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![]() | [...]ng WASHINGTON, Jan. 19 «®—Nine high justices of the supreme court, although guarding their secret[...]use” cases. ; -T™ the purely physical actions of the court trained observers saw hints of the possibility of another of the famous 5-4 decisions. The jus- tices themselves were silent as al- ways. But of the six who remain- ed closeted together after th[...]might divide 5 to 4 for sustaining the val- idity of the act suspending gold payments. There were sig[...]became animated. The question before them was one of the most important governmental issues to arise in recent decades. Directly involved wag the ques- tion of whether congress acted un- (Continued On Page Te[...]ccompanying the message will be a 300-page report of the presi- dent's special aviation commission, he[...]the recommendation in the report for the creation of, regular air passenger service across! the Atlant[...]tion by air as feasible was indicated in a letter of congratulation he wrote Amelia Earhart for her flight across the Pacific, made public today. | es use of swift advances in| of flight, made possible by t and private enter-| p[...]farm credit ad- ministration were notified today of the appointment of H. F. Dangberg, of Minden, Nev. as director-at- large of the federal land bank at, Berkeley for a three-ye[...]a two-year courtshim. _ Legislature Recesses Out Of Respect For Gallahan a ‘Committees Work Hard B[...]; Big Busses Are Marooned | In Drifts In North State, — { Prescott in Path of Worst | Blizzard in Years; Tuc- son Has Rain (B[...]its icy embrace yesterday, flinging huge barriers of snow across highways in the northern part of the state and lashing the south-central sec- tions with rai[...]ped up by a wind that at times reached a velocity of 40 miles an hour. At 6 o'clock last night snow s[...]y low. ' S. H. Haycock and Jud Cameron, ‘both of Panguitch, Utah, were burned fatally when their lettuce truck overturned eight miles south of Ashfork. Haycock was dead when he was removed fro[...]Soon to Wed | Arizona Has' U.S. Hot on Trail Ha of Bandit Karpis Capture of Alvin Karpis, co- leader of the gang believed to have kidnaped Edward Bremer,[...]eral agents hot on his trail, follow- ing killing of Fred Barker and Barker’s mother in Ocklawaha, F[...]es Urged To Raise Share O Old Age Pension Plight of Those Under Age for Pension Caus- ing Concern Now[...]—A Proposal that the states raise their share of the money to finance old at Saskatoon, —48 at[...]g. Then an | Snow and Bitter Cold accident at one of those grade | ——— crossings which really seemed to 2. 2 ai ° be the fault of no one. a y Tosine Bethe padres: i In giving people work, that | Sea ecor eliminating of = crossings | e oe looks like it would be a great[...]eo ee the lives saved. s Ww Old Indiana, the home of pol- As Low As d o ities, is coming through great[...]res far across the states. | The mercury dove out of sight to 57 below zero at Endako, B. C., and found new low points for the win- ter in the region of the Dakotas. Almost a score persons were dead or[...]alker the northwest. One pulled into took a lecve of absence from the Oakland, Calif. trom a transcon- job of being executive director Of tinental run “streamlined” by snow the nation[...]berg’s predecessor has been sit- ting in on all of the important con- ferences over spending that fo[...]relief. He is in something like unofficial charge of starting the big ball roll- ing in the right dire[...]islation to fit this program. A new and permanent government agency probably will be . Proposed. It will act a[...]ent, thus eliminating overlap- | \ ping endeavors of existing .emer- o: 06 ace : ney. ae: It will be s[...]nt federal relief admin- saw the basin’s league of nations istrator, will emerge with his hand government almost completely ef- (Continued On Page Six) | f[...]frankly advising anti-nazis t HI rd hi to get out of the territory “until ans a Ss p things blow ove[...]ect to the late Hugh F. Cal- lahan, former member of the house, Ahead of Legion Meas- ure if Possible but committees were[...]was conceived when it became known a large number of democrats as well as re- publicans signified they[...]——-. PHOENIX, Jan. 19 ()—Rep- resentatives of nine of Arizona’s principa] cities met here today to di[...]and took steps to form a permanent as- sociation of officials of munici- palities. The officiais decided to be- g[...]-five bills were introduced during the first week of the ses- sion, including one measure to levy a fi[...]e dividends or interest from any source. A flood of bills, probably includ- }ing the proposed gross i[...]age Six) Fifteen Foreign | Born in Congress One of Richest in Senate | and Nation Heads the | Growing List | WASHINGTON, Jan. 19 ® — | Fifteen of the men now serving in ; that distinctly American[...]rs, and the rich- | est man in the senate and one of | the richest in the country, Senator | James Cou[...]today by Representative Lewis (D.-Md.), co-author of the bill to carry out the administration plan. 9[...]re (Continued On Page Ten) ‘some other members of congress G H Id were expressing concern for the o[...]being Offi P f Il made: for congressional scutiny of the plan in hearings next week. ice eace U y Thes[...]eavoring to work out modifications to the program of Develops As Executive President Roczevelt which w[...]persons, some establishments retained possession of his office in hiring no one over 35. For the a te[...]o obtain resentatives. * The old age pension plan of Presi- Ordering withdrawn two national (Continued[...]r his S ew 0 cy suspension—provided in the case of impeached officers until their cases . are decide[...]ghts in Murder Prosecution Brokerage’ Accounts Of Poor Carpenter Stadic? State Will Cling to Con- tention Sullen German Acted En[...]adders, letters and lucre became tonight the crux of the state’s case against Bruno Richard Hauptmann. The la[...]it before the trial is over, is that on which the state contends the kidnaper of the Lindbergh baby des- cended with the child. Hauptmann, the state will attempt to prove, made it. The letters are thevseries of ran- som demands. Experts have testi- fied that H[...]The lucre represents the sudden wealth which, the state says, Hauptmann displayed shortly after @ $50,000[...]er sat tonight in his cell, always under the eyes of guards, and studied photostatic copies of his own brokerage ac- counts—the accounts by which the state hopes to prove that Haupt- mann came into possession of his unexplained wealth immediately after the ransom was paid. The state will submit to the jury that Hauptmann, a carpent[...]the depression period. manager to have an income of $49.950 between the time of the payment of the TansOm, April 2, 1932, and the date of his arrest, Sept. 19 last. As it progresses through the devi- ous business of revealing Haupt- (Continued On Page Ten) Calles[...]covers Chief Explains Precau- tion Taken Because of Many Interviewers LOS .ANGELES, Jan. 19 (2) — Plutarco Elias Calles, former presi- dent of Mexico, is recovering nor- mally, it was stated today by Dr. Abraham Ayala Gonzalez, minister of public health ofof Police James Davis said today he has placed a pol[...]e added the trio was stationed inside the Plight of the man between 40 and 65 and Tense Political Si[...]employed person who was in the North Dakota house of rep- employment. Plated legal action. Winter Conference advised the governor yesterday's ac- officials of the American Legion hospital, and declared a radio car less had seized entire control of the fascist drive against old man win- ter and h[...]y- ment, wag under way today. To raise the hopes of Italians, meanwhile, were official figures showing the unemployed Jan. 1 numbered only 961,705, a decrease of 160,907 from the total for the same date last yea[...]estion and the campaign launched late in the fall of 1934 which brought the following - sponse, in provision of jobs: “ist, had never been married before, Fro[...]confident they will be able to drive the specter of unemployment completely off the sky-line. cette[...]lipse started cutting a sector into the leit side of the moon, enlarging grad- ually until the shadow[...]ly from right side | The moon was blood red most of the five or six-hour eclipse period. Fairbanks[...]oppon-| ents had been threatened by neigh- bors of business rivals, the social-! ists told the men[...]GENEVA, Jan. 19 (4)—An inter- national tribute of unusual warmth Was paid today to Dr. Francisco Castillo Najera, chief of the Mexi- can league of nations office in Paris, who will take up next mo[...]Mexican ambassador to Washington. At a gathering of 75 of his friend today glowing speeches of tribute were paid to Castillo Najera by statesmen of Spain, Argentina, Por- tugal and the United States, repre- sented by American Consul Donald Bigelow of St. Paul, Minn. Najera said in a speech that the United States had 17,000,000 friends south of the Rio Grande. ——_ © Arbor Days For Arizo[...]ng the 11 house members | born abroad is the dean of that i deliberative body, Sabath (D.-IIL), a 'native of Czechoslovakia. | | Ten of the 15 are democrats; five Safeguard the right of char- tered cities to license and regu- late liqu[...]rce. jare republicans. Secure for cities a share of | The British empire leads with six State gasoline tax collections, or | native sons. Three[...]ne used in | slovakia and Denmark. administration of their fbusi- {| The British contingent, besides n[...]s a Davis (R.-Pa.), “Puddler Jim,” born share of siate sales tax col- in Wales, Senator Murray (D.[...]farm house in Ontario, Mayor Joseph 8S. Jenckes, of Canada, and Representative Burn- Phoenix’ princ[...](‘ham (R.-Calif.), silver-haired bank- purpose of discussing liquor er, who was born in London, Dec[...]ced a moderate de- mand as consumers covered part of | their February requirements, and prices remaine[...]ake, sellers were holding steady owing to reports of improving industrial activity and expectations of better demand for the remainder of next month's needs. Zinc was quiet but steady. A[...]fabricators has been reflected by reported sales of Blue Eagle copper by the code authorit yin excess of 1000 tons daily during the past week. the 9-cent[...]ver apparent delays in the impend- ing conference of world copper pro- ducers in New York, but later r[...]ling ex- change caused rapid changes in the price of tin here. Mid-week declines attracted buying for[...]ing ses- leaguér, if he takes over the gov- sion of their annual mid-winter ernor’s duties, would be the state's conference today, informally en- (Continued On Page Ten) dorsed a program for a ‘new policy of governing the state’s* industrial schools at Fort Grant and Ran- do[...]Jan. 19 (®)—Ned legion executive committee for of- V. Salcido, 31, of this city, was kill- ficial action tomorrow. i ed[...]way, If the committee approves the 13 miles north of here, when he was Program, legion officials said,[...]be presented to the Charles Karns, city employe. State legislature for action. = According to reports made by of- The legion and auxiliary officials ficers who in[...]harles dently tried to wave down the Karns Leahy, of California, director of car when he was struck. The im- youth organizatio[...]ns was accompanied by munism represented downfall of his young son. Neither was hurt. (Continued On Pa[...]- Genera) John L. Sullivan in an age college girl of today has a more opinion to Judge J. C. Niles, of the inquiring mind than her predecessor Maricopa County superior court, to-/| of 50, 21 or even 15 years ago, in day held that the juvenile court the opinion of Miss Ellen Fitz has power to grant relief to juve- Pendleton, president of Wellesley niles under 18 years of age. college. | The attorney general held that i The average coliege girl will noi is the duty of the board of public accept unquestioningly every opin- welfare[...]is the basis do so, the juvenile court has auth- of knowledge, says Miss Pendleton, ority to do it.[...]She was a student there 50\ with the county board of supervisors ears ago, covering each individual ca[...]ise around the outside once every 20 minutes. One of the visitors who was al- lowed to see Calles Juan Platt, treasurer of the Nati Railways of Mekico. Senor Platt arriveti here tonight aboard a plane of the Cen- tral Airways of Mexico and was es- corted by a deputy sheriff to[...]bed PRESCOTT, Jan. 19 (?)—Fred Fry, proprietor of a barber shop here, was held up in his place of business here tonight by an armed man, who steppe[...]sm in the United pytied out a gun and frisked Fry of between twenty-five and thirty dol- lars. Fry w[...]LIAMS, Jan. 19 (—Timoteo Vargez, about 45 years of age and the father of nine children, “died accidentally of suffocation,” when he fell into the sawdust bin at the saw mill of the Manistee and Sagi- naw ‘Lumber company here[...]d the body 6f Vargez after a search had been made of the mill property. |
![]() | In F ebruary. But Story of a Shutdown At the Plant Is Declared Pure Canard[...]treets for the last 10 day Tt Dispatch is able to state force of authority that there no shutdown at the smelter o[...]re concentrates from the plant at Ajo at the rate of about eight cars every day, now, or a to- tal of from 240 to 250 cars per month, and that is suffi[...]onths, with an added output through the operation of a second furnace. It will be recalled that it was[...]d furnace and was running it for the sole purpose of enlarging the opportunity for pay- roll distribution ahead of the holi- days and that it might be shut down soo[...]the smelter has much to do with , the operation of the second furnace and it has now been used to a[...]st Coast “ Word has been received in Doug- das of the death, at Los Angeles, on Dec. 30, of Mrs. Holman, wife of ‘W. D. Holman, formerly. employed .with the Phelps Dodge corporation and for some years a resident of ‘Douglas. * Mrs. Holman will be re- ‘membered as the mother of Miss one of the most ‘tention because of her outstanding talent. She had been ill for sev-[...]e was -Alice Currnow, and she was a grad- ‘uate of Tempe State college. Scientific home treatment to eradicate root of these dis- eases. Unlike many patent medicines, c[...]e to Water Consumers To avoid delinquent penalty of 50¢ water bills should be paid before the dist. “* City of Douglas Water Dept. Guarded ITH your valuable[...]de to al- low the men to be employed on the basis of an eight-hour day and complete their permissable[...]in the Sewing project program in the second story of the Kazal block on Tenth street. These workers al[...]ft. There are 160 assigned to the con- struction of the dam near the wa- ter plant’s pumping statio[...]e highway work and thus | 40 may be used any day of work. Another 131 have been assigned to what is[...]hen toward Paradise and Hilltop on the other side of the mountain. DOUGLAS DAILY DISPATCH, SUN Smelt[...]re than 5,600 American communi- ties on the night of January 30, when the entire nation will cel- ebra[...]irthday anniversary | with dances for the benefit of in- | fantile paralysis victims through- j out t[...]hday Ball gathering, assembled under the auspices of Gov. Alt M. Lan- don of Kansas at Kansas City last year. Insert (upper ri[...]Doris Terhune and Pamela Prime, pop- ular members of New York's younger set. Upper left, some of the infantile paralysis vic- tims who will benefi[...]y all in | the common labor class and their rate of pay is 50 cents an hour. There are some other gro[...]not be mustered into work until the announcement of the February cash sent to this area by the federa[...]will re- quire a substantial force from the ranks of the FERA. There will be further work by the same type of labor on the A avenue drainage system. It becomes clearly apparent that there will be many thousands of doi'ars sent to Cochise county by the federal government during the re- maining months of the winter and Doug!as district will get its sha[...]rk at the hospital is to come frém that fund. me of those who have been isting over the program as n[...]ssure a fairly active business dur- }ing the rest of the winter. w | These figures must be considered[...]nita canyon. From Portal D. C. Best, supervisor of work at the CCC camp in Portal, was a bus- iness[...]home in McNeal. From Double Adobe Neil Taylor, of Double Adobe, spent yesterday in Douglas shop- pi[...]che. From Bisbee i, JANUARY 20, 19: bration of President’s ty cents of every dollar raised this year will be retained by[...]d by the President, and un- der the chairmanship .of Col. Henry L, Doherty, who is also national chairman of: the 1935 - Birthday Ball. | Climate Club Offer[...]Says Ailing Heart Is Cause: ‘Deceased Resident of Douglas 30 Years John J. Neary, manager of the | Heinze. buffet at the Gadsden hotel, died! Survivors of Mr. Neary are a sis- suddenly yesterday afternoon as he|ter, Miss M. A. Neary, of Philadel- |slept. Heart affliction was the|phia, anH a brother, Edward J. :cause of death, according to the at-|Neary, who lived with[...]Neary, or “Jack” Neary, | Mrs. Marinia Neary, of Los Angeles, as he was best known, had lived in| widow of James ae who died Douglas s ere two years ago, an[...]e names Oe whe for several [304 a neice, children of James ‘years a resident of Butte and Ana-|Neary. The daughter won an honor[...]m that |#bout a year ago in being voted the |part of the Treasure state. He had|Prettiest girl in a contest in her contin[...]ckly developed a | Strong friendship with several of | the leading business men, who were \interested in the building of the city of Douglas, and when the old! Gadsden was erected an[...]period lived | Jn San Diego. | The business men of Douglas and | Agua Prieta organized the Club So- | iCiale, a corporation for the opera- | |tion of a club in Agua Prieta, and | |again Mr. Near[...]a certainty in| [the United States and the policy of | ,the social club became unattractive | |to thos[...]not been ‘ employed. j | Mr. Neary was the son of John! ‘Neary. Both his parents were na- | |tives of Ireland. He was born in| jIreland and brought by[...]ong the street allegedly | arossed the suspicion of officers and To Los Angeles caused them to tak[...]a new spring line for; Mr. and Mrs. Ted O'Malley, of jthe store. | Phoenix, spent Saturday in the city[...]aunt, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Packard. A. H. Gardner, of Tombstone, was'They will spend the week-end in in Douglas yesterday on business’ Bisbee as the guests of Mr. O’Mal- and reported that the old mining !le[...]Thomas and Tom B. Vin-| Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McNew, of Al- | Peoples Preight Line, Phoenix, spent ,city on business. Inc., from |Douglas as the guests of Mr. Mc- Saturday in the | New’s mother, Mrs. Thomas Dillard, peng ay Sanaa of 745 Sixteenth | street. tv. and Mrs. McNew were F[...]ss Ruth week-end in Dougla# with his par-}Keanne, of Alamogordo. tents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McGuire, }[...]Motors office. ;. There will be a stated meeting of | ees Border Chapter No. 15, Order of |To Phoenix . | Eastern Star Monday evening at 8.