Collection SearchContributing InstitutionState of Arizona Research Library- Arizona State Library, Archives and Public RecordsCollection Summary
The Anti Tin Horn was published in Phoenix in the 1910s, though it is unclear when publishing began or ended as the date was not printed on the pages.
The one issue in the collection is focused on gambling in Arizona, legislation passed to curb it, and the editor's trip to see the sheriff to make sure he knew how bad the problem was locally. Prohibition support is another heavy focus of this particular issue and bootlegging is mentioned several times. States with prohibition laws are lauded while local officials who seem to pretend there is no problem with gambling or bootlegging are called out. The newspaper also strongly encourages voter registration.
Dates of Publication191?-192?Frequency of PublicationUnknownPlace of PublicationPhoenix, ArizonaLanguageEnglishPermissions and ReuseThe contents of the Arizona Digital Newspaper Program (ADNP) are available to the public by our partners for using in research, teaching, and private study. Please note that U.S. Copyright and intellectual property laws apply to the digital resources made available through this site.