a total of 12 credit hours with permission of instructor.
    TEC110[...]ign I
    Basic clothing construction techniques. Use of commercial pat-[...]ssion through flat pattern in applying principles of
    terns and sewing machine in the construction of basic garments.[...]Prerequisites: TEC110 or TEC111 or permission of instructor.[...]Course Note:May be repeated for a total of twelve (12) credits.
    TEC111[...]3 credits 5 periods
    Construction of garments applying basic construction principles[...]tern method. Principles of flat pattern and use of sloper reviewed.
    has no previous sewing experienc[...]of an original design. Prerequisites: TEC225 or permission of in-
    peated for a total of 12 credit hours with permission of instructor.[...]tructor. Course Note: May be repeated for a total of twelve (12)[...]2 credits 3 periods
    Construction of clothing accessories for personal or profession-[...]Women’s Custom Tailored Pants
    al use. Selection of accessories and coordination of accessories[...]draft of the basic pant to be fitted on each student. Prer[...]t.
    Intermediate Clothing Construction
    Application of intermediate clothing and fitting techniques. Em-[...]Special Projects
    TEC111 or permission of instructor. May be repeated for a total of[...]See page 264.
    8 credit hours with permission of instructor.

    TEC124[...]alty fabrics. Prerequisites: A wide variety of academic and production theatre arts courses
    TEC111 or permission of instructor. Course Note: May be repeat- are available. Students take these courses:
    ed for a total of 12 credit hours with permission of instructor.[...]regis-
    chine assumed. May be repeated for a total of 9 credit hours with tered in the coll[...]
    [...]tre Production II
    A survey of theatre, including basic elements and principles of Designed to give college credit to the cas[...]production, styles, and/or historical perceptions of theatre, dra- tion crews of college theatre productions. May be repeated for[...]rerequisites: None. to a maximum of four (4) credits. Prerequisites: None.[...]lm
    History and development of electronic media and its impact on Special technical aspects of acting before a camera. Prerequi-[...]sites: THP112 or permission of instructor.

    THE220[...]Acting II
    Analysis of dramatic literature studied within political, histori- Fundamental techniques of acting through script analysis, re-[...]ltural contexts and examined from the perspective of hearsal, and performance. Prerequisites: T[...]Procedures of technical theatre production and demonstration.[...]Topics include design and construction of scenery, lighting and[...]Purposes, materials and techniques of theatrical makeup. Prereq-[...]y theory and practice in directing, the evolution of[...]present-day directing procedures, and a sampling of scripts for
    THF205[...]directing practice. Principles of script analysis, blocking, casting,[...]THP112 and THE220,
    Survey of the history and development of the art of motion pic-[...]or permission of instructor.
    tures, including criticism of aesthetic and technical elements. Pre-[...]plication of makeup. Prerequisites: THP115.
    A study of contemporary films, directors and critics with em[...]pand the versatility of characterization skills. Emphasis on relating[...]work to the total production process. Performance of
    THP112[...]Fundamental techniques and terminology of acting through phys-
    ical[...]edits 4 periods pand the versatility of characterization skills. Emphasis on relating[...]work to the total production process. Performance of
    Movement skills for the ac[...]chnical produc-
    tion crews of college theatre productions. May be repeated for up
    to a maximum of four (4) credits. Prerequisites: None.[...]
    [...]fects for editing. The role of the director/producer in pre-production
    technique[...]The coordination and supervision of the personnel involved in
    Basics of video-production including the use of colors, textures[...]the production team; preparation of charge-back system; facility
    and shapes in the preparation of graphics for video production.[...]interaction with
    Graphics design using the rules of good design and techniques for[...]requisites: TCM100, or TCM/VPT105, or permission of instructor.[...]hours of designated work per credit. Maximum of 6 credits al-
    Video production technology corpora[...]lowed. Prerequisites: Permission of instructor.
    applications. Basic production techni[...]See page 264.
    VPT105, or permission of Instructor.

    VPT114[...]uipment: audio production tech- Overview of Alternative Medicine
    niques using a Shot Gun Boom microphone while in the field; Definition of health; exploration of mind-body-spirit connection in
    audio recording in[...]h; various therapeutic modalities; identification of strengths
    back; audio editing using a non-linear computer program: music and limitations of alternative therapies. Also includes development[...]ects: video tape editing in audio post-produc- of ability to critically review written material in[...]base corrector set-up, waveform Physiology of meditation and its effects on physical and mental[...]on a video
    production. History, theory and design of a television commercial WED172[...]Prerequisites: None. Overview of Herbal Remedies
    History and evolution of herbs for healing applications. Prepara-[...]tion, usage, and effects of certain herbs used for healing purpos-[...]es. Basic literature review skills in the area of herbal medicine.[...]
    Physiology of aromatherapy; methods of use; preparation of oils;
    uses in sports, beau[...]Principles and techniques of electric arc and oxyacetylene weld-[...]Welding II
    Further study of electric arc and oxyacetylene welding with em-[...]credits 3 periods
    Women of Color in America
    Analysis and discussion of critical issues for women of color in
    America. Prerequi[...]eligions
    Focus on the role of women in several organized religions and/
    or religious sects. Study of myth and symbols as they are used to[...]
    [...]mmunity College is dedicated to providing diverse programs and services that help stu-[...]success is a shared responsibility of both employees and students, and believe that to[...]access and services in a
    programs, services and amenities. timel[...]sensitivity to the feelings of others. sensitivity to employees wh[...]arning opportunities for students 7. Be aware of and select those personal growth[...]
    [...]ment verification; special admission of individuals under age 18;
    Hours: Mond[...]ilding)
    • continual monitoring and evaluation of their educational
    progress;[...]to 7:00 p.m.
    • integrating the many resources of the institution to meet their Wednesda[...]o 1:00 p.m.

    • completing a restricted course list for Financial Aid; Telephone:[...]roup and offers students easy access to a variety of school-related
    • filling out a petition for g[...]2. Checks will be accepted for the amount of the purchase only,[...]with two (2) of the following forms of ID: a current Arizona[...]Driver’s License, a GCC ID, a State ID, or a Military ID.[...]
    [...]es & Activities
    4. No out-of-state checks / no exceptions.[...]will cash personal checks for students in amounts of $5.00
    within 7 days from and including the official start of the fall or less.[...]turned for a full refund within 2 days of purchase except OE/
    OE[...]utine refund processing will begin the third week of classes.
    3. No refunds ar[...]within the last 2 weeks of classes and the week of finals of to request refunds that may be due to the[...]ibank or by
    2. At the end of each semester, with a professor’s written adop-[...]Students will be notified in their Message Center of any
    tion, the Bookstor[...]ment meth-
    term at 50% of the purchase price until they have sufficient od selection within two days of refund notification to expedite the[...]receipt of their refund. The quickest methods are direct dep[...]quanti-
    ty, and price of books bought back.[...]at have been charged by Nelnet for the collection of
    GCC Main Location: EC (Enro[...]waiting period of 15 business days (20 if out of state). The
    GCC North Location: C[...]waiting period can be waived if proof of check cancellation[...]hier’s Office is responsible for the collection of tuition and
    Activities[...]lects payments for a variety of fees assessed by the college, ex-
    amples of which are traffic fines, library fines, te[...]
    of literacy needs, including ESL and basic skills wi[...]oral Sciences Program 623.845.3433
    the age of 16 years as well as all GCC students.[...]mputer software and multi-instructional materials list.[...]Counseling and Career Services offers a variety of services to help[...]
    [...]Counseling and Personal Development Courses are of- CSC Solution
    fered each semester. Some of the more popular courses in-[...]se see the GCC
    Schedule of Classes for a current listing.[...]ity Services)
    beginning of each semester.[...]new to college or are returning after a period of time.[...]tional Planning forms when required by a State/Federal Rehabil-
    Student Services &[...]medical doctor and printed on official letterhead of that provider’s of-

    2014-2015 GCC Gene[...]
    [...]l be used for the sole Financial Aid
    purpose of determining which accommodations are appropriate.[...]n the Student
    Rights and Responsibilities section of this catalog. Documentation Hours:[...]0 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
    must (1) verify the existence of a disability as defined under Sec-[...]Telephone: 623.845.3366
    limitations of the disability.[...], test- Hours: Call for hours of availability.
    ing accommodations (proctors, scrib[...]ities are encouraged to contact the DRS programs designed to assist students in meeting financial needs
    office 3-6 months prior to the start of their first term. To establish a while attending college. The form and type of financial aid varies
    file and formally apply for[...]st: according to the needs of the student and the purpose and phi-[...]losophy of the Financial Aid Program. These programs consist of
    • Disclosure of the disability and related documentation/records.[...]partment of Education web site: Approximate[...]time varies throughout the year. As the beginning of classes
    GCC Main Location: EC (Enrollment Center)[...]er cessfully complete 2/3 of all credit hours attempted during the[...]ons to financial aid awards may occur as a result of changes
    Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5[...]g the Summer with federal/state laws/regulations and college policies. Awards[...]subject to revision should the annual federal or state
    Telephone: 623.845.4000 allocation of funds to the college be reduced below anticipated[...]Three types of grants are available for students. These grants a[...]student may obtain a free picture ID card. A fee of as satisfactory enrollment and/or ot[...]gent on funding).
    tary identification) and a copy of your paid class registration.[...]Title IV Loan Programs:
    Two types of Title IV loans are made available to eligi[...]
    loan. The federal government subsidizes interest while the
    student attends college on a minimum of a half time basis.

    • F[...]based loan. The federal government does not subsidize in-[...]crues throughout the life of the loan, including in-school and[...]holarship searches from the Financial Aid portion of our web Food Services[...]day, 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
    programs and services that help students develop the abili[...]y The Palms Cafe, located in the central area of the Student Union,
    through linkages with campus programs, services and resources. serves breakfas[...]students are a special and important part of the campus communi- The Green Bean Cafe se[...]assignments. Students have the option of participating in study ulty. Cater[...]
    [...]nts an
    computer commons, is located in the center of the building and orientation program, a[...]ork on ordinates faculty and staff exchange programs and study abroad
    course related materials. High Tech Center 1 is also the home of programs for domestic students.
    the Technology Help Desk,[...]have 12+ hours per week of classes to improve their English pro-[...]Hours: Fall and Spring:
    is the home of the Academic Solutions Center, comprised of the Monday - Thursda[...]e and faculty Telephone: Hours of Operation: 623.845.3100
    development acros[...]nion provides space for adver- center of the college. Its resources include over 87,000 pr[...]4000 videos; 23,000 streaming videos; thousands of full-text arti-
    no attempt to evaluate or approve[...]ng. of more than 500 textbooks that support cours[...]
    [...]Book drops are located on the west side of the Library Media Cen-[...]ter at the circulation desk, on the east side of the media counter,[...]and for the convenient return of library materials, on the curbside of[...]the cul-de-sac circle drive at the east end of the campus. A current[...]D cards upon pre-
    sentation of a photo ID card and “paid registration receipt.[...]Telephone: Hours of Operation: 623.845.4109[...]out at one time with a limit of 3 items per subject. Most items[...]formation center of the college. Its resources include a book[...]collection of approximately 2,000 volumes and subscriptions to[...]electronic databases with thousands of full-text titles. In addition,[...]re also available
    ment cost of the item. The replacement cost will be waived if[...]material is returned within one year of debt posting, however the[...]ees are responsible for the payment of the replacement cost and[...]old. The destruction or mutilation of any library materials will result[...]the west entrance of the building, and curbside in the parking lot[...]north of the Library and Computer Center Building.[...]ired as a library card. The
    of Revenue collects unpaid fees.[...]Computer Commons area of the Library and Computer Center[...]
    [...]The Math Solution (located in the Northwest area of the MA build- 5. Assistance during registrat[...]Office of Student Life[...]Telephone: 623.845.3525

    The success of our Nursing students is the driving force[...]
    [...]ed vehicle.