[...]isbee | Convalescing Miss Mary Leftault, a member of! L. H. Johnson, well-known Soutih- Jacob Leichner was arrested on | son, manager and president of the! amogordo, N. M., are visiting in} Ban | }s[...]y) yen in the city fora few days, left Sam Hart, of Denver, jyesterday for Tucson. Reports from vari[...]Gadsden hotel on next| Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Fields, of Ani- | Wednesday evening at 7:30 and it mas, spen[...]ors in the city yesterday from | their ranch east of Douglas. Returns to Tucson Bishop Walter Mitchell, of Tuc- son, will return to his home in | Phoenix to[...]en-Arthur Hardware Co. ———— New shipment of Zarapes and } Rugs just arrived at Curio Caf | Ag[...]tional as rices. 49c; Douglas the nursing staff of the Cochise ern Pacific employe, who has been! c[...]night,”22-19' D. Best was the ail ‘round star of the game. Return From Pinery Mrs. H. C. Duckett[...]nding several days in Pinery canyon as the guests of Mrs. Duckett's parents, Mr. and Mrs, John G. Step[...]ay for Phoenix, Mesa and other points for a visit of several days. Returns From Cananea Mrs. L. Lope[...]unty school superintendent and now is princi- pal of the Amphitheatre school in ‘Tucson. To Bisbee[...]ovenware pottery in gay colors. Large assortment of romkins, cassajroles, mixing bowls and other item[...]for more than two weeks suffering |from an attack of pneumonia, is ;convalescing and will be able to |[...]usiness. Both jmen are in the engineering service of FERA. osetia sail \Y. W. C. A. Committee Is Stil[...]this sea- son. It is designed along slender lines of sapphire blue velvet and finished with a band of ostrich feathers of the same color curling about thel ower part of the skirt, WASHING - GREASING |new series spons[...]=F Butte. Anaconda and Virginia city | |News Week of Jan. 19. The ad-' during the period when the Mon-[...]ua aa eet aka Tote eae | Cor monument and romance Of | many of the leading figures, includ- | . The art work is[...]al western at- j} | mcsphere against a background of! 1 son! brilliant sunshine. In the lower | Colone[...]my Worker, Visits Here tured dancing to the music of the | . | guitar played by her caballero. The And[...]cene is a beautiful patio agaimst a| : background of flowers and desert. | Col. A. H. Davis, chief secretary j The two advertisements which,of the Salvation Army for San/ have already appeared[...]e in Douglas to-| Digest and the magazine section of ; morrow (Monday) evening and will | the New York[...], ‘ies to be further followed up by the address of Colonel Davis. The serv- | Southern Pacific railway, the travei| ice will be started at 8 p. m. } bureau of the Ohio Oil company; The meeting will serve a dual pur- | and the tourist service bureau of the | Pose, being to hear Colonel Davis! Continen[...]They will be suc- ! [itinerary from the home town of the| ceeded here by Capt. H. E. Thomp- | | inquirer to the point of destination. | 59- { Douglas and vicinity will re[...]'much additional publicity through! New shipment of Zarapes and| |the efforts of these travel bureaus. | Rugs just arrived at Curio Cafe,; The secretary of the climate club| 48ua PrietaAdvt. 1 i reports that a number of business; 5 jmen, members of the club, have| not yet designated the type of list- | ing they desire in the business di-; rectory w[...]tary as soon as possible so that; the publication of the directory may} not be delayed. i | ' | re ee[...]on are high for afternoon, in | felt with a touch of grosgrain, or | in fur worked into tall cossack t[...]Carey Roofing, Monarch 100% Pure Paint OLD GOLD Of Any Description Cash Now. 1190 11th St. ! PHOTO[...]ry cem- ‘tery. When Mr. Neary came to his place of business yesterday morn- ing, he was complaining[...]ary’s life had passed and left him with no hint of having suffer- moved to Porter & Ames mortuary P[...]Why pay more? Posten-Arthur Co. ‘Complete Line Of European Perfumes At Low Prices Red Cros[...] |
![]() | [...]cial campaign has been fired.} The éntire staff of workers will! report. tomorrow night at 6:30 at t[...]e outlook is véry prom- ising and the enthusiasm of the workers was never better. They hepe to make a complete canvass of the city in three days and reach the goal by that time. The e: of the Y.M.C. A haye been materially reduced dur- in[...]ahd stryices have been about fie same, regardiess of the econoinic ‘Stress. The smelter and the rail[...]and | Captain J. W. Déeming directing a | large of lieutenant who are} worke: the two teams. \ Majo[...]asher. Major Lewis will throw into ac-| @ group of workers that expect on top with time to spare.![...]o will give some! aid in this campaign. The board of , directors usually help in some; capacity. ' Ev[...]my as a whole, | But the everlastin’ teamwork | Of every bloomin’ soul.” | . Both majors hope t[...]t will be hard to beat and with | the cooperation of their teamwork- | COURT DECIDES IT WAS WRONG SCA[...]well-known as singer and composer also. Five acts of vaudeville will be presented on the opening night[...]Brunk’s feature orchestra, the first appearance of the Wolfe twins and Irene Mishu The tent theater of the comedians) will be located on the old circus![...]urial Was At Benson, Last Friday Willis Gardner, of Benson, a vet~ eran of the World war, and a resi- dent of Cochise county for 35 years ef the 38 years of his life, died last Wednesday, Jan. 16, at the Ve[...]about two years. The! funeral services in charge of the a} Mrs. Sera S. Chavasvia Dead, Funeral Mon[...]t the pital after an ® considerable pe- a native of Ariz born at Solomonvi “go. @& daughter of Mr and Mrs. Benicito Suarez. The funeral will be[...]Alice, A Solita and two sons being and Edgar, all of Douglas Miss Adele Suarez and a brother, Benito S[...]having 51 years her three and Edward A sister, ofof the club is to strengthen and condition the body[...]ut above his head a certain weight he is a member of that club. If a man can put above his head 150 po[...]bowling committee is working for a full schedule of 20 teams. ‘ Ray Pfister and John Slaughter have charge of the alleys. The annual campaign for sub- scripti[...]ll be- gin Tuesday and continue until the evening of Thursday night. The social committee is arrang-[...]ernoon and burial was in the cemetery there. son of W. E. Gardner, now a resi- dent of San Simon. His father came to Cochise county when[...]survived by his | wife, who was Miss Abbie Brown of Cochise, and their daughter, Ida Lee, 15 years ol[...]Gardner, Kearney Gardner and Gilbert Gardner, all of Cochise county, and a sister, Mrs. Frantz Eicks,[...]Hits The Law Books INDIANAPOLIS, )—Merl? Alte of Indianapolis, who was quite a featherweight boxer[...]here and studying law at night. Alte fought some of the best boys of his weight. , He is a licensed referee. WHO wan FIRST, IN AMERICA By Joseph Nathan Kane Author of “Famous First Facts” Who was the first succe[...]rse appear? What wa Dass a cars first the first state to terilization bill? Answers in next issue, =[...]ce club met at the Y. W. C. A under the direction of Miss Dula Fern Dieckman and Miss Virginia Crabtre[...]high school club {met Monday under the direction of Mrs. James Elliott, sponsor. Plans were made for[...]oon the junior girl reserves, under the direction of Mrs. Howard Fletcher and Miss Hariette Clark, ept[...]with a beautifully appoint- ed tea in the parlor of the Y. W. Cc. A. A program preceded the serving,[...]Miss , Beatrice Wien. This tea was the conclusion of a project which has been going on for some time, con- | Sisting of dressing dolls to repre- sent the various countries and learning the dances of those coun- tries. The dolls were on exhibition a[...]y, in which the club is to ; Visit various points of interest in ithe city. f The BluTri club met Tuesday eve- ning in the Y. W. C. A. under the direction of Miss Madeline Cook ;and Mrs. Effie Autry, sponsor[...]talk on “Gracious in Manner,” the first point of the Girl Reserve code. Sev- eral of the members also made talks on different points of the code. This Project is to be continued for a short time, with various women of the jcOmmunity coming in to present |talks on various phases of the Girl | Reserve code On Wednesday evening the[...]N June 1, 1785, Adams introduced to King ¢ Hil of England as ambas the United a to the Court Three[...]by Chie tn 1877, |W. C. A. under the direction of the | tWo sponsors, Miss Elizabeth Stepi- }enson and Miss Leah Ports, with a ; Combined attendance of 24 The P. E. P. club met Thursday afternoon at th[...]tesses at a carnival dance, under the chaperonage of \ae and Mrs. James A. Elliott Millions For Roads[...]ways, giving practi- }cally every section a quota of all- weather roads. Due to mountainous terrain, much of the program was highly expensive. —o——_____[...]r 100 Douslas Men Highwa U. 8. highy ployment » of work period was nder the super- nie, road for of U, 3. 80. i with FERA up to 100 bu men for an indefinite started on Friday vision of Et man for this Request has | headquarte siitt program of the crew aproved mext number wii on the cpening[...]ect I sometimes takes a fev ays to get allotments of men adjusted. The work contemplated by Mr Haynie is to broaden the face of the road by building up the shoulders and extendi[...]from the Nighway thereby materi moting the factor of safety and also leaving the road a highway of bet- ter general appes e. The work will be done chiefly by the use of hand labor but there are features of it that require machinery cn as blades and trucks[...]the highway de- partment ) There has been a fund of $10,000, Set up by the federal government for this particular work on the por- tion of the highway between Dow las and the New Mexico state line, To that is added $4,500 provid by the state highway departme. for the purpose of meeting expenses of materials and supervision, so that this work will mean the ture of $14,500 The work on the highway, so far as the labor is concerned, is all of the common labor type. That makes it easy to translate inw terms of labor. It means that working eight hours a day, a[...]will to do, it would take one man a little short of seven years working every day, to earn the fund of $16,- He would earn four dollars a day and that m[...]500 days to complete the task. If, then, a force of 100 is assigned to this task and split to allow 5[...]o compiete the effort that can be paid for by the government's $10,000. eThe supervision will be by the men employed steadily on the force of maintenance for this section. Mr. Haynie has 12 m[...]t gives am- ple supervisor force for the num- ber of laborers that will be avail- able. One of the objectives which Haynie has in mind is shapin[...]the ra stock pens in Douglas so they be more easy of appr that haul the catt loaded upon the train.. T[...]ical world’s lowest Fisher Body. powers Last Of Three Great ovels That Have Been Filmed, At Grand Today Mrs. "Mis. wites of the Cabbage Pateh,” the third and last of the three great novels of and by Amer- feans, has been made into a motion p[...]orrow, continuous t the Grand the: “Mts. Wiggs of the Cab Patch,” which was written by Al Hegan R[...]- ter two have already been filmed and irs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch” is now completed Pauiine Lo[...]e chance to play in this classic —_—~~~ ling of stock has almost completeiy changed and truck han[...]oads that intersect the highway will be made easy of ‘approach to the high- way and safe and easy fo[...]in widening the shoulders. There will be free use of caliche for the improvement all the way. There pits all a that have been ed by the highway material of the Cabbage Patch THREE ~ Sa lazar A Ss i £ n[...]Mexican He is due here probably about the middle of this week. H¢ the Mexican consular Pass, Texas[...]been in service at Eag Consular Salazar is a man of con- siderable experience in the consular and diplomatic services of his coun- try and is highly rated by the people of his country for his administra- tive abilitie Th[...]ntly vacated by the re- tirement from the service of F. Al- fenso Pesquiera, who had been con- sul in Dough for the last three years and with a background of ome 10 years in the consular serv- ict Mr. Pesquiera was retired one of the quirks of political for- tune, not meeting with favor in the councils of those successful in the last federal election. He[...]nd val- uable ranch at Escada During the interim of the vacancy in the local consulate, Raul Corella,[...]will arrive this week, possibly! about the middle of the week — @- Leopold Wins Doctorate BRUSSELS. «The University | of Lille has conferred upon King Leopoid a doctorate[...]ars ago. engineers and these will be the sources of material for the new work. There will be used for truck- ing this from pit to point of use and there will be need for workers to shovel-[...]trucks and spreading it on the highway. The face of the road, when this work is done, will be widened[...]et and will bring the shoulders oui to an average of five or six feet ali along. That will promote saf[...]trying to pass another car. The highway from the state line to Tombstone is under Mr. Haynie’s supervi[...]for the work at present are chiefly from the city of Douglas. He says that the un- employed in Bisbee[...]re In Travel To Nation To The South Mexico bloom of pr the vicinity enjoying ost perit ecially of Mexico City,” said Raul Corella, acting Mexican[...]traveled to Laredo, Texas, and then south by way of Mon- »y and Tampico Around Mexico City there su[...]heights about the capital, thus seeing the growth of all the zones from the tropics to the altitude of snow. It is a most delightful trip to enjoy and-[...]cting Mexico City and the great Ameri- can nation of the United States, are! broad, safe boul "ig alin : GOTHENBERG, Sweden (4)—De- posits of pitchblende, chief source of radium, have been found on a! farm near this city[...]determine whether the field warrants construction of a! smelter. i ences PARIS —Bright red velvet m[...]r clinging lines and finished th aj ‘big ruche of black tulle at the hem- | line. In Agua Prieta Tomorrow, Report Ramon Ramos, candidate of the Mexican revolutionary party for the office of governor of the state of Sonora, will come to Agua Prietay on Monday for a[...]hip to fill the vacancy caused by the appointment of for- mer Governor Rodolfo Calles to bé secretary of communications and public roads in the administration of President Lazaro Cardenas. Since the promotion of Governor Calles to the federal administra- tion, Emiliano Correlo M, has been the governor of Sonora. London Favors Ornaments LONDON (#)—“[...]all the flavor. That's important. all kinds of End Tables $1.25 Loftis Furniture Co. 911-[...]E NEW STANDARD CHEVROLET "465 And Up. Standard List price Roadst 5.00. With and tire is $2 bject to c[...]than ee and drive this New "t—today! The New Master De Luxe Chevrolet Coach THE NEW MASTER DE LUXE CHEVROLET mS G6 3 Ard Up. List price of Master DeLuxe Coupe at Flint, Mich., NGER .. . smartly lower in of New at Flint bumpers, $5€0.00. With bumpers, spare tire and tire lock, the list price: is $25.00 additional. Prices subject to ch[...]Chevrolet's highly streamlined De Luxe Chevr Car of the | appearance . , . beautifully the new Master refined Knee-Action Ride—and longer And operat[...]is greatly Fashion More- over. the performance of this car will Yet it’s even et is the wheelbas[...]Dealer for full information regarding these new Master De Luxe models. amaze you, Chevrolet's ne[...] |
![]() | Douglas Daily Dispateh | PIONEER DAILY PAPER OF DOUGLAS Published THE DISPATCH PUBLI: iG COMPANY[...]ch Bldg. 526-530 Eleventh St. Phones 81-82 MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS exchusively entitied to the use for re-publication of all news to it or not otherwise credited in this[...]3044 W Grand Bvd New York, 21 East 40th Street 7 of The Dispatch may-be secured at any of these where full data ates Sohn regarding the Dou[...]Proposal Reasonable| Tt appears that the farmers of Sulphur Springs valley are seeking to have the office of the Cochise County agricultural agent brought bac[...]why the change was made to Willcox, but in spite of the fact being quite Clear, it also is easy to see why the farmers of Sul- phur Springs valley want the office at Bisbe[...]got a good start as a farming “community ahead of the Sulphur Springs valley. Its laid is well suit[...]ing an unreasonable request to ask for the office of the agricultural agent in the . gounty seat. far[...]ge a little later. A central location the office of easy access to all areas of the county is & proposal that carries its own ar[...]amounted to $49,700,- | 000,000. That was a drop of abott six per cent so that business Was still sli[...]ent says the ! nm checked. Com- pared to the drop of 21 per t in income for 1932 from the record of 1931 feel the siffe has been checked lice be th[...]d is that there has been a check in } the decline of wages, reduction im the draft of ac- cumulated surplus on the part of industry to pay its | current charges and expenses and a substantial in- crease in all lines of income to the farmers and a continued downward tr[...]oi $82,000,000,000 to $46,000,000,000, or a drop of 44 per cent. That gives something definite as to the breadth and depth of the depression in dollars and cents. It also sho[...]e national income has not yet climbed to the peak of $100,- 000,000,000. ? Ace | With Other Editors[...]more a Canadian doctor challenges the at- tention of the world. It’s becoming a habit with our frien[...]rth. This time it is Dr. Maurice Brodie, a native of England, who received his educa- tion and trainin[...]which causes infantile paralysis—the | disease of which President Roosevelt is probably the | most[...]ld the American Association for the ! Advancement of Science that he had found a vaccine | which he be[...]ickness. | Tt is an interesting fact that a part of Dr. Brodie’s | work was financed by the Banting Research Founda- | tion of Toronto. This foundation draws its funds from | royalties paid by the manufacturers of insulin, the | preparation which has nobbed diabetes of its prin- | cipal terror. j Insulin was discover[...]stead, he turned insulin over to the Uni- versity of Toronto, which grants licenses to reliable manufa[...]he old adage: | | “Procrastination is the thief of time.” But they ere! | going to find procrastin[...]will be here soon ¢r Was listening to the tales of the | because half of the current month already has passed | Orthern fo[...]ling said some- | gon x visit; -Péken the a iat) of | | whom Ladderback had been talking, } , Was o[...]iting for them to come in.' pean, who is a member of the | We haven't averaged more than 50 plates a[...]