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    Phoenix : rural and estate architecture : thematic survey of historic rural and estate architecture


    [...]t e c t u ~ eRIZONA STATE LIBRARY
    . .[...]onal Pm Service, under provisi~ns of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966,
    j as amended, and as administered in Arizona by the Arizona State Parks Board
    through the State Historic Preservation Office."



    Agriculture and Rural Develop[...]
    [...]ith the City of
    Phoenix, Planning Deparonent, Historic Preservation Office, to conduct an in-depth survey
    of historic resources related to three thematic categories. T[...]s built prior to the end of 1900.

    2. Historic Public and Institutional Buildin2s: A documentation of all historic
    schools, churches, and public buildin[...]ments outlining the
    methodology, results, and historic property inventory for each thematic category, as[...]resenting Nineteenth Century
    Construction and Historic Public and Institutional Buildings, two separate[...]that 1) had been previously inventories in other Historic Building
    Surveys, and 2) were already liste[...]icular survey. Identified as
    ) the Inventory of Historic Buildings (by Theme) For This Survey, its purpose[...]rces, namely the South Mountain Agricultural Area Historic
    Resources Survey (geographical boundaries inc[...]seline Road. the South Mountain Agricultural Area Historic Resources Survey (Ryden
    Architects, 19[...]
    [...]rmine the swvey area was
    to consult with the Arizona State Historic Preseivation Office and the Phoenix Historic
    Preseivation Office in an effort to identify existing surveys underta[...]namely the South Mountain
    Aui,cultural Area Historic Resource Survey. Toe boundaries of this swvey gen[...]aries ofthe South Mountain
    Agricultural Area Historic Resource Survey.

    field Survey
    [...]identified in the South Mountain Amcultural Area Historic Resource Survey. pre-
    pared in 1989.

    The[...]ric properties classified
    in each of the four historic property types. Of the total 158 propertie[...]
    [...]of the development of rural lands surrounding the historic urban area of Phoenix
    can be divided[...]
    [...]the Phoenix
    Settlement, and supported a post office, some businesses, and a flour mill. The of[...]
    [...]was marked by the completion of the 44-mile long Arizona
    Canal, which its builders claimed opened up a[...]nse promotional efforts and boosterism by
    the Arizona canal builder and land developer WJ. Murphy, cont[...]als, such as lrri&ation Aee and the University of Arizona's Agricultural Bulletins,
    provided advice o[...]omote and provide information about settlement in Arizona and the Salt
    River Valley. In the late 1880[...]eservation schools in the United States.
    The Arizona legislature, in 1886, also established the first[...]with the Santa
    Railroad route throughnorthem Arizona was begun during this time. The Santa Fe,[...]
    [...]s. The
    company consolidated ownership of the Arizona Canal. Grand Canal, Maricopa Canal, and[...]
    [...]rgence as a formidable agricultural center in the state. The time also marked the
    beginning of the fi[...]to control the water flow from the river into the Arizona Canal on the north and
    the Santa Canal[...]
    [...]the Grand Canal.
    1 The district supported two historic schools, Longview and Grandview, and event[...]
    [...]as Arcadia encompasses the area north of the
    Arizona Canal and south of Camelback Mountain between 44t[...]o the
    north, 56th Street to the east, and the Arizona Canal to the south. Toe Citrus Homes

    i develop[...]outhern boundary of
    each lot bordering on the Arizona Canal.

    Located directly north and northeast[...]e inigated. While Arcadia was located nearthe
    Arizona Canal, because of the slope of the land on[...]

    Arizona Republic. 1890-1942.
    Barney, James M. "Phoenix-A History of Its Pioneer Days and People." The Arizona Historical Review.
    V 4, 1933.

    "[...]932. (Located in the Ari.zonaRoom, HaydenLibrary, Arizona
    State University).

    Charles Hall Page and Associates. Phoenix Historic Building Survey. Planning Department. Oty of[...]s w., and Garrison. James w. An Initial Survey of Historic Resources
    •v:•!"lin The Phoenix Metropolitan Area, Maricopa County. Arizona. Los Angeles: Department
    of Defence,[...]ern MetrQpolis. Tucson: University of
    Arizona Press, 1989.

    Mann, Dean E. The Politics of Water in Arizona. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1963.

    Maricopa County Highway Maps,[...]t Maps. (Located at the Maricopa County Recorders Office, Phoenix, Arizona).

    Mawn, Geoffrey P. "Phoenix, Arizona: Centtal Oty of the Southwest, 1870-1920." Ph.D. diss., Arizona
    State Univ~ity, 1979.
    Peplow, Edward H., Jr. History of Arizona. New York: Lewis Historic Publishing Company, Inc., 1958.

    l Peplow, Edw[...]ct, 1970.

    Phoenix Oty Directories, Phoenix, Arizona, 1889-1942.

    Shadegg, Stephen c. Century On[...]Jay J.
    Arizona Territory. 1863-1912; APolitical History. Tucson: University of Arizona Press,

    I Whiffen, Marcus. American A[...]


    State Document
    Arizona State Historic Preservation Office
    Arizona State Parks Board
    Arizona State Historic Preservation Office
    Arizona State Parks Board
    Historic Preservation
    City of Phoenix Planning Department, Historic Preservation Office
    Historic buildings--Arizona--Phoenix
    Country homes--Arizona--Phoenix
    Architecture, Domestic--Arizona--Phoenix
    State of Arizona Research Library- Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records
    Arizona Collection
    Arizona State Government Publications