Ahavat Torah Groundbreaking
All Sisterhood Tea
Apples and Honey for a Sweet New Year, 1970
B'nai B'rith Women, 1973
Beth El Confirmation Class, 1966
Beth El Confirmation, 1976
Beth Hebrew Congregation Receives Torah, 1982
Blessing Under the Tallit, 1976
Blowing the Shofar, 1989
Center Seniors Chanukah Party, 1972
Chabad Students with a Menorah, 1998
Clowing Around at the Purim Carnival
Consecration Celebration, 1985
Father's Sabbath, 1968
Founders of the Sephardic Community of Arizona, 2001
Four Generations Light the Menorah, 1986
Four Questions, 1981
Har Zion Builds New Kitchen, 2001
Har Zion Dedication, 1966
Ida Bland, 1948
JCC Basketball, 1970
JCC Preschoolers Celebrate Purim, 1970
JCC Preschoolers Celebrate Shabbat, 1994