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State of Arizona Agency Historic Preservation Compliance Performance Report 2016
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![]() | STATE OF ARIZONA AGENCY HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMPLIANCE PERFORMANCE REPORT F[...]015-2016 Prepared by the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) |
![]() | Arizona State Parks 2 |
![]() | 2015 REPORT ON STATE AGENCY PERFORMANCE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION ACT INTRODUCTION Arizona Revised Statutes §41-861 through §41-864 (or the State Historic Preservation Act) direct state agencies to: preserve historic properties under their ownership or control; consider the use of historic properties for agency responsibilities; establish[...]locate, inventory, and nominate properties to the Arizona Register of Historic Places; insure that properties are not destroyed or substantially altered by state action or assistance; make appropriate documentation in accordance with State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) standards if a property is to be destroyed[...]mment from the SHPO on agency plans. The terms “historic property” or “historic properties,” as cited within the State Historic Preservation Act, refer to properties that are eligible for, or listed on, the Arizona Register of Historic Places. This report provides a summary of the performance of state agencies in compliance with these state statutes. The information provided was compiled f[...]Y RESPONSIBILITES The chief administrator of each state agency is responsible for the preservation of historic properties, which are owned or controlled by the[...]sibilities, each agency shall consider the use of historic buildings. Each agency shall undertake any preservation necessary to carry out this article in a manner consistent with the preservation of historic properties, the duties of the agency and professional standards, which the state historic preservation officer recommends. The chief administrator of a state agency may designate a full-time employee to coor[...]le. Agencies were asked if they had incorporated historic preservation into their internal planning. All 20 agencies res[...]the agencies indicated that they had incorporated historic preservation in their agency planning. This is a slight decrea[...]ear’s survey. When queried if they had included historic preservation in their agencies’ plans, 13 of the 20 a[...] |
![]() | (63%). General reasons given for not incorporating historic preservation compliance into an agency’s general planning pr[...]e they do not “own, control or reside in” any historic properties. A total of 65% (n=13) of the respondents indicated that historic preservation was included in agency policies, procedures, or r[...]agencies (55%) stated that they had incorporated historic preservation into their applications or agreements. This figur[...]signated an employee to coordinate the agency’s historic preservation responsibilities. Responses (Appendix C, Table 2)[...]edicated staff person to oversee their agency’s historic preservation requirements. Among agencies that had designated a historic preservation coordinator, only 13% (n=2) indicated that the employee was committed full-time to preservation activities, also a decrease from last year. When[...]ese agencies also had additional staff devoted to historic preservation compliance, eight (50%) responded in the positive[...]were hiring qualified individuals to direct their historic preservation activities, agencies were asked if these coordinators met the Arizona State Museum (State of Arizona) standards or the Secretary of the Interior’s P[...]of expertise needed to adequately comply with the State Historic Preservation Act. Some agencies stated that they did not feel[...]applicable to them because they do not manage any historic properties, and thus hiring qualified preservation professionals was not required of them. One agenc[...]e and train dedicated staff. When asked how many historic preservation projects or activities they conducted, sponsored,[...]s. Table 3 (Appendix D) summarizes agency use of historic period buildings. When asked if they had considered the use of historic properties available to them prior to[...] |
![]() | [...].S 41-862 PROGRAM In cooperation with the state historic preservation officer, each state agency shall establish a program to locate, inventory and nominate to the Arizona Register of Historic Places all properties under the agencies ownershi[...]the criteria for inclusion on the register. Each state agency shall exercise caution to insure that the[...]program to locate, inventory, and nominate to the Arizona Register of Historic Places all properties under the agency's ownershi[...]ies had conducted survey or inventory to identify Arizona Register-eligible properties – a 12% decrease f[...]e agency had actually nominated a property to the Arizona Register during FY 2015-2016. A.R.S. 41-863 RECORDS Each state agency shall initiate measures, in consultation with the state historic preservation officer, to assure that if, as a result of state action or assistance given by the agency, historic property is to be substantially altered or demoli[...]documentary recordation with standards which the state historic preservation officer establishes. The agency shall deposit the[...]Library, Archives and Public Records and with the state historic preservation officer for future use and reference. A total of[...]res that they initiated, in consultation with the State Historic Preservation Officer, to make appropriate documentary recordation of any historic properties that were, or will be, demolished or s[...]archival repository – i.e., the SHPO and/or the Arizona State Library, Archives, and Public Records. A t[...] |