    A printed copy of the policy benefits can be obtained from the[...]Public Safety
    Office of Student Life, SU-101, or the Student Leadership C[...]for students who attend one of the Maricopa Community Colleges.[...]ntaining applications are available in the Office of[...]4:30 p.m.
    lating publicity of any kind on campus, obtain clearance from the
    Office of Student Life, SU-101, or the Student Leadership C[...]The mission of the Public Safety Department is to provide a safe[...]of campus rules and regulations pertaining to the sa[...]well-being of all who enter the college grounds. Some of the ser-[...]tion of college and personal property; traffic control; v[...]identification of safety hazards; and safety escorts. In addition,[...], and click on “Disclosure of Safety[...]
    [...]4. Pedestrians always have the right of way and special caution
    Bicycles/Skateboards/Roll[...]al injury to persons using 5. Compliance with State of Arizona, ARS-28 codes is mandatory.
    the facilitie[...]uals registered for
    students physically incapable of holding their places in line or classes on[...]g decal is not considered a
    to move independently of the line of march under the supervision visitor and will be cited.
    of a responsible student or instructor. Once outside[...]s. Examples of Fines Include:

    In case of fire, notify the Public Safety desk (GCC Main Cam[...]Parking fines are adopted as part of the Tuition and Fee schedule
    a. Park anywhere[...]ing areas are des- to change upon adoption of the schedule for the new fiscal year.
    ign[...]dent, employee, or the registered owner of the vehicle.
    has many one way aisles and[...]ys
    f. Park in a disabled space without proper state issued li- from the date of the citation or the fine will be doubled.[...]ed areas. working days from the date of the citation, or the citation fine
    There is NO parking at the end of islands and in “NO PARK- will be doubled and all rights of appeal will be lost.
    ING” areas.[...]he party wishes to appeal, the citation or a copy of[...]t must be received within twenty-one working days of[...]the appeals letter notification date or doubling of the citation[...]
    [...]’s decision, a paid receipt equal to the amount of
    the penalty, and all e[...]sarrollar interés y
    Safety of Person and/or Property[...]3. Keep all personal items out of plain view.[...]are informative, free of charge and advertised in the college[...]No firearms or lethal weapons of ANY type are permitted on the[...]us. For further information, contact the Director of Public[...]text and grammatical understanding of the English language
    Activities[...]for students who are not native speakers of English.[...]
    [...]By appointment only
    Brown Street just north of GCC.[...]ligible students in applying for U. S. Department of[...]in the beginning of each semester, to assure that their certification[...]of enrollment is current. Also, anytime there is a c[...]Restricted Students
    consult the catalog of the college of intended transfer with the[...]gree or who have completed 64 semester
    assistance of an advisor to determine the equivalent course re-[...]is lacking
    Community College. Universities in the State of Arizona accept[...]an academic advisor for a program evaluation. The list of required
    average of 2.00 or better.[...]l be sent to the V.A. with a request for approval of the
    program of study. Once approved, the student will be paid fo[...]30 days of enrollment. The college Veterans Enrollment Servi[...]must be able to report to the V.A. the amount of credit previously
    earned before the end of the first semester to avoid retroactive[...]termination of benefits.[...]U.S. law prohibits payment of VA benefits for a course from which[...]used in computing graduation requirements. Grades of A, B,[...]Grades of W, P, Z, Y or I will impact on VA benefits as fol[...]an and will require pay back of all benefits paid for that course[...]from the beginning of the semester. Mitigating circumstances[...]
    [...]qualify for VA benefits only when a letter grade of A, B, C,
    D, or F is not[...]veteran and will deny benefits from the date of withdrawal.[...]Government, the exhibits are free and open to the public. Th[...]an “Incomplete” grade to a grade of A, B, C, D, F, or P. If the[...]day evening of the show, from 6:00 to 8:00PM. Refreshments are[...]reclaim all monies paid for the period of the course (a full
    semester of benefits).[...]The annual exhibition of the work of the Art Department Faculty[...]presents an overview of the individual visions of members of the[...]ry between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. ning of the show. Refreshments are served. It is schedule[...]The annual juried exhibition of student artwork is scheduled in the[...]l sented, along with work in innovative programs in digital photog-[...]ointment with for purchase, the intent of the Glendale Art Student Exhibition is
    a faculty member to seek help in any aspect of writing: compos- not for that purpose. Th[...]Associated Student Government
    visit the Writing Center we[...]The Associated Student Government (ASG) of GCC offers stu-
    tance to st[...]ence the democratic process firsthand. Members of ASG repre-
    work by accessin[...]ASG is made up of students elected from the student body during[...]the third week of class each fall semester. A faculty member[...]
    [...]intains highly competitive intercollegiate sports programs Every year, usually in the first week of April, GCC hosts an interna-
    in Baseball, Basketb[...]ball. For more information central mall area of the campus and features exhibits, live musical
    on attending campus sports events, please call the Athletics Of- entertainment, dancing, food, and people f[...]The purpose of the international festival is to give students an[...]chance to experience the rich cultural diversity of our
    Clubs[...]n 45 student clubs The event is free of charge and open to the public.
    both at GCC Main and GCC North campuses. If one of those is
    not what you are looking for you may start a new one in your area
    of interest. Clubs provide a network of friends and an opportunity Performing Arts
    to[...]The Music, Theatre, and Dance Programs of GCC offer many pro-
    Visit the Student Leadership[...]The Music Program offers a variety of concerts to students and the[...]public. Concerts include programs by the Concert Choir, Chamber
    Club Fairs[...]spring Club Fairs are held during the third week of free to the public.
    class. It offers[...]
    [...]tes and abroad. The purpose Learning. For a list of study skills videos, stop by the Center for
    of this organization is to recognize academic achiev[...]Membership entitles the scholar, in one of many honored tradi-
    tions,[...]The Omicron Lambda Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa at GCC invites[...]ulative
    grade point average of 3.5 to join Phi Theta Kappa.[...]mission the professional development of psychology students in
    two-year colleges through promotion and recognition of outstand-
    ing achievement i[...]hours with a cumulative
    GPA of 3.25 and a 3.25 or higher in all psychology cours[...]ulating lectures on a variety of topics. Lectures are free to the[...]
    Use of College Grounds by Non-MCCCD-Affiliated Us[...]
    [...]Examples of Policy Violations (AR 5.1.9)[...]It shall be a violation of MCCCD’s Sexual Harassment Policy for[...]relationship;
    The policy of the Maricopa Community Colleges is to provide an[...]tional, employment, and business environment free of sex- 3. Engage in verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature
    ual viole[...]dividual’s submission to, or rejection of, the sexual advances
    ed by local, state, and federal law.[...]as Title IX Coordinator, and student complaints of sexual harass- duties, shifts or any other condition of employment or ca-
    ment mu[...]ployees is prohibited by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. B. Influence his or her grades,[...]ss to
    Employee complaints of sexual harassment must be reported to academic programs, class standing or other educational
    the District Office of Equity, Opportunity, and Engagement.[...]assment is unwelcome, verbal, or physical conduct of 4. Engage in verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that:
    a s[...]r pervasive A. Has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with[...]ss; or
    deprives a student of the ability to participate in or benefit from any[...]may be based on power differentials, the creation of a hostile en-
    vironment,[...]ent complaints. Sexu- 5. Commit any act of sexual assault or public sexual indecency[...]in another employee, stu-
    of sexual harassment. On receipt of a complaint, an immediate dent o[...]will also be sought. Violations of this policy may result in disci- an in[...]plinary action up to and including termination of employees, sanc- tive language or jok[...]tions up to and including suspension or expulsion of students, and objects, books, magazin[...]8. Treat a complainant or witness of sexual harassment in a

    and principles of academic freedom. Questions about this policy[...]or fail to report allegations of sexual harassment (whether report-[...]ed by the person who is the subject of the sexual harassment or a[...]witness) are in violation of this policy.

    [...]discrimination charge or during the investigation of a discrim-
    behavior at work or in the academic en[...]but not required) to in-
    form perceived offenders of this policy that the commentary/con- Reta[...]complaint, or participating in the investigation of a com-
    Complaints (AR 5.1.12)[...]to
    report such conduct to the direct attention of their supervisor
    their college president or to[...]s Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Of-[...]e’s
    supervisor or someone in the direct line of supervision, or if[...]ntation, gender identity,
    the Vice President of Student Affairs at each college. A student[...]n
    Office to obtain the name and phone number of the college of-
    receipt of an allegation of conduct that might constitute discrimina-
    fi[...]tion. Any member of the college community should refer a person[...]who might be a victim of such conduct to these procedures, as
    3. General[...]blished by the Maricopa Community Colleges EEO/AA Of-
    fice. Copies of these procedures may be obtained in the col-[...]harassment
    lege president’s office, Office of the Vice President of Student[...]been a victim of sexual assault, a complaint may also be filed wit[...]of Student Affairs for good reason, such as (but not[...]resolution of any complaint of discrimination.
    Community Colleges’ legal obligation to investigate and resolve
    issues of sexual harassment.[...]re for Students is also available from the Office of General
    Violations of Law (AR 5.1.14)
    Counsel’s Office of Public Stewardship at 480-731-8880.
    An employee o[...]lege Environment

    ment under applicable local, state, and/or federal law, as well as[...]Informal Resolution of Discrimination Complaints
    under Maricopa Communit[...]dent may choose to ask the Vice President of Student Affairs to[...]e informal resolution process. The Vice President of[...]
    [...]After accepting a complaint, the Vice President of Student Affairs
    tance. The Vice President of Student Affairs may modify or reject will d[...]ng
    an informal resolution of a complaint of discriminatory conduct investigation, which will include, at a minimum, a review of written
    under this process if, in the judgment of the Vice President, the evidence (including[...]ion that is proposed is not in the best interests of both the with appropriate employees and students. The Vice President of
    student and the instituti[...]ete the investigation and
    of the informal resolution. deliver to the Vice President of Student Affairs the investigator’s[...]written findings and the results of the investigation, including sum-[...]e alleged discrimination should occur maries of all interviews and all documents received as part of the
    within ninety (90) calendar days of the most recent alleged dis- investigation[...]this informal calendar days following receipt of the complaint. Within ten (10)[...]concluded working days following receipt of the results of the investigation
    promptl[...]om the complaint investigator, the Vice President of Student Af-
    yond the 90-d[...]plaint under the formal resolution procedure of this policy. ten findings and the Vice[...]disposition of the complaint.
    If the com[...]olved to the satisfaction
    of the complainant, the complainant has the right to[...]complaint within 300 days of the most recent alleged discriminato- mendations and will provide a written notification of his or her ac-
    ry act and[...]days of receiving the written findings and recommendations from
    Formal Resolution of Discrimination Complaints the Vice President of Student Affairs.
    A studen[...]e cor-
    the Vice President of Student Affairs at each respective college or[...]center. The Vice President of Student Affairs will accept complaint allegations of discrimination and/or sexual harassment and which
    filings within 300 calendar days of the most recent occurrence of was obtained during an investigation may be[...]spondent receive notice of the outcome. The institution will take[...]prescribed by the Office of General Counsel. A student may also
    contact the Office of General Counsel to obtain the name and[...]iew Process:
    phone number of the college or center official designated to re-[...]of the president or provost has ten (10) working day[...]duct, or oth- writing, administrative review of the decision by his or her college[...]basis that constituted an alleged act or practice of unlawful or president or provost. The request[...]imination. The complaint must also allege state specific reasons why the complainant or responden[...]igion, sex, sexual orientation, gen- results of the investigation and written findings and respon[...]request within ten (10) working days from receipt of the re-
    abuse), age, phys[...]ovost deter-
    Upon receipt of a complaint, the Vice President of Student Affairs mines that the investigation[...]y the college president or provost and the Office of Gen- the decision is supported by the evidenc[...]eral Counsel. The Office of General Counsel will assign a case reque[...]plaint Procedure.

