John Fife Symington III served as the 19th Governor of Arizona, from 1991-1997. There are 141 executive orders in this collection.
Executive Order 91-10: Continuation of the Task force on Juvenile Corrections
Executive Order 91-11: Requiring Coordination Among Various State Agencies to Fight Hunger
Executive Order 91-12: Military Duties to Be Performed by the Arizona National Guard in Support of Law Enforcement Agencies Performing Counternarcotics Activities
Executive Order 91-13: Arizona Commission for Postsecondary Education
Executive Order 91-14/Amended: Arizona Public interest Fund for the Governor's Endowment Partnership of the Advancement of Arizona
Executive Order 91-14: Arizona Public interest Fund for the Governor's Endowment Partnership of the Advancement of Arizona
Executive Order 91-15: Arizona Public interest Fund for Restoration of Public Spaces
Executive Order 91-16: Establishing the Williams Air force Base Economic Re-Use Advisory Board as the Appropriate Body to Examine Issues and Make Recommendations Regarding Future Uses of the Williams Base Facility
Executive Order 91-17: Creating A Governor's Policy for Regional Cooperation on Waste Management
Executive Order 91-18: Expanding and Continuing the Governor's Regional Airport Advisory Committee (Graac)
Executive Order 91-19: Creating the Arizona Governor's Motion Picture and Television Board, Supersedes Executive Orders 76-11, 77-1, and 85-10
Executive Order 91-20: Concerning Winter Homeless Sheltering in State Facilities, 1991-1992
Executive Order 91-21: Receipt of Criminal History Record Information: Daisy Mountain Fire Department
Executive Order 91-22: Medical Radiologic Technology Board of Examiners
Executive Order 91-23: Board of Respiratory Care Examiners
Executive Order 91-24: Highway and Traffic Safety Advisory Task force
Executive Order 91-8: Designating An Arizona State Treasurer'S Advisory Committee to Advise the State Treasurer in the Conduct of His office
Executive Order 91-9: Governor's Task force on Educational Reform
Executive Order 92-10: Arizona State Employees Charitable Campaign
Executive Order 92-11: Establishing the office of the Governor as A "Drug-Free Workplace"
Executive Order 92-12: Prohibiting the Furnishing of Copies, Printouts or Photographs of the List to Local 485 for the Purpose Stated in Its Application Made Pursuant to A.R.S. 39-121.03
Executive Order 92-13: State of Arizona Child Care Regulatory Review
Executive Order 92-14: State of Arizona Child Care Regulatory Review, Replaces Executive Order 92-13