Dr. Jack Dale Nations is a retired geologist whose career spanned 55 years (1961-2016), the majority of which was spent in Arizona and ranged from field work to museum research and curation to teaching, mainly as faculty at Northern Arizona University. He served on the Arizona Oil and Gas Conservation Commission from 1976-2017, represented several Arizona governors as the official Arizona Representative to the Interstate Oil & Gas Compact Commission from 1979-2017, and represented NAU on the Governor's Strategic Partnership for Economic Development, Mining Cluster, from 1989-1998. He was a consulting geologist for several mining companies, oil companies, and environmental consulting firms; principal investigator and director for over 30 federally funded grants; and geologist for Bureau of Land Management and Museum of Northern Arizona projects. Nations contributed significantly to the literature of his field, authoring and co-authoring over 60 publications during his career.
The J. Dale Nations collection at MNA includes materials from his educational coursework and all aspects of his professional career. Documents include field notes, data analysis, draft manuscripts of published work, and copies of published papers. Most significant are the approximately 5,000 photographic images, many of which are aerial views documenting the geologic history of northern Arizona and the Colorado Plateau. Colorado River trips through the Grand Canyon and travel across the Southwest are also represented.
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