    A copy of the complaint will be shared with the respondent[...]ess
    five (5) working days of receipt by the Vice President of Student Faculty, staff and all other colleg[...]ion against dent seeking to make a complaint of discrimination to the Vice
    College Enviironment[...]nesses will not be tolerated and President of Student Affairs. Every student complaint of discrimi-
    that an investi[...]nation shall be investigated under the authority of the Vice Presi-[...]dent of Student Affairs in accordance with these Procedur[...]ponse to the complaint with- Vice President of Student Affairs and any complaint investigator
    in fifteen (15) calendar days of his or her receipt of the complaint. who participates in a complaint[...]of any investigation before a resolution is r[...]
    [...]X Coordinator and College Public Safety will each
    of discrimination under these Procedures be asked or[...]with any person alleged to have committed an act of discrimina- Upon receipt of the Report, the Title IX Coordinator will have a[...]obtain information from each witness to every act of alleged identifying the behavior as descr[...]discrimination or from any other person possessed of information alleged harasser to the perception of the impact of his or her be-
    that is relevant and material to t[...]havior, providing the individual with a copy of the MCCCD Sexual
    President of Student Affairs shall ensure that all appropriate cor- Harassment Policy, encouraging completion of the Office of Gen-
    rective action that is warranted as a result of any complaint resolu- eral Counsel’s Sexual H[...]forts to ensure that the ing greater awareness of behaviors that may lead to perceptions
    college prevents recurrence of discrimination in the future. of sexual harassment. Neither the Report nor the mee[...]ed harasser shall in any way constitute a finding of sexual
    Maintenance of Documentation harassment. The name of the complainant shall not be identified
    Documenta[...]will be forwarded to and maintained by the Office of General subsequent disciplinary or due proce[...]ed harasser must be conduct-
    considered as a part of a student record. Documentation regard- ed within ten (10) working days of receipt of the Report.
    ing corrective action is considered part of the student’s record.[...]External Filing of Discrimination Complaints
    Right to Assistance[...]plainant or respondent may receive the assistance of an at- Complaint Procedure for students to[...]mination con-
    torney or other person at any stage of a complaint filed under this cerns. Students[...]ect communications directly to the on behalf of, students:
    complainant and respondent, and not th[...]Denver Office
    Confidentiality of Proceedings U.S. Department of Education
    Every effort will be made by the colleg[...]rotect the Federal Building
    confidentiality of the parties during the processing of complaints 1244 Speer Boulevard, Suite 310
    u[...]stigate and resolve Fax: 303-844-4303
    issues of discrimination.[...]discrimination charge or during the investigation of a
    discrimination charge will be subject to approp[...]origen nacional, estado de cizen-
    Filing a Report of Sexual Harassment[...]sexual), orientación sexual, identidad de géne-
    of sexual harassment as prohibited by MCCCD policy m[...]in writing) the harassment to the Vice President of[...]onducta que pudiera
    made within 180 calendar days of the most recent alleged incident[...]iscriminación. Cualquier miembro de la comunidad
    of sexual harassment. A student who is or has been the victim of[...]
    [...]ueden formulario prescrito por la Office of General Counsel. Un estudi-[...]
    [...]etc.) será reenviada a y mantenida por la Office of General cuentro con el presunto acosador[...]
    [...]shall be provided a written version of this regulation.
    MCCCD al[...]queja con una agencia externa. El USE OF COLLEGE GROUNDS BY NON-MCCCD-[...]Use of College Grounds by Non-MCCCD-Affiliated Users[...]park, or right of way, Maricopa’s campuses are dedicated by law[...]to the purpose of formal education. They are, and have been since[...]their creation, for the use and benefit of prospective and enrolled[...]who are invited to campus by members of the College community
    Fax[...]unity College District (MCCCD) has a long history of regu-
    Correo electrónico[...]are conducted on campuses, for the purposes of avoiding disrup-[...]2.4.6) the rights of the members of the campus community and their in-[...]no vehicle shall be allowed to park members of the general community always have been welcome to[...]ehicle emissions inspection program). At the time of course reasonable, content-neutral regulation of the time, place and man-
    registration, every out-of-county and out-of-state students will ner of the event and to the institution’s mission-base[...]nt
    meets the requirements of A.R.S. §49-542. Vehicles which are not co[...]This administrative regulation governs use of the campus
    PETITION SIGNA[...]grounds, defined as the open areas and walkways of the campus[...]by non-MCCCD-affiliated users. Use of campus buildings is gov-[...]ored and
    the purpose of submission of a ballot proposition to voters, or authorized[...]resident.
    nomination of a candidate for elective office, in a city-, coun-
    ty-, or state-wide election.[...]defined as the use of campus grounds or facilities for living accom-[...]h college president shall designate general hours of ac- modations or housing purposes such as[...]where all representatives on behalf of any candidate or ballot of bedding for the purpose of sleeping), the making of any fire for
    proposi[...]oking, lighting or warmth, or the erection or use of tents, motor
    common[...]tute camping when it reasonably appears, in light of all the
    College Enviironment[...]gnated areas. Standard or housing, regardless of the duration or other purpose of the use.
    space may i[...]cation will apply. Representatives Lawful use of college grounds for events or expressive a[...]
    [...]onsistent with the non-profit, educational nature of the campus, Use Fees and Proof of Insurance: To offset the costs associat-
    authoriz[...]with MCCCD policies, ed with the use of campus grounds, non-MCCCD-affiliated users
    admini[...]nt with rea- shall be required to pay a fee of $50 per day or $125 per week. In
    sonable restrict[...]t order to protect the health and safety of College students, faculty
    of the expression will not be a factor in authorizin[...]users shall also be required to provide proof of insurance that in-
    permitted to disrupt or obstru[...]iability coverage and names
    istrative functioning of the College by means of physical obstacles MCCCD as an additional in[...]anticipated use date.
    and crowds, by the creation of sound or noise that would inter-
    fere with teaching, learning, and the conduct of College business, The fee and proof-of-insurance provisions of this administrative reg-
    or by any other means. E[...]w-impact, non-commercial
    locate, and schedule use of college grounds. user[...]non-MCCCD-affiliated organization, of such request shall be directed to the District Om[...]approved request form will describe the location of
    Official in advance of the use date.[...]event. Violation of the terms of the approved request form, District
    If the activi[...]est form shall be submit- diate revocation of the permit, and the individual violators and their
    ted at least two business days in advance of the expected use organizations may be banned from the campus.
    date. For purposes of this administrative regulation, “low-impact,
    no[...]at do not Priorities and Criteria for Approval of Permits: The content or
    seek to sell or promote a product or service for direct or indirect subject of the proposed expressive activity or event will no[...]in; (2) activities that are limited to gatherings of five approval of the application. Availability of space is not guaranteed.
    people or less at any gi[...]ipment, including amplifiers, or the distribution of following priorities and criteria for the use and scheduling of space
    food products.[...]least seven business days be- 1. The use of facilities and grounds for the operations of the
    fore the expected use. The additional advance[...]fect the flow unusually crowded by members of the campus community,
    of foot traffic, involve signs and displays, create[...]as registration and orientation at the beginning of the
    significant numbers of participants, or require the use of significant semester. Other uses may reasonably be precluded during
    amounts of space and/or use of equipment and resources. thos[...]d events sponsored by the College administration.
    of outdoor space, activities and events sponsored by[...]r-
    eas for such activities. A written description of these areas shall be 4. Activities of non-MCCCD-affiliated individuals and organiza-
    maintained at the office of Student Life and Leadership for each tions.
    College. Consistent with the goal of providing a healthy, comfort-
    able, and education[...]t locations on campus where there is a likelihood of sig- Criteria:
    nificant pedestrian traffic. The designated areas shall not be locat- 1. Capacity of campus grounds to accommodate the number of
    ed in building stairways and entryways, parking l[...]ace when a specific space 2. Capacity of Campus Safety staff to provide security for all
    i[...]However, in order to ensure the potential success of events and activities scheduled at t[...]e or conflict with College operations or
    in light of the campus capacity, other activities scheduled,[...]eduled activities and events on the grounds.
    type of event or activity being planned.[...]4. General feasibility of hosting the event as proposed.[...]
    [...]ge processes and procedures, not part of the typical work environment[...]ntentional disregard for the safety or well-being of
    sales of alcohol and/or food, and solicitation of donations. others[...]• commission of a violent felony or misdemeanor on MCCCD[...]Specific procedures on how to implement the Use of Campus property[...]• violation of a protective order or restraining order[...]constituting a threat of violence

    Children (young[...]ay not attend any class unless they This list is illustrative only and not exhaustive.[...]thorized college program or under the supervision of an adult. they, or others, may be victimi[...]he future, at the workplace or as a direct result of their relation-[...], tempo-
    types and number of crimes on college property as well as policies[...]ent, against an individual due to a potential act of
    dealing with campus secur[...]ion on violence, who would be in violation of the order by coming near[...]supply a copy of the signed order to the Public Safety Department.[...]ess with
    It is the policy of the Maricopa County Community College District[...]intain an environment free from violence, threats of all administrative regulations necessary t[...]d and will not be tolerated. It Under the terms of the Student Right To Know Act, the college
    is the responsibility of all employees, students, contractors, and must maintain and report statistics on the number of students re-
    visitors of MCCCD to report any occurrence of such conduct to ceiving athletically r[...]r on MCCCD property should report threats or acts of phys- ported by race and sex, the graduat[...]l,
    ical violence and acts of harassment, intimidation, and other dis- re[...]ain cop-
    ruptive behavior of which he/she is aware. All reports will be taken ies of these reports, contact the Office of Admissions and Records.
    s[...]nicate a direct or indirect threat of physical harm.

    Prohibite[...]For example, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing
    statement,[...]• implications or suggestions of violence
    • stalking
    • assault of any form
    • phy[...]
    Taping of Faculty Lectures..........................[...]
    [...]types of creative works. A work is copyrightable if it is[...]work of authorship fixed in a tangible medium of expression. Copy-[...]udents are expected to comply with the provisions of the Copy- The owner of a copyright in a particular work has the exclusive
    right Act of 1976 pertaining to photocopying of printed materials, right to copy, display,[...]create a derivative
    copying of computer software and videotaping. In order to assist version of the work. Generally, then this means that you may[...]shall be placed on or near all equipment capable of duplicating pressly allowed under the Co[...]mission of the copyright holder.

    Copy[...]in some
    1. It is the intent of the Governing Board of the Maricopa County tangible medium of expression. Neither registration of the copy-
    Community College District to adhere to the provisions of the right with the federal government nor a copyright notice on the[...]-
    garding interpretation of the Copyright Law, this policy rep- What[...]erform, distribute or create a derivative version of a copyright-[...]able work either without the permission of the copyright holder or
    2.[...](1) clearly discourage violation of the Copyright Law and (2) include significant damages--potentially in excess of $100,000 for
    inform employees of their rights and responsibilities under the e[...]sume the responsibilities of distributing copyright guidelines, cluding di[...]ro- on the Internet without any indication of their copyrighted status.
    vide training programs on current copyright laws. As a rule of thumb, you should assume that everything you find[...]5. The Governing Board disapproves of unauthorized duplica- The Digital Mill[...]affords greater protection for copyright holders of digital
    policy and/or[...]all equipment capable of duplicating copyrighted materials. to Peer (P2P) allows for the transmission of music, videos, mov-[...], software, video games and other materials--most of which is[...]fixed in some tangible medium of expression. That means that an[...]on the rights of the copyright holder. Trafficking in such[...]
    without the permission of the copyright holder, then, violates copy- The fact that the law authorizes such use of copyrighted materials,
    right law. This includes u[...]to a statement recently issued by representatives of the other use would likely constitute a violation of copyright law.
    motion picture, recording and song[...]delines. You should also review the complete text of the Com-
    Why is it important for a student to be aware of copyright law? puter Resource Standards w[...]TAPING OF FACULTY LECTURES (AR 3.4)
    In addition, as the law[...]re, may limit the circumstances under
    the purpose of infringing a copyright in any work may be grounds[...]students within the first
    ply with the provisions of the Copyright Act of 1976 pertaining to week of classes to his/her policy with regard to taping. Failure to
    photocopying of printed materials, copying of computer software do so will accord stude[...]tandards, a student is prohibited from the “use of remedy this inability. Accommodation m[...]graphics, photographs, or any other tangible form of ber to exempt a student from his/her tap[...]opyright or similar
    legally-recognized protection of intellectual property rights.” The
    Standards al[...]ces in a manner that would
    constitute a violation of state or federal law . . . .”[...]dents, employees, Governing Board members and
    any of the Maricopa Community Colleges. This discipline[...]MCCCD recognizes that the free exchange of opinions and ideas[...]ssential to academic freedom, and the advancement of educa-
    Does copyright law allow me to download fi[...]fferings. These changes allow for the performance of[...]to all MCCCD public officials–employees of every kind and the
    play of “reasonable and limited portions” of any work in an amount[...]Governing Board. The aim of those laws is to safeguard the use
    comparable to[...]of resources, including technology resources, acquired and main-
    Use of the works must, however, be “an integral part” of the dis-[...]eral and state–also dictates the need for standards for the use
    rolled in the class. In addition, the transmission of the copyrighted
    of MCCCD technology resources. In some cases, the Go[...]must be under the direction or actual supervision of a fac-[...]Board policies emphasize the importance of compliance with the[...]ity be
    works, or even have the express permission of the copyright hold-[...]
    [...]tive regulation establishes standards for the use of Acceptable Use
    MCCCD t[...]They should be seen as supple- Use of MCCCD’s technology resources, including websites creat-
    menting, and not in lieu of, Governing Board policy, applicable law ed b[...]ch, service, operational, and management purposes of MC-
    trative Regulation 4.3,[...]nd technologies. obtained only through use of a password known exclusively to the
    MCCCD recognizes that the free exchange of opinions and ideas MCCCD employees, Go[...]ssential to academic freedom, and the advancement of educa- those users’ responsibility to[...]employees,
    up advises users of these Standards and requires an acknowl-[...]e and
    acknowledging receipt of the Blue Book, which contains this reg- Retention of Records,” certain MCCCD employees are authorized
    ulation. So, all users of MCCCD technology resources are pre- to[...]le the
    Standards govern use of technology resources MCCCD-wide, an It is not Maricopa’s practice to monitor the content of electronic
    individual commu[...]tenance, operation and security of Maricopa’s technology resourc-[...]rators and other autho-
    Use of Non-MCCCD Technology[...]is required to trans- review the content of data and communications stored on or trans-[...]underlying the law is that work done in the name of clusively by persons expressly authoriz[...]the public be transparent, Thus, any member of the public may only for cause. To the[...]Nev-
    entitled to get copies of them. er[...]and other applicable state and federal laws, as well as policies of
    Each individual employee or[...]spon- Maricopa’s Governing Board all of which may supersede a user’s[...]or receives are retained for the period of time required by and pa’s technology resources.
    disposed of according to mandates established by Arizona State
    Library, Archives and Public Records – the state agency tasked Incidental Computer and T[...]an employ- Limited incidental personal use of MCCCD technology resources
    ee’s or Governing Board member’s use of non-MCCCD technolo- including through use of personal e-mail systems is permitted, ex-
    gy resources for communication of any type of MCCCD business cept as described in i[...]rcising good judgment about
    of being managed according to MCCCD’s process for[...]tion 4.15, “Retrieval, Disclosure and Retention of Records.” sonal use refers to activiti[...]to respond substantively to violations of the public trust. Refer to the Guidelines[...]
    The following is prohibited conduct in the use of Maricopa’s tech- where the charges[...]er or arrangements are otherwise made at the time of the[...]ma-
    terial that would constitute a violation of MCCCD contracts. 16. Intermittent use of technology resources that interferes with[...]the performance of an employee’s main responsibilities.
    2. Unaut[...]communication, or delete anoth- 17. Use of technology resources to market or conduct other a[...]ic communica- tivities on behalf of a third-party regarding the “hosting” of
    tions or software, without that person’s p[...]an event that is prohibited under MCCCD’s Use of College[...]by MCCCD, and approved by the Vice Chancellor of Infor-
    4. Performing acts that would unfairly m[...]the email account
    resources to the exclusion of other users, including (but not copie[...]MCCCD
    limited to) unauthorized installation of server system software. hosted account.[...]altering a technology public record in violation of
    main request.[...]ecords retention requirements, or in anticipation of re-
    ceiving or after receipt of a public records request, subpoena,
    6. Use of technology resources for non-MCCCD commercial or a complaint filed as part of an MCCCD grievance, investi-
    purposes, inclu[...]anticipation or after receipt of a public records request, sub-
    7. Use of software, graphics, photographs, or any other tan- poena, or a complaint filed as part of an MCCCD grievance,
    gible form of expression that would violate or infringe any[...]opyright or similar legally-recognized protection of intellec- where the record may demonstrate a misuse of technology
    tual property rights.[...]8. Activities that would constitute a violation of any policy of Review and Approval of Alternate E-Mail Account Systems
    MCCCD’s G[...]prior review and approval by the Vice Chancellor of Infor-
    MCCCD’s non-discrimination policy a[...]ology Services is required for the implementation of
    sexual harassment.[...]patible and interoperable with the
    violation of state or federal law, or MCCCD policy or admin-[...]trieval, Disclosure and Retention of Records.”
    10. Attempting to gain unauthorized a[...]tion 4.15, “Retrieval, Disclosure and Retention of Re-
    tection schemes.[...]ming any act that would disrupt normal operations of Disclaimer
    computers, workstation[...]peripherals, or networks. The home page of a website must display, or link to, the following[...]Responsibilities