‘nant Marten, Tree-fox and Fisher- | venience of having to wait; whereas, now, it is hardly | weas[...]HERE seems to be no doubt now ; that Joe Louis of Detroit is a coming heavyweight champion. The ! first suit demanding a share of his earnings has been filed. o;3 8 Indiana offici[...]ever stays in an Indiana jail. * * The supervisor of reindeer in Alaska gets $3800 annually under the[...]contest. He must have remembered what had become of Upton Sinclair. sf Only 32,000,000 people can be[...]Prederick Lait, prominent in the mining industry of the country, were in Douglas yesterday. Brigadier General Hartman has returned to Douglas to take command of the Arizona mili- tary district relieving Colonel[...]VIE ESS |= Thirty Years Ago + HHH W. B. Kelly, of The Review, was down from Bisbee yester- day. M[...]ay for a short stay. Mr. and Mrs. Pragt, parents of Mrs. Lewandowski, are here for a short visit from[...]e, return home last evening. Raymond Corona, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Corona, is im- proving after a serious attack of pneumonia. Sammy Elder, who has been working in the power house at the C. Q. smelter, had the tip of his finger torn off yesterday. ! De ee a ema FPR[...]ve California?” : “Did I! I got thrown | off of 12 trains before I finally was | able to leave on[...]and wav- ing palms. Slip- ping, so to speak, out of the rac- coon benny into shorts. And un- | til be[...]glades was at the boom’s peak, when | the price of a hotel room for the. night sounded like a phone num- ber. For a winter, I lived in a sort of crystalized tent on a tag end of beens Beach. i, 4 year later you could buy that h[...]and formed an enduring friendship. | Many figures of that irresponsibly !gay winter I sawedaily have g[...]and economically blighted, has passed the corona of eclipse to — effulgently again. | The panorama from a train win- idow is an unending ripple of con- itrasts. A stark tree against a lone- |ly sky. Gray boles velveted with {dead moss. The sudden sprout of }a town. A bright red barn with a ‘liver pill a[...]fall. | All nature, indeed, in a quick throw * ,of the dice. | |. My train reading is always some- thow niched in between issues of ‘Periodicals I enjoy. So at terminal jmewsstand[...], a tittupy James M. ‘Barrie sort. With no show of shame, he was devouring the curd- \ler: “I Was[...]am I assailed by i fied hunger for tea and slices of that old-fashioned yellow pound cake. ' | To tr[...]ext mail, or ‘went to the train in a fi ‘set of the jitters. It meant I {turn out a week’s work[...]s been that delicately scent- more than a matter of king |Fox and isn’t a Marten, but is a/ in, a 4g see |member of the Weasel family, the | Pa ‘name Fisher-weasel would seem the | | _, Por the convenience of Verde valley motorists, Mr. |most appropriate nam[...]tes, starving, but he was very hungry; Not afraid of them. He knew how then procrastinate, but don’t blame anybody for hav- indeed. He had had a run ofof this prickly only could he ee at we time of fellow. With amazing swiftness a What will be the individual's loss then will be the State's gain. \in a telegram. It read: “Copy ar- “Kissing is unsanitary. Think ofof captain. Truman is married and has a | daughter,[...]ench at the cat show, | |mo more fish on his bill of fare un- Bow the rule has been modified so that[...]—no reference Fhereto political affdits. One ‘of the outstanding en- Pfr he aptamer cat in the lat[...]lead- + €r, that it was found on the west bank of the river at | {@ Yescue home for homeless cats.[...]he combination, West Bank New ¢ Buttons, another of the short-haired cats. "Yes, the cat world is ch[...]s on, whether he is — a bootjack at the progeny of some out- ; Standing Progeny of Buttons or a purebred maltese, + for if the short[...]— a Probably the cats ‘have anticipated some of the political . -— — 2 Facts of business gathered through government { agencies, such as the department of commerce, neces- | + sarily are all the time beh[...]official totals. ; Such is the case with the fact of national income, { which means the net result of business effort in all « lines and of all people. c The peak record for national income was set in , 1929 when the department of commerce tells us the | «total was $82,300,000,[...]lusion * some people who have been talking glibly of the peak «national income as being $100,000,000,000. A digecount } Of $18,000,000,000 is a matter to consider. cs , Turn, then, to the latest estimate of the depart- *#ment of commerce of the national income. The | Period is for the year[...]w West Bank New Year is shown against Philosophy of “share the wealth” as advo- | ited by Huey Lo[...]ere would be no more Frogs for ‘months to come. Of course there were no fruits or berries with which[...]scanty fare. All through the great silent forest of | ‘spruce and pine the snow jay deep. | This ma[...]emed as if the Grouse and the Hares had moved out of his district and the Squirrels were too clever to[...]ttle save increased hunger. ! “I must get meat of some kind or starve,” growled Pekan as he bound- ed along. Just thinking of meat made his mouth water and reminded him anew of how desperately hungry he |was. One must have foo[...]ting. Pekan knew who that someone was, and a look of fierce satisfaction crossed his face. He turned a[...]proaching another tree With the evident intention of climb- ing it. Pekan bounded toward him. ski-jumping is safer|He saw Pekan and instantly the But neither of them is exactly fool-/| thousand little spears hi[...]hat our solons are idlers Or time-wasting warmers of chairs? Who can say they recoil Prom the arduous toil Of conducting the nation’s affairs? Instead of mere peevish complaining, They ought to be hailed[...]house and in senate, Each Jaw-maker's name, Heaps of measures you'll find All of which are To shower its author with fame. Never[...]me Will find still more ways To elicit the praise Of the folks with the ballots, back home. There Are Millions of "Em Most of the people who want to run the country would run[...]r not raising apples.|began to thrash The Triumph of Not even the hardiest speedster ever tries to beat one of those streamline trains to a grade crossing. (Copyright, 1935, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.) between his k of the tree his quill-covered tail from side to side[...]and put- * dinner, and if he was pricked a} few of those little spears he didn't | mind. For some un[...]ounty,” says Harry S. Truman, presiding . judge of Jackson coun- | ty court, speak- ing of himself. Elected with the support of the T. J. Pen-/| dergast demo-} cratic organiza- | tion of Kansas City, Truman) said he would follow Roose-;[...]- , ance and im- =. mediate payment WERY S TEUMAN of the bonus To him, senators who pay large rents fo[...]complete in Kansas City. As a lad, Truman dreamed of a political career leading to the sen-| te. He started as county judge, | but skipped the stepping stones of ! governor and representative which | he had imag[...]“boss,” says Harry could plow | aightest row of corn in the | and “never did anything by | Before he left school, Truman, in- | stead of playing ball with the other | lads, read almost e[...]as he read the|Dam,” Ickes wouldn't be quite so government's brief in its Parker | S0re- Dam injunction suit against the state of Arizona. Read the brief and you'll see why. Some years ago a group of progressives in Congress, led by Senator Hiram Johnson of Cali- fornia, won a long, grim fight against the “power trust” for gov- ernment construction of a huge power project on the Colorado river. They[...]| the project as Boulder Dam. Then a secretary of interior named Ray Lyman Wilbur, to their intense disgust, named the thing after a friend of his whom they heartily disliked. Wilbur designate[...]ing or the other for quite a while until a change of adminis- tration occurred and Mr. Ickes, not long[...]not “Hoover.” But recently Arizona sent the state’s army and navy—consisting of one bumboat on the Colorado—to drive federal en[...]Dam, closely related development And the federal government has just sued before the supreme court to enjoin[...]tor General Biggs, Ickes found in the enumeration of Parker Dam purposes: Ri reregulating the water d[...]m, in such manner as to enable more effective use of said Boulder Dam and-for other public pur- poses." After which, the brief to the larger the governor of} a PWA project j se 8 oa old game of rewarding the ! good little boys and punishing j the bad ones still goes on in Con- gress. A couple of stray incidents | will tell you how it is: | Senator Sherman Minton of | Indiana, a new man, is opposed | to the quick cash bonus payoff. He shows every sign of being “regular” for the administration, which[...]ke | to address the Dutchess County , Association of New York, a high- hat organization of which Roose- yelt is a member and which had | inv[...]speak “for the administra- | tion.” That sort of thing usually makes a new senator, feel good, as[...]good and bad—in this administration, but plenty of >brows are raised at the spec- le of Senator Joe Guffey, po- litical boss of Pennsylvania, giv- ing instructions to House lead[...]s or lemons he wants handed to Democratic members of his state's delegation. It’s no new revelation here that[...]g so openly, | it's a fair bet that someone, one [of these days, will be knocking his ears down. (Cop[...]use | Guffey is an even cruder political ; jout of nowhere. Arabesques that !would be vaguely terrifying save - from security of a brightly-lit coach. ;They are the stuff of dreams, | beauty, shadowy terror and tran- _quility. Scattered lights of an ap- | proaching city begin to twinkle and |the curlicues ofof | hoop-skirts, swirling capes and eyes behind a f[...]w diners flicker ro- | mantically like characters of a cin- ;ema. There is the distinguished | gentlem[...]“Dumas, the | Incredible Marquis.” He smacks of 'D’Artagnan himself. He has that don’t-speak-to-me aloofness of the seasoned traveler. I have never ac- ; quired[...]the Pullman smoker, some mugg | Selling silos out of Omaha or some- | thing, begins telling me that on[...]g me i“Mac” and dragging out kodak }snapshots of the wife and kiddies. | (Copyright, 1935, McNaught i Syndicate). | COPENHAGEN “—A brighten- | ing of Denmark's national economy jis seen in the report that agricul- | ture yielded a return of 3.5 per cent }on investment for the year 1[...] |
![]() | [...]D CLUB NOTES Miss Lillian Simpson, Supervisor ofof the outstanding social events of the past week was held Friday evening when Miss L[...]ends in Douglas. Miss Simpson has been supervisor of music in the! Douglas schools for the past seven years, and has a host of friends in the city. She has taken active part in all musical activities of the city and has given generously of her) time and talent whenever called upon by lodges, churches or other organizations. She is a graduate of | the music college of the University ef Kansas. Captain Parr, her fian[...]decorative | color theme. | Following the rounds of bridge, | which followed the luncheon, high | sco[...]uest prize was given to the honoree. On the guest list were Mrs. J. C. Powell, Jr.. Mrs. M. W. Lewis, ;[...]t Eastern Star \ Prescott entertained the matrons of the Order of East- Thursday afternoon at m Eighth street. A so[...]. G. Arthur conducted the! devotions on the lines of the prayer! circle plan being followed by all the, auxiliary guilds of Episcopal women in the state. | Miss Bennett, secretary of the Y. W.C. A. in Bisbee, and Miss Irma Gardanier[...]ed with deep in-| terest. Miss Bennett's talk was of the familiar life with girls and women of Manchuria, particularly, the “new” women. Miss Gardanier, presemted a brief but comprehen- sive view of China in its geography, | hold its regular meeti[...]learly the difference in the race characteristics of the Chinese and the Japanese and “the reasons for them ! Tea was served at the program the close of Mr. and Mrs. Nichols Entertain With Dinner Party[...]. Nichols chose for her table a decorative scheme of rust and green. Table candles of the same color tones in silver holders flanked a silver bowl of ranunculus in the same hue and on the tinted name[...]. Nichols. j } Mrs. Maiden Entertains j Fourson of Bridge i Mrs. Ben Maiden was hostess to | a foursome of, bridge Friday after-' noon at her home on Ninth[...]ms- Walker Word has been received in Doug- | las of the marriage of Miss Flossie Walker and Howard Adams in Martinez,[...]Jan. 12. The young couple are former resi- dents of this city. Mrs. Adams is a sister of Mrs. Carl Hatcher. Following a short honeymoon t[...]e | Meeting Monday Afternoon The regular meeting of the Doug- las Music club was held Monday ; afternoon at the home of Mrs. S.} W. McCall. } Miss Martha Criley and Mrs. | Eunice Plumb were in charge of the | afternoon’s program and gave very | interesting reports on the “Intro- | duction of Italian Opera Into Ger- | many,” and a synopsis of the opera | “Don Juan.” Mrs, S. W. McCall and[...]Monday Afternoon t The Douglas Woman's clug will|of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. ee Those attending afternoon a[...]i-annual re-| Mrs. Stewart Sippy, Mrs. Jack ports of officers and department! Stricklin, Mr. and Mrs.[...]Dula Thursday Afternoon Fern Dieckman. The ladies of the Christian Two songs, the high school girl's church met at the home of Mrs. M. a. ahr aati |J. Arnold on Thursday aftern[...]ting lesson brought to | the members. The Ladies of the Altar society erine Johnston, Miss Bana Wick.[...]rsday Was awarded to Mrs. I. Robe “| The ladies of the Presbyterian The c ttee in charge of the church held their regular mission- , ary meeting Thursday afternoon at party consisted of Mrs. Paul H.' tne nome of Mrs. James Goar ‘at the sequins. Design by Mag[...]Spencer presided Anchondo. Mrs. West Entertains Government Club Tuesday One of the lovely affairs of the week was held Tuesday in the Gads- den hotel[...]ess meeting Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Schwantes, of its social and litical conditions emtertained the members of the | “a its oem: Both speakers Government club with a luncheon. | told how the uneducated m[...]e was centered by & low learning to read by means of James Dow! of flowers in pastel shades | Yen's selection of “One Thousand While a similar color note was de[...], Jr. Mrs. Joe G. Curry, Bishop Walter Mitchell, of Tuc+ Mrs. E. M. Specht and the hostess, Mrs. West. Pollowing luncheon the guests were taken to the home of the hostess on Fourteenth street where the afternoon was spent in playing bridge, at the conclusion of which tallies announced Mrs. J. B. Murch- fson an[...]rs. Mary K. Morgan and Mrs. George Bent, teachers of the Sea- DOUGLAS DAILY DISPATCH, SUNDAY MORN Newest Wrap From Paris Princesse Achille Marat of Paris, who expects to visit the United States thi[...]ed with floor-sweeping medieval sleeves and cuffs of shimmering gold the slips in a pumpkin and the.f[...]r outlined on the top, served with punch. Ladies of Altar Society Have Business Meeting The members of the Ladies Altar society of the Catholic church held their regular monthly me[...]ent to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mrs. Powell. Those who were present were Mrs. J.[...]chwamm, Mrs. ‘E. A. Scott, Mrs. Theresa Blaine, of Lakewood, Ohio; Mrs. A. C. Karger, Mrs. Mary Cal-[...]e Burns Celebrates Third Birthday With Party One of the delightful affairs of the week was the celebration of the third birthday anniversary of Ger- aldine Burns, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Burns, at the home of Mrs. Lester W. Upton on Tenth street The little[...]5 and spent the time at games. At the conclusion of play the re- gull and Bluebird classes in the freshment table was spread with its primary department of the L. D. S. central birthday cake, the attract-[...]d their classes ing feature, surrounded by favors of jeintly Friday evening in the home gum-drop bears and dolls in shades of Mrs. Morgan, 1225 Thirteenth of pink and yellow. street, with a Cinderella party[...]illy Griffiths, Stan- Each girl was given a piece of ley Sleeman, Billy Stricklin, Char- paper and ask[...]ymore, Bobby Denny, Don duties. On the other side of the Elmo Smith, Jay Jones, Mary Pa- paper she was asked to state the tricia Critchley, Pay Atott, Jacque- tings they should d6 chéérfully. line and Peggy Haymore of Warren, ‘when they had finished they put’ St[...]y The Aeolian string ensemble promises to be one of the outstand- ing features on the musical pro- gr[...]Parish House next Tuesday evening. The personnel of this organization in- jchudes Carlos Santamaria v[...]e studied in Berkeley, Calif.. and is an exponent of the famous Woodward technique. | Paul Hollister h[...]- | usual ability. Mr. Hollister is a | graduate of the New England Con- | servatory of Music at Boston and |has appedred as soloist with some | of the well known orchestras of the | east, and has also done concert and | recit[...]Rafael Suarez, tenor. | All three possess voices of unusual | beauty. | Mr. Fletcher received his ea[...]udied with | Reinald Heber, celebrated teachér | of Los Angeles. ' ; Mrs. Poland received het early[...]j later studied with the famots | Madame Johansen of the aAtierican | Conservatory of Musit in Chicago. j Mr. Suarez is first tenor in the i choir at the Methodist mission of this city and has been extensive solo work. lip[...]rnestine Schumanh- Heink, supported ty the chorus of eight male voices and the orchestra under Josef K[...]ction, j will sing Lieurance’s “By the Waters of the Minnetonka” during the Sen- tinels Serenade[...]” The orchestra will feature Wagner’s “Ride of the Valkyries” and selections from “The .[...]toesty cadena ofee | Mrs. Hollis Hall in the home of Mrs. | eGo twice a week, the two 15-min- Floyd Kaneaster on Eighth street. | ute programs have combined into A color scheme of pink and green | one 30-minute broadcast ‘on Su[...]tallies, and in the wrap-| KPO. Sam Moore and his of pings of the favors. Low bowls of! musicians, all of whom chat and sweet peas and pink tapers in green | sing in the character of the period jeandlestick holders were placed! depi[...]rooms. Contract | gram. bridge was the diversion of the} afternoon with Mrs. Allfree DeVore and Miss[...]he honor guest for a miscel-|itector and narrator of the Opera laneous shower Tuesday evening,| Guild.[...]r and Mrs. Joe Good under the direc! jin-the home of the latter. Little tion of Wilfred Pel- Miss Betty Barnum and Junior letier, conductor of the Metropali- oe . tan Opera company. Powles dre[...]rimmed with pink and'was produced to the plaudits of an white ruffles and topped by &! enthusiastic au[...]|«Cayalleria Rusticana” is the story a an arch of rosebuds ic = simple Sicilian village and the rns[...]en Good, Miss Harriette Willough- teamster learns of his wife's perfidy by, Mrs. W: C. Willoughby, Mrs[...]can, Miss Mina Newkirk, Mr. A, E. American Album of Familiar Music Hinton, Mrs. Charles Foster, Mrs.|[...]” Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Good “Speak to Me of Love,” “Love Me meee | Tonight” and a medley of numbers Off-Shoulder Drapery |by Rudolph Friml. L[...]during the broad- ‘Mshed a record as a pianist of un-| Album of Familiar Music program’ 1 Activities In Dou[...]| 7:30 p. m.—Rosary and a ‘ Anniversary tion of the blessed sacrament. ..... | 9:30 P. M. Celebrati the eighth anniver- }sary of their honeymoon in Chi-' cago, Jack Benny and Mar[...]negro, Evening service, 7:30 p. m. igroup is one of the best known ject for the evening: “Dist uartets of its kind on the air. It | God.” ihas been featu[...]his home town jin. . |; where he will deliver one of his in-| Prayer meeting, Wednésday e Discovered[...]:30 p.m. i the. observation platform, writing one of his weekly plays, Perey, the} Playwright, will tr[...](Second Supnday After s Marshall, as the Spirit of ‘Trans- % Radio Program | portation, and Helen ‘Troy, as Miss| Ohi s Hi hii " | otennee, complete the list of} Morning prayer, 11. ERR seed Musical numb\g. pro[...]“Blue Moon”; ! 9:45 a. m: © o |Lane,'singer of oki-fashionea sone. whcox, superintendent. ack De[...]ettes, harmonizing “Ta Like joc cine’ Ne Bust Of Miss to Dunk You in My Coffee”; a hoe-; “1; 3[...]nd. es ° wood, will be heard in two groups _ Oo of songs, the first consisting of “O Feathers Ornament Hats “* Sole Mio” and “Carry Me Back to LONDON hats of tl the Lone Prairie.” Following an piquant tricorne, pork-pie and-hal interlude of musi¢ by a male chorus variety will be given fresh 5 and William Daly’s orchestra per- by ornaments :ofof gagements next week supe! J. 0. C. Class Have Meeting Tuesday The J. O. C. class of the Meth- odist church met at the home of Mrs. Carmen Good, 1022 Twelfth street, Tuesday ev[...]ar business and social] hour. There was election. of officers as follows: Mrs, Cora Schlotzhauer, pres[...]peeal meeting the evening was spent in | and Care of Your Trees playing games, after which refresh- m[...]= J. S. Thornber References: Univ. of Ariz, Univ. of Calif.; also local references. e[...] |
