Distinctive Collections and Archives includes a number of archival repositories primarily documenting the diverse history, arts, and cultures of Arizona and the Southwest:
Greater Arizona Collection
Chicano Research Collection
Child Drama Collection
Labriola National American Indian Data Center
Design and the Arts Special Collections
Benedict Visual Literacy Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts
University Archives
Each of the repositories collects current and historical information in a variety of formats including books, periodicals, microforms, photographs, institutional records, personal papers, videotapes and digital collections. These materials are stored in a state-of-the-art offsite storage facility.
ContactRenee D. James, Curator, Greater Arizona CollectionAddressArizona State University Library
Greater Arizona Collection - PO Box 871006
Tempe, AZ 85287-1006Phone(480) 965-4932EmailRenee.D.James[at]asu.eduWebsitesASU Library Collections