    hide the identity of the user or pose as another person.[...]CD’s technology or damages of any kind resulting from access to its Internet[...]resources or use of the information contained therein. Every[...]effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information[...]
    [...]tent or functionality of any technology resource not owned ac[...]s expressed by users in which both of the following apply:
    through use of Maricopa’s technology resources are those of A. The act was committed in connectio[...]into, an affiliation with or the maintenance of member-
    and do not necessarily represent the views of the Maricopa ship in any club/o[...]B. The act contributes to a substantial risk of potential phys-
    Information[...]or linked from the website of the official District or college custo- 3. An[...]ct. In addition, the design
    of web pages shall reflect established marketing sta[...]respect to the imaging and using of MCCCD marks as outlined in is prohi[...]the marketing standards handbook and Use of Marks administra-
    tive regu[...]. Victim consent is not a defense for violation of the Maricopa[...]s
    Complaints or allegations of a violation of these standards will be 6. All students, fa[...]evance procedures within the scope of their individual authority to prevent viola-
    or resolution of controversy. tions of the Maricopa Community Colleges Hazing Preven-[...]ulation.
    Upon determination of a violation of these standards, Maricopa
    m[...]or underground activities.
    of content in the event that a content complaint is made official. B. Acts of mental and physical abuse, including, but not lim[...]bit-
    cedures or resolution of controversy.[...]exercise, beating or physical abuse of any kind, and the[...]potentially forced consumption of any food or beverage
    HAZING[...]strives to exceed the changing expectations of our many com- and/or current students and/or members of the opportu-
    munities for e[...]tudent-centered, flexible and nity of a minimum of six hours sufficient sleep each day).[...]mitted D. Encouraging or forcing use of alcohol or drugs.
    to respec[...]lity improvement and the E. Any type of student club/organization scavenger hunt,
    efficient use of resources. We are a learning organization guided[...]r psy-
    by our shared values of: education, students, employees, excel-[...]Central to the vitality and dignity of our community of learners G. Student club/organization[...]H. Aiding or abetting theft, fraud, embezzlement of funds,
    volvement come together to meet this goal. All members of the destruction of public, personal or private property, or ac-[...]Community Colleges’ community, through the best of ademic misconduct.[...]that inhibits the achievement of the above stated purpose is the personal degradation.
    practice of hazing.[...]
    8. Alleged violations of this regulation by students or student[...]ganizations can be reported to the Vice President of Stu- considered for admission or renewal of college recogni-
    dent Affairs’ Office for investigation by any member of the col- tion status.
    lege community. The Vice President of Student Affairs’ Office D. Revoca[...]its status revoked, with the loss of all college associa-
    disciplinary code, all[...]l or inter-
    Colleges policies, and local and state laws. national office of an organization, if so affiliated, will be[...]requested to revoke the charter of an organization.
    Alleged violations of the Maricopa Community Colleges haz-
    ing pre[...]are sponsored by any of the Maricopa Community Col-
    The student disc[...]. Any activity or conduct that furthers the goals of a legit-
    comes of the proceedings shall be final, pending the norma[...]litary training program.

    9. Alleged violations of the Maricopa Community Colleges’ haz- 13. For the purposes of the Maricopa Community Colleges haz-
    ing pre[...]egulation:
    be reported to the Vice President of Student Affairs’ Office for
    investigation by any member of the college community. The “Org[...]hletic team, association, or-
    Vice President of Student Affairs’ Office will investigate the[...]whose
    nity Colleges policies, and local and state laws. membership consists primarily of students enrolled at Marico-[...]a Community Colleges policies, and
    local and state laws.[...]ENVIRONMENT (AR 2.4.7)

    10. If the Vice President of Student Affairs’ Office receives a re- Se[...]ction (4.12) Smoke-Free/To-
    port or complaint of an alleged hazing activity involving phys-[...]ices/Student Section (S-
    ical injury, threats of physical injury, intimidation, harassment 16) Medical Marijuana Act of the Administrative Regulations.
    or property d[...]other conduct that appears to
    violate Arizona state law, the college will report such conduct 1[...]t, local, munity. The insidious effects of the abuse of these agents
    state and federal guidelines, policies and laws. are also felt by all walks of life and economic levels.There-[...]dge and guidelines about prevention,
    currence of hazing activity-where students or student orga- control, and treatment of the abuse/misuse of alcohol, illegal
    nizations knowingly permitte[...]sure can include the required completion
    of a program designed with the intent of eliminating the Students who experim[...]l, and illegal sub-
    hazing activity. The programs will be devised with the stances or use them recreationally may develop a pattern of
    cooperation of all involved parties and monitored by the[...]ction. Maricopa Community
    vice president of student affairs’ office.[...]placed on probation for a specified period of time. Condi-[...]Responsibilities

    tions of probation will be determined by the vice president
    of student affairs’ office and outlined in writing to the stu- Part of the educational mission of the Maricopa Community
    dent club(s)/orga[...]develop-
    monitored by the vice president of student affairs’ office. ment, the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and the health risks
    C. S[...]sion closely aligns
    suspended. The terms of the suspension can be defined with the Drug-Free School and Communities Act of 1989, and
    in the sanction, includ[...]
    [...]2. Student Program to Prevent Illicit Use of Drugs and 3. MCCCD Program Standards
    Abuse of Alcohol[...]plinary action for misconduct and the enforcement of state college designed to affect positively the problems of irrespon-
    laws governing the use of alcohol and the use, abuse, posses- sible use of alcohol and the use and abuse of illegal sub-
    sion or distribution of controlled substances or illegal drugs. stances. A main focus of the program will be on education of
    A. Introduction and Pu[...]The Federal Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of A. Identify a key individual, at ea[...]school. As a recipient of federal grants, the District must treatment or rehabilitation programs that may be avail-[...]ral legislation has been the impetus for creation of B. Support disciplinary action for misc[...]and Governing Board forcement of state laws governing the use of alcohol and
    recognize that substance abuse is a problem of nation- the use, abuse, possession or distribution of controlled
    al pr[...]Colleges are committed to of irresponsible use of alcohol and the use and abuse of
    maintaining learn[...]stances.
    benefits of a student’s educational experience. The Mar-[...]College District will make ev- 4. Use of Alcoholic Beverages (AR 4.13)[...]This Administrative Regulation prohibits the use of District
    learning that are free of the problems associated with the funds t[...]unauthorized use and abuse of alcohol and drugs. them except[...]for the
    B. Standards of Conduct District’s culinary programs. Additionally, it generally prohib-
    In the student handbooks of the Maricopa Community its the presence of alcoholic beverages on premises owned
    Colleges under codes of conduct, the following are ex- by th[...]stitution.
    amples of behavior that is prohibited by law and/or col-[...]i. Drinking or possession of alcoholic beverages on of District employees or officials. More importantly[...]in the
    ii. Misuse of narcotics or drugs. boundaries of state law and the District’s insurance coverage.
    C. Sanctions for Violation of Standards of Conduct Therefore, strict com[...]A. No Funds. No funds under the jurisdiction of the gov-
    i. War[...]erning board of the District may be used to purchase
    ii. Loss of privileges,[...]oholic beverages, except for the limited purposes of
    iii. Suspension,[...]purchasing small amounts of them for use solely as in-[...]D. Legal Consequences of Alcohol and Other Drugs[...]may not be
    Local, state, and federal law prohibit the unlawful pos-[...]session, use or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol. except[...]lead to imprison- B. No Service or Sale of Alcoholic Beverages. The law[...]and/or assigned community ser- of the state of Arizona strictly regulates the service, sale,
    vice. Persons convicted of a drug-and/or alcohol related distribution and consumption of alcoholic beverages. In[...]receive federally funded or light of that law, the District does not permit alcoholic[...]including employment termination, for any of the follow- educational, fund-ra[...]ing: reporting to work under the influence of alcohol and/ except as provided in[...]roper-
    possession of alcohol and/or illegal drugs or narcotics on[...]service, but not the sale or other distribution, of wine or
    Student Rights and
    Responsibilites[...]that the
    conduct of the employee’s work for the MCCCD; and use[...]es. The only Dis-
    of illegal drugs.[...]Additionally, the law strictly limits the service of[...]
    [...]erages may not be izona Department of Liquor Licenses and con-
    served on District-ow[...]to that license;
    al for the service of wine or beer at a District-sponsored 2. Th[...]vailable at: AS-6 along with a copy of the liquor license no later
    - Notice of Intent to Serve Beer and Wine. On signing[...];
    the form, the Chancellor will provide a copy of it to the 3. The entity provides a certificate of insurance
    requestor and to the MCCCD Risk Mana[...]the Dis-
    CCD Risk Manager will forward copies of the forms to the trict from any claims of any kind arising out of
    Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control.[...]nd only served through a beverage
    the all of the following restrictions:[...]holic beverages that may be state of Arizona is in good standing;
    served[...]. Wine 6. The contractor provides all of the beverages
    consumption is limited[...]invitation only, and certificate of insurance that meets the require-
    no[...]ublic; ments of the District’s Risk Manager and that
    3.[...]District regarding the service of the beverages.
    5. The consumption may only take place between iv. Receipt of beverages; storage. It is not permissible to[...]purchased for use in cooking in
    with the state of Arizona is in good standing, except Distri[...]anyone except the Director or
    provide all of the beverages served and well as the designee of the culinary program. For wine and beer
    s[...]ary insti-
    tor must provide a certificate of insurance that meets tutes, as authorized by this administrative regulation,
    the requirements of the District’s Risk Manager and the fo[...]hours
    the District regarding the service of the beverages. prior to the event, a[...]er the event; and
    approve an event at one of the District’s culinary in- 2. Once the w[...]eer at the property, the Director of the culinary program
    event as part of their class requirements, subject to[...]MCCCD employee to ensure
    the limitations of Paragraph 5. Any student serving th[...]nity College District foundation and the Friends of ble law, any persons planning an event u[...]Public Radio Arizona may, with the approval of the administrative regulation are requi[...]property under this regulation. The City of Phoenix requirements established by the state of Arizona[...]Student Rights and

    and the friends of the Phoenix Public Library may for the service of alcoholic beverages, particularly[...]ilities