![]() | [...]His mee is the fact that he super- d expenditure of last year’s $3,- 000,000 public works allotment[...]r department. Representative Wil- m B: Bankhead, of Alabama, new mocratic floor leader of the house, been so ill since before the date his[...]week-end. mwhile, Representative Ed- T. Taylor, of Colorado, has acting as floor leader by des- ation of Speaker Byrns. Veteran nocratic members of the house ‘Y¥: The National Whirligig Ne[...]ews in Washington and New York send, sponsor of the old age revoly ing pension pian which $200 a month spending money in the pockets of all citizens of age The the knock as a boost. But he prob- ably could not be expected to admit that his plan may run afoul of the same difficulties as socialism, thus defined[...]hilosopher Socialism means an equitable division of all the money in the treasury every Saturday nigh[...]by Monday morning AUTHOR: Senator Pat McCarran, of Nevada, has a rival food and drug bill in against[...]r private interests. Dunn has a tremendous pride of would put over 60 years good doctor accepts[...]a new or leader, never, never forget the red rule of seniority—or senility, a famous editor termed i[...]khead , SURED: Representative John J. | ‘onnor, of New York, chairman the powerful rules committee, is | apparent whenever there is a; top jobs of the house. both speaker and lly was supporting t[...]year’s; At would have liked to see Rep- Arnold, of Is, elected, but for obvious rea- | ns he dared not make known any erence. Younger members of the house ent this seniority business. But -timer[...]es’ | ‘is showing up brilliantly. Whis is one of the few agencies | it recovers part of what it spends. ' ns are repaid or curtailed in a[...]A‘ NOISETTE with a delect- able accompaniment of, pastry pd cooked fresh fruit is my te- prise new dish for 1935 so far. C.odse a loin of lamb and re- ove the fillet. Cut into slices ut.a[...]n well with salt and pepper; jace eack on a round of hot but- red toast. Put a large mush- om cap which has been sauted butter on top of each, Pour a prt wine sauce over it, arrange stry[...]ferent uits on the platter and decoraie th points of toast. Fruit Caps the Meal Melon balls cut from melons, dges of fresh pineapple, Califor- it grapes, slices of apple and pars are simmered in butter and en stuf[...]hen you have something, let me Hl you, in the way of food. Save the drippings from the eat as it broi[...]ives, joice cucumber or watermelon ngs and plenty of coffee. If you nt a sweet, a tray of tiny ag rted rich cookies makes a per-| et finish[...]SERVICE BUREAU Room 305, 461 Eighth Ave., copies of “60 DESSERTS,” by Sister Mary, at 10 cents N[...]By James MeMullin BANKS: Chairman Leo Crowley ‘of the Federal Deposit Insurance corporation is qui[...]e recently summoned the bank- ing superintendents of several states —inecluding New York, Pennsylvan[...]He suggested they urge action by their respective state legislatures which would tighten the FDIC's control over its members—and even offered copies of bills designed for that purpose. He especially wanted two things. One was to have state banking de- partments accept examinations by Federal Deposit Insurance auditors as official instead of making their own audits. The other was to con- fe[...]ility on the FDIC for naming receivers for closed state banks instead of having this done by state authorities. The object of Mr. Crowley's ma- neuvers is to extend federal juris- diction over state institutions with a minimum of argument. The state banks have plenty of valiant champions in congress and[...]much headway with the superintendent. proportion of cases. Signs of The idea of voluntarily curtailing tet times are unmistakable[...]th Infantile Paralys E9 ralbl. Will Be Raised By Programs in Douglas Wednesday. Jan. 30) 4 JAN[...]do things after they've had a battle with a flock of in- fantile paralysis germs, but lit- tle Carrie Suriak of New York. isn’t downhearted about it, as the pi[...]is showing her legs a thing or two with the help of Miss Constance Huerstel. Nor has she anything on[...]ht). He is Herbert companies against the type of hur- | jrah-boys competition which threw | busin[...]stronger, The | first offenders between the ages of | going—” her voice faltered, days. | Fuchs, also of New York. Two smiling youngsters (upper left) their: legs in braces, partake of their midday luncheon at Camp Alyn for Crippled C[...]ers throughout the na- tion will be beneficiaries of the 1935 Birthday Ball for the Presi- dent, Jan.[...]g what Col. Henry L. Do= herty, national chairman of the Birthd: Ball committee, calls “the most-dreaded disease men-' acing the nation”. Seventy cents’ of every dollar raised will be re- tained by local c[...]e infantile paralysis victims, while thirty cents of ev- ery dollar will be turned over to 4 Birthday[...]arch ap- pointed by the President, regulation of distribution of relief! Insiders remark that corporations other bill passed by the house would | 15 and 24 in the state prison. lle cienie dN Lditlaet tates which have stood the test of time | ;are gradually emerging more firmly | entr[...]—the public now has a chance to share the gains of ‘industrial progress (as reflected in| the mark[...]terms with inside professionals. | TAXES: One of these days the New York City fathers will repeal the city income tax—with a great show of virtue for easing the tax- payers’ burden. Tha[...]e a hunter claim- ing credit for a deer that died of heart failure. People in the high income brackets[...]y. So the tax would have been a washout. The cost of collection would have been way out of proportion to the| returns. | Another reason for abandoning the income tax is the success of the sales tax. It’s yielding more than | was es[...]tremendously strengthen successful Present rate of return will continue |[...]fat hot enough to brown an inch cubes of bread in sixty seconds ) degrees F. on fat thermo[...]e the rice in four round patty cakes. On each bed of rice place a cooked eutlet. Put a slice of tomato on each cutiet and top with a bit of riced egg yolk. Surround with the sauce and serve[...]ough the year. The tax was ap- plied in the midst of Christmas ‘buying—a factor which optimistic |[...]e current federal revenue— | $1,900,000,000 out of $4,000,000,000— comes from sales taxes under ot[...]ng levies are increas- ingly important as sources of treas-! ury income. CONTROL: You may have no- ti[...]ar than in the present one. The convenient device of deficiency ap- propriations will take care of the difference. New York learns that the AAA has[...]plan up its sleeve to make every farmer the owner of his land. At present one-third of all farm- ers—2,500,000 of them—are tenants. The idea is to enable them to[...]s say the ulterior motive is | | Stricter control of crops. | MOTORS: Labor issues will be para[...]age- , ments than the unions—in the in- terests of recovery it has to make MERCIES: The Saar vote }[...]now but ill be subject to merci€e The abroad of $3,- banking bonds corporate ave a good reco[...]s—because both sides ee waiting—like a couple of wary palookas—-for the enemy to hit first | (Copyright, McClure Newspaper Syndicate) ‘ permit the state auditor to eel lish a register of state warrants to} expedite handling of the papers. The bill was sent to the senate’ judiciary committee. Of this week's bills, 16 were sub-| mitted in the ho[...]r payment in 20 equal semi-annual install-| ments of taxes which become de- linquent next June 1; extending the nishing an important percentage of | time for payment of car license zona courts; to direct the Stein's Pass-Benson road as a) state highway; to permit acceptance | by counties, cities and towns, or, school districts, of warrants drawn against the same political subdivi[...]ace value for an amount not to exceed 75 per cent of any debt or demand of the sub-division; and a joint memorial asking con[...]limit employments and trade vocations to citizens of the! United States and to Geport aliens! on relie[...]ceeds finally and Ann goes away, leaving no trace of her whereabouts. She is hired as governess for the children of MRS. TRACY, an artist. ALLAN VINCENT, Mrs. Tracy'[...]t,” Sam agreed. “I. thought things were kind of queer sometimes when they was Seems like they thought an awful lot of each other, but were kinda oneasy about showin’[...], Saw your wife hand her a letter— {a Slip of paper it might have been- {Then 1 went back to th[...]When I saw Mrs. Kendall again | she had some king of nervous re- action.” Peter got in his big gray[...]l his mad haste to tell Va- leria what he thought of her, meant nothing, after all. Valeria was out. S[...]Little Juan. Bless him! |denly Peter's feeling of wild ,exul- tation was succeeded by a terrible fe[...]one! Ped in silence but Ann was awake. per cent of capacity on expending consumption in various industries of which the automotive is still fur- orders. The u[...]l Ari- cellaneous industries. While there 1 the state was no change in finished prices or | | highway d[...]- jan language and literature under the patronage of the Italian em- bassy in Rio de Janeiro. More tha[...]. “I see now man.” “Yeah, and I know lots of law yers whose suits have made them.” PO ae Ta[...]wing eal | Ae eked Rotten. 4+18_ RY feature of these smock pajamas contributes to their un-[...]20 (32 to 38 bust). Size 18 requires 5 1-8 yards of 39-inch fabric and 1 1-3 yards for’ trimming,[...]STRUCTIONS. : to MENTION THE NAME OF sure The FALL f HOOK, 1 complete selection of Julia Boyd designs, now is ready It's 15 cents wh[...].eceeeeceeees DOMME ciccccccevesceves City . Name of this newsp . ee morning. When Lena came out o[...]his foolish- ‘mess and make up. Wastin’ a lot of time being miserable when they | could be happy.[...]; added to the general uneasiness. ; Corita told of hearing Ann sob- | bing at night. “If he don't[...]t, his big, dark eyes fixed w her adoringly. All of his tricks had failed to di-! { vert her. He had[...]ing} | arrowheads from the flint at the; } bottom ofof the birds only {evoked mild enthusiasm. | ; So on[...]{about had whispered, “Now, why! didn't I think of that! Here child,’ } let me have that card. I'l[...]rrible, selfish plot that had | taken such a toll of happiness —| | after a talk with Ann's nurse ha[...]hing specific in connection with j } her distrust of Miss Bennett that | day, had answered, “I shoul[...]he*eagerness in Co- | rita’s eyes, had said, “Of course I'll be all right. I'll lock everything |u[...]had missed him so, had believed he had passed out of her life. Yet here he was, his deep voice with it[...]ou mention it, 1 do believe I had some faint idea of looking you up.” His voice, fear- fully shaken,[...]ws, unhappy memories were forgotten. The grating of brakes on the drive. ‘It's Corita, coming back[...]. Mr. and Mrs. George Scheerer, Webb, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. ‘Joe Blalack Wednesday. | ‘Nei[...]|__ Neil Erickson, D. C. Williams and Roy Wacher, of Faraway, were Pin- ery visitors Thursday. Jack Lindsay and Sam Estes, of Bonita camp, spent the week-end Pinery. in » M[...]n mo- tored to Willcox Friday. | J. &. Stephens, of Dos Cabezas, i* and Mrs. Walter Amaiong ‘ Mr. a[...]Erickson and ' . Ed Riggs Douglas Monday. ports of Miss Della in. 8 Dorgite Ine (ill. | Mr. and Mrs. June Taylor, Dearborn and daughter, of ; Were visitors in Pinery Sunday. | Mr. and Mrs.[...]er saved her life. That was but the be- ginning of the series of exciting events in which Gaie found herself. Her story—a story of dramatic surprises—is told in “Silken[...] |
![]() | [...], home For Single Game | 20 the famous american of the famous American Derby, to- day es cage peed try, was sold to John P. Harding oe head of a string of Chicago restau- ginning of another Y. M. C. A-j rants bearing his name, also[...]k Changes Hands The race course, regarded as one of the most beautiful in the coun- DOUGLAS DA[...]rolyn Babcock, Wightman cup team ace, with scores of 8-6 World-wide Athletics ‘Relief Plan For[...]tively, returned home today to clean up their erd of a financial deal that must be completed on or bef[...]em, 504._ Those on the | Over Sacramento 200 game list are Armstrong, m0: | | Cooper, 216, 248; DeVore,[...]an. 19. (4 con ne oe — Pct.|—A quartet of the country’s lead- | Ford Agency ........ 4 0[...]Electricians .4 0 1,000;day into a tie at the end of the Postal Telegraph .... 4 0 1,000' first 18 holes of the $2,500 Sacra- Southern Facific 3 1 .750 | men[...]rnament. ee 1 ‘750, ‘The quartet, each member of -2 2 ‘500 Which carded a 70, two under par, 2 2 500,was composed of Gene Sarazen pal 3 250|New York; Charles Lacey, G[...]GELES, Jan. 19 “)—Ted Clark carried the silks of C. N. Mooney to a surprise victory in the San Felipe $2,500 handicap of a mile at Santa Anita park here to- day when he w[...]The 5-year-old chestnut horse oy Chatterton out of Uncle's Lassie collected $2,060 for his stable an[...]Second, a length and a half be- hind was Jabot, of the C. V. Whit- ney stable, with Wacoche third by[...]scratched from the event, due to heavy conditions of the track from last night's down- pour. These wer[...]time Twenty Grand had been declared, and on four of these occasions rains came ‘to make the going h[...]been named to go. Silvio Coucci fifth winner of the Santa Anita meeting in the fifth when he brought Peradventure of the Green- tree stable home in front. eerie iaap[...]for the Wildcats, and will take the blankets off of his bowlers, so Beards Wildcats will take notice. Laux, of the Ramblers, took hon- ors last week and is pres[...]are leaving this morning for Tucson to enter the state championship match to be staged in the old pueblo[...]d Arlen, Holly- | wood film player, dividing most of the spectators with Sarazen and Ky Laffoon, of Chicago. | Hagen toured the’ 6,787-yard jcours[...]nd up with a 79. The day's work found not a few |of the favorites back in the middle or high seventie[...]ilwaukee, jearded a 76, and Vie Ghezzi, win- ;mer of the Los Angeles open earlier this week, needed a[...]Harold McSpaden, Kansas City, Kans., led a group of seven at 73. Among them were Don Edwards, San Jose amateur, whose score was the best of the simon-pures. Another 18 holes will be played[...]CO, Jan. 19 ”™— Football's final appearance of a pro- longed season in this section will take pl[...]h their might against the undeter- mined strength of Ernie Nevers’ newly organized Pacific coast all- stars. The annual game, sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, is expect- rode his twenty~ ¢d4 to attract a gathering of more Lamb, of Milwaukee, giving than 20,000 followers of the gridiron sport. Part of the proceeds will be devcied to charitable purposes. The Giants, re-Assembled after several weeks of idleness, will line up as two to one favorites to[...]e | Fendley Collins, wrestling coach at Michigan State, will not do much} werk with this year’s team.[...]ympic games, Germany al- ready has a great amount of work far advanced and has given some of the winter sports places a dress rehearsal or two[...]rtenkirchen. Note the “trough” is being built of ice cubes, cut from frozen rivers. The and soli[...]CONDA, Mont.. Jan. 19. (?)— | Ray Peterson, of St. Anthony, Ida.,| T mushed his team of five setters} through 10 below zero weather over[...]win the international dog sled} derby, a feature of the Montana | winter sports carnival. | Peterson covered the 32.01-mile | course in the time of one hour, 46) minutes and 8.4 seconds to win Over} Don Cordingley, 19-year-old | man at the University of Idaho,| southern branch, whose team trav- eled th[...]ed as the most terrific grind) in his three years of dog racing with two of his pullers bleeding at/ the mouth. Olympic Skat[...]d MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 19. #— Robert Peterson, of Milwaukee, and | Allan Potts, New York, were named as the remaining two members of the United States 1936 Olympic skating team today as Eddie Schroeder, of Chicago, won the 10,- 000 meter event, last of the trials which started here a week ago. In win[...]ay in 19:12.6, Schroeder came home first in threc of the four events, taking the 1500 meter race Sunda[...]2; Illinois, 34. Minnesota, 42; Chicago, 33. Penn State, 38; Washington Jefferson, 15. Indiana, 40; Iowa,[...]17. Southern Methodist university, 32; University of Texas, 28. Arkansas, 42; T. C. U., 24 St. Mary's 30; Stanford, 41 North Carolina State, 25; Carolina, 42 Georgia Tech, 23; Georgia, 33. Yale, 37; Williams, 28 Rice Institute, 56; Louisiana StAte, 47 & South Texas A. and M., 46; Baylor,[...], 37; Bucknell, 22 Oregon, 21; Idaho, 39. Col r of Pacific, 29; San Jose State, 27 Montana Normal, 44; U. of Mon- tana, 42. Montana State, 32; Brigham Young U., 55. Arizona, 40; Tempe State Teach-| ers’ 35 Arizona frosh, 35; Temp[...]