![]() | [...]d historical information. Three agencies included state level architectural documentation, and one agency[...]ocumentation meeting the federal standards of the Historic American Building Survey (HABS). Only one agency[...]itted the documentation performed on or for these historic properties to the required archival repository. T[...]A.R.S. 41-864 REVIEW OF AGENCY PLANS The state historic preservation officer has thirty working days in which to review and comment on any plans of a state agency, which involve property which is included on or may qualify for inclusion on the Arizona Register of Historic Places, including any construction projects, sale, lease or acquisition of historic properties, to insure that the prehistoric, histo[...]properties either listed on, or eligible for, the Arizona Register of Historic Places, including any construction project, sale, lease or acquisition of a historic property. A total of five (25%) of the 20 agencie[...]r inventory, document, and manage prehistoric and historic aboriginal properties. Only four (20%) of the age[...]n the number of agencies consulting with Tribes. State agencies were asked additional questions regarding their historic preservation activities, planning, and funding. The Statewide Historic Preservation Plan (HPP) produced by the SHPO was updated in 2014; it is available on the SHPO pages of the Arizona State Parks’ website, under “Publications.” The H[...]of guidelines that reflect a consensus as to the state of cultural resource management and the public’s perspective on historic preservation issues. When queried as to[...] |
![]() | [...]that the statewide HPP contains information about historic preservation that goes well beyond information just related to compliance with the State Historic Preservationstate agencies plans/projects/actions were described: Arizona State University ASU demolished one building, the Palo Verde Main Residence Hall. This historic property was demolished after conducting the appr[...]al documentation, in consultation with the SHPO. Arizona State Parks ASP demolished the historic Pendley Cabin at Slide Rock State Park after consultation with the SHPO. Arizona State Land Department Various projects on State Trust lands impacted eligible archaeological site[...]following agencies described an enhancement of a historic property: Arizona State University Exterior rehabilitation was performed at the historic Phoenix Downtown Post Office, resulting in continued use of the building while preserving its historic character. Exterior rehabilitation work wa[...] |
![]() | well as consulting with SHPO regarding preservation and data recovery work. ASU also undertakes inte[...]ir eligibility and managed in accordance with the State Historic Preservation Act. Arizona State Parks Repairs, improvements, and stabilization efforts were conducted at various State Parks throughout the state. ASP also coordinates, and participates in, the Arizona Site Steward Program, utilizing these valuable vo[...]sm, looting, dumping, and other adverse impacts. Arizona Department of Administration ADOA put a new roof[...]hoenix. • Participation in other positive historic preservation opportunities: Arizona Game and Fish Department The AGFD has multiple, p[...]o survey and/or monitor sites and project areas. Arizona Site Steward Program Similar to last year’s survey, when asked if they participated in the Arizona Site Steward Program during FY 2015-2016, only 25[...]e utilizing the Site Steward Program. Grants for Historic Preservation Needs and/or Proactive Activities Identical to last year, only one of the state agencies that responded to the survey applied for[...]FY 2015-2016 that could aid them in implementing historic preservation endeavors. Arizona State Parks obtained a grant from the National Park Service to undertake rehabilitation at historic buildings.[...] |
![]() | [...]erating agencies and partners (e.g., the National Preservation Institute). A total of nine agencies indicated th[...]able training for their staff that is involved in historic preservation activities. Training Sessions at the Historic Preservation Conference, Phoenix Four respondents indicated th[...]A Conversation with the SHPO • Sustainable Preservation of Historic Settings and Landscapes • Current Issues in Historic Preservation Other Training Opportunities Attended • Wor[...]ated by the SHPO) (Two attendees) • National Preservation Institute (NPI) seminar on an introduction to the National Historic Preservation Act/Section 106 (Two attendees) Requests for Fut[...]ssues and consultation #2 Compliance with the State Historic Preservation Act #2 Identification and evaluation of historic properties #2 Arizona Antiquities Act Compliance (includes state permitting requirements through the Arizona State Museum and use of the AZSITE database) #3 Compliance with National Historic PreservationArizona and National Registers of Historic Places #5 Historic building maintenance and rehabilitation: Common m[...]ty to provide any additional information on their historic preservation programs and activities that were not cove[...] |