    also do so, with the approval of the Chancellor, at those in Arizona Revi[...](Alcohol-
    the joint library on the campus of South Mountain ic Beverages) Chapters[...]e solely responsible for determining the of Licensees and Other Persons) as well as Arizona[...]Administrative Code Title 19, Articles 1 (State Liquor
    Arizona’s alcoholic bever[...]
    [...]vi. Residential Housing. Lawful occupants of residential Students are encouraged to contact the Office of Disabled
    housing under the jurisdiction of the Governing Board, Resources and Services and/or the vice president of student
    if over the age of 21 years and not otherwise lawfully affairs or designee for the types of services available in the dis-[...]alcoholic beverages in the privacy of their respective
    leased housing facility. Guests of such occupants over
    the age of 21 years shall have the same privilege. No SMO[...](AR 4.12)
    of a dormitory) at any time.[...]ted
    purchase of alcoholic beverages by individuals at-[...]be exercised in the approval of the location of such[...]tivities, as such decision pertains to the nature of[...]1, 2012. Smoking (including the use of “e-cigs”) and all uses of
    the group in[...]matters related to culinary programs, academic or[...]Support signage prohibiting the use of smoking instruments and[...]m-
    Neither a diagnosis of AIDS nor a positive HIV antibody test[...]students.
    will be part of the initial admission decision for those apply-
    ing to attend any of the Maricopa Community Colleges. The[...]opa Community Colleges will not require screening of
    students for antibody[...]as, as there is not Act (proposition 203), a state law permitting individuals to possess[...]and use limited quantities of marijuana for medical purposes. Be-[...]cause of its obligations under federal law, however, the M[...]dation Under the drug free workplace act of 1988, and the drug free
    through the Office of Disabled Resources and Services or the schools and communities act of 1989, “…no institution of higher
    Office of Vice President of Student Affairs. education shall be eligible to receive funds or any other form of[...]tudent loan pro-
    tance of privacy considerations with regard to persons wit[...]am to
    AIDS. The number of people who are aware of the existence prevent the use of illicit drugs and abuse of alcohol by students
    and/or identity of students who have AIDS or a positive HIV a[...]the possession, use, production and distribution of
    confides in a faculty member, knowledge of the condition marijuana for any and all[...]president or not affected by the passage of the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act.[...]n a classroom does not the requirements of the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act. Therefore,[...]e used for accom- sation, possession or use of a controlled substance on its property[...]nfidential information without or as part of any of its activities.[...]
    leges policy prohibiting the use or possession of illegal drugs on an interactive exchang[...]to and will give priority to the request of the student, but will also consider
    including expulsion from school and termination of employment. the instructor’s pers[...]change may continue during the course of the year, and the DRS[...]nrolled as an MCCCD stu- director of the DRS office within three working days of receipt of
    dent, and must provide the Disability Resources a[...]emains unresolved, within three
    nature and extent of the disability prior to requesting or receiving days of the above meeting he or she may submit a written[...]ability as it defined by federal law (section 504 of the 1973 Re- Any change in the DRS Office[...]litation Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), from the above meeting or the[...]he Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008 will be communicated to the st[...]urriculum development and educational
    cation of a non-essential academic requirement, an examina-[...]ssary to avoid discrim-
    inating on the basis of handicap against qualified students I[...]imination complaint or a faculty mem-
    length of time permitted for the completion of degree require- ber’s appeal to the Ch[...]r, the ultimate decision
    ments, substitution of specific courses required for the com-[...]tion with the duly appointed faculty
    pletion of degree requirements, and adaptation of the manner representatives who serve in the development of the curriculum
    in which specific courses are[...]t Vice Chancellor and the Office of General Counsel before making[...]ay exercise its right to require ad- of chalk used because he is colorblind may be[...]
    [...]Examples of Measures (including but not limited to):[...]ligence Scale (WAIS-R)
    tion of their disability. Documentation consists of an evaluation 2. Stanford Binet I[...]attery
    • Current level of functioning[...]ry with all sub-
    • Age of the documentation may vary for some disabilities,[...]ery
    vided the presence of a substantial limitation(s) is adequately should include current levels of functioning in the
    est[...]’s learning Examples of Achievement (including but not limited to):
    • Contain information supportive of the student’s request for spe- 1. W[...]3. Stanford Test of Academic Skills (TASK)
    1. P[...]Submit a written, current diagnostic report of any physical specific information pr[...]ists, audiologists). Examples of Achievement (including but not limited to):[...]iii. Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing 3. Stanford Test of Academic Skills (TASK)[...]clear disability diagnosis, history and the date of historical information, past and cu[...]ii. A description of any medical and/or behavioral mance in areas of difficulty, age at initial diagnosis,[...]isability. and history of accommodations used in past educa-[...]utable to use. ii. A list of all instruments used in the test battery.[...]unctional limitations. iii. Discussion of test behavior and specific test results.[...]Submit a written diagnostic report of specific learning ability[...]appropriate, comprehen- out of alternative explanations for the learning[...]ycholo- 4. A psychometric summary of scores.
    gist, scho[...]isabilities. Diagnosis of specific learning disabilities that do[...]clude comprehensive measures in each of the following adem[...]
    [...]Temporary disabling conditions as a result of surgery,
    Submit a current diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactiv- acciden[...]i. Written statement of diagnosis.
    Acceptable documentation must include: ii. List of current symptoms and degree of severity.
    i. DSM-IV diagnosis (inclu[...]nt specifying ev- v. Duration of symptoms and estimated length of time
    idence of behavior that significantly impairs[...]functioning, including degree of severity.
    2. A recommendation for accommodations, includ- Eligibility of Students Taking Reduced Course Loads[...]to comply with mandates of the National Junior College Athletic
    If the[...]a stu-
    professional that provides an update of the diagnosis may be dent may be deemed a[...]priate college offices will receive documentation of the
    i. DSM-IV diagnosis (include all five a[...]bility does made prior to the beginning of each semester. Every attempt will
    o[...]ry or statement specifying evidence
    of behavior that significantly impairs functioning i[...]criteria also apply:
    cluding degree of severity. 1. Stud[...]oad must register for at
    3. A discussion of medications and their possible im-[...]to offset the impact of Academic eligibility.
    A. Required Documentation
    Disorders of the central and peripheral nervous system,[...]amifications including,
    Written statement of diagnosis:[...]nt academic ing to the total number of credit hours taken in the full aca-[...]5. The amount of federal financial aid (Title V) awarded is based[...]on the actual number of credit hours taken.[...]
    [...]6. Requirements for continuation of funding through Vocational ACADEMIC MISCOND[...]ociation (NJCAA) cess. Examples of academic misconduct include, but are[...]published standards in regard to the designation of Cer- not limited to, cheating, plag[...]d Disabled Student-Athlete in Article V Section J of the use of abusive or profane language, and disruptive or[...]eating - includes, but is not limited to, (a) use of any[...]ds must be submitted to the aid of sources beyond those authorized by the fac-[...]ion. Requests must be made prior to the beginning of ing problems, or carrying out ot[...]the acquisition, without permission, of tests or other ac-[...]ademic material belonging to a member of the college
    2. Supporting[...]iarism - includes, but is not limited to, the use of
    must meet the guidelin[...]ni- paraphrase or direct quotation of the published or un-
    t[...]cy in order to evaluate published work of another person without full and clear
    the current impact of the disability in regards to the request.[...]lete an application form for use of materials prepared by another person or agency[...]e-submit their engaged in the selling of term papers or other academic
    documentation. Continuation of this status is not automatic. mater[...]Each case will be re-evaluated at the end of the semester to properly identified[...]their academic advisor regarding the consequences of academic misconduct may be subject t[...]department chairperson and the vice president of academic[...]formats will not be considered president of academic affairs or designee.)[...]ad will be Grade Adjustment - Lowering of a score on test or assign-[...]Course Failure - Failure of a student in the course where ac-[...]sources & Services professional, a copy of the Reduced Course 3. Disciplinary Sta[...]vice president of academic affairs as to whether institutional[...]academic consequences, in all cases of academic misconduct[...]and may file a written complaint of misconduct. The vice pres-[...]ident of academic affairs will serve as the student[...]
    [...]probation, suspen- C. Violation of Arizona statutes, and/or college regulations[...]ulsion will be imposed only by the vice president of and policies.
    academic affa[...]ly after the student has D. Use of college computer resources such as the Internet[...]2.5.2. in violation of Technology Resource Standards (AR 4.4)
    Disci[...]which may result in notification of law enforcement au-
    nated period of time and includes the probability of more thorities.
    seve[...]if the student commits additional acts
    of academic misconduct.[...]l from Class
    College Suspension - Separation of the student from the col- A facul[...]ss meetings
    lege for a definite period of time, after which the student is for disc[...]istrict.) president or designee in writing of the problem, action taken
    College Expulsion - Permanent separation of the student from by the faculty m[...]munity dation. If a resolution of the problem is not reached between
    Col[...]y pursuant to due process procedures.
    3. Appeal of Sanctions for Academic Misconduct
    Students c[...]ctional grievance process The purpose of this code is to help ensure a healthy, comfortabl[...]es or disciplinary sanctions that are the subject of ongoing Article I: Definitions
    he[...]l the The following are definitions of terms or phrases contained within
    financial[...]. “Accused student” means any student accused of violating
    on financial aid will not be made[...]s the appellate board.
    According to the laws of the State ofof or owned, used or con-
    agents--the chancello[...]person employed by the college
    sic standards of reasonableness.[...]to be responsible for the administration of the Student Con-
    and example. However, when[...]ve duct Code.
    problems of student conduct and responsibility, appropriate[...]a student believes that s/he has been a victim of another stu-
    Misconduct for which students a[...]has been a
    tion falls into the general areas of: victim wi[...]iarism); falsifying, forging or member of the college community submitted the charge itself[...]xclude weekends and holidays.
    al safety of any faculty, staff, students, or others lawful-[...]feres with the process in the context of a classroom or educational setting.[...]
    [...]college or ty and/or the pursuit of its objectives. Each student shall be[...]responsible for his/her conduct from the time of admission
    otherwise considered by the college to be a member of faculty. through the actual awarding of a degree, certificate, or similar[...]nse. indicator of completion of a course of study, even though con-
    12. “Member of the college community” means any person who is[...]r. A person’s status in a par- terms of actual enrollment (and even if their conduct is n[...]13. “Organization” means any number ofof the college
    and/or Dist[...]ed to, this Student 2. Temporary Removal of Student
    Conduct Code an[...]who have a continuing rela- operations of the college. Students who engage in disruptive[...]l re- responsible for administration of the Student Conduct Code
    sponsible for administration of the Student Conduct Code to to leav[...]the sole member or one of the members of a Student Conduct scribed in the S[...]e college official responsible for administration of
    the Student Conduct Cod[...]t to determine whether a stu- A. Acts of dishonesty, including but not limited to the foll[...]ii. Forgery, alteration or misuse of any college docu-
    19. “Th[...]ment, record or instrument of identification.
    communi[...]iii. Tampering with the election of any college-recog-
    member of the college community, which causes a reason-[...]tion.
    able apprehension of physical harm to self, others or proper- B. Obstruction of teaching, research, administration, disci-[...]e college official responsible for administration of the Stu- reasons. If a faculty me[...]dent Conduct Code shall determine the composition of Stu- than one class period, t[...]e college official responsible for administration of the
    Administrator, Stu[...]Student Conduct Code in writing of the problem, action
    sh[...]e college official responsible for administration of the Stu- recommendation. If a resolution of the problem is not
    den[...]anently pur-
    istration of the judicial program and rules for the conduct of suant to appropriate due process p[...]hearings that are consistent with provisions of this Student C. Physical abuse, verba[...]gers the health or safety of any person, and/or disruptive[...]D. Attempted or actual theft of and/or damage to property[...]of the college or property of a member of the college
    Article III: Pr[...]c property.
    1. Jurisdiction of the College E. Failure to comply with direction of college officials or law[...]enforcement officers in the performance of their duties
    F. Unauthorized possession, duplication or use of keys to i. Falsification, distortion or misrepresentation of infor-
    any college premises, or unauthorized entry to or use of mation before a Student Condu[...]sruption or interference with the orderly conduct of
    G. Violation of any college or District policy, rule or regula-[...]ourage an individual’s proper par-
    H. Violation of federal, state or local law. ticipation in, or use of, the Student Conduct system
    I. Use, possession, manufacturing or distribution of illegal v. Attempting to influence the impartiality of the member
    or other controlled substances except as expressly per- of a Student Conduct Board prior to, and/or during[...]the course of, the Student Conduct Board proceeding
    J. Illegal use, possession, manufacturing or distribution of vi. Harassment, either verbal or phy[...]ication. idation of a member of a Student Conduct Board
    K. Illegal or unauthorized possession of firearms, explo- prior to,[...]Board proceeding
    lege premises, or use of any such item, even if legally vii[...]that dis- son to commit an abuse of the Student Conduct
    rupts the normal operations of the college and infringes Board system
    on the rights of other members of the college community; ix. Failure[...]or area. hearing as part of the Student Conduct system
    M. Obstruction of the free flow of pedestrian or vehicular Q. Engaging i[...]duct that is disorderly, lewd or indecent; breach of or knowingly maintains visual or p[...]ollege premises or at func- period of time and such conduct would cause a reason-
    ti[...]person to fear for his or her safety.
    members of the academic community. Disorderly con-
    duct i[...]ited to: any unauthorized use 4. Violation of Law and College Discipline
    of electronic or other devices or to make an audio o[...]may be instituted against a stu-
    video record of any person while on college or District[...]situation) without regard to pending of civil or criminal
    to, secretly taking pictures of another person in a gym, litigatio[...]fol-
    O. Attempted or actual theft or other abuse of technology lowing civil or crimi[...]ding but not limited to: cretion of the college official responsible for administra-[...]to a file, to use, read or change tion of the Student Conduct Code. Determinations made[...]Student Conduct Code
    ii. Unauthorized transfer of a file shall[...]because criminal charges
    iii. Unauthorized use of another individual’s identifica- arising out of the same facts giving rise to violation of col-
    tion and/or password[...]smissed, reduced, or resolved in favor
    iv. Use of technology facilities or resources to interfere of or against the criminal law defendant.
    with the work of another student, faculty member or B. When a student is charged by federal, state or local au-
    college official[...]thorities with a violation of law, the college will not re-
    v. Use of technology facilities or resources to send ob-[...]s because of his or her status as a student. If the alleged
    vi. Use of technology facilities or resources to interfere[...]this Student Con-
    with normal operation of the college computing system duct Cod[...]Student Rights and

    vii. Use of technology facilities or resources in violation authorities of the existence of this Student Conduct Code[...]Responsibilities

    of copyright laws and of how such matters will be handled internally within
    viii. Any violation of the District’s technology resource[...]orcement and other agencies in the en-
    ix. Use of technology facilities or resources to illegally forcement of criminal law on campus and in the condi-[...]imposed by criminal courts for the rehabilitation of
    P. Abuse of the Student Conduct system, including but[...]
    A. Any member of the college community may file charges[...]against a student for violations of this Student Conduct right to be ass[...]after the event takes ministrator of the name and contact information of
    place, preferably[...]cident. Misconduct charges of a sexual nature, including scheduled[...]d sexual assault, should be sent of the college community and may not be an attor-
    to the vice president of student affairs who is the desig- ney.[...]to speak or
    forms of discrimination in connection with all academic,[...]extracurricular, athletic, and other programs sponsored hearing before a Student[...]try to arrange the attendance of possible witness-[...]gation to de- es who are members of the college community, if[...]d by the
    disposed of administratively by mutual consent of the complainant and/or accused st[...]harges are not admitted and/or cannot be disposed of tions may be suggested by the acc[...]the accused student tional tone of the hearing and to avoid creation of an
    in written for[...]adversarial environment. Questions of whether po-
    provide written notice of the time, date, and location of tential information will be received[...]e will describe the in the discretion of the chairperson of the Student
    evidence of alleged misconduct, the code provisions vi-[...]hearing notice, plus a copy of this code, shall be provid- informatio[...]ed to the student accused of misconduct no less than vii. Pertinen[...]by a Student Conduct Board at the discretion of the
    student has b[...]cision of the chairperson of the Student Conduct
    D.[...]elines, except as ix. After the portion of the Student Conduct Board hear-[...]t and their advi- Board consists of more than one person) whether
    Student Rights and[...]- the accused student violated the section of this Stu-
    tion of the Student Conduct Board hearing at which[...].
    Admission of any person to the hearing shall be at x.[...]the discretion of the Student Conduct Board and/or made on the basis of whether it is more likely than[...]
    [...]m record, such as a tape victim of another student’s conduct, the records of the pro-
    recording, of all Student Conduct Board hearings before cess and of the sanctions imposed, if any, shall be con-[...]sidered to be the education records of both the accused
    The record shall be the property of the District. student(s)[...]cause the educational career and chances of success in
    Conduct Code because the stude[...]ear the college community of each may be impacted.
    before a Student Co[...]imposed upon groups or
    idence and support of the charges shall be presented[...]for the personal safety, well-being, and/or fears of ii. Loss of selected rights and privileges for a specified
    confrontation of the complainant, accused student, and/ period of time.
    or other witness during the hearing[...]separate iii. Deactivation - loss of all privileges, including college
    facilit[...]recognition for a designated period of time.
    participation by telephone, videoph[...]ction(s) shall
    mined in the sole judgment of the college official respon- be de[...]dent Conduct Ad-
    sible for administration of the Student Conduct Code. min[...]upon any stu- recommendation of the Student Conduct Board shall be
    dent f[...]by members of the Student Conduct Board. Following
    ii. Probation - a written reprimand for violation of spec- the Student Conduct Board he[...]uct Administrator shall
    nated period of time and includes the probability of advise the accused student, group[...]stitutional rules or regula- victim of another student’s conduct) in writing of its deter-
    tion(s) during the probationary period. mination and of the sanction(s) imposed, if any.
    iii. Loss of Privileges - denial of specified privileges for
    a designated period of time. 3. Emergenc[...]danger
    jury. This may take the form of appropriate service to any member of the college community or the educational[...]e, or other related discretionary rights of a student pending a Student Conduct Board hear-[...]eduling the hearing shall not preclude resolution of
    or approval of the Student Conduct Administrator.)[...]ution
    vi. College Suspension - separation of the student from process. The decisi[...]trict for a definite period ued presence of the student on the college campus reason-
    of time, after which the student is eligible to retu[...]n may be specified. well-being of any individual, including the student, or for rea-
    vii. College Expulsion - permanent separation of the sons relating to the safety and welfare of any college proper-
    student from all[...]hen an emergency suspension
    B. More than one of the sanctions listed above may be im-[...]rt to protect people and
    not be made part of the student’s academic record, but property and prevent disruption of college operations.
    shall become part of the student’s disciplinary record.
    Upon[...]Student Rights and