. Army, 20; Columbi: Notre Dame, 22; University of Pittsburgh, 26. Duquesne university, 35; West V[...]rsity, 27 Dartmouth, 34; Princeton, 32. San Diego State college, 28; La Verne college, 20. Occidental college, 43; Pomona, 26 Chico State, 45; University of! Nevada, 38. | | competition as | and the loser. walls of the runway are so thick At ce res 0 righ[...]t the same town high in the Bavarian Alps. Jumps of better than 263 feet have been made on this hil[...]s. Center below is one cf the stone dormitories, of which about 1,50 will be built at ing Olympic at[...]is planned. oe N, explaining why he + terror of American L« terles and Infields fo: paigns, Tyru[...]stood on sive rights.” “Aggressive right: ton of success in an) hi made the sprint from[...]rights. The bas were theirs, and they every Inch of them. with menac- ing spikes and flying arms. Pe[...]s in the dizziest | stretch drive in the history of the majors. Oné or two inspired players can sp[...]key Cochrane's fiery charge, backed by the spirit of skinny Jo-Jo White and Goose Goslin, kept the Det[...]ands two or three times in St. Louis. The climax of what was perhaps the wildest world series ever pl[...]ont, and banished Medwick In @ shower of bottles and buns. Med- wae only making the most of into Third Baseman Owen glistening spikes whistliag in it was the get-the-hell- “way assault of Joe Cro Heinie Manush, and Buddy t saw Washington through, his dash that last year enly lifted Bill Werber, of oston Americans, from the ranks of the mediocre. The Red won't be sluggish this trip[...]l Cissell, and Wesley Fer- ell. Johnson steps out of the sir ag-| Vay for nobody, Cissel[...]contender. in| 1932. —orener EN CHAPMAN, of the Yankees, loves to get on the bases and Make[...]ks. Cubs, slides first, without even | Al Lopez, of the Dodgers, never | hesitates. Athletes with va[...]ng on their “aggressive rights.” The manager of the White Sox, now closing out his run, is a striking success story of a player who kept trying. Baseball could use mor[...]o the dogs ~ Fis EASTERN PoLoist BY VIRWE OF HIS GREAT WORK IN THE EAST-WEST SERIES LAST FALL,[...]DICAP... ossive rights wher he came | career of Jimmy Dykes, | 'Douglas Bulldogs | Lose to Tucson { George A. Bergfield, principal of { the Douglas high school, telephoned | from Tuc[...], against them, the Douglas boys | played a class of basketball that | would have thrilled anyone, but[...]MIAMI, Fla., Jan. 19. “)—The cond convention of the National Association of Racing Commission- electing Walter D. Donoyan of . | Florida, president, and adopting the: | nat[...]rm code for horse ' racing. Denovan is secretary of the Flor- ida commission and led the success- never has been , {ul five-day effort to settle state! | differences over the code. He suc- ceeds Mark D. Hanna, Michigan. Of the 15 state commissions which Bill Jurges, of the Fé members of the association, 12' jt”, was the laughing repl[...]ftly changed. «Kauihilo “stole” the ball out of Bufkin’s arms, and ran 81 yards to a touchdown.[...]was wide. — ‘Cardinals Want Farms On Soil Of California ST. LOUIS, Jan. 19. “®}—With[...]’s ma- terial-developer par excellence, has two of his lieutenants, Phil Ber- telme and William Walsingham, Jr., reconnoitering west of the Rockies with the view of establishing a small minor league in which the Ca[...]19.(4)—Phoenix | high school made a clean sweep of its basketball series with El Paso high, winning[...]the six furlong $500 purse inaugural handi- cap of the Arizona Jockey club’s 21-day racing program[...]ht, he and Adams were given less than three weeks of grace to contact “certain: parties” who must[...]league head, can announce 4 Satisfactory solution of the first Major problem to beset his presi- dency[...]avoided saying so, are the minority stockholders of the Boston Braves; most of whom are friendly to Fuchs. ai —o— ers[...]ed ST. LOUIS, Jan. 19 (}—Manager Rogers Hornsby of the St. Louis Browns announced tonight that Pitch[...]o the front in the last 10 yards, coming in ahead of Dazetta and Flag Time He paid $8.40, $4.60 and $[...]ond; Scholar! Boy, third. ! ' Nc Ie Tpsoaiie | Of Marriage Talk NOTICE to Movers! Regardless[...], Jan. 19 (?)— Max! |Baer, heavyweight champion of the ' fight world, and his party, came to![...] |
![]() | [...]OW WHAT HE'S CASE FULL- THERE MUST DOING WITH ALL OF BE TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS THOSE PAPERS — ! \N EACH OF THOSE STACKS— | WONDER IF IF COULD AND NOW HE'S[...]AT THREE STACKS~ FIVE STACKS — HE'S TAKING OUT OF ! OH, HEAVENS — | WOULDN'T e "4 ! HAVE mae> THI[...]i re Ny Nii i} IN mines. AFRICA, DURING THE YEAR OF 1930, THE 31a DEATHS FROM LIONS, ELEPHANTS, CROCO[...]SMALL Q NOUR SERVANT? THE US. THAT FIVE “4 J <'GOVERNMENT CAN WALK fies “SPENT ABREAST - Aan $800, 000, C[...]NC > iat THE machine gubh was the greatest killer of all man’s war | devices. Its use became more extensive every day of the World ‘War. Uncle Sam spent considerably mo[...]than would have been necessary to run the entire government for -@py year prior to 1916. Young Musician a .[...]ng her debut in musician in RE SSLIVULF HHUA) one of his O t = ; — LB Tiny exin Soma emaSe.o 22 poe[...]ins. ‘ A a closely - . 20 Insertion. Ra Shas Oa of 32 To wait for. Venseonnn 21 Machine for FO a = T[...]. | GREAT VAN 32 To invite. 56 He is con- 11 Back of the 41 Auditory 35 Split sidered a— neck. 42 So[...]SS eet LL mene | BoyS, I OWE You A DEBT OF GRATITUDE! ‘YOU CERTAINLY HELPED ME SOLVE A BAF[...]ay IT Goes! BUT L&T ME TELL You, SOMETHING...LOTS OF TIMES THESE INNOCENT GUYS, LIKE “THE PROFESSOR,[...]Te , To ¥ HE'D BE 'FRAID I'D REPAIRING -THE ROOF OF THE BUT THAT'S ALL TH’ ee hen oe BIND cee uence[...]W. Stein, second handwriting expert called as a state witness, declared at the Flemington, N. J., trial, corroborating the view of A. S. Os- born, who preceded him on the s[...] |
![]() | [...]he kind _ tye 2 | American Rad | Siete = sibs : - of car you'd like to buy for... .$365 rs Fates: pate[...]rro de Pasco . 2 | , i $225 The LONE CHURCH SPIRE oF Sussex, Eng. , |Chase National . Year ago ...5783[...]201 G Avenue . PMNS ‘Com. and Sou i j A jaction of security markets today a ——— = - - ; / - >[...]pproximated General Electric ...... i 50 per cent of capacity. The rise |General Food; . oe i | Was ex[...]o A KINGDOM A International Harv. .. . ar na brew of labor unrest was reported International Tel. 3 ae[...]kouts Arizona Gypsum Plaster Co., Mfgrs. a4 t aN of MEKNES Magma Seen wn 2 oo = EK. EXECUTED BECA | M[...]- FOR RENT—1 Fisher apartment, BOWLED 0.0 GAMES oF TENPINS in 9 HRS. 34 MIN ys oe mle tat tamale Nat[...]tably tur TOTALING 22181 PINS FOR A GRAND AVERAGE oF 221.81 EMPEROR oF MOROCCO'- £ | Noranda ... % Trade Trends | Grain[...]z advance was a little more pronounc- EXPLANATION OF YESTERDAY'S CARTOON fe ies Distillers . Paper: Most of the factories are|buying of grains today apparently eq than that of Friday. The As- Natomas M3 low| resulted more or less from recent iated Press average of 60 select- and empleyees of the East India company since starting the new yea[...]a’ ge 1765, Bahadur was allotted only four feet of ter- | National Dairy warehouse stocks and well-f[...]ith demand expand-/| Clause cases wou! decided on of 22. r lecting the price of admission from curious tourists. eR. b ing for ne[...]ae anita "Sttentia oan ol ‘Delhi was the center of the Sepoy rebelliou in 1857 | lips Pete. ‘i Forecasts of much below normal came or a n some when Bahadur w[...]national emperor jznt ps Pete. 4 as to -a survey of the paper temperatures the greater part of them made good gains, there were by the mutincus[...]so effective in quite a few which showed signs ‘of suppressed, Bahadur was deposed by the British a es f | bringing about materially higher being out of breath. Following its authorities, who courtmartialed him and expelled | 10 2 ix! Sugar: The total melt of the 13) prices for grains. In addition, mill broad jump on announcement of him to Rangoon in 1858, | Shattuck-Denn . : “4 | United States refiners from Jan. 1| purchasing of wheat was again re- the rearage payment yesterday[...]was down today feverishly, turning in a net gain of Chicago Livestock | K. C. Livestock | Standard Oil of Calif... < im Jan. 6 last year, reports the sugar[...]%8S Cait muaetbar’ - .\ Pea ; Structure in view of expected active %-1%c up, May 87%-%, oats 4-%2c c[...]ead 1%. pote prefers consumi E : ited quantities of 27-28 cents in the| lings strong. to 25c higher;[...]ff 25-50c; cows steady to 25c| United Gas .. sale of a New York curb exchange| ing advances in cotton[...]rs and feeders,| United Verde Ex. . * an increase of $1,000 over the last} were followed by reactions[...]t steers; | Westinghouse - 38% The gold statement of the New! buying and covering. “May closed Carbo[...]s or imports. There}ending steady to net advances of prisk for a Saturday. Trading was of cleaning and intetisn heat) ancy. aS eee Se ssost[...]; vealets 8.50. Family Meals Vanished |Was a gain of $93,900 through a net |2 to 6 points. marked by the shifting of .hign kills all germs. Call cial art, erior decor[...]: week's top fat lambs 925;| MOSCOW (?)—Two out of every January, *1236. Bb aris ee eee ee ee cee co[...]0; | 7.60.0. cent report shows. 1933, an increase of 16.8 per cent. | October, 12.43-44, Both graft sa[...]ght, weights quotable 3.00: | Metal Quotatio ment of women and the imited| “| Silver Futures " to |[...]e daily quotations for|Tesponsible for the number of pub-/ MONTREAL, Jan. 19 ® — Silver} NEW ORLEAN[...]m and} January, *54.00. unchanged to 6 points up. of. cent..The French fans deer —— | tions. Price[...]rs a} March, *54.05. { January, *12.28. roved 00% of a cent at 658% WANTED—Room and board by em-| de[...]a, 2.27%; Austria, *1B/60; —~— | cure choice of territory. Act at once. ! MALE HELP WANTED |Gnive[...]is ad. ——r | : - | i ythi . h. -J Office in F of pa r & : ; <8 : | | Everything Electric, P[...] |
![]() | [...]Graves Re- tire From Office At the annual meeting of the Co- chise council, Boy Scouts of Ameri- ea, held in Bisbee last night, R. E. Souers, superintendent of city schools, was elected president for the yea[...]by importance to the communities in | Awarding of certificates, medals, keys and pins was left to the last. . Huish, scoutmaster of . | lic works bill. - 000,000 bonus bill decided[...]art with a bang Monday when | -| sentative Snell of New York, their; beaver | scout re- | Cc. Al Kobey. i | presentation of that | the connec: 1 g gf? i ! 5 & 3 5 EeE[...]| in @ week a new man will come to| resignation of | council elected | Roosevelt council, of | ke over the duties of , as he can be re-| from his present duties the[...]er car at Wenden yesterday. Samuel E. Wilson, 50, of Los An- T. W. Beard, 25, also of Los! , Was taken to Phoenix in’ ambulance, and[...]ne) ported in reliable quarters to h Proposed the government aid projected ocean service with sidies for both dirigible and airplane building Construction of Created For Mrs. Cole's New Play, “Rabbit Driv[...]«panne p pany advocated, it was sala, early part of Feb: to help America meet the competi- | : . ‘ tion of giant, speedy foreign. ships. /S°hoo Government aid to make possible Miss a next. summer the establishment o1 |Charge of the heavier-than-air service between ready fink h[...]east coast to Europe |‘imensional model by way of Bermuda and the Azores drawn to scale. One of was reported to be a specific com- | ¢ls will be on display in the window mission recommenadtion. ) of the Phelps Dodge store some day Other recommendat[...]d these set to be | keeping in mind the necessity of Establishment of a permanent /|'@pid changes as the continuity of aviation commission to be merged! Play is often l[...]l selec- control over all transportation serv- on of the character-giving ele- ices. ments that lend b[...]ainst one company holding | interior and exterior of a New Mex- more than one mainline contract or ico ranch home two secondary contracts. | The members of the committee Revision of the law requiring! Assisting Miss Wilder are Mrs.[...]Howard Ames, Miss Elizabeth Increasing the number of army / Piper, Mrs. Glenn G. Dunham, Mrs and navy planes to 4,000 and con-| Robert Claiborne struction of a small dirigibie for | The business manager for[...]nt's aviation com-|Miss Mildred Dailey has charge of munication will follow those alreaciy | the ushers and programs delivered on a social security pro- All the members of the Little gram and American adherence to| Theate[...]ing the world court. | their share to the making of what —__—_.¢———_-- BONUS ARGUMENT | P[...]asure for a lump sum ‘before and during the day of the appropriation to be expended under | kidnaping, March 1, 1932. the direction of the president. The money angle of the case has Although Secretary Ickes is mak- be[...]m the beginning by ing plans for the distribution of the Attorney General David T. Wilentz, $4,000,000,000 work relief fund there |chief of the prosecution _ staff. was some talk on Capital[...]rogram. the ransom alone. With a busy weke ahead of them,| He will show next week that congressional leaders today gave| Hauptmann bought a $400 radio signs of a willingness to speed up shortly after the ranso[...]for six days date, that his wife, Anna, was able of hard work on social security to make a trip to Germany in the legislation, war profits and the pub- summer of 1932, and tiat Haupt-/ {mann himself made frequent hunt- Advocates of the Patman $2,100,- | ing trips. At the time of his arrest Haupt- meeting today to use every means mann had a credit balance of $886 possible to expedite that measure in in his[...]ns congress thought fier, he had a credit balance of $5,- best. ‘017. In the Central Savings bank, S[...]mand with a reply that he | joint deposit account ofstate figures Hauptmann lost out “a” bonus bill so[...]ROOSEVELT’S THIRD | Special Scenery Being End of Convicts’ Murderous Dash for Freedom , 4 +.[...]ts. Second from the left is Warren Atherton, one of the four members of the California state beard of prison terms and paroles, who were kiinaped as ho[...]who assisted in the capture. Belcw is the scene of the last stand. After running their auto into t[...]l-known local furniture dea announces the opening of a new store under the firm name of the Loftis Furniture company. T new store is in t[...]d up before his arrest ments for the rejuvenation of old to force a vote. Under that proce- totalled[...]he! house ways and means commite damaging effects of this evidence by holds first hearings on the en-' showing that none of the ransom social security measure, money turrie[...]One) and visitors were treated to the rare sight of snow in the bottom of the canyon. High winds drifted the snow but park[...]ing kept open. Prescott was directly in the path of the storm. The high winds smashed one large plate[...]winters. Winslow received approximat two inches of snow. Strong winds piled it across highways but l[...]light snowlall but reported a minimum temperature of 25 above zero. leet and snow fell at Globe but m[...]Calisher Oa \Tuesday; Plan Convention A meeting of the Democratic Wo- men’s club will be held at the-home of Mrs. Mary I. Calisher Tuesday evening at 7:30. It[...]ne, as final arrangements will be made for _|the state convention which is to be held in Phoenix Satura[...]h chief executive in a little , for a discussion of the $4,880,-' wife were frugal in their habits an[...]office when House republicans who have been| The state will contend that! William Langer, among those be- loudly against the idea of Hauptmann changed ransom bills hind the impeachme[...]n a lump sum without ear-mark- | rumerous amounts of silver in the viction of a felony. Moodie took |means committee as the fi[...]ap ladder, one | leader, into a conference Monday of the most important pieces of evi- on the subject. ‘dence in the state’s case, is still un- What attempts the reygubli[...]e and | cabinet board on economic security, | the state will try to show the plane will appear before the[...]| tion. ness to outline the administration's! One of the state’s witnesses, octo-' plan for old-age pensions,[...]nn ‘Wagner-Lewis-Daughtan bill. in the vicinity of the Lindbergh The senate munitions lestate near Hopewell on the day of | will begin its scheduled 10 weeks of |the kidnaping, and that a ladder hearings attemp[...]k acted in collusion to bring up the/and neighbor of the Lindberghs at price on navy vessels. that tim[...]ping. into President Roosevelt's hands for! Other state witnesses will be Ben | expenditure virtually wit[...]ntain estate fairs committee expects to consider; Of greater worry to the defense he idea of taking the profits out!is the evidence of the wood trim f war by freeaing Prices. | panel, found in a closet of Haupt- |mann’s home, and bearing the HITLER IN SADDLE ; Bronx address of Dr. John F. Con- (Continued Prom Page One) ‘don[...]Condon’s telephone number. present. Condon, one of the state’s principal Women and children were told! witn[...]last week as the man “John” “Every report of attacks I have'to whom he paid the ransom in St.[...]x. i cite official said today,” has proved, The state has still another con- false.” {vincing piece of evidence—the; Behind the nazis as they set abou[...]earing out their opponents was the serial numbers of two of the, the tremendous power of the more ransom certificates, numbers which | than 90 per cent pro-German vote were not on the list published by) registered in Sunday's plebiscite. the government. It enabled them to hoist “e! Hauptmann admitted at the time swastika banner everywhere, and to of his arrest that he had written! apply the spoils[...]se.” i steady line daily crossing the) The name of Isador Fisch, who,| French frontier. the defense[...]