A coiled basket with a Snow Kachina (Nuvaktsinmana) by Pauline Quiyo
Climbing the Trail
Colorized artist rendering of a Hopi woman weaving a basket alongside a running stream in Mishongnovi
Colorized artist rendering of the Hopi settlement at Mishongnovi
Crypt Where the Snake Jars are Stored
Evelyn Selestewa weaving a wicker fruit basket
Evelyn Seletstewa pushing down on the wefts of a wicker fruit basket
Evelyn Seletstewa pushing down on wefts of a wicker fruit basket
Evelyn Seletstewa weaving a wicker fruit basket
Food Offerings to the Spirits of the Dead
Hopi Plaques From Second Mesa, AZ
Hopi Pueblos of Mishongnovi
Hopi town of Mishnogovi on the Hopi Indian Reservation
Hopi woman at Mishnogovi
Margie Lonnie weaving a coiled plaque
Mishnogovi, an ancient Hopi town on the Hopi Indian Reservation