    be expunged of disciplinary actions upon the student’s responsible for administration of the Student Conduct Code[...]eave the college
    involving the imposition of sanctions other than suspen- premises[...]5) years after final disposition lation of this policy regardless of whether the person who is
    of the case. the object of the threat observes or receives it, as long as a[...]duct or gesture as a serious expression of intent to harm.[...]
    [...]and Student Conduct Administrator for reopening of the
    tration, financial[...]the student’s cooperation in the of the original determination and/or sanction(s). If[...]Any question of interpretation regarding the Student Conduct
    Violations of the student conduct code can have academ-[...]on also constitutes failure to ministration of the Student Conduct Code for final determination.
    meet standards of performance or professionalism set by[...]plagiarism, falsification of data, or other forms of academic STUDENT RECORDS (2.5.3 & Appendix S[...]ineligible to continue in For the purposes of this policy, the Maricopa County Commu-[...]ollege District has used the following definition of terms.
    faculty and aca[...]skill
    on the decisions of the student conduct board, the appeals[...]6. Appeals Regarding Student Code of Conduct or an agent of the college which is directly related to a[...]kept in the personal possession of the individual
    complainants to an Appellate Board within five (5) days of who made the record, and information contained in
    receipt of the decision. Such appeals shall be in writing an[...]B. Except as required to explain on the basis of new infor- rary substitute[...]mation, an appeal shall be limited to the review of the ii. An employment record of an individual whose em-
    verbatim record of the Student Conduct Board hearing[...]and supporting documents for one or more of the follow- student, provi[...]hearing was conducted fairly in light of the charges the record is ma[...]the complainant a rea- cies of the same jurisdiction and the security unit[...]student after he or she is no longer an attendant of
    allegations. D[...]substantial Official verification of educational records is issued by the[...]he Admissions and Records Office/Office of Student Enrollment[...]cient to establish that a violation of the Student Con-[...]tion(s) imposed was If a copy(ies) of a portion or all of the records in a student’s file
    appropriate to the violation of the Student Conduct
    Student Rights and[...]is requested, the custodian of the records may charge a fee
    Responsibilites[...]right to inspect and review (under supervision of a college
    orig[...]nd dupli-
    time of the original Student Conduct Board hearing[...]
    [...]also FERPA Explanation) sures of directory information, and disclosures to the stu-
    Students will be notified of their further rights annually by pub- dent. §99.32 of FERPA Regulations requires the institution
    l[...]inspect and review the record of disclosures. A postsec-
    Individuals requesting admission or enrollment at any of the ondary institution may disclose PII f[...]cords without obtaining prior written consent of the student:
    contact information that is col[...]school officials, including instructors, ad-
    of responding to the request. The information collec[...]n order to fulfill his or her pro-
    balances, programs and services that we offer.[...]tors, collection agents, consultants,
    Rights of Access to Educational Records[...]met. (§99.31(A)(1))
    student who is 18 years of age or older who attends a post- 2. To officials of another school where the student
    secondary i[...]to the requirements of §99.34. (§99.31(A) (2))
    Students shou[...]s and 3. To authorized representatives of the US Comptroller
    records department w[...]ct. The college official will make retary of Education, or State and Local Educational
    arrangements for access and notify the student of the Authorities, such as a state postsecondary authority
    time and place[...]at is responsible for supervising the college’s state
    the records are not maintained by the college official to supported education programs. Disclosures under
    whom the request was[...]ubject to the require-
    vise the student of the correct official to whom the re- ments of §99.35, in connection with an audit or eval-[...]uation of federal-or-state supported education pro-
    B. The right to request the amendment of the student’s grams, or for the enforcement of or compliance with
    education records th[...]e college to amend a record that of PII to outside entities that aredesignated by the[...]or compliance ac-
    ly identify the part of the record they want changed, and tivi[...]necessary to determine eligibility for
    of the decision and advise the student of his or her right the aid, determine the amount of the aid, determine
    to a hearing regardi[...]for amendment. Addi- the conditions of the aid, or enforce the terms and
    tiona[...]he hearing procedures will conditions of the aid. (§99.31(A)(4))
    be provided to the student when notified of the right to a 5. To organizations conductin[...]Appeal Process is also outlined in of, the college, in order to: (A) develop, validate, or
    the student handbook and in Appendix S-17 of the MC- administer predictive tes[...]Regulations. programs; or (C) improve instruction (§99.31(A)(6))[...]ng organizations to carry out their ac-
    of personally identifiable information contained in[...]rds, except to the extent 7. To parents of an eligible student if the student is a[...]Responsibilities

    FERPA permits the disclosure ofof the student, if the disclosure meets certain con-[...]99.31(A) (10))
    ditions found in §99.31 of the FERPA regulations. Except 10. I[...]
    11. To a victim of an alleged perpetrator of a crime of Appendix S-17: FERPA Appeal Process[...]n
    requirements of §99.39. The disclosure may only in-[...]clude the final results of the disciplinary proceeding dent of the decision and advise him/her of the right to an appeal[...]process:
    less of the finding. (§99.31(A)(13))
    12. To the general public, the final results of a disciplinary • The student must have[...]proceeding, subject to the requirements of §99.39, if the college’s Admiss[...]d and
    petrator of a crime of violence or non-forcible sex of- provided any supporting documentati[...]fense and the student has committed a violation of ception of clerical errors, requests that are expressly rela[...]ess.
    13. To parents of a student regarding the student’s vi-
    olation of any federal, state, or local law, or of any • If the request to change the[...]rule or policy of the school, governing the use or[...]to
    possession of alcohol or a controlled substance if[...]udent committed a dis- informed of the right to a formal appeal hearing.[...]under the age
    of 21. (§99.31(A)(15))[...]Students who believe that MCCCD or an agent of the days from the date they are informed of the right to an ap-[...]steward- livered to the [Dean of Admissions/Enrollment Services, Vice[...]es/S-8.php President of Student Affairs] or designee.[...]h the US Department
    of Education concerning alleged failures by the col-[...]lege to comply with the requirements of FERPA. will either rev[...]The name and address of the Office that administers[...]ffice
    US Department of Education[...]decision is in favor of the student, the education record will[...]uested the
    withholding of such information. Students who do not want di-[...]sions process or notify the Office of Admissions and Records.[...]e as student
    jor field of study, participation in officially recognized act[...]and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, in essential[...]degrees and awards received, dates of attendance, part-time superv[...]a i. It shall be the philosophy of Maricopa Community
    Com[...]to augment
    photograph of student, and electronic mail address.[...]officials may disclose out-of-class study and participation in activities.
    educational records to parents of minors or to parents of a ii. A workload of twenty (20) hours per week should[...]be established as the maximum number of hours
    pendent according to the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, a student emp[...]section 152, without the written consent of the student. dent employees shall be enrolled in a minimum of[...]of day and evening hours would meet this requ[...]
    [...]ial reasons 2. Selection of a student should not extend be-
    to w[...]yond one semester without the approval of the
    below three (3) credit hours sho[...]his/her Vice President of Student Affairs.
    immediate superviso[...]program directed by the chief of security and ap-
    iii. During the summer s[...]proved by the Vice President of Student Affairs.
    ble for employment[...]program for students other than
    mum of three (3) semester credit hours at the end of those in Administration of Justice programs:
    the spring semester, or if they hav[...]not majors in the Administration of Justice program
    the three (3) semest[...]should be given at least twenty (20) hours of train-
    the president, or his/her des[...]designated as the time from the official end of the pendently as a campus sec[...]ing
    spring semester to the beginning of classes for the should includ[...]1. Wearing of the uniform, general appearance,
    C. Student[...]itlements to em- 2. The use of the various security report forms and
    plo[...]ents, fac-
    nancial Aid office, the office of the fiscal agent or the Ca-[...]6. Laws and regulations governing the actions of
    by the vice president of student affairs.[...]ing of assistance to students, faculty and visi-
    The hourly rate of pay for student employees shall coin-[...]tors on the campus
    cide with the policies of the District Salary Schedule.[...]Part-time student employees working for one of the Mar- ployee benefits; i.e.,[...]lating to certain working conditions or violation of stu- covered under Worker’s Compen[...]maintained at the office of the chief of security and re-
    2. Student Security Guards[...]viewed periodically by the president of student affairs.
    A. Introduction and Philoso[...]elp. If student guards do not come from the ranks of STUDENT GOVERNANCE (AR 2.5.5)
    Administration of Justice classes, they must undergo ap-
    p[...]rict Governing Board that exists
    B. Workload of Student Security Guards[...]security guards shall be enrolled for a mini- of the District is vested in the Chancellor who delegates respon-
    mum of three (3) semester hours.[...]on mate responsibility for all activities of the college. The president
    Monday a[...]l designate the administrator(s) (i.e., directors of student lead-
    ditional hours may be[...]or if guards are assigned a shift development of college student activities and programs.[...]A representative form of student governance may exist at each
    C. Students not in Administration of Justice Program college/center as w[...]e to provide an effective means
    i. Use of student other than those in Administration of of communication among students, faculty, staff and[...]strict matters. Eligi-
    1. Selection of the student must be personally ap- bility[...]h
    proved by the Vice President of Student Affairs student governance constitut[...]tutions shall estab-
    and Chief of Security. li[...]
    All student government constitutions shall be submitted to the[...]financial support and/
    and state laws, and the Maricopa Community Colleges Governi[...]. Since Rio Salado Community of office as authorized in their respective student[...]nance. The appropriate vice president or designee of Remuneration shall be for serv[...]g the office.
    the president of the college for transmittal to the Governing Boar[...]for executive student officers is a maximum of $200.00.
    All reference[...]tudent governance constitution shall define which of
    its elected positions (maximum of 5) within its structure shall 7. Amending[...]or appointed, shall be referred designee of each college shall be responsible for submitting[...]any constitutional changes to the president of the college for[...]been appointed to fill an unexpired term of another individual. College organizatio[...]or part-time employees of the Maricopa Community Colleges.[...](1) Recommendations for appointment of an advisor may be
    government shall be considered day students, for the purpos-[...], or college presi-
    es of this document. dent. Recommendations for dismissal of an advisor with just[...]and maintain a minimum of six (6) credit hours for day stu- A[...]covered in student policies, or interpretation of such matters
    governmen[...]board policies, etc. shall rest with the offices of
    cumulative grade point average of 2.50 and be in good stand- General C[...]ore rigid requirements, In the event of a complete breakdown of the governance
    if so d[...]nal authority.