| ———_— |#ession, was put into the record of | Coach Harry Kipke of the Uni-| testimony twice yesterday. Name was not learned, re- Versity of Michigan has ordered his| C. Lloyd Fisher, associ[...]tballers out for winter prac- | counsel, got from State Police Ser-| stage tice at basketball-handling i[...]isch ;than six hours. office January 7. A board of managers was appoint- ed late today to draw up the ar- |ticles of impeachment for presenta- tion to the senate. Re[...]the im- peachment resolution, was named chairman of the board of five. ARIZONA HAS (Continued From Page One) The[...]ught their way through drifts to Parks, 20 m west of Flagstaff, to bring medicai aid to Longiellow’s[...]and Canyon four i snow had fallen early yesterda of sailed for Germany where he died jin 1933. And[...]erage office five or six times in the late spring of 1933. Mulligan id photograph of Fis If the def ed a llows the line of geles, apparently was killed instant-| 5°0urces[...]gested in its vari- ous references to Fisch, the state will call as rebuttal witnesses three relatives of Fisch and the German » attended him in the last of tuberculosis. four were brought to Amer- Tuesday by Detective Ar-| The ica last use of the lateral pass next|thorities the money was left in a|thur Johnson of New York and are’ erin now in New York The force of the storm appeared blizzard. Many of the passengers last night to have been spent. wal[...]r eastbound transcontinental bus,| Randle, Wash., state game officials which had been stalled in a snow took hay and feed to a herd of 150 drift between Flagstaff and Wil-| Geer trappe[...]today. The wind abated after reaching a velocity of 40 miles an hour, piling the snow in great drifts, and highway em- ployes had hopes of keeping U. 8. 66 open. eeeenteeenelcareech WINTE[...]t herds against severe weather coming in the wake of the worst snowstuim of the year. It was 34 below at Gun- nison, Colo. The blast siruck Kansas Satur- #® fringe of the snowstorm expectea in Texas Sund: and zero wa[...]ro persisted in the Adiron- dacks, where a bottom of 26 4 ro was reached Tupper and Owls Head, N SAN[...]California for the w - end, following eight days of bi zards and rain, with 11 deaths at- fributted t[...]igh schoo} senior, eluies. Clifford Sev-, ture of 15 above was the lowest | since 1924. | A film c[...]Where they were filming Jack Lon- don’s “Call of the Wild” with near- |by snowdrifts 115 inches[...]co bay region ex- | perienced the coldest weather of the | season. Ice formed on pools of San Francisco streets, which were wash- jed by .59 of an inch ofof 30 miles an hour, blowing down signboards and trees and disrupting light service. Five feet of snow covered Yosemite valley floor, but roads in- to the national park area were open. Despite forecasts of more snow, | winter ‘sports areas in the Sierra expected big crowds over the week- ‘end, with six feet of snow reported at Calaveras Big Trees, five teat a[...]d geas off Santa Monica and ma- rooned 50 members of the Shrine ub aboard a pleasure barge. Coast guar[...]Women ‘Leave | Early Tomorrow Morning! ‘For State Clab Session | Sharply at 5 tomorrow (Monday) |[...]| Douglas republican women as dele- gates to the state convention of | Women Republican clubs to be held in Tucson tom[...]will be led by Mrs. Thomas L. Harsell, president of the Douglas | Republican Women’s club, and will | be composed of five women who will | sit as the official delegat[...]who | will attend the sessions. Included | in the list will be Mrs. Wilma D. | Hoyal, Arizona republican national | committeewoman, who will be one | of the principal speakers on the | convention program. | Mrs. Harsell will make the res- |ponse to the address of welcome to the convention and she also wil! sit as a member of the committee on credentials. | ! The five delega[...]pensions to persons who have reach- ,ed 65. Some of those who aided in work- ing out the pension syst[...]ng that the United States should raise their part of the old age pension fund through income and inheritance taxes, said the great merit of the income tax was that people paid only when the[...]hat the $50,000,000 to ‘be given by the federal government | could be raised by changing the form of income tax returns allowed | in Nevada, Louisiana[...]ausbands and wives are able to! dodge the payment of a large sum of their just income taxes.” He was referring to t[...]s, under which | husband and wife make one return of their common income. | _——————— ie | ARIZONA LEGION | (Continued From Page One) \ government and religion and that) he was forced to admit its[...]Roll call revealed a present legion | membership of 2272. A. M. Craw-! ford, membership chairman, asked for a membership of 7000 by May 15. two Phoenix posts, while the Pho[...]Shoes $2.19 pr. Just received a new ship- ment of women’s eyelet ties and pumps—like illus- tra[...]operation there’ Wednesday. Mrs. Annie French, of Bisbee, has returned home after having spent a if[...]ch after ‘having been called here on account ‘of the serious illness of her mother, ’Mrs. Sam Morgan, who is much im-[...]ourt: say it had, then about $100,000,000,- | 000 of public and private bonds! ‘would have a value of $169,000,000,- | 000 in the present devaluated cu[...]| mo assurance whatever that tne John F. Schoof, of Sioux Falls, S. D. was here a few days this |wee[...]ster, Mrs. H. E. Wenck. Mrs. Eunice St. George, of the Bird Cage Coffee shop, has been in with an attack of the flu this week. Miss Ruth Krebs, who. returned to the university after the first of year, was compelled to return home , on account of injuries received in a wreck before Christmas, in[...]ted his 87th birthday Mon- day. Mrs. Roy Davis, of Hollywood, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs.[...]pinion later, but unless! | this is done the will of the oa | cannot become known until Feb. 4) |at th[...]as a recess inter-) | venes. | The first members of the court) \to withdraw from the conference | \fr[...]nation was available fbr; j the early withdrawal of Justice| | Brandeis except that it is known| | t[...]re-| vailed, with the chief justice doing’ most of the talking. __| If no particular significance c[...]e. Mrs. Jeff-D. Milton will entertain the ladies of the Ladies’ Aid of the Congregational church next Thurs- day. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Russell, of Whitewater, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Webb last Saturday. | Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Soderstrom, of Warren, were calling on friends here Sunday. Mr. Soderstrom was formerly superintendent of the Bunker Hill mines here. Next Sunday Mr. and[...]ate their 61st wedding anniversary. A. T. Jones, of Los Angeles, and E. H. Shumway, of Phoenix, were here Friday. : Miss Margaret Tyler[...]aul Mapes, who was suffering from an acute attack of appendicitis. Under-Sheriff Ed James and wife and Miss Vernett Larkin, of Bisbee, were here Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. James Marrs. Mrs. John F. Ross has been elect- ed president of the Ladies’ Aid of the Congregational church for this year. John Be[...]night he would introduce a con-| early retfrement of Justice Bran-|taxen here. sututional amendment o[...]The dance given by the ladies’ to bar counting of unnaturalized! tional ground for a belief that th[...]rraftted in at-} | tributing the early withdrawal of) | Brandeis to his health, none found! Friday ni[...]nes landed here this afternoon from Mexico, D. F. Government officials said |remained with the four members o[...]t classed as progressives. The best informed were of the | and successfully staving off a sec- ond h[...]ves] whether they are in the majority University of California at Los An- geles 2 to 1. |
TXT | |
![]() | [...]accident at one of those grade[...]In Drifts In North State so[...]eliminating of grade crossings |[...]Prescott in Path of | f[...]i State Will Cling to Con- lief Roosevelt May Be[...]Old Indiana, the home of pol-[...]| high justices of the supreme court,[...]tonight the crux of the state’s case closely, left surface %igns after[...]of snow across highways[...]of Alvin Karpis,[...]in the northern part of the state Capture[...]of the to[...]as - In the purely physical actions of[...]cn which the state contends the[...]agents hot on his trail, follow- hints of the possibility of another of '[...]| The mercury dove out of sight to[...]kidnaper of the Lindbergh baby des-[...]ing killing of Fred[...]the state will attempt to prove,[...]ter in the region of the Dakotas.[...]e ways. But of the six who remain-[...]are the+series of ran-[...]reached velocity of 40 miles an staged[...]there. wealth which, the state says, ficant, and if the “progressives”[...]own, however. | idity of the suspending gold[...]the eyes of[...]ns became question before them was oue of animated.[...]copies of his own brokerage ac-[...]took a lecve of absence from the[...]both of Panguitch, Utah, were[...]Plight of Those Under state hopes to prove that Haupt- Directly involved was the ques- ~job of being cxecutive director of Oakland, Calif.,[...]mann came into possession of his[...].~ tion of whether congress acted un-[...].1 of respect to the late Hugh F. Cal- of Ashfork. dead when[...]The state will submit to the jury[...]| lahan, former member of the house, he was removed from the wreckage[...]share of the money to finance old[...]have an income of $49.950 between[...]Ahead of Legion Meas-[...]y the time of {he payment of the Note to Congress Ri[...]ting in on all of the important con-[...]co-author of the bill to carry out of his arrest, Sept. 19 last.[...]of the ses-[...]business of revealing Haupt-[...]charge of starting the big ball roll-[...]of congress[...]| A flood of bills, probably includ--[...]plight of the man between 40 and Air Lines Across ‘A[...]made-for congressional scutiny of lantic and Pacific[...]government agency probably[...]next ping endeavors of existing .emer-[...]of[...]of democrats as as re-[...]tion Because of[...]- - . be a 300-page report of the presi- works.[...]of his office in hiring no one o[...]it was extremely difficult to obtain dent of Officials, who declined to be quot- ‘th[...]in the North Dakota house of rep-[...]saw the basin's league of nations[...]The old age pension plan of Presi- Abraham[...]istrator, will emerge with his hand _government almost completel[...](Continued On Page Ten) of public health of Mexico.[...]in the report for the creation of .[...]of Richest in aga[...]List ter H. Welford unti[...]J feasible was indicated in a letter of[...]Hardshi to get out of the territory “until PH[...]Chief of Police James Davis said[...]| of nine of Arizona's[...]of the men now serving in[...]proU! | ithat in the case of[...]disturbed.” - use of swift advances in[...]State Industrial %[...]sociation of officials of munici- ; Four are -[...]less had seized entire control of the palities.[...]man in the senate and one of[...]officials of the[...]Safeguard the right of char- i born in Chatham,[...]akes over the gov- l sion of their annual mid-winter the outside[...]is the dean of that."[...]One of the visitors who was al-[...]ernor’s duties, would be the state’s conference today,[...]To raise the hopes of Italiars,[...]cities, not now allowed to li- ! native of Czechoslovakia.[...]treasurer of the National Railways[...]of governing the state’s* industrial[...]pensers, to share Ten of the 15 are democrats; five[...]of Mekico. Senor Platt arrived here[...]tonight aboard a plane of the Cen- '[...]bors of business rivals, the[...],of from the total for t[...]tral Airways of Mexico and was es-[...]for cities a share of[...]State gasoline tax collections, or[...]widdled their thumbs ‘launched late in the fall of[...]administragion of their fbusi- { The British contingent[...]legion executive committee for of- for five hours today becaus[...](R.-Pa.), “Puddler Jim,” born V. Salcido, 31, of this city, was kill- ficial action tomorrow.[...]in- sponse, in provision of jobs: i[...]Uiplo t . share of siale sales tax col- (in Wale[...]Mont.), who first opened his eyes 13 miles north of here, when he was program, legion officials said,[...]S. of Canada, and Representative[...]city employe. state legislature for action.[...]national tribute of unusual warmth[...]According to reports made by of- Fry, proprietor of a barber shop[...]isco purpose of discussing liquor er, wh[...]here, was held up in his place of have the license.[...]ng the figure down another Castillo Najera, chief of the Mexi-[...]down the Karns Leahy, of California, director of[...]can league of nations office in Paris,[...]pulled out a gun and frisked Fry of Is | they[...]of[...]ompletely off the At a gathering of 75 of his [riends[...]of tribute[...]nism represented downfall of[...]statesmen of Spain, Argentina, Por-[...]Bigelow of St. Paul, Minn.[...]that the reported sales of Blue Eagle copper 'plate[...]friends by the code authorit yin excess of| jules on releases from can manufac-[...]ANCHORAGE, Alaska, Jan. 19 @ south of the Rio Grande.[...]ut European prices mand as consumers covered part of[...]d. While age college girl of today has[...]a more opinion to Judge J. C. Niles, of the,[...]of 50, 21 or even 15 years i[...]! PHOENIX. Jan. 19 #—Governor ing conference of world copper pro- 'holding steady owing to reports of the opinion of Miss Ellen Fitz has power to grant relief to juve[...]of Wellesley niles under 18 years of age. PHOENIX, Jan. 19 (#—[...]Vargez, about 45 years of age and[...]by the trade as ‘expectations of better demand for cellege.[...]The attorney general held that it the father of nine children, “died operating under the f[...]verage college girl will noi is the duty of the board of public accidentally of suffocation,” when ministration were notified today of the western heave[...]remainder of next month's ;t.hc the appointment of H. F. Dangberg, started cu[...]| of Minden, Nev. as director-at- _side of the moon, enlarging grad-[...]el- eniles but that in event it fails to saw mill of the Manistee and Sagi-[...]Al~!f'ijorl large of the federal bank land at ual[...]ing ex- ‘to small lots, there was no pressure | of knowledge, says Miss Pendleton, ority to[...]es were asked to observe April 5. price of tin here. Mid-week declines ‘were said to c[...]s a student there 30. i with the county board of supervisors a search had been made of the mill[...] |
![]() | [...]of President’s In February, But Story of a Shutdown Birthday On Jan. 30, With[...]%Deceased Resident of Douglas[...]J. Neary, manager of streets for the last 10[...]Gadsden hotel, died | Survivors of Mr. Neary are a sis-[...]fternoon as he| |ter, Miss M. A. Neary, of Philadel-[...]@ of authority that there[...]of death, according the[...]Neary, or “Jack” Neary, | Mrs. Marinia Neary, of Los Angeles,[...]'as he was best known, had lived in 'widow of James Neary, who died There w[...]a neice, children of James[...]:years a resident of Butte and Ana- |;about the other furnace will g[...]| part of the Treasure state. He had prettiest girl in a contest in her[...]| plant at Ajo at the rate of about t[...]for several months, , basis of an eight-hour and[...]place of business with an added output throug[...]plaining a little operation of a second wiil be recalled that it was t[...]of than usual, and George[...]building of the '[...]of¢ Tenth story of the Kazal block[...]|city of Douglas, and when the old |[...]Neary was em- roll distribution ahead of the holi- . and their groups[...]|i the operation of the second furnace » course[...], The business men of Douglas and Shortly after 4 yeste[...]Laura ty cents of every dollar raised[...]Above ~ular members of New York's of a club in Agua Prieta, and[...]gathering, assembled under of the Infantile paralysis vic-[...]ties the of the[...]ight January 30, auspices of Gov. Alt M. Lan- tims who[...]he entire nation will cel- don of Kansas Kansas[...]United States and the policy of[...]der the chairmanship .of Col.[...]with no hint of having suffer-[...]with dances for the benefit of in- laying plans for the Waldorf A[...]of work. fantile paralysis victims t[...]Knowing the circumstances of the lended[...]! las of the death, at Los Angeles, on[...]was Dec. 30, of Mrs. Holman, wife of[...]Mr. Neary was the son of John[...]In and for some years a resident of{ then toward Paradise[...]of Ireland. He was born in[...]glas. Mrs. Holman will be re- " on the other side of the mountain.[...]lunch Kkits,- $1.29. ‘membered as the mother of Miss 5[...]iDouglas Jean Holman, one of the most[...]. Jpromising young musicians of the ®[...]rate of pay is 50 cents an hour. 'From[...]galion. ‘tention because of her outstanding ¥[...]of the February cash|[...]His remarks made pub- News Week of Jan.[...]arossed the suspicion of officers and[...]cus- ‘tional monument and romance of[...]of the leading figures, includ-[...]| ‘uate of Tempe State college.[...]Mr. and Mrs. Ted O'Malley, of 'mcsphere against a background[...]of'[...]ranks of the FERA.[...]I to eradicate root of these dis-[...]dancing to the music of the[...]rther work by the same type of | | the CCCcamp in A. H. Gardner, of Tombstone,[...]terday on business Bisbee as the guests of Mr. O'Mal-[...]sister, background of flowers and desert.[...]will be many thousands of[...]two advertisements which | (of the Salvation Army for San[...]federal government ‘maining months of[...]son, manager and : president of the amogordo,[...]l Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McNew, of[...]‘Digest and the magazine section of , morrow (Monday) evening and will[...]Freight Line, Inc., from |Douglas as the guests of Mr. Mc-‘close[...]Neil Taylor, of Double[...]up by the! ' address of Colonel Davis. The serv- tal, N[...]land Mr. Dillard, of 745 Sixteenth[...]of the Ohio Oil[...]'and the tourist service bureau of[...]of Alamogordo.[...]Some of those who have[...]of |[...]15, Order of giving[...]itinerary from the home town of the[...],‘inquirer to the point of destination. be[...]New shipment of Zarapes |and 1 P[...]: ipteie -of Sareet[...]{ing the rest of the winter.[...]the efforts of these travel bureaus.[...]The secretary of the climate club | Agua Prieta.—~Advt.[...]reports that a number of business Stated Meeting[...]a member of | | members[...]of the club,[...]nursing staff of the Cochise ern Pacific employe, who has been 'no[...]the type of[...]A list-l ;[...]from an attack of[...]'the publication of the directory may[...]Sam Hart, of Denver, who has[...]orning for his home in Phoenix. felt with a touch of grosgrain, |[...]uert penalty of sale has been recorded.[...]and Mrs. A. S. Fields, of Ani- Best was the all 'round star of the {men are in the engineering[...]!of FERA.[...]| City of Douglas[...]guests of Mrs. Duckett's[...]other points for a visit of several| |[...]their ranch east of Douglas.[...]| Bishop Walter Mitchell, of Tuc- from her home in Tucson. Mrs.[...]lines of sapphire blue velvet and |[...]band of ostrich First National Ban[...]!feathers of the same[...]a1 | past few days in the city. pal of the Amphitheatre school in part of the skirt. |[...]| One Showing of Spanish[...]New shipment of Zarapes and[...]gay colors. Large of[...] |
