A Placer Miner's Cabin
Accidental Mine
Adams Store, Lynx Creek
Aerial Photograph of Prescott Valley in 1999
Bullwacker Mine, Lynx Creek, c. 1890
Dredge, Lynx Creek
Dry Washing, Lynx Creek, c. 1890s
Exterior of Mud Hole Mine
Fain Park
Gold Dredging, Lynx Creek, AZ
Hidden Treasure Mine and Tunnel
House of New York Mill and Mining Co.
Howell Smelter
Hydraulic Mine-Lynx Creek
Interior of Mud Hold Mine Mill
Mr. Yeoman's Wood Yard, Lynx Creek
Penn Gold Mining Co.
Health Consultation: Exposure Investigation: Lynx Creek Private Drinking Water Wells (a/k/a Hassayampa/Lynx Creek Abandoned Mines), Prescott, Yavapai County, Arizona
Map of Historical Lynx Creek