    4. Tenure of Position
    Tenure in any[...]ny student be allowed to serve in any combination of In addition to student governing bodies,[...]officer/member positions beyond a total of ten (10) semesters. tions may be formed that fall under the operational direction of the
    Office of Student Life and Leadership and the administrativ[...]Tenure in any combination of officer positions shall be limited tion of the Vice President of Student Affairs at each college. Student[...]considered to be an important part of the total collegiate experience.[...]tutions for removal for cause of individuals from elected or the formation of an interest-based student club and organization[...]be employees of the Maricopa County Community College Dist[...]
    [...]5-1863, re- half of the MCCCD.
    ligious or political student organizat[...]y enrolled in a credit or non-credit class at one of
    and members, defining the organization’s doctri[...]opa County
    the organization’s disputes are part of the organization’s religious[...]es to the Maricopa County Community Col-
    zations, state statute recognizes the role that viewpoint serves[...]lege District.
    the mission and purpose of the organization’s operations. Thus,[...]etermine their internal affairs and the selection of their lead- individual’s class[...], counsels or advises,
    cable to all other aspects of these student clubs and organizations.[...]context of power-authority between employees or
    The existing Governing Board Policy on Hiring of Relatives between emp[...]ionships can create a conflict with the interests of the ate measures should[...]potential conflicts of interest from occurring. For relationships
    f[...]o the time that either a student
    in the case of consensual amorous, romantic and/or sexual or employee is placed in a situation of instruction
    relationships that occur between[...]r supervision that is considered to be a conflict of
    ployees and students.[...]elationship pearance of conflict.
    that might be appropriate in other circumstances is inappro-
    priate if one of the individuals in the relationship has a pro-[...]sional responsibility toward, or is in a position of authority Employees should first avoid[...]th respect to, the other, such as in the contexts of supervi- sensual, amorous or sexual[...]ing, advisement or security personnel. An element of A. Where the employee is already[...]i. Immediate disclosure by the employee of the rela-
    the appearance that unfair bias or[...]sure that any conflicts of interest have been ade-
    i. Consensual[...]older) college students currently enrolled at one of his/her direction has or h[...]ed employee job group of salary, or continuation of contract or employment.
    [...]made to eliminate the conflict of interest. The Vice
    Chancellor of Human Resources shall be provided
    a copy of the report along with the employees in-[...]college due to a requirement for completion of a de-
    gree o[...]available, disclosure of the relationship will be made[...]ce
    President of Academic Affairs or Vice President for[...]ic
    integrity of the student’s enrollment in the class will[...]within the definition of persons that have or who have had a[...]onsidered
    in violation of policy and will be addressed in accordance[...]
    Glossary of College Terminology.......................[...]
    [...]B.S., Millikin University; M.A., Arizona State University; Ph.D.,
    Maricopa County Community Col[...]University of Missouri.
    District Governing Board Members[...]e 2010 - 2016 B.S., Arizona State University; M.S., Ed.D., Northern Arizona
    Randol[...]State University.
    District Administration[...]B.A., Ed.D., Arizona State University; M.Ed., Northern Arizo-
    Rufus Glasper[...]Chancellor, M.S., Indian Institute of Technology, Madras; MBA, Arizona
    .. Resource[...]ations, President State University; Ph.D., State University of New York at Buffa-
    & CEO, Maricopa[...]o-CIO, A.A., Phoenix College; B.A., Arizona State University; M.Ed.,
    Susan Poureetezadi, M.Ed.....[...]Chandler-Gilbert B.A., Arizona State Univ; M.A., Northern Arizona University.
    Ernie L[...]Holtfrerich, Michael E. (1989) Interim Dean of Instruction,
    Irene Kovala, Ed.D.................[...]South Mountain B.S., Oregon State University; M.A., Arizona State University.
    Al Larson, M.P.A..........Executive[...]Graduate Study: Arizona State University.
    Thomas Cotner, M.B.A.............. D[...]Leshinskie, Eric (2012) Dean of Instruction,[...]M.Ed., Arizona State University.[...]Schulz, Scott (2013) Dean of Instruction,
    Glendale Community College[...]B.S., University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire; M.S., University of
    B.A., University of Minnesota Morris; M.Ed., Colorado State
    Univerisity; Ed.D. Northern Illinois Univeris[...]President Emeritus
    B.A., M.A., Arizona State University; Ed.D., Nova Southeast-
    [...]B.S., University of Arizona; M.B.A., Arizona State University.[...]Mathematics
    B.A., University of Wisconsin-Platteville; M.A., University of
    B.S., University of California, Irvine; M.N.S., Arizona State
    Wisconsin-Milwaukee; Ph.D., University of Arizona. Glendale[...]B.A., University of California, San Diego; Ph.D., California In-
    A.A., Southwestern College; B.A., University of San Diego;
    stitute of Technology.
    M.P.A., California State University, Long Beach; M.L.S., Uni-
    versity of Arizona; Ed.D., Northern Arizona University.[...]A.A., Miami-Dade Community College; B.M., Florida State
    University; M.M., Ph.D., Michigan State University.[...]i-
    A.A., Phoenix College; B.A., M.A., Arizona State University.[...]lege; M.A., University of Wisconsin; MALS, Dartmouth Col-
    Alphaugh, Mary E.[...]lege; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin.
    M.A., Arizona State University.[...]B.S., Jacksonville University; M.A., Louisiana State Universi-
    Arbogast, Susan (2013)[...]ty, Baton Rouge; Ph.D., Arizona State University.
    M.S., R.N., B.S.N., Arizona State University. Mesa Commu-
    nity College 1991-1993[...]B.S., M.S., New Mexico State University.
    Austin, Linda A. (1990)[...]Technology, Accounting
    B.A., California State University, Fullerton; M.A., M.A., South-[...]B.S., M.B.A., Arizona State University; M.S., Golden Gate
    ern Illinois Uni[...]B.A., New York University; M.L.S., University of Arizona.
    ty-Kingsville.[...]Administration of Justice Studies[...]B.S., Indiana University; M.A., Ed.D., Arizona State Universi-
    ty. MCCCD since 1981.[...]B.S., Middle Tennessee State University; M.S.M., Georgia In-
    Beattie, Mary Bet[...]stitute of Technology.
    M.A., Midwestern State University; B.A., University of Mary-[...]B.S.N., Arizona State University; M.B.A, University of Phoe-
    nix; M.S.N., University of Phoenix.
    Bednorz, Joseph E. (1997)[...]B.S., Santa Clara University, CA; M.C., Arizona State Univer-[...]
    [...]nd Information Technology
    M.A., Bowling Green State University. B.S., M.S., Northern Arizona University; M.B.A., Arizona State[...]thern Arizona University; M.S., Ph.D., University of Coughlin, John K. (2013) Social[...]B.A., M.A., M.C., Arizona State University. Mesa Community[...].S., Northern Arizona University; M.B.A., Arizona State Uni-[...]A.S., Cochise College; B.S., Colorado State University; M.A.,
    lege since 2002. University of Phoenix.

    Cantini, George P. (2013) Publ[...]S., Grand Canyon University; M.S., Arizona School of B.S., Lipscomb University; Ph.D., University of Alabama at
    Health Sciences. Pysician Assistan[...]Journalism, ESL
    B.A., M.A., Arizona State University; Ph.D., Walden Universi- B.A., M.A.T.E.S.L., University of Nevada, Reno. Glendale
    ty. Glendale Communit[...]Biology
    B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Arizona State University. M.S., Arizona State University; M. Phil., Jawaharlal Nehru[...]University, New Delhi, India; Ph.D., University of Hawaii at
    Cheslik, Paula (2002) Technology a[...].S., Texas Christian University; M.A., University of Memphis; Daugherty, James R. (1988) Technology and Consumer
    M.S., University of Minnesota. Mesa Community College[...]2000-2001, Glen- B.S., M.S., Arizona State University.
    dale Community College since 2001[...]Technology, Accounting
    M.A., San Diego State University. B[...]State University, Long Beach.
    Clayden, Steve (2012) Business and Information Technology
    B.S., Arizona State University. M.A., San Diego State Univer- Davis, Don (2005)[...]Mathematics
    B.A., B.S., M.A., Ph.D., Arizona State University. B.S. Grand Canyon College; M.Ed., Ph.D., Arizona State Uni-[...]Biology
    B.S., University of California, Davis; M.S., Ph.D., Yale Univer- De[...]Ph.D., Arizona State University.
    Cooper, Alisa D. (2009) En[...]3D Art
    B.A., Cal State University; M.Ed., Northern Arizona Univer- M.A., Arizona State University; M.F.A., Texas Tech University.
    si[...]B.S., B.S., University of Wyoming; M.S., Kansas State Uni-
    Cortney, Daniel D. (1994)[...]versity.
    M.S., Math, M.S.E.E., New Mexico State University.

    2014-2015 GCC General Cata[...]
    [...]Reading B.S., M.TESL, Arizona State University; M.L.S., University of
    B.F.A., M.A., University of Arizona; Certified in areas of Read- Arizona, Language Certificate, Univer[...]Physical Sciences, Geography
    J.D., University of Pennsylvania. M.A., University of Arizona; Graduate study: Arizona State[...]ading/Journalism, B.A., M.A., San Diego State University.
    B.A., Miami University of Ohio; M.Ed., Northern Arizona Uni- Esparza,[...]A.A., Cochise College; B.S., Troy State University; M.S.,
    Díaz-Lefebvre, René (1991)[...]Linux+.
    A.A., Pima College; B.A., University of Redlands; M.A., Cali-
    fornia State University at San Bernardino; Ph.D., Union Grad-[...]Nursing
    uate School; M.L.E., Graduate School of Education, Harvard B.S.N., M.S.N. Ed.,[...]ity.
    University; Post-doctoral study: Arizona State University, Uni-
    versity of San Francisco, University of California, Riverside. Feld, Kimberly L. (2010[...]B.A., M.Ed., Arizona State University.
    Diebolt, Lisa (2000) Chemistry
    B.S., Ph.D., Arizona State University. Fernandez,[...]B.S., M.S., Arizona State Univesity; Ph.D., University of Ari-
    D’Mura, Janell (2011)[...]Counseling B.A., University of Arizona; M.C., Arizona State University.
    B.S., Oklahoma State University; M.Ed., Northern Arizona
    University[...]B.S., University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire; M.Ed., Arizona
    Dragiewicz,[...]4) Public Safety Sciences, State University.[...]r Science
    Noc Community College; B.S., Ferris State University. B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Arizona State University.

    Dudley, Anne (1990)[...]phy
    A.A., Phoenix College; B.S., M.A., Arizona State University. M.F.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison. Glendale Commu-[...]B.S.E.E.T., Arizona State University; M.B.A., University of
    Egherman, Monte (2003) Public Saf[...]B.S., Humboldt State University; M.S., San Diego State Uni-
    versity; Ph.D., Arizona State University.
    Eide, Christina A. (2005)[...]nseling
    B.M., Capital University Conservatory of Music; M.M., Pea- A.A., Scottsdale Comm[...]ge; B.A., M.A., Ottawa Uni-
    body Conservatory of the Johns Hopkins University; D.M.A., v[...]Walden University. MCCCD since 1978.
    Arizona State University.[...]B.S., Bowling Green State University; M.S., Colorado State[...]
    [...]Digital Cinema Arts B.S., Oregon State University, B.S, M.A., Northern Arizona
    B.A., Lock Haven University; B.F.A., University of North Car- University; Ph.D., Arizona State University.
    olina School of the Arts; M.F.A., Hollins University VA.[...]al Sciences, Astronomy B.M., University of Connecticut; M.M., Arizona State Universi-
    M.S., Arizona State University. ty; Graduate study: Arizona State University. Glendale Com-[...]erforming Arts, Music
    B.A., Loyola University of Los Angeles; M.Ed., Loyola Mary- Bachelor of Music in Education, Arizona State University;
    mount University. Masters of Music, Arizona State University.

    Gray, Julie (2006) English/R[...]Administration of Justice
    Specialist.[...]Communication and World
    M.A., University of Southern California; B.A., Arizona State Languages[...]M.A., Washington State University.

    Grima, John (1995)[...]ty. M.S., University of California.

    Gwinn, Emily (2001) English[...]B.A., Butler University; M.A., M.Ed., Arizona State University.[...]izona State University.
    Hall, Pamela R. (2000)[...]Social Sciences, Sociology
    B.A., University of Northern Colorado; M.A., Ph.D., University B.A., Malone College; M.A., Chicago Graduate School of
    of Maryland.[...]State University.
    Hall, Rachelle (2002) Business[...]Glendale Community College; B.S.B.A., University of
    Hayashi, Tomomi (2001) English/Reading/Jou[...]Phoenix; CCNA, CCAI.
    M.A., Monterey Institute of International Studies. Glendale
    Community Col[...]B.S.N. University of Arizona; M.S.N. University of Phoenix.
    Henry, Scott N. (1998)[...], Glendale Community College; B.A., M.S., Arizona State
    High, Susan P. (1997)[...]rld
    University; Undergraduate study: Arizona State University, Languages, Communication
    Arizona State University West. B.A., B.S., Minnesota State University-Moorhead; M.A., North[...]Dakota State University; Ph.D., Arizona State University.
    Hill, Larissa (2008) English/Reading/Journalism, English
    M. Ed., Omsk State Teachers Training University, Omsk, Rus- Kade[...]B.A., University of Virginia; M.S., Arizona State University.
    Holtfrerich, Michael E. (1989)[...]ir, Mathematics Graduate Study: Arizona State University.
    M.S., Northern Arizona Universit[...]B.S., M.Ed., Ohio State University.

    2014-2015 GCC General Cata[...]
    [...]B.F.A., University of Colorado; M.A., University of Northern
    Kehowski, Walter A. (1998)[...]thematics Colorado.
    B.S., M.A., Arizona State University; Ph.D., University of New
    Mexico.[...]Mathematics B.S.E.E., Ohio State University; M.S.E.E., Rensselaer Poly-
    Ph.D.,[...]A., Grays harbor College, B.S., Ph.D., Washington State B.A., Boston College; M.S., University of Arizona. Phoenix
    University.[...]Chair, Psychology
    B.S., University of Puget Sound; M.A.T., Central Washington B.A., M.S., Ph.D., University of Washington; M.A., Whitworth
    University.[...]B.A., Central College; M.A., D.M.A., University of Iowa. B.Sc., Ph.D., McMaster Universit[...]State University of New York, Geneseo, NY; Graduate study:
    Kruse, Jef[...]hamton University, Bing-
    B.S.E.E., University of Nebraska; M.S.E., Arizona State Uni- hamton, NY; M.Ed., Northern Arizona U[...]Mathematics B.S., St. Cloud State University; M.S., Arizona State Universi-
    M.S., B.S., University of Colorado Denver. ty.