![]() | [...]of 1061[...]of[...]rosperity, especially in 'bloom of[...]native of Arizona, '[...]'the vicinity of Mexico City,” said[...]talked yester- Ramon Ramos, candidate of the[...]ago. a daughter of The starting gu[...]ed ployment to a large force of work- The &aotire staff of workers[...]about the middle of this week. He[...]office of governor[...]of the state of . tomorrow[...]:vision of Ether Haynie, road fote-[...]Texas. and then souta byway of Mon- /in his campaign for the governor-[...]by her man for this section of U. 8. 80. |[...]Consular Salazar is a man of con- 'terey and Tampico.[...]and diplomatic services of his coun-[...]the enthusiasm of the[...]and Edgar, all of Douglas.[...]‘on the cpening date of the program[...]of his country for his administra-[...]caused by the appointment of for< hepe to make a complete canvass[...]‘there was but a (raction of the crew[...]to| 115,000 men were being employed on secretary of communications and[...]goal The expenses of the Y. M. by th[...]the service of F. Al-[...]of President Cardenas.Lazaro.[...]i Since the of Governor[...]'of Douglas about 20 years.[...]allotments of men |[...]and with a background of ious altitudes to the heights about[...]' same, of the econoinic[...]the governor of Sonora.[...]of all the zones Stress. and the r[...]Wi of the quirks of political for-![...]'to the altitude ofof safety and[...]councils of those in the[...]done chiefly by the use of[...]There Mrs. Wiges of the Cabbage Patch ‘[...]of it that require imn ago.[...]During the interim of the vacancy can nation of the United States, are[...]of the club is to strengthen,[...]Wiggs of the Cabbage[...]last of the[...]There has been a fund of three great novels of and by Amer- with the Dougias has posits of pitchblende, chief source[...]tion of the highway between Doug-[...]'las and the New Mexico state line, jday, 2 to 11, at the Grand theatre. about the middle of the[...]field warrants construction of a![...]man gets to the point| large group of lieutenant who workers for the two teams. of vaudeville will nel[...]providea | "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage'[...]state highway[...]weight he is a member of |[...]for purpose of meeting expenses[...]by (of Lille has conferred upon[...]b. If a -of[...]ture of $14,500.[...]is all “Mrs, Wiggs of the Cabbage 'big ruche of black tullc at the hem-[...]i tlon a group of workers that 'act New York co[...]en hence terms of labor. It means thal six*mo[...],sources of material for the new; Those who are on hi[...]'ing this from pit to point of use: ![...]little short of seven years working. Knew[...]of the Wolfe twins and| Parks a[...]day, to earn the fund of $lO,-[...]The tent theater of the[...]his classic. . The face of the road, when this,[...]If, then, a force of 100 is assigned ling of stock has almost completeiy rand[...]|to an average of five or six feet ali[...]full schedule of 20 teams. Ray.[...]er and John Slaughter have can be paid for by the government's will require considerable effort here. is tryin[...]| charge of the alleys. i SIO,OO[...]the highway, | The highway from the state line | held bef[...]paiga. Willis Gardner, of Benson, a | | The annua[...]leran of the World war, and a resi-[...]'dent of Cochise county for 35 years ' gin Tuesday and con[...]-of maintenance for this section. Mr. pockets where w[...]wo tables talbing things over o 'of the years[...]his last 'evening38 of Thursday[...]of night.[...]working at a time. That gives am~ made easy of -approach to the high-[...]ber of laborers that will be avail-[...]of the Os every bloomin’' soul.”[...]One of the objectives which Mr. Both[...]| of their teamwork-[...]Mr. Gardner was a native of —_[...]ns in Douglas so they wiil There will be free use of caliche for ; ¥¥:[...]'be more easy of approach for Lrucks the improvement all the way.[...]?t ,son of W. E. Gardner, now a resi-[...]IT WAS ‘dent of San Simon. His father![...]the direction of Miss Dula[...]l Monday under the direction of | met spar[...]ife, who was Miss Abbie Brown of[...]serves, under the direction of by a policeman were put i Lee, 13[...]n the relief rolls, rand Gilbert Gardner, all of Cochise . mothers failed to convines[...]tea in the parlor of the Y. W.[...]‘of Indianapolis, who was quite a. Bickerstalf[...]of the best boys of his weight._conclusion[...]of a project which has[...]—— | sisting of dressing dolls to repre-[...]{learning the dances of those coun-[...]; visit various points of interest in'[...]Author of “Famous First Facts”[...]!direction of Miss Madeline Cook New Heated Tent[...]state to[...]| peint of the Girl Reserve code. Sev-|[...]oF: e[...]| eral of the members also made talks “*[...]| on different points of the code. This[...]lume. with various women of the:[...]of the Girl'[...]|W. C. A. under the direction of the[...]combined attendance of 24. '[...]The New Master De Luxe Chevroiet[...]THE NEW MASTER DE LUXE CHEVROLET 1. WOLF[...]Up. List price[...]of New[...]Up. List[...]price of Master[...]tire and tire lock, the list price[...]list price is $20.00 ad[...]hevrolet’s Master models.[...]Master refined Knee-Action Ride—and[...]Chev- Car of the low hel[...]under the chaperonage of'[...]performance of this car will increased.[...]1T of[...]valve-in-head new Master De Luxe models.[...]States of America to the Co[...]of St James's. Three[...]cally every section a quota of ali-,[...]terrain, much of the program[...] |
![]() | [...]OF DOUGLAS[...]of about[...]of[...]from the record of 1931, there seems to[...]the decline of wages, reduction In th[...]of[...]surplus on the part of industry to pay i[...]crease in all lines of income to the farmers[...]| S MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED[...]out of the rac-[...]to the use for re-publication of all[...]6.000,000000, or a drop of 44 per[...]mining industry of the country,[...]. of re-publication of special dispatches are also[...]depth of the depression[...]' command of the Arizona[...]imbed to the peak of SIOO.-[...]price of[...]crystalized tent on a tag end of Foloet 1n[...]:,[of[...]| W. B. Kelly, of The Review,[...]of the world.[...]Brodie, a native of England, who received[...]Many figures of that irresponsibly[...]of are[...]of which President Roosevelt[...]| | has passed the corona of eclipse to ?————n—__‘__.—.[...]of Science that he had[...]| Raymond Corona, son of Mr.[...]; proving after a serious attack of[...]appears of Sulphur[...]unending ripple of con-[...]valley are seeking to have the office of the[...]a part of Dr.[...]idead moss. The sudden sprout of[...]Willcox. tion of Toronto. This foundation[...]of his finger torn off yesterday.[...]he manufacturers of insulin, the[...]i to Wilicox, but in spite of[...]has nobbed diabetes ofof the Sulphur Springs[...]uit grow- versity of Toronto, which grants[...]issues of[...]that Joe Louis of Detroit is a[...]first suit demanding a share of his Life Insurance Agent {[...]of[...]'fied hunger for tea and slices of boyj[...]half of the current month already has[...]ive organization of[...]of[...]visit, the Fisher, of ]4S}[...]time ago: “We'reprepared to take care of 150issu-[...]cides the issue, of the merit of their cause. Ifthe|[...]| off of 12 trains before I finally was ing; phoned the sy[...]the last days of January. They will be flocking to[...]‘set of the jitters. It meant I must[...]become of Upton Sinclair.[...]of having towait; whereas,[...]more than a matter of ducking in and[...]Imber of the Weasel family, the[...]“Kissing is unsanitary. Think of g[...]For the convenience of Verde valley motorists,[...]'starving, but he was very hungry not afraid of them. He knew[...]'indeed. He had had a run of bad[...]in his hunting, and by hunting on the under side of this[...]‘onlycould he live at this time of fellow. With amazing swiftness a[...]a “Was I? I 'of[...]state’s gain.[...]jout of nowhere. Arabesques that[...]few of those little spears he didn't'[...]BEHIND THE SCENES -from security of a brightly-lit coach.[...];They are the stuff of dreams,[...]quility. Scattered lights of an ap-[...]hrough the great silent forest of differs from all[...]the curlicues of darkness tremble yhere to political affdrs. One of the outstanding en-[...]We thundering tries of a short-haired[...]I think of[...]Or time-wasting warmers of chairs? |moved out of his district and the[...]government's brief in its . This cat, you[...]old game of rewarding the[...]state of Arizona.[...]at it was found on the west bank of the river[...]Instead of mere peevish complaining,[...]A couple of stray incidents ![...]years ago a group of gress. »[...]I “I must get meat of some kind or United States[...]Senator Sherman Minton of plunging[...]of[...]boy from Jackson : 3% another of the short-haired cats.[...]' Just thinking of meat made his[...]construction of[...]He shows every sign of being like charact[...]of Jackson coun- +less and less, as this change goe[...]anew of how desperately hungry he[...]at the of[...]ing of himself. | the[...]| progeny of Buttons or[...]. the support of ![...]| & Then a secretary of interior The other day Minto[...]Heaps of measures you'll find[...]Incredible Marquis.” He smacks of[...]of his[...]All of which are designed[...]Wilbur; Association of New York, a high- 'Ptobobly[...]tion of 3:[...]ve anticipated some ofof which Roose- don’t-spea[...]aloofness of the[...]l philosophy of[...]ed to get some of the fish bones as th[...]selling silos out of Omaha or some-[...]e' change of ! are[...],” not tion.” That sort of thing usually[...]of the bonus. |[...]of the wife and kiddies.[...]governor of|[...]who of gathered[...]government[...]apart-i mavy—consisting of one bumboat[...]as the department of commerce, neces- There Are Millions of '"Em[...]|of fierce satisfaction crossed hi[...]Most of[...]and bad—in of Denmark’s national economy[...]PWA project this administration, but plenty of ;[...]As a lad, Truman dreamed of a | closely related to the[...]ture yielded a return of 3.5 per cent[...]| « Such is the case with the fact of national income,[...]tacle of Senator Guiffey, po- |on investm[...]ns the net result of business effort In all[...]litical boss of Pennsylvania, giv- as comp[...]And the federal government[...]with the evident intention of climb- ,but skipped the[...]House leaders « of all people.[...]stepping stones of | has just sued before the supreme[...]football. But neither of them is[...]the department of commerce tells us[...]d members of his state’s House |[...]ho have been talking glibly of the peak[...]put- “the straightest row of corn in[...]found in the enumecratior of[...]Ipaws close to the trunk of the tree halves.”[...]if somebody had » of[...]of playing ball with the other[...]estimate of the depart- The Triumph of Engineering sment of commerce of the national income.[...]effective use of said Boulder[...]'of these days, will be knocking[...] |
![]() | of Music v[...].~ of the[...]' events of the past week was held[...]s promises to be one of the outstand- |Shack in the Carolines.” Als[...]n in- | characteristics of the Chinese[...]personnel of this organization in-[...]Anniversary tion of the blessed sacrament.[...]was served at the close of'[...]of their honeymoon in Chi- Frederic[...]‘ has been supervisor music in the of | | Mr. an[...]. and host of friends in ' A delightful[...]- in all musical activities of the city 'party took place Frida[...]hour will be and has given generously of[...]and Rex Rice on the anniversary of |[...]|will journey westward for the fes-| at the home of Mr. and Mrs, R, B[...]S ~of the[...]: organizations. She is a graduate of | their birthday.[...]| the music college of the University[...]lished record as a pianist of un-[...]decorative scheme of rust and[...]. of Kansas. : a[...], attend- _green. Table candles of the[...]graduate of the New England[...]medical a sllver bowl of ranunculus in[...]servatory of Music &t Boston and[...]of the[...]well known Orchestras the of | John B. Sou[...]All three possess voices of unusual‘[...]Texas, after which he studied with .group is one of the best .;;3»%\..;9.[...], celebrated teacher iquartets of its kind on the air.[...]of Los Angeles.[...]Johansen of the American[...]Conservatory of Musi¢c in Chicago.[...]where he will deliver of his[...]| choir at the Methodist mission of coherent spe[...]one of his weekly plays, Percy, the |[...]las of the marriage of Miss Flossie[...]Marshall, as the Spirit of Trans- =[...]complete the Ilist of[...]ston were dents of this city. Mrs. Adams Is joint' & sister of Mrs. Carl Hatcher.[...]! Lane, singer of old-fashioned songs, Wilcox, superintendent. Jack[...]ing will be the guest of Missi[...]The regular meeting of the Doug-[...]at the home of Mrs. S.[...]| Following the rounds of bridge, W. MeCall. '[...]of the Minnetonka” during the Sen-[...]Eunice Plumb were in charge of the[...]| On the guest list were Mrs J.|[...]Princesse Achille Murat of Paris, whe expects[...]'duction of Italian Opera Into[...]l sleeves and cuffs of shimmering gold[...]of the opera |[...]will feature Wagner’s “Ride of the turn appearance[...]Trumpet Blast” ig the topic of o[...]“The Last Rose of Sum-[...]of,godmother,[...]Now on KPO of the broadcast[...]of[...]The Douglas Woman's clug will of Mr. and Mrs. W. L.Loving, re-[...]_9:45: General assembly of[...]' Masrons of Eastern Star[...]| Mrs. Hollis Hall in the home of Mrs. | KGO twice a week, the two 15-min- Moon,”[...]be followed & past matrons of the Order of East- ‘ports[...]of officers and department Stric[...]s called, place her 'A color scheme of pink and green one[...]programs[...]Sam Moore and his of by Lincke, “Vilia,”from “The Merry[...]Low bowls of musicians,[...]all of whom chat and Widow” and Glazounow's[...]with a small New TeStament. Letus pings of the ||[...]sing in the character of the period and Winter. .of[...]i The ladles of the Christian[...]the diversion of the |[...]met at the home of Mrs. M. 'nie,[...]'in the leading role by the Opera of songs, the first consisting of “O[...](#)—Small hats of th[...]version of the Mas- the Lone P[...]‘interlude of musi¢ by a male chorus v[...]The Ladies of the Altar society[...]of[...]erine Johnston, Miss Edna Wick- Ladies of Altar Society[...]and narrator of the Opera[...]of the Immaculas: Conception ham,[...]The members of the Ladies Altar[...]society of the Catholic church[...]|under the direction of Wilfred Pel-[...]'in-the home of the latter. Little letier, conductor of the Metropali-[...]. “Herodiade.” St. Cecelia’'s guild of St. Steph-|[...]was produced to the plaudits of an The J. O. C. class of the Meth-[...]e. odist church met at the home of[...]!|:awnde¢ devotions on the lines of the prayer[...]The ladies of the Presbyterian eve[...]spent in phying: 'ing under an arch of rosebuds and', of a simple Sicilian village andstory[...]of[...]: auxiliary guilds of Episcopal women[...]party consisted of Mrs. Paul H.| ary[...]election of officers follows: in state. i Huber, Mrs. Milton B. Morse, Miss the home of Mrs. James Goar at the as vice president to fill[...]| Miss Bennett, secretary of the Y.[...]caused by the resignation of Mrs. {Mary J. Powel, Mrs. Albert Thrash- ‘girl,[...]and of Your terest. Miss Bennett's talk was of[...]Government[...]| Stocks, women of Manchuria, particularly Ome of the lovely affairs of the[...]will be’ 'Theresa Blaine, of Lakewood, Ohio;[...]'Emily Holland of Bowie, Junior .[...]1’ sive view of China in its geography,[...]learns of his wife's[...]entertained the members of[...]its problems. Both speakers Government club with a[...]bow! of flowers in pastel lOoop[...]! learning to read by means of James[...]I of “One Thousand[...]Univ. of Ariz, Uniy. marked the places of the ten guests M.[...]of Calif.; also[...]f of common interest may be printed[...]American Album of Familiar Musie[...]One of the delightful affairs of[...]. J. F. Watson, Mrs. the week was the celebration of the Miss Gail[...]third birthday anniversary of Ger-[...]Top" Bishop Waliter Mitchell, of Tuc+ Mrs. E. M. Specht and the hostess, |[...]on, Mrs, Lynn 'aldine Burns, daughter of Mr. and free[...]Mrs. R. P. Burns, at the home of[...]Album of Familiar Music program[...]taken to the home of[...]bridge, at the conclusion of which Mary K. Morgan and[...]orge Bent, teachers of the ‘At the conclusion of play the re-,[...]| primary department of the L. D. 8. central birthday cake, the[...]es ing feature, surrounded by favors of 'Hollis Hall, Mrs. Charles[...]‘of Mrs. Morgan, 1225 Thirteenth ,of pink and yellow.[...]to Me of Love,” “Love Me[...]and a medley of numbers[...]irl was given a piece of ley Sleeman, Billy St[...]‘duties. On the other side of the Elmo Smith, Jay Jones, Mary Pa- supperted[...]paper to state the - tricia Critchley, Pay[...]and Peggy Haymore of wWarren, i—[...] |