![]() | [...]responses do not show a decrease in the amount of historic preservation work conducted by state agencies, as has been the pattern in the past. Re[...]se in the number of agencies that are integrating historic preservation into their planning endeavors at many levels, and that are using the statewide Historic Preservation Plan (HPP). The increased use of the HPP is espec[...]ilization of the HPP can assist agencies in their historic preservation planning. Arizona’s HPP was generated by the SHPO and incorporate[...]dministered public surveys, as well as input from state and federal agencies, tribes, preservation organizations, and others. As statements of public policy in historic preservation, the HPP serves as a general-level guide for decision-making throughout the state, rather than as compilation of all that is known about the state's cultural resources. The Arizona HPP is important in: o Identifying current and emerging historic preservation issues throughout the state; o Establishing the vision, mission, and priorities for the SHPO; o Identifying preservation goals for integrating historic preservation into broader planning and decision-making at local, regional, and state levels; and o Identifying preservation partners and how their contributions are needed[...]he HPP’s objectives, as well as compliance with state and federal historic preservation laws. Levels of hiring dedicated staff positions to coordinate agencies’ historic preservation responsibilities appear to have decreased slightl[...]less, and are not filled by individuals that meet state and/or federal professional standards in history,[...]k of dedicated staff was driven by the paucity of historic properties under agency ownership or control. Ind[...]and may have a more limited need for professional preservation assistance than agencies that manage lands, build[...]yment of qualified staff to oversee an agency’s historic preservation planning and activities is critical to assisting agencies in their compliance with the State Historic Preservation Act, and in preventing inadvertent damage to historic properties. The data from this survey indicate th[...]take advantage of the multiple training venues on historic preservation laws and issues that are offered throughou[...] |
![]() | [...]with programs to locate, inventory, and nominate historic properties to the Arizona Register of Historic Places, depending upon the types of projects they[...]ken, fewer agencies conducted surveys to identify historic properties, and fewer agencies actually determine[...]results. Additionally, few voluntary or proactive historic preservation endeavors were noted by the agencies that respond[...]o seek out relevant grants can help agencies fund historic preservation needs; currently, only one agency was successful in obtaining a historic preservation grant. On the positive side, there was a 9% increase in the number of agencies utilizing the Arizona Site Steward Program administered by Arizona State Parks. This stewardship program is valuable for p[...]2015-2016 saw a slight decrease in the number of state agencies engaging in Tribal consultation efforts with regards to historic preservation planning activities. Again, many agencies felt th[...]ces. The recent establishment of the Governor’s Office on Tribal Relations (GOTR) will undoubtedly have a positive effect in promoting state agency engagement in proactive consultation with the tribes with regard to not only historic preservation issues, but also with regard to agency planning a[...]ng writ large. The GOTR is charged with assisting state agencies in implementing tribal consultation and[...]ll continue coordinating with GOTR to ensure that historic preservation planning is integrated into agencies’ consultat[...]agencies better understand, and comply with, the State Historic Preservation Act, staff of the State Historic Preservation Office is always available to[...] |
![]() | Appendix A State agency survey questionnaire conducted through Survey Monkey: 1. Has your agency incorporated historic preservation into your agency planning? 1.a. If yes, is historic preservation incorporated in: Agency plans? Agency policies, p[...]signated an employee to coordinate the agency’s historic preservation responsibilities? 2.a. If not, why not? (plea[...]much of this designee’s work time is devoted to historic preservation activities? 2.c. Please provide contact infor[...]2.d. Do you have additional staff devoted to historic preservation activities? 2.e. Does this designee or any other staff, who are designated to work on historic preservation activities, meet the State of Arizona’s standards or the Secretary of the Interior’[...](please specify) 3. Approximately how many historic preservation projects/activities did your agency undertake this year that involved compliance with the State Historic Preservation Act? 4. Pursuant to A.R.S. 41-861, has your agency considered the use of historic properties available to the agency prior to acqui[...]program to locate, inventory and nominate to the Arizona Register of Historic Places all properties under the agency’s owners[...]agency conduct surveys or inventories to identify Arizona Register listed or eligible properties in this la[...]e SHPO, determine any properties eligible for the Arizona Register or National Register in this last year?[...]Archaeological sites should have site numbers and historic period properties should have addresses. 5.f. Did your agency nominate any properties to the Arizona or National Registers in the last year? 5.g.[...]Archaeological sites should have site numbers and historic period properties should have addresses. 6.[...]o make appropriate documentary recordation of any historic properties that were or will be demolished[...] |