    La[...]English B.A., Kent State University; M.A., Carnegie-Mellon University.
    B.A., Arizona State University; M.B.A., University of Phoe-
    nix; Ph.D., Capella University. Glendale[...]B.A., Wayne State University; M.A., Case Western Reserve
    Lavigne, T[...]ogy University. Graduate Study: University of Texas El Paso.
    Ph.D., Alliant International U[...]Chemistry B.A., University of Northern Iowa; M.Ed., Northern Arizona
    M.S., Arizona State University. Un[...]Texas Christian University; M.S., Ph.D., Arizona State C[...]Psychology
    B.A., M.S., Ph.D., University of Oklahoma. Mesa Community Mayer, Susan E. ([...]Diploma, Norfolk General Hospital School of Nursing; M.S.N.,[...]hair, Fitness and Wellness
    B.S., M.S., Arizona State University, Ph.D., Rocky Mountain Mays, Hele[...]998) Communication and World
    University of Health Professions.[...]S., Northern Arizona University; M.S., University of Oregon.[...]
    [...]Sciences, Nutrition
    B.A., University of California, Berkeley; M.Ed., Arizona State B.S., University of Pittsburgh; M.S., Academy of Agriculture,
    B.A., Rutgers University; M.A., University of Arizona.[...]B.A., University of Miami; M.A., Syracuse University.
    McKintosh, And[...]B.S., Excelsior College; J.D., Phoenix School of Law.
    Melita, Joseph A. (1998)[...]tics
    B.A., Amherst College; M.A., University of Rochester; Ph.D., Murphy, Amanda S. (2005) English/Reading/Journalism,
    Florida State University.[...]B.A., Truman State University; M.A., Arizona State University.
    Menon, Rashmi M. (2004) En[...]ia, Graduate study: North- B.S., Kansas State University; M.Ed., Arizona State Universi-
    ern Arizona University.[...]State College; M.F.A., Arizona State University.
    Merrill, Richard J. “R.J.” (1996[...]Physical Sciences, Geology
    B.A., Arizona State University; M.A., University of California B.S., Texas Christian University; M.S., Arizona State Univer-
    at Santa Barbara.[...]Science B.S., B.A., M.A., University of Minnesota; Graduate study: Ar-
    B.S., University of Mary Washington; M.Ed., Bond University; izona State University. Mesa Community College 1995-2000,
    M.S., University of Navada, Las Vegas; M.S., George Mason[...]-Carbondale; B.S., D.C., Na- M.S., Arizona State University.
    tional University of Health Sciences. Glendale Community
    B.S., University of Michigan-Flint; M.A., Ph.D., Arizona State Nielson, Christopher D. (2010) English/Rea[...]B.A., California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, M.A.,
    Miller, Da[...]English/Reading/Journalism, Arizona State University.[...]Performing Arts, Music
    uate study: Arizona State University. Glendale Community B.A., Limestone College; M.A., University of New Mexico;
    College 2001-2005. D.M.A., Arizona State University.

    Mitio, Betsy Ann (1987) Ma[...]and Consumer Sciences
    B.S., M.A., M.A., Ball State University. M.S., Ph.D., Arizona State University.

    Morrison, Julie B. (2005)[...]B.S.N., Arizona State University; M.S.N., University of Phoe-[...]nix. Graduate study: University of Arizona.

    2014-2015 GCC General Catalog[...]
    [...]Biology, Anatomy & Physiology
    B.A., University of Utah; M.A., University of Illinois (Urbana/ B.S., University of Washington; D.P.M., Rosalind Franklin
    Champaig[...]University of Medicine and Science. Glendale Community[...].S., Northern Illinois University; M.Ed., Arizona State Uni- Reavis, Robert H. (1998)[...]B.S., University of Michigan; Ph.D., University of California,[...]B.S., Ithaca College; M.F.A., Washington State University.
    Pack, Miriam (1997)[...]onsumerSciences, B.A., M.A., Arizona State University.
    Child and Family Studies
    B.S., Arizona State University; M.A., University of Phoenix; Rhodes, Michelle (2013) Technology a[...]Ed.D., Arizona State University.
    Paul, Grace (2013)[...]M.S., California State University, LA.
    Pell, Joann M. (1994) Fitness and Wellness
    B.S., M.S., Arizona State University; R.D., Emory University. Rivera, Fra[...]B.S., Arizona State University; M.S., Purdue University.
    B.S.N., Arizona State University; M.S.N., University of Phoe- Roam, Sharenda L. (2013) Philosop[...]iversity. B.A., University of Missouri - Saint Lewis; M.A., Arizona State[...]Mathematics
    M.A., Arizona State University. Rode[...], Glendale Community College; B.A., M.A., Arizona State
    Child and Fa[...]uthern Methodist University; M.A.L.S., University of
    Pommerville, Jeffrey C. (1989)[...]Denver. MCCCD since 1986.
    Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara.[...]Nursing B.A., Hunter College of the City University of New York; M.S,
    A.S., Northern Arizona University; B.S., M.S., Arizona State Ed., Queens College of the City University of New York;
    University. Ph.D., Arizona State University.

    Radisich, Aleksander “Sasha” B.[...]Economics B.A., Arizona State University; M.Ed., Northern Arizona Uni-
    B.A.,[...]B.S., Southern Illinois University; M.S., Montana State Uni-
    versity; Ph.D., Arizona State University.[...]
    B.A., University of Missouri-St. Louis; M.A., Ph.D., University M.A., Bringham Young University.
    of Missouri-Colombia; M.B.A., Western International[...]rk: Fontbonne College; Paul VI Institute; Arizona State B.S., City College of New York; M.S., Ph.D., Rutgers Univer-
    Unive[...]S., Northern Arizona University; M.A., University of San Di-[...]h ego.
    B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of South Florida; Graduate
    study: University of South Florida. Smi[...]B.A., California State University-Chico; M.M., D.M.A., Arizona
    Sandoval[...]) Counseling State University.
    B.A., University of Arizona; M.A., M.C., Arizona State Univer-
    sity. Glendale Community College sinc[...]ness and Wellness
    M.S., California University of Pennsylvania. Smith, Renee[...]B.S., M.S., SUNY New Paltz; M.L.I.S., University of Washing-
    Schimanski, Lesley A. (2012)[...]Psychology ton.
    B.Sc., University of Lethbridge; Ph.D., University of Alberta.[...]n
    B.M.E., Indiana University; M.M.P., Arizona State University. B.S., Oklahoma State Univeristy; M.S., Texas Woman’s Uni-[...]versity; Ph.D., Arizona State University. Mesa Community
    Schulz, Laurie (2005)[...]College, 2010-2013.
    BSN, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire; MSN, University
    of Phoenix.[...]B.A., M.A., University of Iowa. Glendale Community College
    Schwarzwalter,[...]ld Languages, Communication
    Ph.D., University of North Dakota. Spe[...]B.A., University of California at Los Angeles; M.A., Ph.D.,
    Seitz, D[...]SUNY Stony Brook
    M.F.A., HDRA, University of Southern California; Post-Bac-
    calaureate in[...]al Board for Professional B.S., Trenton State College; Ph.D., Arizona State University.
    Teaching Standards. Glendale Com[...]B.S.N., Arizona State University; M.S.N., University of Phoe-
    Serin, Jason M. (2007)[...]., Northern Arizona University; Ph.D., University of Cali-
    fornia, Berkeley.[...]B.A., M.Ed., California State University, Long Beach.
    Shineman, Kirt (1998) Co[...]uages
    M.A., Emerson College; M.F.A., Arizona State University. Stewart, Gaylen (2008)[...]and Information Technology
    B.A., University of Washington; M.B.A., Thunderbird School Ste[...]D. (1995) Business and Information
    of Global Management.[...]chnology
    A.A., Phoenix College; B.S., Arizona State University; M.S., Stroher, Scott (2002)[...]logy
    Golden Gate University; J.D., University of Tulsa, College of A.A., Scottsdale Community College; B.S.[...]State University; C.P.A., Arizona.

    [...]uages, American Sign Language
    B.S., University of Arizona; M.B.A, University of Denver; A.A., A.A.S., Phoenix College; B.A., Grand Canyon Universi-
    M.Ed., Arizona State University. ty; M.A., Arizona State University. Glendale Community Col-[...]stern Illinois University; M.S., National College of B.S., M.Ed., University of Arizona, Administrative Certifica-
    B.S., Grand Canyon University; M.S., Arizona State Universi-
    ty.[...]Art and Photography Ph.D., Arizona State University.
    B.F.A., University of Colorado; M.F.A., Arizona State Universi-
    ty.[...]National University; M.S.,
    B.S., M.C., Arizona State University; Graduate study: Arizona California State University Fullerton.
    State University, University of Arizona.[...]Reading
    M.S., University of Phoenix; B.S., Azusa Pacific University.[...]. Grand Canyon Uni- B.A., University of Delaware; M.A., Arizona State University;
    versity, M.L.S Texas Woman’s Un[...]Biology B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Utah State University.
    B.A., (HONS) University of Plymouth, UK; Ph.D., University
    of Portsmouth, UK.[...]B.S., University of Tennessee, Knoxville; M.A., Gallaudet Uni-
    Updike[...]gious Studies versity; M.S., University of Maryland.
    B.A., Hampshire College; M.A. Indiana University, Blooming-
    ton; Ph.D., University of California, Irvine. Watt, Sa[...]B.S., Tufts University; M.S., University of Maryland.
    Van Marche, Deborah (1997) Psychology
    B.S., M.S., University of Wisconsin; Ph.D., Arizona State Uni- Wheeler, Betsey J. (2003) Englis[...]B.A., Arizona State University; TESOL Certificate, University
    Vawter,[...]990) Business and Information of California at Los Angeles; M.A., M.Ed., Northern[...]University.
    B.S., M.B.A., M.S., Arizona State University; C.P.A., Arizona.[...]Technology B.S., Bowling Green State University; B.A., Ohio State Uni-
    B.S., Ph.D., Arizona State University; M.B.A., University of versity; Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh.
    Southern California; J.D., Novus L[...]S., Central Michigan University; M.A., University of Wyo-
    Ventola, John L. (2005) English/Rea[...]English
    B.A., SUNY/Empire State College; M.A., State University of Whitney, Josh (2011)[...]B.S., Arizona State University; M.S., Ph.D., University of Cal-[...]
    yon University; M.S.N,Ed., University of Phoenix. MCCCD Faculty Emeritus
    since[...]ication and World retired from the position of Residential Faculty after twenty[...]Languages, Spanish consecutive years of full-time service to the Maricopa County
    Unde[...]çaise de Panamá; B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Arizona
    State University; Post-doctoral study: Anhui University[...]University, Wuyi University, People’s Republic of China. Department Chair.

    Wood, Karrie C.[...]83-2004) English Faculty.
    B.A., San Francisco State University; M.S., University of
    Ph.D., Arizona State University. Austin,[...]Biology
    Ph.D., Arizona State University. Baxter,[...]Bilse, Don (28 years service) CAD Faculty, Dean of Students.[...]

    Staten, Jean (1975-1996) Librarian, Dean of Instruction.

    Thompson, J.R. (Bob) (1968-2000) Ge[...]hrasher, John (1970-1997) Music Faculty, Director of Bands.

    Ulm, Donald R. (1979-2009) Busines[...]
    340 Glossary of College Terminology
    Advisor[...]resource person able to help you plan your course of study and A form of financial aid based on need which provides the st[...]dures, programs, course descriptions, and student rights and re-[...]sponsibilities.
    is a 35 semester credit block of lower division general education
    courses for Ari[...]sed on need.
    zona public university without loss of credit and will fulfill all lower
    division gener[...]two years of college.
    Associate Degree
    A degree awarded for the completion of a minimum of 60 cred-
    its selected to meet specific requireme[...]for transfer to
    four-year schools, the Associate of General Studies (AGS) allows Required C[...]lexibility in course selection, and the Associate of Applied A course needed to complete a cer[...]Schedule Adjustment period varies with the length of
    diting, see Tuition and Fee chart.[...]combination of factors.

    The CEG indicates how Arizona State University, Northern Arizo- A course o[...]es, test, dates
    na University and the University of Arizona accept transfer course and materi[...]Transcript
    The numerical unit of college credits earned for the satisfacto- A record of a student’s course work and grades.
    ry completion of a specific course. Also referred to as semester[...]ned at Glendale Community Col-
    This is a measure of student academic proficiency. It is calculated[...]total number Upper Division Courses
    of credit hours completed with A, B, C, D, F or Y gr[...]student can select in order to complete a program of
    study, sometimes with restrictions.

    [...]Associated Student Government ................................ 286
    About Glenda[...]............................... 36
    Administration of Justice AAS .....................................[...]AS ............................ 87
    Administration of Justice (AJS) Course Descriptions . 180[...].................................... 88
    Admission of F-1 Nonimmigrant Students .................... 12[...]Automotive Engine Performance Diagnosis
    Admission of Regular Students ................................[...]icate .............................. 89
    Admission of Students Under 18 Years of Age ............. 12 Au[...]............ 89
    Adobe Creative Suite in Business: Master Suite
    Applications Specialist Certifi[...]
    [...].............................. 244 Office of Student Life ....................................[...]...................... 246 President’s Honor List .................................................[...]e .................. 145 Proof of Residency ................................[...]
    [...]....................... 164 Taping of Faculty Lectures (AR 3.4) .......................[...]e Standards (AR 4.4) ................. 301
    Rights of Access to Educational Records ...................[...]ptions ..... 261 Use of College Grounds by Non-MCCCD-Affiliated
    Sociology[...]........................ 269
    Student Life (Office of) .........................................[...]
    [...]CCL.......................... 133
    Administration of Justice AAS......................................[...].......... 134
    Adobe Creative Suite in Business: Master Suite M[...]
    [...]..................... 234
    AJS Administration of Justice Studies..................... 180[...]