![]() | [...]Will Be Raised By Programs[...],send, sponsor of the old age revolv-[...]hel" a slip of paper it might[...]out of her life. Yet[...]ad some kind of[...]pockeis of all citizens 60 years"[...]engine of age. The good docto[...]' d expenditure of last year's $3,-[...]that his plan may run afoul of the[...]believe I had some faint idea of pkins has been sitting in recent-[...]ps has not. The railbirds think division of all the money in the[...]leria what he thought of her, meant[...]of whereabouts.[...]. keeping me in hell.” m B. Bankhead, of Alabama, new ! AUTHOR: Senator Pat McCa[...]governess mocratic floor leader of the house, lof Nevada, has a rival food and[...]the children of MRS, TRACY, an[...]' | d T. Taylor, of Colorado, has[...]grating of brakes on[...]- ation of Speaker Byrns. Veteran for private interests.[...]| ocratic members of the house Dunn has a tremendous pride of[...]of New York. Two[...]herty, national chairman of the[...]clicked in his ear. red rule of seniority—or senility, ‘tariff commission[...]had a battle with a flock of in- their:legs in braces, partake of[...]tle Carrie Surlak of New York[...]of every dollar raised will be re-[...]was onnor, of New York, chairman - NEW YORK[...]of the been[...]| Webb, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.[...]victims, while thirty cents of ev-[...]help of Miss Constance Huerstel.[...]i nge in the top jobs ofthe house. of the Federal Deposit Insurance '[...]against the type of of distribution of[...]Peter crossed the| chairman of rules last session |[...]Roy Wacher, of Faraway, were Pin-[...][first offenders between the ages of going—"[...]passed house wouid 15 and 24 inthe stateof[...]state legislatures 'which have stood the test of the stateof state warrants to[...]handling of the[...]eader at this year's copies of bills designed for jentrenched than ever. They wi[...]denly Peter’s feeling of wild exul-) J. 8. Stephens,[...]I “I thought things were kind of tation was succeeded by a terrible, ‘is improve[...]One was to have state banking de-[...]glas Saturday. ntative Willlam W. Arnold, of partments accept ex[...]"awful lot of each other, but were[...]he dared not make known any 'as official instead of making their |—thanks to the securities and ex-[...]‘has a chance to share the gains of |proposals[...]an Younger members of the house fer responsibility on t[...]ports of Miss Délla Hudson, who is[...]state 'industrial progress[...]per cent ofof having this done|[...]{the of taxes which become de-| of which the still fur-[...]by state authorities.[...]1; extending the nishing an important percentage of ever ; write to Mr.[...]nd it isn't so hard to . The object of Mr. Crowley's ma-[...]time for payment of car license orders.[...]daughter, of Douglas,[...]extend federal juris- ' . TAXES: One of these days the to[...]smjart if he took his insured po- diction over state institutions with[...]the parade. !a minimum of argument. ‘the ci[...]The state banks ' have plenty ofshow of virtue for easing the[...]zona courts; the state was no change in finished prices or[...]: > of the Recanstruction Finance ence[...]state highway; to permit[...]Mr. Cook were guests of Mr.[...]of drawn[...]ceed 75|{to per cent of any the patronage[...]A tall figure, a Estes, of Douglas, are house guests ns are rep[...]of the Italian em-![...]ld man’s figure, was outlined for a of Mr. and Mrs. John Stepheng[...]i"“or demand of the sub-division;[...]n’t likely Mr. Peter ‘proportion of cases. Signs of ' The idea of voluntarily curtailing 'The cost of collection would have |debt a joint memorial aski[...]n't appeal to way out of proportion to the and ;been[...]trade of[...]nd | the income tax is the success of the[...]. “Yeah, and I know lots of law- 'ness[...]of time being miserable when they[...]ensemble- of[...]rate of return will continue[...]nto the dark hall. Not waiting to One of her favorite[...]is fashioned of beige lace”[...](plied in the midst of Christmas[...]i Corita told of hearing Ann sob-[...]$1,900,000,000 out of[...]morrow’s Menu ,ingly important as sources of treas-!o |[...]‘ of, pastry[...]l C.loose a loin of lamb and rc-[...]¥1 A1 All of his tricks had failed to di-![...]- each on a round of hot but-[...]bottom of the lake. He showed her[...]convenient device of deficiency ap-[...]% butter on top of each, Pour a[...]| propriations will take care of the[...]jecubes of bread[...]mimicry of the birds only[...]oft erumpled pa- | to make every farmer the owner of[...]% th voints of toast.[...]g At present one-third of all farm-[...]dish is a | er5—2.500,000 of them—are[...]| ges of fresh pineapple, Califer-[...]S t grapes, slices of[...]didn't I think of that! Here 11 you, in the way of food.[...]stricter control of crops.[...]. gs and plenty of coffee.[...]e a tray of tiny ag[...]Make | terests of it has to make[...]feature of these smock pajamas[...]t morg than 1-8 inch thick. Cut On each bed of rice place a cooked ‘[...]Put a slice of tomato on |[...]each cutiet and top with a bit of |[...]news for American holders of $3,- hour. Drain and pat dry riced[...]18 requires 5 1-8 yards of 39-inch fabric and 1 1-3 yards[...]THE NAME OF THIS NEWSPAPER.[...]OK, with a complete selection of[...]taken such toll of happiness[...]— «.....coples of “50 DESSERTS,”[...]ginning of the series of exciting events in[...]ments of leather substitutes on their[...]story of dramatic[...]are the makers of substitutes., But[...]her distrust of Miss Bennett[...]are waiting-—like a couple of wary[...]Name of this ReWSPRPI[...] |
![]() | [...]ownership of[...]of the famous American Derby,[...]when bowlers i of the most beautiful in the coun-[...]{ head of a string of Chicago restau-|[...]elief plans for their ginning of another Y. M. A[...]Miss Carolyn Babcock, Wightman +of a financial deal that[...]cup team with scores of 8-6[...]; 200 game list are Armstrong, 200;[...]of grace[...]quartet of the country's[...]satisfactory solution of the first[...]!day the end of the[...]of the $2500 Sacra-[...]of[...]furlong SSOO purse inaugural handi- of the Boston Braves;[...]most of ~was composed of Gene Sarazen,[...]of the Arizona Jockey club’s whom are[...]lashed to the front in the' ' Rogers Hornsby of the St. Louis[...]‘last 10 yards, coming in ahead of Browns announced tonight that[...]Bavarian Alps. Jumps of better thar 263 feet have been made on[...]ready has a great amount of work far advanced and has gi[...]Clark, Blumfield, N. of the winter sports places a dress rehe[...]of which about 150 wiil be built at Doe[...]Note the “trough” is being built of ice ing Olympic[...]ut from frozen rivers. The walls of the runway are so thick[...]i George A. Bergfield, principal of[...]film player, dividing most of|[...]Standard Oil; Gadsden Garage and Laffoon, of Chicago.[...]Ray Peterson, of St. Anthony,[...]terror of American Leagne hat- stower of bottles and buns. Med-[...]a nice 37 on the out nine, mushed his team of five setters teries and Infields so: 24 cam- wick was only making the most of 1 night 22 to 7.1 '55.40;[...]{of[...]of 1923, it was[...]tion of success in any foreoy[...]derby, a feature of the Montana[...]a class of basketball that[...]oy ou'-o™the-way assault ofof the Los Angeles open earlier[...]ly lifted Bill Werber, of[...]Baer, heavyweight champion of the |[...]at the University of Idaho, the difference between the winn[...]nd the loser. The general rvn of ranks of the mediocre. The Red[...]Johnson steps out of the .[...]of dog racing memorable one by taking[...]convention of the National '[...]in trouble frequently with a slice on with two of his pullers bleeding[...]ight. Clark carried the silks of C. N.[...]of Racing Commission-[...]every inch of them. with[...]' Felipe $2500 handicap of a[...]ting D. Donovan of San[...]Kans., led a group of seven at 73.[...]CHAPMAN, of the Yankees, ! racing.[...]the best of the simon-pures.[...]Dcnovan is secretary of the[...]Cardinals edged of Uncles Lassie[...]-day effort to settle state![...]stretch drive in the history of the[...]' Robert Peterson, of Milwaukee, and Oné[...]g| Os the 15 state commissions which |[...]:pread breaks. Bill Jurges, of the are of the association, 12! it”, was the[...]e remaining two members of Coclirane's flery charge,[...]|- hind was Jabot, of the C. V. Whit-[...]of skinny Jo-Jo ney stable, with Wac[...]Lopez, of the Dodgers, never (laws.[...]' Schroeder, of Chicago, won the 10,-! Detroit Tigers fairly roar[...]000 meter event, last of the trials| from barrier to tape. last, res[...]Football's final appearance of a pro- In winning the event today i[...]me first due to heavy conditions of longed[...]takc place here tomorrow when the inthrec of the four events, taking[...]The career of Jimmy Dykes, High Glee, Teralice[...]The Cardi- manager of the White Sox, now[...]of Ernie Nevers' compete at Be[...]tion, and two sides were playing success story of a player who kept[...]SIS four of these occasions[...]the Knights of Columbus, is expect-[...]The climax of what Silvio Coucci rode[...]ed to attract a gathering of more Lamb, of Milwaukee, giving that[...]. fifth winner of the Santa Anita than 20,000 followers of the gridiron city two places.[...]fifth when he sport. Part of the proceeds will be[...]L brought Peradventure of the Green- tree stable home in[...]several weeks of idleness, will line[...]Penn State, 38; Washington &[...]OF HIS GREAT WORK[...]e«Kauihilo “stole” the ball out of[...]32; University of Texas, 28. |[...]off of his will take the blankets[...]the! ! North Carolina State, 25; South![...]Two scout troops, Laux, of the Ramblers, took hon-[...].... state championship match to be[...]College of Pacific, 29; San Josc.[...]State, 27.[...]Montana Normal, 44; U. of Mon-[...]1 Montana State, 32; Brigham)[...]Methodist university's new "~ Arizona, 40; Tempe State Teach-|[...]N? ;two of his lieutenants, Phil Ber-![...], reconnoitering west of the Rockies[...]with the view of establishing a[...]Notre Dame, 22; University ofState college, 28; La[...]of[...]Primo Carnera, at Michigan State, will not do much[...]fined to a for three Chico State, 45; of[...] |
![]() | [...]WITH. AL)_OF[...]OF[...]HE'S TAKING OUT OF[...]YEAR OF[...]— GOVERNMENT[...]killer of all man's[...]es. Its use became more extensive every day of the World[...]would have been necessary to run the entire government for[...]' one of his[...].23 Cry of sorrow.[...]of the 41[...]DEBT OF GRATITUDE[...]REPAIRING -THE ROOF OF THE[...]of at[...] |
![]() | [...]] of car you'd like to buy f0r....5365[...]oF[...]IN A FIELD A% THE RESULT oF WAGER A[...]Movement of Recent Years[...]of security markets today[...]N2/ gains. Large assortment of Fuller[...]150 per cent of capacity. The rise miss thes[...]brew of labor unrest was reported fres[...]'terday. The hourly rate of trading[...]oF[...]EXPLANATION OF YESTERDAY'S[...]Paper: Most of the factories are | buying of grains today[...]ed than that of Friday. The As- sired. Rice &[...]and empleyees of the East India[...]sociated Press average of 60 select- FOR[...]and King of Deli from 1837 to 1857, was a descend-[...]allotted only four feet of ter-[...]io Shop. ant of the magnificent Abkar, and bore more than[...]e decided on of .22.[...]100 pompous titles of which those enumerated in[...]lecting the price of admission[...]of[...]of much below normal ‘came in for attention[...]the Arabian Nights, Teacher of the World, Lordof[...]to -a survey of the paper[...]greater part of them made good gains, there were[...]signs ‘of gle and ensuite;[...]Sugar: The total melt of the 13 | prices for grains.[...]materially higher being out of breath. Following its m[...]ition, mill broad jump on announcement of[...]‘ The Kings of Delhi was only nominal sovereigns[...]United States refiners from Jan. L purchasing of wheat was again re- the[...]was down today feverishly, turning in a net gain of[...]Qil of Calif...[...]of N. J... 41%[...]came to 40,000 long tons. likelihood of to shares on the steel com[...]structure in view of expected active[...]NEOUS | l?coee'; ited quantities of 27-28[...]sale of New[...]of SI,OOO over the last ~ were followed[...]The gold statement of the New | buying and covering.[...]nding steady to net advances of! ‘brisk for a[...]. Trading was process of cleaning[...]ed was a gain of $93,900 through a net 12 to 6 points.[...]by the shifting of high[...]MOSCOW (#—Two out of[...]Write for catalog. State course 25-35¢ up;[...]idistance of it. High grade rails[...]1933, an increase of 16.8 per cent.[...]ment of women and the limited[...]daily quotations for| responsible for the number of pub-[...]of\a cent. The French franc jim- 'A[...]proved .00% of a cent at 6.58%[...]cure choice of territory. Act at once. n[...]of Gem[...] |
![]() | [...]End of Convicts’[...]proposed the government[...]For State Club Session[...]Construction of a giant dirigible {Scenery[...]convention of[...]state|[...]rearly part of February at[...]Government make possible|[...]She has al- of[...]Harsell, president of the[...]] ‘ At the annual meeting of the Co-[...]|dimensional models of the sets[...]to scale. One of these mod-|[...]. chise council, Boy Scouts of Ameri-[...]byway of Bermuda[...]be composed of five women |[...]: of city[...]in the list will be Mrs. Wilma[...]of[...]changes as the continuity of[...]| Establishment of a permanent[...]of the principal speakers[...]‘ton of the character-giving ele-[...]']ponse to the address of welcome to succeed themselves. The[...]member of the committee on|[...]of a New Mex- |[...]The members of[...]Revision of the law requiring’ Mi[...]sing the number of army[...]“ of-town guests.[...]of a small dirigible man[...]L of the various committee chairmen. |[...]aviation com-| | Miss Mildred Dailey has charge of[...]ushers and programs.[...]social security pro- | All the members of the Little[...]their to the making of what|[...]|| court of honor, A. W. Engelder on[...]ment of[...]g of those who aided in work-[...]| spirit and that the work of |[...]and during the day of the[...]The money angle of the case has[...]of the president.[...]e g them was of great importance to[...]their part of the old[...]should raise the welfare of the communities in ing plans for the distribution of the Attorney General David T. Wilentz,[...]work relief fund there ichief of the prosecution staff.[...]he said in his opzning Awarding of certificates, medals,[...]great merit of the income tax was keys and pins was left to the[...]A Heber A. scoutmaster of head a new agency to handle the kidnaping for mon[...]With a busy weke ahead of them, He will show[...]left is Warren Atherton, one of the four members Second[...]of the California[...]| be given by the federal government[...]signs of a willingness to speed up ;shortly after the rans[...]state board of[...]assisted in the capture. Belcw is the scene of the last stand. After running[...]form of income tax returns allowed' ming and life saving. J. E. Jones of hard social[...]profits and the pub- summer of 1932, and that Haupt-!![...]Advocates of the Patman[...]‘ Chapman in principles of scoutmas- 000,000 b[...]| Atthe time of his arrest Haupt-[...]70, !rare sight of snow in the bottom|[...]y to use every means “mann had a credit balance of SBB6[...]dodge the payment of a large sum Eagle badges wera a[...]On G avenue With ‘of the canyon. High winds drifted[...]of their just income[...]Joseph Loftis, well-known local‘of the storm. .[...]The high wmnds) A meeting of the Wo- Miss Gl[...]of$5,- furniture dealer, announces[...]opening of a new store under the[...]of their common[...]| in recognition of her many valuable[...]had a firm name of the Loftis Furniture window.[...]emand with a reply that he ;jolnt deposit account of $2,578. They company. The new siore is in the' mo[...]government and religion and that |[...]use spare time, if any, toreport | _The state figures Hauptmann lost | Loftis has been in the f[...]the state convention which is to be[...]asserts will have a two inches of snow.[...]Wednesday. Huish, scoutmaster of troop 14, and[...]French, of Bisbee, has[...]membership of 2272. A. M. Craw- ! Mrs. Annie[...]| to 8. G. E. Andreas of troop 2, Bis- he would use the[...]p before his arrest ‘ments for the rejuvenation of old[...]as a great deal of hard work plus five[...]for a membership of 7000 by May[...]have completion of all other requirements |onThe[...]cation this week. Atemperature of 25 above zero.[...]has re- The signal honor of the evening |the house ways[...]its ~damaging effects of this evidence by an[...]en- luhovtnc none of the ransom[...]'of the serious illness of her mother,[...]Calgary. ! of years. Mr. Rice has been |and[...]'blizzard. Many of the passengers A resoluti[...]| The force of the storm[...]Arizona legislature to adopt a | John F. Schoof, of Sioux Falls,[...]The state will contend that| IWilliam Lang[...]transcontinental bus, | Randle, Wash., state game officials on the bonus questior.[...]Mrs. Eunice St. George, of the[...]herd of 150 eSI A[...]with an attack of the flu this week.[...]amounts of silver in the |viction of a felony. Moodie took lia[...]of[...]of 15 above the lowest[...]sentative Snell of New York, their The so-called kidnap ladder, one|| A board of managers was appoint- |.at[...]ion account of injuries received in[...]| ! dence inthe state’s case, isstillun-|lticles of impeachment for presenta-[...]shivered in 11 below a4 number of years. He is a pioneer will make to allocate the[...]000 of public and private bon[...]| ' | ‘| in scouting and because of these specific projects[...]lodge, 'would have a value of $169,000,000,- | Sam Johnson, Civil war veteran,[...]of the board of five. g Heaters were k[...]and| don’s “Call of the Wild” with near- 1000[...]:where the officers of the Cochise council,[...]cabinet board on economic security, the state willtryto show the[...]spite indications the decision| | Mrs. Roy Davis, of Hollywood,[...]One ofthe state's witnesses, octo-' lowed a snow pl[...]its i perienced the coldest weather of the | hand down its decision and de- 'the ladies of the Ladies’ Aid of the[...]the vicinity of the Lindbergh ‘road.[...]Ice formed on pools of San have been made. They are alway[...]estate near Hopewell on the day of' 'bus were tired and hungry when abated[...]after reaching a velocity of|[...]is done the will of the |day. their service[...]begin its scheduled 10 weeks of the kidnaping, and that[...]led by .59 of an inch of rain in 24 this[...]Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Russell, of[...]of Mr. and[...]in collusion to bring up the and neighbor of the Lindberghs at | for Phoenix[...]early in the morning, ‘ployes had hopes of keeping U. S. |[...]?nh made the presentation of | Price[...]The first members of the[...]conference) 'of Warren, were calling on friends[...]of the[...]Other state witnesses ' will[...]cribed “haz- with the idea of[...]Butler. boys, with no thought of being re-[...]of Los Angeles, and[...]The storm at Flagstalf was said the wake of the worst snowstuim of 'and hail[...]|E. H. Shumway, of Phoenix, were[...]he idea oftaking the profits out lis the evidence of the wood trim[...]'reached the velocity of 30 miles an ‘ence Chief[...]| took this opportunity to show thelr of war by[...]panel, found in a closet of Haupt- 'in mountain canyons where it forms diy. A fringe of the snowslorm ' hour, blowing down signboards and[...]. A vote of thanks was given J. E. HITLER IN SADDLE ;Bnnx address of Dr. John F. Con-' i shortage next summer,[...]Five feet of snow covered[...]| dent of the council,[...]forecasts of more[...]| Condon, one of the state’s principal[...]west of Flagstaff, to bring medicai[...]“Every report of attacks I have 'to whom he paid the ransom in St.[...]Mrs. Ern- dacks, where a bottom of 26 Leicw 'end, with six feet of snow reported[...]id today,” has proved The state has still another[...]the early withdrawal of Justice| iof Under-Sheriff Ed James and w[...]of[...]nyon four inches left vacant by the resignation of[...],and Miss Vernett Larkin, of Bisbee, Don Seaman.[...]two of the ;o( snow[...]was serial of[...]| Mr. Saxton of Roosevelt[...]. James Marrs. Phoenix, to take over the duties of the | power of the more ransom certific[...]50 members of the executive as soon as he can be re- ‘| tha[...]vote ,were not on the list published for German[...]were of the Ladies’ Aid of[...]following eight days of bliz-[...]; the government. ||ln 18[...]swastika banner everywhere, and to 'of his arrest[...]of the talking.[...]retfrement of Justice Bran-[...]crossing the | The name of lsador Fisch, who, { times in the late[...]counting of unnaturalized[...]of Fisch. ways were[...]and E. Wilson, 50, of Los An- . already[...]tmann's story.i I If the defense follows the line of[...]_ ly. T. W. Beard, 25, also of Los s | BUD.[...]ous references to Fisch, the state ~dian Pacific train crashed into his'[...]| tributing the early withdrawa! of| |[...]the third man ,' Coach Harry Kipke of the Uni- testimony[...]relatives of Fisch and the German taxi[...]of Michigan has ordered his[...]got from State Police[...]stages of tuberculosis.[...]informed of the[...]saidj 'D. F. Government officials said[...]of[...]of New York and are' ¢[...]{ University of[...] |
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Douglas Daily Dispatch, 1935-01-20. Arizona Memory Project, accessed 12/02/2025,