![]() | [...]hnohistoric or Ethnographic? Historical/archival? State-level architectural? Historic American Building Survey? Historic American Engineering Record? Oral (historical) in[...]substantially altered or destroyed listed on the Arizona or National Register of Historic Places? 6.d. If yes, please provide the name[...]Archaeological sites should have site numbers and historic period properties should have addresses. 6.e.[...]en submitted to the required archival repository? State Historic Preservation Office? Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records? If not, why[...]your agency solicited review and comment from the State Historic Preservation Officer on any agency plans that involve properties that are included on or may qualify for inclusion on the Arizona Register of Historic Places, including any construction projects, sales, permits, licenses, grants, leases or acquisitions of historic properties? If yes, please discuss. 7.a. If n[...]Were any properties eligible for or listed on the Arizona or National Register of Historic Places negatively impacted by agency plans/action[...]Were any properties eligible for or listed on the Arizona or National Register enhanced by agency plans/act[...]se discuss. 8. Does your agency utilize the State Historic Preservation Plan produced by the SHPO? 8.a. If not, why not? (please specify) 8.b. The Arizona Site Steward Program is a free volunteer program coordinated by Arizona State Parks to help agencies protect and preserve Arizona and National Register properties through site/pro[...]nd education. Does your agency participate in the Arizona Site Steward Program? 8.c. Has your agency applied for historic preservation grant funding in the last year to assist with acq[...]. Grants from Tribes? Save America’s Treasures? Historic Preservation Fund? Other? 8.f. Funding was awarded for (ch[...]r your contractor to protect, preserve or enhance Arizona Register listed or eligible properties. 10.[...]ning (check list). 10.a. If you attended the 2016 Historic Preservation Conference in Phoenix, which of the presen[...] |
![]() | [...]ide any additional information on your agency’s historic preservation program and activities not covered by the[...] |
![]() | [...]. Agencies that responded to the questionnaire. Arizona State Library, Archives, & Public Records (ASLAPR) Northern Arizona University (NAU) Arizona Historical Society (AHS) Arizona Department of Real Estate (ADRE) Arizona State Land Department (ASLD) Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) University of Arizona (UA) Arizona Department of Corrections (ADC) Arizona Power Authority (APA) Arizona Department of Health Services/State Hospital (ADHS) Arizona Department of Housing (ADH) Arizona Department of Agriculture (ADAG) Arizona Game & Fish Department (AGFD) State Mine Inspector (State Mine) Arizona State Parks (ASP) Arizona State School for the Deaf & Blind (ASDB) Arizona State University (ASU) Arizona Department of State (State) Arizona Department of Administration (ADOA) Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ)[...] |
![]() | Appendix C Table 2. Employees designated to coordinated historic preservation activities. Staff Meeting Historic Approx. Number of Designated Cultural Other Preservation Projects/ Activities Agency Reso[...]Y Y 11-50 State Mine N ASP Y[...]N Y 11-50 State Y Part Time Y[...]Y = Yes Blanks (not answered) *UA has a 7-member Historic Preservation Advisory Commission[...] |
![]() | Appendix D Table 3. Summary of agencies’ use of historic buildings.[...]the Use of Acquired, Leased Historic Property Historic or Constructed Acquired or Agency[...]Y Y 4 State Mine N[...]Y Y 6 State Y[...] |
![]() | [...]locate, evaluate, and nominate properties to the Arizona Register of Historic Places.[...]am to Locate and Surveys in Eligibility of Arizona Register in Agency Evaluate Proper[...]Y N N State N[...] |
![]() | [...]Properties on Arizona or Documen- Destroyed or[...]Altered Type of Documentation of Historic Places Submitted ASLAPR N NAU[...]ne N ASP Y State-level Architectural Y SHPO[...]SHPO Archival/State-level ASU Architectural State N Y H[...]N SHPO ADOA State-level Architectural ADEQ[...] |
![]() | [...]Consultation on Historic Historic with Indian Agency Ag[...]Y Y Y Y State N[...] |
![]() | Appendix H Table 7. Agencies utilizing the State Historic Preservation Plan produced by the SHPO.[...]ASDB ASU Y State Y ADOA[...] |
![]() | This document was compiled by the State Historic Preservation Office, Arizona State Parks. For more information call 602-542-4[...] |
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State of Arizona Agency Historic Preservation Compliance Performance Report | |
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State of Arizona Research Library- Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records | |
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State of Arizona Agency Historic Preservation Compliance Performance Report 2016. Arizona Memory Project, accessed 19/02/2025,