Aerial view of construction Arizona State Highway south of Chandler
Aerial view of proposed route for Arizona Highway 87, the Bee Line Highway, in Gila County
Arizona Highway 87 in Mesa
Arizona Highway 87 in Pinal County
Arizona Highway 87 near Mesa
Arizona Highway 87, also called the Casa Grande Highway, in Mesa
Arizona Highway 87, near the Gila River in Pinal County
Arizona Highway 87, probably along the Gila River in Pinal County
Beeline Highway Sign
Billboard on the Tucson-Phoenix Highway in Pinal County
Bridge on Arizona Highway 87 near Mesa
Bridge on Arizona Highways 84 and 87 in Pinal County
Buildings around the town of Randolph on Arizona Highway 87
1963 Parking study on State Route 87 Chandler, Arizona
Arizona Historic Roads : State Route 87, Picacho to Coolidge to Chandler to Mesa Highway and Mesa to Payson Highway and Payson to Winslow Highway
Final environmental assessment for State Route 87, McDowell Road to Shea Boulevard, mileposts 177.9 to 188.8
Highways of Arizona, Arizona highways 87, 88 and 188
Prehistoric and historic occupation of the lower Verde River Valley : the State Route 87 Verde Bridge project
Rocks, roasters, and ridgetops : data recovery across the pioneer road landscape, State Route 87-Segment F, Maricopa and Gila Counties, Arizona
SR 87/188 Corridor Study
US 191, SR 87 & SR 264 corridor study
Arizona Builder and Contractor, 1958-07
Valley freeways, 1992-Fall
Valley freeways, 1993-Spring
Valley freeways, 1994-Fall
Arizona Days and Ways, 1956-08-26