A Grand Canyon College Basketball Game, 1962
Basketball Court
Basketball team members 1922-23
Cadets Playing Basketball
Civilian Conservation Corps enrollees playing basketball outside barracks
Coaching the Apaches
Cochise Cagers
Cochise College Team Bus
Grand Canyon College Basketball Game, 1960
Grand Canyon College Basketball Game, 1962
Grand Canyon College Varsity Basketball Team, 1962
JCC Basketball, 1970
Little Mo playing hoops, 1932
Mesa Community College Men's Basketball
Morris K. Udall Playing Basketball for University of Arizona
Morris K. Udall and Denver Nuggets
Solomon Schechter Girl's Basketball Team 1997
Student Managers for the Grand Canyon College Basketball Team, 1950s
The Grand Canyon College Basketball Team, 1959
Williams High School Basketball Team Guard Anona Sellman
Williams High School Boys Basketball Team, 1950
Williams High School Girls Basketball Team
John Pavlich Jr. Oral History, Part 1/3
John Pavlich Jr. Oral History, Part 2/3
John Pavlich Jr. Oral History, Part 3/3
Michael Radonovich Oral History, Part 1/3, Basketball
Michael Radonovich Oral History, Part 3/3
Tombstone High School basketball- 1940
Tombstone High School basketball- 1968
Tombstone High School football and basketball- 1940
Tombstone High School girls basketball- 1978