Collection SearchContributing InstitutionState of Arizona Research Library- Arizona State Library, Archives and Public RecordsCollection Summary
The Arizona Administrative Code (A.A.C.) is the publication of regulatory rules adopted by Arizona agencies. The A.A.C. was published in its entirety in 1974. It is organized into Titles by topic and further divided into Chapters, Articles, and Sections. The current A.A.C. is published on the website of the Arizona Secretary of State.
Amendments to the A.A.C. and repeal of its provisions are made by numbered Supplements. Researchers consult the Supplements to learn when a particular provision was adopted, amended, or repealed and to read changes in the text of a rule.
To use this collection, start with the current A.A.C. and the Historical Note following the rule. It lists the Supplements in which changes were published. (Supp. YY-#). The Historical Note also includes citations to the Arizona Administrative Register (A.A.R.).
This collection is organized by Title and Supplement number. Some files are large and may take several minutes to load depending on connection speed.
LanguageEnglishPermissions and ReuseCopyright to this resource is held by the creating agency and is provided here for educational purposes only. It may not be downloaded, reproduced or distributed in any format without written permission of the creating agency. Any attempt to circumvent the access controls placed on this file is a violation of United States and international copyright laws, and is subject to criminal prosecution.